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Of the jewellery of the heavenly joys Such joys jewellery is spiritual in
nature and lasts forever and cannot be estimated. It is not as if gold or
precious stones or jewels of earthly ashes were found in the eternity of
heavenly life, but rather the elect are adorned with good and righteous
works in a spiritual way, just as a man adorns himself only physically
with precious jewels. But I, the Master Builder of the world, gave My
work, namely man, with that science which I invested in Him, the
possibility to work his own deeds, so that by means of earth and water,
through air and fire, of which he himself also consists, he might bring
his works to completion. Whenever he works good deeds, the
adornment of his good deeds will be prepared for him forever in the
glory of the inexhaustible light, just as the firmament with the stars and
the earth with the flowers are adorned here in time. But when man is
sometimes adorned in earthly splendor, his soul sighs. It remembers
with which works it should actually be adorned. Just as man forges his
equipment by means of fire and air as well as water and earth, and as
he tailors his garment to his body according to his liking, so God also
prepares the saints' equipment according to their works, but He does
not take it from any other material than that which He creates from
Himself, just as He created the whole world pure from Himself. And so,
man should not determine and carry out his work through any foreign
creature in the world, but from his own nature. Hildegard von
BingenFrom the "LIBER VITAE MERITORIUM" (The Book of Life Merits)
Part 6, Para.59 written in 1158
THE RISE With a muffled sound the coffin lid closed above me.
Although I was convinced that there was enough room to breathe, I
suddenly felt oppressively cut off from the outside world and enclosed.
After the diffuse candlelight in the only sparsely lit lodge temple,
complete darkness surrounded me. A round cushion had been placed
under my neck, as I used it in my meditations, and I tried to relax. two
years ago I was admitted to the lodge. In the course of the ritual, which
is supposed to let you experience the mysteries of death and
resurrection, I was "killed" and then placed in this coffin. It was clear to
me after only a few days in the Lodge that the brothers today only
attach symbolic importance to the old rituals. Freemasonry is no
longer a mystery society as I had hoped, but I took the matter seriously.
As an esotericist and psychologist I knew about the secret power and
strength that rituals and ceremonies can have. I had often enough
experienced how formulas and symbols change the Deep Ego, so I left
myself curiously to the unusual, mysterious mood that seized me and
soon felt really worldly removed. "Here lies our master Hiram Abif, son
of the widow", I hear the voices of the brothers muffled behind a thick
wall of darkness. They all seemed to me infinitely far away, and soft
music seemed to come from another world. Sounds, tones, words
merged and formed themselves into beings who, I was sure, could not
see me, but still sensed where I was, and who attracted me, called me
and wanted to tell me something. My breath was calm again and I was
able to calmly surrender to the ritual events, gradually changing the
impenetrable darkness into a diamond-clear black light, which, through
my closed eyelids, made me recognize the invisible emptiness in which I
was floating as a violet space. A space, infinitely large, which bodily
merged with me.
Even the silence that had previously isolated me became palpably clear
and slowly penetrated me, not paralysing but releasing me, as if a mild
summer rain was gently sinking into the ground. And conversely I lost
myself in it. But instead of dissolving in the unknown with which I
united, I was safe, bound and supported in it. The dark nothingness
had become a boundless new body for me, which carried my
consciousness without binding it to itself or changing it, and what I
experienced was quite different from all my previous experiences,
which I could gather through occult exercises or drug experiments. I
was in a trance, in another world, and yet I could feel and recognize the
world around me, wide awake and fully conscious: I knew who - and
where - and that I was. "The skin detaches from the flesh," I can clearly
hear Brother Rainer saying, "I can't lift him." The voices and noises that
had just appeared to me as strange shadows billowing behind dense
walls had suddenly become part of my inner being. I was no longer in
my body, and my body was no longer lying in a coffin, I had become a
box room, and its walls carried me. And everything that I feel, hear,
think, feel, I recognized that it becomes my members of my being, that
is what my body consists of. A boundless body, in which I float. What
used to be around me was now inside of me. The flesh is coming off the
leg', brother Christoph now says, 'something is calling me back to
reality. I feel a hot tingling sensation, and a strange vibration pulses
through my limbs like an electric current. I want to move my arms and
legs, which have obviously fallen asleep, so that the blood can circulate
better, but I don't body, which I suddenly feel heavy as my
body again, does not react, is rigid and stiff. It encloses me more tightly
than the coffin did before. I could not move. It must be a nightmare, I
think, from which I am about to wake up. "I cannot lift him", Brother
Christoph continues in the text of the ritual, I hear his voice clearly, I
know that I am paralyzed in the coffin, it is not a dream. The inner fire
increases to an almost unbearable heat, which now burns me from the
outside, as if I was on fire. And suddenly it becomes

glistening bright, i'm not dreaming, i'm really burning, around me is a

blazing sea of fire that takes my breath away. this is not, as i hoped
before, the mystical fire that some rapturous saints of the middle ages
tell us about, this is real, the lodge is burning, we have to get out of
here as soon as possible. but it's not the lodge, it's a place of
judgement. I'm standing, tied up, on a pyre, in the middle of a gawking
crowd, right in front of me the Dominican with the raven's head, the
Count and his wives - the Inquisitor - his executioners' servants, who,
hooded up, stoke the fire under me. As I ponder this, I hear the familiar
voice of the word-leading master again immediately before me: "Let us
try to lift him up with the points of mastery". The light, the images and
the heat are fading, I feel cold. Relieved, I realize that I was dreaming
after all.the darkness of the coffin graciously envelops me was
the fear, I think, that arose when I became warm, which first awakened
the images of a fire and then the flame of the death scene at the place
of execution in my imagination - I am alive. Still! because at the same
time I know that I will die in this fire. With frightening clarity I realize
that what I have just experienced was not a hallucination but the future
vision of my imminent execution. Cold makes me shiver, I tighten the
cords of my thick leather jacket more tightly, it was the fear of this
death, which I have before my eyes, which made me see the future
pictures. I am not in a coffin - not yet - I think, and look around me, I am
still cowering in the cave on the mountain, where I fled from my
pursuers. I am still cowering in the cave on the mountain, where I fled
from my pursuers, but if I was still hot from the rapid ascent, I am
shivering now, and through the huge cave entrance I can see the
mountain peaks on the opposite side of the valley. It should be noon.

Slowly my eyes get used to the darkness and the outlines of the walls
begin to show clearly. I must have fallen asleep briefly from exhaustion,
I think. My limbs are still stiff and I am terribly tired, but the fear
remains and keeps me awake. It is the power that continues to carry
my consciousness and that feverishly urges me to act. Not the fear of
death, but the worry that I cannot fulfill my mission in the service of the
good powers. It is imperative that I hide the jewels beforehand,
otherwise my ordeal would be in vain, the shadow powers would
triumph. My persecutors have been shaken off for the time being, and
at least for a while I knew I was safe, but they will track me down, I
must hurry, I will get the wooden box from my satchel and spread out
the holy objects on a cloth one last time in front of me, the Baphomet -
symbolic figure of the Lord of the World - looks at me sadly with his
serious eyes. The elixir in the crystal vial glows mysteriously in a ray of
sunlight, which, reflected by some smooth rock, strayed into the cave.
Next to it I place the silver double-axe and the Templar's cross, carefully
checking the cover with which I wrapped the master book to protect it
from the moisture. These formulas, exercises and instructions for the
right use of the elixir have opened the gate to the world of the angels
for me. My notes on it will also enable others to overcome the barriers
of death that separate this world from the Hereafter and show them
the secret of the invisible hierarchy. They must never fall into the
wrong hands, because the Baphomet shows the way directly into hell
for those who do not know how to carry the cross.just as the Templar
hid this box in the wall of his monastery cell, where I later found it,
before his death, so I will now entrust it to the rock of the cave.I too
have not succeeded in finding allies, and like the Templar, I too have
been defeated by the henchmen of the shadow powers.I will turn the
pages of the book and skim over the last thing written. Then I collect
my writing material and hurriedly begin to fill the last free page in the
twilight of the cave entrance:

"I warn you, whoever you are that finds these lines, if you read them,
you will be another. You have become a link in the long chain of our
brotherhood, which once called itself Knights Templar, today Friends of
God, and tomorrow will fight under a different name for the eternal
survival of human souls in the light of God. The knowledge of the
invisible worlds and of the struggle that the hierarchies there wage for
every human soul will rob you of peace and tranquility from now on.
They will want to prevent you from warning and rescuing the sheep of
the good shepherd from the wolf of darkness, but still I beg and implore
you: If your good angel let you read these lines, you are a Chosen One.
Take this burden upon you. Explore and test and then go out and
preach, so that darkness must give way to light. Confess the good and
tolerate no evil in your soul, otherwise you will be in contact with the
devil, even if you want good. Be a brave fighter for truth, justice and
charity. The Lord sends His angels before you, so that your feet will not
strike a stone: "Writing this last message made me forget time and
space. The valley outside is now bathed in the red light of the setting
sun. Carefully I close all objects again in the small box. I have to hurry
to find a suitable hiding place for them, I need a torch, because further
back in the cave it is pitch dark. At the fireplace, which probably comes
from shepherds who sought shelter here in storms, is still enough wood
from the summer. With great effort I light a fire and with two long
failures I enter the cave. Soon it divides and I notice that both tunnels
lead into a chamber, where one can stand upright again. Behind it a
hose goes about 9O steps to a bend, whereupon it narrows to a ravine,
in which there is soon no further progress, I crawl back, because the
chamber seems to me to be most suitable for hiding. In one corner, I
notice, the wall at the top stretches into a narrow crack in the rock, and
as I climb up, I find a large hidden hollow there, right under the ceiling.
With a flat stone I scrape out the sand, the box fits exactly inside. Then
I cover everything with a foot-high layer of sand and


Stones I pick up from the floor of the cave. I mark the rock below with a
small cross. The ring! I still have the Templar's magic ring on my finger.
It is the ring the spirits used to call me their master. Through it I have
been able to keep my center while roaming the farthest corners and
planes of this world and the next. He gave me an impenetrable
protective cloak, which allowed me to roam the realms of the shadow
undetected. The ring must never be worn by a henchman of evil. The
protection of infinity, as an insurmountable armour of darkness, would
crush everything that stands in the way of the densifying efforts of the
shadow powers, but when I push the golden jewel under the sand that
covers the shrine, it slips my stiff fingers and falls with a fine jingling
sound over the rock into the dark depths. Startled, I climb down and
search the ground, the crevices, the cracks, but the ring remains
disappeared. As if the kingdom of darkness had swallowed the light, I
surrender and see the end of my life confirmed in its symbolic meaning.
But they must not find me here, otherwise they immediately suspect
where the evidence of my "witchcraft" is to be sought. So I drag myself
with my last strength over the high alpine pasture to the stable I passed
during my ascent. The sky is starry, the moon is full, I am gripped by
dizziness and wake up on the cart with which they lead me to the place
of execution. The pain of torture has graciously robbed my
consciousness several times. Now I am back. The sky is almost clear.
The fog of the night is quickly dissipating. The 7 mountain tops, which
shield the valley to the south, are already covered with snow. At the
foot of the last peak is the cave with the box. I look gratefully towards
the rising sun, soon it is done, it all happens very quickly. They drag me
from the cart like a sack, tie me down, and I see the same pictures as I
saw up in the cave before they caught me. Only this time, I know, it is
not a vision from which there is an awakening, but reality, now I really
must die.


I'm not afraid. The Book of Masters is safe, the relics have been taken
away from the henchmen of the shadow powers for the time being.
Even the raven-headed Dominican triumphs hatefully and does not
suspect that he is in fact serving the devil; they do not know what they
are doing, I think wistfully, like Christ our friend when he was hanging
on the cross. He too was killed, but not defeated, because the good
that can work through men lives on, and so my death is not the end of
the struggle, another will continue my work. But they have gained
time. How long will this time the terrible secret remain hidden? If
everything develops as the angels let me see, then soon there will be
no more salvation for mankind. It must be found quickly. I hope that,
just as the glass angel let me discover the hiding place, he will lead
another and let find the box. With this wish, my God, for You and all
good powers that carry You and that unite You with us humans, I want
to die. The fire is burning brightly. But strangely, the flames do not
burn, they cool my heat like a spring wind and release me. They lift me
and carry me up like a light leaf, and I, as if I were the fire myself, blaze
and fly with them. I am becoming lighter and lighter. Ever higher it
pushes me and pulls me and lifts me up. The violet universe unfolds
around me and takes me back into its lap. I am liberated from the
earthly and return home to the land of the angels, and they receive me,
I hear their voices and music... "foot to foot - knee to knee - chest to
chest"... the hand that grasps me and lifts me, it holds me tight and
pulls me close. To you JHVH, my God, I commend my soul. And as I spell
the holy name within me, I have become the Word - and at the same
time I hear it: "By the communication of the Master's Word", I hear, "I
hereby elevate you to the position of Master Mason". Dazed, I open
my eyes and look into the face of the Master from the chair of my
Lodge, who holds me in his arms. I am alive again, I am in the temple.
The circle is complete, I am who I am again. My elevation to Masonic
Master has been ritually continued and completed. Much of it has not
remained in my memory. The experiences in the other world, or was it
another time in which I was, had confused me too much.

I was given a new apron and initiated into the secrets of the third
degree. The Master of Ceremonies had already announced to me
before the work began that, unlike usual, there would be no brotherly
meal in the 3rd degree, and I was very grateful not to have to talk to
anyone about my experiences. Everybody embraced me warmly,
welcomed me as a Master in the circle of Masters, and after this serious
ritual we parted silently. I opened the old heavy gate of the lodge house
with difficulty and breathed deeply the fresh evening air. "Would you
like to join me for a beer? It was Berny who patted me on the shoulder,
he never followed the rules, nothing was sacred to him. "No thanks, not
today," I waved and turned right into the narrow Dorotheergasse, I had
parked my car as usual on Ballhausplatz. Otherwise I always looked
through the shop windows with interest, and some pieces in my
collection I discovered here after an evening in a box, but today nothing
caught my attention. Lost in thought, I automatically walked through
the old alleys, as if my self had not yet completely returned to my body.
Or have I become a different person? The short life in the cave and
then my death at the stake were as firmly anchored in me and became
part of my consciousness as the memory of the dark silence in the
coffin during the ritual. These are not the images of dreams or visions
that later dissolve into unreality like veils of mist. No rational doubt
makes these experiences fade away. I had died and then risen again. I
wondered whether I was even able to drive home in this dazed state
and decided to take a taxi. Of course, I couldn't find one now, and the
quiet resentment slowly brought me back to reality. I found a car at the
Ring, and the drive through the city was like coming home after a long
journey. The old familiar seemed to me

strange, and yet the familiar streets evoked long-forgotten memories in
me. i was born in vienna, sign of the zodiac aquarius, and studied here
too. First theology, I was always looking for God, then psychology,
when I hoped to find Him in His image, the human being. But just as
very little was known about God at the seminary, psychologists had
little idea of what spirit and soul is. So I began to examine man in his
entirety and became a doctor. In the meantime I had also discovered
esotericism, at that time still called occultism, and found it. A large
inheritance made me financially independent and made it possible for
me to devote myself completely to the occult sciences. The green
snake had bitten me. Besides rare old books for my esoteric library I
started to collect all kinds of ritual and cult objects, the secret world of
magic and mysticism did not let go of me. Long journeys led me not
only to faraway countries, the yogis, priests and medicine men I met
also showed me ways into the inner worlds that needed to be opened
up. My ordination became more and more a hermetic soul laboratory,
and the life help I gave to my patients was often based on highly
unusual diagnoses and therapies. My friends soon included more
shamans and astrologers than academic colleagues from my faculty,
and like a film, scenes of my life unfolded inside me as the familiar
neighborhoods passed by outside. But again and again, strange images
interfered, so that I was glad when the car finally stopped in front of my
property: I live in an old villa on the western outskirts of Vienna, and
the journey had taken over an hour. There was still a lot of traffic, but
here it is quiet like in a small village. "Oh, my sincere thanks" the driver
shouted happily about the generous tip, "have a nice good night", but I
was already gone. I automatically locked the wrought-iron gate behind
me and was relieved to be alone at last. The house is located far back
in the garden and is well shielded to the street by hedges and trees.
Inside it is
peacefully silent, i live alone and was especially happy that
evening.until now i had preferred not to marry. My occult interests
made it difficult for me to find a suitable life companion: Most of the
women I have met so far, due to their religious-mystical nature, are
either aloof and cautious towards the secret sciences and are afraid,
especially of anything that is somehow connected with magic, or they
are completely enraptured and fascinated by it, which can be even
more exhausting. Because, either they dream of a guru to whom they
can look up in admiration, or they slip into the role of a witch
themselves. Serious esotericists, who can keep both feet on the ground
of reality without raving and still look into spiritual vastness without
taking off, are rarely to be found. Most are just curious. Curiosity may
serve as a stimulus for research in the natural sciences, in hermetics it
leads to superstition or to the Left Path. But those who do not expect
the revelation of secret sensations usually seek the confirmation of
those often simple theories which they already carry within them as a
preconceived opinion, unless, as a sectarian or materialist, they want to
start a debate at all.that is why I have always refused to talk or even
discuss esotericism, and have withdrawn more and more over the
years. With the exception of a few friends and my private patients, I
received very few visitors, so I lit a fire in the fireplace. Relaxed I sat
down in my comfortable chair, in which I used to meditate. It was after
11 o'clock, but I felt wide awake as if after a strong coffee, and in the
flickering light of the flames I let the scenes of the last hours pass by
once again. The experience became more and more clear, and
especially the urgent appeal with which I, or rather with which the
monk, finished his notes, could not get out of my mind. I felt really
responsible for the heritage of the monk. I had to find the cave, the
niche in the rock where the casket was, I still had it in my head, I would
find it even in the darkness. I was completely convinced of that, they
were not fantasies of my subconscious, but very real images of a reality.
I had not only been raptured out of my body, but had also overcome
time and collected memories of my last incarnation.


Certainly, I thought, the diary not only gives information about the
magical handling of the ritual objects, but obviously the elixir as a drug
could be used to penetrate higher spiritual levels. This was exactly
what I had been wishing for a long time. But despite the targeted
magical exercises and intensive efforts, I had not been able to leave my
body voluntarily and consciously seek out other planes until then.
Mostly these experiments ended in a dream world, which very soon
slipped out of my control and showed only mirror images of my
emotional mood. With the monk's box, I was convinced that this would
change. I must find it. The fire had burned down. I ended the day as
usual with a prayer and went up to my tower room, which also served
me for sleeping. the next morning I immediately thought about how I
could find the cave. I had dreamed that I had to go to the airport and
got stuck in a traffic jam - and then I remembered a mountain climb
that was terribly strenuous. Both dreams were easy for me to
interpret: I want to do something, but I can't get anywhere, so if
yesterday I wanted to think things over on my own, today I was forced
to talk to someone about it. Just as a new lover wants to tell about his
happiness, I had the rare need to tell someone about it, most of my
friends were occultists themselves and would certainly listen to me
with interest. But first I wanted to ask for books about caves at the
National Library. I had to fetch my car anyway, which was parked
nearby, and there was a lodge brother working in the user department,
and I announced my visit and my request by phone. He was pleased to
meet me and we decided to have dinner together, "Do you know how
many accessible caves there are?" he asked me two hours later in the
Imperial, "in Austria alone there are a few thousand, but knowing you,
in your dreams you have probably been in Tibet. "I had not been able to
tell Sebastian everything on the phone and I made up for it during
dinner. "That wasn't Tibet", I finished my story over coffee, "after the
clothes and the houses that were on the


After I said goodbye to Sebastian, I wanted to do some errands in the

first district before I went home. I seldom came to the city anymore,
because the hustle and bustle of my secluded life irritated me more and
more, but I loved the old facades and alleys, which despite the traffic
and the crowds of people have lost none of their romantic charm, and
tried to revive the spirit of the past centuries around me. I had a head-
on collision with a girl, and she would have fallen if I hadn't caught her.
I held her willowy body in my arms and felt every muscle of her fine
limbs. Although it could have lasted only fractions of a second, I felt an
excitement like a violent love hug. She also held me a little longer than
necessary, and after I put her back on her legs, her arms were still
wrapped around my neck. I felt her small breasts through her clothes
and her quick breath. She still smelled of milk like a child, and above it
was the delicate scent of an eau de colognes that smelled of fresh hay
and meadow; "Maria", I cried out in surprise and rejoiced, for although
I had not seen her for a long time, her image had occupied a very
special place in my fantasies since then. She was a girl you dream
about, but don't even think in your dreams that she could reciprocate
your feelings. "Doctor Stein", she didn't seem to be very surprised at all,
"there you are, I've been thinking of you so often lately, and tonight I
dreamt of you. But the last time we saw each other, you treated me a
little more gently," she added with a playfully reproachful look. She
blushed, because she had been naked then, I had to examine her
thoroughly because of suspected appendicitis. "I saved you from an
unnecessary appendectomy," I said. "And saved myself an ugly scar,"
she added. "I am eternally grateful to you for that. So now I invite you
to hot raspberries with vanilla ice cream. "


As I was to learn later, she had just revealed one of her weaknesses:
"Well then," I said, "let's go to Heiner, he has the best cakes in Vienna,
let him show me what else he can do," and she hung up, and we walked
down Rotenturmstraße, and I felt her body again. Pleasant, familiar,
completely natural, as if we were going for a walk together every day,
she nestles up against me. I had to think of our last encounter - how I
felt her hot belly - made my diagnosis - and how she kissed me, for joy,
because I didn't send her to the hospital, hugged and kissed her. I
sensed immediately that this spontaneous gesture was more than
childish exuberance. Since then I had consciously avoided accepting
her father's invitations, even though I had been a frequent guest in his
house just to see her. I knew how to deal with my feelings, but I did not
want to be responsible for her falling in love with me. She was really
just a child then. It was different now. Although only a few months had
passed since then, the knowledge of living and dying seemed to have
awakened in her. Out of her eyes radiated kindness and understanding,
as one usually finds only in mature personalities. 'Do you have a
boyfriend' I ask as unconcernedly as possible, 'are you happy', and
because she does not answer, I ask again, 'are you in love? "Instead of
answering, she slides her hand into mine and pushes her fingers
between my fingers, and the gentle pressure, I can't help but return it,
is much more intimate than a kiss. "Yes," she then says softly, "I am in
love. And she looks at me constantly with her big eyes. She trusts my
guidance and does not take her eyes off me. It was all so natural and
natural. She likes me, and I like her, likes her boyish body, likes her firm
but dreamy look - the dark straight hair - the slightly wide mouth that
always seemed to smile somehow, likes how she smells, and her
pleasant way of speaking. Her voice spreads the magic of those young
singers who sing songs of first love full of longing and devotion, only
that she looks exactly like you would imagine in dreams when you hear
her. But despite her uncomplicated youthful naturalness, Maria had an
unusually mature and caring charisma for her age, which fascinated me.
I was embarrassed because I felt the desire to be


to give this security - to rest. We walked silently through the narrow

courtyards of the houses, past dark archways and old shops, and soon
stood in front of the inconspicuous pastry shop, which was not visible
from the outside that it could compete with Demel and Sacher.
Upstairs, in a quiet corner, we found a table where we were
undisturbed. I ordered the hot raspberries for us and a Coke and a beer.
She raised her eyebrows: "You're drinking." It was more of a question
than a statement, "Vanilla ice cream and beer," she shook. "I'm terribly
thirsty," I apologize. "The fried chicken for lunch was crisp and salted to
perfection. By the way, beer with a dessert isn't so far-fetched, a
whistle with a pancake even fits perfectly, try it on occasion." "You like
to eat," she said dryly. "So do I, by the way, but how is it that you're still
so gaunt?" "Discipline, and an aesthetic tic with a perverse penchant for
slim bodies." "Is it all right," she asks and looks down at herself. "For
you I would even do without snacking. What other hidden vices do you
have. You'd better confess it now!" "Well," I say, "besides hot
raspberries and cute little girls, I'm tempted by chestnut rice." "Well, I
knew there was something else," she triumphs and calls exuberantly for
the waitress. "Miss, two chestnut ricecakes with plenty of cream and
two beers to go with it, please" The three old ladies at the next table
are horrified and look at us with consternation. Maria was delightful. I
had never been particularly romantic, so I don't know how I came to
say, "You're like a flower, a cherry blossom, you're beautiful, you know
that?" I'm embarrassed by this silly remark, but she seemed to take it
for granted. "Yes," she says, "but be romantic, I like that," and, as if to
reassure me, she put her hand on mine. Despite the natural closeness
between us, I had to get used to being in love. The feelings had taken
me completely by surprise, and

the age difference, she was only 15, made me feel self-conscious. My
God, what am I doing, thinking she's still a child. I suddenly became
serious and she noticed it immediately, as if she had sensed my growing
concerns, she said: "That was no coincidence, we really ran into each
other as if a foreign power had brought us together. "Neither of us had
any idea how right she was, and fortunately we didn't know what a
dark force was that guided our steps. "Do you believe in a providence?"
I ask her, "Do you believe in God?" "Yes, sometimes," she reflects, "but
Jesus is closer, he is an invisible friend for me to talk to, and you? "I
have never been able to answer that question. Like Meyrink, I see
myself not as a God-seeker but as a God-loser. "Gustav Meyrink is
writing somewhere," I said, "we cannot know anything about God.
What believers imagine of their Almighty, this phantom that they build
up in their imagination, only blocks their path to the only real thing they
can find, the path to themselves - I think like him. Before seeking God,
one should have found oneself and fathom what it is that we call I."
"Isn't there the same danger as in the search for God?" Mary
interjected, "how do I know that what I think of myself is really ME and
not a phantom, a fantasy I have of myself? "Her logic amazed me. "You
are quite right. Most people actually identify with their shadow and not
with themselves. Only if you have the right idea of yourself does it lead
you to your SELF, which, however, without an idea, could not recognize
itself. It's probably the same with God. He, too, can only be reached by
the power of thought, and yet he only casts a shadow over people's
thinking." "Is this shadow evil? My father told me that you are engaged
in magic. Do you believe in the devil?" "Oh yes," I say. "Unlike a god,
and I emphasize one, there are, I am convinced, quite a few devils. But
fortunately there are just as many good spirits next to them.' 'Can you
really call them?' she asked further. 'You don't need to, they are much
closer than you think. It is enough to remember that they exist. You
have to turn to them, then they are there immediately, just like the
reflection in the mirror when you look in the mirror.

"But that would mean that they do not exist, if they only mirror what I
am and think. Mary argues quite rightly, and I am pleased with her
philosophical talent. You must see yourself as a mirror,' I say, 'imagine
your thinking as a mirror of your feeling, as a thin fog skin that forms
images within itself. "You mean, just as my imagination is clothed in this
skin of thought, so the angels and the spirits also slip into the same
dress? Exactly,' I say, 'you have grasped it fully. In the meantime we had
both eaten the Maroni rice. If I go out with you more often, I'll soon
become fat and fat, and you'll reject me," she laughs and pats herself
on the stomach. "My God, now I've completely forgotten, I have a date
with a girlfriend. Sit down and finish your beer, please present the bill
to me tomorrow, I have to walk. Tell me your phone number. I got up
to say goodbye. But instead of taking my hand, she put her arms
around me and gave me a kiss, as firm and confident as if she wanted
to seal a pact with me. In love and pensive, I look after her: "Hello, you
old rake, since when have you been attacking children?" I flinch when
Bernys cheerful voice tears me out of my thoughts, and am irritated.
"And the rapist accuses me of only picking on young girls. I'm deeply
disappointed in you. But I understand," he continues conciliatory, "that
the mummies and occult snipes from your practice no longer attract
you. It must be terrible if you are only allowed to shine into them for
study purposes, you like to remember the doctor games of your
childhood." "Berny, you are a piglet", I greet my friend with a laugh. "I
am a general practitioner and not a gynaecologist!" "Well," he grinned,
"now I know the higher regions where ascetics hover. Who was that
lovely nymph?" "A patient," I say briefly, "by the way, she's Brother
Brandström's daughter." "The Swede from OPEC?" asks Berny and
suddenly gets serious. "How did he come to have such a beautiful
child? I don't like him.


"I haven't seen him for a long time," I think out loud. I didn't like
Brandström much either. Although he came from the north, he was a
dark guy, almost like an Indian, and everything about him seemed
severe and sinister. "You'll meet him tomorrow," Berny announces,
"Brandström is one of us." He empties my beer glass with a strong tug
and says goodbye, without drinking the coffee I ordered, just as
suddenly as he appeared. "I'll pick you up tomorrow, I'll be at your
place at about 4 pm. Before that I will collect Emil and Ewald. Don "t
forget your tools, you have the apron master now. Bye, dear.
Tomorrow I was to be accepted into the circle of the "Hermetic
Brothers". I was surprised that Brandström was among them. I never
thought he was an esoteric. I paid and hurried home, the evening
traffic would soon begin.KU PELDinner was cancelled, I went for a little
walk instead. Because of the summer time, it was brighter for a longer
time, and the sun was still shining through the round west window of
my tower room when I sat down at my desk. I planned to talk about so-
called astral journeys and my personal experiences with them. It is
difficult to make it clear to a listener or reader that the difference
between dream and reality can be seen very clearly even in the out-of-
body state. You have to experience it yourself to understand how it is,
because the reality on the other side is different. The material dreams
are made of forms spirits and not dead things. Perceptions mix with
images formed by fears, hopes or the conscious imagination in the
same room. \ Habits become solid ground, drives become moving


The hereafter is not a thinner this world. As I write down keywords, I

realize that it is a highly intimate thing to reveal such experiences. I am
seriously considering talking about a different subject tomorrow when I
see the cupola before me. Kupel was simply there. Suddenly, and from
one second to the next, he was sitting on my desk and was visibly even
more puzzled than I was. At first he seemed transparent, soft and
shapeless, I even had the feeling that he didn't know exactly where or
who he was. Later I noticed that he did not expand, but that everything
about him simply grew bigger. Even later, after we had become friends,
but I didn't know that then, he showed me that he could even grow to
the size of our Milky Way without overstretching or bursting. "You
know," he explained to me at the time, "it's just that people are
overstretched and sometimes they burst or explode. That's because
they cram everything inside them. I just surrender and get bigger. At
first I didn't know that I could do that either. Once upon a time,
everything about me was so hard as crystal that when I wanted to
change, it immediately shattered. Then I had to start again and again
from the beginning, to create myself anew, "incarnate", you would say,
and he started laughing so hard that I had to laugh along with him.
Kupel, as it turned out, was a very funny guy, "Who is the DUUU?" I
asked him after I understood that there was really someone sitting on
my desk. "Kupel," he said, "I am Kupel. Funny, I was just thinking
something like that. "Sure, you dummy, I know that, you were thinking
Kupel. You were thinking so loud, you could hear it even on the moon.
"I was amazed. "You can read minds, you know my thoughts?" "My
thoughts, your thoughts," he said, "yes, do you really think they are
your thoughts? Is it your trees, your stars, your flowers that you see
when you look around you?" He started laughing again and he
dishevelled that it seemed to me that he really became a sphere in the
process. "Just listen to that, Kupel," he said, "listen to that, he who
thinks he has his thoughts to himself. Well, where does he think he has
them, his thoughts? So he calls me by name and doesn't know who I
am." "Who are you talking to?" I asked him, "Are you talking to
yourself? "


He didn't answer my question, though. "Imagine," he said, "I would

look like a square," and in the process he changed his shape, "would
you say I was a cupel, too?" "Of course not," I said and was amazed, for
suddenly a plastic square lay before me and looked at me sharply. So he
could change not only its size but also its shape. I wonder if its content
changed as well. I had to think of Hohlkopf, but fortunately he didn't
seem to notice it. Instead, he was talking to himself again: "Look at
that, now I'm going to play the most beautiful theatre for him, and he
still doesn't get it, the airhead." (So he noticed it after all). And
suddenly he was gone. "Kupel", I called. "Kupel, where are you? Come
back!" I suddenly understood. Not only could he read my thoughts,
but I too apparently perceived everything he reflected on his cupel.
And as if in reply, as soon as I thought that, a very transparent mist
flickered over his surface, and I could see him again on the desk in front
of me. I was happy. "Finally", he buzzed. "I thought I'd find another
numskull." (There it was, he was offended). "But don't get any ideas,
because you haven't quite got it yet. All my life I've been winding all his
thoughts," and he emphasizes the word, his, "into my skin, and he
doesn't know me. By now I'd gotten used to Kupel liking to talk to
himself. "Watch out," he said, and floated slowly towards me like a
flying saucer. He landed on my head as softly as a snowflake, and my
eyes went black for a moment, but only for a short time, because I felt
so clear right away, as if I had drunk 20 cups of coffee. "Watch out," he
said again. "Without me, you'd all be morons, and some of you would
stay that way because you can't see through me. They don't see
through me because they are nothing themselves and reflect nothing.
They give nothing back, like a black hole. He suddenly got excited.
"They see nothing because they just stare, and that's why they don't
look at my world." Kupel giggled again. "Once upon a time, long ago,
there was a cobbler who saw me as a virgin and made each of our
encounters a kind of heavenly marriage. I joined the circus and gave
him a whole lot of insights." "Do you mean Jakob Boehme?" I asked.
"You were the model for the Virgin Sophia?" Now it was me who
laughed out loud. Kupel became impatient.

"You with your constant questioning and questioning and naming. You
won't see me soon if you keep asking so many questions instead of
looking for yourself" "Just one thing", I ask him, "if you are so clever,
then you surely know where the cave I am looking for is. "Of course I
do," he replies immediately, "where all the fairy tale caves are, behind
the seven mountains with the seven dwarves," and he giggles to it like a
garden gnome. "You're disgusting," I say, but suddenly I get a twitch.
Of course, that's what didn't occur to me when talking to Sebastian. As
they drove me to the place of execution, I clearly saw 7 snow-covered
mountain tops from the car. This could be a clue that will help us to get
ahead, I am suddenly quite confident, a happy elation seized me.
Again I felt the strange feeling between my forehead and the top of my
skull, and I realized that Kupel had somehow disappeared in my head
before. The last part of our conversation actually took place like a
soliloquy: The slight pressure in my head increased and began to spread
throughout my whole body. As if through thin channels, something
flowed into my hands, which suddenly began to vibrate very gently, as
if electrified. The hot tingling quickly spread from my arms to my chest,
stomach and abdomen and even to my feet. A strange excitement
seized me. It was exactly the same as when I was raised in the coffin,
only that I was not afraid now and already knew the process. I felt like I
was on a shaking rack again and indeed something of mine seemed to
have fallen through something inside me. For when I wanted to get up
I could not. Something was missing, I felt insensitive and rigid like a
boulder, even the tingling was gone. Even the paralysis did not make
me panic any more and I tried to get up again. But although I wanted it
with every fibre of my being, I did not succeed in moving. It was only
when I imagined how I was moving that the feeling of stiffness gave
way to an airy lightness, and I slowly floated the cupel
floated, so did I lift myself up, but without my body, which remained
seated, I could look at it.this time I succeeded, I rejoiced and enjoyed
the indescribable feeling of immateriality, which corresponds to the
state of tension just before a


orgasm is not dissimilar. In contrast to my experience in the temple, I

was able to perceive the real environment well, and no feelings of fear
disturbed my attention. The fact that Kupel was nearby gave me a
reassuring certainty, and I knew that I owed him my exit. I wanted to
call him, but something in me warned me against it, and I let it go. I
sensed that he was something like my ethereal parachute and that I
would crash if I went looking for him now outside myself, but instead I
concentrated on keeping my consciousness in the room, for the
impressions began to shift and images of things that were not there
forced themselves upon me. Everything seemed to be alive, not evil or
dangerous, but threatening, because the changes could not be
controlled as I wanted them to be. Just as Algernon describes
Blackwood in his story of the willows that overgrew everything with
their lives, rampant and rampant, so more and more images formed
and shaped themselves around me, which had nothing to do with
reality, but became all the more visible. While before only the furniture
was crazy, now I feared to become crazy myself. In addition to pieces
of furniture that did not belong to my furnishings, objects, a rucksack,
ice axes and hiking boots piled up in the corner of one room, and in
between lay a missal that grew larger and larger, and a cross, as it is
carried in front in processions, grew out of the floor towards me on a
long pole. Like a beetle being lifted, I fidgeted helplessly on invisible
threads in a world that looked at me from all sides. I lacked the ground
under my feet or the organs I needed as tools to survive in this
environment. With my last effort I thought of Kupel in the hope that he
could cushion my fall. At the same time I remembered my hermetic
training. "I think," I thought, "and command the images of my
thinking." I was relieved to find that the furnishings of my room were
once again visible where I had placed them with my imagination,
because that was where their real place was.


"I find security", I thought further, "I feel what I think and I think what I
want - I am and I command over my thinking, feeling and wanting."
"Well you see", I suddenly heard a familiar voice, "he gets it. It was
Kupel. Slowly he condensed and formed his body from the flickering
remains of the phantom pictures. "Come," he said solemnly, "you've
almost made it, let's fly," and we hugged each other like two friends
who hadn't seen each other for a long time. A bond of love united us
and I understood the mystical cobbler who compared entering spiritual
worlds with a marriage, but then my consciousness vanished. When I
awoke it was dark in the room. I found myself sitting at the desk where
I had fallen asleep and realized that I had just experienced another one
of those out-of-body states in which I lost consciousness in the end, but
it had been a little different this time. The transition to the
subconscious had been recognized by me and even controlled for a
short time. As the various objects appeared in the room, I knew that
they were images formed by the desire to ascend to the cave I was
looking for, and I recognized the church relics as a result of my
identification with the monk. At that time I did not know what a deep
friendship would develop between us. I only understood that the funny
guy was a highly independent being and not a split of my subconscious
or even an illusion. I hoped he'd get back to me, but instead the phone
rang. "My dear, dear you." It was the gentle voice of Maria, the voice
that I not only hear with my ears, but that also directly makes my heart
vibrate and that penetrates through every pore of my skin into my
body. for a moment I am surprised, because earlier I was thinking not
only of Kupel , but also of her. She must have felt that. The quiet,
innocent feeling of happiness that I experienced with my invisible
friend while diving into a dreamlike, distant world dissolves like a heavy
avalanche and overwhelms me with intense feelings of a very concrete
love, which, against all reason, I do not want to deny myself.


"Maria," I say, realizing how relieved I am that she called. It confirms to

me that she is also spiritually close to me and thinks of me. "I'm so
happy that you exist. You have become a part of me.' 'And you, my dear
you, you are a part of me', she breathes, I feel that she really means it.
"But that we love each other will bring us both happiness and sorrow.
I'm ready for anything", she says, "I'll pay any price. There's only one
thing you can't do, and that's keep us apart. Sleep well and have sweet
dreams." "You too," I say and hang up the phone gently, as if to prevent
the line from separating. Today it will be later, because I am not yet
finished with the changes in my presentation. Now Kupel has also been
added, I think, and of course I would like to mention the flight with him
as well. There is not much left of my original concept, but the last two
days have changed me a lot as well: Whenever I want to order my
thoughts, I walk through the house as if I could also roam my spiritual
inside. Although this is not a monastery cell, because I have
accommodated everything that is secular there, from a desk, telephone
and rocking chair to a music system with a small television set, up here I
gain a little distance from the profane things of everyday life. Four
large windows offer a free view to all sides. The old trees of the park-
like garden cover the neighboring houses, giving the impression of
being in the middle of an uninhabited area, and a low door leads to a
narrow balcony that runs around the room and gives you, as in a
lookout post, an even greater feeling of freedom. It is pitch-black and
quiet. Only in the east, the flickering lights of the city remind me that I
am not alone, and below me, the red tiled roof that runs out on three
sides of the tower looks as if it were part of a medieval town. Each
ridge has a different

The peculiar construction - there is no uniform window front anywhere,
because all the rooms are nested at different levels - enabled the
architect to create a secret room in the tower between the last floors.
Only I know the door, well hidden behind an artistic wall covering,
through which one can reach the room below via a few steps. The 12
loophole-like glass stone windows are interpreted from the outside as
playful decorations in the wall. Here I have set up my temple. I bring up
my masonry tools, which I will need the next day, and carefully close
the secret door again. Then I go up the wooden stairs, past the
bathroom, which is a half floor below, into the lower rooms. In the
tower, at this height, is the dining room with a massive round oak table
and 12 chairs. From here you can enter the library through a wide
sliding door, which is actually three rooms, which, although they merge
into each other, open up different living areas due to their special
arrangement and the steps between them, into which you can retreat
according to your mood. In the middle, opposite the fireplace, there is a
comfortable leather suite. In front of the windows to the east is an
antique desk, which was left where it was by the previous owner, and
on the south side is an oriel with a table and a wooden bench on the
walls, as was customary in old castles. The high arched windows offer a
wide view into the garden. When I get visits from friends during the
day, this is the place where we have a snack and talk, the third wing
goes to the west, where the evening sun can shine through a large
round window at any time of the year. I love this room, which is a little
higher than the first one, because from here you can enjoy the view as
well as the fire in the fireplace, and between the windows, distributed
on the walls, there are about 100,000 books, almost exclusively works
of the so-called occult sciences. Next to them are several large
paintings with mystical motifs

The unique architecture determines not only the exterior of the house,
but also the interior ambience and, together with the curious
collector's items from temples and tombs, creates a magical-mystical
atmosphere that is hard to escape: a spiral staircase leads from the
library directly to the entrance hall on the ground floor. There you will
find the rooms of the ordination and a small guest room as well as the
comfortable kitchen, which I share with my housekeeper as a hobby
cook. She comes three times a week and is the best cook I know. Thick,
comfortable, resolute, she takes care of me like a mother, and if you
follow the cellar stairs, you will find the door to the last tower room.
This room, which is below the dining room, is also accessible from the
garden via the gravel path behind the house. To compensate for the
hidden temple room, the stone floor is about one meter below the
level, so that one has to climb down some steps into the vault.
Nevertheless it is dry and bright there. Church-like ogival windows, like
those of a monastery cell, give a romantic view into the part of the
garden that reminds one of a Nordic fairy tale forest. Here I have
housed my alchemistic laboratory, where I produce the miracle elixirs
and tinctures so appreciated by my patients, according to old recipes. I
have never looked for the philosopher's stone, which can be found
elsewhere than in jars and retorts, but the amazingly high level of
knowledge of the old masters leaves me in no doubt that some initiates
hid even more secrets than they left in writing. A few notes were
enough, I now had it clear in my head what I wanted to tell the

As always at this time of year, the birds woke me up shortly before

five. The treetops are right under my windows, and the chirping is
unmistakable. while still in bed I went through the ritual in my mind,
which I was to perform in the evening as Master of the Chair in the
Order of the Hermetic Brothers. I heard it often enough in my lodge, so
that I mastered the text perfectly. Nevertheless it put me in a certain
tension to be allowed to lead a work myself. This task is normally only
given to chosen ones after many years of membership in the League.
The fact that the Hermetic Brethren grant this honour to every new
member shows that no hierarchy in their circle puts the individual back.
After a cold shower I spent the morning hours in my library, as always,
with a pot of fragrant hot coffee. The reading of old texts, such as the
Bhagavad Gita - Comemius - Paracelsus - or Jakob Böhme, is for me like
listening to good music, an edification for mind and soul.the occult
sciences have developed just as much as modern science, but whoever
does not master the hermetic A B C of the old masters, will not be able
to attain adeptness even today.the seed of the past must be brought to
life anew by each generation. In the old works and secret manuscripts,
which I collected from lodge archives, I had all the secrets before me.
But to put this knowledge into practice, one learns not from books, but
through life. My Swiss friend Oskar Schlag, whose hermetic library
surpasses mine many times over, used to say: "An esotericist must keep
both feet firmly on the ground and look into the spiritual worlds", but
very few people can do that. They read a lot today and then, in the
rapture of superstition, they take off into a world of madness, or sink
into the astral slime of pseudo-magical practices offered for sale in
occult trash literature and by dubious masters. She would certainly ask
questions and she was looking for a way, I had already realized that in
the short time we were together. Her conscious look and the unusually
strong personal charisma for her age told me,


that she had experienced an initiation in a previous life. I will send her
the Guardian Angel Book for now, I decide, and just as I was about to
dedicate a copy to her, the telephone rings. It did not surprise me when
Emil Stejnar, the author of the work, contacted me. We have been
close friends for years and I have often had our spiritual connection
confirmed by such telepathic evidence. My friend asked me to stop by
for a moment. It was he who persuaded me two years ago to join the
Covenant of Freemasons, and it is he who will introduce me to the
circle of the Hermetic Brothers tonight. "There are some things to
discuss for this evening," he explains to me, "especially the music for
the ritual, I'd like to rehearse with you again, Michael." "I can be with
you in an hour, is that all right with you?" I ask. "OK, see you at 10." I
say goodbye quickly, because someone is ringing at the gate. I press the
button and let him in, it's a taxi driver who a little later hands me a
woven shopping basket. In an insulated bag I find a frozen maronite
cake and two bottles of Tuborg beer. A tiny, delicate flowering cane
with purple bellflowers in a lovingly painted coffee cup - and a letter
from Maria "So that you can channel your lustful urges and not go
astray while I can't take care of you", it says in a solid, liquid, but
original, mature handwriting. "I am going to a friend's house in the
country over Pentecost. There I will meditate in depth on whether to
take the nun's veil or seduce you next Wednesday at 2O o'clock at my
home. "Dear you." "Dear you, I think we'd better wait. Then I'll put the
cake in the freezer and hurry so that Emil doesn't have to wait. He lives
nearby, and it often happens that we visit each other spontaneously
and without prior notice. It almost always turned out that we were
dealing with the same topic, and the conversations were always fruitful
for both of us. He also wears a full beard and has his hair cut very
short, and


Both of us have dedicated our lives to the hermetic sciences, but Emil is
10 years older than me, married to a gentle, quiet woman, and has two
children who are almost grown up. But he has remained a loner and
individualist. "The great", he once said, "usually only starts from one
person and is usually carried by one person only" For years he has been
a committed fighter for serious esotericism and has become known to
the public through television, radio and countless newspaper reports.
He was called the last magician of Europe, because he worked true
miracles with his amulets. I have also been able to help many patients
with them. Nevertheless, my friend has always remained modest, not
even a name plate points to the secret that is hidden behind the gate of
the fairy-tale garden.Margareta, his wife, opens to me. "He is in his
temple, waiting for you. You have access there", she greeted me, "will
you stay for dinner, Michael? She knows how much I appreciate her
cooking. "No thanks," I wave with a heavy heart. "I like to go to bed
right after dinner and have to recharge my batteries for tonight.
Already yesterday my sacred nap was cancelled, I must not let this
barbarity take hold. "It was as if an invisible power was holding me back
from going further. I had entered the temple and stood still,
overwhelmed by the concentrated power that came towards me.
Unlike in my temple, which for me has the mystical and sacred
atmosphere of a small forest chapel, here I felt more the forces of the
magical tradition as the dominating element. The room was filled with a
foggy blue light that seemed to shine mildly from all sides and yet had
no other source than the strange objects in which it was reflected. On
the walls hung pictures and icons that, as magic windows of the old
masters, offered the sensitive observer insights into distant unknown


On consoles, niches and shelves, there were figures and sculptures,

sacred and unholy representations of the gods and demons that have
guided the destinies of mankind for thousands of years; they were
living symbols, of which the special power and strength they
represented still radiated. My friend had collected relics from six
millennia of religious history, from the ram-headed cult cup from
Babylon to the Gnostic crucifix of a Tyrolean woodcarver. Finds from
megalithic tombs lay next to Egyptian grave goods, and statues of gods
from Tibet, India and African idols stood harmoniously next to figures
and reliefs of the Incas and Aztecs. Daggers, swords, bells, staffs,
crystals, stones, dried plants and roots, magical relics of the priests,
magicians and shamans of ancient traditions lay between the tools of
occult lodges, as witnesses of the secret workings of invisible powers
accessible only to the initiated. Each venerable piece was magically
enlivened and a gateway to spiritual energy, where the magician gets
the power he needs to charge his effective amulets. I was so absorbed
that I had not even noticed the immovable figure in the background of
the temple: "You know what awaits you today, great master", my friend
greeted me in a good mood and pulled me out of my reflections.
"Nevertheless, before going through the ritual again, I would like to
give you some information about the Hermetic Brothers, come and sit
with me," I crouched down on the floor with him and he lit a candle,
then he continued: "Actually, our Brotherhood is exactly what you were
hoping for from the so-called regular Freemasonry, but did not find
there. We cultivate the esoteric tradition of the old mystery societies.
But we have gone further. Everyone is truly a free man. No sacred
oaths bind him. There are no club statutes, nor are dues required.
We don't assign degrees or dignity. We honour the newcomer by
handing him the hammer and letting him lead his first work in our
circle, as Master of the Chair. In this way, his and our true master
dignity is made clear to him and to us and any form of hierarchy is
excluded from the outset. With us everyone is a "Primus inter pares".
But we do not see ourselves as a secret society or elitist club.

Most of us come from a blue or red lodge, but brothers from Christian
and other religious orders also belong to our circle. All of us are united
by our belief in ethereal worlds and the Faustian nature of penetrating
into these unknown worlds. Our common concern is therefore the
exploration of mind and soul. We want to learn the nature of
consciousness and the powers that shape, explore and master it. We
meet in different places and have different rituals, depending on the
tradition of the master who leads the work. "Just like the real
Rosicrucians," I remarked, "Didn't they follow similar guidelines?" "Now
it depends on which real Rosicrucians you mean," Emil replied. "You
can forget all the orders that have come into the public under this
name. You have the most complete collection of their writings and you
know that this is only the second infusion of hermetic knowledge.
Nevertheless, I suspect that the real initiates, even then, are working in
a similar way to us today. Namely as free men of good reputation who
did not bow to anyone and only followed their will, which was
supported by wisdom and love. Do you mean to say," I asked, doubting,
"that the Hermetic Brothers are adepts and Rosicrucians? "For God's
sake, no!" laughed my friend. "I even fear that not a single one of us
meets these high standards, and we are not fooling ourselves. But we
know that each one of us, at least in one area, is doing extraordinary
things, and together we are more than the sum of our parts. A circle
embraces everything and excludes nothing." "Isn't there a danger that
dark elements might creep in, too?" I asked, looking unintentionally at
the silver goat's head, which grinned mysteriously from the dark corner
of the room. "Dangerous and evil," Emil replied and followed my gaze,
"is only what stands outside the circle and sees itself as the center. As
long as everyone takes the place they deserve, they are a part of the
whole and are supported by everyone. Don't you also have dark
elements in you and have to live with them? So if you find a brother in
our circle who does not seem to fit in with us, remember this. If we
want to reflect perfection, we must not only reflect the light but also


Include darkness. The tragedy of all religions and idealistic

communities is that they do not take this into account. They place the
idea they represent in the middle and exclude anything but "evil". But I
didn't want to philosophize today, I wanted to go through the music for
the ritual with you", Emil concluded his remarks and then gave me the
last instructions for the evening ahead. Emil and Ewald were already in
the car. The journey went silently. Obviously everyone was too busy
with his own thoughts and after two hours we reached the small castle
where the meeting should take place. It belonged to a brother whom I
had lost sight of after he had left his box. We were both happy about
the reunion, "You are late," the host remarked, and led us straight to
the top floor, which was fully equipped for the lodge work. Directly
under the attic he had set up a very atmospheric lodge temple, which
would easily accommodate 7O brothers. Everything was well prepared
and familiar, I would find my way around the ritual. We discussed a
few more details and then we went over to the others and I was
surprised to see who was waiting in the anteroom of the temple.
However, I had not yet met some of the brothers and they were only
known to me from television or the press. They must have come from
lodges in other cities. I was also surprised to notice a bishop from
Germany who had a lively conversation with the abbot of the
monastery. All those present seemed to know each other well, and
each of them greeted me personally with a few warm words. It was as
if they had been waiting for me for a long time, and I immediately felt
connected with all of them, but I was surprised that only two brothers
from the rite and none from the R.A. were present. "I am rather
surprised that intelligent people still let themselves be drawn into these
associations", Emil explained sarcastically when I asked him. "If you
don't see through what's waiting for you there beforehand and join one
of these orders out of vanity or simple-minded curiosity, you can hardly
be a special enrichment for us. On the other hand, once you are with
us, you will anyway receive rituals of all degrees, some we even work


yourself. Otherwise we have long since withdrawn from the high-

grade systems, we only maintain good contacts with the Swiss and
Swedes. Then the Master of Ceremonies called me, it was time for me
to open the Lodge, and within a few minutes a tremendously strong
crackling atmosphere built up in the temple. Within minutes, a
tremendously strong crackling atmosphere built up in the temple, I
could feel the personal energies of each brother merging into a
common spiritual power and following my hammer blows, I celebrated
the ritual as if in a trance and felt myself transformed into radiant light.
No initiation could give one the dignity that working with the forces
that converged here conveyed. Everyone present was like a mighty
pillar of fire and I understood now that it was not necessary to take an
oath of loyalty or secrecy from these men. Whoever is involved in this
brotherhood would never reveal a secret. On the other hand, I
realized that this was not a conspired community. Each one
represented a force that followed its own laws, that could not be bound
and that only followed the dictates of personal free will. I also became
aware that this was dangerous and I gave a short talk. I did not want to
instruct with my explanations, but rather to encourage reflection and
imitation, and hoped for a fruitful exchange of experiences after work. I
described the special exercises I had done for years before I
experienced the first spontaneous astral journeys at night, and
described my relevant experiences, up to the experiences during my
elevation and with Kupel. "Out of the body", I concluded my
explanations, "does not mean by a long shot that I am pure in the
worlds beyond the physically conditioned existence. As a rule, with the
body, consciousness also falls by the wayside somewhere. Dreams do
not let go of anyone who does not learn to control them while awake."
After this hidden invitation to conscious alertness and a meditation on
Wagner's "Siegfried Idyll" I ritually closed the box, and


dismissed the brothers with the ancient sacred formula, "Let us go and
bring peace", and as the eloquent master, it was up to me to put the
temple back in order after work. After I had stowed away the ritual
objects and carefully extinguished all the candles, I was the last to go
down to the magnificent dining room, where small groups of people
were already engaged in animated conversations. My work caused
quite a stir. "What do we need magic power for?" said Sebastian. "Most
of us have long since become financially independent and have a
position that allows them to get their way quite naturally. But the
others don't care about money and influence anyway. The further one
gets in Hermeticism, the more needless one becomes, and the desire
for power and recognition dwindles more and more", Ewald
interjected. "And for that again magical abilities are necessary. Without
certain powers you can't track down the powers." "That's just it,"
Sebastian exclaimed enthusiastically. "These certain abilities are only
given to those who have gained enough distance from the mundane
world. It's an interaction that depends on humility and modesty and on
how far someone can refrain from taking personal advantage of the
knowledge gained. This is a matter of mysticism and not of magic.
Magic practices bind to the world much more than any form of
materialism. Who helps the magician to achieve his goals? It is the
master of the world who helps him. Apart from that, his helpers are
not cheap at all," confirmed Franz, director of a television company.
"What I created with my occult skills always cost me more than what I
could do with a simple phone call. The earthly friends", and he painted
quotes in the air with his fingers, "always present their bill in the same
way, but the spirits usually take their toll when you have long since
forgotten their services. And they demand more in return than they
have given you." "Sebastian is right," remarked Emil, who had followed
the discussion in silence until now." But I must also agree with Ewald.
Magic and mysticism cannot be separated. To climb a mountain, you
need strength. At the summit you have a wider view than down in the
valley. In the same way the mental horizon of the Hermetic widens
with the progress he made on Grund
in his magical evolution. He becomes taller and is able to grasp the
concerns of others and incorporate them into his life. His own personal
interests then disappear like the shadows in the valley and are
increasingly overshadowed by the ideals of service to humanity". Emil
looked from one to the other. "This is the true spirit that unites us all
here. The willingness to take responsibility for the well-being of people
who themselves know and can do less and are weaker than we are."
"Amen," said the bishop ironically and sat down with us. "You of all
people must blaspheme," laughed Emil. "What do you think your
Cardinal would say, if he knew where you were right now?" "He will
probably find out soon, because he has sent me after us." The bishop
became serious. "I wanted to talk to you about it today. He said to me
there must be some sort of secret esoteric group of freemasons who
are not as harmless as the blue and red boys. I'm supposed to look into
it. But back to your conversation. I think the essential thing that unites
us here ..." But Emil interrupted him. "What did you say? "It would be
most unfortunate if something about our community were to leak out.
"We must prevent this and show ourselves. The old Rosicrucians
always came forward when they had to disguise themselves. I propose
that we officially found an esoteric research lodge, an esoteric circle,
which you can tell us about. They must think we are harmless
crackpots, then the rumours will soon be silenced. But please forgive
me for interrupting you," Emil then apologized to the bishop. "Let's
discuss this later, please continue." "Esoteric circle, that sounds good,"
the bishop growled and seemed relieved, then he repeated what he
had said before: "The essential thing that unites us here is faith. Faith in
a spirit and in a soul as bearers of consciousness and faith in a spiritual
hierarchy in which we are embedded with these ethereal bodies. No
matter how the individual calls the highest perfect form of the
conscious mind, we all come from different directions, and yet this faith
has united us fraternally: "There is Ruby, a Jew, and there sits Achmed,
our Sufi master. The Bishop looked around searching. "Over there they
are, Armin the Tibetan and his drumming bosom friend, the asphalt
shaman Ewald... "


"And I, the unholy wizard," bowed Berny, "and you as Hallelujah Chief
Peafowl, we fit in perfectly. Come, let me kiss your beautiful ring, I've
been horny for a long time for my collection." "Since when do you kiss
rings?" the bishop alluded to Berny's enormous wear and tear of
beautiful young women and looked him sternly in the eye. "You'll go to
hell." "Where I'll finally be allowed to kiss Baphomet's ass," Berny
cheered. We all knew that he was also involved in black magic
experiments.Baphomet was the keyword for Emil, who was to lead the
subsequent discussion. "My brothers," he said, "you all heard what
Michael experienced during his uprising. There is no doubt that the
cave with the master book exists, and the magical objects in the box
can be invaluable to us". "But also for others", Berny interrupted him
tellingly. "One more reason for us to try to find the cave. Let's
summarize what we know: The cave is just above the tree line
somewhere in the Alps. It is about 15O meters long, divides once and
ends after an S-curve in a narrow hose "Emil looked at me questioningly
and I nodded. "Sebastian will make inquiries about the Institute of
Speleology," I added. "Who says the box is still there," asked one of the
people present, whom I didn't know yet. "We'll see when we find the
cave," Emil remarked dryly. "I think it is still there. Michael surely
wouldn't have come to this place if something hadn't attracted him."
Suddenly the conversation fell silent. Everyone looked in my direction.
Someone had stepped behind me and laid his hand heavily on my
shoulder. It was not a friendly touch. It triggered a captivating,
possessive sensation in me, like: "That was a very good and impressive
piece of work, Michael. "It was the unmistakable suggestive voice of
Brandstrom, Maria's father. Although there were only 24 brothers in
the temple, I had not noticed him before. He possessed the rare
ability of real personalities to appear only when it was appropriate.


signs and the questions and answers that allowed us to recognize each
other, "How many of us are there?" I asked him. "If I counted correctly,
there were 24 brothers present." "That is correct," he confirmed. "But I
only invited those brothers I knew would be interested in your topic.
Some of them apologized. I don't even know how many of them are in
our circle. We are not a registered association. There are only those
lists of names which the individual puts together himself, and since it is
open to each of us to call up lodge work and to introduce suitable
brothers into the circle, there is no overriding control. Sometimes
special circles are formed, which dissolve as soon as they have reached
their goal. This special freedom is important for our community not
only because we reject any kind of artificial hierarchy and regulations
from above, but also because we avoid the formation of a Lodge
Regregor who would then exert his influence from the subtle level.
Nevertheless, there is something like an inner circle in which most of
the threads come together." "Aha," I said, "so it doesn't work without
secret superiors after all." "We are not that secret," Emil said. "Some of
us are just very active and well informed. No one is interested in
gaining influence. The fate of the world is not steered by force from
outside, but by promoting a certain development from within. The
really great ones prefer to remain unrecognized in the background.
They do not fight, but support. They always try to keep an eye on the
balance and remain neutral themselves." "I understand," I said. "Our
way of thinking and acting is incomprehensible to many. They would
see in us a danger, even traitors. The grand lodge, the Church, the
Party, the corporation. I have seen that some of us are connected to
one of these institutions in profane life." "Exactly", Emil confirmed.
"Even our brotherhood casts a shadow, and depending on which side
the individual is on, he would always have enemies. "


"You will experience it when some of us show up and form the

"Esoteric Circle". They will be thrown upon them like the Inquisition
upon heretics. But we must distract from our true community. And
perhaps in doing so, we will meet some brothers who are potential
offspring for us. There are true seekers among freemasons too. That
they do not find too much in the lodges is not least in our interest. Or
do you know many hammer-wielding masters to whom you would
entrust the true secrets of their power? "I had never seen it like that
before, but Emil was right. Just as in the Catholic Church, the danger of
the abuse of the given magical power by the unworthy was far greater
than the salvation that individuals would bring about with it. "Cast no
pearls before swine," I quoted and was just able to prop myself up.
Berny had stopped abruptly in front of my house.ALT ST.
JOHANNExactly as described, I came 5 kilometers after the border to
the traffic light where I was supposed to turn right. A dead straight
avenue led from here across the Rhine valley. In front of me the Swiss
Alps were growing higher and higher and I had to stop at a railway
crossing. Although I had driven through from Vienna until now, I did
not feel very tired. Actually I wanted to take the car train, but
unfortunately I couldn't reach it anymore, it had all gone very fast. In
the middle of the night I got a call from Emil. "I've thought of
something," he said very excitedly. "You mentioned that the mountain
where the cave is located belongs to a chain of seven peaks that divide
the valley to the south." "Yes", I confirmed. "I see this landscape so
clearly before me, as if I had just been there." "Listen," Emil continued,
"I think I know this valley, I know it very well, I suppose. I was sent to
Switzerland after the war as a so-called holiday child, and the place
where I came corresponds exactly to your description. I even went to
the small village school there for a few months, we had to learn the
names of the 7 mountains by heart


Learn: Chäserrugg - Hinterrugg - Schiebenstoll - Zuestollen - Brisi -

Frümsel -and Selun. I still know the names today. And in Selun, that is
the last peak, there is actually a cave: the Wildenmannlisloch. I don't
understand why I didn't remember it right away, but some things seem
to come to mind only in my dreams: "On the phone my friend explained
to me exactly how I had to drive. He later, he told me, spent several
holidays there with his family: "Take your paraglider with you", he
concluded his precise explanations, after which I immediately found the
small village on my map. "There are excellent thermals there, the walls
of your magic mountains drop vertically on one side 1,9OO meters."
We were both avid flyers. I packed the same night. In the morning, I
cancelled all my appointments for the next fortnight and left. On the
way I got two strong lamps and a small spade. At 10 o'clock I was
already on the motorway. Now it was 6 pm. The barrier went up. Past
the fruit trees, which grew magnificently in this fertile landscape, which
reminded more of the south than Switzerland, I reached the pass road
10 minutes later. The road went steeply uphill in narrow bends, and
shortly afterwards I had a wonderful view over the Rhine valley. After a
sharp bend, the road narrowed and followed the slope into a wild
gorge. The road now ran to the right and left of the torrential torrent,
between spruce-covered rocks, and I could well imagine how difficult it
must have been to reach the high valley in the past. The rugged walls
receded and after a last bend, a picture came to me that moved me
deeply, as if looking into another world, a fairy-tale landscape spread
out before me in the golden light of the evening sun. lush, deep green
meadows were scattered far and wide, as if a giant had lost them from
a sack of toys here, the tiny houses, and seven snow-covered peaks
towered over the steep slopes, as if they were the guardians of their
happy inhabitants. Down below, a stream meandered, and the road
continued beside it through the valley. Some houses were grouped
around two churches, suggesting the village.
For the second time within a few days I had the feeling of coming home
after a long journey. This is my valley, I recognized immediately. Slowly I
drove the gentle slope into the village, which actually consisted of only
a few houses. All of them had the typical shingle cladding, and flowers
bloomed in front of the small windows. Also here time seemed to have
stopped. Even the newer buildings, such as the post office and a small
supermarket, fit harmoniously into the village, and now a cold beer, I
think, and together with the thirst, hunger and tiredness suddenly
came over me. I stopped in front of the Hotel Schweizerhof. There
were only a few cars at the parking lot, the winter season was over, and
it was still a bit too early for hiking. I took a beer to my room, and after
a shower I felt better again. From the balcony I could see the 7 peaks in
the last light of the setting sun, the lower slopes were already in the
dark shadow of the rising night. It was time for dinner, the restaurant
was very cosy and the menu exceeded my expectations. The Züricher
Geschnetzelte, with which I was served a crispy buttered rösti, made
me gratefully think of Emil, who had recommended that I eat at the
hotel right away. It really tasted excellent and afterwards I went for a
little walk alongside the brook. I had to get a thick sweater, because it
had become very cold. After all the place was already 9OO meters high.
The night was starlit, like when I fled into the cave, I remembered.
Would I find the box tomorrow? It had been over 6OO years since I had
brought it up there to safety from my pursuers, and I had not slept so
soundly and deeply for a long time. Outside, the first faint rays of
sunshine were already penetrating the ground fog, which quickly
dissipated into fine swaths and opened up the view of the mountains.
This promises good weather for today, I was pleased.

After I showered, I unrolled my little prayer rug for a short meditation.
With this gift from a Sufi Master, which I took with me on all my travels,
I was able to create my usual temple atmosphere everywhere in a few
moments, and then I hurried, because I still had a lot of plans for today.
After an extensive breakfast, there was an extremely rich buffet despite
the few hotel guests, I got myself a hiking map in the tourist office.
Willingly and friendly the man explained to me the best way to get to
the Wildenmannlisloch. "Are you here by car?" he asked me in the slow
and thoughtful manner of the Swiss, "then drive straight to the end of
the valley. Turn left at the petrol station and take the material cable
car. It goes up in an hour and you can still get there." Although he
obviously tried hard to speak High German, I had great difficulty
understanding the unusual dialect. "But", he continued, "you can take
the chairlift right here in the village and walk up to the top of Alp
Selamatt. It's a lovely hike." Then he looked at me and said, "You can
walk up there, you can do it in an hour." I thanked him and decided to
take the lift. I didn't want to waste any time. I quickly changed my
clothes and put the lamps and the small shovel in my rucksack. In a
side pocket I found a sun cream from last year, I would certainly need it
today. Then I bought some cheese and rolls and something to drink,
and a little later I floated up, it was very quiet between the tops of the
fir trees, only at the masts the chairs clattered over the wheels, I had
the forest for myself. The fog had completely disappeared, and a deep
blue sky offered a wonderful contrast to the white, snow-covered
mountain tops. Below me the valley opened up in its full length, and on
the opposite side the Alpstein massif with the 2.5OO meters high Säntis
rose. Even these peaks still had some snow, although they formed the
sunny side of the valley, and I was so immersed in the view that I did
not even notice that the trip was coming to an end. Someone helped
me quickly from my armchair and in front of me lay the wide high
alpine pasture, overlooked by the enchanting splendour of the 7
Churfirsten. Only now from the proximity I recognized that each
summit for itself represented an enormous mountain massif. From
here, a cable car led up to the foremost one, which was the highest.
The others seemed


sharper and more inaccessible. The long ridge of the last summit
stretched out
a little further into the mountain pasture and lay conspicuously in front
of me. The way was
so easy to find, a footpath seemed to lead directly to him.
Up here, I needed another vest. A cool wind blew from the mountain,
but when I walked I soon felt warm again. It was the first time in
this year that I went hiking in the mountains, and I enjoyed
tremendously. I felt that at this altitude one is surrounded by spirits
other than
e.g. at sea coasts, in the forest or in the cities. Even the people who
live in the mountains or love them like the mountaineers, have a very
a certain kind of natural openness, which is in the nature of
city dwellers are now rarely found.
I estimated the distance to the Selun at 5-6 kilometres. The meadows
...were a lot hillier than they first appeared. The path was winding -
past huge boulders through a romantic hollow, in which,
surrounded by pale green spruces that defied the height, a spring
gushed forth,
- up the slope, crossed a stream, which further up was still a waterfall
and then followed the course of the river in a large arc, which was
mountain massifs was given. I have never been through such a fairy-
I thought about it.
After a little more than an hour I saw my destination in front of me. The
path that
now rose steeply, led in a wide curve directly to the cave, whose
was already visible from below as a huge hole. But at the same time I
to my great disappointment that I was not alone. Only with difficulty
I suppressed the rising resentment when I heard the voices.
A whole school class was there, in a cozy barbecue area right in front
to light a fire in the Wildman's Lair. As is customary in the mountains.
I was greeted in a friendly manner.
"Grüezi miteineinand", I answered and put down my backpack.
One of the two teachers had just opened a book and explained the
of the cave. I approached curiously and immediately recognized the
division in the first third of the aisle and behind it the chamber in which
I had to lie in the box. This is the cave I was looking for, I thought.
now with absolute certainty, I've done it. Now I didn't mind
I'd rather wait a few more hours In the meantime, I decided to
to climb the summit. According to the information on a signpost, it is
possible to reach it in one and a half
hours. It is now 11 o'clock and therefore time


enough, I thought, and said goodbye to the young people. The

were safely away when I came back downstairs.
Soon I reached the first snowfields. But I made good progress,
because the snow was hard and gave a good kick. The ascent was not
and therefore not dangerous. I stomped thoughtfully in little
and at the same time was already in the cave in spirit. In a few hours, I
will be...
to take back the magical treasure.
Even though I was not fully aware of the consequences at the time,
I knew that this was a day of great significance in my life.
should be. I knew that certain occult objects and knowledge -
fate, as Meyrink described it - can gallop
Much faster than expected I suddenly stood on the summit. The sight
was overwhelming. Without transition a rock face fell vertically in front
of me in
the depth. Almost 2,OOO meters below me a lake glittered. Behind it
rose the
Glaciers of the three and four thousand meter peaks. Along the lake
one could see
Recognize the highway and villages.
From below a slight warm updraft was blowing. Further ahead, along
Wall, two paragliders, using the thermal, pulled their figure-eight loops.
Tomorrow, as I planned, I will go flying too.
I sat down on a large stone warmed by the sun and began
with the pleasure of eating my cheese sandwiches. In no bonnet
restaurant could
taste a little better. Soon the jackdaws were there too and caught
...on the flight over what I threw at them. I was satisfied and enjoyed
relaxed the
Sun. I wondered if Maria was sitting in the sun right now, too.
trying to reach her by phone tonight, she didn't know about my
hasty journey. After about an hour's rest I began the descent. The
I found the cave abandoned, the adventure could begin.
I walked only a few meters to accustom my eyes to the darkness, and
didn't snap until I could see the walls in the twilight, one of the
Lights on. There was dripping from the ceiling and it was cold. Luckily, I
still had...
I put on a tight anorak, which I now put on over my thick vest. At
With the light of the lamp I continued to feel my way carefully. The
ground was in places
slippery, but I was making good progress. Bent I passed the place where
cave, and soon after I found myself in the chamber.
It was all exactly as I remembered it. Still, I felt...
insight into the plan previously a great help, because I now knew where
I had to

...for the last two years. I found the corner right away, and when I
shone a light on the ceiling, I could
I actually discover the column above. The ground here was sandy, and
I found a dry place for the backpack, I climbed up.
Since I had to hold the lamp in one hand, it happened. My foot slipped
I lost my footing and fell into the deep. I just saw
nor how the lamp banged on the floor in a wide arc and went out, then
I lost consciousness.
When I woke up, I was freezing. My limbs were stiff, and I felt terrible
tired. I must've fallen asleep again, I'm dazed thinking. I remember...
me, that I'm in the cave, on the run - and the dream that I just
the fire, my execution, death. It was no dream, I know.
are after me and will find me, I can't give the Dominican
The Master's book and the relics, I still have to put them in a safe place.
my satchel with the box and the flints, I need light, must fire
It's pitch-black. I want to hurry, I'm scared, panic,
sliding on my knees, searching, taste, am I lost?
Then I am ashamed of my fear. The Lord leaves none to darkness, and
on my knees I fervently pray the psalm: "The Lord send his angel before
...that my feet may not strike a rock."
A flicker before my eyes intensifies, the glass angel stands before me.
On .
I recognize the narrow passage of the cave and my satchel with its ring
of light.
Dizziness seizes me when I rise - and only now I came back to
me. This is my backpack, not a satchel, and instead of the angel, I
Kupel, who floated gently to the ceiling, to where I obviously
had slipped. I'm not here to hide the box, I'm here to retrieve it,
I suddenly remember.
In the meantime I had found the other lamp in my backpack and
switched it on.
Shocked, I realized it was after midnight. I had to spend some hours
unconscious. With some tea I washed down a headache powder and
fortified me with a chocolate bar. Very quickly I felt fit again.
Kupel was still hovering 3-4 metres above me, I had to go up to him.
This time
I took a more deliberate approach. I placed one lamp on a stone so that
its beam
fell on Kupel, who, unlike ordinary ghosts, did not disappear, but the
artificial light reflected like a bird that was

Feathers in the water rustled, he seemed to like it. The other lamp, the
one for the
When luck was still working, I tied the string of my anorak around my
This time I also took the small spade with me.
Without any problems I reached the crevice. "Finally", Kupel grinned
relieved with
his big mouth, he seemed as pleased as I was. A few minutes
later I found the trough, moved the sand aside and pulled the box out.
It all happened very quickly and undramatically. Undamaged I came
downstairs and
I put my treasure in my backpack. The box was smaller, but a bit
than I thought. Ten minutes later I was already standing in front of the
cave. Also this
Night was starry, and the moon bathed the whole valley in its milky
Light. I could easily see the way. By 3:00, I was already in my bed.
It had been raining cats and dogs for hours. I could barely see the two
Recognize steeples from the village below, from the opposite
there was nothing to see through the rising fog. Sometimes small
veil of clouds directly in front of the window and intensified in me the
Out of this world.
In order to be able to devote myself undisturbed to my find, I had to go
to the
next morning I rented this holiday chalet, where I immediately felt like
I felt at home. It lay high up on the sunny side of the valley all to itself,
and the stylishly furnished low rooms of the converted old
farmhouse conveyed the cosy security of the atmosphere long ago
of times past. Originally the house was a cell of the monastery St.
and is said to have been a shelter for a Klausner in the last century.
have served. Then it was leased to farmers, and only a few years ago,
the chairman of the Tourist Office told me, did the priest of
Place renovated to rent it to tourists.
Supplied with the necessary food, I was happy about the quiet
Seclusion, where I wanted to spend the next few days.
A solemn mood seized me, when I finally put the small chest on the
...and I'm afraid that's not true. The candle I had lit as the thick clouds
covered the sky
darkened, flickered and suddenly seemed to give more light. Amazingly
the lid could be opened. Obviously the

mummified leather skin, with which the chest was wrapped, together
with the fine
cave sand, provide good insulation and protect the wood from damage.
To my relief I also found the contents intact. The first thing I did was to
lift the
silver double-axe out. The two crescent moons united to form a sun
not sintered, but only black oxidized. When I prepared it with the
silver polishing cloth, Hebrew characters and magical
Symbols visible. At the tip of the shaft was an elongated
Rock crystal pyramid, into which mysterious sigils were also cut.
Although the axe had probably never been used as a weapon, it was
well suited to
of the hand and immediately awakened in me the confident feeling of
Power. I felt the invigorating fiery energy into the furthest pores
flowed through me and gave me seemingly limitless power. Quickly I
put the
magic weapon away again. I never saw myself as a warrior or a ruler,
the energies of the cup would be more familiar to me.
To my surprise, this one wasn't silver as I remembered,
but of wood, which has been blackened by its old age and is now
The edges were chipped off. Only the plain foot with the smooth frame,
in which
the bowl was made of the precious metal. In spite of the unsightliness
a pure aura this sacred vessel, and while I am immersed in the dark
cavity looked, the cup seemed to fill, blue-green, unfathomably deep,
like the sea. A cool suction, like you feel near waterfalls,
refreshing, not threatening, grabbed me like a wave, released me, and
only with
Effort I resisted the temptation to surrender, to immerse myself in the
who has within himself all the power of feeling - longing - wishing and
the love for
seemed to unite.
Mary appeared - inside me - before me and looked at me in silence.
I only see the big dark eyes, which, like her soft voice, make me
had enchanted me. Eyes, which shine, but also receive - unfathomable
like a clear mountain lake, in the depths the secret wishes of my
mirroring, reflecting, reproducing, reviving thousands of years of hope,
because they -
Maria - knows all my dreams and returns them longingly.
This was not a shadow of my imagination, this was Maria, and she was
in this
moment closer than when she was actually physically present
would be. What unfathomable power this cup holds, I wondered.
dazed as the image of her faded.
Next, I examined the large, intricately chiselled Templar cross,
which, along with a long gold chain, heavy in my hands
was lying. It consisted of two parts and could be opened like a
medallion. I remembered
that the Templars, when they went to the Holy Land, placed a sacred
...hide. But in that cross I found a rose. To my amazement.
it was completely intact, and its velvety leaves looked as fresh as if
they are still in bloom. It was only when I touched it gently that I
noticed it was petrifying
was. I carefully closed the amulet and studied the external decorations.
One of them...
Page was entirely inscribed with Greek letters. On the other side was
a Christ visible, who, although hanging on the cross, did not seem to
suffer, not
nailed down, but floating, blessing his arms spread out as if he wanted
all over the world. The cross was not death for him, it was his throne
supported his limbs. Instead of thorns there was a round crown, which,
like a
sun, cut from a yellowish diamond, his head. I had the
impression that their flashing rays, which can be seen as engravings
over the
crossbars continued to spread to my room, penetrated my heart and
I was intimately connected with the crowned one.
An unshakable calm and deep peace filled me when I felt
reverently put the chain on.
Although I had known from my vision what was in the box
but then when the jewels were actually laid out in front of me, I was
overwhelmed by her powerful charisma. It was only now that I became
fully aware,
that a holy mission was attached to it, which I no longer shirk
could. I felt the burden of responsibility that was upon me. But at the
same time...
the sublime feeling of a true initiation, which was given to me with the
of magical objects. I suddenly grasped the true meaning
the ancient ritual formula which reads: " the special secret, secret
to me
...the power and might and strength of my office..." I didn't know yet,
what task awaited me and what office I had to fulfill in this world,
from which I had withdrawn. But I was ready.
The simple parlor had long since been transformed into a timeless and
spaceless temple
became. I clearly felt the presence of alien beings around me, which, as
personified representatives of otherworldly hierarchies attracted by the
had found a gateway to this world.


flashing colours that lit up the whole room, sounding like the sound of
of unknown instruments.
And again I realized that to escape the control of my consciousness
threatened. I hadn't even removed the glass plug yet. This is more than
a drug, I pondered and carefully began to use the resin with which the
was airtightly sealed. Afterwards, a slight attempt at rotation was
and with a jerk the stopper came loose from the narrow neck of the
I thought of all those occult novels in which the hero of the story
gets his hands on a vial like this and usually opens it without
permission. At .
usually the magic elixir then spreads a magical scent, and the
Neophyte falls into a trance and the evil spirits, who immediately
to the victim.
But nothing like that happened. No thunder and lightning frightened
me, the
Candle did not even flicker. I was a little disappointed to discover that
my red lion is
even completely odorless.
But then I noticed something unusual, it came out of the bottle cold.
As if a small fan was blowing, an icy cold breeze was streaming over
my face, stroking my forehead, and soon the room was filled with this
strange cold, but I did not freeze. I realized that the sensation
the freshness through the contact with the unknown medium that
surrounded me,
and to a subjective reaction of my subconscious
was. Only my forehead remained cool, and suddenly I remembered
at that time gently landed on my head and opened up another plane
for me.
"That's right," I promptly heard his voice, "the genie in the bottle, to
whom you
you will think right now, was also a cupola", and in fact I thought of the
Genie in a bottle, when suddenly Kupel flashed before me.
"So not only can you read minds," I greeted him, "but you can also
foresee future thinking - I'm glad you're here."
"To anticipate is not the correct term," Kupel corrected my statement.
"Even if every thought is there before you think it, it means that
not that you necessarily have it in front of you like a mirror image,
which in you
because you feel or see something specific. You always have freedom,
to pick out your own Vprstej]ungen and to combine them with the
invigorating ray of your
to illuminate consciousness. But knowing your knowledge makes it easy
for me
what you'll think once you open the bottle and
...then you'll see me. It's like a game of chess, some moves are
corollary of


previous, - and -" Kupel ironically ambiguously concluded his

instruction, "In the
most bottles are only programmed for one game anyway. By the way
you'd better put the plug back on, or you're gonna take off."
I followed his good advice and quickly closed the little bottle. "Is this...
a drug?" I asked, "what happens if you ingest it?"
"He wants to put it all in his mouth, and he should be able to do so
beyond the oral phase.
his," Kupel murmured. "You shall not eat everything," he then replied
loudly, "You
you've just ingested more than enough of it. This is a fluidic
Condenser of the Akasha and no liquor. You can use it - depending on
how you
use the elixir, - do a lot of things. I'm going to give you this
explain. But first, you should read the master's book."
I had completely forgotten. It was in the bottom of the chest.
wrapped several times with wax paper. As I unwrapped it, the sun was
completely under, and at the same time the candle went out. The night
was drawing near and
filled the corners of the room with dark shadows. Outside, the fog had
condensed and surrounded the house with the solitude of an island on
the sea of
Eternity. I was no longer of this world, but felt myself becoming
of those spirits that have surrounded me in silence for hours and
the more I became one of yours.
I sat down in the old comfortable rocking chair, set fire to the cosy
Floor lamp and began to read: The Master's Book ...


The Master's Book in the name of God.
Begun in the year of the Lord 1346, on the day of St. John
It was just before the vespers rang, when the angel appeared to me for
the first time.
I was not with the others in the chapel, but was still in my
cell, I heard a noise like a flock of birds and interrupted
scared my prayer. I stared spellbound at the spot in front of the
window, where in
the air flickered in the oblique incident sunrays, as in the
summer heat over smooth rocks and out of the sparkling light, which
waterfall gushed before me, the glass angel stepped.
He had big, kind eyes and looked at me in silence, full of love, so that I
I no longer felt fear.
After a period of time, about as long as it takes you to hit the 9O. Psalm,
he became
smaller and finally disappeared into the wall right in front of me. The
next day,
at exactly the same hour, the process was repeated. The angel came,
and this
Sometimes I felt as if he was trying to tell me something important, but
he disappeared in the same place before. That's how my
Angels a week, every day at the same time. Although he never said a
word to me
he became so familiar to me, as if we had known each other all our
lives, and I
always awaited him like a dear friend with great impatience.
But then he did not come for many days. I was very sad and lonely and
abandoned. So I decided to commemorate him by putting the cross
above my bed
was fastened to the place, which for him was obviously the gate into his
I've been in the world. But when I drove the nail into the joint above
the stone behind which he was
which had disappeared every time, it almost triggered itself
the masonry. To my great astonishment, there was in the cavity
which became free, an oblong box, which I pulled out and curiously
The contents made me shiver. The precious wood with silver and gold
small chest was made in the artistic style of the pagans and
as I could see at once, contained precious relics from the Holy Land.
I guessed at once that it came from the Templar who had been in my
lived. Persecuted by the lnquisition, he found refuge in our convent,
but the Dominicans soon tracked him down and he died torturously.
I was told that happened the year I was born. Since then.
nobody lives in this room anymore, because, the brothers thought,
here the spirit
of the dead man's haunting.
I was never afraid of it, and the abbot didn't mind when I
one day asked to leave this sanctuary to me. I was glad when I was no
had to sleep with the others in the big hall and to think undisturbed
to pursue spiritual contemplation. I loved being alone, even
when it was warmer in winter with the brothers downstairs. Since I
then this cell
inhabited, the spook was also over, the apparitions of the angel were
the first signs of supernatural forces I could sense.
Trembling, I spread the objects before me. The axe - the red elixir in
sparkling crystal - the cross - the black bowl - and the Baphomet, the
Head, the diabolical idol the Templar had to die for. At the very bottom
I found
some more closely written parchment sheets, which I wanted to study
immediately. There
something else shone at the bottom of the box, I almost missed it. It
was a
Ring, a simple hoop of gold. No stone, not even an engraving, adorned
smooth surface.
It wasn't until I tried to infect it that I discovered that its inside was
fourfold wound snake, on the back of which was chased in a regular
Distance four letters were engraved, one in each quadrant of the ring.
The ring must be ancient, the Greek symbols and the snake pattern
were hardly recognizable. I kept it on my finger. The other jewels
I carefully locked the box again and instinctively hid the box in my bed,
I didn't want to tell the abbot about it until later.
But a strange, leaden tiredness seized me and I fell asleep. Savages
Dreams tormented me, and I had to stay in bed for seven days.
Today, on the day of Saint John, who is my patron saint, my
Engel visited again. He appeared just as I was removing the objects
from the
the Templar's chest in front of me and opened the crystal bottle to
to examine the tincture. I could see him as clearly as the table in front
of me,
where I'm writing these lines. Thereby

it was translucent and shiny like the glass of the windows of our great
And this time he spoke to me. He said, "You have been chosen and
chosen, you
you shall save the people from the shadow that threatens them. I will
show you the way.
and I will guide you. Write down all you will see, but be silent
for now and not telling anyone your secret. Guard the sacred
instruments of
Power and train yourself in the power to use it." To that end, he
ordered me
to study the Templar's instructions. Before he vanished from my sight
he announced he was coming back.
Unlike on previous visits, the angel did not disappear today
behind the stone that I had meanwhile forced back into place,
but it dissolved right before my eyes.
His opening that I was chosen fills me with fear rather than joy.
But I feel relieved to know that he will be at my side. So I will
so prepare for my mission and faithfully follow the command of the
read the Master's book at once. It is still there, where I left it before my
I had put down the disease. Brother Hans, who nursed me, surely
thought it was
a work from our monastery library, where I usually spend most of my
as long as I'm not out gathering herbs or visiting a sick person.
The farmers of our county call me very often, they all appreciate my
Art. Most of my knowledge I have learned from the writings of the
learned. Their knowledge is far superior to ours, but I have mastered
Latin also the language of the Greeks, Jews and Arabs and know many
of their
A doctor like me, I think, and decide to light a fire in the fireplace
suddenly shivering. I felt as if I had been transported to an endlessly
three-dimensional magic mirror in which I stand like on a stage and
and at the same time I can see how I make fire.
How long have I been in this theatre, I think and realize that my
consciousness has again developed this quality for quite some time,
which is similar to
the elevation in the temple, like an all-pervading radiation, like the
Cold the water, freeze time and spin threads from it. On this
invisible web of light that lives like a

force field of infinity, to which space provides the support, hangs, I

recognize, my
Life - puppet-like - hangs everything, hangs the whole world.
Time has frozen into another dimension, has narrowed, condensed, has
glass hard, while the things in the room lost their contours, softly
bubbling bubbles threatened to dissolve. The pictures, they are
and nowhere, they dissolve, merge again and even become clearer,
because it has been re-alloyed on another level, poured into new
are. They picked me up, they took me with them and made me into a
as they were themselves.
Like the day before in the black darkness of the cave, my identity began
to flicker, spread out, and, without forgetting me, I also felt
as monk Johannes, who has the same box in front of him, thinks the
and writing the same words I'm reading right now. The fire is flickering
in the fireplace. The monk puts the pen out of his hand and begins to
read - I turn
to the Book of the Master again.
Only now did I realize that the pages before me contained different
have. The one part that obviously came from the Knight Templar was
more difficult to decipher and had some ancient parchment sheets right
at the beginning
whose faded Aramaic characters reminded me of the
of the mysterious roles of the Dead Sea Essenes.
The writing of John, on the other hand, was still well preserved and in
the form of
Diary entries written in the long-winded stem of his time. That I have
old cumbersome expression, where the paragraphs that make reading
were missing, yet well understood, was probably less my
studies, but rather to the fact that I myself once was a student of
I was the author of those lines.
Between the beginning of his notes on St. John's Day and the next
Registration had been three weeks ago. Apparently, he'd spent that
the Aramaic text, which he then cleaned up neatly and, as I later
even if the translation was error-free.
These were prayers, formulas and invocations of light beings. To
Fortunately John had also transferred the corresponding seals, because
the old
Originals have become so blotchy and brittle in the meantime that
today this is not
more would have been possible. Thus the oldest part of the written
of the estate for posterity. It is probably even the core of the
of the whole book. Because the following pages, which are again

the Templar, refer again and again to messages and

teachings that the Knight of Angels, who has given him
incantations have appeared.
Even when I quickly leafed through it, I could tell that it was there,
next to a description of the hierarchies, which are completely in the
tradition of
gnostic teachings were described, which were exercise instructions,
should make it possible to penetrate these higher levels. They were
special techniques of concentration, meditation and visualization
with the properties of the four elements as a basis. The goal is to create
to create a personal light body that obeys the spirit, like the physical
Similarly, as Bardon's modern Western hermetics teach today, the
four elements as foundations of being and their mastery as
prerequisite for any spiritual ascent. The word magic
but it's nowhere to be found. The power of the mind, which the
control over thinking, feeling, wanting and existence is always made
described as the firepower of light or the treasure of light. For a
Comrade-in-arms of Michael, the Templar writes, it is necessary to
obtain this power,
to use them in the fight against the shadow.
For this purpose, the tools of power are needed. They each form the
centre of the individual observations, collect the energies and are
at the same time also a gateway to that plane, which is connected to
the element
symbolically represent, participate.
Slowly I became aware of what a precious sanctuary I have before me
and what a tremendous opportunity it presented. The
was what I had searched in vain in thousands of books. I
realized that I finally held the key in my hands that would allow me
subtle levels, and was surprised by the
simple, almost scientifically sober "instructions for use" for
Application of the magic jewels. This understandable description of the
the way in which the secret findings are put into practice
you could easily follow.
In contrast to the long-winded style of John, the
The Templar's instructions were short, concise, almost militarily strict.
What struck me as extraordinary was that he didn't see the soul as a
single entity. He
she described as a sparkling dress that envelops the spirit and looks like
living body has limbs and organs, which also contain parts of the evil
salvage. These parts must be cleaned, transformed and rearranged,

to move them, and thus themselves, out of the reach of the dark forces
and into the
free. Only then is a safe passage through the spirit worlds
possible. Only who first climbs into his own soul world and talks about
her (his)
being learns to rule, gains power, also over other alien beings, over
Gods, angels and demons, to command.
It was fascinating to see how the pious monk increasingly expressed his
and the reservations against them, for him pagan, heretical, even
...of indecent practices.
The diary entries of the following months not only provided insights
his life, but also described his personal experiences and
progress he made in the course of his occult training. He
commented and corrected the instructions of the Templar himself
before he was
exercise began, and kept accurate records of the course of all
experiments and the personal teachings he received from his
Angel, who continued to appear to him, received
After four months, John was able to use the magic tools
and thus penetrate into higher levels. On October 23rd.
made registration:
"Today the angel has lifted me up to himself and placed me in his world
worn. He took me by the hand, lifted my spirit and my soul from the
Body, and I followed him. At first, I was deeply shocked when I saw
beneath me
because I thought I had died. But the
carefree ease with which I floated filled me with a
euphoric feeling of happiness, and immediately the body appeared to
me, which had been my an old sack that I didn't want to be stuck in anymore."
At first, John learned how to live without a physical body in
out-of-body condition. Through the preceding
exercises he was well prepared for it, and soon he managed to get the
to roam around the surroundings of the monastery.
Thereby he experienced a first big disappointment when he had to
realize how
most of the people, including the prince, the abbot and some of the
brothers he
particularly pious, behaved as soon as they were unobserved

But the angel forbade him to listen to others in the future, a

Prohibition that should cost the monk his life. "It is an unwritten
law," the spiritual leader explained to him, "to which all initiates
that they never use their special abilities to get into
to invade personal areas of others or even to gain personal advantages
from it
scoop. Just as little as one cannot go against the spiritual laws of
truth, justice and charity, it is necessary to get out of the
the subtle areas, the physical laws and barriers to
...respect and protect."
Over the next few weeks, Johannes will describe how, without his
body visits patients and gives them direct access from the spiritual level
Life force is being supplied. He does some miraculous healings, and
then when he was
one of the sick perceives clairvoyantly, he gets for the first time into the
reputation of a
Warlocks. He doesn't yet know what will happen next. He works
and is soon a perfect master in the so-called astral wandering.
Soon his angel opened to him that he could now take him deeper into
the spiritual planes
may introduce.
And again it should be a great shock for Johannes when he was
confronted with a truth that mercifully confronts the matter of the
physical world
veiled, the truth about your own being.
Today, he writes in his diary on November 19, the angel commanded
I should not, as usual, inhale the scent of the elixir before a journey to
the other side,
but instead rub a drop of it on my forehead.
I did as I was told, and when the wild whirlpool
I found myself in a dark underworld, which made me feel as if
and fear. At first I thought I was in my cell as usual.
woke up and wanted to get rid of my body. But instead of rising,
the ceiling rose above me, the walls of the room moved like scenery,
an endless expanse opened up in which I floated motionless. The time
stood still, I felt trapped and crushed by dead eternity.

Around me everything was lifelessly empty, I too, a part of it, was

lifeless without life,
a nothing in nothing in merciless solitude. The condition was more
unbearable than
the worst pain, and everything inside me screamed and bellowed, but
my howling
reverberated soundlessly unheard in the boundless universe.
Every demon, even the devil, would have been dear to me as a
companion, and
as if in response, the blank transparency condensed into a handy
Grey, from which dark shadows hesitantly emerged. The room grew
dimensions again. Contours gaped, surfaces shifted to rocks - stones,
Sand and desert formed - I seemed to have soil under me again.
And then they appeared. Out of every black corner, cave, crack, crevice
they came out.
Dwellers of the darkness poured out of the mesentery of a
underworld and wanted to rob me of the feast that finally supported
me again.
What I thought were rocks were the scales of piled up
hateful reptiles, which in eruptive pushing motion, like lava in an
Vulcan, fighting for their place. Out of their greedy throats...
waves of fire, blood-soaked bats and other creatures, to
to immediately rush to the thousand fear-widened eyes I have for caves
had held. Her unprotected eyes burst without going blind, and she
gelatinous content dripped pus yellow as a curling worm slimy
snakes and toad livers from the tattered holes, entangled - themselves
strangling each other - only to go limp in living decay from themselves
to give birth to other spawn of a merciless hell.
A sluggish stream of twitching limbs seeped into the stony
desert sand, which is nothing but a single mass
was the crushing bodies of bugs, crabs, spiders and insects.
And then I realized the horror: The agitated swamp where I was
I was, and everything that was disgustingly piled up
and surrounded me on all sides and harassed me as if I was,
like light to moths, their only aim in this nameless horror was
in me for a long time, and only through me did it awaken - it was really
out of me!
I wished for madness, longed for death. All that made me...
that would make me forget what was inside me, what was penetrating
more welcome than living with the knowledge that I am the creator,
indeed a
I am a creature of the essential creatures that made my body

Maggots, compressing nothingness for my pathetic

Build awareness.
"That's you", a powerful voice roared, filled me up, and from me
finally the cry of horror, of lamentation, the
a desperate cry for help in time of need.
I called upon the Mother of God: Blessed Virgin Mary, help me, O
merciful one.
And the miracle happened.
The silvery glow of a pale green light announced moonlike, the first
messenger of an invisible sun, of free life somewhere behind the steep
towering dark canyons.
A mild warm summer rain set in. Under the heavy drops loosened
the shadows rose and melted as if they were made of salt, to form
Bunch. Relief and gratitude gripped me, and those feelings supported
I am now, as horror held my consciousness captive before.
The lifeless landscape turned green.
Springs gushed out of rock walls. Rivers gathered, tore the
worms from the holes and washed the last of the parasitic
Wipe the grimaces. The desolate, barren desert covered itself with
Water, gentle waves of a lake washed around me refreshingly, took me
to new shores.
Radiant figures in light robes helpfully reached out their hands to me
...and peace and quiet transfigured my heart.
"That's you!" I was shocked to hear. How from far away from the
Deep inside of me the soft voice of Mary: "That's you!"
An airy lightness lifted me and my new surroundings
Heights. As if everything became more transparent, clearer, sharper, I
could see through it,
I realized and suddenly I understood what I saw. Although I was
floating, I felt
column-fixed support on all sides.
If one swallowed the other and then burst, dying,
the same disgust again - so it was now all over again
different. Here one supported the other. The small one filled in secretly.
Orderly gaps, the solidity gave the switch support. Instead of
decayed, life sprouted and changed everything into bigger and
more complicated organisms. Without the stinking detour of
putrefaction and
fermentation the lesser offered itself to the more perfect than humus,
and the
Mighty ones lifted the weak up to themselves without devouring or
...exterminate. This peaceful transformation has allowed every other

better, more beautiful, more powerful units are created, without the
to be excluded.
Each member consciously had a share in the whole. There was nothing
that was not
knew that it was and wanted to be what it should be.
That is you, rejoiced it in me and the echo came from all directions. I
recognized me as the world below and what was above. Nothing
seemed to me
Golden the sun rose. The fiery and vivacious
Rays and filled me with dynamic power before they, fertilizing
sank blood-red on the distant horizon.
And through the bright light my angel stepped
"Am I in paradise?" I asked him, but he smiled.
"No, you are not in paradise yet, and that before was not hell, it is
your soul garden, it's all still you. It's your thinking, your feeling,
your will and your being. It is the parts of your being that make you if they were separate from you. But the apparent
The life they lead is also your life. All of them fulfill through their being
an organic function in your invisible soul body, which is only possible
through their
positions can shape his body.
You just experienced it. You've been a nothing in nothing, you've been
floated disembodied in the eternal. First your fear, the primal feeling of
drew you pictures, filled the room, shaped your body. A horrible body,
certainly, and yet the first foundation for light and peace. The Garden
of Souls -
including the underworld that is hidden within - contains in all his
dimensions of life and the subtle materiality, which for your mind the
Form soul body in the afterlife.
What moves you in life out in the world is what moves here. What
...that's what sustains you here. And everything you ever give away...
it was compassion, your property, your money, flowing here in your
garden of souls, as a light and stream of love that carries the evil with it
washed away. The light beings that lifted you up were born from you
when you've even scared away the shadows of others who are suffering.
Conversely, everything that was taken from others is here visible as
worms and
disgusting maggots.
As often as you've judged harshly, one of those harsh
Scaly armour that rubbed painfully against you.
The bare wall that separates you from change in your inner world was
created and
has grown as you have closed yourself off to the beliefs of others.

And your preconceived opinions, these are the eyelike niches in the
from whose blind caves pus is dripping on you. Instead of looking into
strange worlds...
you look at yourself through them. Even that which makes you...
is from you. It's the shape of those pointy...
you like to make to your opponents.
Very few", the angel explained to me further, "consider what the words
they speak, cause. Language is the greatest power that God has given
You can put your thoughts into words and thereby in the consciousness
to evoke the same ideas in other people. You're reaching directly...
into another person's inner world and change their soul landscape. You
you are capable, as in the soul garden of another good or evil
can darken or lighten his inner world.
But no matter what you do, you're connected to it.
back. Because it was born of you, it remains a part of you.
All you see around you here are facets of your being, are parts
of yourself, which you will face as soon as you enter your
Inside you see. Now you are looking directly at your ideas, so
these entities as an environment, although they are actually the flesh
and bone of
of your soul.
For the mental images are different from the representations on the
ceilings of
Cathedrals. They are not captured on a surface, but they float
free in the room and can be viewed from all sides, even from inside the
can be viewed. You can slip inside them and they can tie you up or
displace. They live, because they are formed from you, are parts of you,
your being, which consists of consciousness, light and darkness. Your
is her life, and vice versa you experience yourself by looking at her
because she
...reflect you within yourself.
In doing so they develop a life of their own. They become clearer, gain
Power, the longer you look at them and give them your attention. The
roasted capon, which you always have to think about during Lent, is
just as
become in you and part of you, like that dark beautiful girl
Horniness after the example of the count's daughter in the sultry nights
of your
sin in front of your eyes."
I was terrified and deeply ashamed because the angel had touched my
most intimate
I knew secrets. I loved that girl since I once
...and I was very fond of it too. But the angel who...

followed my thoughts, reassured me. "Only as long as I was with you in

your soul garden, I can see the images, beings and forms that come
the fiery wheels of light of your emotions. Otherwise...
your thoughts for yourself alone, and only few beings are able to enter
the inner
of someone else's face. You'll learn, but first you have to
know and control your own inner world.
Because only the tamed and refined parts of your self will be able to other worlds of the soul and the land of angels,
to let ghosts and demons in. Just as you have to deal with the physical
your flesh body and orientate yourself, you will then be able to move
with your
Soul body wandering through the subtle planes.
Although the parts of your being seem to sway around you freely and
they take the bone and flesh from your soul. Though there is no skin
on the outside, but they are on the inside through the threads of your
Only now did I realize that everything around me was a fine web of
was connected. And even though I was disembodied, I had the
sensation of
each of these shining rays is like a pulsating umbilical cord
...I would grow out of me in different places. That gave me the
feeling of a corporeality, yes, it was as if I myself was being made out of
this light
and the elements, the beings, the forms, which are attached to it as if
on reins
hung, just filling in the gaps in me. I felt like
moment as the immovable center of everything that happens around
me, and as soon as I
found myself in the middle, I also recognized my outer limit. For what I
had found...
just as "outside" appeared, I grasped as content of myself.
The pulsating, glistening rays became an ordered branch of
Light that raised and supported my invisible limbs.
"God, you have prepared a body for me, to praise you," says the
psalmist, and he
must have meant this body of light and life. I understood the
mysterious saying: "And God divided his hosts, called the good to him
and expelled the wicked from his presence." Here I was like God, the
of my world.
"Yes," my angel confirmed to me. "From this all-encompassing feeling
of the center
you not only control the parts of your being, but also the


Beings that live outside of you as spirits, angels and demons. Only
humans are capable
to evoke this sensation in you. Therefore every being will follow you
when you let it out of the
Crossroads of your center. Take them only in the hand, the reins of your
fiery spirit.
You are still like an infant who uncomprehendingly fidgets on his
wriggling hands and feet
looks and does not understand that these parts are of his body. Only
when he needs them does he realize
he sees them as his limbs with which he can move himself and the
Just as you have learned to handle your limbs, you will learn to move
your soul parts to
to your will. To the same extent that you control yourself, they will
obey you,
they are, after all, the elements of yourself. Just as God divided the host
of His angels, the good to
called itself and rejected the bad ones, it is up to you to put the good
parts of your soul into your soul body
to bind yourself and rid yourself of those that disturb you."
But I couldn't let that center, which also gave me that reassuring feeling
of security.
...for a long time. After a short moment, which seemed like an eternity,
I felt
pulled me away again and woven myself into this net, the things, as a
limb and part of being.
I desponded and awoke dazed in my body.
2O. November 1346
Today my angel accompanied me again in my soul garden. Once again I
first experienced
the fear and then the change to a more harmonious environment. How
could I possibly
...of the vile parasites that dwell within me like demons. It seemed too
big to me
their power. They change from one evil into another, are intangible,
flowing, surging
into each other without hold and order, not to loosen, not to bind.
Most of them were against me,
threatened me, filled me with disgust, fear and terror. Even the good,
helpful creatures that
then appeared, came and went as they pleased, in and out of me. How
can these
phantoms be part of my soul?
My body, which consists of limbs and organs, of flesh and blood and
hard bones, which
are connected. There's a place for everything.


And again my angel said: "Also of your flesh body, which seems so
stable to you, but much
has more holes than you think, you only control the outer limbs, the
lives on itself, like the body of your soul.
Who will feed the blood and close the wounds? The heart, it beats on
its own. Is it you who...
the belly to drive the stinking garbage out of you, or the bowels of your
Following the urge to move, and yet for your own good. And even the
limbs and organs are not
in one piece.
You're made of much more bricks than the great cathedral. But while
the stones of the
elements of your body are in constant movement.
And it is only because these cells are alive that your body is alive. Even
the tiniest of these particles, which
are smaller than the sun dust, behave like animals, crawl, eat, share
multiply and then die. And each one of them is itself made up of
particles of pure power, contains more violence than any lightning.
You know as little of the life hidden in your flesh body as you do of the
spirits that form the essence of your soul body in which we are.
But you can also know your flesh body from the inside. The exercises
that you have done so far
will enable you to do so. Come, let's go back to your earthly world."
I felt a slight dizziness. The landscape faded, and instead I found myself
again between the familiar four walls of my humble convent cell.
I floated along the ceiling and was able to find my
Seeing bodies lying.
Suddenly it started to grow, or became smaller, I don't know, but in a
short time
it was so enormous that my head, over which I was standing, took up
the whole field of vision,
the nose stuck out in front of me like the first peak in the valley.
Gently I flew towards the left eye. The eyelid was slightly open like a
dead man's, and the
black hole in between glittered mirror-like like a deep lake.

And as I slowly sank into the strange water, I saw between the
Eyelashes, which rose like huge scaly tree trunks, strange animals on
Stomping spider legs around. They had trunks and horns and were
armored like
Crabs in the creek.
It all happened very fast, but so slowly that I was not able to follow
every change
and could follow movement exactly. I had no doubt
had dipped his own eye. I was inside my body, just as I was
was previously inside my soul.
The now following description of the journey through his body was
Had I not retrieved the yellowed leaves from the cave myself a few
hours earlier,
I would think the records are a fake.
What the monk described 6OO years ago was an amateurish but good
observed description of the cells and microorganisms, which he
described as the smallest living
the building blocks of his body. He looked into a world that has only
today become
field of operation for molecular biologists and microsurgeons.
Without ever having looked through an electron microscope, Johannes
distinguishes in
his report between angular "beasts" (intestinal cells), spherical ones (fat
cells), and
elongated (muscle cells) - he calls them all "little animals" - which
grow and multiply or burst and other "predatory beasts"
(macrophages) are eaten. He observed exactly their
"fidgeting before her death" (apoptosis) and even takes a look inside
whereby he again finds "new life" (lysonomes, ribosomes), which
"around the head
(cell nucleus), "which is not on the outside, but inside the bladder, like
Toad spawn" swimming around.
But he penetrates even deeper into the microcosm of his body and
enters worlds
which are not even accessible to our modern research today. He
finally describes the atomic structure and then the pure, from "angel-
Being animated" etheric life force that seemed to flow from the "inner

"Gently I floated," he writes, "bodiless as the glimmer of a ray of light

into the infinity of a universe that opened up before me in a splendour
Glory such as I had never seen before. Thousands of stars flashing,
like wheels of fire, raging fast, entangled, interwoven to glisten
Formations that appeared rigid because my gaze could not follow the
rapid course.
A gentle steady stream of light and life force, which, like mist from the
steamed, filled the endless rooms up to the farthest corners with his
mysterious liquid luster. I felt pleasantly washed and soaked with
these waters, which formed themselves into angelic beings, like veils of
mist, dissolved again
like blood in my veins, and followed the invisible gentle compulsion,
who directed my levitation. I would have liked to know through which
Worlds my angel led me."
"This is your body", I immediately heard the answer to my imaginary
question. "You
you see him from within, just as you have seen your soul from within
before. Try .
not understanding what you see, you can't grasp it, but look around
And I realized: "These were not mental images or forms of my
were beings, visible, tangible, solid, that formed my body. Without
My body is made up of these little creatures that eat each other and I
live on it. Disgust seized me, but I understood now also the structure of
my soul better.
The body is solid and alive, therefore also its parts are solid and alive.
My soul
on the other hand is a subtle mind, which thinks and feels and wants
something, therefore
the essence of my soul little spirits that want to think, feel and
But then what am I, I MYSELF, Johannes? Who am I? While I was
my mind slipped away and the stream of life spirits took me away. I
found me floating under the blanket again, but a strong force pulled me
back into
my body, where I awoke dazed and depressed.


Sunken, I gazed at the old manuscript before me. "Who am I", - this
question of mankind, even today, 6OO years after I wrote these lines, I
can still
always not answer.
However, the simple considerations of my former incarnation moved all
logical conclusions into a completely new light. John was right!
Just as the limbs and organs of the body are formed from living single
and in its entirety a superior organism superior to the individual parts
the subtle body must also be composed of individual cells, limbs,
be. The soul is just as little made of one piece as the body is, yes
probably is
their anatomy and physiology is far more complicated than that of the
So what's left when you think of the body as not being there? That
which is the essence of the
human being, is his thinking, feeling and wanting, without which a
consciousness cannot
seems conceivable. All perceptions on which the consciousness was
based are
is linked to at least one of these mental functions.
If one now considers the structures of thinking, feeling and wanting as
soul organs
thinks, then the individual thoughts, emotional and drive impulses
would be the subtle
living cells of our invisible bodies. That these cells actually act as
Everyone experiences beings behaving as soon as they try to control
them. "My soul is a
Spirit and therefore consists of little spirits," John concluded quite
This results in a completely new psychology. Abstract terms from
psychoanalysis, like
e.g. reflexes, shadows and complexes, would therefore not be
pathological excrescences,
but concrete parts of the soul, which show a self-preservation instinct.
Even the esotericists must rethink. For the so-called elementals are,
according to
experiences of John, no freely buzzing thought bubbles, but
fulfil the function in the subtle body, which in the gross body the cells
have. They are the living spiritual building blocks, which in their
interaction have a
spiritual organism as a carrier of consciousness.
There is no reason to doubt the correctness of the monk's observations.
Nothing he describes contradicts the modern scientific
knowledge. He describes the mites on the eyelids true to life,
correctly between different cell types and clearly interprets certain
biochemical processes.


It even provides insights into the microcosm of the molecules. When he

talks about
"angelic beings", which have emerged from a "water of light" (life
reports, I would like to also include this information, although, unlike
other discoveries are not scientifically verifiable as credible
Evaluation of observation and not dismiss it as a hallucination.
These strange beings in-between, which emerge from the "glowing
mist", the
from the "suns", condensed, may well mark the transition from the
to the conscious form of the mind. Presumably this is the case
around the elementary cells of the so-called ether or life body, because
John surrendered to this stream of "spirits of life" that washed around
him and
penetrated, he disengaged from his physical body and found himself
Ceiling hovering again.
But that would mean that the materialists are right when they claim
that the
Spirit arises from matter. At least here on Earth, that would be true. An
A completely new world view opened up for me and made me shiver.
In fractions of seconds I had the vision of a universe with millions
inhabited planets, from which, released by living beings, the life force
for gods
and demons are steaming.
The following entries in the diary seemed to confirm these
I did not yet know that I was about to uncover the secret that not only
...but also to my fate. Clueless and tense
I read the report and, following his lead, I became involved
a world of horror, whose reality would soon be more meaningful to me
everything in the physical world. Had I known what to expect, I would
probably threw the yellowed leaves into the fire. But one
invisible power forced me to keep reading.
December 9, 1346
I was in the land of the spirits. I have left my inner world and am in the
of the gnomes.
Before that, my angel explained to me what I had to do to get there.
I, as always before a journey to the inner worlds, my forehead


with the elixir, he ordered me to put a drop of it in a cup with

to mix and drink the measuring wine.
This time I woke up immediately in the peaceful fertile landscape,
without having
to have to pass through the decaying underworld of fear.
On light-flooded green slopes strong vines grew. In the distance
a stream glittered. Slowly I floated towards a mighty mountain massif,
the other hill like a watchman and like an insurmountable border the
country seemed to be closed off to the outside world. Near the highest
peak I discovered a
dignified stone house. It was, like a square fortified tower, built firmly
into the rock, and
three round windows, one on each side, provided an uninterrupted
view into the
endless vastness. In front of the house I was waiting in a small square
Rose garden already my angel.
"You overlook your master's vineyard from here, where you reap what
you sow
säst', he solemnly opened to me, 'but it is still part of your soul garden,
and everything you see is part of you, anatomy of your mind and soul."
I was disappointed because I'd hoped we'd already reached spiritland.
"And you," I suddenly asked, doubting everything, "are you even a part
of me
and no angel at all?" It was a long time before my companion
answered. As if he had to
he slowly explained:
"Even what you see of me now is already an element of you. Because
The image that you have of me takes place inside you, here in your
inner world, and
like everything you think and feel becomes a piece of you. Like out
there in the
material world a tree stands before you, but the image you have of it is
the image you
...and perceive me in you, I am also an image of me in you. Just as the
reflected in the water and seemingly newly created, you see me as a
reflection in
of your inner world, which forms according to your thinking.
A smooth stone will reflect the sun differently than a rough rock, which
can only reproduce the brightness and cannot draw any contours at all.
In the same way, your faith and your thinking form in you, from your
To be, a living image of me, but one that is more in accordance with
your opinion and
less like my true reality. Just as a shadow appears after
unevenness of the ground on which it falls, distorts
mental images and thereby become

altered replicas of their
origin, depending on the ground of consciousness
they are illustrated.
My image, that's what's being created in you, based on the personal
nature of your
Thinking, to a glass angel. Someone less pious than you would be
might perceive me as a clear bullet. But that doesn't mean
only exists in your imagination. I'm a person outside of you as well.
independent being. The image of me inside you, it serves me merely as
a dress
to show me to you in such a way that you will recognize me. Through
this image...
I'm connected to you, can talk to you and inspire you, just like you,
as soon as you'd put it on, you could get close to me.
So it is with every other part of your being here inside you. Anyone
could have you, and the
most do, as long as you give yourself to them, draw with them to their
example. The
Parts that you do not control, those can move you, those can change
you, consciously,
they'll take you wherever you want to go.
Much of what lives here in your soul garden does not originate in you.
A part is planted in you by light powers, a part grows out of the
Shadows. It's up to you who you're open to, in which direction your
for which Lord you reap, because the ground on which his shadow falls
and his likenesses grow, nurse."
Slowly, I began to understand. "Does it mean," I asked the angel, "that
if I am
I give myself, for example, to the fuller! or unchastity, be it in thought,
word or
not only my spiritual parts of my being press me, but through them I
with the real Hellfire lust demon?"
"Exactly," my spirit guide confirmed, "even more so once you've seen
his mirror image
enlivening parts of your being with your devotion, you also strengthen
them with your life force
and you are interwoven with your being into his endeavor as if you
yourself were a
Part of him.
Luckily, this also applies to the good parts of him and all the powers
that be behind
stand, it's up to you to decide with whom you want to communicate
through what you think - feel -
Want to care, connect. You build your own bridges to the country that
is outside
of your soul garden. To get out of the

To look out of the garden, to reach out, to get out, you must first pass
by that which envelops you, which is the essence. Then you must use
And depending on which part of your being you leave with, you will
...kingdom that corresponds to this being you follow."
The angel explained to me that even the parts of the soul like limbs and
work together. Just as nature shows itself fourfold, in fire, water, air
Earth, and as the body is divided into four parts, into a l upper body
with hands,
through which one takes and gives, into a lower abdomen with l feet on
which one walks
and stands, in a belly that keeps you alive with your insides, and in the
head, from which one can overlook and direct everything, so has also
subtle body four soul members with very specific functions.
"We stand now", my angel continued, "on what is solid, stable and
and which therefore supports and protects you, just as the skin and
bones and the
Torso on which the whole body rests. It is the earth of your soul. It is
basic material, because it gives order and shape through its resilience
and all
change elements are united in themselves, hold together. Above the
swamp, from the
mud of the shadows raised fertile hills, and your house rests like a
a solid floor.
It consists of the lime of the crushed bones and scaly armour of those
terrible parts of your being that once beset you and that you fought off
victoriously. Timeless times have all your hardships, your suffering, the
shame and the injustices you have endured and all the sins that have
conscious willpower and right thinking have died in you, piled up to this
that we're standing on. Here is the quiet place, the firm security that
holds your being
and outlook.
Only from here can you leave your world unharmed. Would you leave
through the
swamp into spiritual worlds, you would go straight to the hell
underworld get there.
The house before us, it's your work. Inside is the first gate,
through which you can leave your world. The stones with which it is
built consist
from the bound power and strength that you gain from overcoming
negative've spent.


Whenever you've managed to overcome your laziness, if you've worked

hard, honestly
and conscientious if you could resist a temptation,
when you have sacrificed, a part of your soul has taken root in you in
the form of a living
stone crystallized out, which now gives strength to the walls of your
"Go in now, explore the bowels of the earth, go!"
V. I. T. R. I. O. L.
As soon as I crossed the threshold of the house, a
numbing silence. It was like the deepest tomb beneath our monastery,
not uncomfortable, but touching, serious and peaceful, like the sublime
and security in the chapel when you pray there alone.
Despite the three windows, however, the room was filled with a
strange, dense, almost
the tangible twilight, which paralyzes me as leaden fatigue
and laid my mind. Just a mysterious, invigorating light that shines in tiny
Drops from a red-yellow lantern sank gently from the ceiling,
penetrated me
and seemed to loosen even into the thick stone blocks of the floor
below me
to soak in.
Even the shadowless matt-shimmering objects around me were of the
magical light, but floated or hung in it like the
Particles of turbid matter float in stagnant water.
Gradually I got used to this extraordinary atmosphere and looked
...around. It wasn't me moving my limbs in space, but the
environment moved past me as I wished. Things removed
or moved closer together as soon as I turned my attention.
Everything seemed so familiar, as if I had lived here for years.
Familiar was the skull on the windowsill, the cross, the hourglass,
trusts the flasks, crucibles and retorts and all the books on the wall
On chests and workbenches lay hammers, pliers, chisels, files,
tools used by blacksmiths and stone masons, and I
immediately knew how to handle and use these devices.


I recognized everything, but not in the way you would remember

anything from before.
but as if you were looking for a dream in your true
Reality awakens. I knew exactly, here I live, here I live, no matter,
wherever else I go, this is my home.
Only now did I notice the old man. He was sitting at a chunky
oak table and had my back turned. In front of him on an
Reading support was a thickly bound book, next to it a well-ordered
Protractor, a compass, charcoal pens, writing utensils and paper. At his
a small fox and a mighty lion, who is peacefully dozing next to each
winked at me in boredom.
The old man, I knew he was as much a part of me and my life as
anything else.
others around me. A gentle force pushed me near him, and
Without transition I dived into his body and merged with him. Click!
a door that falls into the lock, I snapped and suddenly had a body again
and limbs.
My situation changed abruptly. The paralyzing pressure
disembodiment was previously enclosed like a restricting armor, I felt
now as a stable support, which surrounded me comfortably and
protectively from all sides.
I grew together with the living flesh of the room without
to lose personal physicality. At the same time it became brighter, as if
Lantern above me spread more light.
Out of the open book before me flamed, firelessly corrosive, like black
the words:
and burned themselves into me. And from unfathomable depths a
voice was heard
and repeated what was written in the big letters in front of me: "Go
into the earth, purify,
"refine, order and join their parts, and you will obtain the hidden
I had to obey the order. The path that leads down to the deep was
I know. Determined, I got up from my chair, grabbed the lantern
and walked with firm steps towards the door, which was in the back of
the tower.
was cut right out of the rock. I knew that it was actually
was a bricked-up archway. But the magic light from my lamp
every single stone into a glistening clear crystal and made the gate to
a shiny mirror that reflected my image a thousand times before I


At the same time, something inside of me is bursting. I had the

sensation of
a thousand images themselves into a thousand splinters, but I did not
but all my parts were put back together again in a secret order.
I crossed the boundaries of my world and entered the land of the
The massive rock offered me just enough resistance as if a light gust of
touched me. The weight of the heavy rock masses above me felt like
safe element through which I could glide like a fish in water. The empty
Space, on the other hand, no longer offered me a foothold and became
an obstacle
could not be overcome without bracing. Only in the rock could I spread
with the densest places giving me the widest view. I fumbled
paths through earth and rock, gliding along the hidden veins of ore,
which I perceived as
glittering paths and the different crystals, which are used as
Caves, joints and niches connected the solid mountain by clearing it.
Everywhere there was bustling activity. At first I took them only very
out of the corner of your eye, true. But as soon as I get completely still
and motionless
the scurrying shadows condensed into little gnomes, all of whom were
were engaged in any kind of activity.
Although I was among them, no one paid any attention to me, and I
so I decided to take it up with the dwarf who was closest to me.
"Who are you," I asked curiously, "what are you digging for?" With a
Beat died every life around me.
The industrious, agile beings froze, disintegrated and merged with the
fading light into a cloudy mist, which became denser and denser and
made me
threatened to suffocate. The weight of it lay heavily on my chest.
Deadly cold crept into my chest.
my bones and lamed all my senses. I was helpless in the mountains
trapped, embedded like a gnat in the resin, unable to move.
Then I heard very softly, as if from far away, but at the same time inside
me, a bright
"The lamp, pick up the lamp!"
With my last ounce of strength, I grabbed the yellow lantern I had put
Immediately my spirits were awakened again. Her appearance provided
me with a
space that let me breathe, and in the beam of light I could see one of
the gnomes
He was taller than the others and when he noticed that I was looking at
him, he came slowly
closer. His lamp shone much brighter than mine, and in her

The cave also seemed to be reviving. The hustle and bustle of the small
Gestalten began again.
"You must never forget the lantern in our kingdom," he greeted me.
friendly. "Your light is your life here. - "And you should have patiently...
have to wait for someone to talk to you. But it's not until you get the
Land of the spirits really safe." The little boy looked at me questioningly
raised his eyebrows: "Where is your ring? He identifies you as
an initiate who has come full circle."
The ring of the Templar. Shocked, I realized that although it was
my angel demanded, forgot to put it on.
But the kind gnome reassured me. "I know you. I have
I have been waiting for you for a very long time, and I'm going to make
protect and guide. But beware of those who kill, never enter the realm
Shadows without that ring."
Then he handed me a red pointed pointed cap. All here
wore this bonnet on their big long heads, and when I put it on
and looked at me in a smooth rock crystal, I realized that
my appearance no longer differed from that of the underground
"My name is Andimo," the Earth spirit imagined. His eyes flashed like
two gems, but the view was friendly, and the countless small
Little wrinkles revealed that he liked to laugh.
Then he knocked three times with his long shepherd's crook in a very
rhythm - short - short - long - to the rock, whereupon this
shared. But it was not as if a door was opening, but the
the whole space around us changed to such an extent that I had the
impression that
the earth and all that was hidden beneath me in its depths
and spread it out in front of me.
Andimo beckoned me to follow him. Everywhere we went, they
brought him
the greatest reverence. He must be a powerful king, I thought, and he
confirmed to me that he can control the whole thing, because he
controls everything
and knows, but desires none of it for himself.
"In our world," he explained to me, "everything you can find
...but what you want to keep for yourself disappears. Thereby
we live from what people tell us through their thinking, feeling,
Wish and do. Whoever is conscientious, honest, hardworking,
is modest, modest and reliable, he transmits us from his
Being what we feed on. In his soul garden the
Earth and gives us material for our kingdom. Therefore we support him
and his


parts of the being and through our work we can cover the whole earth,
with all that
above grows and thrives, preserved. The crystals, the ores, the plants,
the heavy force that keeps you down is a result of our work."
"You need us, and we need you." Then Andimo sighed and became
serious. "Sadly, more and more of her movements feed the shadow,
and it gives
nothing back. Laziness, greed, lies, stinginess, sloppiness
Injustice is his food. You know how many Human Beings
the fertile soil of their soul garden, nurture these very parts of their
being. You
prefer to harvest what grows there, where the shadow falls and where
The seed of Baphomet sprouts and bears fruit."
I wanted to learn more about the dreaded shadow, but Andimo
didn't know much about this unknown power himself.
"He is the prince of the world, yet no one knows him. We are all...
spirits, including you," my friend stressed, "but the shadow and its
helpers are
excluded from our essential world. Without spirit, however.
not live.
Only a spirit can reflect and know that it is. Therefore the
Shadow by others and binds everything that is to itself. He is thereby
bound and bound and experiences itself only in what can be bound by
The one who opens himself to him lets him enter into himself. Thus
Baphomet wins more and more
Power over people. He lies down on their spirit, sucks in the warmth of
their souls
and in the end even expels them from their bodies. But nobody notices
it. No one can see through the shadow from the outside. You have to
go inside it...
penetrate and merge with his bodiless being, but only one who
can free himself from it again. Never is a
Shadows became light again. His life is death and yet", continued
Andimo, pensive, adds, "it is the foundation of existence. Without him
there would be
no life. It's the same mystery as God. I cannot fathom it,
because I will never experience it", the last one said Andimo more to
himself than
to me. "Come," he ended abruptly, "I'll show you what I understand
can. Let us begin in your soul garden."
Without turning back, we were suddenly back at the gate,
through which I had left my tower. As before, the sparkling
cut crystals no resistance when passing through, and as soon


we found ourselves back in that mysterious but familiar room. I

hung the lamp back on the ceiling, and Andimo showed me that this
the outermost wing of an entire castle, which
was built into the mountain. Each room contained a different
mystery and, as soon as one penetrated further, opened up insights
into the world of
Gnomes that could be seen working from here.
"The humans have," continued the Earth spirit, "so that they can
feed their bodies. Your gross flesh body lives on
Food you eat. Your ethereal being body feeds on
sensory impressions and imaginations and of the ideas that come from
Feelings grown.
Think your body away. What does that leave you with? Your feelings
and your...
Thoughts remain. In the flesh, you have them within you. Without a
body like now,
and even in your dreams, where your body sleeps, you have them
around you." Andimo
pointed to the landscape, which we overlooked through the windows in
front of us
could. "Once you are without body, you will awaken here in your soul
Actually, it's a bubble in which you find yourself, as well as your
thoughts and
Feelings you're looking at as the eye in the sky. The flesh and blood
of your true nature are your thoughts and feelings, which
at the same time wrapping it up like a dress. How did they grow up on
you? How did
are they coming?
Through the sense organs of your body you take impressions from the
outside. Like food, these perceptions are transformed within you
ideas and feelings, and you let them flow in your mental and physical
Inside as feelings and thoughts free again.
They are through the impressions you have made in your body,
was created. joy, peace, hope, fear and lust, they grow out of the
sensations and reflect the model to which they owe their creation.
Everything you have ever felt, seen or heard through your body,
becomes a spiritual element and part of your subtle body,
as the bread that you eat and the wine that you drink, to the flesh and
of the solid body. The flesh and blood of the soul are your thoughts and
They form themselves into pictures, enliven your inner environment
and carry you here,
the way the limbs of your body carry you outside. That's what your
Angel has already explained.
But now pay attention," said Andimo in a raised voice. "The bodies of
Angels and demons consist of feeling just like your body


and thought elements. But they lack the carnal body that would give
parts of the being procured as food for the mind. The spirits have no
body, with
they could create elementals from, and therefore they need people.
They live on what people transfer to the spiritual level.
How do you get milk and honey? The cows give them to you, and the
Bees gather the sweet nectar for you."
Andimo paused, his whiskers on his chin shaking with excitement. "You
People do not know: In the vineyard of the Lord not only work
Friends of God. Many of you are fattening geese for the demons." He
shook his head uncomprehendingly: "You care about earthly goods
"than what is constant in the spirit world that is yours.
I was startled. "Then we humans would be the ghostly milking cows of
the spirits?"
"Exactly," Andimo confirmed. "The spirits take what they need to live.
from your soul bodies. They feed on whatever you can find
brings ideas, moods and feelings into consciousness, and they push
you, to think, feel and want what is in her nature. The
The anger demon provokes anger, the lust angel wants pleasure, the
spirit of peace wants make you harmonious. It's up to each man to decide which lord
...his soul garden, whose sheep he tends."
"You need not worry about yourself,"
Gnome King. "You serve the good and true spirit of the Holy Church.
It has been the last bastion against Baphomet.
But its walls waver. She is in grave danger, and with her, all those who
support them. For the deeper the spiritual lights of truth, justice and
Charity sinking into the selfish mire of the earthly, the higher
the shadows of the soulless bodies grow. Take over in the darkness
then Baphomet and his powers fully the bodies of men, and your
Sex goes out like a flame that has nothing to burn. The Lord of
World gives nothing back of what he has taken."
I was horrified by that opening. "What can I do?" I asked.
determined "to prevent the terrible thing that threatens? I am ready to
To sacrifice life, how can evil be destroyed?"


"The dark forces cannot be defeated," muffled Andimo

my exuberance. "Only the individual can break their power
...overcomes within itself. Go and preach, so that as many as possible
may hear this fight, which is a
is fighting with himself. The demons beyond your own
No one can defeat the creature, but each one is called to conquer it on
his own
to beat the inner battlefield.
Every weakness overcome, every suppressed selfish impulse, every
controlled instinct, each temptation resisted is a partial victory over
Baphomet and weakens the shadow, because with it parts of beings
would be dissolved.
Evil would have triumphed long ago if the forces of
light could have caused some people to resist. The shadow is just
so strong when people are weak. He seduces without violence and
masterly his intentions, even disguising himself as an angel of light
and lets his earthly henchmen act as servants of justice.
Centuries span his plans. It's a race against time, whether the
human race succeeds in growing beyond him before he can make them
dominates that they can no longer detach themselves from his earthly
His knowledge is unlimited. Those whom he does not treat with worry,
fear and suffering
he will shower them with prosperity, because this will lead to the
Mental powers that could raise them wither away. A _carefree_life_
and comfort lets striving for light urvd _ perfection.
as well as bitterness and hopelessness
"You, John," said Andimp solemnly, "have been chosen to fulfill
thwart. You possess the magical weapons and the secret formula that
will allow you
access to his hidden shadow empire. You have the Baphomet,
on which his cursed signs are written, with which you can quote him
you can move his empire. You have the axe of absolute power
you the threads of his nets, the umbilical cords of his infernal spawn,
that can cut through the worlds as dark entities.
But before that you have to cut your own shells, which at the same
Borders and shells of the worlds beyond are, penetrate.
In the earth we have been now. Go through the water, through the air,
through the fire. Then you will be purified and equipped for the ascent

into the high spheres of light and into the shadow worlds, which give
the light
Give me room."
As a farewell gift, Andimo entrusted me with a secret word
to the human world. For this purpose he gave me a symbol
hand in the air if I wished him to appear.
"Write down everything you experience and learn here. This book of
Formulas is only for you, and you must do it in the western castle leave." He pointed to the thick, leather-bound ribbon that still
was on the table. VITRIOL, the first letters of the words that were
...and they lit up in front of me again.
Andimo said goodbye, raised his hand in greeting, and I began to
write. The fox and the lion, who had dozed at my feet, stretched
their limbs. I must have fallen asleep at some point. I only woke up
in my monastery cell the next morning.
The reading became more and more captivating and read like one of
the modern
Fantasy novels. That these were actual events
was particularly exciting for me.
I turned back to the diary. Unfortunately the following
Entries mostly unreadable. Water stains and black
Mould had eaten large holes in the sides.
This much I could get out, however, the monk describes in the
following days his visits to the 4 elements. I leafed over the heavy
text to be deciphered. The night was already far advanced, but the
the mysterious world of John held me in its spell.
2O. December 1346
This time I was glad when I awoke back in my body. That which...
I hardly dare write it down. There must be a
The devil's deception. And yet, I know I have the future
of humanity. I was in the temple of the prince of the world,


that upsets and disrupts the plans of Divine Providence, and

changed. I've seen the adversaries at work and I've seen their
successes in the realm of the shadows.
At first I was surprised. Nothing seemed different there than in my
soul garden or in the land of good spirits beyond the threshold. Also
here I saw trees, meadows, fields and houses where people
It wasn't until I saw one of those shrubs with big, red-cheeked apples
on it
grew, touched, I felt that its dark green leaves were not
...cold and had no life in them. They attacked each other like
and when I tried one of the fruits, it was as if I was
Snake skin and musty down feathers bite.
But the inhabitants didn't seem to notice. They went, like
we, according to an activity and were not of normal earth inhabitants
to distinguish between the two.
The creatures of the darkness were not slimy monsters, like me
I expected. They resembled humans in everything. But suddenly...
I'm horrified: They were reflections from the earthly world. They were
reflections from the earthly world.
the phantoms of sinners, in whose bodies
Baphomet's shadow schemes.
The lifeless landscape changed rapidly. Depending on how much
I was interested in it, places and villages glided past me, so when
I would travel in a flying coach. One place attracted me, it was
The holy city was like a cesspool of sin. Bishops hoarded, whored.
and ruled and did worse than the pagan sultan in the holy place
Land. Where is the pope?
Even as I thought, the environment changed in a flash.
I saw the Holy Father in Avignon. He too has given shelter to the Evil
and asylum. It was with horror that I realized what is happening here in
the name of
is ordered by God, no longer happens at the command of the Lord. The
Antichrist rules the fate of the world.
As if to confirm, the place changed and took me with it. An
invincible power sucked me into its spell and chained me
infinite timeless expanses that are impenetrable in themselves
were closed.
In the center was, in a huge black crystal
Temple of Power. A meeting has just been held, and I
I was in the middle of them.
Despite the impenetrable darkness, I was able to
to be perceived by those present. As with a thousand groping feelers,
like strings of a
instruments were struck, I covered the whole room. I could talk to
hear with your eyes and see with your ears. Buzz - buzz - buzz - buzz -
mercurial flickering, the magical tones filled the unholy
sanctuary and drew every detail razor sharp, memorable as
Arrowheads of trumpet sound into my consciousness. This pitch-black
was like a shrill game of crickets through the moving folds of the
caused when one of the dark figures moved.
A thousand times they mirrored each other in their silky smooth
robes, and the fragments of her pictures whirled as living reflexes
sounding across the room. Buzz - buzz - buzz. From the walls
recorded and symbolically reflected, they then burst into millions
transparent, black suns, which with their lifeless life become
in which everyone, including myself, is compelled to be
were interwoven.
The temple had neither the pomp of the princely palaces nor the
golden splendour of a cathedral, and yet it represented a
awe-inspiring violence that everyone had to bow down to. The
architecture aspired
not upwards, you couldn't see the ceiling, the heavy center was on the bottom. A carpet, in the shape of a double square,
the sanctuary of darkness and attracted every attention.
But the tapis did not cover the hard pavement, but broke through like a
rectangular eye the hidden seclusion of the damned place and
opened a portal to the exiled. Like an unfathomable abyss.
the seething window offered views into worlds not yet born, not even
the world of the
are. I sensed a destiny being prepared here that was not meant to be.
Here in the brazen sea boils the resounding ore, the unholy matter
from which
forms the flesh of the tide that captivates their essence. Through the
Spirals, lost in the depths, rose bluish wafts of mist
and lowered themselves onto the 12 priests of Baphomet, who, like
living pillars
were in the ground around the square.
The princely austerity of the sovereign gave each individual
unapproachable dignity and banished him to his lonely throne. All had
eyes as hard as diamonds, which radiated a green light, onto the
bubbling opening
in the patch. Although they did not move, the sounding
Wrinkles of the precious silk garments, like gentle waves, their bodies.
were not with a belt, but by a rectangular

apron made of fine transparent flow held together, which, like

the magic tapis, was in opalescent motion.
Among them I recognized her circumcised limbs, whose disempowered
shame needed a vagina to satisfy. Like the heads of snakes
the plump, erect acorns stretched into the soft flow, which, like a
living foreskin, flatteringly irritating.
It was a godless ecstasy of self-pleasure, because instead of dealing
to unite a woman, the devilish apron rubbed her sinful shafts.
But unlike Onan, the lords' seed did not fall fruitlessly
Ground. Instead of horny lust the opalescent pictures of her
Imaginations, dissolved as mental ejaculate and splashed into
fertilizing the tapis on the ground, condensing in an endless stream, on
the earthly world. Everyone was concentrated in himself.
"Two popes rule the world," the chairman interrupted the vibrating
tense silence. He stood alone on one narrow side of the carpet,
while the twelve, each in four, the other three edges of the abyss
...the edges. This imbalance seemed to the assembled the dynamics
to give him power over them.
"The church of the anointed is divided," he continued.
to refill the cup of charity with hatred and bitterness and
to darken the light of knowledge. Then we let the tension of their
spirits of the will slacken with the nectar of forgetfulness, and the
ground is
ready for us." Acclaimed murmurings acknowledged this opening.
Two Popes, I was startled. This should never have happened. Curiously,
I stepped...
closer. I knew that the ring on my hand was hiding me from their gaze.
Undisturbed, I followed their further intentions and could enter the
spheres that opened up through the rectangular hole in front of me,
Observe the realization of the plan.
Like a painter with his brushstrokes, they formed with their words in
of living plasticity the event. They tried, sketched, rejected,
erased, and Baphomet fixed what should endure with three
blows of his axe, while at the same time he is also able to see the
glistening threads on which the
Pictures hung up, cut up. These sank into the violet mist of the timeless
Eternity, to rise somewhere as a seed of evil.
They tried, sketched, discarded, and Baphomet severed
Umbilical cords of the perverse spawn with the blows of his
sounding hatchet.


Srt - srt - Sssrt, the reflective black echo of the cuts through the
unholy space and painted pictures on the walls, which burst and were
tumbling drops of a future dew in the surging waters of the tapi
sank. They drew thoughts from which the future is formed, and I
followed the moving visions into their time. plunged into the sea of
bronze from which
the princes of the world shape earthly destinies. I saw how the drops,
like little snakes, fecundating people's imaginations
and as germs of death in the shadow of their soul gardens dark
Flowers were in bloom.
The consequences in the world were frightening. Wherever good
evil was immediately born.
Srt - srt - sssrt. I saw how they spread the word of God. Everyone
Bible reading. Thousands of volumes are produced in a very short time.
You do not write
more, but stamp the sides like coins. But the content is different, and
Dissension arises. The Scriptures bring wars instead of peace. I saw the
believers fought each other and Christians killed Christians. It flows
blood, it flows
Srt - srt - sssrt. They want to reform sinful Rome and overthrow the
Pope, But the new one is also under the spell of evil, the power of the
holy church
breaks down and becomes a haven of violence.
Srt - srt - sssrt. They reject the sinful pomp and at the same time
fertilizing beauty of the images of good. The walls in the
Houses of worship will be as barren as the dead walls in the Temple of
Darkness. The
good spirits of angels no longer find their destination.
Also the new priests will serve the evil and bring disaster and
War. I've seen it. The pope is a handmaiden of the
Shadow powers, and those who overthrow him, are also under their
spell. Gregor
must be warned. Nor can he return to Rome to restore the Church itself
before the devil takes them over completely.
Twelve of them stand around the tapis, like mighty columns of ore. I
saw it.
They reached from the earth to the borders of heaven and pushed
the worlds with the threads of their secret art. They delighted, they
tried, seduced, each in his own special way.
Srt - srt - sssrt. There's one that's distracting. Stunned with hellish noise
prevents people from thinking.
He mixed up the calm, the quiet, the solid parts of the souls and
blew up the gates that allowed his demons to enter the city.

refused. As in battle, noise twitched and stamped in wild dance
...and their bodies are drained as if they were drunk on wine. I've seen
The human puppets hung by dazzling threads of dull.
Thunderclap and whip crack. Like the spray of thundering waterfalls
opalescent sparks from the temple of hell came down on them and
were lost as ghostly errant rays in the dark halls of
lonely lust. They called it music and danced to it, it was the
Kids having a good time.
Moved and carried by the rhythmic crackling of thousands of flashes,
...the weak-willed lullabyed and abandoned themselves, oblivious to
numbed, to the lifeless fantasies of the princes, upstairs, in the temple
of power.
And the next took over the defenseless victims.
Srt - srt - sssrt. He incites to violence. He stirs up hatred and frightens.
tortures, he tortures, he destroys.
I followed his images, which, shattered into a thousand battle demons,
have set out on the path to the future. They will all have made their
find. I've seen it. Kings and earls and knights wooed
and gave themselves up.
They kneaded a human dough of killing men and nagging
Women who, like puppets of fairground jugglers, are tied by their
hung. They practiced the dance of death on stone meadows, followed
the tinny whine of a leader to the left, to the right, and threw
to get in the dirt on command.
Hundreds, thousands, millions went off to battles that, without swords.
were carried out. The three of them were dressed in armor that looked
like giant
Reptiles on wheels crawled and destructive lightning against the enemy
Armies hurled. Flying birds of silver helped them and let
bursting balls of embers fall from their bellies onto cities that have no
could protect more. People and houses burned like straw.
But the Shadow had his warriors on both sides and
...they turned on each other senselessly. The deluded didn't know that
Coat of arms drawn on all signs and flags in the Temple of Evil
a diabolical game.
The misery will be indescribable when what was intended
is. There was no one who could win. Even those who could save her life,
would rather die. They were full of bitterness and hate and evil
fulfilled. Demons looked through her into the human world. I have it the last few days. 92
Who warns the kings to reconcile before they lose their pride and
To let the greed for power die completely to lifeless dolls of darkness?
But some grew out of need and suffering. They overcame the shadows
the shadows and gained mental strength.
Fear gave them courage. The privations they experienced awakened
in their souls. They resisted and repelled evil.
"They speak a language again and push us back!" Baphomet
the workings of his powers. "We must bind them more firmly to the
"a paradise for them."
Srt - srt - sssrt. Twelve are around the tapis, and one is lame
Ghost. I followed his paintings into time.
They built houses as sumptuous as castles, but instead of earls they
the common people. All men were equal. They wore dresses made of
fabrics, slept on soft down, and in shiny white chests had
they have food in abundance. No one did a job or did anything
...any service, all paid homage to idleness and play. They did not have
once to fetch water, because fresh springs gushed directly in their
Even the animals did not need to bother any more. Carriages drove
horses, and before the ploughs there were no oxen harnessed, the
harvest came from
even into the house.
Everybody lived in abundance, nobody had to make sacrifices or do
good. The
compassion died away, and shadows of indifference once again
displaced the
invigorating elements of the forces of light. The people were back from
Shadow dominates.
As their muscles atrophied and their emotions cooled,
the elasticity of her mind went limp too. Her soul gardens became
overgrown, the
Paradise on earth created hells for them in the beyond of their souls,
But they didn't know it while they were alive. Baphomet moved their
fantasies and gave them what to think, feel and desire. He
sent them living pictures inside. I saw it.
Just as the princes of power stood around the tapis of their
imaginations, so
people stared spellbound at glass chests, which in every corner of the
were to be found. The windows of the chests reflected the life of the
People. But they did not move the images that guided the jugglers of
the game.

Relieved and happy I realize that I am back in my body.

But I am aware that I am not saved. They will look for me, find me
and kill them as they found and killed the Templar. The
They have kept the secret of power over all beings until today because
mercilessly destroy anyone who might expose or hinder them. You
her earthly henchmen will be siccing their henchmen on me. In the
name of God...
By order of the devil I shall die at the hands of the torturers of the
There are plenty of tracks for them to follow. The miraculous healings
prove that I have the power and what I preach,
bears witness that I know of her. I created a lot of envy waiting for that,
to hurt me.
The letters to the Comtur of St. John's House from the green
Will, to Nicolaus von Basel, and Rulmann, can betray me. The
Friends in Weissbad are also in danger. We have come to many
prayers and conversations in the Waldkirchlein, they know
already a lot and must learn that our fears about the future
of the Church.
To whom of them shall I send the Master's book and my records
confide in me? To whom may I entrust the secret power and might of
the magical weapons
transferred? Which of them is capable of dealing with them, and above
which of them will be able to prevent them from falling into foreign
hands? Your
Possession breeds power. Woe to him who uses it to give power to
others and not to himself. control. The shadow's unfortunate puppets would soon be axed
and the Baphomet the whole world after the evil spirit that stands
behind them,
Will the visions of the powers of Baphomet come true? Will it come
true for the Lord
of the world succeed in getting people completely under his control?
Only human beings have access to all three realms and can
Unfold the power of light, which lifts them into eternal spheres. As long
as the evil
spirit lives through men, he too has a share in eternity. If it succeeds
but to allow humans to escape his influence, the shadows
die and fade away.
Who will win the fight? Only four of the twelve princes
I'm eavesdropping. What are the others planning? Will it be me or my
will they succeed in penetrating their realm once more?


People must be warned of the evil forces that

threatening. I want you to know the danger that each one of you
carries in your heart
how close he is to evil.
The demons of Baphomet, beyond his own being, not everyone
see. But all feel its power within. It's the emotions that turn you against
...and conscience and will. The power of the shadow can therefore
only the individual in himself, in his inner being can overcome them,
nothing else
than a desire for good. How much time do I have left to go out
and preach?
December 24, 1346
I was back in the Temple of Power. My hands are still shaking. What
I looked at was terrible, I'll just put it in the book of formulas
write it down. Because it would discourage those who could prevent
will perhaps happen, and encourage those who wish to make it happen.
You haven't noticed me, but once the shadow
Baphomet has fallen, he will not leave his side. I felt my...
Days are numbered. God bless the lovers, for only they can
To stop the killing.
Dazed, I gazed at the last lines I wrote myself 6OO years ago
had written down. More and more often that night, the so-called
reality blurred for me. Past and present are blurred in the
reading merged into one unit. With each page I have added
parts of my former incarnation into me. I recognized
me as a templar and as a monk and felt fertilized by the early Christian
the gnostic spirit of the Essenes is rising within me again.
Like a ray of light, I flew over the centuries of
horizon to horizon and overlooked the adventure landscape
under me. It was like flipping through a photo album and old
Bringing back memories, although I experienced everything new and as
if for the first time.
But what was most exciting was knowing that these worlds were now
were once again accessible and open to me.

A tremendous tension filled me, because I suspected that the

would continue. I felt like an astronaut before the countdown and
could hardly wait to get back into these spheres of the astral powers
to penetrate. The necessary equipment was in front of me.
And suddenly I realized that fate had caught up with me again.
With all clarity I recognized the danger I was in, if I had
objects should be used again. Twice already they have given me
brought death. But it was too late, I had already accepted it, because
there's no going back. Everything around me had long since been filled
with her power, and I...
I've become a thing like her myself, a tool of unknown
My memory had not only ancient personal parts
and revitalized, but at the same time also to other
I've given beings access to me. I could feel them lurking around me, and
as if to prove it, the master of the world cast his first shadows on me.
Spookables as dark harbingers of his unscrupulous henchmen in
Human form, which should follow later, observed my thinking.
Someone was in the room.
Although I couldn't see him, he filled the whole room. I felt his
presence, like the all-pervading cold in a laying hall, up to
my bones.
Silently but unmistakably, like the roaring of a raging
waterfall, the creature made itself felt. It came from the farthest corner
of the room, where the light of the lamp was no longer sufficient,
where the
shadows merged into a conspiratorial world of shadows and the
black light of death. There he stood, where all outlines
married, mated, mated together and formed the ribs of darkness of a
nameless night, frozen into the cave darkness of the uterus of
horror, from which the spooky and dreamy figures of sleepers plagued
by the Alps
There, on those fringes of darkness, where the boundaries of the
the demon would be exposed. Just as the angel of John was released
from pure
light condensed his radiant body, the shadow bared out
...and the greyish grey of its contourless shape. Planar without body,
silent and yet present like the shrill, penetrating screeching of a
Circular saw, he attracted all my attention.
He wasn't in the background, he wasn't hiding anything.
nor reflection, was nothing, was like a hole, a break-in from


boundless nothing, a suction, a tunnel through a beyond, behind

who can only have horror and no afterlife.
He lay down on the furniture, wiped away - darkened - streaked
...dull as cotton wool, fell on the walls of the room - as a shadow.
he was not even the shadow of a shadow, he stood out visibly,
sucked itself in, ate itself up and dissolved what is and was before
he laid himself across it. He's alive, I could feel it, from what was inside
that hole
before he had been mercilessly silent, like a
...pustule that's been eating into it. This is the personified absolute
Emptiness that can never be filled, it dawned on me to create a space in
who doesn't like self-influenced feelings and virgin tender images
thought fleeting thoughts unfounded like heavy stones in the sea of
Eternity sink.
A dizzy spell gripped me, as if I was standing on a precipice.
stands and looks down. I was seized by fear. Not fear of anything.
Indefinite or afraid of something. It wasn't the
Fear of death, it was more than fear for my life. It was the fear that
terrible fear of extinguishing my spiritual existence,
without being able to die doing it.
I was afraid, and at the same time I was afraid, as if he was waiting for
waited, the shadow attacked me.
Out of the essential hole of horror it streamed silently like wafts of mist,
but all penetrating like the shrill scream of
rubbing metal. It's like a thousand tons of steel are rubbing the wheel
world engine, it came from afar, focused, and with a lot of
by the eerie ghost in the corner of the room towards me and in
I covered my ears. The unspeakable horrible suffering
be the source and the origin of this most terrible of sounds
had to, seized me, penetrated me mercilessly like invisible
Death rays, paralyzed me, and while I myself became increasingly
the shadow filled with pulsating life, with my
He moved, he breathed.
Every breath was at the same time an undertow that pressed me,
released me,
lured, let it float unstable like seaweed in the waves - pushed closer
to the hole.
I had nothing to oppose this attack. While my
His strength faded, his breath condensed into slimy feelers,
that sprouted out of him like the jellyfish tentacles of a polyp.
grew towards each other, embraced me with iron-hard suction cup
handles and
drew near.


At the same time, I was surprised to realize that it did not want to kill
me at all. On the contrary,
it presented itself like a horny whore. I was supposed to be a part of his
being, to be
living synapse with its spider's web of merciless vile adultery. It wanted to turn me into a zombie-like spirit being
in a world where it won't work without me.
could, in my-- in the human world.
"It wants to kill my will, not me."
My thinking became confused, my feeling became cold. I found nothing
to hold on to.
could have offered, any suitable bracing was already part of the
devilish branches. My last stand was waning, and I was about to say yes
say to let go, to surrender in the perverse orgasm of the last
self-destructive lust of the tortured.
Something touched me: a timid ray from the golden dawn, a glimmer
only. But the faint glow, from the cross
mirrored and bundled by the crown of Christ, was created for me in
diffuse shadows to a glistening shine. Just as the mild morning sun
turns the
the freezing wreckage revives, then the light awakened my spirits
and made me reach for the brilliant glow that saved the direction
rejects. I could feel my center again, thinking, wanting, wanting to be.
I registered dazed:
This is the scaffolding that holds me. Carried by light my
Stirrings along the trembling beam to the table drag my body along,
there lie the sacred symbols of power.
And I grasp the axe - strike, strike, strike, strike.
I fought in a fierce fury, aimlessly jerking the severed polyp arms before
she goes limp, like slit bicycle inner tubes collapsed.
The force field of the suction collapsed, the shadow receded.
and flattened lifelessly against the wall.
"That has just gone well," I heard as if from far away
the familiar voice of Kupel and now finally found his way back to me
and into
Reality. What I had experienced was like a film, and yet I still clung to
the wall
always cramping the hatchet.
"You must be more careful with those things," my
Boyfriend, "put them back in the trunk, you haven't met all
Secrets they hold."
It was only now that I noticed that the shadow on the wall was cast by
the figure
Baphomet. But on closer inspection, I realized
Horror that there was no light source behind the statue. Like a


Spotlight of death the idol radiated his grey indefinable being

and projected himself onto the wall.
And while the other shadows against the rising daylight
gradually faded away, the shadow of the man who had been
Baphomet also stick after I put the figure back in the box.
Stuck defiantly to the wall, like flies that cannot be chased away.
Only slowly time washed the wall white again.
In spite of the sleepless night I was not tired. On the contrary, I felt
like newborn. I stepped outside the house and breathed in the fresh
mountain air.
I tried to bring my consciousness back to myself and my present
"Stone! - Dr. Michael Stein," I said to myself, imploring. And I
imagined... my legs were resting rock solid on the ground. Slowly I felt myself
gravity of the earth element back to reality.
Over the mountains the still lunar sun disk gently pushed itself and
broke through the last transparent breath of the
rose quartz morning mist. I felt clear in my head again. But all...
the night-walker could not be frightened away. Through my feet I felt
as if
let gravity give me roots, not just the energy of the earth.
Andimo and his army of gnomes were again as close to me as the
down in the valley. I am a wanderer in both worlds, I realized. The
western tower is accessible to me again from now on. I can continue
my mission
I had to go back to the spirit world, find the book of formulas and
continue their wanderings through the spirit worlds. I had to use
and find the Temple of Power again, who else could solve the mystery,
that threatened mankind? What had been so terrible
once confided in the diary? Could there be anything more horrible
was than what I had experienced? The discovery that people had been
evil and are not ruled by good, so that they are no longer master of
Being yourself is depressing enough. The visions have all come true,
what threatens
us now?
As I was thinking, I realized that I had to keep the records
had to continue. The commandment of the glass angel: "Write down
you will see", also applied to my present incarnation. I still wanted

start a new diary the same day. I had the inheritance
accepted and was ready to continue where I had left off 6OO years ago
I had to interrupt work.
Then I remembered the ring, where was the magic ring? I quickly
returned to the
house and searched the chest again thoroughly. But the magical
A piece of jewellery was missing. But then I remembered the scene
before my
Execution. Of course, it was. He slipped out of my hand and is still lying
up in the cave. I couldn't figure out how to get the jewelry from
between the rocks
...should find again. Perhaps he lies unreachable in a crevice. So that
was missing... important protection for me for the time being. Deeply regretted
the loss.
Disappointed, I put on some water for the coffee, and while I was
I decided to take advantage of this beautiful day to fly. That would
make me...
distract you and set you straight. But first I wanted to take Maria and
It's hard to believe, I thought. Ever since I was promoted to Master...
it's only been four days. But I felt as if centuries had passed
in between.
There was no phone in the house, and I went to the
Connect post office with Maria.
"At last, my God, at last," it gushed out of her excitedly, and I
...she could tell how relieved she was to hear me call her. "You are in
the greatest
Danger", she warned me, "they are after you and want to kill you. You
...from Switzerland, right?"
"Yes, I'm calling from Switzerland," I said. Maria, the silence, the calm
Gentle, the only person with the rare gift of being able to see inside me
alone through
the proximity of her voice to evoke serenity and calm, was totally out of
Cottage. She spoke quickly and incoherently. It took me a while to...
I was able to calm her down to the point where she was able to
to report in an understandable way.
"I had a dream, a terrible dream," she moaned. "He was so
clearly, as if I had really experienced it all. When I was a kid, I was...
Sleepwalkers, you know, I used to dream things that would come back
in a similar fashion. That's why I'm so scared.

What Maria then told me sounded so unlikely that it was
I had a hard time believing what I heard. Yet there was no
Doubt. Your night vision was a warning.
She had, according to her dream, first unintentionally, then curiously
overheard a conversation in her father's library. Two
Visitors who were waiting for him there obviously talked about
me. She heard my name clearly. "Stone found the cave."
one said, "he's in Switzerland. If he is indeed in possession
of magical weapons, we must win him over." "Or...
the other one," added the other, "but he must not suspect that behind
what we're here for."
Then Maria was interrupted by her father, who was also nervous and
was aroused and against his habit he closed the door behind him
locked. She was able to slip out just in time.
and woke up sweating in her bed. Since then
she was worried and waiting for me to call.
I tried to hide my consternation behind a joke:
"Well, for now," I said, "I'm just so happy that you're not, like...
threatened to take off the nun's veil. The planned wild
But tomorrow night's orgy will have to be cancelled, which I deeply
"I'm sorry."
But Maria didn't go for it. "I am afraid," she repeated,
"Afraid for you and me. Please don't think me hysterical, I feel
not only do I know it, but we are both in danger!"
Then she got excited again. "Please tell me what you know about
an axe, I was dreaming about an axe, too A huge black
Hand, I only saw the hand, not the person holding it cut the throats of babies in a delivery room. Sssst - sssst - sssst -
hundreds - thousands - of premature births, and the slippery embryos
got up and started pacing immediately. I can make them old, gray,
expressionless faces with the staring glucose eyes not
forgotten. It was a horrible dream, Michael."
Now I knew Maria was not exaggerating, and I almost felt
physically the threat. It was no longer the indeterminate
horror of tonight, but a very concrete fear of the,
what the real future will bring. It's like going to the hospital for a...
surgery is pushed into the operating room and does not know whether
is gonna get out of there alive. I got serious.
"are you sure you were dreaming?" I asked, "maybe you
"walked around in his sleep again."

What Maria then told me sounded so unlikely that it was
I had a hard time believing what I heard. Yet there was no
Doubt. Your night vision was a warning.
She had, according to her dream, first unintentionally, then curiously
overheard a conversation in her father's library. Two
Visitors who were waiting for him there obviously talked about
me. She heard my name clearly. "Stone found the cave."
one said, "he's in Switzerland. If he is indeed in possession
of magical weapons, we must win him over." "Or...
the other one," added the other, "but he must not suspect that behind
what we're here for."
Then Maria was interrupted by her father, who was also nervous and
was aroused and against his habit he closed the door behind him
locked. She was able to slip out just in time.
and woke up sweating in her bed. Since then
she was worried and waiting for me to call.
I tried to hide my consternation behind a joke:
"Well, for now," I said, "I'm just so happy that you're not, like...
threatened to take off the nun's veil. The planned wild
But tomorrow night's orgy will have to be cancelled, which I deeply
"I'm sorry."
But Maria didn't go for it. "I am afraid," she repeated,
"Afraid for you and me. Please don't think me hysterical, I feel
not only do I know it, but we are both in danger!"
Then she got excited again. "Please tell me what you know about
an axe, I was dreaming about an axe, too A huge black
Hand, I only saw the hand, not the person holding it cut the throats of babies in a delivery room. Sssst - sssst - sssst -
hundreds - thousands - of premature births, and the slippery embryos
got up and started pacing immediately. I can make them old, gray,
expressionless faces with the staring glucose eyes not
forgotten. It was a horrible dream, Michael."
Now I knew Maria was not exaggerating, and I almost felt
physically the threat. It was no longer the indeterminate
horror of tonight, but a very concrete fear of the,
what the real future will bring. It's like going to the hospital for a...
surgery is pushed into the operating room and does not know whether
is gonna get out of there alive. I got serious.
"are you sure you were dreaming?" I asked, "maybe you
"walked around in his sleep again."

"My God, yes, I don't know, but even the baby zombies were as real as
can only be -".
"Look out," I implored her strongly and felt the responsibility
"I'll explain everything to you. Not now on the phone, please be
patient. I
I'll be here the day after tomorrow. For now, don't tell anyone, not
even your father, that you're with me
you spoke. Tell no one you know where I am."
"I trust you, Michael," she said immediately, "is there a church in that
I wasn't surprised by that question. I knew Maria's mental leaps by
now. Thereby
I realized that I had not yet visited the small village church.
"There are even two," I replied, "a Catholic and a Protestant.
"I'll visit both of them."
"Yes please, pray for us. I'll wait for you - goodbye" - she hung up the
phone first.
I suddenly felt separated from her as if an infinitely deep
Abyss opened. Suddenly I was more concerned about Maria than I was
about her legacy in
the chest. Was Maria in danger too? -Neither did I suspect the question
was warranted.
The next phone call also irritated me. I couldn't reach Emil. His wife
only that he had to leave unexpectedly. Contrary to his usual practice...
but he hadn't told her where he was going. Margaret could hardly
contain her anxiety about that.
I was insecure and wondered if it would not be better to leave
immediately. For nothing.
I strolled over to the Catholic church. It was a good place to...
to gather myself.
The chronicle on the wall in the vestibule reported that the monastery
burned down in 1626 and after
Neu St. Johann has been transferred. There is nothing left of the old
chapel either, I
was a little disappointed.
I don't know what I expected, but after a few minutes I was so
disillusioned that
all my fears seemed like childish fantasies. Was I going crazy?
The bright sunshine outside then scared away the last shadows of the
from my brain.
It was too soon to fly. The air had to warm up first. I inspected...
for the time being the meadow, which is marked by a sign and a flag as
landing place for paragliders
was expelled. That's how I met Pit, who was
just put a new windsock on the pole. He gave me
some tips that might save my life later.
I asked him if it was possible to fly up to the cave. "But...
yes," he said, "but the last two crests have dangerous
Leewalzen, you better fly back through the gorge. And even if there.
becomes rough, go to the middle of the valley, it is always quiet there",
he warned me
But then I had problems already at the start. Despite weak
Uphill it twisted my umbrella three times, so that each time
had to abort at the last second. Only at the fourth attempt was the
Sail right over me, and I took off.
The altimeter I had adjusted at the top station,
showed 2,3OO meters. Vertically below me the lake glittered. I was
in my element. Beside the warmed up rocks I soon found
places with the best thermals and got me the necessary altitude to
Distance to fly over the next of the 7 summits. So I turned in
spread out circles, along the steep wall, it was
just gorgeous. Like in a dizzying orgasm
I melted with the tepid air, the wind and the depth beneath me.
Without losing height, I reached after half an hour
the last crest of the Churfirsten and turned off, into the valley on the
other side of the mountain range. Far below me I recognized the
Cave entrance from Wildenmannlisloch.
But suddenly, I had to deal with two currents. From
over there a strong wind was blowing and pushed against the air
from the South. In the ravine between the rocks
Turbulence unpredictable. Once I felt a hairdryer-like sensation
down, then again an updraft got me with
Speed of a high-rise elevator to the top, as if I had a
Thunderstorm above me. It tore me apart and my glider bounced like
a broken cart on a dirt road.
There were other spirits of the air now, they didn't want me, they
made me feel hostile. They were tugging wildly at the umbrella and
fought against me.
Suddenly it wiped me down as if a big hand
to scare away the little butterfly. The wind noise died down. I was...
went into a stable stall and dropped like a rock. The
jagged rocks were precariously close, a gust would have
Wall press without me being able to counter-steer. I pumped
desperate, but the lines felt
soft and lobed. Only 2OO meters above ground the canopy filled up,
I picked up speed again. I immediately left the dangerous
rocks and avoided to the forest, where I then evenly calm
I had a headwind. Over a lane I even gained a few more meters,
so that I could easily reach the intended landing site.
Below Pit stood with binoculars and waved me hectically. He
something I didn't understand, I was all up in the landing
concentrated. But it was not a good flight. After I reached the necessary
I was already on final approach, the wind changed completely
I lost full speed too early, lost the last meters and could not
unroll once properly. I hit the ground hard and stayed down.
"Damn wind," Pit said, "did you hurt yourself?" He helped me up on my
feet, but...
...and I caved in immediately. "Damn wind," he repeated, "that was
Ground turbulence, I thought I'd warn you."
A sharp pain in my chest almost took my breath away. The left foot
went deaf. "Bruised ribs and fractured ankle, I diagnosed for now,
while Pit expertly folded the umbrella for me and put it in the bag
stowed away. Only then did I tell him what was going on.
On the way to the hospital, he kept swearing to himself. "A woman like
I don't fucking get it. It's the best weather, but to see you
...the place was always rough as a storm."
I thought I knew the cause. The fight had started again. But
after the shadowy shadows on the wall, it was now the forces of
Nature turned on me. The elementals, whose structure I have been
would shatter my mission, put up a fight.
But at that time, I had no idea that the minions of evil
...should now pursue her in human form, even more mercilessly...
than the negative elements with which I would defend it.
...I've ever had to deal with. I did not yet know that only in humans evil
has its
can develop full power and violence.
My diagnosis was correct, I was not seriously injured. Something
the next day I was able to start the return journey to Vienna line. Pit helped me pack.
The few kilometres to Feldkirch I hoped to be able to drive thanks to
the automatic
I can handle the car alone. The cast on my left foot bothered me less
Pain from bruised ribs. Fortunately, the colleague in the
Gave the hospital a few amps of heptadone. I gave myself a shot,
I felt so much better afterwards. Without any problems I reached the
border station
in Austria. From there I went on with the motorail train. At
Next morning I was back in Vienna.
I felt as if I had been away for years and not a week.
As always after a longer absence I first looked for my temple
on. When I placed the sacred objects from the
chest, the vibration in the room suddenly changed. I had felt...
always wondered how it comes that in Emil's temple, which is basically
took relics very similar to mine, had a different atmosphere
...than it does for me. But now I felt, even between these walls.
that mighty power, which can only be achieved by magically charged
tools, with the still
is being worked on, radiated.
I lit incense and assigned a place to each object. I placed...
the things directly onto the carpet, which, with the symbols of gold and
Rosicrucians embroidered, a worthy underlay was given. According to
the four
elements, I placed the chalice, the symbol of feeling and love, on the
North side to the water. The book, symbol of the mediating and
recording word as a basis for thinking, I put in the east to the air.
The ax of power, as a sign of willpower, came to the fiery south.
The Baphomet, the personification of the earthly, of matter, but also
body consciousness, which manifests itself as the ego, I introduced to
the West for
Earth. With that I had the four foundations of man, his thinking, feeling,
Will and consciousness, represented in the right order with the
The cross with the hovering, risen, crowned Christ placed
I as the fifth divine principle and sign of mastery and
Overcoming the matter into the middle of the carpet. The vial with the
I placed the elixir of release and transformation on the altar. It
contained the
coagulated spirit, which frees and transforms the consciousness into
other levels
Afterwards I did the shortened ritual of the journeys through the four
elements that were handed down in the yellowed leaves. (See Book 5:
Ritual of the Hermetic Four, and 3rd book: Ritual Magic in the Temple
of the Lodge).

Then I went down and checked the mail. Maria had a loving card
from Salzburg, where she spent the Whitsun holidays. Also from her
Father I found a big envelope. It contained an invitation to
his legendary Midsummer Festival. It was on the finest handmade
handmade paper, just as luxurious as the selected guests he
gathered around him every year on this night like a prince. I knew that
...would find all the people there, and I knew that...
exceptionally the really powerful on this occasion their invisible threads
crazy. In spite of my aversion to such events, I decided
to attend the party. I was looking forward to Maria. As soon as she
came home from school,
I was going to call her. If Brandstrom is at home and takes off, the
promise to come right away a harmless explanation for my call.
For the time being, however, I left myself to the comfortable
atmosphere far away from the world
of my house. My housekeeper, even in my absence, has
Refrigerator well supplied. Equipped with coffee and cheese toast, I set
off on my journey
to the library.
From an old, stripped-down farmhouse chest I pulled a shelf with
and made two copies of the master's book. A
copy was intended for Emil, so we can talk about it as soon as possible
could. I brought the original back to the temple and put it on his
Stand back. But I left the artistically worked box in a
illuminated niche in the wall. Then I did it in the
sun-drenched bay window on the south side.
Only now in the quiet familiar surroundings of my own four walls
I am fully aware of the importance of the Master Book. While I once
more read page for
page, the tremendous realization dawned on me: What I was doing
there in the truest sense
of the word can change the world.
This legacy holds the key to the Book of the Dead, explains
secret of the Baghavad Gita, and in one fell swoop leaves all previous
and religions appear in a completely different light. A new world view
opens up to the reader. As frightening as it is: people are not the
crown of creation, but the milking cows of the gods and demons. And
only who knows this and bases his life on earth on it, can get out
Free the power of the invisible.
But it is not from the spirits from the hereafter that the danger comes,
the enemy has
is already nestled inside people. The personal


Soul parts, the elementals of your own being are the real threat.
they not only form the subtle foundation of the soul, but are also the
element of the gods and enable them to access consciousness
of people.
I understood why the Invisible Ones would want anyone who had this
secret knowledge spread the word, mercilessly persecuted.
They would, as soon as the people freed themselves from their
Losing your livelihood. After all, they live on what
Thinking, feeling and desire flows from the earthly. Only then
they gain a share of the conscious being.
As soon as the people who, because of their quadripolarity, would be
able to do so,
learn to command their inner emotions and thus themselves,
they rise above the other spiritual beings. The gods would be
Des Meister book describes all these unknown connections and
shows the way that makes people of age. The special exercises
and rituals enable the individual to free himself from the earthly and
to develop his true spirituality. No wonder the invisible ones
I began writing the manuscript 7OO years ago, and in the following
incarnation, where I completed the Master's book. Would it be possible
to succeed in this life, to fulfill my mission and to bring the work
to make it accessible?
I was confident. All I had to do was get the book published
will. It couldn't be hard to find a publisher for it, I thought, and
was completely clueless. I didn't know the habits of publishing,
nor did I understand the insidious methods used by the henchmen
of the shadow would interfere with my work even in this incarnation.
What was to happen to me, I thought the pyres had been abolished. I
did not suspect that today other methods are used to remove
Taking out enemies. I didn't know that rumors, slander and
intrigues can destroy the existence of a human being more lastingly
I was clueless and confident. Determined, I set about
work to convert the old, hard to read text into a more understandable
translate. I also wanted to weave in my personal experiences, you learn
in every life.



I developed a concept how to transform the book of the master into a
contemporary form
...I could bring. By noon I had already finished the first pages.
Then I gave myself another injection and prepared a bath. With Maria's
thawed cake, tea and newspapers, I relaxed, despite
Plaster leg, in the comfortably warm tub.
Just as I was about to lie down on my bed, dripping wet and content,
the bell rang
at the gate. It was Maria.
I've never seen anyone get into the house and up the stairs so quickly. I
was just able to put on my bathrobe when she...
already showed up.
Maria grasped the situation and responded immediately. With childlike
Unbiased, as if it were the most natural thing in the world, she too
their clothes.
Naked, and now somewhat embarrassed, she stood before me and
lowered herself with
played shyness shamefacedly the head. Not only the aesthetics of her
perfect body, also the devotional ability of her pure soul became
suddenly visible. She wasn't afraid to lose herself. She knew
giving can find fulfillment.
Their silent "Take me," promised at the same time "I wrap you up and
take you
...into me." Only in a girl's virgin innocence and
selfless maturity of a mother, love can be expressed in this highest form
We looked at each other and silently sealed the sacred pact of our
everlasting covenant. She gave me her heart, and I gave her all my
spiritual power.
As if the liquid light of an initiation in the Temple of Isis had spread over
the mystery of the feminine mystery glowed in her and surrounded her
they are a living glow of love.
Like a supernatural nymph who fell to earth, she stood before the
angelic figure
me, lonely and lost, but not helpless, but powerful. Mary was like
the royal star goddess Nuit, who has seen all that is dark with her
heavenly splendour
How long had we waited for this moment. Finally, we were together,
and only the memories of those empty nights still separated us.


I was spellbound by her immaculate beauty and had to think of a

Rilke's poem. The new tree of life:
"In deep nights I'll dig you up, you treasure.
For all the riches I have seen
are poverty and poor substitute
for your beauty that has never been seen before."
Mary obviously knew these wonderful verses
...had spoken softly to me. Slowly and timidly she came to me
and continued to recite:
"But the road to you is terribly long, and
...because no one walked it for a long time, blown away. O, thou art...
lonely, you are loneliness, you heart that is too
...from distant valleys!"
Then she stopped. With an unspeakably moving gesture she lifted her
tender arms, it was just the hint of a movement, and she
looked at me and opened her whole being to me, with eyes that shone
wet - but they did not cry:
"And my hands, which are bloody from
Dig, I'll lift to the wind. So that they
Branch out like a tree. I suck you in
...out of the room."
My God, I thought it was just not possible. I overcame my
paralysis and went the last steps towards her, embraced her, took her
into my
Arms, held her tight, and she held me tight, and we knew that now we
we thought the last lines because we felt them, and as reality
to experience:
"It's as if you'd been smashed to pieces
of an impatient gesture and now you fell,
an atomized world of distant stars
back to earth, gentle as a
Spring rain falls."
I caught her and carried her to the bed. Without kissing, we held each
other tight,
were nestled together like lost people who have found each other, and
we felt a magnetic current with every fiber of our being
connected. I wanted to wait, but Maria was ready. Fancy
she pushed herself towards me, and while our earthly bodies
...our ethereal bodies pierced each other. Our spirits
merged into an intimate unity where each found himself within the
The sensation of bliss was numbing, and I felt how
Consciousness faded. I let it happen on purpose. I knew that she, too...
and followed the pull to where everything was already filled with her.
I left my body and she took me in, just as I had taken in her
before he sank to the ground.
We experienced the ancient mystery of the gods of the Nile - Nuit and
Hadit - which
Mystery of the infinity of the inner and outer was fulfilled for us. The
dark blue universe and the golden stars that took the bodies of the
eternal gods
to the time when our egos were running out.
Mary opened up her vastness to me, and, spreading out in her
infinity and filled it, she kindled the spark for the light of my
Power. Our beings merged, she found her center, supported by my
and I overcame my limitations in her.
It was safe within each other.
I knew that she felt as I did, and that she too was aware of my feelings.
was conscious. We experienced the perfect unity through the absolute
unconditional surrender of one in the other.
Protecting us, the infinity of space was hidden from us, and time
blessing her invisible dress of eternity over our love.
When we found each other again, the sun was just setting. As if it was
awakened from a deep sleep, Mary lay before me, her eyes already
open, but the look
still lost in the distance, as if she wanted the last glimmer of the world
...that you had to leave.
Then she recognized me. Her features became that intimate..,
giving, warming rays, with which young mothers see the first smile of
Babies answer.
"My dear, dear you," her eyes said - she wouldn't have
"Now I'll always be homesick."

And then, completely without transition, she soberly said: "I'm hungry,
I'm hungry, I'm hungry.
a huge appetite."
It made me laugh. By now I knew and loved her tremendously.
refreshing mental leaps. Most Aquarius - Born
free themselves in this unsentimental way from feelings, before they
pass away. "Something must be done about it," I said and fetched,
while she was in the bathroom, up half the refrigerator. It wasn't too
Maria managed considerable quantities, and at the end we had caviar
Of course I had opened a bottle of champagne
"Actually," I remarked, "you drink it first, but it tastes
then exquisite."
"Who knows," Maria announced promisingly, "what else is coming
night." And she should not exaggerate. And then she was...
"Those were beautiful colors, I've never seen such a deep blue and so
a shining, glistening gold."
"You left your body," I explained to her, "and you went
...the very basis of the universe, just like me. The blue that overflows
the purple
abyss, was the all-encompassing body of the goddess Nuit, the
visible of the receiving divine space, the dormant power of the
experience infinity.
And the golden rays ignited in their omnipresent
Center of the work of the eternal divine power. No one could be
unfold the other. They form the female and male principle in space.
We were able to unite with the outside because we have the power
and are able to feel them and to make them come alive in our inner
It is the ability to feel and want. The passive receiving and the
active giving. The alchemists described it as "solve et coagula", solve
bind. The Freemasons use it to describe the two pillars J+B, on which
the whole universe, the temple of mankind, rests."
"Is it good and evil?" asked Maria, who, snuggled in close to me.
had followed explanations attentively.
"No, not that," I replied. "It is often confused with this, because
the positive and negative element as polarity seem to face each other,
but one condition implies the other, and perfection holds both. Evil
always only works if one is too far away from the other


removed and thus too much or too little of the effect is visible. "Good"
could be
shall at most designate the centre which maintains the balance and
weighs for balance it out."
"But that would be a third principle," Maria observed.
"Quite right," I was pleased to hear.
Copy that. "If you consider the feeling of the soul to be the passive
and see in the will the commanding elasticity of the spirit, then
the intellect is the third mediating principle by which one thinks and
"And all three together," Mary continued, "form a fourth, which
Consciousness, the I, that's like the witch's paradigm in the fist."
I slowed their fervour. "You go too fast. "Even in Hermeticism...
one must first learn to count before calculating. Only if you learn the
One and then the
Mastered two, can understand three and unite the two. And only those
who has mastered the Three, is able to grasp the Four. Let's go back to
Two and three.
It doesn't matter if you're baking a cake
and put it in the bowl, or a technician builds machines, or a
organism keeps itself alive, nature also regulates itself accordingly, it is
always about picking up, measuring and letting go.
Without opening yourself passively, touching - feeling, you could not
sensory impressions, and without active urge one would be too
a helpless being.
This is true on every level. On the emotional level, where your feelings
form images of an environment, it is necessary to surrender to these
impulses or to
to fend them off. And also on the spiritual level, where you are directly
your environment, you have to be able to use this power of imagination
ideas, like the way things are here, can be grasped and put down again.
is unable to do so, is in the out-of-body state disturbed by his feelings
and thoughts like a nightmare."
"This explains the horror visions after a drug trip," Maria realized "But...
how do you learn to control these two forces within yourself? As a
the weak female principle."
"Don't say that," I replied. "One has the other inside her, and both are
are inseparably connected with each other. Furthermore, active and
passive, moving and
dormant, male and female, by no means synonymous with strong and


The strength of the sensitive, passively receiving, movable, lies in the

in the pliability and is thus based precisely on the resilience, which
is mistakenly seen as weakness. Conversely, the weakness
of the so-called strong, the fragile brittle, just from the unbending
hardness of which the supposedly strong are so proud.
Let's transfer the physical properties into the analog
mental and emotional abilities. The pliability of the soul is expressed in
Compassion. Being able to detach oneself is the prerequisite for
selflessness. The
Stillness is the basis for patience. Only the silent willingness to conceive
enables inspiration and imagination.
You see, all these qualities of devotional ability require much
more soul power than the cold hardness of the so-called strong ones,
are basically just afraid to do anything or to be afraid of
This never demands a dissolution of the self. It is rather
to turn away from the body-conditioned ego to a consciousness that
from a larger field of vision also the concerns of the fellow men in
the own interests and that includes the fact that it also
without a physical body gives a sense of self-consciousness.
The selfless devotion as a virtue of the female principle is
reality an expansion of the self in the other (or in other worlds)
and causes a development that would never be possible through
violence. Share
taking means "sharing" and is therefore always used as an enrichment
felt. Every compassionate person experiences this.
In the out-of-body state and on the subtle levels, this is
can even solve the basic prerequisite for penetrating from the inner
space of consciousness into the spiritual environment in order to be
able to communicate with others there
to communicate with the beings."
"But in giving in can also be weakness," protested Maria.
"Donkeys tolerate silence, too much is stupid, my grandmother always
"Your grandmother was a clever woman," I agreed.
the last of the champagne. "Though we have compassion and
This does not mean that the willingness to conceive should be assigned
to the female principle,
that women should neglect the qualities considered to be male, such as
courage and self-confidence. On the contrary, the full development of a
Selflessness is only possible in a stable, strong personality.
Moreover, there is also the danger of being raped in the hereafter
and loses himself to spiritual powers, and not just after death. The
most people are already in the earthly existence mainly
feelings and ideas that were not consciously considered by her
Thinking and wanting arise.
Therefore the training of the personal will is as important as the
Development of the capacity for devotion.
The opposite of solving lies in concentration. It is the basis of the
Willing. In the soul it is expressed as self-control, and on
on the spiritual plane, it acts as the power of imagination."
"And how," Mary asked with interest, "one acquires this power with
which to think about one's
Thinking, feeling and wishing?"
"By taking them," I replied. "She is in those very elementals,
that is, in the thoughts, desires and feelings that drain your strength.
drives, desires, affects and passions, longings, fears and certain
Performances are energy parasites. Overcome them, and the power
that lies within them flows to you. There is no willpower that can be won in any other
than by this fight and victory. What does an athlete do
can do more?"
"He trains," said Maria, "he trains his muscles and exercises."
"That's right," I said. "He gets his energy from the resistance
overcome. He has equipment, exercises and a program for this. For our
minds and
Soul muscle training we don't need a gym, the whole world is a
Sports field for the spirits. There is enough resistance, you just have to
be conscious
train, otherwise the gained strength will be lost immediately. Everyday
life offers the best
Possibility for spiritual perfection.
The spirit gets the energy from the soul, and the soul gets it from the
body, and the body draws them from the earth. Think about it. What
pushing you, moving you, moving you. What can you overcome in order
to get to it? become stronger."
"Besides the gravitational force that makes you fall on your nose," jokes
Maria, "is
it the laziness, it makes you tired - the stomach, it makes you hungry -
the hormones, it
make lustful, thank God."
"Fine," I said. "So these are the bodily impulses which the instincts,
trigger passions, desires and affects. They drain energy from you when
lets them act freely instead of controlling them.
On them hang elementary, small spirits of beings, the feelings, which
feed on that power. The emotions are the soul forces that keep you
emotional level, they move and stir, and they get their energy from the
Body drives.


What do all desires ultimately achieve? A pleasure. And what...

does the enjoyment cause? It evokes a feeling in the soul. The hope for
repetition - or the fear that it might not be repeated. Half
of all emotions are due to physical impulses."
"And the other half?" asked Maria.
"The other half is spiritual, though not always spiritual.
...because every emotion is immediately linked to a mental image... The
Hunger is carried by the idea of your favorite food."
"And my love's desire crystallizes in me your image"
me Maria.
"Which in turn is my happiness, and from which you can see that
feelings also
can be carried by the mind, i.e. by ideas.
Imaginations, elementals - thus, are images, which, however, can also
Want to be able to ask. Just think of how the fantasies of
unhappy loved ones, who plague those affected with their unfulfilled
So we have three levels for our mental training, on which we
to practice.
1. the physical plane, where the spirit gets the power through
Overcoming the drives and passions, the muscles grow
2. the emotional level. Here it is necessary to purify the feelings, to
increase the power of desire
refine, promote the willingness to make sacrifices, strengthen self-
3. the mental level on which thoughts and ideas are formed,
must be controlled and steered.
"Is this what is meant by meditation?" Maria asked.
"Yes. However, many people believe that they meditate when they feel
hour, sit down, relax and murmur a mantra, or participate in
think anything. - That's not it, that doesn't develop the mental
Tension we're after. At best, this only encourages the passive side.
of the mind, imagination and inspirational ability.
While these are equally important to a perfect mind, first...
the concentration must be trained. Whoever puts his thoughts and
and hold on to ideas, they bear it when they are not able to form
relaxes and empties itself, goes away with itself. The mind, too, must
release and
can bind.
The concentrated mind must be able to connect with thoughts and
to treat them like living beings. He must be able to capture them,
or to let go, she must choose, but she must also choose to

can. If you consider working with ideas and thoughts as meditation
then one can distinguish four types of meditation.
1. vigilant attention. The control of the thoughts.
First you consciously observe everything that comes into your mind,
what evokes good, pure feelings or is important for your considerations
is. So you're thinking. - You can do it anywhere, on the bus, in bed,
while walking or in a comfortable relaxed sitting position. It
you should be able to monitor your thoughts at all times and
immediately those,
that arouse unpleasant feelings or unwanted desires, turn it off. If this has become a daily habit with you, you can
keep moving. The next stage is
2. the concentrated imagination. You imagine something. Images,
Sounds, music, smells, feelings, sensations, or you concentrate
to an idea or a word. You hold on to it. And when you master it,
you can get away from it, too. You're ready for stage three,
you can empty yourself and keep the so-called silence of thought. The
is necessary for the
3. conscious imagination. Now you can let yourself be captured by the
one flowing into the void.
Giving images and thoughts. Now you've mastered them and you're
able to put the thought "I AM" in the background of your consciousness
to keep you awake. The better you manage to surrender in a detached
way, without
the more you can let the "I AM" fade away.
and let new knowledge flow into you. From the
Emptiness out you can then go into a trance state and
Leaving the body or entering other levels. This is then the
most difficult last stage of meditation, the
4. Conscious awareness."
Maria listened to me patiently for a long time, but now she interrupted
me: "That sounds
quite different from what I've read so far. It says...
just sit down, relax and think about nothing. I've got myself...
I sat down and thought about nothing, but it's a whole lot
and in the end I went from one hundredth to the other and
then fell asleep."
"That's not bad for a start," I praised him. "At least you have
noticed that you've had a lot on your mind. Most beginners
think they're actually thinking about nothing, while sleeping

117 the most, your feet. Thinking of nothing succeeds only if you
has learned to think about what he wants. He has to control the
thinking, the
to shape thoughts.
But back to the highest form of meditation. When I say wakefulness, I
do not mean
the attention, we have already devoted to this on the first level. I
I don't mean the opposite of sleeping. It's about waking up
per se. But just as a blind man can never imagine a color,
wakefulness must first be experienced before the state is deliberately
can cause. This is not about leaving the body. The
comes right at the end. You wouldn't have much of it, because without
conscious wakefulness, at best you'd think you were dreaming.
In waking, it is important that the SELF becomes conscious. Man
can learn that. At first you will only guess at it and for a few moments
experience, you have to bring it up slowly like a memory and cultivate it
a memory.
You must remember that you are a spirit in your body. Think as often as
you can...
and later conscious of the fact that, no matter what you do, your mind
will never forget the
Performing work using the body like a tool. Or imagine...
that you're inside your body, like in a wet suit. See the
Body like a dead machine, a robot, move the fingers through your
Will, which you direct into your hands like electric impulses.
Be aware as often as possible that you walk, stand, eat, read as a spirit,
and look into the world as a ghost. Slowly your
true SELF conscious. More and more often you will find yourself
once again unconsciously and automatically did, thought, or felt
and at the same time you will be able to distinguish your self from your
Once you have succeeded in putting yourself in your body
you'll see something different. You'll find that you don't think
and feel, but that it is rather the other way around. The feelings and
thoughts are
it that carry you and attract your attention. Just as you are in your body
and it automatically walks around with you and puts on your pants
that you consciously command it, so think and feel it in you and clothe
your true self, with thoughts and feelings.
Just as your I is clothed with a body, so is your I with
thoughts and feelings. You're into moods and
ideas and feelings and say, I think and feel and want, although

it's the other way around. It thinks, feels and desires something inside
you, and very often
not even consciously, let alone that you can control it. But
That's not what this is about.
The exercise is just to show you your situation, the other
then happens by itself. Make yourself as many times a day as you want.
just thinking about it, your true self. Think: I am a spirit in the body
and find yourself unconsciously and automatically doing something
thought, felt or wished.
You can practice this wakefulness anywhere and anytime. Make this
Exercise to become a daily habit. Being awake is even more important
than a strong will.
Besides, it is like a refreshing mental shower
pleasantly trickles through and strengthens as soon as you recognize
and grasp yourself.
In the beginning you will only succeed for fractions of a second. But I
will give you
a little trick that will make it easier for you and you will never have to
repeat the exercise
forgets. (See 4th book: Consciousness).
This exercise should become a habit for you, so that you can even in
Sleep thinking about it. You will then, without waking up, in your
wake up and know you're dreaming. When you wake up, you will
Remembering dreams and not losing your day consciousness in your
sleep. The dreams
become real and meaningful as the daily routine, while you can solve
some problems
and events of the day only the symbolic meaning of a
Some initiation temples have "know thyself" written over them. That
this awakening. For only from this awakening does one grasp
its true nature and learns about its thinking, feeling, wanting and
consciousness command."
And once again, Maria surprised me with her original leaps of faith
"Let's see," she said mysteriously, with an adjusted deep
voice, "how far my master can curb his passions."
"Gently she pushed the blanket away and knocked on my
Plaster leg like on a door.
"Come in," I said and played along. She cowered relaxed in front of me
on a
pillow, graceful, slender, like the little mermaid on the stone in front of
Port entrance in Copenhagen. The natural nakedness of her slender
innocent and seductive at the same time.

"You have a beautiful body," she said with satisfaction and left her
look and the right hand, with the left one she supported herself, over
glide. Gently, as if she were wearing the precious fabric of a new dress
she caressed my skin. Gently she explored every
accessible place, and her magic fingers caressingly penetrated my
Aura on.
"You're a terribly shameless creature," I admitted, shocked,
when her hair started to run down my stomach wall with electricity,
I had a premonition of what she was about to do.
"What you are," she muttered, and continued happily, "like me. a horrible way."
And again we sank together into an ecstasy of devotion, at
who causes lust only to detach from the body, so that the souls become
can merge.
Eventually, time brought us back to Earth.
We watched in silence as the candles were slowly burned out. To
the shadows of the wall flitted in the flickering light, it was peaceful
calm and quiet. I was on my back and she had her head on my chest
laid. Tenderly I played with her hair while she
arms firmly embraced. We were very close. I was thinking about
Faust: Oh wait, you may never forget -
As if Mary had read my mind, she said: "You need me
...not to bring them home. I told Brandstrom
Girlfriend sleeps over."
"That's good," I said happily, "there's still time for us. - You say
...not father to him anymore, why?"
"I don't know - now please tell me everything. About the axe, about the
from the cave and from you, but first, from your broken leg."
I started to tell, I told, and Maria listened. She asked...
Questions. It's been a long night. One day we made love...
and at some point we fell asleep ....


"You must once again go to the underworld," said Maria at an extensive
Breakfast the next morning. "But without the magic ring, I will not let
back there. Baphomet would have you tracked down again and killed."
"This time we'll turn the tables," I said confidently, beheading an egg.
"Maybe we can find the ring, we must look for it."
"That's a very good idea," rejoiced Maria, thrilled at the prospect of
a holiday together in Switzerland. She spooned up hungry
self-made cereal and was happy that we, as man and wife
woke up next to each other and at the same time unhappy because
they were
school class should go away for a sports week.
"I won't see you at the party again," she said sadly. "But...
maybe it's a good idea if I don't keep you from your work for a few
days, you
"must rewrite the Master's book as soon as possible."
"I will deal with Brandstrom and all his visitors
respect," Maria announced a little later in the car. "Will you please pay
Baphomet. I don't think I dreamed that then."
"Me neither," I confessed. "Please take care of yourself." We both got
It was as if a shadow had been cast over our happiness.
Since I had cancelled all my appointments for the next week as well, I
to the book. I've been making much better progress than I expected. An
Most of the work was done by Emil's friend, Horst Krbec. He has
typed many old manuscripts and could read even the most illegible
decipher. He too was an occultist and lived, like us, secluded between
esoteric books, I could trust him completely.
In only four days (and probably nights) the friend managed to
to translate difficult text into a readable form. I also worked like
and so Horst, when he was finished, could immediately take my
Insert comments and remarks in the designated places. He
wrote on a modern personal computer, and in the end
The finished manuscript lay before me for a week.
The last pages of the original, which John - which I had found in the
instead of a preface, I moved to the
Begin. Nothing could better underline the importance of the work
than this urgent appeal to the finder of the records.
Every reader should consider himself a finder and heir to the legacy
the Master and be aware of the responsibility that he, since
he was now privy to the secret. Everyone becomes
a link in the long chain of the secret brotherhood and to
a fighter for truth, justice and charity.
I would have liked to discuss some things with Emil, but he was still
always not back. But at least we knew that in Denmark
was. I'd meet him at the festival at Brandstrom's, he let me through
I didn't want to waste any time. Twice I had my mission...
cannot fulfil. In this life, I've had to be more clever.
After sending copies of the manuscript to four publishers,
I felt relieved somehow. Instead of the terrible knowledge
I wanted to change my tactics and take it out into the
world. The objects of power, however, were in my
secret temple as safe as in the cave for now.
But the most dangerous thing was yet to come. I was sure that
with the elixir would find the western tower again. There lay the
book of formulas and contained those realizations, which were not in
the earthly
consciousness were allowed to be transmitted. I was also hoping to use
Andimos again, if necessary also without the ring, into the temple of
Power to penetrate.
The visions we had seen had all been fulfilled. The
Reformation and division of the church.
The flashing noise in the discotheques, which already
dancing, staggering, as if drugged by an acoustic drug, and giving them
influence of the shadow opens.
The prosperity that makes indifferent and more tiring and
weakens as hard work.
The "glass chests" in the corners of the room, through which Baphomet
sends his pictures, models after which everyone thinks and feels.
Millions, hypnotized by the TV, simultaneously deliver
Emotions of hate and horny greed, elementals, the Baphomet and
to feed his shadow lords. A feast menu that
invisible forces milking us for their earthly
the film and television producer prepares night for
Have it served at night.
The war vision of misery, fear and terror - all of this was
was foreseen and has occurred. What is yet to come?
It was an illustrious party that Brandström invited to his villa
had. As at the New Year's reception of the Federal President
Personalities from politics, culture and economy on the parquet floor.
bigwigs, cardinals, and in between the ugly, garishly painted ones,
women of the world, who are too old, gaunt or fat, and who are too
rich in jewellery
Privileged. Hard eyes in shining faces.
A pathetic, pitiful, yet swank and merciless mob. From
Luxury, power and vanity stunned, long since robbed of their true
they billowed like glittering shadows, as the only homogeneous waft of
mist the
Transience through the magnificent hall. There were lazy, blind
maggots in
a dead glimmer that reminds me of the horrible chirping in the temple
Baphomets remembered.
Brandström spotted me immediately and embraced me warmly. "I am
that you have come," he greeted me effusively and seemed real
relieved. "I know you usually avoid this sort of sociability. But
maybe something else is drawing you here," he said, obviously alluding
to Maria. So he knew about us and left when I just asked
...and then he moved in right after that.
"You made a powerful impression on Maria. But don't you think..,
that she's too young?"
Before I could blush and turn pale, he kept talking. "Ever since she
heard that...
she's more down in the library than on her
and devours one occult book after another."
I breathed again. So that was it.
"However," Brandström continued, "I too, at 15, had my first
book on alchemy, and I didn't have an experienced guru at my side.
Come", he then asked me and pushed me through the hustle and bustle
to a
Room in the side wing of the spacious villa. "I want to introduce you

I want to introduce you to friends from the far north. They are brothers
from the
Swedish Order of Freemasons - Einar Leftini and Abel Isakson."
Like Brandström before me, they too seemed delighted to see me, and
had obviously been waiting for us. Both stood up politely and came
...towards us. Leftini limped.
He shook my hand, and I felt as if I was
Shaking billy goats. So clear was the sensation that I surprised them like
let go a hot potato and looked curiously
He noticed it embarrassed and quickly pulled it back as if he was trying
to hide something.
I could tell, however, that it was a perfectly normal healthy hand
I was embarrassed. I'm seeing ghosts, I thought about it, but it should
have been
can also be a prosthesis.
The Swede with the Greek name of the shady alchemist from
Spunda's novel "Baphomet" also looked exactly as one imagines it to
Lean, dark, ascetic, lurking. Despite the claw, he had clearly
Handshake of the 3° as a freemason to be recognized.
Isakson also greeted me with the master grip and looked at me with a
meaningful look
in the eyes. But unlike the other man's paw, his hand felt
limp and powerless. His fingers gave way and glued themselves to my
like a raw pizza pie.
I could hardly hide the fact that I didn't like those two.
"If you don't mind," said Brandström, and gave me a glass, too.
champagne, "let's have dinner served here. So we can have peace and
and are undisturbed."
As he left us for a moment, Leftini came straight to the point: "My dear
he said, and his voice was hauntingly quiet, hoarse and muffled, "we
have heard of
and ask you to show us the shrine. There is the
legitimate presumption that this is a lost property from our
I acted astonished. "I understand that in 1754 the first lodge in
received. However, the records I found among the items
13th and 14th centuries and from before that."
"Records?" They were both surprised. They found it difficult to
to hide consternation. "Surely you will provide us with a copy put." Leftini's question sounded like an order.
"I intend to publish everything," I announced. "The writings
are so explosive that they are decisive for the spiritual evolution of
...will affect the outcome of this operation."


They got scared and Leftini turned pale.

"My dear brother," slimed the jellyfish and stared, instead of
to look at, with his watery carp eyes expressionlessly on his
biting off fingernails. "You shouldn't make a mistake now. "You must...
"talk to friends, brothers, confidants."
Leftini interrupted him: "The secret knowledge was never for the
thought. They wouldn't understand or abuse it. You commit a
Treason." He got up and, visibly aroused, walked around the room.
he came to his senses and sat back down.
"These things belong to us, the Order, you cannot dispose of them,"
he'd look me in the eye as if he was going to stab me in the brain.
"You know very well that the official foundation of the lodge in
Stockholm has nothing to do with
to our true work. Eckleff only taught Freemasonry in
Scandinavia was introduced. In his rituals you will find nothing of the
magistri templi. The axe and the cross with the Baphomet, the insignia
of the
Vicarius Salomonis, we have taken over directly from the Templars, we
are the
the sole legitimate administrator of her inheritance. The shrine is ours."
Leftini had
got excited, his hands trembled when he lit a cigarette.
"I don't see it quite like you do," I said and remained completely calm.
"I am
the opinion that everyone who has won the championship, and I mean
not only the third degree in Freemasonry, exclusively to himself
is responsible. He needs to know what he's doing, and he's not
responsible to anyone
at least to a lodge or a club he does not even belong to,
... "committed."
Now the lean one dropped the mask completely.
"Make no mistake," he warned. "According to your knowledge, you are
one of
us. The Order has the power to take what is theirs."
"Is that a threat?" I asked, "I'm not afraid of your
Magic." I got up to leave, but the jellyfish jumped up. With a
agility, which I would not have expected from the fat man, he was
above me and
pushed me back in the chair with gentle force.
"That's not what he meant." It was more the fabulous
bad breath, which, like an animal carcass in the bushes, is soaked
lips waved back, which knocked me down, I had to sit down.
Then the host came back, too. The food was brought behind him. The
Delicacies were so exquisite when the society was rotten. I stayed.


Brandström gave me regards from Maria. "She's been to a

Girlfriend is late and hopes to see you because she has important
He is introducing my daughter to hermetics," he told the others. "The
is naturally fascinated by the power of magic."
"Magic as a means of power is as obsolete today as the steam engine",
Leftini still claimed irritably, and went with it to my
Remark from earlier on.
"The time of sorcerers and black boxes, who were endowed with
psychic powers
rule the world, is over. Meanwhile, the violence reigns supreme
and open. Extortion, corruption and murder are as much a part of
torture these days
terror and war are perfectly legal practices of politics and economics."
"Are you implying," I asked, "that there are even
is no longer there? Why do you still need the Templar's weapons?"
He skipped the second part of my question. "Surely you know the
Successor organization of the Order of Freemasons of the Gueldenen
Centurium. What
the brothers then in the FOGC with the help of their formulas, rituals
and helping spirits
the members of the P 2 succeed today, I believe you call yourselves
the Club 47, in a very mundane way. The brothers of propaganda due
do not even meet for common rituals, most of them know each other
Not at all. If you need anything, call Gelli, he's the man to see.
together. I had dinner with him once in Milan. In those three hours.
they brought him the phone maybe ten times. He made a few calls.
most matters are dealt with immediately. Nowadays they have a
telephone instead of
"And blackmail instead of magic," I added, quoting
Goethe../'If you don't want to be my brother, then I'll smash your skull
"You mustn't see it that way", said Brandström. "I would
...a binding friendship. I know Gelli.
helped several times but never asked for anything in return."
"You don't know what else he'll ask for," I said.
the lobster back. Suddenly I'd had enough. "They all have their price.
Lüdgendorf, for example, told me very different things. He was my
patient before...
he died."
"You don't believe in suicide?" Brandström asked astonished, "I thought
that clearly proven."
"He was made Secretary of Defense
arms exports. He confessed that to me himself. Our whole
The Austrian Armed Forces serve only for the trial and testing purposes
of the Austrian


Weapons manufacturing. He didn't want to go back in, but he was

scared to death,
to get out. My medication took away his fear, but
cost me my life," I remarked sarcastically.
"He poisoned himself with it?" asked the jellyfish hypocritically.
"No," I hissed. "He got out and was shot." Some
For seconds there was an embarrassed silence.
"You can't blame yourself for this rumor," said
Brandström is surprised. "Half the government knows about the illegal
Tank exports. Norikum has just shipped guns to Libya again."
"And if you don't deliver, they'll get the stuff from us," Leftini told him.
into the word. For the first time, he had something like a wry grin on his
"How many unemployed do you think," he went on, "how many
unemployed we would have without
Weapons industry. The whole economy would collapse. Real
"Prosperity can only be found in countries where weapons are
"For which others pay and suffer," I interjected.
"Why, the weapons aren't being used after all. "They are used for...
Deterrence." -
"And secure the power of totalitarian regimes, allow the
Suppression, and in many places they go off anyway. After all, dying...
every week, 100,000 people in wars.
"That's how many die in car accidents every day," the Swede remarked.
unmoved. "Nothing bad, which would not also have something good,
forget the
Defense does not. Weapons also serve good."
"The good," I contradicted, "does not use violence. It works through
Power of the will of personalities who are committed to the true and
and by selfless renunciation incorruptible on the side of the
...of the forces that are building it up."
"You're an incorrigible moralist," the jellyfish mingled back into
Conversation. "Even with this, evil cannot be beaten. "There will always
be one...
who is power hungry, corrupt and ruthless. Besides.
Conscience has long been shaped by other ideas and with different
Just as our fathers murdered for God, Emperor and country.
and died, today the ambitious and the idealists serve the party,
the Group and itself. To be successful, to take advantage of others, that
is too
a merciless martial art, everyone knows it's instantly replaceable, and
those who remain rule the world."

"I know," I admitted. "You cannot prevent evil. "But you must...
not be the one through whom it happens."
"Then you don't need the shrine with the magic weapons,"
the fat one. "We'll pay you what you ask for, of course.
its value, even to you."
I was deprived of an answer. Like a whirlwind, Mary rushed in and
scared away the lying faces of our fruitless discussion.
"Hello Brandstrom," she greeted her father, but gave me the kiss on the
Forehead: "Good evening, great master." Then she winced and nodded
to the other two. "I'm not properly adjusted," she apologized with
one look at her jeans, "I'm gonna change." Before she disappeared,
she fished herself a roll and emptied my glass.
"To this beautiful child," Leftini remarked appreciatively.
Congratulations to my father." But he looked at me and not at my
Brandstrom on. So the loving look of Maria did not escape him. We
had to be more careful. "I'm sure she's very docile," he remarked.
"Yes," I said and stood up. "She's asking very clever questions, but right
...I'll try."
Brandström also wanted to take care of his other guests and left with
me the room.
"I hope you're not angry with me for turning you over to them...
I don't know who informed them. I only learned from her that
you found the cave."
"It's all right," I said, "they would have put me like this. What are they
"Leftini is a chemist, he owns a pharmaceutical company
Directors at Saab. - Fighter planes, etc. You understand." I understand
needed fresh air.
On the large property in front of the house people moved like
Extras in a movie. Colorful lanterns and small fires lit
romantic park. Fountains splashed, and on hidden benches
behind bushes the first couples were already found. The night was
but not cold. I went back into the house.

"Today power no longer lies with politicians or generals. Even the
Central banks no longer rule the world." The white-haired publicist,
I only knew him from television, obviously enjoyed being the center of
attention. "Come,
sit with us," said the bishop quietly and pulled me onto his sofa while
popular commentator. "If money is the blood of the economy.
you could say today, electricity is the life force. Does a city turn the
Cut the power and everything falls apart. Without power, nothing
works, and who
has it, produces it, distributes it, he is at the gearshift of power. All
others are purchased stirrup holders".
"Do not underestimate the power of faith," the bishop interjected.
"Do you mean the fanatical, terror-inducing faith of the Islamic
Fundamentalists? - the dangerous superstitions of sectarians? - the
Religious pressure from Jewish lobbies? - or even moving the
Faith of Christianity? -"
"I mean the unifying power of belief in the viability of
Good." The Bishop, like many people who are accustomed
his hands quietly interlocked and moved with his calm
the attention of those present in a pleasant voice.
"Even in countries where the Catholic Church seems to have no
has vanquished evil. I say that in a few years, communism
is overcome."
Much to the surprise of the audience, the other did not object.
"Whether the
power of faith or with the money you give to Lech Walesa and his
dissidents, it happens, it doesn't matter. - The communist
Dictatorships may be overthrown. But, Your Eminence, you don't
believe in
Seriously, does that mean that the evil also disappears? With
we've learned how to handle it, it controls itself. You know what
is coming? Evil seeks another disguise."
"Evil cannot be defeated by overthrowing its servants"
I agree with the journalist. "It's too deep in every human soul."
"And like a sleeping lion, it can be awakened at any time."
others have taken my thoughts away. He looked like a greyhound. The
his receding forehead merged almost directly into a straight long nose,
and his face
with the slanted narrow eyes, pushed forward dynamically, like
everything else about him.
There was something fascinating about him, and as he continued to
talk, grasped and fixed
the man-dog with his look. Just like you can put a bug between
takes the fingers, carefully and then decided


quickly, he grabbed me. By the time I realized, it was too late. I felt...
somehow stopped me, my mind went blank.
His words blew over monotonously, dripping from him incessantly
haunting, like from a leaky faucet, I could see them. They
gathered above his head to form opalescent flat shapes, disengaged
...and flying, sailing through the air towards me like rays in the sea.
As soon as one of the creatures clapped my forehead, rather softly as
Cloud wadding, it immediately wrapped itself around the eyes, ears and
temples, not tight,
but like a loose bandage that, without tightening,
seemed to fuse with my head instantly. The strange thought turban
enveloped me like a giant bell, under which my brain
was made to sound like a tuning fork. Every note was a fine root
that penetrated my thinking.
Though I did not understand a single word, nor did I know the content
of what was said.
it echoed and imprinted its meaning deeply into my consciousness,
...I was able to resist. I knew what was happening, I felt
but helpless, like a computer that is programmed to listen to the
crackling of
Input suspended.
I was neither dazed nor absent-minded, on the contrary. The
I was aware of the process with complete clarity. I registered,
uninvolved, every
Detail of my futile attempts to resist. I looked at myself
even like a laboratory animal in a cage.
He too seemed relaxed and unemotional. But I noticed that while he
talked, followed my inner movements with tension. He watched me
lurking out of the corners of his mind like a serpent's sacrifice, and
triumphantly realized that I was becoming more and more helpless.
From those present...
no one saw anything of the fight.
I went through every register of mental defenses, but nothing worked. I
had nothing to oppose the inflowing elementals. Like sand in
the hourglass, my willpower slipped through my fingers unstoppably, I
could no longer grasp the reins of my spirit. It was easy to foresee,
when the last of my resistance would have trickled away.
Suddenly it came to me. I gave a hearty burp, like this
so loud that it is impossible not to hear that he is a drunken tramp
would have. It upset him. He didn't expect it. He was...
confused. His mental balance was off balance. Baffled,
astonished, outraged, he stared at me in disbelief. He was raging with
rage inside,


but it was too late. Now I had him between my fingers. And
he noticed.
I had no trouble deciphering what he wanted from me. He wanted...
and he wanted the Master's book.
Still he tried to distract. He tuned into the embarrassing
Laughter, which after the short, dismayed silence of the ladies and
Mr. at the table, but it was too late. After
once he was upset, I used his insecurity to
to force my will upon him. Now he was defencelessly naked, as helpless
me before, an instrument on which I could play the way I wanted to.
And I
wanted. I made him laugh.
I made him laugh louder and louder, made him giggle, pant, bellow,
suffocate. He bent, writhed, twitched, like he was gonna throw up,
how madly he slapped his thighs with pleasure, not only himself, but
also the
the minister's wife next to him, - gesticulating, knocking over glasses,
the chair behind
tilted his head. He staggered and stood, bent over, like the
Rigoletto in the gawking round. His gaze became glassy.
For a long time there was only embarrassing silence around us. A circle
has formed around...
and everyone was horrified to see how under his feet the precious
...the red carpet got wet. He was laughing so hard he started to laugh.
You could almost feel sorry for him again, and I relaxed my mental
Clamp. Only now did he slowly come to and grasp the full
Extent of the embarrassment. When, on top of everything else, he was
and a woman screamed with enthusiasm because she thought he
wanted to
...pull out the trickling thing, and it finally broke the spell. The
The pent-up tension was released.
With his back bent, he let a discreet butler hurry up and take his place.
through the murmuring crowd. My burp was now in my mind
nobody anymore.
I discreetly sauntered into the other room and observed
all present. I was hoping that one of his accomplices would give himself
Berny was smiling all over his face. Sebastian looked as I watched
from one to another. The bishop's face was stone and pale.
I couldn't see Brandstrom. But his very reaction would have made me...
Then I discovered Emil. He had his eyes fixed on the horizon, as in
Trance, and flinched when I touched him.

"Who was that?" I asked him.

"I was about to find out," my friend replied slightly irritated.
"But he had a protective shell like a nuclear reactor. What did he want
you, you haven't exactly been on friendly terms."
"You don't have to hide anything from me," I said appreciatively and
the head "He's after the shrine like everyone else."
"The book-hot antiquarian from Berlin should get a bubble tea from
get a prescription", Berny interrupted me, who joined us. "What
...was there something wrong with you?"
I couldn't answer him. Brandström had also resurfaced.
and came towards us together with Ewald. "There we are almost a
perfect box," he said, when from the other side Sebastian, the
The bishop and the abbot also rose and headed for the city. "Poor Wolf
...he then went into detail about what happened earlier. "He obviously
has too much
"I don't believe it. He's overdoing it in other ways,"
and fixed me with his pitch-black eyes. "You...
I understand you found the cave."
"Mind you," I admitted, "word certainly got around fast."
My remark seemed to make them all uncomfortable. Very briefly
I am a stranger among the seven brothers.
The abbot, who noticed, added conciliatory: "Do you not want me
Michael, you haven't visited our abbey library. There
...I guarantee you'll find works that interest you."
"Don't let him bait you," joked Berny, warning, "knowing him as I do.
he will take the Master's book from you and offer you a Bible in return,
which is
a book whore just like the Berliner."
"What?" asked Brandström in surprise and was really upset. "Wolfman.
...knows about this too?"
"He even attacked me about it.
"Damn," he took it away. "If he's after something, he'll come back for it. too. He's a fanatic, watch out!"
"Soon I won't know who else I'm threatened by
must." The whole thing developed more and more into a detective
story with
Uncertain outcome. I was sorry that I had to feel sorry for anyone
I should have heeded Sebastian's advice.
The minister joined us and interrupted my deliberations. "I must...
unfortunately gone, dear friend" he said goodbye to the host. "I have

two more parties to go." With a shrill, unmistakable whistle

he signaled his wife to leave. "Without that whistle," he said.
apologetically, "I would have to search for hours, we often have ten
parties in
of one night."
"I like him," remarked the Bishop, looking at them with a smile.
after. "He sometimes really says what he thinks. A luxury that today
...more few can do."
Maria came down the stairs. She was wearing a lovely dirndl dress
feminine curves of her slender body, and was gracefully beautiful as
a model at the altar.
"Can I kidnap my guru for you?" she asked and took me
Hand. "You must show me the constellations."
"Don't stay out too long," Brandström called after us, "the night is
getting cold,
and you have school tomorrow. We'll be in the library. Michael, come
...please come back later."
It had really freshened up a bit, and Maria was huddled in there
me. She led me to a bank in a remote part of the park where we
were alone. Above us, the starry infinity opened its
awe-inspiring splendor.
"As if we were a lovers' threesome," said Maria, and I understood what
said. "Even as a child, when I was sad.
...hid and found solace."
"I know that," I confirmed. "I also have places and times of!
lonely encounters. The happiness of this sexless union with
You can cultivate the Eternal like the practice of conscious alertness.
This r
State is the other pole of consciousness and at the same time the
preliminary stage to !
Ecstasy, from which one reaches other planes. - But it is strange: First
people lose themselves in a love and find themselves, if this is too
It's over. Then they sink into an apparent unconsciousness and
recognize themselves, awakening in the "spirits" that carry them.
But even behind them there is still a bottomless abyss into which one1
...and find his final resting place in it. Maybe
you reach the world of the gods, I don't know. I hope this
to overcome abyssus with the elixir."


"But please, not without the ring, promise me that," Maria demanded.
"You must
"we found the ring first."
"There's only one ring, but billions of people,"
consider. "They all have to cross over sometime. "I believe that this
ring itself and that, consciously or unconsciously, everyone can take
part in it
"You're thinking about the mental exercises for self-improvement?"
"Yes, I mean the work on yourself. "He who rests once in his center...
...the circle is complete, he no longer needs a magic ring."
"But how is it that so many people live like animals
Possessed, like machines and have no idea where
...should they know what life is all about?"
"By publishing the master book," I said. "While there are many
esoteric books and initiation pamphlets, but I don't know of anything
is as convincing as the records of John. Whoever reads these will
find his way."
"Yes", Maria also said, "I hope you find a publisher for it soon. The way
is then still exhausting enough for those who walk it. - It is not
unjust that so many people are excluded from wisdom? I
mean not only those who know nothing about it, but the infidels who
Weak, the indifferent. Why do some people have it so easy and believe
and always want and do the right thing, without the need for special
...have to make an effort?"
"I think it's the other way around.
particularly hard, because they follow the path of least resistance, the
of the earthly, follow. The whole nature of this world is according to
this principle
built up. The water of a stream follows the given course of the small
trickle and flushes it out more and more - the electrons flow to
this principle - the crystal patterns - the ice flowers at the window - the
leaf structures
of the plants are formed in exactly the same way by following the
previous one,
just as the molecules in the micro-widths are formed and the
Networks of nerves are formed.
According to the principle "as above so below" also the mental
structures this law. Also the spiritual energy follows the path of
least resistance, and therefore the efforts of the
earthly orientated. The shoots fall as a result of the inner,
psychic gravity until they can overcome the inertia, the comfort, the
Selfishness, fear, brejrist again. Who wants to free himself from it, who


wants to overcome the impulses of his earthly oriented nature, he must stand up to it and put some effort into it. The true, good and just to
is always associated with a renunciation and is more strenuous than
doing leave. It requires building new structures and digging canals."
"This brings us back to the spiritual exercises," Mary said. "I wanted
but know why some people find it so easy to follow the path?"
"Because they have begun, consciously or unconsciously, to walk it.
turns to a spiritual path, which is mostly already before, without having
you know, headed in that direction.
The training of the mind does not begin with the great enlightenment
hours of meditation, but in the humble fulfillment of the duty of
Everyday life. The factory worker at the assembly line, the housewife in
the kitchen, the doctor at the
Operating table, they also practice a kind of everyday yoga.
Unfortunately, however, most of them do not consciously use the
energy gained
to build the structures for their perfection, but leave them in
predetermined channels flow off. Thereby it would be easy to transfer
the force into desired
to steer the trajectories.
It is known that a stretched muscle automatically receives more force
a relaxed one. This also applies to the muscles of the soul. The mental
flows into those elemental parts of the soul, to which one has
attention. That which one pays attention to becomes
the field of vision of the consciousness, and vice versa, grows with
every time you
surrender to certain ideas and fantasies, whose meaning and
Power. Thus interests become inclinations and inclinations, habits,
which then form ideas as independent powers, which in turn form
Structures give direction to thinking. A cycle is created, no matter
it's sex, science, money or esotericism.
That's why they say: Resist the beginnings. The first impulses of a
Anyone could have fought temptation off. Conversely.
consciously learn and train the desired inclinations and abilities. The
the first mental building block that determines the new direction is
good intention and
a clearly defined idea of what is desired."
"I think I understand," said Maria, "depending on how you deal with
thoughts and wishes, which fantasies and conceptions one has, which
which habits one cultivates and cultivates, which drives one
or suppresses, rejects or affirms, the
inner structure of the spirit, which then takes over the mental
Stirrings follow. A cycle in which one thing leads to another
conditional and reinforced.
But isn't it true that you can still be
plants is born? A virgin is more prone to
Beware than an Aquarius, and a lion has more of an urge
for self-assertion as a fish. My shooter friend
is much more spontaneous and enthusiastic than Erika,
who is a Capricorn."
"You got that right. But the way an athletic
young man buys a car other than a retired one
Accountant and an alpine plant does not grow in the tropics,
so a spirit incarnates in that astrological time quality, in
which creates a body that is capable of
to create elementals corresponding to his nature.
One does not have the disposition to a certain character,
because you came into the world at a certain time, but
you are born when a body is formed,
in which those investments can develop that are in line with their
to the essence of the creature.
The astrological tides not only shape the outer
Physique, you know the special form of
Archer's noses, the dimples of the Venusians, the
bull's neck, and the lions' mane. Also the
hormonal release, which ultimately leads to certain
is cosmically conditioned, and the effect of these movements on the
varies depending on the planet's position. One to depression
inclined Saturnian has a completely different
Lemon acid levels as a cheery scale."
"Thank God there are hormones that make you fall in love and lust
", Maria noticed and put her hand between my hand
Shirt. I had completely forgotten that we were lovers,
and kissed her. "You're freezing," I said when I realized
she was trembling. "Come on, let's go before you catch a cold." I
put my tuxedo jacket over her shoulders, and she
followed me.
"I'll be leaving immediately," Maria announced, "I
doesn't like these people, it's all so phony, they're fed up
and still seem to be starving."
"I don't like them either, but I have to
inside. The outrageous demands of the Swedes are
has not yet been discussed. Were those the visitors you saw at the
You saw the dream?"
"I'm not quite sure. "At first I was...
convinced of it and terrified when I saw her. Meanwhile
it's kind of a blur,


blurred, extinguished, but I already think they did it. Please stay.
Vigilant, my dearest thou."
I found these two with the other friends in the library. The
former grandmaster just lectured: "Only with the French Revolution is
Europe has become free and mature. The Enlightenment brought the
golden age
"Oh, stop your fancy-schmancy smartass," Emil interrupted him.
brutal. "You're so backward and clueless, we're going to make you
...the most reverend. Because with you at the helm, not even the most
the Friars something of the true mystery of Freemasonry. Nothing can
touch the
as your so-called enlightenment. Today there is
a long time ago that people should be educated about, but you're
on the pubertal primary wisdoms of Kant's philosophy and
Winckelmann couldn't get out.
What did the Enlightenment ultimately achieve? It denies evil. It has...
God is replaced by practical reason and thus the destructive powers
the superior instance is taken. What was the consequence: Marxism,
the religions and every spirituality suppressed - and the sick
Pseudo-science of psychoanalysis, which invented a soulless soul
Even the church", said Emil, now addressed to the bishop, "is
to preach today of angels and of the devil, and has taken the spirits out
Heaven banished. Since the spiritual and the mental in man has only
excretion product of the body is considered, there are also for heavenly
There's no more room for them. Even in fairy tales, the gnomes and
disappeared and were replaced by talking cars and living robots.
Poor new world!"
"Remember your esotericism," the bishop interjected. "The world view
of the
hermetic, following the materialistic economic thinking,
also offers causal mechanistic explanation models for the planes
We're talking about holographic reflections, oscillating fields,
energies and frequencies, but nowhere do I find the conscious entities
hierarchy of our old tradition. God was dismembered, cut up and
the otherworldly ones are as dead as a doornail. For that, chaos has
Creator power exalted."


"Thank God, or unfortunately, they are not," said Emil. "The gods are
just as little dependent on our faith, although that faith is certainly
flattered, as we put our I-consciousness on the dead measurement
of an electroenzophalograph.
The beyond is not a thinner this world, as Rudolf Steiner said, and
to quote someone else, namely Goethe: The world divided by reason
doesn't open. People feel it.
Their altars have been smashed and replaced with computers, and now
the seekers run after the occult pied pipers. There they find what
looking for her. Today, superstition drives in the form of a rampant
Pseudo-oesotericism more colourful flowers than in the darkest Middle
Ages. Where is
your reconnaissance, Heinz?"
"I fear our astrologer is right," the bishop confirmed. "We have
threw the baby out with the bath water. The church also failed to
to satisfy man's need for mysticism. The believers will
captured in droves by the various sects. Their souls go
"What do you imagine the soul to be like, Your Eminence?" asked
Leftini lurking.
"It is now scientifically proven that it is indeed a product
Body is. Feelings are molecules. You can prove that. The complex...
in nature can always be reduced to simple elements. Therefore also
the basic structure of the behaviour patterns of all people is the same
and highest
uncomplicated. It is based on a few emotional mechanisms. Thereby
the emotional impulses are triggered by central neurotransmitters.
has already isolated quite a bit of it. In addition to the already longer
known endorphins and hormones, the oxydocins and hormones
Vasopressins. They cause the highest and noblest of feelings,
the charity.
A mother rat lacking the oxydocin eats her young. Squirts
If, on the other hand, you give it to a bull rat, it will immediately
become tame
and compatible and even begins to build a nest."
"Not all humans are rats," Berny said, and threw him a short
Watch. "What is it about our mothers that we owe our mother's milk
...including this ding dadocin?"
"Whether it's love for the children or for the neighbour, even with
People can't do anything without Oxydocin. However, the body of a
breastfeeding mother actually more of it. There's something in a man...

Oxydocin, especially during sexual intercourse, which makes it tender

...more loving."
"If my wife finds out," Ewald remarked, "I'll be sent to the
Breakfast instead of magnesium and selenium, oxydocin tablets."
"All you have to do is tschindsch more often, then you can
Pharmacists save and are not always so irritable," said Berny, "but
anyway, I find it very sobering. How will it end when the
people polish up their black soul with hormones instead of making
training of their minds themselves to ennoble. It is enough that the
alcohol and
drug patients forget how to express their true nature."
"It is all created by God," the bishop said. "The whole soul is, after all.
is born through the body into the world and is carried by it. Why
should not also be a feeling that is a component and expression of the
are carried by a corpuscle. I don't see the problem."
"It's just that," the chemist remarked cynically, "in the kingdom of
probably doesn't have these corpuscles. The afterlife is not a thinner
This side, Dr. Stein has just claimed. In paradise, you will be
...unpleasant surprise, I'm afraid."
"To prove the possibility of the power of spirit over matter,
we do not need to leave this world," I said. "The parapsychological
Research has long since sufficiently demonstrated this. But
unfortunately, what is missing, not
only in science, but also in today's esotericism, a uniform
definition and a vivid description of what we can do with spirit and
Terms taken over from the antiquity are described by the soul
members with
the soul body of Theosophy, and it happens again and again,
that when one speaks of the spirit, the other means a spiritual element.
Not only the church has at some point developed the idea of the spirit
as part of the
of the human being is abolished and all subtle things are transferred
into the soul
packed. Even the great consciousness analyst C.G. Jung has mind and
were not separated and therefore had to fail in the end.
I think it is very important to get an idea of the
Spiritual, that which thinks, recognizes, judges and imagines about you,
and it separates
of the soul that feels, desires and is felt in you. And both are
independent of conscious will."

"Who are you?" I asked Leftini. "What are you and how would you
define your essential self. What is your consciousness based on? It is
Thinking and wanting, which gives you expression besides feeling.
In contrast to animals, humans have the possibility of choice. He
can think about his thoughts, can develop his ideas according to his
will and is able to control his feelings.
Yes, he can even, through the power of his imagination and faith.
produce hormones and endorphins and thus from within themselves,
intentionally, evoke desired sensations and feelings in oneself or
suppress. The placebo effect is a case in point, and
there is a lot of other evidence that these molecules also
can form through the power of the mind. For this one does not need a
Just as the brain is used to bring thoughts into the physical world
the molecules also enable you to store the molecules on this
material plane.
But only because there is the body and its chemistry, you need to be
free from
not make him dependent. If it is said that the earth makes you subject,
it's not just dead matter.
Humans conquer the forces of nature and successfully operate
Agriculture. They create artistic works, build houses, bridges,
Dams. Design mechanical devices, invent ingenious machines and
Computer. You have found medicines for diseases and
chemistry, nuclear physics and molecular biology. They are already
to conquer the micro-widths and intervene directly in life.
But this is not the end of the possibilities. The Earth subject to
also means the overcoming and mastery of the, from which
Earthly through the earthly, adult bonds. This means that...
free from the sensations and feelings. But not by
earthly means, such as chemistry or genetic engineering, but through
the power of
spirit. The purpose of earthly existence is to be able to use spiritual
to gain tension in order to free yourself from it. Not only from the
Earthly existence with its ties, temptations and seductions,
but also from the clutches of Baphomet.
Baphomet is the personified power and force of matter and nature,
is the violence bound up in the earth and released by life,
but always remains bound to the material because of its origin.

Baphomet is the eternally imprisoned slave of his own
The Templars worshipped him, and he rewarded them
the power of knowledge. Humans began to take the Earth
To make him a subject. But they didn't realize
...from true beings more and more. Meanwhile, they are being
destroyed by their own
achievements without which no one can be without today.
Leftini is right. These supports don't exist beyond the terrestrial. There
to help.
neither technology nor drugs. There we rest and act in and out of
himself, and only those who consciously control their thinking, feeling
and wanting will
to be able to experience freedom.
The Master's book describes all this very vividly and exposes the
secret enemy of man. I will therefore pass on this knowledge, to which
has a right to publish. No one can stop me from doing that. The
But objects of power remain in my custody. No medal and no
Church have a right to it."
I was suddenly surrounded by an icy silence. The animosity that made
became tangible like a wall. However, I could not locate, from
who it came from.
From a dark corner of the library, the abbot emerged like a ghost.
and silently fixed me with his raven gaze. I don't think any of us...
noticed him there.
The Grand Master, who had been voted out of office, had withdrawn in
stared expressionlessly. The police commissioner was sleeping next to
drunk as usual.
The bishop pressed his jaws together so that his cheekbones were
stepped forward. His eyes were closed, as if he were praying. Even
Berny and
Sebastian seemed uninvolved, Emil on the other hand was obviously
worried. He looked
...he's been conjuring me up like he's trying to say, "Shut up. I nodded
to him
"The book will never be published," hissed Leftini with a bright red head
stepped firmly toward me. I, too, had stood up. We were standing close
and hateful, audible only to me, he pressed between his
...thin lips produce a curse. "We will destroy you, overestimate
not you, you miserable traitor."

Brandström let a champagne plug pop. "I believe that among brothers...
you talk about everything," he defused the situation and gave the
But I said goodbye. I knew the battle had begun and I
I knew I would have more than one opponent. The open threat
Leftinis disturbed me less than the unspoken hostility of
serious, waking, distant looks that isolated me like a stranger.
A shadow had fallen on us and enveloped each of us individually.

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