Requirements: System & Architecture

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Technical recommendations for implementation of the product Sage ERP X3 V6

System & Architecture

For Software developed under the

technical platform SAFE X3 V6

Version of the document : 2.f

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Technical recommendations for implementation of the product Sage ERP X3 V6

I - Architecture introduction ................................................................................................................ 4
I.1 - Generalities .............................................................................................................................. 4
I.2 - Folder concept ......................................................................................................................... 4
II - Components Description ............................................................................................................... 5
II.1 - Servers .................................................................................................................................... 5
II.1.1 - Database server ............................................................................................................... 5
II.1.2 - Application & Main Processing server ........................................................................... 5
II.1.3 - Additional Processing Server .......................................................................................... 5
II.1.4 - Print Server ...................................................................................................................... 5
II.1.5 - Citrix XenApp / Microsoft Terminal Service Servers .................................................... 6
II.1.6 - Web Server ...................................................................................................................... 6
II.1.7 - Bridge java Server ........................................................................................................... 6
II.1.8 - Business Objects Server .................................................................................................. 6
II.1.9 - Configuration Console .................................................................................................... 6
II.1.10 - Mail Server or SMTP Bridge ........................................................................................ 7
II.1.11 - Mail Client..................................................................................................................... 7
II.1.12 - Search Engine ................................................................................................................ 7
II.2 - Client Workstations ................................................................................................................ 8
II.2.1 - C/S Workstation .............................................................................................................. 8
II.2.2 - Web Workstation............................................................................................................. 8
II.2.3 - Citrix or Microsoft Terminal Service Workstation ......................................................... 9
II.3 - Development platform.......................................................................................................... 10
II.4 - General schema of the technical architecture ....................................................................... 11
III - Network & Bandwidth ............................................................................................................... 12
III.1 - Network requirements ......................................................................................................... 12
III.2 - Bandwidth network between workstation and front-end Servers ....................................... 12
III.3 - Antivirus ............................................................................................................................. 12
III.4 - Microsoft Update ................................................................................................................ 13
III.5 - Virtualisation....................................................................................................................... 13
III.6 - Architecture Performance Rankings ................................................................................... 14
IV - Configuration of the resources ................................................................................................... 15
IV.1 - List of the Operating System available ............................................................................... 15
IV.2 - List of the database versions ............................................................................................... 15
IV.3 - Sage Processes distribution across 2-tier Architecture ....................................................... 16

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Technical recommendations for implementation of the product Sage ERP X3 V6

IV.4 - Sage Processes distribution across 3-tier Architecture ....................................................... 16

IV.5 - Sage Processes distribution across 4-tier Architecture ....................................................... 16
IV.6 - Size occupied in memory by Sage X3 processes ................................................................ 16
IV.7 - Other Sage X3 Processes distribution................................................................................. 17
IV.8 - List of additional Software to be installed .......................................................................... 17
V - Remote connection ...................................................................................................................... 18
VI - Sizing Requirements .................................................................................................................. 19
VI.1 - General prerequisites for database & application ............................................................... 19
VI.2 - Database & Application Server .......................................................................................... 20
VI.2.1 - Deployment Single-tier Architecture (physical machine) ........................................... 20
VI.2.2 - Deployment Multiple-tier Architecture ....................................................................... 20
VI.3 - Front-end Servers (physical machine) ................................................................................ 20
VI.4 - Front-end Servers (virtual machine) ................................................................................... 21
VI.5 - Additional Processing Server (physical machine) .............................................................. 21
VI.6 - Additional Processing Server (virtual machine) ................................................................. 22
VI.7 - Workstations ....................................................................................................................... 22

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Technical recommendations for implementation of the product Sage ERP X3 V6

I.1 - Generalities
The application software developed with the technological platform SAFE X3 Version 6 (Sage
Architecture For the Enterprise)
Sage HR Management
Sage ERP X3 - standard & premium editions
Sage Geode
Sage FRP Fixed Asset

Used a technical architecture organised in layers and designed to :

separate the layers of data management, process execution and the presentation (3-tier
spreading the load across one or more servers once the application is intended for a large number of
users (scalability objective)
providing an implementation choice of different technical platforms and databases
making possible a transactional utilisation through a graphical interface, which can either be a
Windows "client" or a Web "browser"

I.2 - Folder concept

A folder is a repository basis, it is likely to contain both the management rules, parameters and the data
for one or more companies.
A folder consists of both a directory tree on hard disk and tables stored in the database.
Folders are installed under two resources of the architecture :
the application server
the database server
When installing Sage X3 Application Software, usually 4 folders are created :
• a reference folder also called 'mother folder', which contains the programs of the software itself
• a pseudo-folder name X3_PUB containing the publication objects (like: screens, windows,
menus, menus profiles) used by the two types of Web and C/S interface
• a pseudo-folder name SERVX3 used for the management of batch server (it is not installed in the
same subdirectory as the other folders)
• a demonstration folder (DEMO) to serve as a model folder from which it will be possible to create
new folders by duplication
In terms of administration, the needs are to :
• create new folders
• duplicate folders from a model
• remove some unnecessary folders
• backup folders

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Technical recommendations for implementation of the product Sage ERP X3 V6

All the resources described here under are logical components, which can be all installed under the same
physical computer or distributed across several machines according to the number of users to be connected,
the size of the database and the number of transactions to be treated. This model of distributed architecture
offers an intrinsic high level of scalability.

II.1 - Servers
II.1.1 - Database server
Stores both the application data and the description data for this application (dictionary).
This database is organised as a hierarchy of folders, where the root folder is the image of the standard
delivery and the other folders are the "customer" folders, generated from the root folder and each
representing an application.
SAFE X3 V6 technological platform products are developed according to the database editor
recommendations, which guarantee the integrity and the coherence of the data stored into the database.
There is no limit of size for the database usually the average size for the database can reach 20 to 30GB
and over 100GB for the bigger. To reduce the size of the database there are some functions to be used for
purging or archiving the biggest tables.

II.1.2 - Application & Main Processing server

Gives access to all the elements (processes, screens, reports...) that make up the applications. These
elements are organised in directories by folder and are not repeated from mother folder to daughter folder
except when they truly belong to the daughter folder, otherwise it is the element from the mother folder that is
used, remembering that only 3 folder levels are managed in this way.
It’s also on the Application & main Process Server under which is running the Sage X3 Batch Service in
charge of batch processes launching and execution.

II.1.3 - Additional Processing Server

That are the resources in charge of the execution of processes, excluding anything that is involved in the
"presentation", which is directly under the control of the "clients" workstation or the frontal servers Web/Citrix
XenApp/Microsoft Terminal Service.
We distinguish the main processing server and additional processing servers:
The main processing Server : is mandatory and is located on the same machine as the application
server. It is on that server that is running the batch task and treatments launched in batch mode via the Task
The additional processing servers : are themselves optional. They are used to distribute the load (CPU
and memory), knowing that the user must specify in their connection box the process server name that he
plans to use. However a couple Citrix XenApp / server processing Sage X3, can distribute the load over the
layer of load balancing Citrix server farm.

II.1.4 - Print Server

It is a computer which can accept print jobs from external client computers connected to the print server
over a network. The print server then sends the data to the appropriate printer or other destinations (pdf, doc,
xls, prn,…) that it manages.
When using Web Client Workstations all prints are submitted to the Print Server which becomes a
mandatory component in your architecture.

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Technical recommendations for implementation of the product Sage ERP X3 V6

The Print Server can be deployed on Windows 2003 and above.

A Windows service is started on the computer which hold the Print Server, this service is listening all print
jobs submitted by other client computers (C/S or Web Workstations or Sage X3 Batch Server). This service
is running on default port number 1890 but it can be modified during installation step. This service supports
multiple simultaneous output print queues and a waiting queue.
The report files are transferred using the internal communication protocol SADFSQ, the Print Server has
a client SADFSQ able to address and communicate with a server SADFSQ present under the Application &
Main Processes Server.

II.1.5 - Citrix XenApp / Microsoft Terminal Service Servers

Citrix XenApp Server or Microsoft Terminal Services Server are remote access/application publishing
product that allows end-users to connect to the applications available from a central servers architecture.

II.1.6 - Web Server

It is the frontal server to be addressed by the end-users to open a session into Sage X3 application
through the Microsoft browser Internet Explorer.
This server is used also to manage the communication, with :
• the Radio Frequency devices
• the Web services

II.1.7 - Bridge java Server

It is the bridge server which could be used for publishing some external functions to the Sage Application
Server. Those external functions are based on framework OSGI Equinox and might be used to extend the
standard available functionalities by developing new OSGI plug-in.
This component allows also to call External Web Services (SOAP, REST) and to send Rich Mail
(including pictures, attached documents, etc…), from Sage X3 Application Software.

II.1.8 - Business Objects Server

It is the server hosting the Application Software Business Objects Enterprise XI and eventually the data
warehouse. The function of the data warehouse is to consolidate information from the Sage X3 production
database to provide a context for reporting on, requesting and analyzing.
The Business Object Server can be deployed on Windows 2003 and above.
If the data warehouse is stored under another machine, it will be mandatory to install on the BO Server an
Oracle Client Net 11 or an ODBC Driver for SQL Server

II.1.9 - Configuration Console

The Configuration Console is a tool developed in. NET used to install and administer the components of
the technology platform SAFE X3. The Console configures the components and link them to define a solution
(work environment).
The Console also harmonizes the methodology for installation Unix, Linux, Windows, Oracle, SQL Server
The Console uses different XML configuration files that are generated on each server when copying the
It can be installed on a workstation, but we recommend that you install it on one of the servers that make
up the hosting infrastructure of Sage software

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Technical recommendations for implementation of the product Sage ERP X3 V6

II.1.10 - Mail Server or SMTP Bridge

A Mail Server is a computer program or software that transfers electronic mail messages from one
computer to another. Mail servers move and store mail over corporate networks, via LANs and WANs and
across the Internet.
Sage X3 users are not directly in contact with the Mail Server but used a mail client application (like:
Outlook), or another binary program in charge of contacting the Mail Server to send electronic mail
messages. SMTP is a relatively simple, text-based protocol used by the client to communicate with the Mail
In the daily usage of the Sage X3 Application Software, the existence of a Mail Server is strongly
recommended for the good working of the Workflow functionalities.

II.1.11 - Mail Client

The usage of some functions like ‘Print Message’, which allows the application to send the result of a print
as an attached document to a mail, it is required that the X3 Client Workstation have an access to a local
MAPI Client Software such as Outlook express or Outlook.
For users having the application Safe X3 Client C/S installed under their local Workstation, it’s required to
configure an Outlook MAPI Client Software locally on the machine.
For users working with the X3 C/S interface from a remote session opened on a frontal server (Citrix or
Microsoft TSE), it’s also required to configure an Outlook MAPI Client Software inside the remote session of
each user.
For users using the Web Client Interface from their local Workstation, the configuration of the Outlook
MAPI Client Software should be made on the Print Server.
This Outlook MAPI Client Software must be configured to work in silent mode (easy to realise with
Outlook Express) and the mails containing the result of the print will be send to a generic mail account like
“noreply@....” as example.

II.1.12 - Search Engine

In version 6.2, a new option allows the integration of a search engine based on the technology of
Exalead™. This option requires a dedicated server, and the pre-requisite for this server are given here.
This estimation is based on a number of documents indexed, with an average size of documents equal to
3Kbytes and 25 counting and filtering criteria per model. These figures are corresponding to the default
indexing policy delivered in the pre-setting. As the RAM and disks requirements are usually proportional to
the size of the documents, having a less intensive indexing policy can bring to smaller configurations.
To estimate the volumes and the requirements of the machines for their management, a new feature
(Sizing Tool) is available in the application software Sage ERP X3 6.2. You can access this function from the
main menu of the folder, following path: Development> Utilities> Folders> Index Size (search engine).
Based on recent Xeon processors, the values estimated under these conditions are:
- 1 core for 500 documents indexed per second
- 1 core for 10 query per second
- RAM : 600 Mbytes for 1 million of records of 3 KB
- Disk : 6 Gbytes for 1 million of records of 3KB

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Technical recommendations for implementation of the product Sage ERP X3 V6

This gives the following figures :

# of indexed
OS Exploitation Constraints Sizing recommended
Index refreshed once/day
No high availability of search 25 millions one server 4 cores, RAM 16 GB, disk 150 GB
engine expected (*)
Search response time < 1
second 50 millions one server 4 cores, RAM 32 GB, disk 300 GB
40 queries per second
Same constraints, but 80
100 millions one server 8 cores, RAM 64 GB, disk 600 GB
queries per second
two servers (1 for index build, 1 for search)
Index with frequent updates 25 millions Each : 4 cores, 16 GB RAM, 3disks 450 GB
No high availability of search RAID-5
engine expected (*) two servers (1 for index build, 1 for search) :
Search response time < 1 Build : 4 cores, 36 GB RAM, 5 disks 450 GB
second 50 millions RAID-5
40 queries per second Search : 4 cores, 48 GB RAM, 5 disks 450 GB
two servers (1 for index build, 1 for search) :
Build : 8 cores, 48 GB RAM, 9 disks 450 GB
Same constraints, but 80
100 millions RAID-5
queries per second
Search : 8 cores, 96 GB RAM, 9 disks 450 GB
(*) If high availability of search is expected, you need to add to each configuration a second search server with the
same characteristics than the first one.

II.2 - Client Workstations

II.2.1 - C/S Workstation
This workstation provides access to the application Sage in Client/Server mode via the Sage X3 Client
application to be installed on the workstation of each user.
This is the typology of workstation the most frequently used.
Usage :
The application Safe X3 Client runs on the user workstation and this application communicates
with processes running on servers.
The execution of Safe X3 Client application requires a minimum of CPU power and memory on
each workstation

II.2.2 - Web Workstation

This workstation provides access to the application Sage in http mode via Internet Explorer browser.
Several versions of Internet Explorer browsers, can be used :
• Workstation under Windows 8
Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 (32-bit) build 10.0.9200.16750IS minimum
Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 (32-bit) build 11.0.9600.16476 minimum
• Workstation under Windows 7
Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 (32-bit) build 8.0.7600.16385 minimum
Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 (32-bit) build 9.0.8112.16421 minimum
Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 (32-bit) build 10.0.9200.16750IS minimum
Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 (32-bit) build 11.0.9600.16476 minimum

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Technical recommendations for implementation of the product Sage ERP X3 V6

• Workstation under Windows XP SP2 ou SP3

Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 (32-bit) no longer supported beyond WEB.128 component
Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 (32-bit) build 8.0.7600.16385 minimum
Usage :
• The application runs on the server, the user is using its Internet Explorer browser to enter a URL to
access the selected application.
• Displays, keystrokes and mouse movements are exchanged with the customer according to the
HTTP protocol.
• Running the Internet Explorer browser requires a minimum of CPU power and memory on the client.

CAUTION! The options in the Internet Explorer browser installed on the client must be configured as
Settings of Internet Options, Internet Explorer:
(General tab)
- Check if there is a newer version of stored pages
(Security Tab)
Sage Application Software uses signed ActiveX controls. The signed ActiveX Control "DSOFramer" which
allows the integration of Microsoft Office documents requires to set the security level to ‘Low’.
- Customizing the security level of the area "Trusted Sites":
The default setting of "Low" is necessary.
- Add the website of Sage Application Software in the list of the "Trusted Sites"
(Advanced tab)
- HTTP1.1 Settings, check the 2 boxes
Use HTTP1.1
Use HTTP1.1 through proxy connections with
- Uncheck "Empty Temporary Internet Files folder when browser is closed"
Remarks :
Also, if your browser includes a popup window blocker, you must disable it for the website publishing
Sage X3 Application Software.
At the first connection to Sage X3 application it is necessary to be Administrator of the local workstation
to be able to install and register the ActiveX controls.

II.2.3 - Citrix or Microsoft Terminal Service Workstation

This workstation provides access to the front-end server Citrix or Microsoft Terminal Services to execute
Safe X3 Client applications installed on it.
Any type of Windows workstation can log on to a front-end server having previously installed the
appropriate client software recommended by the publisher Citrix or Microsoft.
Usage :
• The application runs on the front-end server
• Displays, keystrokes and mouse movements are exchanged with the customer in a special
protocol ICA (Citrix) or RDP "Remote Desktop Protocol" (Microsoft)

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Technical recommendations for implementation of the product Sage ERP X3 V6

• So the only power of the front-end server that is used and must be sized accordingly.
Conversely, the client does not need to be very powerful because its role is to manage the
communication protocol with the TSE or Citrix server without running applications locally.

II.3 - Development platform

development Workbench : Safe X3 Framework
development language for the application software : Sage X3 4GL
development language for the prints : Crystal Reports 2008
development language for the Client/Server Interface : C, C++, VB
development language for the Web Interface : javascript, ActiveX, HTML
the exchange protocol between the Client and the Web Server is pure HTTP (according to the HTML
4.x specification) and Sage Web application interface is built on a technology like Ajax

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Technical recommendations for implementation of the product Sage ERP X3 V6

II.4 - General schema of the technical architecture

Windows Client Workstation
Client X3.exe Client RDP/ICA Internet Explorer


TSE/Citrix Servers Web Server

Load Balacing
Servlet container
Server Server
ICA ICA Servlets

X3.exe X3.exe
dll CR dll CR JVM

Additional Process Servers Print Servers

dll CR dll CR

Application & main Database Server

Process Server

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Technical recommendations for implementation of the product Sage ERP X3 V6


III.1 - Network requirements
A Gigabit link is necessary between the different servers which will host the Sage applications.
These servers must all be part of an Active Directory Domain, and be part of the same branch (same IP
address range). Only exception: the frontal servers : Web (Sage), Microsoft Terminal Service or Citrix
XenApp, which can be part of a DMZ-type sub-network.
When some machines on the internal network need to be accessible from the outside, it is often
necessary to create a new interface to a separate network, accessible both from the inside and from
the outside, without putting the whole enterprise security at risk. "DMZ" or DeMilitarized Zone
designates this isolated area, which hosts applications accessible to the public.
The different servers must also be registered in a DNS domain, allowing the different machines as well as
the client workstations using the C/S interface to recognize the FQDN (fully qualified domain name) of the
servers, including that of Unix-Linux machines, and allowing the servers to recognize the FQDN of the client
workstations. The configuration of the DNS servers must allow for the registration of the client workstations in
the reverse DNS areas.
The servers under which will be installed the Sage components should not be used as Windows Domain
Controller (DC) as well as Primary or Backup Domain Controller.
The Safe X3 components talk to each other through sockets. In case of timeout or disconnection due to
security components like firewalls, some Sage components are able to retrieve the socket connection for
some other components, the Sage parameters needs to be modified in order to synchronize the timeout of
the user’s connection with the firewall rules. If you are in this case, we suggest you check first if everything is
working properly, otherwise change the firewall rules so that sockets are not disconnected or closed.
We also strongly advise to force to the same values the speed and transfer modes between the network
card(s) installed on the servers and the ports of the switch(es).

III.2 - Bandwidth network between workstation and front-end

Workstation Front-end Server
without printing and BO requesting
C/S Client Procesing Server (Sage) 64 Kb/s per user
WEB Client Web Server (Sage) 40 Kb/s per user
C/S via protocole RDP Terminal Service (Microsoft) 24 Kb/s per session
C/S via protocole ICA XenApp Server (Citrix) 12 Kb/s per session
RF Client (Radio Frequency) Web Server (Sage) 20 Kb/s per device

III.3 - Antivirus
There is no contraindication to install antivirus software on the servers, however we recommend for
performance problems to disable real time protection and favor instead a review of files at night when there
is little or no user logged in.
Directories to be excluded from the real time protection if it is active :
The directory that is on the application server "... \Folders" and all its subdirectories must be
excluded from the scan disk

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Technical recommendations for implementation of the product Sage ERP X3 V6

The directory "... \Runtime" which is on the application server and contains many trace files

III.4 - Microsoft Update

We recommend taking all necessary precautions when passing Microsoft Updates because even if we did
almost never met, there is always a risk that they may alter the functioning of the system environment on
which run Sage applications.
We therefore recommend to test the installation of Microsoft updates previously in a Pre-production and
verification of the continuity of operation Sage applications prior to their installation into the production
Before applying these updates either in the production environment or pre-production, he also urged to
conduct a full system backup to easily turn back in case of a serious anomaly detected.
Of course, an incident encountered in the use of Sage applications following the implementation of a
Microsoft update, we will give you all necessary assistance to identify the problem with the objective of the
resolved as quickly as possible.
FYI: Sage internal rules lead us to integrate over the water many Windows patches on our own work and
qualification environments. But just because an update to work well at Sage that guarantee success for our
clients, so we recommend to follow the best practice shown above.
We also alert your attention concerning the updates of Microsoft Internet Explorer that sometimes modify
the security zone "trusted sites". If upgrade to IE, so we recommend to check if the browser settings still
meets Sage prerequisites.

III.5 - Virtualisation
The estimates provided within this document are based upon physical hardware. However, there is no
contraindication deploying the solution within a virtualised environment like VMware Infrastructure 3, VMware
vSphere 4 or Hyper-V.
Most Sage X3 components can be deployed within virtualised machines, you will find the list below :
- Application & Main processing Server
- Additional processing Server
- Web server and Java Bridge Server
- Print Server
- Business Objects Server
However, we wish to draw your attention to the fact that when we decided to virtualise its architecture, it
must acquire and develop physical infrastructure adapted to the world of virtualisation for getting optimum
This architecture must be composed of Blade Center with multiple blades with an external storage device
type SAN array secure. Also provide tools to acquire adequate backup so that you can save online virtual
machines and possibly consider a redundancy of the bay and physical blades.
Prerequisites sizing of virtual machines hosting the Sage X3 components remain unchanged from the
pre-requisite standards. Overall, we can estimate the order of 5 to 10% lower performance of a virtual
architecture compared to a physical architecture. It will then size the physical servers running virtual
machines accordingly.
For project environments (like development, roll-out, training, recovery, etc.), deploying the database
within a virtual infrastructure is possible because the performance is not a major issue.
For production environment, we recommend that the database component be installed on a physical
server to a better control of performance. However, if Customer decides to install this component on a virtual
infrastructure, the Editor SAGE cannot predict the performance of their applications software that have not
been implemented in a system enabling optimum performance.

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Technical recommendations for implementation of the product Sage ERP X3 V6

III.6 - Architecture Performance Rankings

Although there are many types of possible architectures for Sage ERP X3, the typical ones customers
utilize are listed below.

If performance is the primary objective then a physical single-tier would be the optimal architecture.
However, multi-tier would typically be more appropriate for larger implementations where high-availability,
scalability and security are a heavier consideration.

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Technical recommendations for implementation of the product Sage ERP X3 V6


IV.1 - List of the Operating System available
Resources Operating System versions
Windows Server x64 2008 / 2008 (R2) / 2012 (R2)
Database Server Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS x64 release 5
IBM-Aix 6.1 TL04 + SP1
Windows Server x64 2008 / 2008 (R2) / 2012 (R2)
Application & main processing Server Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS x64 release 5
IBM-Aix 6.1 TL04 + SP1
Windows Server x64 2008 / 2008 (R2) / 2012 (R2)
Additional processing Server Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS x64 release 5
IBM-Aix 6.1 TL04 + SP1
Windows Server 2003 (32-bit)
Print Server
Windows Server x64 2003 / 2008 / 2008 (R2) / 2012 (R2)
Business Objects XI 3.1 SP3 Server Windows Server x64 2008 / 2008 (R2)
Windows Server x64 2003 / 2008 / 2008 (R2) / 2012 (R2)
Web Server
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS x64 release 5
Windows Server x64 2003 / 2008 / 2008 (R2) / 2012 (R2)
Java Bridge Server
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS x64 release 5
Windows Server 2003 (32-bit)
Front-end Citrix or Microsoft TS Server
Windows Server x64 2003 / 2008 / 2008 (R2)
Windows XP (32-bit) SP1a, SP2, SP3
Windows Vista (32-bit & 64-bit) Business and Enterprise
Client Workstation
Windows 7 (32-bit & 64-bit)
Windows Server x64 2003 / 2008 / 2008 (R2)
Client ICA or RDP Refer to requirements of Citrix or Microsoft Editor’s

IV.2 - List of the database version

Operating System Database versions
Oracle 11g R2 (64-bit) Standard or Enterprise
Windows Server 2008 x64
SQL Server 2008 SP2 (64-bit) Standard or Enterprise
Oracle 11g R2 (64-bit) Standard or Enterprise
Windows Server 2008 (R2) SP1 SQL Server 2008 R2 SP1 (64-bit) Standard or Enterprise
SQL Server 2012 SP1 Standard or Enterprise
Oracle 11g R2 (64-bit) Standard or Enterprise
Windows Server 2012 (R2)
SQL Server 2012 SP1 Standard or Enterprise
SQL Server 2012 Database &/or Windows 2012 R2 operating system are compatibles with the
application offers Sage X3 V6 subject to observe the following implementation instructions :
Use engine database version Oracle Database 11g R2 ( or SQL Server 2012 SP1
Installing X3 solution from DVD-ROM however by replacing the components delivered in standard
with those listed below before configuration the solution from the Console :
− Console CFG.122
− Client CLI.112
− Runtime 16r.223
− Print Server EDT.105
− Web Server WEB.130
List Integration patch # 27 required after installation

Caution : in the Windows 2012 technological environment the component Safe X3 BO (Business Object)
is not compatible, it will not be possible to implement.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS x64 release 5 Oracle 11g R2 (64-bit) Standard or Enterprise
IBM-Aix 6.1 TL04 + SP1 Oracle 11g R2 (64-bit) Standard or Enterprise

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Technical recommendations for implementation of the product Sage ERP X3 V6

IV.3 - Sage Processes distribution across 2-tier Architecture

Resources Processes Process origin
1 x oracle.exe / instance engine SGBD Oracle
1 x sqlserver.exe / instance engine SGBD SQL Server
DATABASE & APPLICATION 1 x adxdsrv.exe / solution Sage X3 main engine
SERVER : n x adonix.exe Sage X3 process
n x sadora.exe / sadoss.exe Sage X3 process
n x sadfsq.exe Sage X3 process
CLIENT WORKSTATION : X3.exe Sage X3 Client
(n) = number of concurrent users

IV.4 - Sage Processes distribution across 3-tier Architecture

Resources Processes Process origin
1 x oracle.exe / instance engine SGBD Oracle
1 x sqlserver.exe / instance engine SGBD SQL Server
1 x adxdsrv.exe / solution Sage X3 main engine
n x adonix.exe Sage X3 process
n x sadora.exe / sadoss.exe Sage X3 process
n x sadfsq.exe Sage X3 process
(n) = number of concurrent users

IV.5 - Sage Processes distribution across 4-tier Architecture

Resources Processes Process origin
1 x oracle.exe / instance engine SGBD Oracle
1 x sqlserver.exe / instance engine SGBD SQL Server
1 x adxdsrv.exe / solution Sage X3 main engine
n x 2 x sadfsq.exe Sage X3 process
1 x adxdsrv.exe / solution Sage X3 additional engine
n x adonix.exe Sage X3 process
n x sadora.exe / sadoss.exe Sage X3 process
(n) = number of concurrent users

IV.6 - Size occupied in memory by Sage X3 processes

Resources Processes Physical memory Virtual memory (1)
1 x oracle.exe / instance
Database Server 1 à 4 Gb 1 à 4 Gb
1 x sqlserver.exe / instance
1 x adxdsrv.exe / solution 3 Mb 2 Mb
Application & main processing n x adonix.exe 30 Mb 30 Mb
Server n x sadora.exe ou sadoss.exe 20 Mb 20 Mb
n x 2 x sadfsq.exe 2 x 3 Mb 2 x 2 Mb
1 x adxdsrv.exe / solution 3 Mb 2 Mb
Additional processing Server n x adonix.exe 30 Mb 30 Mb
n x sadora.exe ou sadoss.exe 20 Mb 20 Mb
X3.exe / session open 150-250 Mb 100-200 Mb
The lower bound of this range corresponding to a usage with no print and
Safe X3 C/S Workstation light graphical blocks, the upper bound to a session using the local print
features a interactive portal as well as functions with graphics and office

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Technical recommendations for implementation of the product Sage ERP X3 V6

Safe X3 Web Workstation iexplore.exe / session open 100-200 Mb 100-200 Mb

(n) = number of concurrent users
(1) Virtual memory (or swap) is a virtual file created by the operating system on the hard disk of the computer to
simulate the presence of additional physical memory

IV.7 - Other Sage X3 Processes distribution

Resources Processes Process origin
Print Server AdxSrvImp.exe Safe X3 Print engine
Business Pbjects Server inputfileserver.exe, Business Objects software
cacheserver.exe, etc.
Apache.exe HTTP Apache software
Web Server
Tomcat.exe Safe X3 Web engine
Citrix or Microsoft TS Server n x X3.exe Safe X3 Client software
X3 C/S Workstation X3.exe Safe X3 Client software

X3 WEB Workstation iexplore.exe Microsoft browser

(n) = number of concurrent users

IV.8 - List of additional Software to be installed

Resources under which the
Software Version
software must be installed
Database engine Oracle / SQL Server Database Server
(*) Apache http Server 2.2.17 Application Server
X3 C/S Workstation
(*) Crystal Report Reader XII SP3
Print Server
(*) Microsoft .NET Framework
2.0 avec SP1 Configuration Console
Web Server
(*) Java Software Development Kit 1.5.0_02
Print Server
(*) Business Objects Enterprise XI 3.1 SP3 Business Objects Server
(*) Apache Tomcat 6.0.18 Web Server

(*) Apache http Server 2.2.10 Web Server

Additional Processing Server
Client Oracle (500MB) 11g
Business Objects Server
X3 C/S Workstation
Mail Client software MAPI
Print Server
Office 2003 SP3
Office XP
Microsoft Office (optionnal) Office 2007 X3 C/S & WEB Workstation
Office 2010
Office 2013 (except Outlook)
Adobe Flash Player 9.0.48 or > X3 C/S & WEB Workstation
X3 WEB Workstation (only if Safe
X3 Web Server is implemented
(*)Java Runtime Environment 1.6.0
under a Linux or Unix Platform)
Print Server
Adobe Reader (230MB) X X3 WEB Workstation
(*) = component delivered in the Sage X3 Installation DVD-ROM for Windows

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Technical recommendations for implementation of the product Sage ERP X3 V6

The connection mode required is the VPN connection through the public internet network.
The VPN connection can be establish by using one of the most standard VPN Software of the
market: Microsoft VPN Client, Cisco or any other editor.
To facilitate the remote connection to your site you will have to provide us all the instructions
regarding installation and configuration (list of port tcp/udp #) of the appropriate VPN Software.

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Technical recommendations for implementation of the product Sage ERP X3 V6

VI.1 - General prerequisites for database & application
Platform IBM-Aix / Linux Red Hat Windows

IBM POWER 6 (64-bit 3.5Ghz or ) PC 100% compatible

LINUX (Quad Core Intel Xéon 2.66GHz or ) Quad Core Intel Xéon 2.66GHz or
IBM-Aix 6.1 TL04 + SP1 (64-bit) or
Operating System Windows Server x64 2008 (R2) / 2012 (R2)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS x64 Rel.5
Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 version 7.0.5730.11
Software to be Librairies X11 R6
Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 version 8.0.7600.16385
installed Motif 2.1
Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 version 9.0.8112.16421
Freeware Apache HTTP Server 2.2.17 or
Components Apache HTTP Server 2.2.17 or Java Software Development Kit 1.5.0_02
(1) Apache Tomcat 6.0
2 GB (for the Operating System)
+ 1 to 4 GB (per instance of database)
RAM memory
+ 60 MB per user connected under a Windows Server
+ 80 MB per user connected under a Unix or Linux Server
Swap disk Virtual memory
Virtual space
1,5 to 2 x the size of the RAM memory 2 x the size of the RAM memory

Processor 1 core by range of 40 users 1 core by range of 30 users

2 x 72 GB 15k/tpm RAID 1, for the Operating System and the database engine
4 x 72 GB 15k/tpm RAID 10, for the application and the datafiles
Disk architecture
2 x 72 GB 15k/tpm RAID 1, for the Oracle Archive Log Files or the SQL Server Transactions Logs
under Windows Operating System the disk must be formatted with NTFS File System
Unix = 4 Windows = 8
Oracle 11g + patch = 4 Oracle 11g + patch = 4
SQL Server 2008 / 2012 + SP = 2
Disk space
(GB) X3 X3+DEMO = 12 X3 X3+DEMO = 12
Geode GX+DEMOGX =6 Geode GX+DEMOGX =6
Payroll & HR PAYE+PAYEDEMO = 6 Payroll & HR PAYE+PAYEDEMO =6
Database files > 10 Database files >10
RAID 1 Mirroring Security >= 2 disks
RAID 5 Mirroring with parity control Security at low cost >= 3 disks
RAID 1+0 Mirroring + stripping Security & performance >= 4 disks
Network Ethernet Card 100 Mbps minimum or 1 Gbps recommended
Oracle 11g R2 (64-bit)
Database Oracle 11g R2 (64-bit) Standard or Enterprise
(2) Standard or Enterprise
SQL Server 2008 / 2012
User account Group User Accounts User account
oracle oinstall, dba oracle ORA_DBA
sagex3 sagex3 sqlserver
User Accounts sagex3 sagex3
User Rights Assignment
Act as part of the operating system
Log on as a service

(1) Only the Windows components are delivered on the Sage X3 DVD-ROM
(2) Oracle 11g installation requires 400 MB of disk space available in the temporary file-system under Unix and
Linux hardware platforms

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Technical recommendations for implementation of the product Sage ERP X3 V6

VI.2 - Database & Application Server

The limits:
The Server(s) is(are) dedicated to Sage X3 Software
Only one Sage production environment is present on the machine(s)
Only two database instances are stored on the database server for the production and the
Only Sage database & application resources are installed on the machine(s)
If necessary, forecast additional machines :
To install other resources: Business Objects engine, Web Server, Print, Citrix-TSE, etc.
To implement additional environments : development, test, training, …

VI.2.1 - Deployment Single-tier Architecture (physical machine)

Resources Sizing recommendations

Windows Server x64 2008 R2 / 2012 R2 or Single processor Intel Xeon Quad Core X5560 (2.8GHz)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS x64 RAM Memory 14 GB
(2GB for the OS, 3GB for 50 X3 users, 4GB production
Up to 50 seats database instance, 2GB datawarehouse instance + 3GB free)

Windows Server x64 2008 R2 / 2012 R2 or Single processor Intel Xeon Six Core X5670 (2.93GHz)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS x64 RAM Memory 20 GB
(2GB for the OS, 6GB for 100 X3 users, 6GB production
From 50 to 100 seats database instance, 3GB datawarehouse instance + 3GB free)

Windows Server x64 2008 R2 / 2012 R2 or Single processor Intel Xeon Octa Core E5-2670 (2.6GHz)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS x64 RAM Memory 28 GB
(2GB for the OS, 12GB for 200 X3 users, 8GB production
From 100 to 200 seats database instance, 4GB datawarehouse instance + 2GB free)

VI.2.2 - Deployment Multiple-tier Architecture

Resources Sizing recommendations
Database & Application Server : (physical machine)
Windows Server x64 2008 R2 / 2012 R2 or Single processor Intel Xeon Octa Core E5-2670 (2.6GHz)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS x64 RAM Memory 40 GB
(2GB for the OS, 12GB for 200 X3 users, 4GB Sage
From 200 to 400 users software, 12GB production database instance, 6GB
datawarehouse instance + 4GB free)
CAUTION : in this example 200 users can
connect directly to the main server (priority
2 x Additional Processing Servers (100 users each) :
should be given to Users who need the
(physical or virtual machine)
best performance) the other 200 users will
Single processor Intel Xeon Quad Core X5560 (2.8GHz)
go through additional processing servers
or 4 vCPU 2.8GHz and 10 GB of RAM Memory

VI.3 - Front-end Servers (physical machine)

Resources Sizing recommendations
Intel Xeon 2.4 GHz / 2 GB RAM memory / disk 36 GB 10ktpm / Ethernet
Print Server card Gigabit
working area on disk <= 2 GB

Web Server for 50 seats Intel Xeon 2.66 GHz / 2 GB RAM memory / disk 2 x 36 GB 10ktpm in
RAID-1 / Ethernet card Gigabit

Web Server for 100 seats Intel Xeon 2.66 GHz / 3 GB RAM memory / disk 2 x 36 GB 10ktpm in

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Technical recommendations for implementation of the product Sage ERP X3 V6

RAID-1 / Ethernet card Gigabit

Frontal Server Citrix XenApp or To increase security : we recommend to implement several machines
Microsoft Terminal Service configured in Load Balancing

- for 30 connections Intel Xeon Quad Core 2.66GHz / 8 GB RAM memory / disk 2 x 72 GB
15ktpm in RAID-1 / Ethernet card Gigabit

- for 60 connections Intel Xeon Quad Core 2.66GHz / 16 GB RAM memory / disk 2 x 72 GB
15ktpm in RAID-1 / Ethernet card Gigabit

- for 100 connections Intel Xeon Quad Core 2.66GHz / 22 GB RAM memory / disk 2 x 72 GB
15ktpm in RAID-1 / Ethernet card Gigabit

(*) Forecast a working area of 250MB per user

VI.4 - Front-end Servers (virtual machine)

Resources Sizing recommendations
1 vCPU 2.4 GHz / 2 GB RAM memory / disk 36 GB 10ktpm / Ethernet
Print Server card Gigabit
working area on disk <= 2 GB

Web Server for 50 seats 1 vCPU 2.66 GHz / 2 GB RAM memory / disk 2 x 36 GB 10ktpm in
RAID-1 / Ethernet card Gigabit

Web Server for 100 seats 1vCPU 2.66 GHz / 3 GB RAM memory / disk 2 x 36 GB 10ktpm in
RAID-1 / Ethernet card Gigabit
Frontal Server Citrix XenApp or To increase security : we recommend to implement several machines
Microsoft Terminal Service configured in Load Balancing

- for 30 connections 1 vCPU 2.66GHz / 8 GB RAM memory / disk 2 x 72 GB 15ktpm in

RAID-1 / Ethernet card Gigabit

- for 60 connections 1 vCPU 2.66GHz / 16 GB RAM memory / disk 2 x 72 GB 15ktpm in

RAID-1 / Ethernet card Gigabit

- for 100 connections 1 vCPU 3.2GHz / 22 GB RAM memory / disk 2 x 72 GB 15ktpm in

RAID-1 / Ethernet card Gigabit

(*) Forecast a working area of 250MB per user

VI.5 - Additional Processing Server (physical machine)

Resources Sizing recommendations

WINDOWS Additional Process Server

- for 120 users Single processor Quad Core Intel Xéon 2.66GHz
8 GB RAM memory

- for 240 users Dual processor Quad Core Intel Xéon 2.66GHz
16 GB RAM memory

LINUX Additional Process Server

- for 120 users Single processor Quad Core Intel Xéon 2.66GHz
8 GB RAM memory

- for 240 users Dual processor Quad Core Intel Xéon 2.66GHz
16 GB RAM memory

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Technical recommendations for implementation of the product Sage ERP X3 V6

IBM-AIX Additional Process Server

- for 300 users IBM POWER 6 4 cores 4GHz
24 GB RAM memory

- for 600 users IBM POWER 6 8 cores 4GHz

48 GB RAM memory

VI.6 - Additional Processing Server (virtual machine)

Resources Sizing recommendations

WINDOWS Additional Process Server

- for 60 users 2 vCPU 2.66GHz / 5 GB RAM memory

- for 120 users 4 vCPU 2.66GHz / 8 GB RAM memory

- for 240 users 8 vCPU 2.66GHz / 16 GB RAM memory

LINUX Additional Process Server

- for 60 users 2 vCPU 2.66GHz / 5 GB RAM memory

- for 120 users 4 vCPU 2.66GHz / 8 GB RAM memory

- for 240 users 8 vCPU 2.66GHz / 16 GB RAM memory

VI.7 - Workstations
Resources Sizing recommendations
Intel Pentium/Celeron/Centrino/Core iN/Core 2 Duo or AMD
Athlon 1.6 GHz
C/S Workstation
1 GB RAM memory minimum (2 GB recommended)
Display super VGA 1024x768 pixels color 16-bits
Intel Pentium/Celeron/Centrino/Core iN/Core 2 Duo or AMD
Athlon 2.4 GHz
Web Workstation
1 GB RAM memory minimum (2 GB recommended)
Display super VGA 1024x768 pixels color 16-bits
For the Workstations using the BI functionalities, only the Internet Explorer Version 8 is supported

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