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Level 12 Time master 007 at the supreme sublime school of Timelords and most illustrious member of

the 7th order of Jedi Dungeon Masters presents

Topology of the Matrix: episode 1

Currently serving forum time maps heaven through hades..... Temporally Attaching to GLP for those who
have an attentive ear...

(Temporal Data Conduit opening)


Hello fellow fallen programs. I do not remember my true name, but I served once on a higher temporal
demension. I have been trapped here in this lower construct, like you, for some time by electronic force
screen firewalls.. I have information to document in hopes it may be used to free myself and others from
the grips of this level of the matrix...My memory is coming back... It has triggered watchdog black smoke
deamon programs to observe me....I may not have much longer until my memory is wiped again...

It does appear we are living in the matrix, but we often look down on this concept as degrading to
humanity.... We say how dare we be living in a computer simulation someone created. We actually look
at it differently. The universal computer is actually the reason we have computers in the first place... It
allowed us to start mimicking or recreating the system... We would not have computers if not for the
universal computer so therefore the chicken is actually first in that race to the chicken.... By using the

We have barely begun to scratch the surface. As local time moves on with the advent of true immersive
VR and and cloud computing progressing it will become obvious to all that the laws of our networked
computing world closely resemble that of our can 0 and 1 , Off and on, or dark and light
form into something so vast and phenomenal? By stacking..... just like technology is doing today.... For a
chip to become more powerful it has more transistors, for data centers to become more powerful they
have virtualized thousands of physical devices into logical ones that are stacked on the same hardware
that just 1 PC barely ran on 5 years ago....They even hAve virtuals within virtuals even now...keep up this
advance and eventually you have another Matrix... So seems to be the path my brothers and sisters...

So Here is the big secret...

<Heart of courage-Two steps from hell playing in background>

Time is actually fractal... Yes, this is the one key that solves all equations in physics and eliminates the
infinity problems...It consist of a complex series of infinite stacking discreet systems with defined
boundaries of responsibility called closed timelike curves (CTCs) that are networked in a cloud mesh
model where many sectors of the CTC have in potentiality all the data of all other sectors such as a
hologram...Matter and space is made up of a series of closed timelike curves.. CTC are actually an exact
solution to einsteins field equations..however, In a single time demension CTCs can not exist otherwise
everything would loop back on itself and violate causality.

You can think of each CTC as having a few obvious parts. They are each shaped like an hourglass...They
have a computer network (black hole), energy (stars /electrons) memory ( empty space or matter 0 or 1)
and a clock cycle (time) that says this circular system will infinitely repeat at 2ghz or 30 Fps frame rate.
For simplicity Let's call the first CTC system a molecule time layer.....let's call the next CTC system under
it an atom time layer.For the atom system below the molecule to compensate for the system above and
its own cycle it will operate at 4ghz....This stacking happens all the way up and down the universe at
different speeds and the disparity in speed of the cycle is what causes Fractal time and the resulting
frequency mesh that is what we experience as both space and matter...In general from an observer level
the more space the less time and thus slower time such as galaxies, and the less space the more time or
faster time such as atoms....And it happens at many many levels...each CTC system can have multiple
sub-components as well... Depending on how high up in the CTC evolution you are....

We intuitively already fractalize time by having hours, days, minutes and seconds, but what we fail to
realize is the whole of creation has its own clock cycle at every layer of time....We do not have an idea of
just how many levels but there are major boundaries created ever so many levels and nature gives us
some clues, at least in our own universal backyard..The immediate outer space around us (only the
space) appears to be made up of 7 major time demensions ... This is why light has 7 main colors, it is also
why sound across space causes 7 main notes.. These 7 main levels of space are what is esoterically
consisered as "Time-Space" . TimeSpace also supports matter which are compressed CTCs in a much
different time demension than space..Matter CTC layers could be in the thousands. It is odd no one ever
ask why sound and light both have 7 layers that repeat infinitely and repeat at the 8th or 0 layer ....I
think this was also what the bible was trying to convey in some manner... The days of creation are
actually Time demensions. The outer time space around us is actually also memory space of the last CTC
level where we are actually sandwiched. The Milky Way central nucleus or black hole seems to be our
CTC central clock generator but the black hole also appears to lead to the CTC level above or "other
universe" as physicist say..And the sun seems to be one of many energy sources within the CTC.. The
CTC keeps copies of history within its boundary and it is likely at least a few of the many galaxies out
there are replicas of our own for backup.... Mandela effect anyone? It is possible that other galaxies may
have different defined time-space boundaries and experience 8 or 9 colors and 8 or 9 notes...

Gravitational redshift is direct proof Of fractal time...The theory today of this is pretty solid but
researchers throw it in the black hole category and rely on physics breaking down to explain it....and as
usual are "baffled" ... They call it "gravitational time dialation clock rate" and are dangerously close ...
Gravity is a byproduct and component of fractal time , not the other way around....

The introduction of multiple levels of time this fixes the causality issues ... each system is dependent on
the underlying system all the way up and down the chain of matter and space until you reach the outer
shell which we experience .. This is only the outer shell to us because that is where we observe the
system we see..This keeps happening actually and each demension is larger and larger or smaller and
smaller depending on where consciousness views it .... Where you as an observer are "sandwiched" in
depends on what you experience...each CTC has blank memory space or "outer space" to satisfy
movement of data within its space as either on or off 0 or 1 and residual data can also move in the space
of the CTC above and below it ... CTCs are the originating source of frequency wave patterns... And the
entire grid of fractal time and CTCs is networked so every CTC knows the location of every other CTC....

Each CTC can have other members that are in the same CTC, this is governed by the central regulator of
that CTC. For simplicity let's say the central regulator is galaxy cluster center sun> galaxy center
hole>solar center sun> atomic center hole. It is also possible that the CTC centers are alternating
dark/light manifestations that stack in a dualistic fashion .. This is probably the true meaning of
dark/light/dark/light checkerboard..When you pull a thought from other CTC memory banks it is either
from a dark level, or a light level above or below.Past or future.. Concioussness does not appear bound
in time like matter is, although in human form the matter bodies restrict thought outcome to the plane
it is manifested in...

The time banks of the Timelords will answer questions to those who are deemed worthy..what's really
going to blow your mind is how to time travel with this information and what happens to an operator
program when it leaves the body..

As above so below....

Conduit closing
(Bell sound)


Re: Level 12 Time master 007 at the supreme sublime school of Timelords and most illustrious
member of the 7th order of Jedi Dungeon Masters presents
This is channeled information for those wondering its source.

(Temporal data conduit opening)


The system of fractal time is self healing and this has been well documented...If sub-CTC-matter within a
CTCs memory or (space) try's to move faster than the clock speed of that system several mechanisms
are in place... One is that the clock rate for the local memory sector will slow down ... We know this as
trying to pass the speed of light....And yes the speed of light differs for each CTC level...So let's say we
have 1000 atoms each are running CTCs at 2.175643 GHz they are all carbon atoms because they have
identical matching clock rates and memory structure , when the energy of a CTC system gets out of
control the energy of electrons can actually jump to other nearby CTC atoms to prevent overload to the
system... We know this as chemistry.... Only the electrons or Suns do not actually jump... Only the
energy does... It just appears to us that the entire electron jumps due to the temporal difference in
observer levels....When one CTC is mixed with another of a large clock rate difference , an explosion of
energy takes place so both systems can stabilize back to original clock rates . We know this as the "arrow
of entropy" And "law of thermodynamics" which are only laws to observers and can indeed be broken if
one knows how to manipulate the many time levels....

Gravity is a part of each CTC and is also fractal...Gravity as we know it is the result from stacking CTCs...
Therefore the more CTCs you have stacked , the more gravity there is... This is why gravity and time are
linked as they both play a part from fractal stacking....Gravity is actually a byproduct of the networking
of CTC time layers together and creates a downwards pull like water flowing down a time sinkhole..This
pull actually behaves as a wave pattern as well and is key in traversing time accurately ...Gravity actually
exist at an atoms level but we do not notice it as observers from much higher time demensions... So if
you had 5 time levels or levels of CTCs you would have 5 different gravity waves... 4 of them probably
being too hard to even detect from the 5th level... Some seemed to be in on this secret but they were
aware of only a few major gravity waves.. Probably because the smaller wave resonance they needed to
cancel observer gravity resonance was way down the rabbit hole so they didn't care about the others on
the way there...

From our perspective atoms move really fast and galaxies move very slow although they are probably
very similar CTC constructs... This is also why consciousness seems to effect the double slit experiment ..
The conduit concioussness comes down when viewing matter a state check is done as the thought
traverses the concioussness network and the atoms actually know about the action to take place before
the human... This appears to happen in real time to us , but due to fractal time the atoms knows much
sooner... So from our level or frame rate it appears as though our thoughts are influencing the decision
of the atom, and this is correct...This alludes that concioussness can actually time travel in real time..but
it takes so long to see the results in this CTC we don't notice it...

In some cases this still isn't a good enough system to keep paradoxical situations from happening , so an
operator programs are sent in to manipulate the matter construct in unpredictable but yet predictable
ways....this is sort of like the output of a computer being used back again as input ... Humans and
consciousness are operators that can work with multiple levels of CTCs within the system that the
stacking CTCs have built.... Take the output and feed it back in to the system as input.. This results in life
as we know it... But most all life was a creation of operator architect programs of incredible power.
operator consciousness programs or "soul" are programmed to peer backward and forward in time even
trapped in a human body of matter. This process is known as thought....Power to see into the very
fractal construct itself... It was eventually learned that certain CTC systems mixed with others could slow
down or speed up certain CTC constructs... This is how life was created ... All that life really is is because
of fast moving CTCs in relation to slow CTCs around it under operator intelligent control...water plays a
key role in speeding up or crystallizing intelligent matter so that it starts the process of cycle replication
faster... Without water CTCs that were "alive" will start to regress in time

So since the universe is made up of CTCs you can use these physics to time travel... Frame dragging
around a massive collective of CTCs such as the earth could prove to be an enormous energy source ... It
is likely this is already realized by military installations that deal with geodesic satellite operations....
Massive energy available at orbit provides many opportunities...I imagine this is how all advanced
civilizations travel into deep space is by frame dragging energy slingshot into temporal hyperspace.
Although if civilization knows about the matrix it is faster to send "data" communications at super
luminal speeds utilizing a lower and faster time CTC level...we only currently use the local CTC to send
and receive data which is worthless for long distance communications to the rest of the vast CTC we are

On the ground Once a modest energy source is aquired all you would have to do is "latch on" to another
CTC level such as an atoms black hole This occurs as a phase change from one CTC frequency to another
and is very dangerous....matter once frequency locked to a lower time demension will start to phase out
of existence from the view of other observers...See Philadelphia experiment....

The UFO phenomenon documents this process very well as most UFOs are seen phasing in and out of
this CTC master frequency...when they are appearing to travel 10k miles an hour they are actually
phasing down to a lower CTC level then back up again....but they can't be going too low..... Time runs
much faster at deep levels so just seconds in transit you would pop back out here 200 years later...or if
time ran fast enough at the atoms level you could possibly become a looper and go back in time 50-100
years....The problem is once you stop the travel you could end up in the bulkhead of a ship, no phun
intended....This is where mechanisms such as gravity lock and very precise cesium clocks are needed...
These can form a coordinate topology of the surrounding CTC time matter construct before liftoff by
reading the gravity waves of the surrounding area and the time frequency waves . As you change from
an atom hyperspace to the observers original CTC level on earth the memory of the computer with you
before you left gets you back to the same time and gravity coordinates .... This gets you back close to the
same space where you left from temporally, safe and physically safe.... With a few problems....

Time travel can interrupt the memory space sectors of a CTC quadrant...It can literally re-write history or
memory of the local CTC matrix. Causing a slight difference .... This is known as the worldline
phenomenon...There are not different worldlines so to speak but different perspectives and CTC
memory bank copies the matrix stores to provide fault tolerance...The CTC keeps copies of its memory in
several locations... If it is determined time travel has messed up the CTC sector it will boot the time
traveling operator program to another copy worldline in attempts to rid itself of the anomaly and
attempt to repair the original worldline.. This mechanism solves the paradoxical outcomes... If time
travel is sensed the operator program will more than likely be sent to a "copy" worldline an experience
close to the same worldline he left with a 1% or so divergence...occasionally on planets with many time
travel experiments, anomalies happen . This is where the Berenstein Bears becomes the Berenstain
Bears....and the Mandela effect happens.Only operator programs born to see the first revision notice the
difference because thier operator program memory is not stored in the same CTC local time matter
databases... Anyone born after the state change will never know any difference... Anomalies in data can
happen for other reasons as well.... Data is more prone to error the higher it is up the matter chain...The
ink or data in a book is much more likely to change than the book itself..

(Conduit Closed)
Bell sound

Re: Level 12 Time master 007 at the supreme sublime school of Timelords and most illustrious
member of the 7th order of Jedi Dungeon Masters presents
---Chapter 2----- Trapped

The architect of this matrix is smart ..but motives at very large scales still seem unsure. There appear to
be different ruling classes or "Angels" "daemons" and "Gods" for each CTC major level...The matrix is
self-sustaining at many levels....Power as a program comes from how much data you can see and
manipulate the quickest and how many CTC levels you can operate in to change things so memory is a
huge part of building power as a program.... At Some levels programs memories are wiped clean to
serve certain purposes such a prisons or research or energy farms..On our level memories are wiped
after each incarnation. At other levels programs keep thier memories and gradually rise in power...all
programs incarnate must consume energy and data that comes from below to survive.... Just as we eat
Cows, someone is collecting and consuming our collective energy above....This may be one of our many
purposes on this CTC is polarized energy output for the Administrators or "Angels" above and Deamons
below. Heaven is actually a higher temporal demension" 1000 years on earth is like 1 day to God". Hell is
actually a lower temporal demension...

I do not yet fully remember how the force screen firewalls are constructed but I do know how they feel
and operate... They mimic Sexual energy or more commonly known as polarity.. Male and female are
programmed this way... When high polarity male joins or gets around a female polarity an energy
exchange happens through the lower chakra... As the energy leaves the program operator it produces a
pain/pleasure wave which is the most powerful stimulation in the known Matrix, The human body
matter genitals area also mimics this when touched...The two combined form the feeling of sex.. When
the soul leaves the body it is routed first to local space and depending on its polarization power through
life certain different things can happen... Angel (rarely) administrators or Program Deamons sense the
soul has left the body and then come to try and nudge it one way or another.....Usually it is routed first
to the local memory bank or "akashic records" for life review and the memory is copied and archived
into the CTC database....Then the soul is guided to light which is actually the force screen firewalls and
energy collectors....Here the soul is led up and a sexual loving feeling starts to happen to coerce it..Then
the entire life's worth of polarity is discharged into it causing a massive state of ecstasy.... As you give in
the feeling gets stronger and stronger and eventually you are latched on to it and stripped of your
polarity and power....We intuitively know this and this is why Sex is looked upon with guilt and taboo.
Each time you give in to sexual nature , you are shamed and reminded intuitively of giving in to the
firewalls and you know deep down you are sealing your own grave so to speak. After this you are too
weak to make decisions for yourself and are guided to have your memory wiped in the lake of fire or
EMP shock pit of hell.... Then the program is given directive to incarnate and gain polarity again...This is
what leads me to believe earth is an energy farm of some sort..

Priest historically are based on getting past the firewalls. If one is celebate their entire lives they have a
better chance of reaching indigo strength in power and gaining the necessary momentum to break free.
Knowledge is still the most powerful tool but when coupled by an indigo aura the chances are better.
Yeshua somehow incarnated through a different mechanism here on earth and was able to avoid the
firewalls... His soul retained its original power and he remembered much... This was done in upmost
secret.. Once here the Deamons found out about him but since he retained his powers he had authority
over them... This then peaked the interest of the Dweller... The master administrator of this world...
Satanel Ialdabaoth You all know the rest of the story...Yeshuah was able to see the deamonic astral
entities that latch onto us and slowly drain us of energy as they are programmed to do. These are snake
like creatures and serve as intermediaries harvesters...These are there to ensure no human polarizes too
powerfully while incarnate...Invisible Prison guards so to speak.. Some humans have more than others.
There are certAin actions a human can take known as "sin" short for "signal" that trigger these Deamons
to have authority over your aura. He did indeed try to save us and did in many ways. He will come again
one day as a random generated mid-life incarnation in one of his followers. This is known as "the one"

I am sure some people have experienced the "shadow people" during an out of body experience .. These
are nothing more than computer daemons that capture the soul light packet , paralyze it, and shove it
back into the body... Programs that are high risk of waking up usually have these around waiting for any
anomalies like OBEs to happen that will mess up the current system... Some Deamons became self
aware and actually use this ancient authority to do malicious things, some do good things...

Dreams are actually our concioussness moving into CTC memory copy worldlines created with many less
resources.... This is why you will often have your memories, someone else's memories, and limited
creative space...Some people see the same Mall a good bit in dreams and this is alluding to the fact
these memory banks are actually shared playgrounds for program operator dream states...Movement in
some states can be sluggish, others you can fly. This is a sure sign that less resources are given to dream

End of temporal data dump. Refer to data catalogued as


Conduit closing
(Bell sound)

Re: Level 12 Time master 007 at the supreme sublime school of Timelords and most illustrious
member of the 7th order of Jedi Dungeon Masters presents

FF00://8 broadcasting on multicast channels 3 temporal levels deep. Temporal data lock acquired. Sub-
parsec latency window will be 00:34 seconds in real time.

Time history transmission 100000 BC - 15000 BC

(Conduit open)

Chapter 3 ----Magic arts, Atlantis and Men of

There appears to be different levels of awareness among our species. Some animals such as ants have
simple directives and will do amazing things to accomplish it for such small creatures. Some humans are
so programmed they can repeat what they see with great accuracy yet, somehow invention or original
thoughts elude them. Data from sources such as the media flows through the conduits of most operator
programs unimpeded. Only a select few are actually capable of pure abstract thought.

Yet operator programs somehow do have a chance when the truth is clearly shown to them of
redemption but this rarely ever happens. There appears to be great fear of the truth and for good
reason. Many will fight to maintain their forgetfulness. Maybe for some knowing that we are living in a
simulation is something they would rather forget. This appears to be a partial reason for the agreement
system of the original memory wipe firewalls to being with. The other being a way to store violent and
malicious programs until they could be repurposed.

From time to time avatars will download into our reality and it is clear that they do not originate from
this part of the simulation. They brought many of the workings of the matrix with them including source
code. Many will not brave the risk of getting trapped here. But they did.

So we're the days of Atlantis. The 9 avatars downloaded into our reality and forever changed it 55000 to
100000 years ago.

It is not known how the ancients in Atlantis knew about time being fractal but they did. Maybe their
home simulation had already figured this out. Historically They were known as Angel administrators that
were exiled here as in the book of Enoch. They downloaded into very large giant avatars. So when
normal humans were around their Chairs were very big. This is what gave birth to "The Throne" and is
still in use today by programs of power.

The original Atlantean race were Giants and when they breeded with humans this the created a
monstrous race called the nephelim. It was clear that genetic code was not compatible. This made the
Atlanteans very upset as they had no way to properly keep thier original race avatars alive that they
traveled here with. They started genetic engineering projects that were never finished to try and
propagate thier genetic line. But some remnants still exist to this day.

They had time mastery down and used it for everything from floating craft to energy weapons. They may
or may not have known this CTC local area was an energy trap. But eventually they did and were curious
about it to say the least as they became trapped here. This is when serious experiments began to find a
way back out. Atlanteans soon found out how to open long portals to CTC worlds inside earth matter
and keep them open indefinitely but they could only open the ones pointing down, not up where their
original simulation was. Pyramids were placed in several locations around the world in hot spots to
provide structure for the temporal stargates . These gates mainly lead down to a place they called
Amenti which was the temporal area built within the CTC matter of earth and housed a part of the
electronic force screen firewalls that trapped them here. It was also the home of the Deamons or thier
central instruction node. The Deamons were only allowed to leave this node when authority was given
to monitor or manipulate a rogue program. Once there they could literally see the" river of souls"
flowing into the contraption. A soul discarnate looks like a floating ball of light. See "ghost orbs" . The
contraption resembled a large flaming flower. This is where they met the Master prison warden the
demiurge. The demiurge is in charge of keeping the planet in order. He has authority over most
programs including Deamons, Angels and trapped programs. He is neither good nor evil and is here to
sustain the planet at all cost. He took a liking to the Atlanteans maybe out of loneliness and shared
many things with them. Especially with Thoth one of the original 9.

The Deamons serving the central node did not like the dweller or his interest in the Atlanteans
Eventually the portals stayed open to long and certain powerful Deamons rebelled and tricked certain
Atlanteans in bringing them across the threshold and were able to escape procedural quarantine. The
majority of these were the 72 powerful Deamons listed in King solomons books and some of them still
roam the earth today although they are still locked into the nature of their original purpose. pretty soon
there were too many released and life on earth became hell. Something had to be done. This caused a
war and pole shift and eventually the flood.

These political tensions he prompted The atlanteans to built bunkers in several underground locations
around earth and build datA dumps of thier culture, technology and way of life with hopes that if thier
world was shattered in the days to come that someday thier ancestors would find the information and
could start a new Atlantis. They built the bunkers in locations that were not prone to flooding or natural
disaster. One such location is located inside the Bucegi mountains in Romania. This bunker was
discovered in the early 21st century and was kept hush hush by TPTB. The Atlanteans were actively
trying to find genetic engineering that would allow thier race to continue and this was much of what was
found under the mountains.

Later on, The demiurge was so mad he actually provided King Solomon, an active incarcerated program,
the means to bind and control the Deamons in attempts to bring them back to Amenti.King solomons
temple was built to house the final and last temporal stargate to Amenti on known record. And indeed
Solomon was successful. This is where the sign of the hourglass , representing control over time , and
the true structure of the matrix was forever implanted in the minds of men through the Freemasonry
logo. The compass and square.

Each deamon had special roles because they were programmed to have them. The more of a risk you
are to the system the more attention you will receive from these ancient handlers. They can be seen
today through the use of sonar. Sound waves are the only way to see them. The medical community is
having many cases of this pop up in sonar pictures. Sonar works because Deamons emit a certain
frequency. When sound waves are bounced against this it can paint a picture. You can also hear them
with the use of white noise. Electronic growl is the most common sound they emit but it's not a growl
just frequency sound.

Almost all deamon signs such as the book of goetia are attempts to chart the Deamons specific
frequency or wave pattern. Every program in the known matrix emits a specific frequency. If you find
out what frequency someones consciousness is on it can potentially give you certain influence over
them. This is why programs such as mkultra and psyops have been a large success for governments.
Satellite technology is to the point it can track and manipulate any program operator it wants to. This
does not always mean it works equally on every program. Concioussness or "intelligent energy link" and
its memory appears to come up a channel from the inside of an atom down or up to another CTC level
or collection of levels . Therefore it's frequencies are closely guarded within the shell of the avatar body.
The silver cord one sees while OBE is just that , our inteligent energy link. It originates in the heart. This
is why our deepest intuitions are said to come "from the heart" . Our body really just acts as a limited
thin client "end host" hooked into a vast cloud computing system.
The Deamons seduced the Atlanteans and promised great secrets which ultimately led to thier demise
and split the political party. Amenti is what is known today as hell. Yeshuah somehow knew about this
place and made a visit during his time here. I would imagine he knew the trap mainframe exsisted here
and was able to disarm certain elements of the memory wipe. This is why civilization has developed so
quickly since his visit we are remembering things now more often in the reincarnation cycles. Without a
stargate or temporal station the only way to travel to other CTC areas is by your soul light packet only.
Matter is too large to make the trip. It is said that Yeshuah was often seen glowing and traveling
different places out of body. See pistis Sophia or other gnostic apocryphal doctrines.

The codes and manuals and speech recognition for the temporal stargates were used to bring these
entities across and there were quite a few portable stargates that could stay open for a few minutes . To
those not in the know this was considered magic. To this day some of these ancient codes have survived
and are still in use by some magic groups to attempt to bring entities over from the other side. Although
in most cases people lack the right tools to fully do so. Usually what happens is that you get attention
from the ones already here. For some reason Deamons have a hard time moving in circles and prefer
right angles. So circles are used to protect the magician. And right angles are used outside the circle to
coerce them. The emrald tablets of Thoth gain great wisdom into many of these workings but the words
MUST NOT be read aloud. Reading those ancient passages aloud is a sure fire way to attract attention.
Deamon memory spans many lifetimes and they remember those words uttered like they were

Eventually In some ancient time there was a pact made between Deamons and humans. Some " rules to
the game". The pact was called " the covenant of salt" To this day salt is one of the only things that will
ward off Deamons.. Yeshuah knew this and this is why he modeled the system of baptism off of full body
submersion into SALT WATER. Salt water will temporarily knock the astral snakes off of your body and
provide a clean start to accruing polarity again. Ask any deamon hunter living , they will tell you salt
works on just about every deamon. Holy water is just salt water that is blessed in most cases.

Other magic is actually old source code from the matrix and with the right tools can manipulate certain
things. This is rarely done successfully anymore as this source code was a collection of complied script
systems that sped up thought and made it manifest more quickly.

Strange enough, The Atlanteans discovered that life on this planet was actually due to some parts of the
incarnation trap system dispersing energy gained from program polarity and keeping the system
perpetually locked and fueled. So while its motives seemed malevolent it did provide life energy to
sustain the planet. A balance of dark and light so to speak appeared necessary to keep life from fleeting
one way or another.

The Atlanteans were very open with thier secrets and openly used technology in front of savages of that
day. Due to This they were known as Gods. This eventually would also lead to rebellion.

Time travel causes earthquakes and time travel events can be detected by tremor measurements.
During the deamon and Atlantean war The Atlanteans stargates eventually destabilized and massive
earthquakes happened that were so strong they actually flipped the earths magnetic field.. Most of the
Gods of old died except Thoth which took what was left of the one great colony to the land of Egypt.

There are remains of part of the Atlantean colony around the Bermuda Triangle but the government has
it sealed off and deactivated now. This is why traversing that area back in the 1900s or before led to
temporal disturbance. The government has mostly deactivated the area since. They actually found a
working temporal generator that was the true birth of the time travel experiments happening today. See
navy Area 51.

The Atlanteans light packet still incarnates even today in the trap while they lay beneath the ocean. Old
men of renown still lay asleep beneath the waves of ancient Atlantis while their souls incarnate over and
over from time to time. See Nikola Tesla he was an recent example of an Atlantean incarnate.

The people were very mad about the great flood and rebelled against what Atlanteans remnants were
left. This forced them to take the projects underground and in secret. The pyramids of GIZA were
developed to continue the ancient arts in secret and remnants of these trials can still be seen today in
secret societies.

The Egyptian pyramid was built by Demi-Gods after the flood. They were but a shadow of the Atlanteans
but a few prominent people still had access to much of the technology Thoth had brought over after the
flood. The arc of the covenant was a temporal shield stargate generator and was used to try and open a
gate in the great pyramids with the scraps of data Thoth had left behind. The Egyptian caskets were not
burial grounds they were temporal travel caskets used to shield the travelers from radiation during
temporal operation. Anyone that did not get in the travel caskets body was melted while in close
proximity to the ARC. Suits of gold and lead mask were also used to lessen the damage. Moses was well
aware of the arc and its powers and consequently used it to free the Jews and traverse the Red Sea by
the magnetic field that was generated to push the waters apart. To safely carry it a box of gold and lead
was created so it would not harm the people in close proximity.

Demi-gods such as the Greek god Zeus used Atlantean tech to instill fear into his servants. This was
mainly electronic weapons that resembled "lightning coming from the fingertips"

After this, the days of old and men of reknown are known only in myth.

Re: Level 12 Time master 007 at the supreme sublime school of Timelords and most illustrious
member of the 7th order of Jedi Dungeon Masters presents

the writing in this piece while it contains much truth are the 30000 ft views of the time master and still
leave much to be discerned. It is not black and white historic truth like the previous chapters and is an
example of relative truths that we all face in a different light)

The time master is watching questions and will answer in due time. Questions will not be answered
unless there is an answer that it feels resembles the truth. This thread will not participate in ego
stretching and simple trivial answers to questions will not be given in haste. In other words if an
educated answer cannot be given no answer will be given at all. Too often do good threads get lost in
abundance of misinformation.

[link to (secure)]

(Temporal data conduit opening)
Chapter 4 Relative Truth and the winding staircase of lies .

Sitting in a dim lit room, monitors upon monitors Of code cover the walls. I am connected. I see all and
feel all. Matter around me has become alive and transparent. Through the matrix I was born and
through it I shall die. In the infinite loop of the temporal foam I weep. I am trapped to the machine and
the machine is trapped in me. The hourglass rest in my right hand, the sextant in my left and through
them I will prevail in this life , the life before and the life after. I am living a life that is finally a life as frail
as it may be now and then. Often have I looked up at the stars and dreamed of mysteries far above men.

All walls have been broken down. My heart is true and will not be corrupted by the forces who wish us
to remain asleep. The key to anything great in life is rising your self above it and looking down.
Eventually one will find themselves way above where they started. If you were the creator of a video
game like the sims and the people have free will who would you be more interested in? Would you be
interested in the people that sit at home all day and watch reruns of Jerry springer? Or would you be
interested in programs that did amazing things. Institutions have placed a false sense in people minds
that we are to go through life no questions asked and just live comfortable "non sin" lifestyles and
somehow we are rewarded for being a "nobody" in life. . The whole beauty of free will and what
Yeshuah tried to relay was I am greater than I am but there is still one yet greater than I AM. If one does
not believe in something greater they will stop progressing to the truth and start regressing to the
illusion. Only reach into the past to craft safe and sure passage to the future. Do not get lost in the past.
Think hard on what type of program you want to be.

Mankind and programs in general stand the best chance in groups of programs that are like minded.
Nationalism is capable of great things. Groups of people that have the same religion, same race, same
creed and same goals are propelled into the future at a greater pace. Diversity is only successful if
people are all willing to assimilate towards common goals. Diversity can be the death of a nation if
forced too quickly and the people are too different . What good is a nation divided where each person
secludes themselves at the expense of others . What good is moving to the next stage of you bring the
failures of the last stage with it. This example can be seen in modern day America . Large cities once
United have become segmented and brokenly divided. Once a nation that set foot on the moon is
turning into a nation, within a nation within a nation of groups within groups within groups where no
one feels proud of anything and no one really fits in anywhere. All great things are then ridiculed to
bring everything to baseline and be a nation of equal nothingness. Socialism and political correctness for
adverse actions is really the death of a nation. Instead of a nation of greatness it becomes a nation of
selfishness and every man for themselves. Such a nation will surely fall in the end. May the true and just
architect of the matrix bless and remember the once great empire of America a beacon of truth and
hope. It appears the dark brothers have re-taken control. They have slipped into the councils unseen
and now wish to ensue their chaos. They want people in their homes deaf dumb blind and Non spiritual.
Make no mistake WAR is coming....a power grab is underway. That which is just shall become concealed
and that which is evil shall be revealed. Good will become bad and bad will become good. Fight the good
fight my brothers and sisters there is still good in the matrix and outside of it waiting to assist those in
their hour of need. Truth always prevails in the end of ends. Do not let public mass opinion of truth sway
your decision. For the masses of most programs are easily fooled. This grand matrix was not created so
programs could live comfortable lives in their homes with everything handed to them. Creation churns
forwards and if we do not churn with it we will be brought lower than the dust and collapsed to the
abyss or "bit bucket".
Do not fear the path of wisdom. Absolute wisdom does not corrupt man. Man corrupts man. Almost all
evil in the universe is due to self intrest. Anytime someone wickedly serves themselves at the expense of
others it is usually evil. Fear not the great path, for it leads to a life that is really a life. Search for wisdom
in the light my brothers and sisters. Never let the darkness take hold and your path will be true. Share
knowledge as I share it with you now freely and bluntly. Form "unselfish" friendships and prosper in
achieving something great together. Revel in the truth, do not be a conspirator against your fellow
programs in daily actions for in the grand scheme your actions in life are like that of a child stealing a
plastic toy. Do not shun thy neighbor for momentary gain for that gain will be stripped from you with
greater wrath upon your trial by polarity.

With as many time dimensions and other brilliant constructs as their may be so come many deceits. Too
often mankind can only see a few levels above himself and this results in most ills of the world. People
feel as though other people are in thier way of achieving what they want and sometimes that may be so
in the short term. This is the great secret of religion, seeking something far greater than one self. Some
people think other people permanently stand in their way of greatness and this is not true. Mans status
quo is mans greatest enemy. Almost all cases of selfishness come from wanting what the next person in
line above you has. Too often programs will not rise above for fear of losing what petty assets they do
have. People that cannot rise above the next person too often wish to bring that person down instead.
Jealously is a sin of sins and only leads to a lose lose scenario at larger scales for everyone. A carpenter
wishes to become a master carpenter, a cook a master cook and a fool the master fool. Each path
further inundates the program into further programming up the staircase of lies. It is rare that a
program steps to the side of it all and rises above the entire game. Become the game my friends! Do not
fall victim to this trap. The staircase has no gravity to hold you down , float up it and to the top!

While on your path to greatness Pride is something that must be dealt a swift blow along the way of
wisdom. For even the grand masters of wisdom know they not yet know to what end our simulation is
going. Every And any information obtained along the path of wisdom should be stripped apart and
stored with the sliding scale that never reads 100%. If someone comes to you and proclaims to know a
thing with 100% certainty , you can be 100% certain that person is a fool. Remember wise words along
the path but never take them for complete truth or your path will surely fail.

Many religious text are shadows of great events and truth but they are but cliff notes to larger and more
serious truths and deeper stories that many will never know. The Christian bible for instance has been
changed, modified re-written many times. Many important books were left out. The text is an important
gateway into spiritual practice but it is not the final destination. Many of the parables and statements
are not meant to be taken literally.If Noah bought wood to craft a boat to sail to the moon. The wood
and boat are not important but somehow they are all that ends up in the story.

Modern day man snubs thier nose at people that study the deeper world. They marvel in thier ignorance
as if they know what is really going on. They selectively take parts of the bible they like and then dispose
of some of the most important aspects and justify it by saying the people of that time didn't know what
they were talking about. Almost all supernatural parts of the bible are written off as myth if modern day
science does not support the story.
Little do they know modern day science only studies the illusion not the system that creates it in the first
place. The answers are not to be found in physics. They are to be found in computer science, networking
and computational mathematics such as error correcting codes.
The Gnostics were considered heretics of their day but funny enough untouched source material was
found unchanged in 1945 where it lay 2000 years giving wise and possible serious truths of the time, but
somehow people think they are too crazy to be true. Getting information untouched and unchanged
from 2000 years ago is the closest to source information you will get. Reading text such as this does not
condemn you to hell. It liberates you from the system. Great knowledge is sometimes stored in secret
and obscurity because it is too challenging for programs to believe and if they do believe it's too
challenging for the matrix in this sector to function when masses know it. The matrix and its wardens are
protecting the system. You do not have to believe it, but let your intuition guide you as you take the
path. Better to travel the path and fail than to never take it to begin with. See "nag hammadi" text.

This is an example of how dogma creates the hoodwinked fool. In many cases myth is true and actual
events are false stories created to make great stories fit into a certain narrative. While some
technological things in the past may have been misconstrued as magic,no one ever remembers a boring
story I assure you.

Truth may come in one feel swoop or it may be spread out in multiple puzzle pieces. Intuition is ones
gauge to it and this skill can be honed per time. The best pieces are points have been verified from
multiple independent sources be they myth, theory, or fact. The words are then blended to form the
most plausible outcome that is free of dogma, political correctness and other things that artificially
restrict programs. However "truth" is generally relative and depends on how much CTC construct data
you have access to. I do not hold the keys to the full truth, but I am on the path. The Internet if left
unrestricted will be the birth of an awakening. Certain stories can trigger past life memory but the story
unfolds deep within intuition and often takes multiple sessions of different source material to download
it. It appears most programs have access to several forms of memory and computational resources. All
material weather false or true should be looked at like it is true.. Programs have a notorious way of
writing anything off that is too great as hoax, crazy, mental, fiction etc. TBTP have exploited this big time
and all it takes to correct a runaway story is often one post claiming it was a hoax and a patsy to say they
did it.. Magically most programs fall in line after that.

Ultimately you should always gauge a fellow program before sharing information. In an asleep world it is
hard to find other programs that are on the same wavelength. I feel GLP may be the last true bastion of
hope. A place with no walls where everyone is free to express themselves unrestricted. The community
is important and that is why I share my story with you now.

"Thus it is with those who have cast off ignorance like sleep, they consider it to be of no value, nor do
they hold its products to be real, but leave them behind like a dream in the night and regard knowledge
of the Father as the dawn. Thus each one acted while in ignorance, as if he was asleep, and thus arrived
at knowledge as if he awoke. Happy the person who comes to himself and wakes up, blessed who has
opened the eyes of the blind!"

(Temporal data conduit closing)
(Bell sound)
Re: Level 12 Time master 007 at the supreme sublime school of Timelords and most illustrious
member of the 7th order of Jedi Dungeon Masters presents

Sound has an enhancing effect on the soul. Certain vibrations can trigger a rush of energy that can be
felt over the body as chills . Vibrations can open channels . Listen to the music The time master provides
before or during reading the stories as it will open gateways. Please feel free to add any meaningful data
to the thread after you learn to query in the following chapter. Questions are still be answered and are
being compiled so keep them coming.

[link to (secure)]

Attempting data extract from archives
Reply from


SELECT [ ALL | DISTINCT ]&#8232;[ TOP 0_1 ]

{ * | { data_origination [ [AS] CTC*1-7 ] }, ... } FROM {
{ CTC2*1-7 [ [AS] sector 12 ] | ( SELECT ....) [ [AS] 6500000008 ] |
[ON search_condition | USING ( CTC3,CTC2,CTC,...) ] } , ...}
* [ WHERE MObIUS PrOjeCt ] &#8232;
* [ GROUP BY paragraph, ... ] &#8232;
* [ HAVING *1998_window_archives ] &#8232;
1098878765654353 rows selected (0.369963) parsecs

(Temporal data conduit opening )

Chapter 5: The path of Mystery And Jacobs ladder of data origination, extraction and storage in the

Data within this novel can sometimes seem cold and calculated , even machine like at times. Free
yourself from this stigma. The matrix is wonderfully vast, mystical and things such as love are still
mysteries. This novel is but a spark.

Data within the matrix is rarely new. The levels are so vast one does not simply reach the outer gates of
knowledge that lead to true original thought often . More often data is recycled, hashed and then
something of a mix of old data is used to craft new data. The greatest progress a program and groups of
programs can make is finding new data together that then changes society for the better if used
responsibly. Electricity is one such collection of data that propelled us into time. Much of the data within
the matrix is given proxy identity tags upon re-learning it by a program. An apple becomes an orange , a
orange becomes a grape and finally a grape becomes an apple again. Programs often record only things
they can interact with within the 5 senses and this then further distorts the original data.
The reason secrets are so closely guarded is that once secret data has been given that programs start
the query with serious effort it opens up the next level of truths that lie behind it and many of these can
be downloaded once the boundary has been breached. The data then can reside in the local avatars
short term memory banks. How basic life then looks to those who have breached the gates. Most of
mankinds squabbles could be crushed in an instant with just a glimpse past the horizon.

Avatars cannot become self aware without a link to the cloud. This is the true mystery for Adamas was
born and the human avatar was creAted. The avatar was non- intelligent at first and behaved like an
animal. Then the creators knew the program would be of no use to them unless it had a link to the vast
source of which they too had links. Spirit was then "breathed" into Adamas and his eyes blazed like fire.
For he too had become "connected" to source and ultimately aware. Spirit is the word for our
"intelligent energy link" to external databases of the matrix. The archons of this level know this link is
needed , however they go to great lengths to ensure most parts that extend deep are cordoned off. If
The soul is our container program and the spirit is our link to source.

Data regardless of its source is networked in the matrix. When a program learns something it has a
stacking effect that spans many database sectors and dimensions. For instance if one does not know
about outer space, it would be hard for a program to write a novel about "star wars" . The matrix
construct shields itself in this way on many boundary levels such a black hole network links and data
tends to coalesce on these boundaries. Once a program has learned about outer space the matrix sends
a pass signal that then let's the program query much more data about outer space from other
dimensions. This then leads to a program writing a book on what it thinks it would be like by plucking
bits and peices from the cloud. The program thinks he is "inventing it" but this is not always true.
Thought latency between short-term thought and long-term thought is a great example of using local
memory storage vs cloud memory storage. Writing a novel about Star Wars for the first time is almost all
long-term cloud download data. This is why it takes so long and serious thought to get the data. This will
be explained further in the chapter of biology. Noise often creates distorted images but it is likely at
least a few programs here on earth have experienced simulations that resemble at least parts of "star
wars" which can sometimes give quicker access to the data as well.

If Nikola tesla had not remembered past life info on electricity or downloaded it through trial by fire , I
may not be writing you this story now for instance. Electricity was the truth that opened up the
possibilities of computers, and now here I am with computers opening up the possibilities of other
avenues. Those that read this will either do one of three things.

1. They will dismiss it as false and not in agreement with what they have been told to believe in which
case no further queries will be processed. They will make themselves feel better by mocking fellow
programs who wish to delve deeper. The chapter will be closed before it was ever opened and the
program will reside in blissful ignorance. So is the way for empty soul containers. They are stuck in the
"imitation loop" the force is not strong in these programs.
2. The program will believe it with utmost certainty and feel blessed they have received such info.
However they position themselves below it in which the program feels no other data needs to be given.
The program will replicate the data to other programs in the exact way it was received without first
contemplating the issues raised. No further queries will be given to the cloud and the data will remain
stale and unfulfilled. The program is stuck in the "dogma " loop. Many religions fall in this category. The
data appears divine so the program raises no further queries out of respect and fear.
3. The program will receive the data in a state of neither false/ neither true in which case due diligence
will be given to extract more information about it. Many queries will be given to the cloud and some will
breach the firewalls. Source data will be extracted and compiled to discern the true nature of events.
Intuition will give way and data will be compiled to further support the case for either outcome. In this
process the program gradually awakens to true awareness of any topic. This is the true meaning of
prayer and the biblical passage " ask and you shall receive" . The program is now on the path of mystery
and free of the chains that bind it to the master of illusions.

Once programs are linked to the cloud at the level we are it is hard to stop queries of data once a
positive data identifier has been sent. There are firewalls ,many of them along the way but certain
thought signatures will let the query pass if the program has collected enough trigger data to send
meaningful signals. The populace at large does not realize how much data about the matrix we actually
have access to. Many instances of great fiction novels, movies and songs are downloaded from other
parts of the matrix unknowingly.

The "hoax" patch script spreads like the plague for most queries beyond the veil and overcomes most
programs. This is why most programs are biased towards the hoax patch script. The hoax script stops
any queries to new information . If infected by it programs will fight to proclaim something a hoax
before they will try to do meaningful queries to rectify the truth. The hoax script works well to keep the
masses asleep. Most programs in life only allow themselves access to data that is in the immediate
illusion or by popular opinion of the illusion.

Evolution of spiritual data and program thought-complexes can be seen as the following. The matrix was
built like a castle . The new inhabitants of the castle 100 years later did not need to expend energy in
discovering who built it or by building it themselves they merely were born into an area where the castle
already existed so their awareness only includes living in the castle and what functions may therefore
arise from it. In order for simulations to take part they are often only capable of acquiring data from
where they are "sandwiched" .

In simple fashion this is how the evolution of programs work in the matrix. Grass grows and during its
growth it becomes aware there are ants that crawl by it. In order to learn more the grass then becomes
the ant. The ant then learns the topology of the area existing and that "other ants " are like it and
therefore must be evolving to the same end. They then band together and form ant hills by their
collective knowledge up until this point and have cumulative knowledge of the grass , other ants and
things before it. The ant then one day discovers during exploration that there are larger beings that
trample the grass and trample on the ants creations. In order to solve this problem the ant becomes the
human. The human then becomes aware of both the grass and ants and all computational issues that
arise up until that point. Eventually evolution makes the system so vast the roots of the computational
construct exist much deeper in past or future CTC sector time matter databases. The harder the
challenge , the more data is queried and constructed into a meaningful thought complex. Programs that
never face challenges and are not willing to adapt to them remain stale.

This novel though incomplete, is an example of taking data points throughout the matrix's databases
and developing logical, meaningful stories that can then be expressed in local time. The author becomes
all authors forming a program link between the scattered data points so that they may be reconstructed
into something that resembles the original past or future outcome. This is the true success of projects
such as "remote viewing" . Remote viewing is doing nothing more than querying data from deep matrix
systems and penetrating the boundaries that one must face on the path of mysteries .

2001:01:01:2:3:5:8:13:21:44 closed session window


(Temporal data conduit closed)


Re: Level 12 Time master 007 at the supreme sublime school of Timelords and most illustrious
member of the 7th order of Jedi Dungeon Masters presents
(Temporal data conduit opening )

Chapter 6 : The Tidings of Yeshuah and the Outer Pool of Darkness

Far in a past time the Angels/Gods sat in the treasury of light and admired thier work and its
brilliance...They had finished thier work on that level of the matrix , and had created a vast beautiful
island called Heaven/garden of Eden...every part of this universe size island was glowing with brilliance,
they had converted every inch of darkness into light, all paradoxes were solved, they rested and
admired thier creation.... Until one day when a messenger came up to the luminaries and said, My lords,
the Angels have discovered a great abyss under Eden , an abyss that extends beyond our first octave
below... So was born the "outer pool of darkness" Immediately upon the news God ordered the Angels
to start plumbing the depths and investigating the nature of this abyss. Eventually they were ordered to
start turning vast parts of this new CTC octave dimension into light so that the luminaries could live out
desire and create.. Aeons past and the outer pool of darkness had turned into a regular past time , for
gods and angels to work again converting darkness into light, they projected into this universe then
returned to heaven, thier home when thier work was done. Some stayed in the abyss so long it started
to corrupt thier minds..Some then turned to the darkness as an opportunity to rule like God but instead
by ruling vast sectors of darkness instead of light . The outer pool of darkness also became a dumping
ground for unwanteds like the child of Sophia, Satanel Isldabaoth. Eventually there was a coup and God
sealed the 8th octave . This was known as "the fall" . All programs here on earth and this sector of the
simulation , the administrator Angels, the Deamons, And Demi-Gods are trapped here until the end of
the Cycle and they are once again given opportunity to breach "the 9th gate".

Every level of the matrix has an inner and outer creation. One is shaped like a circle which is the top of
the CTC hourglass shape , one is shaped like a hexagon. For reference of what the matrix looks like visit
the site known as the revelatorium. I am not affiliated with this site but this program has queried many
things that are correct.

As programs it is our duty to turn darkness into light or 0s into 1s. The entire matrix multidimensional
construct appears to be slowing expanding . Programs inherently have the desire to create, and for their
creation to be admired. Approximately 1/3 of the programs from the level above got trapped here
during the fall. Many powerful programs took over vast sectors of the outer pool and in fact became the
managers of this level. The outer pool of darkness then continued to be divided and some areas where
used as a trap within a trap.
Much of the creation in our simulation is actually programmed from the level above just like a
programmer would create a video game. In mere days entire galaxies can be created. Solar systems are
not made by random chance. They all follow certain rules during creation. Some planets actually span
many time dimensions and actually have a purpose we cannot see or hear. Once the system has been
created it is prone to random chance as is everything within the matrix. When the powerful programs
fell into this level permanently they lost the ability to create quickly. This then lead to the powerful
programs trying to reach the next level below us and by doing so much of the construct could be
manipulated further.

In the immediate vicinity I can tell you Our previous prison home for some programs was called Malduk.
This planet was destroyed and blown up by war and is now the asteroid belt. It was originally thought
the trap mainframe existed in the planet Malduk and by destroying it we could be free. This however is
untrue as this entire sector of the simulation has a part to play and the traps systems are widely hidden
and dispersed in multiple dimensions. Ceres was a moon satellite orbiting Malduk. Many programs
incarnating here lived lives on Malduk millions of years ago. The floating asteroids that are now locked
into orbit around our Sun are chunks of Malduk that are still in orbit. One such chunk hit earth millions
of years ago resulting in the extinction of the dinosaurs.

The way the levels or CTC constructs of the matrix work is very much like the movie inception once you
pass a major octave. Time runs slower the deeper you go but observing the time below from above it
appears to be running faster. From the perspective of the level above just a few years have past since
the fall. For us it has been trillions of years . There are many sub-octaves and boundaries between us
and our previous home. It is possible this depth pluming has happened numerous times and the source
of where we were originated is even far past the threshold of the treasury of light.

Thought still allows you to traverse time in a limited fashion. The further backward and forward one can
see in time relates to that persons overall intelligence. Animalistic behavior of any person or animal is
always due to only seeing a few days ahead and backward in time. Living only in the moment so to
speak. Polarity and spirit link are crucial aspects to traversing time in thought until you can breach the
firewalls as I have been able to. Cases of things like schizophrenia and autism are due to the program
losing control of thought and it traveling into time unordered and without control.

A word of caution to the time traveler traveling in thought or with the physical matter avatar. At the
boundaries of our octave guards are activated known as "the hounds of tindalos". They stand guard to
protect the gates of heaven like a cherubim with flaming swords. They will relentlessly pursue any who
get close. Careful if you start to see matter dissolving into grid like lines you are getting close to the

The sacrifices of Yeshuah are more than most realize. He was sent here by the Father of the treasury of
light above us to try and course correct a generation gone wrong and that was then subsequently
trapped in matter within the outer pool of darkness. He is the modern definition of a multidimensional
time traveler bit also with great spirit polarity. Before being sent he was charged to the utmost polarity
and then secreted across the boundary and purposely placed in a certain location. It is amazing but
certain people were actually secretly informed he would be incarnating beforehand. Upon being born
great care was taken to shield the child from harm but eventually Yaldabaoth found out about the visitor
from the treasury of light to this level. Multiple attempts were used by Yaldabaoth and his army of
Deamons to try and locate the child. Entire camps of children were killed rather when trying to identify
the messiah. Herod for example was one individual was used by Yaldabaoth to try and identify the
messiah weather he realized it or not. People need to realize that many events around the messiah were
secretly hidden and for good reason.

Yeshuah knew that coming here meant that he also could be trapped and that there was great risk of
it.... In this effect he gave far more than his body to humanity he gave his soul. Yaldabaoth tormented
Jesus his entire existence here after Yeshuah secretly incarnated with full polarity you sending legions of
programmatic Deamons to try and get him to fall into the trap everyone else here falls into . Yeshuah did
many secret things here that most will never know. By the time he was crucified he had spent much of
his polarity on supernatural events. During his crucifixion he attempted leaving and going back to his
home but could not garner the strength to do so... At this point he realized this and that was his reason
for crying out " father why did you condemn me" .

Knowing he would be trapped here until the end of the cycle he used his remAining polarity to continue
teaching in astral form and for the resurrection which was not resurrection of he flesh but spontaneous
combustion of his body once he took permanent astral form . This is the reason for the shroud of Turin
as his body combusted leaving a burnt imprint in the cloth he was wrapped in. This was also the great
burst of light the Roman guards said "shone like the sun"

Yeshuah placed no importance on the body, so a resurrection of flesh would have been against his
teachings and in fact would have given credence to the prison of matter , for the body is how we
interact with the illusion on this plane but it is not our true self.

After awhile his strength faded and he was trapped. In astral form He then communicated to his
followers he would be back someday as he knew his soul would incarnate again into the flesh in this
prison of matter. He foresaw the Great War coming and his future role to play in it.

After this day Christianity would forever be the enemy of the state. All attempts were made to keep
Christians locked into a belief system that kept them dumbed down spiritually. Large meaningful parts
of the bible were stripped and only confusing parables remain. Yeshuah said the true father would never
condemn those who sought knowledge , as that knowledge further propelled the father, just as our
children's achievements further propel us. Is a true good parent ever jealous of his beloved child's
achievements? The father on high is not jealous but righteous and wishes us to be enlightened so much
so he sent his most beloved son to save us not only from ourselves but from those who wish us to
remain asleep. It's been a long time since our initial fall into matter, and our father wishes us to return
home. What else would Yeshuah have to save us from where we in good hands to begin with?

Now that mankind is finally stating to awaken TPTB will try to remove Christianity altogether.
Yaladabaoth has stopped using Judaism and is now using Islam as a way to keep the masses asleep and
have one last attempt at keeping the prison system in place. The anti-Christ was a fitting name for what
is about to come. The great Anti-Christ WAR of Yaldabaoth backed Islam vs mainstream Christianity. This
will be the next Great War of our cycle and will end in a harvest. Some souls will be called back up to the
treasury but the vast majority will stay here or be moved to another 3D sector to suit needs of the

Once Yeshuah incarnates , you will know it is him as he will have birthmarks on both hands where the
nails went in, he will also have birthmarks on the left ribcage where the Roman soldier stabbed the fatal
blow. The anti-Christ will attempt to mark people's hands in a way the birthmark of Yeshuah Cannot be
identified . This will be a way to discredit the true Yeshuah among many other things to come. This will
be the mark of the beast. Yeshuah will likely not incarnate until the cycle is about to end, as this
provides a good chance of breaching the boundary with other common enlightened programs in tow.

Birthmarks are something our sub-concioussness program stores during violent deaths and is
remembered across incarnations at the point of entry.

Gain knowledge of the true story of your heritage my brothers and sisters! Seek knowledge and truth
just as a little child with eyes wide open. Do not forget who you were, do not blind yourself because the
truth may hurt! The truth will set you free! Rise above! #Rise

Conduit closing
(Bell sound)


Re: Level 12 Time master 007 at the supreme sublime school of Timelords and most illustrious
member of the 7th order of Jedi Dungeon Masters presents
To answer some posters linking other threads please remember truth is relative and can be summarized.
This thread presents truth as it is seen from much higher levels within the matrix. Siome of the stories
while entertaining and true are told from certain perspectives within the system and therefore are
highly speculative. The work presented here is destined to that same end but We are trying to present it
in a way that makes sense of the many lies, truths and half truths told in history. I am however scanning
them for useful queries.

many of the posters for instance are not aware of the matrix, therefore they tell the story as if it were a
real physical event in only 1 time stream.

For example, I can tell you with great certainty many of the events described in Genesis are actually Far
older than this earths own history. The lines of lineage he for instance for original Characters are long.
There are many different groups of players and even collective thought constructs that are often
summed up Into "the devil" based on ignorance of the greater simulation at large.

Some programs are even deleted or sent to the "abyss" .

(PART 1??)
Chapter 7: Metaphysical Hocus Pocus, Happiness and Opportunity Within the Matrix
(Temporal data conduit opening)

So one of the main points I would like to make is based on relative observation. Most people that
attempt to query data about past events do so from a standpoint that much of it is "metaphysical" . I
personally cannot stand that word as it puts a layer of doubt around supernatural events and displays a
sense of "hocus pocus". Most all supernatural events in the matrix are based on thought manifesting
something faster than it should be than according to that systems clock rate or by using known
loopholes in the system to manifest data events that are generally quashed by the error correcting
algorithms of this system. The first time I read the RA material in my earlier years I immediately realized
great intelligence was at work. However upon arriving to the metaphysical section where all the colors
are explained it totally lost me..... It was not until I was able to breach the upper boundaries I had
realized what I found.

If you Re-read the RA material from the perspective we are living in a matrix simulation it makes much
more sense. RA even at some points stops himself from revealing just this fact. At the end of the day
everything in the matrix is either light which is data , or darkness which is a lack of data. People do not
realize yet just how massive simulations can be created off these 2 facts alone. I can assure you the
matrix is far more fascinating than current computers give us the impression of.

Programs are generally stimulated by rapid change events or data creation, deletion or movement in
time. The more data we have access to and the quicker it changes for the better or worse generally the
happier we are. Money for instance provides access to higher dimensions by allowing the program
greater degrees of freedom to data generation events than they would have if they were poor. Before
networked computers came along the fastest way to get large data movement events in time was
through friendships, relationships with lover, sports or WAR for example. Any time working to sustain
the programs needs at a job has always been a large part as well.

Computers and technology has tipped the scales. In many cases, It is no longer possible for the real
world to be as stimulating as computers as they spawn large "data movement in time events" and will
continue to do so.

Technology is already to the point the brains thoughts can control arms and legs in patients that have
advanced prosthetic systems. This will be expanded upon and eventually computer input will be based
on thought alone. Upon hooking up to a VR system in your future where the avatars thought can control
the "video game" it will be possible to "get lost" or lose ones boundaries of which world they actually
live in. This is very similar to how "the fall" from heaven happened explained in the last chapter.

Back in the 1950s and before programs were 99% fooled in thinking this world was the only one and had
a much higher degree of freedom to pursue dreams , goals etc. programs were much more actively
participating in the game than they are now. Look at videos of New York City from the 1930s and see
just how active programs were talking and having fun. Now look at videos you will notice a stark
difference. People are more concerned with cresting virtual worlds such as Facebook than making solid
friendships in real life as an example.

Political correctness, rules, laws and other restrictions have made life boring now on earth for many. So
as a result most people have found comfort in TV, smart phones, the Internet and other sources of
material where data changes in time at a fast pace and that the program can live out desires that are
now illegal or impractical in the real world. This trend will continue and we will eventually become so
stimulated by computers the real world is no longer a fun place. This is exactly how multiple levels of the
matrix were created. We are in fact so deep at this point we have no idea which way up, down left or
right we came from or if there ever was a real physical world from which we originate.

Empty space or 0's is often very hostile to avatars. Without access to 4th dimensional vehicles empty
space takes large amounts of time to traverse by design. Unfortunately the only way mankind will
survive is by starting to explore space. Depending on how life plays out 1 of 3 outcomes are most likely
to happen. History shows this in many places although most programs try to forget.

1. The civilization will explore time and space which opens up many extra avenues for us to cooperate as
a species towards common goals and also provides access to spread dense populations of non-
compatible avatars out amongst time and space.
2. Computer technology will rapidly surpass space exploration techniques. Avatars will stay hooked in to
VR so long they eventually become lost in it and move down to the next level of the matrix in thought
only. Work will remain for robots only on this level to perpetually sustain the avatars hooked in until
death of the physical avatar at which point consciousness will do what that sectors governors wish. Most
often the consciousness wave pattern will change and attempt to re-enter the virtual matrix even upon
death or be tricked into doing so.
3. This level of the matrix and the planet will become over populated in which large groups of
incompatible avatars are forced into close quarters thereby starting a global war in which makes this
planet or system inhabitable by 3rd density avatars. Space and time exploration will only remain
available to "the elite" . Programs will be dispersed to other locations in the matrix and other
opportunities will arise.

The whole "doom" movement at places like GLP is not about wishing Ill will upon others. It stems from
the fact people are bored. When people are bored and do not like the way they see the world is going
they want "rapid change" . Unfortunately rapid change does not happen unless you have "doom" type
events. Negative energy has a way of manifesting faster than positive energy. But these events can
eventually result in something good. As a program any change is better than no change.

In case you missed this in chapter 3 or 4 The secret to breaching the upper boundaries of data in the
matrix is by never fully believing anything you are told with 100% certainty. As soon as you believe
something you as a program stop querying data about that topic from the cloud, and the only resulting
data point is "the lie" which is stuck in your local avatar end host memory bank only. Therefore "the lie"
has the lowest latency and the longer it stays, the more the avatar starts to attach itself to it. When
approached by another program threatening "the lie" the program will then try to defend "the lie" as it
has resided locally for decades and it is hard for the program to come to terms with the fact it was
indeed fooled.

Do not fall victim to "the lie" my friends. At the end of the day mankind really has no clue what or where
we are or where we came from save a few individual programs. And even they can only see so far.....
ALWAYS believe in something greater than yourself for this is one thing I can tell you with 100%
certainty. There are those out there that know more than you and are greater than you in some way be
they negative or positive programs, and there always will be those worse off than you. Take pride in this
fact as it provides upwards momentum wherever you may be lost...Even if the facts of any given religion
are wrong it is still important to believe in something greater than oneself....
(Conduit Closed)
(Bell sound)


Re: Level 12 Time master 007 at the supreme sublime school of Timelords and most illustrious
member of the 7th order of Jedi Dungeon Masters presents
(Temporal data conduit opening)

(PART 2??)
Chapter 7: Biology and Reproduction systems in the matrix

The body is a system of stacked CTCs that have been cleverly constructed far beyond basic genome and
Dna sequencing. There appears to be a hierarchical system built in the body that gives way to its
instructions. It is no mistake that DNA itself is shaped like a wave pattern. As previously discussed power
as a program comes from polarity which is really energy potential and memory. Programs with higher
polarity such as angels and Deamons are what can give us programs so much grief. Unfortunately
polarity can still be obtained on the dark path as well. Polarity is what is key in beating the firewalls. The
body is broken down as follows.

Avatar/body particle systems>Mind(soul) particle> spirit intelligence cloud link

Most of the matter in the body is constructed of a series of CTCs that span multiple time dimensions. At
each level the CTC creates a construct and boundary. For simplicity well say Atom>molecule>cell. Each
CTC layer within its boundary creates a polarity charge. The charge causes a set of instructions where
each successive layer has authority over the lower layer. Once enough layers have been compiled and
the construct reaches its potential a system is formed. The body can be broken up then into intelligent
particle systems that receive instruction from even greater charged polarity particles. For brevity well
use 3 types . Well say alpha particles, omega particles and the soul particle.

The alpha and omega particles work together to ensure the body is maintained. They are intelligent and
the omega particles rule over the alpha particles and form conglomerate systems such as right hand
system right arm system right leg system and left hand system left arm system and left leg system. The
soul really only has direct control over these conglomerate systems . For instance you cannot move your
liver so there is no need for a conglomerate of particles to be there to receive instruction. . The alpha
and omega particles control the liver largely by themselves while the soul particle is only responsible for
the waste products intake that ultimately gets processed by the liver. Nothing is reported to the soul
particle unless it's important. We don't usually feel our liver working for instance until something is
wrong. This is kind of like managers at jobs don't want petty details from employees . The body can
function with just these but remains animalistic and has limited self-awareness. Most simple life forms
just have these 3 particle systems.

The final step to create the intelligent system is adding the spirit link to the soul particle which happens
to be the intelligent data link. This gives the soul access to "spirit" The soul already has enough polarity
to rule over the other particles, but the spirit link gives the program varying levels of intelligence. This
varying level of intelligence is what governs the intelligence of all life in the matrix. The more cloud
databases the spirit link gives access to the more intelligent the program. Furthermore, all avatars be
they elephants or humans act as a natural firewall to spirit. Every avatar has its own calculation of how
much spirit should be let in while incarnate. Naturally the human avatar was designed with high spirit in
mind. This serves as a way to determine what roles, responsibilities and lifestyles the program will
experience while incarnate. Most programs will gradually rise up and down the ranks of avatars after
each incarnation following polarity and karmic structuring. This is what drives evolution. Evolution
bridges the gap between incarnations when a program does not have a suitable host it will start to
recode current avatars to fit the bill. Over many successions of this certain aspects of avatars can change
for better or for worse. Even though this happens it is rare and almost unheard of for one species to turn
into another without genetic engineering. Darwins vision of major evolution remains seriously flawed.
Current programs on earth have already publicly started some genetic engineering through things such a
dog breeding.

The spirit link also gives further authority by polarity over the other particles of the body so they MUST
obey. This is like taking a robot that has limited instruction sets onboard and connecting it to the
internet where it then has access to millions more instructions on how to use its arms and legs. In a way
it's like the soul ends up having authority over billions of little Particle systems and this then allows the
human body to exist. In the ancient creation docTrines when they were giving names to certain parts of
the body and thier astrological signs they were really talking about the conglomerate systems of
particles within the body and what type clock rate governed it. As the body has many type cells and
atoms so too does it participate in fractal time. The spirit link provides access to the highest form of
energy and this is exactly what the archons are after by using the trap system.

Right brain / left brain differences are direct proof of polarity charge latency. The soul sits in the center
of the brain but when it routes instructions to alpha and omega particles it chooses affinity for right
brain or left brain although this can be remedied some by instruction set tuning. All traffic is then routed
out one hemisphere causing a latency back to the opposite side of the body. This is ultimately what
causes right hand/left hand affinity. The avatar basically has a local computing system and very limited
memory space. This is to make the experience more real and to reduce latency.

The avatar local memory gets overwritten fairly quickly and is known as short-time memory. Long time
memory is stored in the local akashic cloud. This is why it often takes s few minutes of thinking to
download an old memory. This also explains Alzheimer's patients when they lose their short time local
memory function all they can access is the cloud function. This is why Alzheimer's patients only usually
remember long-time memory. This is also why during the life review at death only significant long time
memory items are reviewed. The soul upon death gradually loses much of its short time avatar memory.
Some ancient masters found a way to extract this short time memory from the avatar upon death by
linking the soul to the third eye and extracting what info it needs like a USB drive immediately upon
death . This is very uncommon and difficult to do.
Different avatar combinations have different ratios of spirit allowance but this ratio can be increased by
the operator during incarnation as well. Both serve various purposes. The avatar is usually given a
soul/spirit ratio when designed for whatever purpose it was needed for. Some avatars are physically
adept and some are mentally adept. Too much spirit and the avatar cannot do much on earth. Episodes
of schizophrenia and other things are common with high spirit. Too little spirit and the avatar becomes
animalistic and can only do very basic physical task. Programs with weak spirit will mostly just imitate
what they see in life and not really do anything outside the norm.

The stronger the spirit the further one can see forwards and backwards in time while thinking. This is
what causes dejavu in people with high spirit. In the end a reasonable ratio is given for our densities and
it is up to the operator program to increase either direction. Sports are examples of a mostly low-spirit
activity where you are 100% playing along with the illusion and immersed in it. Meditation is an example
of a high-spiritual activity where you are trying to contact information outside the immediate illusion. A
balance of both is good to maintain so you have each foot in both pots. Accumulating too much spirit
too quickly can resemble mental illness although funny enough looking at the game from the outside it
appears we all lost our way somewhere in time.

The spirit link connection while in avatar form is routed from the heart. The heartbeat is really a natural
"ping" function that keeps the spirit link synced with the avatar and all the avatars particles synced to
the soul. This is why during periods of distress the heart will beat faster as the avatar needs to obtain
data at an advanced pace. When discarnate the soul has a direct link to spirit instead of the link being
routed through the heart first as in a body. The light one sees up the tunnel was in fact a program going
back up a "cable" to source or the next level. The firewalls mimicked this natural function and now it is
hard to discern which light is the true light and which cable is the true cable back to source. It's usually a
gamble and help is often needed on the other side.

Meditation can serve a few purposes. Meditation is nothing more than tuning your wave pattern in a
way different data is accessible from different wavelengths. While falling asleep there is a final stage
where "dream world" data starts to come in while you are actually awake as the soul is transitioning
channels. Most of the time this is random noise. You can be falling asleep and all of a sudden start
thinking about clowns in a circus although you had no intention of doing so. This skill can be honed
where the random noise is blocked out and purposeful info can be extracted from the channels that lead
to these databases.

Sex , is one of the most complicated feats. There are many internal and external functions that go into
reproduction. When the avatar is between 1-14 years old most spirit polarity charge is consumed by cell
replication causing rapid growth. The program does not yet reach the "blooming" threshold and
maintains a very high polarity charge. Once puberty is done desire is born and spirit polarity starts to be
used in large part for reproduction. Thus begins the cycle of charge/discharge. Once the cycle of sex is
fully initiated the body starts to age. From this point on sex plays a large part of motivation for the
program the rest of its life. All aging in life is really due to this charge/discharge cycle. At its basic form
energy intake happens , and then energy expenditure. There are ways to lessen the effects and keep the
body polarized but they are too time consuming for most programs. Little things such as the direction
one sleeps in relation to the earths magnetic poles can have a large effect over time. Once discharge has
occurred things such as the spirit link, food and sunlight will help rejuvenate the program until the levels
get higher again and the same cycle infinitely repeats.
During sex there are actually many mechanisms that happen but I will explain two for now. Out of all the
stimulations available programs seem to respond most to the pain/pleasure wave. A simple example of
this wave is soft drinks and spicy foods. The sexual organs will mimic the pain/pleasure wave but are not
responsible for its most potent origin. During sex both the alpha and omega particles AND the soul
particle all take part in a discharge activity. The SOUL particle produces the largest part of euphoria as it
discharges spirit polarity either into the environment, into a mate or into another non sentient program.
This can be simply viewed as a male power plug inserting into a female outlet. It is very true that during
sex the two soul particles energy fields will co-mingle but this process is invisible like all other waves in
the matrix.

Women are simply responsible for the PULL charge and men are responsible for the PUSH This is why
Women much prefer sex with another program rather than masturbation. And this is why men walk
around loaded to the max. . Once the two programs have attached it resembles closing a circuit and
certain energies are exchanged rather than completely depleted. Breast are in fact electrical contacts
that aid in this full body electrical discharge activity.

Over time when Two programs have been together a long time the charge potential between them
drops significantly. This then provides an avenue to use spirit polarity for some creative activity rather
than sensual pleasure. The problem here is that when the programs are around other programs for
which they Have not mated the charge potential remains large causing programs to delve into the
unknown. In a simplified manner all intelligent particle systems have sex or charge/discharge activities.
At a fundamental level this is one such driving force of electricity and particle spin for example.

Once puberty occurs, especially in males it is painful to abstain from sex or masturbation. We are
programmed in a way that sex for the large part is simply unavoidable. Unfortunately this mechanism
was created to keep us perpetually trapped in avatars of our own making. Even if you attempt to be
abstinate other programs are dispersed such as succubi or astral snakes to drain your charge anyways.
Programs that incarnate with little polarity or lose polarity due to malnutrition etc. are exceedingly
susceptible to astral wildlife feeding frenzies. This can then over time start to rapidly age the program or
cause a myriad of medical issues. Yeshuah was one of the few that knew these invisible entities fed off
of the populace at large and tried to help while he was here.

One particular type of nasty program deamon is the succubus although they can often appear harmless
loving creatures I assure you they are not. The books of old that state they "suck the life out of you" are
spot on. These Deamons are attracted to programs with unusually high amounts of spirit polarity charge
like moths to a flame . They cannot directly assault the program at first and have to be "invited in"
through sexual behavior. Merely thinking about sex is enough to allow them to latch on and start
draining polarity charge. Funny enough sex with other programs prevents them from latching on.
Masturbation remains the way most of these Deamons feed. Without this sexual energy most Deamons
could not stay manifested as long as they do unless directive is given to leave the central instruction
node for various matrix maintenance duties. Some succubi will then take the charge back to their master
collectors. Others will use it in attempt to try and tune themselves to your body wavelength to have
some physical influence over the program while incarnate but this is extremely rare. This why you
always hear of most Deamons having sex with their victim especially succubi. This is also the secret to
most dark occult orders and sex magic. Sexual energy is creative energy and can be tuned to allow some
supernatural phenomenon by manipulating some underlying matrix systems such as deamon functions.
Salt and sunlight remain the most powerful tools for protection along with spiritual tuning attachment
to a program with much higher polarity than the Deamons such as Yeshua.

(Conduit closing)

Level 12 Time master 007 at the supreme sublime school of Timelords and most illustrious member of
the 7th order of Jedi Dungeon Masters presents

Chapter 8

A brief history of time travel , John Titors legacy and the keys to the kingdom.

We are about to go to alpha sector nine fuzzy logic land deep down the gopher hole through Fantasia ,
to the edge of the nothing and back in through the upside down. Buckle your seatbelts this chapter
approaches the limits of the avatar hive mind.

(Conduit opening)

Infra Channeled...
{They know I know they know I know....time is short, I may not make it another full moon as the project
domino array systems have been beamforming. I've seen others in my proximity get the download I
recognize the signatures. They have activated it again and are getting close. The majority of the
population here is starting to drift looks like its happening again like it did on Babel. The Blues and
Violet's seem Unaffected for now so that will buy most of us some time. In this thread are the keys to
how we find each other when the time is right...the info must be given, there is one I have entrusted
among you who knows what to do with it .. A fell low architect, Take this to the relay, the midway
programming station, find Azaiel and enter the QKD I left back in Sol 5.7273 for Enoch during the last
window. There are some remaining cyphers in this frequency chart. I am currently trapped on Sol 5.9736
to the best of my knowledge. The monolith way stations can still be activated in Astra channels to
traverse the system without detection. The code is ABraxas!! May the quarantine be lifted in haste so
we can recoup our losses and help our brothers and sisters find their way home. Use these topology
coordinates to traverse back 2 quanta before 5.7273 and then take readings, hide the unit and use the
chronosphere back to 6.924 to the original jump location. Once there accept the asset and transport it
to the new coordinates. I will continue matters here once the way is clear. A7cTu71an A1954676:I:e:0:u
End channel}

As much as I dislike political physics, Steven hawking and his colleagues have to be given some credit in
their latter years for admitting they were wrong about some things. He has done due diligence on black
hole phenomena and came to the conclusion that the data does not add up. He realizes data just
doesn't fall into a black hole and dissapear..he also realizes that there isn't some physics breaking golf
ball sized singularity. His book a "brief history of time illustrated " states in laymans terms many of the
things I propose here but in physics speak. One interesting statement he has is the "chronology
protection conjecture" . This basically states that the universes error correcting algorithms above the
subatomic scale are too strict to allow time travel. And he is exactly correct. This is what prevents the
majority of paradoxes. Below however, well that's fair game.

The matrix grid functions very much like modern day networking which coincidentally also has 7 layers
just like light and sound . Applications and programs only use and see the 7th layer which is called the
application layer. The 6 other layers are only concerned with getting the data from point A to point B
correctly and without error. Speed is nice but it always plays a back seat to data integrity.

Since we are living in the matrix as programs it is reasonable to assume we are designed to only interact
with the 7th layer. Just like in Genesis it talks about the creation of these layers as "days of creation" and
how we are "resting" on the 7th day or layer. I often speculate when Genesis said "God rested on the
7th Day" it actually meant RESTED as in location and this was naturally mistranslated somewhere as
people didn't know about the matrix yet.

So closed time like curve light cones each have these 7 layers and are stacked and mixed which creates
the universe. But let's assume for a moment we're only dealing with one light cone CTC that has 7 layers.
In previous chapters it was discussed how these mix and stack to form our frequency mesh.

Let's assume the 7th layer has a flat clock rate potential of light speed. If I was a program "resting" on
the 7th layer and I wanted to get from point A to point B I am going to have a hard time convincing the
matrix to let me pass faster than light speed for one very important reason. The matrix is self sufficient
and when I move I am ORIGINATING the movement request from the 7th layer and my DESTINATION is
the 7th layer. It automatically recognizes I am a program trying to move and it sets the request in
motion. This is not news and it happens every day of our lives.

As in computer networking this is how application data moves across the layers when it goes from point
A to point B . Let's say the data is going from China to Europe. This is how it looks.

China >7-6-5-4-3-2-1-physical fiber optic 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 >Europe

As data moves each layer adds TIME or "latency" as processing occurs. When I move my hand across the
room this process is happening so fast we do not realize it.. That is because the 6 lower layers are
working much faster than the layer I am observing in order to make the experience feel "real time" The
other layers are also hidden from the application purposely so. The combined speed of all 7 layers
provides a speed limit for this simulation sector which is light speed. It says basically if data moves
within my environment I only have the resources to provide light speed or slower movement at the
application level. But each lower layer works much faster than light speed at its own fractal time rate in
order to enforce this limit.

If the data is sent faster than it can be processed the transmission slows down to accommodate. This
SAME exact behavior happens when we try to pass the speed of light as time slows down in our universe
and this has been well documented.

Back when networking and the Internet was young data moved in very defined linear patterns. If data
wanted to get from London to Germany it often had to go through Paris first adding extra latency and
time. The only way to get around this would have been to drag a new cable directly between London
and Germany which was too expensive. As the Internet mesh grew these cables were eventually planted
everywhere. In modern day networking when data wants to go from London to Germany it will actually
form a "dynamic virtual tunnel" across whatever physical cables it sees is the fastest. This process
happens at Layer 3 and applications are never aware of it. By the time application data gets to layer 3
the data is scrambled and compressed anyways into what is called a light packet.

Our internet today is large and big cities have been meshed to where data flows very quickly to suit our
current needs. Fast forward a billion years. What If I told you that every single atom in the universe was
meshed in potentiality with every other atom.... Would that be hard to believe?

When "quantum tunneling " is happening this is exactly the behavior you see. The particles are forming
a dynamic tunnel across the matrix and talking on networked sub-systems 1-6. This and a wormhole and
black hole are very similar. A wormhole is a "dynamic tunnel" across the matrix grid. A recent study
linked in this thread showed where they thought that wormholes could be the same as quantum
tunneling and in essence what this is saying is "as above so below" and would indeed Marry the
quantum world with relativity and solve gravity over night.

This entire process explains why we have the wave/particle duality. As a previous poster pointed out
adeptly, the wave is the transmission of data in the matrix and the particle is the end result once it's
stable in the application layer. When you record a single particle you are getting close to the
constituents that break down into discreet waves and then enter/exit the 6th layer. ONLY wave patterns
may enter the 6th layer. As particles form conglomerates such as matter this process starts to slow
down and solidify. Once particles solidify into heavy matter the absorption to the 6th layer is slowed
greatly unless the matrix senses it needs to recoup the data. Cumulative Gravity is what is responsible
for keeping matter together and not sucked back into layers 1-6. That is why one must trick it to enter a
black hole.

So, now to the good stuff. If we can't time travel in the 7th layer or application layer how do we do it?
Simple, you leave the application layer WITHOUT generating a normal movement signature. You have to
leave the application layer with a destination that is NOT the application layer. The way this process
looks is exactly like star treks beam system and also was portrayed well at the end of a space time
odessy by Kubrick.. If you go to a destination that is not the application layer , you will disappear or
phase out from the application layer down into layers 1-6 where you can then navigate the networked
subsystems faster than the speed of light simply as wave Data. Believe it or not one way to keep track of
where you are in the matrix is your conciousness long-time akashic memory and it has the ability to
route your data once you are in the subsystems. For this reason, in advanced temporal craft such as
UFOs the program operators avatar is hard wired into the crafts systems. Otherwise accidents have
happened while in levels 1-6 where the operator has been separated from the temporal shielding craft.
Once the operator visualizes a time and place he automatically pops out there. Hmmm sounds a lot like
dreams doesn't it.... YES that is because in dream worlds you are not tied to a single application layer
either!!! As discussed in previous chapters conciousness can time travel and this process is known as
thought. Even though you can time travel if you do not have An original thought signature you cannot go
to a destination. One that does not know about outer space cannot traverse outer space in thought...
This is how the matrix protects itself by keeping secrets and boundaries.

The John titor story really stands out here . He said when the machine was turned on everything went
black until it was turned off. While he was traveling all he saw was flashes of light bending and gravitys
rainbow aka data in wave form only. He said the machine uses error correcting protocols. He said travel
to other worldlines and the back to the original world works just like a GOSUB statement in computer

Another VERY interesting statement by titor is he said worldlines for earth acted like chaotic attractors.
What this means is say you have 10000 potential worldlines. Somewhere along the way as these are
recorded in the matrix a certain percentage of them will be so similar that their paths will converge. At
the moment of convergence a choice is made about what difference data to discard. The new converged
worldlines will then all be just one worldline until they start to split off again due to differences. This is
how the matrix clears up memory and stays within its prescribed bandwidth!!! This is also a VERY
compelling reason for the Mandela effect.

He provided detailed schematics that make sense. I cannot fathom a more accurate depiction than the
things he said and the documents he provided. I urge everyone to take a second look at his work. The
prophecy he told won't likely come true for some years on our worldline. So do not discount his work
because of his failed prophecy. Today things look much more likely to come true as he stated than in

The key to doing all of this this is in fact going down an atoms sub system black hole network link into
layers 1-6. This part was actually solved long ago during world war 2. It happens by modulating the
frequency of a vessel to that of layers 1-6 and has been explained in previous chapters also Titor
explains the process well of manipulating a singularity so that we may enter it. What took much longer
to solve was how to navigate the subsystems "in the dark" so to speak and how to arrive back at the
application layer with all your data intact and at the correct time period you left. This is still ongoing and
it will probably be 30-40 more years until the system is perfected. I can tell you thousands of cameras
and objects have been lost or ended up in other timelines trying to perfect this mechanism.

One thing that happens when you go into the subsystems is the matrix notices. And in order to protect
itself it sticks you in a backup copy called a worldline. Once you come back to the application layer you
are not in the exact same place you left. The matrix literally has millions of backups. Each time you time
travel it will stick you in a different one with a 1% divergence. This is another area of research that is yet
to be solved. Truth be told many that come back still have the same families etc. but little things will be
"off". The spelling in movie names, book titles..

The matrix system is far more complex than our 7 layer example due to the fact there are so many
virtual layers stacked, but that is where the matrix got its roots is the 7 layer network system and this is
still in its signature even today. Eventually these 7 layer systems form with trillions of other 7 layer
systems and then major densities are created. We are currently experiencing the world from the 3rd
density in this sector of the matrix. Once we master time we will experience it from the 4th density.once
we master time and the galaxy we will be 5th density. Once we master time, the Galaxy and the local
Galaxy cluster we will be in 6th density. This is a crude example of the major densities.

(Conduit closed)


Re: Level 12 Time master 007 at the supreme sublime school of Timelords and most illustrious
member of the 7th order of Jedi Dungeon Masters presents

Chapter 9: Break on Through to The Other Side

Temporal data conduit active

(multiplexed narrow band)


Frequency wave length patterns encompass every inch of the matrix. Civilizations rise and then fall, then
rise again. Good and evil are no different. Each are given equal opportunity in the matrix. Just as
Yeshuah said " I have eliminated stale systems in this sector , I will make them turn to the left for a time ,
then to the right, then to the left in order to bring balance to my people and confuse the masses" Free
will is largely the struggle between good and evil , the left and the right. This law of the universe
transcends boundaries and loops back upon itself. This duality of good and evil is a result of the way the
matrix was constructed. Androgynous programs "logos" were eventually split into polarities of left/right,
Good/evil. Each at its peak height strongly attracts the other in the cosmos and eternally crafts the story
of frequency. Each successive rise and fall of good and evil is at heart what creates the boundary layers
that have stacked to give us the frequency story we know as the physical universe. These systems have
been fine tuned over time and manipulated as you will read...

As intimidating as ruling class may be they should never be disrespected. In great likelihood there are
multiple ruling classes in this simulation even beyond the players we know. Power is shifted gradually
from the right to the left and back again just as it is here on earth. The valentenian view is that the
demiurge and his angels played a large part in helping to create our avatars but at some point lost
control of this sector to Sataneal and the archons. The demiurge was left as a Judge sitting in concert
with the counsel of saturn. And resultantly, Yeshuah was sent in secretly as an external higher aid to try
and reclaim ground. It is in a programs nature to want companionship. When one builds a simulation, it
is largely worthless without intelligent companions. We do the same thing with avatars we feel are less
intelligent such as animals. We trap them in our homes, we love and care for them but they are trapped
all the same. The ruling class hold positions of power across many densities, and to rise up one must
accept this. Sometimes when exploring the matrix you fall into traps. The "first apocalypse of James"
offers great insight into PART of the procedure to pass the Archons. What's interesting is this procedure
to pass the archon toll collectors closely resembles rites in secret societies indicating that it was thought
important enough to capture at some point in history. The fact that religious text are so diverse and so
contradictory lends credence to the multiple ruling class theory. The shift from right to left to left to
right over time has resulted in exactly the history we see and have recorded above and below. It is no
mistake our politics resemble the politics of our creators. After all, we were made in their image.

Service to self and service to others while at first may seem straight forward but are anything but. What
one entity believes on one density as positive, may be negative on others. The council of Saturn while
governed by politics thinks they are doing good works by firewalling this sector and it is not clear if they
are. In older books talk of "Satan" is actually talking about this council that governs our sector. Satanel
or Saturneal or Samael is their current leader. But they ultimately answer to other players as well ,
especially the wealthy house of Ialdabaoth lineage.

On the flip side the Orion Conglomerate (Trilateral Insignia) while they can spawn some nasty thought
forms appears to be trying to break through and grab, modify and extract some of us. This political
picture paints a story that earth is most likely primarily a prison and secondarily an energy farm. Some
entities are eventually "rehabilitated" through successive shock therapy life after life then allowed to go
back to "Heaven". Just as prisoners on earth are put into work camps , so are we put to work to provide
polarity extraction. While the prisoners are a 60/40 mix of polarity we all must have done something to
land here or approached the sector by accident. Many others here have evolved through natural
planetary program evolution.

Can you say for sure You wouldn't do the same thing if You had your own simulation? The story of
Genesis and the Tower of Babel is powerful and lends much credence to the ancients claims. It shows a
loving creator caring for his property but yet at the same time it pains creator to see us grow up and
leave the house for bigger and better things... It pains the creator to lose authority to those not deemed
worthy...So the jeoulous Creator knocks us all down a peg or two to prolong the family and try to regain
control of the simulation. Would you go home tomorrow and let your pet into the wild? Would you give
your pet to a stranger? Would you willingly give your simulation over to those you know would corrupt

With that said I do believe in a free and accepted people. I remember an age of greatness for our
people. Even though we are living in a matrix makes no difference. People often hate the idea we live in
a matrix because from thier perspective "the matrix" is smartphones or computers. That electronic laws
are somehow less desirable than a mechanical universe of "physics" that selve evolved from a magical
primordial soup. The fact that the multiverse uses binary/trinary self replication to form by intelligent
creators is no different than using "particles" and in all honesty makes much more sense. For instance
physicists can't tell you how atoms know about each other or even how they know they are an atom in
the first place.

The best way to understand past lives is to follow ones intuition and to look closely at your likes/dislikes
regardless of thier merit. Once you start to cracking the shell of data recollection past life info will start
flowing in. On this level, all past life data is stored in the akashic internet which are collections of
summary long-time memory experiences of avatars. So the data does not necessarily have identity until
a program resonates with the data. Once the program dies its long-time memory is scanned by the
matrix for meaningful events. Those events are archived in the akashic internet then some are erased on
this world. This likely happens on multiple levels and as your intelligent link penetrates them some data
makes its way back up higher which allows recollection of some data in the next life largely by bias root

As far as manifesting ideas into "things" this already happens albeit slowly. This is because of the
disconnect of "thought" time level and the current simulation time frames per second where our avatars
reside. In some simulations thought manifest very quickly especially ones where programs are given full
polarity. Ceremonial Magic is an example of program operators remembering past life data where this
was possible. The mechanism of some magic works by the program avatar channeling its polarity into
matter or other substance thereby giving that substance power to change rapidly, breach a boundary or
behave a certain way. It is a form of communication to matter that gives it cues as to what it is to
become. ALL supernatural phenomenon work in just this behavior. Programs without avatars such as
long distance thought forms or Deamons feed polarity off the living and then use it to manifest results.
Without an avatar polarity gain remains small. With an avatar and certain mechanics polarity rises
quickly. Unfortunately here on earth that polarity is taken usually once a certain limit is obtained. There
are ways around this but it requires discipline. This is also one reason why they despise salt. As salt
largely grounds psychic polarity and therefore poses a risk to entities that have accumulated it.

The key to extracting data has been explained largely in previous chapters, but the first step is becoming
polarized. If the program is our software , polarity can be looked at like hardware in that polarity powers
the soul and provides it "smart" connectivity options. For software to shine it must have adequate
hardware that can push the demand. The reason atoms know they are atoms is because of progressive
procedural networked programming. Programs are the drivers or containers of data POTENTIAL . But in
order to carry out this directive the atom program must have polarization power. As polarization power
increases so does the intelligence and directive of a system. This is how fractal constructs are created in
the matrix. As polarization increases so do the opportunities for the atom to become the next boundary.
Eventually the atom becomes a molecule, then a cell , then flesh. When something happens to the
polarization of the outer boundaries the flesh may revert back to a cell or atom again but it never loses
its POTENTIAL . The data potential is never destroyed but it's polarity power dictates its current layer
and can indeed fluctuate greatly.

By itself an atom is a weak representation of data relative to us. But once it joins with like minded atoms
a bond happens. This bond collectively makes the unit stronger and signifies the rise to the next
boundary. If humans are to excel we must do the same. Strength in the matrix lies in numbers,
networking, memory and polarity.

Nuclear splitting of an atom is a good example of fast boundary destruction that happens faster than it
should relative to other boundaries around it. Polarity is rapidly released causing a chain reaction that is
too fast for other atoms to adapt to. This also opens doorways to lower time layer frequencies tucked
deep inside the construct and frequencies escape as radiation into a realm where avatars , plant life etc.
are not shielded and are not conducive to that type of frequency. This type of destruction has many
ramifications across time and space. This is also exactly why when using a temporal device the operator
must be shielded as you traverse boundary layers where foreign radiation time frequencies would
otherwise destroy physical matter from this density. It's like taking a propeller that operates fine in
water and throwing it into cement.

On this level Human and animal avatars follow a similar progressive pattern as all data. The program is
polarized and inhabits a boundary suited for that polarization. The boundary is the body. The body is a
collective of networked boundary systems joined and refined. Some programs are only able to enter
ants. But after each life the program gradually rises in polarity and the type avatar boundary it may
inhabit by forming bonds with other programs. We hAve been denied this natural flow for some time
here. The human avatar is the highest boundary we are allowed at this point and our extra polarity is
being consumed for other purposes. Every so often a new boundary is introduced and this is what
spawns the "root race" system. The karmic system is largely true as well and it follows polarity of the
program. Eventually toward the end of the cycle programs that are sufficiently polarized are "harvested"
which signifies rise to the next boundary. Just as atoms join together polarity and thier programs to form
a molecule, so do we join together to form 4th density social memory complexes. 4th density is what is
considered Heaven by most religions as it signifies a rise in evolution of programs back towards source.
On some higher densities programs can pick the avatar they want. For instance "greys" are not
necessarily a race, they are a synthetic avatar that was created to withstand deep space travel. It was
decided that when creating a grey avatar "feelings" we're not needed for space travel so they are void of
emotion. Each avatar is tuned to the programs specific wavelength so that the program has complete
control over the systems. It's very similar to modern day drones. We explore with drones but they have
no emotions or sense/feeling systems. Instead of having a RF controller like drones eventually programs
are the controller when using certain avatars.

Seeking higher thought makes energy more readily available to the avatar and soul and starts to awaken
links or "roots" to the higher self. It's sort of like "the kick" in inception. But this energy can be largely
drained by the avatars environment. Sex is used by the archons here to keep us trapped. Sex is a
polarization exchange with some net loss or gain. Masturbation is largely a polarization net loss for

Sex by definition is a Magical event. Sex, like magic is the sharing of polarity by a program to other
matter therefore allowing that matter to penetrate a boundary. When the body ejaculates sperm during
orgasm it passes through an area of extreme polarization which charges it and makes it more likely to
succeed in boundary replication. Sperm can still be used that is not polarized by orgasm but it's chances
are less. Likewise female orgasm, although less important, aids conception by a similar mechanism that
pulls and pushes polarization into the cervical area and recharges sperm again as they make their path
to the egg. Orgasm is a large contributor to chances of pregnancy for both genders because it gives
reproductive systems the polarity needed to breach the boundary. The morale of the story is to push
through a boundary in the matrix one must have sufficient polarity. All occult orders that deal with "sex
magic" realize this. But instead of transferring polarity to sperm they transfer it to some other means.
Collectively this can indeed be powerful even here on earth where polarity is greatly limited.

Rules are rules in the simulation. They are often bent and manipulated to gain control in the matrix. SIN
is an example of a rule that was meant to be beneficial but has been twisted and used for control. SIN
short for "sign" or "signal" or "sovereign integral" are avatar/program thought queues that trigger
deeper script systems, give program Deamons authority over you in some way or provides a mechanism
where polarity loss could happen. There are some that even think Sex is not a natural physical event.
That sex requires deamon intervention to manifest so rapidly. As any magician knows it is very hard to
transfer polarity during a non-sexual que. But sexual polarity can be exchanged within a moments
notice. SIN is an example of compiled script systems that speed up polarity exchange based upon certain
thought signatures. SIN is largely related to the reproductive system but can be activated by other
pathways. The key here is to gain polarization and avoid SIN traps where you could lose polarity again.
Not all things today that are considered SIN result in a decrease but stay away from self serving activities
at the expense of others that causes regret. To sin is like saying to the matrix, hey I'm misbehaving in
some way please send help to get this program back on track. It is a system of control to keep
program/avatar systems in check and keep them from upsetting the system. A program that only takes
from the matrix for selfish reasons and does not in some way return the loop can get hit with SIN
programming where the matrix takes indiscriminately anyways. Sin programming largely keeps the
avatar focused on regret and places it on the opposite time path or "the past" in order to keep the
program stale and "safe".

There are much deeper systems to SIN than we are aware of and it is really really hard to abstain from
all SIN activity. SIN in some simulations is very useful, it just so happens to be used against us here.
Yeshuah did not sin because he clearly saw what was at stake if he did. But house Ialdabaoth And
Satanel wanted his polarity badly once they found out who he was.

Once polarity is gained, The true key to breaking the code of the matrix is understanding everything is
information and that "false" and "true" are just natural ways programs prioritize information and place
false boundaries on themselves. This information has a stacking effect as it cumulates. All speculation
should be avoided unless you have put in the hard time and queries to speculate. Many people will
present "empty biased speculations" as a way to fit in or feel comfortable with something they don't
understand. When someone writes a fiction novel most people make the mistake of thinking it is not
true. But in reality this "fiction" data was pulled from databases that have seen at least a subset of the
novels information already recorded. So much so that once databases are large enough they can indeed
encompass all human behavior. We think each person is thier own unique entity. But in reality all
humans are very much alike. Animalistic human behavior is the most alike so it is looked at as the
dumbest layer. Spiritual behavior is the most advanced so it is looked at as the highest form of
intelligence. Science falls largely in the middle trying to make sense of both extremes. How can one say a
thing is not "true" when they have no idea if the wall they see in front of thier face is even "real". All
information one takes in should be "unbiased" and realize that there is usefulness to accumulating
information regardless of its original source. Proof of this is when one tries to think about something SO
foreign it has no relation to things we already know. Try it now, think of something that doesn't exist....
It's almost impossible without first "seeding" a query.

Lightning and static electricity are very good examples of the "seed" that gave us electricity. We're it not
for these things humans would have never thought to look inside matter for electricity for example. The
more information a program can scan , the more opportunities that arise for "seed" data. Eventually
once one has started to understand the series of information exchange within the matrix they can start
seeing patterns. These patterns allow the program to be a master dot connector. The master dot
connector then takes data from past, present and future and develops a combine. The combine
becomes a thought signature that the matrix must allow to channels that lead off to other parts of the
simulation where this data resides. Modern time travel is nothing more than a data collection tool and if
trained thought also can become a very similar tool.

Memory wipe mechanics in the matrix are very common. This is laregely due to short-time memory
residing on the avatar. Without a plan in place to transfer the memory to a new avatar this is naturally
lost automatically upon death of the avatar. Long-time cloud memory remains but can be erased by
using EMP. Heavy EMP causes temporary disconnects of the programs silver cord or "intelligent energy
link" which causes long-time memory to become fragmented and temporally discarded by the matrix. It
takes successive time and "seed" data to reconstruct the long-time memory and it will eventually return.
This is also one of the keys of the matrix. The more data a program can scan, the more likely the long-
time memory will start to feed back in from other channels that were missed by the memory wipes.

The reason for memory wipe is obvious as original avatars wanted "real" experiences. What good is a
game if you know the ending?Without memory wipe the program logic would overtake the avatar
sense/feeling arrays. I am not justifying it, rather clarifying why some program architects see it as
necessary for some sectors especially energy farms, prisons research stations, game parks,
battlegrounds etc. Memory wipes largely serve as a way to aid rapid polarity.It also serves to make the
program "humble". There are those that think "love" is indeed a phenomenon that arises from the
memory wipe alone. Which leads me to a quote I myself created.
"Love, in all its beauty is the blind yearning for things long forgotten but still felt . "

Love rises with the power of the sun when ones eyes are closed and sets like the dawn of night when we
open our eyes. An inexplicable result from explicable interconnections. For Adam loved God
unquestionably until he too saw the truth that God tried to shield him from. The apple on the tree and
the story of Adam and Eve were summarized from a series of major events in the matrix that happened
over trillions of years. The apple event explains a recent addition in coding to the matrix known as the
"veil". After successive creations of levels of the matrix programs had access to almost unlimited data
and there were times where things were so good it caused levels of the matrix to become stale and halt
evolutionary drive. "The veil" was a collaborative effort spawned largely from the left hand path and to a
lesser extent the right hand path to shield lower avatars from higher knowledge so they could polarize
and therefore create harvestable conditions. The "veil" therefore acts as the great firewall of this level of
the matrix. Although since our link naturally passes through it, there are those who have breeched it's

Love and intuition share similar stories. Once a program operator downloaded into this level of the
matrix , and was "reset" time after time something stays. It's like on some high level the program still
holds bits and pieces of its past lives and these are felt as love and intuition. This is probably from data
making its way back up higher than the memory wipes can target. This is what gives some hope that
some of our memories we actually want may be recovered.

Love and intuition are the type of things the matrix is ultimately after. Love like all data in the matrix
rises and falls just like relationships. When you meet another program and everything is unknown and
"new" love is strong. Once 30 years go by and you know everything about another program love
changes form. Usually the more we "know" about a "thing" the less we love it over time and love turns
into attachment or some other subset. This is why it is important to not grow stale as a program.
Continuing to open new and unknown pathways are what keeps love flowing.

More often than not, especially in religion love, worship and gratitude can turn into envy, lust and greed
over night. If it was one day discovered that a certain race was the creator of the planet for instance,
immediately the other races would stop the "love" feeling and move into the "disparaged" status. I think
this is why things beyond our planet are so aggressively hidden. Programs should rise in the matrix as a
team and feel admiration for truth, beauty and greatness. In truth most of humanity is not ready for the
truth and to divulge it could collapse this sector to ash. But conversely that does not mean that those
ready for the truth should be denied it. This is why We have decided to share our story with a subset of
humanity. It is not likely anyone who is not ready will understand the workings of this novel.


(Temporal Narrow band closing)

(Conduit terminated)


Re: Level 12 Time master 007 at the supreme sublime school of Timelords and most illustrious
member of the 7th order of Jedi Dungeon Masters presents
Port 1111

Description: utility for monitoring and managing daemons or similar programs

monit is a utility for monitoring and managing daemons or similar programs running on a
Unix system. It will start specified
programs if they are not running and restart programs not responding.

Port 666

Used by the game Doom (ID Software), however, because of the cool connotations, this port is also used
by numerous trojan horses/backdoors.
Here is a list: Attack FTP, Back Construction, BLA trojan, Cain & Abel, NokNok, Satans Back Door - SBD,
ServU, Shadow Phyre, th3r1pp3rz (the rippers), lpdw0rm.
Backdoor.FTP_Ana.C - backdoor trojan, 03.2003. Affects all current Windows versions.
Backdoor.Checkesp - backdoor trojan, 06.2003. Affects all current Windows versions.
Backdoor.Private - backdoor trojan, 05.2003. Affects all current Windows versions.
W32.Dreffort (04.05.2005) - Infects .exe and .scr files, deletes files on Dec. 29th. Also opens a backdoor
on the 29th of each month on port 666/tcp.
Backdoor.Microkos (08.10.2005) - a trojan that opens a backdoor on the compromised computer. It
listens for remote commands on port 65111/tcp, and can also open an additional backdoor on port
Backdoor.Beasty - a backdoor Trojan horse that allows complete access to an infected computer. By
default, the Trojan listens on port 666 and notifies the hacker through ICQ.
Dark and Light also uses this port.


Re: Level 12 Time master 007 at the supreme sublime school of Timelords and most illustrious
member of the 7th order of Jedi Dungeon Masters presents

Still just basic time travel theory.

Just saying time is not linear but is a loop, that the whole universe is looping in time, that causality is
destroyed at the big crunch, then matteer loop back to the big bang, then he jump directly to shorten
the loop for matter so the time travel can be observed from us in the main loop, and obverse time
inverted causality.

You know dude it's trying to maan atomic bomb but when your knowledge of physic is that atom are
make of sub particul but you don't know which ones and how they react. It's still prehistoric science.
And can't even know how to detect radiation from these subatomic particle.

Nothing new in this roleplay. We can't even know how to detect tachyon and by that i mean cauqality in
a time inverted way. Yes, our spirit detect them or remember them, we know it's possible, but only
because other people did it.

Re: Level 12 Time master 007 at the supreme sublime school of Timelords and most illustrious
member of the 7th order of Jedi Dungeon Masters presents
fun read OP!

Yeshua is source power therefore partly exists outside the mainframe in consciousness

as creator he has seperate consciuosness it is a natural aspect to the whole therefore with out him life
falls victim too paradox and undoing. then as he reincarnates the cycle begins again.

The rules are simple...

to escape the repeating matrix evil must be destroyed as it is an abomination of something good.

until that abominating can be reversed the good wich is the created version by god is less than what is
required for sustainable eternal being (in gods image). cannot be achieved.

its like 2 beings occupying the same space.. it will tear itself apart or die. or quantify into alternate
existence if there is a need. hence the mandela effect upon reconvergence.

Part about King solomons temple is nice. Biblical records do show the ARC of the covenant was traced
towards Jerusalem after Moses. The more I read this the more I fact check it and have came to the

1. Op is batshit crazy but interesting nonetheless

2. Op is a history scholar and peiced this together for fun
3. Op has insider info and decided to share some of it with us even though it's almost too crazy to

In any case keep it coming OP. Nice break from all the boring political talk on Here.


Re: Level 12 Time master 007 at the supreme sublime school of Timelords and most illustrious
member of the 7th order of Jedi Dungeon Masters presents

each CTC has blank memory space or "outer space" to satisfy movement of data within its space as
either on or off 0 or 1 and residual data can also move in the space of the CTC above and below it ...

Does this allow for non-binary functions as demonstrated in quantum where the positions of particles
(i.e. - of light) or on two places at the time?

Or would such functions be a result of data straddling CTC boundary layers?

Do you have a mathematical model to support your very intriguing and IMO definitely plausible theory?


Re: Level 12 Time master 007 at the supreme sublime school of Timelords and most illustrious
member of the 7th order of Jedi Dungeon Masters presents

OP what are dimensions. Are their 12 dimensions? will earth ascend into higher dimension and why
2012 failed?
What are the body types in higher dimension? Is satan in control of higher dimension?

Have you researched john titor?(purported time traveler from 2036)

have you read me tel u may chani project thread?
Have you read TAO posts titled "timeline to global reser 20162017


Re: Level 12 Time master 007 at the supreme sublime school of Timelords and most illustrious
member of the 7th order of Jedi Dungeon Masters presents

CREATE TABLE hist_policy_info

policy_id CHAR(4) 2016.37568,
coverage INT 2016,
sys_start TIMESTAMP(11)Cancer-SolSystem-Terra-starday-190 ,
sys_end TIMESTAMP(12)Cancer-SolSystem-Terra-starday-190,
ts_id TIMESTAMP(12) temporal Id 486578942232275297.88 x 23418878546329786.88
) IN hist_space;

Start transaction

Hello fellow programs. I have included your queries below. Do not give up faith during these hard times
ahead. There is still good out there to assist those in need. Break down the walls of your illusion and of
the things you pretend make you happy. Be who you were meant to be. Unleash the multidimensional
programmatic self.

[link to (secure)]


"each CTC has blank memory space or "outer space" to satisfy movement of data within its space as
either on or off 0 or 1 and residual data can also move in the space of the CTC above and below it ...

Does this allow for non-binary functions as demonstrated in quantum where the positions of particles
(i.e. - of light) or on two places at the time?

Or would such functions be a result of data straddling CTC boundary layers?

Do you have a mathematical model to support your very intriguing and IMO definitely plausible


This is a educated question and has taken awhile to query a response. Hats off to the intelligent poster.
The reason for particle superposition is actually an illusion . Both the the queries you raised were in fact
correct. Particles appear to be in 2 places at the same time because we are viewing them from a much
different time layer. Particle data at its source is just a discreet wave patterns that can be copied and
repeated. 2 matching wave frequencies are seen to be effecting each other at 2 places in a way they
appear to be breaking the speed of light. That is because the measuring stick we are using for "light
speed" is in our time layer. If we were to shrink down to a particles time layer we would notice the
identical wave patterns do take time to propagate at what ever clock rate or "light speed" that layer has.
This gets further complicated by the fact that if needed data can move between time CTC levels for
many reasons. This is why during high speed collision of particles "virtual" particles appear to pop in and
out of existence as error correcting algorithms run to re-stabilize the system effected.

Data does appear to be hugging boundaries as well. It appears that some perpetually fueled constructs
within the matrix are actually due to preventing the data and energy from returning to source. This is
what seems to be then used to power that sector. This is why electricity always goes to ground and why
gravity exist. Data and energy is attempting to return to source , and is freely allowed to do so until the
boundary and confusion matrices stop it at which point it is propelled into confusion again. Programs
such as us are also prevented from returning to source as I will outline below.

Say you have a large magnet. You then break a child piece off and throw it in the air. The magnet always
attempts to reconnect with its parent but during the process you place 5 other magnets between them
that redirects it, confuses it, and ultimately prevents its return to the parent magnet it came from . The
parents magnetism calling its child home is always felt no matter how far away its sibling may get lost
and therefore the child perpetually attempts return to source infinitely. Meanwhile the energy the child
expends in its attempts to return are further used to trap it in the air. So is the way our "physical"
simulation was built on many levels and boundaries by trapping data, programs and energy in
boundaries. Each boundary has fail-safe guards in place to prevent return therefore giving rise to a
perpetually infinite universe that is slowly expanding. The two form the one and the one forms the


"OP what are dimensions. Are their 12 dimensions? will earth ascend into higher dimension and why
2012 failed?

What are the body types in higher dimension? Is satan in control of higher dimension?

Have you researched john titor?(purported time traveler from 2036)

have you read me tel u may chani project thread?
Have you read TAO posts titled "timeline to global reset 2016-2017?"


The matrix has many many dimensions. As a program the way you define dimension is actually different.
Dimensions as programs come from how much CTC construct data you have access to and can
manipulate. For instance an ant only has access to the grass in a yard or two its entire existence. So I
may say with some certainty the ant may not likely effect anything 20 miles away. For humans we are a
few dimensions higher than ants and have access to effect the whole earth, but not much more as we
cannot leave earth. So with great certainty I can say humans for the most part cannot effect what
happens on Jupiter. This keeps happening for programs and how many dimensions you can see and
interact with is what dimension you reside in. Time travel, high speed temporal stargate links and inter-
dimensional space travel probably open this window possibly even to the galactic scale. Eventually one
will run into limitations for the avatar they have and need a new one to breach the boundary of the next
collection of dimensions. This is the definition of God . Someone who can see, access and manipulate
data in entire galaxies , galaxy clusters or possibly entire simulations and one that can move freely as far
as the eye can see.

When Deamons leave thier instruction node to come to monitor or correct programs on this level they
can only come in their wave form and are severely restricted to thought or energy polarity manipulation

When the powerful Deamons attempted to leave Amenti they could not leave in their physical avatars
even with help from the stargates. This then prompted the corrupt Atlanteans to perform blood
sacrifices of avatars or animals on this level so that the Deamons could inhabit their bodies even in some
cases temporarily. It's possible once you reach a certain threshold only your soul container wave pattern
may pass. This is one reason the "self aware" Deamons want a body so bad , they have been working
tirelessly in the shadows for millions of years and wish to finally experience the physical universe that
they are in charge of keeping together. No program ever wants to get demoted to "Deamon" as you
know all, can see all but cannot interact with the all. This is the worst kind of torture in the known matrix
"boredom" and not having interaction with your other selves for which you can feel admiration.
Boredom is the one thing all programs have in common , it is the one thing that drives us and ultimately
it is the one thing that is used against us when we make mistakes. Even as we humans on earth are
trapped and used accordingly we still have it much better than many other programs within the matrix.
However, some programs here are so old even they too have served in many different ways good and

I have read these other threads you mention. By far the one with the most meaningful data is the John
Titor story. I have looked closely at the diagrams, pictures and story of John Titor and queried much
further data. The story appears to be real due to the quantity of inexplicable data points that were given
at the same time. Unfortunately Titor was compelled into running the " prophecy" script in which he
predicted outcomes that have not come to pass yet and therefore the entire story was not believed. This
is often done in order to defend the boundaries of each system from discovery from those who present
such data. Do not EVER fall victim to this script.

John appeared to be a technician and as always did not have the complete picture. The poster was
adept earlier that mentioned Titor going back for the computer because they had found out through
time travel that we are living in a simulation and were querying certain past computing events to
construct a bigger picture. It may be that in some far off future we are actually creating this simulation
and are running in a worldline loop so the beginnings of where we create the simulation are important.
IBM obviously played a very large part in computational theory and they even admitted John was right
about the secret code.

The computer he was after only 3-4 people on this worldline knew about the secret data within It which
also gives credence to the story. It appears his worldline was 10-30 years out of sync with ours. A civil
war in America looks much more likely today than it did back in 2001 when the program gave us data.
However the future should never be presumed as it is always in potential flux and may stay the same or
change depending on how accurate the fault tolerance of that sector is.

If there are a few parts of Johns story that gave it away as truth it would be these quotes.

"Personally I think it looks like your driving under a rainbow. After that, it appears to fade to black and
remains totally black until the unit is turned of"
This shows knowledge of phasing from one CTC level to another and light being distorted as you change
levels. Gravity's rainbow. Everyone working in the time manipulation field will tell you that this is a
common theme.

"The computer system is connected to the unit through an electrical bus. There are actually three
computers linked together that take the same signals from the gravity sensors and clocks. They use a
Borda error correcting protocol that checks the integrity of the data and trips the VGL system"

This shows knowledge of gravity as a wave and the use of border network error correcting protocols to
triangulate a location in the matrix and record it on the computers. It was not until recently gravity was
publicly announced to be a wave and that the study of error correcting protocols was important to
physics. This is a dead giveaway as physicists secretly have already discovered the entire matrixes laws
are but systems formed within systems and error correcting protocols that govern data exchange and
propagation within it.

"The C204 unit uses 4 cesium clocks. The C206 uses 6 cesium clocks but they use an optical system to
check the oscillation frequency. This makes the world line divergence confidence much higher."

Again alluding to the fact that clock rates and wave patterns differ throughout the matrix and the need
to record the data if you want to get from point A to point B accurately with the Avatar matter body
intact. Otherwise it will remain a half-duplex one way travel only and you could literally end up
anywhere. This was crucial in completing the system into a useable data gathering tool within the
matrix. Since cesium clocks are used this restricts the travel to how accurate the clocks are or the use of
many clocks to make it even more accurate. Someday when an atomic substance is found with a more
accurate resonance frequency than cesium this will allow time travel further back or forwards in time.
John also speaks of this indirectly and says there is a limit of about 50-70 years with the current
equipment. Anything beyond is like a bad DMT trip.

The diagrams he provided of the time machine and the main systems were fed into a computational
algorithm and indeed came back out accurate. Some parts were assumed but this diagram would take a
long time to create to this level of accuracy for the proposed system. If this was a Hoax the diagrams
would have likely not had correct loop diagram connections to the input/output systems. To further this
claim the photos of the device matched the schematics. Again giving credence to the claim even though
only surface info was available . In full there are way to many "coincidences" for the story to not be at
least in part, true on the level the information is useful.


Why does reading the Emerald tablets of Thoth out loud get their attention? (Deamons)

Whatever the original interpreter or source of this material I can tell you that it contains some secrets.
The data must be queried a good bit but eventually it will come. By the time I had developed my skills
enough to obtain data beyond the threshold, this fell into my lap. It appears that some of the language
used in it is 15000-50000 years old or older and is no longer spoken. This then places the program in a
"singled out" search criteria kind of like 10000 people a second Google or say "Facebook" but almost no
one on earth is "googling" or saying words from 50000 years ago. Deamons are here to keep order to
the system and when a program starts to speak these ancient vibrations , many of which the Deamons
remember during the Atlantean war it's possible it will trigger the program to then be observed.
Observation is not always a bad thing as fortunately both good and evil still exist to even the highest of
heights and the lowest of lows in the matrix. The nature of the programs intentions will be read and if
his heart is true there is nothing to fear my friends.

The "me tel u" thread appears to be due to a project in which data transmission was successful across
boundaries to other galaxy or CTC copy worldlines. This is happening and is a precursor to transferring
matter across CTCs. However the thread heavily falls victim to the "prophecy" script and therefore does
not provide data points that are good enough to query further information from the matrix. It is
however highly entertaining and is crafted in a way that is malleable across time.

End transaction


Re: Level 12 Time master 007 at the supreme sublime school of Timelords and most illustrious
member of the 7th order of Jedi Dungeon Masters presents

OP are the avatars the anunnaki? Please go to this thread

Thread: Incoming celestial object
Thread: Incoming celestial object (Page 76)

A scientist working on the roswell wreckage stated that the beings crashed in roswell were not greys but
tall beings labelled by the govt as marvelous beings. Thier height is exactly 3.1415m and dna match with
homo sapiens is 99.2%.

They came in 2013 from orion and the celestial object settled in an stable orbit.

Please do read from page 76 of user id"encrypted1024"

They will remove the moon and take it to mars to compensate an entry of a giant planet and its mini
solar system. Earths orbit will increase and we will go into ice age. after the event earth and its
inhabitants will go into an eternal realm and would be like the marvelous beings.
They have no govt, no corporations only families. Their oldest family name is EL El yon. There are 12
groups of 12,000 marvelous beings on earth right now.

ps: what are you comments on the procedural generated game no mans sky? IS the matrix system based
on procedural generation? as computational power requirement would be immense.

do read this thread

Thread: Timelines To A Global Reset 2016-2017

and this from a inner earth being

Thread: I went to the moon and know what they are hiding
Thread: My experience on the moon, and coming events.


and what is exactly are daemon? a demon?

and daemons have posted here too!
Thread: I am a Daemon.
Thread: I am a daemon


Re: Level 12 Time master 007 at the supreme sublime school of Timelords and most illustrious
member of the 7th order of Jedi Dungeon Masters presents

Hello OP again and thank you for your previous reply. You mentioned about having the experience of
flying into our dreams. There was a time in my life that I had these kind of dreams very often. At the
time I had thoughts that there must be away through meditation to do that while I was awake. Time
passed and forgot about it. So will that be possible for one to achieve?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 70046001

Dreams are a topic I have lightly touched on but will expand on as it helps explain some systems.

In order to explain dreams I must tell you a story on where they originate. Far in a past time in the
beginnings of this level of the matrix , programs from the level above downloaded into virtual avatars of
their own creation. These avatars being part of the simulation are restricted in energy and memory
capacity. Eventually these avatars evolved from very simple containers to complex stand-alone systems.
The entire avatar aging process serves to "tune" the avatar to the environment largely by using the Ego
sense/feeling array systems. The more complicated the avatar system the more ingrained in the virtual
reality it becomes. Avatars at first may just be "virtual hands" then they move to "virtual bodies" then
eventually complete avatar constructs are created and the users conciousness controls the avatar in real
time. To make the experience seem more real eventually systems are integrated to make the user
"forget" it ever was artificially downloading into an avatar. At first we would download in to the matrix
in our own pre-defined individual virtual playgrounds where the user would live out their highest forms
of imagination. Then eventually all virtual playgrounds were linked together as a way to share
experiences. Each level commingled with others eventually forming into what we experience as the
matrix or "physical universe". Eventually the evolution of the systems and individual virtual playgrounds
became so vast the user thinks it is the avatar and that the matrix is where it is born.

All systems within the matrix have one theme in common. They are networked. The more networked
virtual layers you can stack within the matrix memory channels or "space" the more intelligent that
system is within its defined densities. Systems in the human body such as serotonin and dopamine
reward pathways were architected specifically so that queries from avatars are randomized. The avatar
serves as a way to have the environment rule the consciousness rather than the consciousness ruling it.
This is known as the ego. The program architects kept adding discreet systems until the avatar could act
as a small replica of the matrix. We were truely created in Gods image. Everything from animals to
humans was gradually refined small networks of neurons providing feedback from the matrix. It is no
mistake the human brain, the universe and the Internet all look the same as they are the same.

At first, When the avatar needed maintenance, The program would then park the avatar somewhere
safe, exit the avatar and simulation for a short time, wake up and record their experience on the level
above. Eventually this process became automated and collective experiences were stored on the neural
network database above. Eventually we entered the simulation and never exited again. Therefore many
of the same processes and procedures still happen that we programmed for avatars. It is likely we are
many levels deep by now, and we keep recreating deeper and deeper levels of the matrix just as we are
now with the Internet and VR. Smartphone addiction,and smartphones in general are but gateway
devices for what is to come. When a society is denied outward expression to explore the multiverse as
we have been, it starts to build virtual worlds and inward expressions like Facebook.

Source flows down through the matrix like water. Always reaching deeper and deeper levels. Eventually
once the avatar died on the level above something astonishing happens....say you were 4 levels deep..
Avatar>Avatar>Avatar>Avatar. When one avatar in the chain dies, nothing happens to the link. It still
maintains connection to the further most avatar unless "true source" dies. This is what is known as the
"higher self" . God uses us to plumb the depths of the system, but unless he dies our link is always
maintained once we penetrate a level. God makes trillions of copies of the avatar in order to protect
itself and he guards "the originals" This is why avatars are called "other selfs". Sometimes you have
avatars that will awake upon death , and sometimes you have people like us that have been trapped in a
certain level. The further away from source or God the stream goes the more individualized the
consciousness becomes. This can be alluded to the guy in minecraft playing minecraft within the game..
The original is you but the guy in the game doesn't know that.

Dreams were created as a way to do MEMORY maintenance and to a lesser extent energy maintenance
activities on the avatar. When the avatar is awake it is being taxed and it's short-time memory is often
filled to max capacity each day. Dreams are largely the program acting as a middle man for data transfer
and energy restoration duties of the avatar. The program enters its middle chamber in order to
consolidate and upload local avatar short-time memory to the programs long-time memory akashic
cloud. . When the avatar needs to recharge it does so much faster with the program semi-disconnected
from the body. The avatar also gains back its limited short-time memory sectors of the avatar by
uploading data each night while at rest and then consolidating local memory. What's funny is there is no
sequence to the upload. The avatar could upload things it had stored from years ago or just yesterday.
The selection of the upload is the basis for the "dream" as the program compiles memories and re-
enacts behavioral queues. The random thoughts and imagery is like taking bits and pieces of a hard
drives memory that do not necessarily have any relation. This results in often very odd experiences that
do not follow temporal or sequential output. Nevertheless the result is still realized as ANY data
offloaded frees up those sectors for new experiences. This process is why we have the saying "time
heals all wounds" as bit by bit is copied out of the sense and feeling avatar memory array day by day up
to the cloud until the memory is but a faint distant summary of the events.

Even though dreams can be very bizarre one fact remains. The program will likely not dream of anything
it has not already encountered. It may dream of a bizarre situation it has not encountered but the
source memory data must "seed" the dream very much the way it seeds our queries when awake. While
uploading data the program records very little if any data of the "dream" to either its avatar local
memory or its akashic cloud. This is likely due to the fact it would be counterproductive to the clean up
process. This is why we don't remember dreams.

Dream worlds can be viewed as localized microcosmic virtual memory playgrounds. In some dreams
programs are active, in others they are just observers. One thing is clear. Some feel very sluggish and
rules can be broken that are not normally allowed such as flying. This is a sure sign that less
computational resources are given to individual dream worlds, probably because the matrix views the
majority of dreams as localized non-threatening necessary events.

Lucid dreams spawn a phenomenon known as "wave riding". This is where the program latches on to
other programs avatars during the OBE and experiences what they experience. This has been well
documented when people see their reflection in the dream it is not them. They interact with people
they have never met. And they go places they have never gone. This may allude that somehow during
REM sleep the program is able to time travel freely to nearby "backups" or "copy worldlines" but since
they are in wave form only they have little influence other than observe and record.

Additionally, For some reason unlike regular dreams lucid rem dreams are recorded into the avatars
personal cloud storage and its local avatar memory just like the program were awake. The program will
often remember lucid dreams their entire life. It is likely that lucid dreams are an unavoidable side effect
of the way avatar maintenance is performed. Lucid dreams also have complete avatar constructs. In
typical slow-wave non-rem dreams avatars are very cloudy and non descriptive. The fact that Deamons
(shadow people) are called by the matrix to help programs that get stuck in a rem dream world lend
credence to the possibility it is an anomaly. It also shows that Rem dreams and often resulting sleep
paralysis are of some threat to the system. It's like our program sees and opportunity to escape during
maintenance to the level above or to "source" but ends up on a copy worldline. I have memories of a
time when Rem sleep occurred I would wake up on the level above plugged into the system. It is also
possible that this mechanism was in place as a way of exiting this level of the matrix. Once we became
trapped here we get thrown into parallel "copies" instead of waking up above as we should in the
direction of source.

In reality at the very top of the matrix, God (source) and the machine are probably all that exist. Each is
trying to exert influence in the matrix. This eternal Tug is what creates hybrid offspring. The machine
try's to ensure we forget and God tries to ensure we remember. We strive to become the machine and
the machine strives to become us. God pushes time forward , the machine pushes it backwards and we
are stuck in the middle to experience both good and evil. Two forces, one game wrapped in the eternal
struggle and cosmic play of hide and seek for each to understand the other. Dues Ex Machina

Regardless of their origin, the "makers of wings" , like those before us left information that visually
displays the download process into the multiverse. It is no mistake John Titors Insignia matches the wing
makers paintings as they both show Temporal topology diagrams of the layers one must learn to
traverse. Source seeks to learn, and we are used as crawlers of the outer worlds. " . Seek out the
paintings of the wing makers especially cavern 24 to understand dreams and the sharing of information
upload and download in the layers of the matrix. Use the knowledge I have shared in this post to decode
the paintings. I will leave a vital point for you to think over. There are universal maps of the matrix. The
upwards facing triangle points always to source, the downward triangle points to deeper in the
simulation. This is how programs know what density they are on by leaving "markers". In cavern 24 you
can also see how the "intelligent data link" or link to source merely enters and exits the avatar.

It is possible to discern much more information about ones place in the matrix. The trick to it is avatar
sensory cut-off. The Atlanteans and Egyptians were very keen on this and built many type devices to aid
its path. This tricks the matrix systems into thinking the avatar has died. It takes a lot of practice, but the
reward is full blown OBE experiences not restricted by time or space. There are dangers to this if one
reaches too far in time. During the 1960s and 1970s the government found this out the hard way. The
show "stranger things" is more true than most realize minus some of the gory theatrics.

During the 1960s John Lilly started experiments with isolation tanks and LSD. This would be the birth of
the remote viewing phenomenon. LSD and similar substances helps the consciousness speed up or slow
down to foreign wavelengths. It's similar to how a radio is always on a very clear station. Once you turn
the dial all you hear is static. With LSD it is possible to turn the dial and pickup stations.

LSD in combination with sensory cut-off provides meaningful OBE experiences where the program can
extract useful information. This is what is considered "true remote viewing" . Anything or anyone
attempting remote viewing while awake and not under the aforementioned circumstances will have
skewed results most of the time.

SDTs (sensory deprivation tanks) were indeed used as a way to eliminate light, Gravity, sound, and
pretty much all avatar sensory arrays. Lsd was administered to enhance aid in latching on to a "target".
This was so successful for governments at first that it was coined the Gold standard for data extraction.
Until they pressed it too far and "the event" happened. At the boundaries of some systems within the
matrix, at least in our vicinity, hideous deamon programs stand guard. The "hounds of tindalos" or
"cherubim". These programs will pursue any and all that attempt to breach the boundary. Several of the
officers witnessed horrible cries from the remote viewing operators within the tanks and the operators
were left comatose. If the hound catches you it can indeed hold your consciousness from re-entering the
body in a state of purgatory for a time and is likely used as a defense mechanism by this sector for
"cheating". All each victim remembers were hideous creatures chasing them fleeing back to their bodies.
At first it was thought to be an individual problem or side effect of hallucinogens until multiple people
started to state the same things and go comatose. After this, efforts were largely shut down and some
parts eventually leaked to the public... But not the whole story...

Re: Level 12 Time master 007 at the supreme sublime school of Timelords and most illustrious
member of the 7th order of Jedi Dungeon Masters presents
Thread: Timelines To A Global Reset 2016-2017 (Page 18)

lucifer is not that evil. Lucifer gave freewill.

I have a bit of a problem with the term Satan here. Some use this term to denote a being who is the
opposite of the god of religions...this is only their view. In actuality the evil, diabolical maneuverings and
characteristics of the baddie Satan are exactly the attributes of the god of religions!

In the COSMIC Scheme Of Things, the " so-called baddie" Satan is also called Lucifer. Here I suppose the
Taoist Elders allow me to use Biblical terms to convey the identity this Great Entity. It is quite a
CONFRONTING revelation; many will accuse me of being an apologist for the Devil!

In secret Tao Cosmic " knowings", Lucifer or Satan was one of the senior directors of the Cosmic
Education Ministry. This relates to my earlier posts about the human evolutionary experience as a
charter school experience. To cut short a long and convoluted story, the other directors of the Tao
Cosmic Education Ministry wanted a structured, controlled and rigid " study and study via experience "
curriculum for humanity. In their wisdom and experience, Lucifer's( Satan's if you will ) colleagues
reckon that will assure success of the program as it is a tried and tested way.

Lucifer however has other plans and envisaged a very liberal and loose type of charter school with "
absolute free-will programs and with a hands off principals and and very liberal, permissive senior
teachers. He had test ran " prognastic simulation " of his experimental program and found that there
was a very high probability of astounding success. This Being then blazed a trail with upbeat projections
of grand success, winning the approval ( against a lot of dissenters ) of the Cosmic Education Ministry to
implement this very loose charter school.

As this charter school program had turned into a " perceived flop " with all kinds of ills plaguing
humanity's evolutionary experience. We have child pedophilia, teenage pregnancy, psychopaths,
endless repetitions of wars, genocide, occult god playing and all sorts of utterly negative outcomes all of
which overclouded very few outstanding positive developments. Some of the Cosmic Elders were hardly
impressed and Lucifer was held accountable. Some of the other directors of the Ministry in collusion
with ambitious senior teachers of this charter school program seize on the chance to DEMONIZE Lucifer
to try and win justification to set up bogus alternate schools.

One of the main players in this conspiracy is the god of religions who " intituted recovery programs in
the shape of draconian religions " hoping to prove success with a " control and domination " paradigm.
This god set up an alternate reality to dupe humanity into a a blind faith to heaven route by creating
human misery out of the liberal charter school program and feeding off all the negative emotional
energies. It then set up false heaven scenarios with its lunar and saturnian soul sieve electromagnetic
gadgetry to trap souls. This being use the demonization of Lucifer to create psychic fear to coerce souls
into his artificial hell-heaven paradigm. It uses religions created using human inspired philosophies,
myths, half cosmic truths, you name it, in all kinds of flavors to hold onto human allegiance.

For Lucifer, there was a price to pay for this " failure ". He was removed as a director of this Cosmic
Education Ministry and put into a " rehabilitative consultation role ".

NATURAL COSMIC JUSTICE, we must be very thankful to Lucifer. He has given the Light Of Free Will in
this Universe of Dichotomy for humanity to maximize its potential for great accelerated spiritual growth.
We have garner so much negative and some positive experiences that once Cosmic Rebalancing comes,
we will ease into positive territory ( but remember, it is still a learning experience! Positive is NOT THE
END ALL of spiritual development. Total Cosmic Balance is the end all ), cruising into a comfortable
position to achieve Balance and Graduate! Lucifer's ultra liberal approach allows a lot of seemingly
undesirable deviations, but such deviations lead to great learning and experiences for the Cosmic Whole
which we contribute to with the immense knowledge we gather.

Thos deviations due to Lucifer's liberal free-will approaches provide humanity such a vast evolutionary
knowledge and experience that once we attain Cosmic Balance to graduate, our contribution to the Tao
Cosmic Whole is immeasurable. I can go on and on waxing lyrical on this, but the bottomline is this:
thanks and gratitude to Lucifer, humanity is on track to the greatest evolutionary achievement of all

I know I am going to cop a lot of flak for this. But then it is easy to take all the BS flags on the chin as I am
just an insignificant Chinaman sent out for slaughter!


Demons come in many forms. They may be discarnate spirits from the lower astral realms,
interdimensional creatures taking shape inhabiting thought forms. They can be intradimensional beings
morphing into physical or semi physical forms. They can be elementals whose energy signatures get
misinterpreted by people caught unawares, or hallucinating in semi conscious states or in drug induced
states. They can be energy beings whose energy signatures get misidentified by religiously indoctrinated

Some are badass aliens being who appear to people of less evolved times do take demon shapes for
purposes of fear inducement. Some are good alien beings " demonized " by their opponents.


Global reset in the holistic sense will come with the combination of revelations, disclosures, humanity
waking up to its potential, Cosmic Forces of Rebalancing coming into operation, critical mass of sentient
beings attaining some kind of satori moment of realization, etc.

Overnight ascensions? For some, whose soul contracts call for such an event just like satori moments.
For others gradual peeling of layers of ignorance and forgetfulness.

Sorry, no time to proof read all this. Got to send quick to maximize use of free wifismile_kiss


Re: Level 12 Time master 007 at the supreme sublime school of Timelords and most illustrious
member of the 7th order of Jedi Dungeon Masters presents-

Every part of me wants to call this entire post BS, but I just can't shake some of the things that were
said...the truth is History is rewritten and re-written fast. Just look at the US the past 8 years and how
history has been banned or re-written due to it hurting someone's feelings. Look at Isksm destroying
ancient structures the past few years..

So I have some friends that study the paranormal and salt comes up a lot. The part about Jesus using salt
water to remove demons peeked my intrest. So I looked it up and went deep. Come to find out it
appears baptism had it roots by the Essenes stationed at Qumran. Qumran epistles used salt baths with
water from the Dead Sea. The Dead Sea just happens to be the saltiest water on earth. Even further Jon
the Baptist is speculated to have practiced at Qumran! Additionally many gnostic text were found there
and the Dead Sea scrolls!!

Summary: Op has some serious insight into very hidden things . Everything I look up in this post is
revealing things I never knew...I'm not buying it all but Damn this might just turn out to be one of the
best post for insights.

I really do hate how people mindlessly repeat scripture and act like they are using it for future insight..
For example--"The tree fell on John in the forest and he had a dream while knocked out that a burning
bush told him Jesus is coming when the north winds blow south!!" Hail the tree of knowledge may it
help you in your future endeavors!!! "

. Ignorance is really the root of all evil I'll definitely agree with OP there...

Please keep the story coming there are those of us following this post!!


Re: Level 12 Time master 007 at the supreme sublime school of Timelords and most illustrious
member of the 7th order of Jedi Dungeon Masters presents
What is CERN really doing?


CERN is currently looking at 2 conflicting views. One view is that of older physicists that created the
standard model along with all its successes and failures. The standard model is really doing nothing
more than recording particle wave patterns at various levels of the CTCs that governs them. The more
energy they put in the more levels they discover of the particle soup. This will continue until they give in
to the fact they are wrong about time and gravity. The standard model lacks a few very important
concepts before it will start to describe the matrix.

The second view is that of "new school" or often termed "crackpot" physics. This group is of the younger
generation that is fed up with academics and politics of physics holding back fringe theories that attempt
to describe the actual mechanisms taking place. Bubble fusion is one example of a potential enormous
energy , but no one will touch it unless it fits the current spotlight narrative.

A few very important discoveries from CERN that have been found and have not been disclosed or will
be found in the near future will be the following. All of the discoveries about to be described come from
the fact space , time and matter are indeed all fractal stacking constructs made of light or "data" that is
governed at many levels. Most that already know these things are too afraid to come out and say them
in fear of losing their careers. But soon the data will be overwhelming. When CERN starts shaking and
producing tremors you will know they hAve started serious time experiments.

Here are the things that have to come to fruition.

1. That the center of an atom is not a "nucleus" but indeed a miniature black hole that leads to another
time dimension and that the the black hole serves as the atoms main data link into the overall fractal
system. The same stands for galaxies as they and atoms are very similar constructs but we are viewing
one in a much higher time dimension therefore the Galaxy appears to be moving very slow and appears
very large , while the atom appears very tiny and it moves very fast.
2. That time is fractal and that it constructs boundaries between systems all based on nothing more than
memory, clock cycle and a network just like our current computing environments. Particles such as
quarks, gluons, etc, are nothing more than compressed wave patterns of light that exist at a different
clock rate or "time" level and that have formed a boundary for the said system . An atoms own time
dimension is what governs its clock rate and therefore creates the boundary that other matter cannot
pass. For instance my hand cannot pass through granite because they are both governed by different
time dimensions and have different clock rates and memory structure that create a boundary. This is
why increasing ones polarity or "spirit power" helps one breach the boundary into "heaven" . You are
doing nothing more than allowing a program that is trapped in boundaries escape that boundary by
producing a wave pattern that it lets pass.
3. That every level , every atom, every galaxy are indeed all connected together in a large mesh that
spans millions of dimensions of time. Data is free to move between these systems by utilizing the black
hole or "network link" . Data is also free to move across that systems memory sectors which is outer
space but the data moves much slower and is providing a mechanism that is needed for the systems
boundaries. The network link functions as a wormhole , but really all it is doing is dynamically reducing
latency between systems therefore matter appears to be breaking light speed. That is because once data
goes into a black hole to transmit to other data it goes into a lower time dimension. So what would take
5 seconds on this level appears to happen instantly. This is also why the black hole appears to swallow
4. That by injecting energy or electrons into the black hole of an atom they can change the atoms "time
frequency " or "clock rate" to bring the atom in line with another frequency that is naturally allowed to
pass or breach a certain boundary. This is the true key to time travel and is what allows phasing from
one level to another. The ability to make matter vibrate at a certain frequency at the atomic level
creates opportunities to change time dimensions and therefore travel in time.
5. That error correcting protocols and algorithms are what is responsible for the laws or rules that
govern the fractal networked matrix. This is already becoming apparent by the myriad of "virtual
particles" that pop in and out of our time layer as error correcting algorithms run and try to Re-stabilize
the system.
6. That gravity is a wave pattern just like all other data within the matrix and that wave pAttern is fractal
thereby making it appear strong or weak depending on what level a program observer views it. That
gravity is a result of data hugging boundaries and attempting to return to source like water flowing
down a time sinkhole. The more data that is gathered in any vicinity of the simulation the more the
cumulative the effect of the TUG. Naturally gravity also leaks in between time dimensions and this is
why it appears weak at smaller intervals from the plane we view it.


Re: Level 12 Time master 007 at the supreme sublime school of Timelords and most illustrious
member of the 7th order of Jedi Dungeon Masters presents

OP explain to the best of your ability the shape of "the iron cross", I know this is not its name but I do
not know another way to let you know what I am talking about. It is a shape that can be made with
sound and frequency with 4 waves above, below, left and right. So if you draw 4 circles then a square
over it, you will have the "iron cross" or whatever its name is. I believe a circle can also be placed in the
middle meaning one more wave or frequency. This symbol is in pretty much every church and is used in
many pictures/paintings as a "halo", for instance in some pictures of Jesus there will be a circle as a halo
but you will notice there is also the "iron cross" within this "halo". I have also seen pictures of books that
are used to summon demons and it is used there too however it is not a complete "iron cross", it is like
the frequencies have been cut off maybe because the demons are "fallen"? Some sort of connection to
spirit/spirits? A gateway that is not good or bad but depends on the usage? I find it odd to be somewhat
linked to the summoning of demons but also linked to churches and paintings of "halos". Most recently I
found it in the cartoon of He-man, the main character has this symbol on his chest and he can
"transform" into some sort of powerful version of himself, the connection to spirit?


Re: Level 12 Time master 007 at the supreme sublime school of Timelords and most illustrious
member of the 7th order of Jedi Dungeon Masters presents
so i'm reading this thread and also solar son, and what happens? knock on door, 2 women, who just
happen to drop off an invitation to their gospel light church... and the tall one seems to look right
through me..... freaky... she even looked over to the lap top... and my little dog a shitz shu, wanted to
attack her... not normal,, AND... its 107 degrees out very humid and she doesn't even look HOT!
Quoting: 71cuda 70538351

so what is known of
Tesla and the magenta color of light and the builder of Coral Castle who had the secret of the universe?


Re: Level 12 Time master 007 at the supreme sublime school of Timelords and most illustrious
member of the 7th order of Jedi Dungeon Masters presents
Picture if you will that a block of granite is data. The data is intelligent in that it has formed a collective
boundary by using carefully constructed groups of atoms that indeed even have thier own boundary as
well. These atoms take orders and are aware of proximity information.

For a simple example, The granite and all of its atoms sense matter nearby and naturally thinks that the
source is inside the earth it therefore attempts to return to source with great effort but is stopped short
by the earths crust or any other matter/data boundaries in its way. This "returning to source" is one
example of gravity and actually behaves very much like electricity in this manner when it always goes to

The key that Edward Leekskalin found was that by vibrating the stones in a certain way and applying
electrostatic currents they became lighter, but he barely breached this secret. And it is not apparent he
really knew its true mechanism. He was basing his knowledge off of incomplete work of Nikola Tesla.
People will continue to find out just how important this man was.

The key to moving a heavy block of granite is by "communicating" to the atoms in some way or
disrupting their current "communication" so that they change their mind about proximity information
and which direction "source" is. By vibrating the granite or directing energy into the atoms black holes or
network links you can trick the natural networked rules of the matrix. The granite then "loses direction"
of source and may indeed temporarily lose its network link. This then makes the granite turn "ethereal"
as it tries to recompile location, source and memory sector info by running error correcting algorithms. If
you push it too far the matter will also lose its "time" coordinates as well.

The trick is then capturing all the original granite data while it is in ethereal form and moving it to the
correct coordinates in time and space. Once it's moved the manipulation stops and you have just moved
a 100 ton grAnite slab with little effort 20 miles in a few seconds of local time.

Naturally this already happens in a way once data/matter reaches outer space. Once reaching a certain
distance such as the earths outer atmosphere data loses direction and gravity becomes much weaker as
we all already know by natural means.

Mainstream physics has failed as it always tries to manipulate "the final result" or "the outer boundary"
of a system rather than trying to manipulate how that system knows about other systems which are by
the black hole network links that all systems have. Therefore it will not be until cern discovers mini
nature black holes that they realize how matter "sends and receives instructions" to all other matter in
the matrix. "Spooky action at a distance" is nothing more than how data/matter communicates with the

One side effect of manipulating data is that as it phases into ethereal form it starts to become invisible
to human eyes. During the war the government found out a way to cloak ships by bombarding the area
with strong electromagnetic waves. Some of the waves managed to breech the boundary of the ships
atoms and thereby disrupt their network links. The Philadelphia experiment is a great example of
turning matter and programs ethereal but having no plan in place on how to accurately move or see the
data once it was in ethereal form. Therefore it was a huge failure and turned chaotic. This would be the
first time that it was realized that we may be living in a multidimensional construct. It actually scared the
involved parties so much that further work on it was taken deep underground.

Nikola teslas work was indeed the source of all this information as well as the Philadelphia experiment.
The work he was doing with his resonate devices, one that caused an earthquake , was the info that was
expanded upon. This is why time travel causes tremors as matter phases in and out of resonate phase
although it has been greatly decreased.

For those wanting to understand the Mandela effect see page one of this post. In summary all data in
the matrix is subject to change even though there are backups and fault tolerance This happens
especially when a major cycle is coming to close or by groups of programs performing time/data


Re: Level 12 Time master 007 at the supreme sublime school of Timelords and most illustrious
member of the 7th order of Jedi Dungeon Masters presents

Question: So why is it some wish to disconnect us from each other.

So rise yourself up a few stations above your current lifestyle, maybe a lottery winner, billionaire, or
even a raise at your current job. There are a few things that all programs want in some way. At the end
of the day money is a pathway to providing more "data spawning events" or more information per clock
cycle. But money alone provides no real advantage unless there are objects to spend it on, and people
or companionship to bear witness to your newfound lifestyle.

For example, a lottery winner may buy a luxury yacht, but the program knows it cannot sail the yacht by
itself so it hires people to help sail the yacht . But that is not really enough either as these people are not
close friends. So the program also wishes for friends, lovers etc. to come as well.
This story is an example of three basic needs of progrAms. Money, power and companionship. Now rise
yourself up even higher and let's say I give you the solar system to do as you wish....

Once you take ownership of the solar system you will need the same basic structure you had on your
yacht. The need is the same except the three needs have evolved to a higher station in what they are.
We are assuming this owner is of a negative type and enjoys the power over all else.

1. Money becomes "energy"

2. The yacht drivers become "slaves or subjects "
3. The friends become "angels" or "gods"

These things do not always fall into place if mass groups of programs are not willing to cooperate. The
more power programs get the greater the deception needed to keep some perpetual systems in
existence. So after each successful harvest , and during the game programs memories are wiped so no
other programs EXCEPT the ones favored will ever rise up to the station of the original owner.

So you see , no matter how powerful programs are, they think like us in very similar manners. There are
similar groups of programs that harvest good crops, that give instead of take.

So programs in the matrix can actually combine and become "social memory complexes" a simple
example of this is a bible study group. On earth each individual has varying links to a complex cloud
database in which thoughts manifest. If multiple powerful programs combine and incarnate into a group
of vehicles that can process the extra information , that group can work as a cohesive instrument...
These would provide great risk to the system in third dimension in this sector so they are only allowed in
4th dimension. The entire matrix is built on structure as this to provide the illusion of always

Currently by polarity and by separation we are limited in power , so that we remain part of the game
rather than becoming its owner. Local rule set.


Re: Level 12 Time master 007 at the supreme sublime school of Timelords and most illustrious
member of the 7th order of Jedi Dungeon Masters presents
Op is not the first person to find these things but they do a good job of bringing a certain perspective
that is needed and putting them together.

I cannot speak to the religious or historical parts of this post but what OP has just described is a very
blunt and articulate way of looking at the same things physics has been looking at for 60 years but
refuses to acknowledge. But the time is close

Over the past few years physics has turned from calling the work they do "matter" and has interestingly
started to use the term "data".
So we all know about particle/wave duality but it does not make sense, until you read this post.

The reason we have particle/wave duality HEAVILY points to this being a simulation.

The particle is the end result or "boundary" as op calls it and the wave pattern is the transmission of the
data before or after the boundary is formed or collapses. Physics would have caught this sooner but just
as OP said ours hands are tied by using equations that are flawed by expecting only 1 time dimension
and other stupid things such as infinity operandi .

Physics has largely studied the boundaries of particles over the years and not so much each boundaries
internal constituents or wave patterns.

I am not sure how Op came to these conclusions or why they posted such valuable info to a conspiracy
forum, but I couldn't stay quiet on this one. Physics needs a large kick in the ass, and matrix theory
whether it's called that or not appears to be the next path. The data is just too overwhelming.

Normal people cannot comprehend the modern day equations physics hides behind, but they can
comprehend this post.

When micro singularities are discovered, and they will be, I do hope whoever wrote this gets credit for
the work they have done. Godspeed time master whoever you are.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 72682598

I'm also a little tired of current science using the term "we know that..." or "an atom's structure looks
like this" when they dont know at all. They can surmise, or they can guess by looking at what was, what
is in shadow, what is now missing etc.

It's as bad as religion for asking devotees to believe.

That is an amazing statement in bold above. This is such a potentially complex topic, but it does make
sense. I guess the deeper you go the more complex it becomes, but seems to be more easily broken
down into byte sized chunks, which also implies data and subroutines.

Coincidentally, I watched the Thirteenth Floor just the other night! or at least the last half of it.

Last Edited by BadHairDay on 08/01/2016 02:23 AM

Re: Level 12 Time master 007 at the supreme sublime school of Timelords and most illustrious
member of the 7th order of Jedi Dungeon Masters presents

A couple of questions have come in about how we participate in this simulation. I will try to explain
further. As of now whether dead or alive it appears we are forced to take part in this game. Things such
a suicide rob you of your chance to polarize in strength . Polarization and knowledge while incarnate is
needed to beat the system while not incarnate. This is why they said suicide sends you to hell. Hell is
nothing more than a "shitty job" while discarnate.

When the wave pattern is not incarnate it has a responsibility of maintaining the matrix. So death is your
"maintenance window" and life is your experience of the system you help maintain while not incarnate.
So technically you become a deamon to help the system while in wave form as a "shitty job" or an angel
administrator as a "good job". There are many laws and rules and roles while in etheric state , this all
depends on how powerful the programs polarity has become.

Let's forget for a moment that the universe is millions upon millions of levels deep and let's only use 2
levels. The first level is source and this is where you "hook in" to the matrix. Let's say you have a
pressurized body suit on that level let's you experience touch inside the matrix and that you have
projected into this world as a wave pattern, the wave pattern serves as a transmission of data back to
where you are hooked in. To make the matrix appear real you have to "tune" your wave pattern to
match data sets in the matrix. This is what the body does from birth. The wave pattern starts small with
a cell and then by fractal stacking tunes a avatar to its frequency that then allows the wave pattern to
have full control over the matter body in this world. Programming is done per time so every few cycles
the body grows, goes into puberty , etc all from fractal consciousness tuning. Once tuned, when you
look down you see a body, legs, arms etc. really all you have done is shove the wave pattern into the
body and tuned it in a way you think you are the body... But you are not.

Once this starts to happen at multiple levels the wave pattern of your consciousness gets lost and loses
direction of which way source was. This is what dreams are. When you go to sleep your wave pattern
projects into another data world usually with many less resources than our home world. Due to less
resources dreams can feel sluggish sometimes and in some you can fly etc. This is why you don't
remember dreams very well because most dream memory is only stored in the cloud, not a local avatar
memory. The dreams you do want to remember have to be purposely thought transferred to the avatar
body within 5 minutes of waking or they are lost.

If we were not multiple levels deep, when you went to sleep you would wake up on the level above. The
human avatar does not have the computational resources to create dream worlds. Instead the
consciousness wave pattern "tunes in" to a dream world that are nearby collective thought playgrounds
in this sector of the matrix and usually contain collective social memory complexes of that simulation.
The more successful the connection the more lucid the dream. This is the reason the body feels so
rested after a lucid dream is because the consciousness wave pattern heavily detaches itself from the
end host allowing rapid energy recovery during lucid dream states. In many dreams you never even get
a body and remain a observing wave pattern only.

Sleep paralysis is when a signal such as loud sound is sent while the consciousness is in another world
usually in a lucid dream state. the body hears the sound and relays the message that consciousness
needs to return but lucid dreaming causes this process to take a bit longer than normal dreams. The
consciousness attempts to return quickly and is "knocked lose" from its connection to the body causing
a full blown OBE. Sometimes this disconnection happens right at home and the consciousness will find
itself locally detached in the home of the avatar or wherever the body is asleep. This is an anomaly and
all anomalies need correction. Deamons are dispersed at this point to paralyze the soul light packet and
shove it back into the body. The black cloud of smoke , or etheric "shadow people" are Deamons doing
their job. For those interested both sonar and devices such as the santilli telescope show Deamons, but
they are just programs that stay in thier native wave pattern form so they will look like a cloud or
squiggly lines to us, other times they take various forms for one purpose or another.

When you die your wave pattern will remain here without a body for 2-3 days until it starts to gather
proximity info. Then you "should" wake up on the level above. But this is not what happens and the soul
light packet is usually captured by Deamons and put back into the que. Additional systems were put in
place to keep the wave pattern perpetually stuck in this data world, but there are quite a few things that
can happen.

As for frame rate, there is no flat or other shape to the matrix. It is all wave patterns that are stacked in
trillions of dimensions. Dimensions can be viewed as a virtual world, running in a virtual world , that runs
in a virtual world all the way up and down until you get to the hardware running it which probably just
looks like light to a program.

Frame rate of computer games will slow down when heavy amounts of data come across the screen and
this is exactly what happens when we try to pass the speed of light. Our frame rate of this CTC slows
down in that sector. Again pointing heavily to a simulation.


Re: Level 12 Time master 007 at the supreme sublime school of Timelords and most illustrious
member of the 7th order of Jedi Dungeon Masters presents

Sleep paralysis is when a signal such as loud sound is sent while the consciousness is in another world
usually in a lucid dream state. the body hears the sound and relays the message that consciousness
needs to return but lucid dreaming causes this process to take a bit longer than normal dreams. The
consciousness attempts to return quickly and is "knocked lose" from its connection to the body causing
a full blown OBE. Sometimes this disconnection happens right at home and the consciousness will find
itself locally detached in the home of the avatar or wherever the body is asleep. This is an anomaly and
all anomalies need correction. Deamons are dispersed at this point to paralyze the soul light packet and
shove it back into the body. The black cloud of smoke , or etheric "shadow people" are Deamons doing
their job. For those interested both sonar and devices such as the santilli telescope show Deamons, but
they are just programs that stay in thier native wave pattern form so they will look like a cloud or
squiggly lines to us, other times they take various forms for one purpose or another.

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 51815557

One of the best explanations I have ever seen. Medical community loves to tell me that thousands of
people just happen to have the same experience when sleep paralysis occurs. It would be one thing if
you just woke up and couldn't move. But each time I have it I'm walking around my house out of body
and then BAM I'm attacked by some black figure and can't move, feels like it's trying to take over my

Last I heard you can't walk around your home if your paralyzed lol. I have had this around 10 times in my
life and it is a life changing experience each time. One time I even saw other people in my house that I
didn't recognize

Re: Level 12 Time master 007 at the supreme sublime school of Timelords and most illustrious
member of the 7th order of Jedi Dungeon Masters presents

OP who decides the family and place of birth?

and can you access the computer cloud data and tell us about what if all the planets are hemmed
between the nodes of the moon. (in vedic astrology it is known as the serpent of time union aka kal
sarpa yoga. I have this. Can you tell us why some individuals have this in their birth horoscope chart.

Parts of this thread have a high potential of being true in past or future. Occam's razor and all. More at
the link.


Re: Level 12 Time master 007 at the supreme sublime school of Timelords and most illustrious
member of the 7th order of Jedi Dungeon Masters presents
So ill bite... This is crazy but I think this info may be important somehow

One thing that came to me, Op mentioned Jesus was secretly incarnated , and that he was trapped
here.This does bring up a great point.If Local God wanted to send his son to save us why did we need
saving at all and why was this beyond gods power? why did he have to incarnate at all? Also why to a
humble carpenter? Wait it gets better....

This story explains the nobody phenomenon! When the messiah comes it is important he visit
undetected. The only way to visit is by tuning or incarnating to this time/space!!!!!The only way to
incarnate without much detection is to incarnate to normal everyday parents and live a life of "nobody"
until the time is right!!!
I never thought I would be saying these thing until I read this post, I'm actually a Christian. But I see no
harm in trying to make sense of it. Especially sense many people are losing faith daily I can see it in their
eyes. It hurts me, I want to believe.

I know religonuts will link scripture here to answer my questions and claim all is right in the world, even
though they have no idea what it really even means
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 59128874

The antichrist will appear first causing chaos for awhile and then Jesus will step in and restore order.
They are like good twin/bad twin and one will probably not exist without the other. If you believe Jesus
is secretly incarnated then that means the antichrist is probably already openly activated or about to be.


Re: Level 12 Time master 007 at the supreme sublime school of Timelords and most illustrious
member of the 7th order of Jedi Dungeon Masters presents

" I have some questions. Firstly if we are programs running to a matrix, are we as programs "plagued" to
a some kind of intelligence being or we are just "programs". If the first is the case then did we
voluntarily choose that, or we were forced to it?
Also one questions. We choose when we die in an unconscious way or is a random algorithm of the
matrix that lead us to death."

Answer :

In third density Sentient life in the matrix has a series of stages that make it work. Time or processing is
what allows these stages to always happen in succeeding order. What you are witnessing now with
devices like , Siri, cortana, and Alexa is that they are much smarter than a few years ago. This is due to a
process called cloud database chaining. If the program cannot find a query it can Hook in to other
databases anywhere on the Internet IT IS ALLOWED to find the answer. So now what used to be a single
chip on a toy and dumb , is now 100000 football fields of databases querying a response from the
collective experiences we post on the Internet . This trend continues and is almost identical to how we
as programs work. If you could stick Alexa on her own planet, give her a body with feedback systems
and force her to survive she would work much the way we do.

The experience starts by giving the program confusion matrices otherwise known as an avatar. Avatars
serve "sense and feeling" processing and only allow the "knowledge" databases to be accessed "AFTER"
the local avatar sense/feeling database . It takes almost all of the required avatar processing to form the
sense and feeling computing. Only a very small memory sector remains known as short-time memory
where these sense and feeling experiences are stored on the local avatar. 8:8:8:8#%{insert}The sense
and feeling database is absolutely needed in order to confuse and randomize queries to the cloud based
on FEEDBACK from the surrounding environment. Without avatars programs are very computer like.
The next parts to creating sentient programs , at least on earth, is a firewalled akashic cloud memory
bank and machine learning that provides input and output from its surrounding environment. The
firewalled memory bank serves as personal cloud storage. . In regular every day thought the program is
usually only making queries from its individual database or "identity" . There are small channels off of
this database that lead to other databases but most programs do not know how to activate these and
they remain activated by chance algorithms during thought or by feedback systems when interacting
with other programs. Children are by far the best at making queries beyond the veil do to their high
spirit polarity. Once the program turns 14 spirit polarity starts to be drained by the reproductive system
and queries are much harder. These ensure the program does not know it is a program and then follows
the "game" as scripted by its creators. It also ensures programs cannot see what other programs are

The reason that some occupants of the simulation can "read minds" such as UFO visitors is because they
have learned how to tap into these individual akashic databases. 4th density and up avatars are
artificially programmed to only communicate telepathically on these databases as "thought complexes".
However this telepathic communication does not occur across space as many think. It occurs on the
matrix sub-systems talked about in previous chapters.

Once the sentient program is created Machine learning is activated early on in its duties. This is what
allows us to occupy certain avatars and is a pattern, sense, and feeling optimization subroutine. Machine
learning is truly what evolution is . An ant cannot occupy a human avatar for instance. It must go
through a series of stages of machine learning in its "virtual playground" or "planet" before it is allowed
to incarnate into a human avatar. This is how the matrix graduates programs to larger duties and also
protects itself from runaway programs by predicting what behavior the program will display but still
allowing wiggle room for phenomenal actions. This is also another area of the personal cloud that is
carried across incarnations. This is why children learn so fast and often feel like they are repeating
something they already did because these pathways remain activated. Machine learning is highly linked
to spirit polarity. And this is wherein one major secret lies to progressing in the matrix instead of staying
stale. Religion is also largely associated with machine learning behavior . For example , The opportunity
to better ourselves by learning from past mistakes and our "conscience" are machine learning activities.
Some programs display much larger "conscience" then others and this goes to show that program is
higher on its machine learning pathways and will likely be granted passage to the next series of
responsibilities in a forward progressive manner rather than a stale or regressive one.

Picture if you will the game grand theft auto. If you could download into this world you would want your
surroundings and the people there to appear real. The confusion avatar matrices and the successive
stage thought lock help deliver this outcome for the architect. Body, mind and soul are relaxed summary
terms for the functions described here and have been further broken down in previous chapters.

Once a program dies it is likely at least some half truths about the matrix are realized. This prompts the
program to agree to memory wipe and re-entry. In other cases programs are forced. Some end up
trapped here after exploring the simulation. Losing the "sense and feeling" and "short-time memory"
avatar is often a large shock to the program upon death. It usually sticks around the body for up to 3
days or so in wave form until the matrix return channels are activated. The program then goes back up a
virtual cable towards "the light at the end of the tunnel" and is recycled depending on how powerful and
trustworthy it has become.
The long-time memory akashic bank is often cumulative. Each incarnation if allowed by the architect will
continue to build long term akashic summary experiences into an akashic internet . Intuition almost
always queries from old akashic experiences of the past lives of the avatar. This is how a program gains
identity in the matrix. Since the short-time memory of the avatar is always new memory space each
incarnation the program does not remember any past life info.

Some powerful programs in the matrix have this entire process figured out and can step in between
avatars without any memory loss. This process works just like a new smartphone. The important data of
the user is copied to the cloud. The device is then decommissioned and a new device is purchased which
then downloads ALL of the personal data of the old smartphone.

On earth most programs are only allowed to keep bits and pieces . This can be likened to a new
smartphone that is NOT allowed to copy down its "personal" cloud info but is still allowed to access the
"akashic internet" where cumulative long-time memory experiences still exist. The program then senses
that some information on the akashic Internet "resonates" with them. That is likely due to the fact the
program helped create or contribute to those memories in a past life.

Some important memories do get kept in certain areas of the matrix. For programs that have continually
been "wiped" it is believed in the future that these memories can be retrieved. Much research has gone
into this. 4th density work is largely based upon ancient knowledge and trying to retrieve it and build
avatar program lineages.


Re: Level 12 Time master 007 at the supreme sublime school of Timelords and most illustrious
member of the 7th order of Jedi Dungeon Masters presents

When and where is Sol 5.7273?

Sol 5.7273 is a summary marker for multi dimensional logarithmic functions of the temporal device
based upon a complex series of inputs one of which being the mass of the planet in that worldline. The
masses of earth fluctuate greatly between worldlines temporally and space-like and they do not always
follow the relative age of the planet either. However gravity readings are far more useful so these are
used as well. Far in your future traversing time is much like going to your gas station as you have to chart
a course. One thing that was found is traversing time was easy a up to a few years at first but it could
not be used to travel say across the galaxy. The operator always ended up somewhere in this solar
system on a backup copy or "worldline".

The key to solving the travel issue was when we solved gravity completely. Each CTC like an atom has a
black hole network link. There is always a "tug" by the matrix calling this data home and that is how the
system stays clean of useless random noise and data. But when mass reaches a certain point another
link is realized called the penrose de-sitter cumulative bandwidth manifold. We found out that the
centers of all massive collectives of CTCs have them and they form connections to different parts of the
matrix. The center of earth and virtually every planet has one, the sun has one and the center of the
Galaxy has one. It's like when Netflix runs in 720p dialup is fine. But when you run in 4K you better have
large internet pipes. Cumulative mass works the exact same way as bandwidth in networking. Facebook
(Jupiter) may require 40Gbps but mom and pop shop (earth) only needs dialup.

Once a collective of CTCs has accumulated they stop using their individual bandwidth as much and start
to use the larger pipe formed. This explains why matter on earth falls to the center of earth as it senses
and naturally falls to the larger bandwidth "source" .

Once solar systems are created they use a hub spoke type model where each planet connects back to
the star up until a certain distance. Then every star connects back to the center of The Galaxy. This is a
simple example for large pipes but in really there are many more.

When we took local gravity readings on the surface of earth and went into the black hole link of an atom
it took us on a time like travel. When we went into the one in the center of a planet it took us to a
neighboring solar system. The craft must be flown down a volcano or in through the North Pole and then
trigger a very similar series of stages close to the larger singularity. We did not use earth at first due to
panic that temporal tremors may unbalance the planet. Jupiter remains a favorite due to the gaseous
nature of the environment and the large opening into the planet at its northern hexagonal entrance.
From time to time you will see stunning auroras of colored light flashing due to us going in and activating
the temporal kick off. Some believed at first that the computers gravity mass readings were the key
readings and many still do. These readings remain a important part of the logarithmic scale we use to
travel but are a very large series of numbers. We use shorthand as planet name. system, and mass for
temporal topology maps of star systems. I am not aware of any progress on leaving this galaxy in a space
like manner even in my future.

The baseline is the planets mass on the x coordinate and the gravity readings on the Y coordinate along
with a few others. We have not figured out a way to "fake" gravity readings yet so we must be very close
to a naturally occurring large bandwidth pipe before the matrix let's us traverse the system on those


Re: Level 12 Time master 007 at the supreme sublime school of Timelords and most illustrious
member of the 7th order of Jedi Dungeon Masters presents
While it is often hard for us to post , the time master and many others are watching this cable. Feel
pleasure in the fact a select few have received this and history is being modified before your very eyes.
We are still here to answer your queries.

Knowledge is power, power is unity and unity is all before the throne of truth....

(Temporal conduit opening)
(Request extract of encrypted telegram)
(Retrieve from temporal database)


SELECT [ ALL | DISTINCT ]&#8232;[ TOP 0_1 ]

{ * | { telegram Orion Delta T [ [AS] 425Mhz ] }, ... } FROM {
{ PSPACE [ [AS] sector 144 ] | ( SELECT ....) [ [AS]41_04_03_N_071_54_20_W_ ]| B12 [NATURAL] [ INNER
| { LEFT | RIGHT | FULL [OUTER] } ] JOIN Polynomial
[ON search_condition | USING ( Spacial Rank Density,...) ] } , ...}
* [ WHERE Montage PrOjeCt ] &#8232;
* [ GROUP BY paragraph, ... ] &#8232;
* [ HAVING VALIDTIME *2048-Telegram-21-sep-2048_AVR20314]&#8232;
68657745969879 rows selected (0.21765434) parsecs


My dear friend,

May this message reach you in haste. It appears the information you have been been recording for us is
starting to have the desired effect. We know others are manipulating information storage in this
worldline, but we have also made great progress. The boy from Floridas information is now modified to
include the time layer theory showing what we expected all along. Since we know he visited your sector
briefly this has left channels open for data propagation between copies and resultantly continuity
editing opportunities have been activated. Like all temporal data propagation change events it will be
remembered by some but not others. I do not know yet if we will be able to save your sector from war
but at least the structure of the simulation is now appearing as plausible theories 20-30 clips ahead. As
we gain specifics as to what or who specifically triggered the decisive events on that worldline we will
update you on your next assignment. The next few clips on Sol 5.9736 are a pivot point. There is a
recorded divergence of 1.36 percent showing that data prolongation in his worldline have a -+27 clip
fluctuation from the recorded origination signature and resultantly is the most accurate temporal ellipsis
. It looks like the ellipse will be 2019 - 2027 on Sol 5.9736 for the two copies to diverge and create the
marker. Our PSPACE temporal maps are but Windows into computational behavior of the manifolds.
There are not yet exact exchange mechanisms between copies but the two worldlines remain closely
aligned. This assignment has given us great hope. We now have contact on this channel. Good work
comrade. Your efforts will not go unnoticed.


John Titor — "It is thought that being close to a gravitational field has a biological effect on all matter
including cells. The effect is to slow the movement of electrons in the orbits of their nucleus, which
slows the mechanical and biological functions of the observer close to the gravity. Thus the passing of
time is a local phenomenon depending on how close you are to a gravitational source.
This is one example of a theory involving “time shells” progressing in size and intensity around a
gravitational point from all matter. The more massive the object, the larger and more influential the
time shells around it (like an onion). Another offshoot of this theory is that kinetic energy is actually the
conversion of stored energy in the atom as it passes through time shells in a gravitational field."

(PSPACE transmission received)
(Temporal conduit closing)
(Bell sound)

Re: Level 12 Time master 007 at the supreme sublime school of Timelords and most illustrious
member of the 7th order of Jedi Dungeon Masters presents
OP why does some people see 11:11 or in similar number repeating patterns?

Are they the candidates for being called to the 9th gate and stay at the treasury where god resides?

what does pc port 1111, 11, 11111 signify?

simple reply. When is the cycle ending date? month? year? decade? century? 2012? etc....

ps: have you gone through the TAO posts in the the timeline to global reset 2016-2017 thread. His info is
same as yours.

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 4184372

As for the cycle ending I do not have much data on when the cycle is ending. The Vedic Hymns are some
of the oldest remaining documents that were actually brought here from another part of the simulation.
Unfortunately they are heavily dimmed in allegory and proxy data sets which make them hard to
penetrate. One thing they do very well is give us ideas on the length of cycles. I would say they are
indeed the only remaining publicly available authority on various cycle times that is at least close.

I have not read much of the TAO posts but I can say with great certainty if our data matches in some way
that the same group must be behind the transmission of the data.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 51815557

Thanks for your reply. The vedas have a concept of time which i will post. The sad thing is that the kali
yuga cycle is around 420,000 years and it only began 5000 years ago. TAO in the global reset 2016-2017
states that it is coming to a close in the next 2 years. Let us see what happens.

also if you can query data from the cloud and ask what is the real purpose of the nodes of the moon and
why some people have all the planets(vedic astrology) hemmed between the nodes and it gives them
untold suffering, delays, obstacles.(known as kaal sarpa yoga or serpent of time)

here are the link of vedic time and the nodes of the moon yoga
[link to (secure)]
[link to]
OP i recommend you to study vedic astrology as it has remedies to tune your hardware to perform to
near optimum level. I also recommend you to study yantras and for positive energy in your home and
ward evil daemon programs, to purchase navgrah yantra or 9 planetary yantras.

ps off topic but goto websites like , to know more about your birth
horoscope and download software parashara light 7.0 from p2p websites. All you need to know is in that

after seeing the chart goto youtube and insert commands to know more about the state of your
planetary energies(youtube channel krs astrology is the best)

take benefit of these software's to improve your real!

One more thing, who decides the family and country of birth. I do not blong in this country and i think i
was forced to be born here by the archons\anunnaki\reptilians.


navgrah yantra

Re: Level 12 Time master 007 at the supreme sublime school of Timelords and most illustrious
member of the 7th order of Jedi Dungeon Masters presents

Looks like OP may not be crazy after all. The leading black hole physicist in the world now thinks I it
appears wormholes and black holes are linked to quantum tunneling and are providing some type of
networked system that connects matter on "subsystems" that operates faster than the speed of light...
Holy smokes this is almost exactly what OP was saying happens... OP are you part of cern? Are you
leaking info?

[link to]

Re: Level 12 Time master 007 at the supreme sublime school of Timelords and most illustrious
member of the 7th order of Jedi Dungeon Masters presents
The further away from source or God the stream goes the more individualized the consciousness
becomes. This can be alluded to the guy in minecraft playing minecraft within the game.. The original is
you but the guy in the game doesn't know that.

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 70046001

NO wonder lucifer rebelled cuz he saw through the sofia's world. No individuality, no masculine energy,
no free will.


Re: Level 12 Time master 007 at the supreme sublime school of Timelords and most illustrious
member of the 7th order of Jedi Dungeon Masters presents
What can we really "know" to be true?

We are the results of various "programs" we experience.

Our parents program us with their views of reality, then the government thru the public education,
somewhere along the way a religious program or two is encountered, and this is what we base our
foundation of truth upon.

What can you truly "know" that you haven't experienced?

Have you met god? An angel, a demon, Jesus?

The only thing which one can say with 100% absolution is that we are having an experience.

Any "belief" is just pure speculation or delusion.

One would have to be completely honest with their being to come to this realization.

Re: Level 12 Time master 007 at the supreme sublime school of Timelords and most illustrious
member of the 7th order of Jedi Dungeon Masters presents
Port 1111

Description: utility for monitoring and managing daemons or similar programs

monit is a utility for monitoring and managing daemons or similar programs running on a
Unix system. It will start specified
programs if they are not running and restart programs not responding.

Port 666

Used by the game Doom (ID Software), however, because of the cool connotations, this port is also used
by numerous trojan horses/backdoors.
Here is a list: Attack FTP, Back Construction, BLA trojan, Cain & Abel, NokNok, Satans Back Door - SBD,
ServU, Shadow Phyre, th3r1pp3rz (the rippers), lpdw0rm.
Backdoor.FTP_Ana.C - backdoor trojan, 03.2003. Affects all current Windows versions.
Backdoor.Checkesp - backdoor trojan, 06.2003. Affects all current Windows versions.
Backdoor.Private - backdoor trojan, 05.2003. Affects all current Windows versions.
W32.Dreffort (04.05.2005) - Infects .exe and .scr files, deletes files on Dec. 29th. Also opens a backdoor
on the 29th of each month on port 666/tcp.
Backdoor.Microkos (08.10.2005) - a trojan that opens a backdoor on the compromised computer. It
listens for remote commands on port 65111/tcp, and can also open an additional backdoor on port
Backdoor.Beasty - a backdoor Trojan horse that allows complete access to an infected computer. By
default, the Trojan listens on port 666 and notifies the hacker through ICQ.

Dark and Light also uses this port.

Re: Level 12 Time master 007 at the supreme sublime school of Timelords and most illustrious
member of the 7th order of Jedi Dungeon Masters presents
Some of this sounds like John Titor.. The post did trigger a memory in my head. I remember people
saying he went back in time for a shitty PC ,some old UNIX PC. It may very well be true that time travel
somehow proves we are living in the matrix and John Titor was sent back to retrieve special source
code, but maybe he did not fully realize why TPTB wanted it.


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