Midterm Project (Compiled Activities For Chapter 1)

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Republic of the Philippines


Doroluman, Arakan, Cotabato
Telefax: (064) 288-1343
Email Address: cfcstedu@gmail.com; Website: www.cfcst.edu.ph

Republic of the Philippines
Doroluman, Arakan, Cotabato
Telefax: (064) 288-1343
Email Address: cfcstedu@gmail.com; Website: www.cfcst.edu.ph

Republic of the Philippines
Doroluman, Arakan, Cotabato
Telefax: (064) 288-1343
Email Address: cfcstedu@gmail.com; Website: www.cfcst.edu.ph


Do you truly Know Yourself?

Answer the following question about yourself as fully and precisely as you can.

1. Who am I? What is my purpose?

- I am me. I belong to the class of creatures’ superior to any animals in this universe. I am
as normal as any other person. I was born with the complete set of human features. I came from
the union of my Dad and my Mom and I came here for a reason. A purpose. The purpose of my
very existence is to struggle and learn from everything I do because that's the essence of being
a human. Clearly, I was created with the purpose of living at its fullest. As many others would
say, I as a person existed in this world to show kindness, to help people, to care for my parents
and family, to preserve the environment, and to make the world a better place.

2. In 1-10, how much you know yourself?

- In the scale of 1-10, I would say I know myself that much by the scale of
9. I chose 9 because I still have a lot of room for improvement and learning
about my true self, my flaws and my strengths.

3. What will happen to yourself after you die?

-I wouldn’t know what will happen to my self the next moment my breath stops. All I might
discern on my final day is that my system would stop from working. My brain, my heart, and every
organ on my body will stop functioning and the last thing that’ll slowly end is my sense of hearing.
If afterlife does exist, I might regret all the sins I did and chances that I didn’t take but basically, no
one and nothing knows what will happen to my self after I die.
Republic of the Philippines
Doroluman, Arakan, Cotabato
Telefax: (064) 288-1343
Email Address: cfcstedu@gmail.com; Website: www.cfcst.edu.ph

Choose at least 4 Philosophers

In your own word, state what “self” is for each of the following philosophers and support their

1. “The capacity of a man is a product of the self in him” - SOCRATES

Socrates emphasized that man must believe in his or her principle and should
not follow the effect and influence of the society around him or her. Nowadays,
people often obey other people’s understanding about societal and personal issues
because they think it’s acceptable without the need of their own further examination.
The simple philosophy of his statement for the “self” is that we should rely more on our
logical mind rather than always following other people’s opinion and perception.
Making and choosing our own reasoning is what makes us human, to know that we are
created individually and capable of trusting our own self.

2. Cogito, ergo sum – RENE DESCARTES

The Latin dictum that means “I think, therefore I am.” is the primary step in
signifying the attainability of assured understanding. It is a philosophical evidence of
existence based on the fact that someone is capable of any form of thought that
necessarily exists. If phrased, it means “I am able to think, therefore I exist.” Thus the
certainty of a man is just based on his/her thinking. Descartes clearly is trying to create
a new idea based on reason.

3. “The Consciousness of Self” – IMMANUEL KANT

Also known as the notion of self, Kant’s philosophy about significance is
complex, a central element of his Transcendental Deduction. The two kinds of this
notion are: 1. the consciousness of oneself and one’s psychological states in inner
sense 2. the consciousness of oneself and one’s states via performing acts of
apperception. It distinguishes self-consciousness from self-knowledge. Self-
consciousness comes from self-awareness that helps a person to analyze how he/she
will fit in a society and it develops societal role.

4. “Behaviorism” – GILBERT RYLE

As the author of The Concept of Mind, Gilbert Ryle argued that the mind
does not exist and therefore can’t be the seat of “self”. He believed that the
self comes from “behavior”. Behaviorism denies the existence of mind.
Technically, in this philosophy we’re all just a pack of behaviors originated from
the corporeal mechanisms of the body.
Republic of the Philippines
Doroluman, Arakan, Cotabato
Telefax: (064) 288-1343
Email Address: cfcstedu@gmail.com; Website: www.cfcst.edu.ph

Assessment 2

Circle the words that describe you. Add additional words.

Adaptive Self-Aware Tolerant Dependable

Intelligent Fearless Compassionate Hard Working

Respectful Calm Humble Energetic

Clever Creative Confident Thoughtful

Complex Realistic Cautious Balanced

Cooperative Shy Quite Attentive

Other words that describe you:

Among these words, choose one you want to elaborate.


Being humble means you have respect and enough understanding about other people’s
capacity, feelings, aptitude and uniqueness by lowering your own self. Humble people do
recognize their doings and the things they don’t know yet and enlist help for the later.
Humbleness doesn’t mean you are so superior; it is also a kind of kindheartedness in which you
tend to lower yourself for the sake of other individuals and fit in within their level. The definition
of humble is someone who knows they are not perfect because nobody is indeed created
perfect. Being humble is good. Spending time listening to others, being mindful, being grateful for
what you already have, accepting suggestions and feedbacks from other people on a regular
basis, asking for help and giving help at the same time, and lowering your pride are the good
things you benefit from being a humble person. Most people react well to humility because it
shows that you put yourself not above other people but at the same and equal level as them.
According to Vocabulary.com, humble means "modest; without an excess of pride”. This
means you never brag about something that you are good at or something you possess that
other people don’t have. It is the kind of attitude which concentrates to inspire others instead of
following and uplifting the ego. “Respectful” can be coined to the word “humble” and being
“humble” is far better that being so “proud”. It handles stress more efficiently and report higher
levels of physical and mental well-being. They also show greater generosity, helpfulness, and
gratitude. A humble man never says he is humble, for he is humble enough to not be vocal
about his self-effacement.
Republic of the Philippines
Doroluman, Arakan, Cotabato
Telefax: (064) 288-1343
Email Address: cfcstedu@gmail.com; Website: www.cfcst.edu.ph


MY SELF THROUGH THE YEARS (long band paper)

Paste a picture of you when you were in elementary, in high school, and now that you are in
college. Below the picture, list downs your salient characteristics that you remember.


- When I was in - When I entered High - I am now a college

elementary, I still don’t school, I slowly student and I learned the
know what my abilities recognized my proper way of adjustment
as things are getting more
are. capabilities and hidden
and more difficult.
- I was too shy. - I became more prone to
- I became active. stress.
- I was so ashamed about
myself. - I became cooperative. - Sometimes I tend to do
things my way. Getting
- I do work hard for the - I don’t talk too much dependent.
sake of my future when I but I participate in a lot
was young. of activities. - I have learned a lot of
things from my previous
school years and it enables
- I was very happy and - I am still happy but now me to be clever enough in
carefree. responsible and facing challenges.
- I am very curious. - I became more optimistic
- I became friendlier. in dealing with life.
- My enjoyment is playing
so I play a lot. I am so - I consider myself as a - I am mature enough to
playful. helpful student to my separate interests from
classmates. important things.
- Problems still haven’t
- I socialize better with other
crossed my mind back - I learned to engage in a people.
in my elementary days. lot of problems.
- I am more focused on
- I am so independent. I - I became humble. achieving my goals.
can’t even go home
from school without my - I learned to be open- - I grew up becoming more
parents picking me up. minded and more vulnerable to
negative things.

- I became braver.
Republic of the Philippines
Doroluman, Arakan, Cotabato
Telefax: (064) 288-1343
Email Address: cfcstedu@gmail.com; Website: www.cfcst.edu.ph

Application and Assessment

Answer the following questions cogently but honestly. Write your answers in
the space provided.

1. How would you describe yourself?

I describe myself as a normal, expressive, sometimes depressed, sometimes crazy,
sometimes vulgar, mostly cheerful, and open-minded person. Normal because just like everyone
else, I can do things a normal person can do. I can feel, I can see, I can smell, all of those literal
human abilities. Expressive since I really want everyone to know what I actually have in mind,
conveying my emotions have been my very foundation and it led me to be open to other
people by hiding nothing. Sometimes depressed because we all need to be sad sometimes for
us to evaluate what’s wrong with our own self. Crazy because extreme happiness does lead me
to go nuts especially when I know that I never aggrieved anyone. Vulgar because aside from
being kind and good, all people have their other sides and it is essential to be unconstrained to
release pressure and pain.
Jovial for even though I constantly suffer and struggle from a bad day, I always keep
calm and positive. Open-minded because we all can’t stay forever young, that’s why I am
always open to stuffs that needed understanding and needed to be learned. In that way, I can
stay away from being too ignorant and heedless.

2. Think of a time when you felt you were your “true self”. What made you think you were
truly who you are during this time of your life?

The time that I really felt my “true self” was when I got mad at my classmate because she
failed to help me on our project. I am sure that it’s who I really am in that time of my life because
I was able to let out my real colors. I finally carried out who I really am without hiding my bad
side. Spilling out my anger in a gentle way is my best technique to avoid chaotic and unhealthy
conversation and I was able to do that when I’m about to lose control. I became earnest and
frank for the reason that I want her to understand what’s really going on and what she had done
to disappoint me, I told everything without hesitations because I can’t bear to hide and cover
the real problem anymore. I felt like I might be still untrue to myself if I didn’t voice out on her. I
was capable to solve out the problem peacefully with my classmate with the help of being my
“true self”.

3. Following the question above, can you provide a time when you felt you were not living your “true
self”? Why did you have to live a life like that? What did you do about it?
I felt like I wasn’t living my “true self” when I was in grade school. When I’m being
bullied by our class valedictorian and I kept it a secret and she grew up enjoying beating me.
Common kids tend to fight in order escape violence, but not me. I stayed quiet and suffered a
lot of discomfiture and mortification from that person. I was scared that she might tell lies to her
mom that I’m treating her bad. At that point I thought it might be okay to just live a life like that,
being bullied every day, being hurt and beaten every hour just so her mother can’t drop me out
of school. I had to live a life full of hardship because I don’t want my mom to get mad at me for
I know she will believe that I’m the bad guy not her. I just always put in mind that someday
she’ll stop and get tired of hurting me.
I thought it was okay but her ferocity is growing much, much bigger. I stayed quiet and
prayed to God that I can escape from her death cage. For a year I never voiced out the pain
she engraved into my juvenile skin until I had the courage to show it to my mom. I cried while
displaying the scars she made. Finally telling my mom that I’ve been a victim of violence and
she was called to be on the guidance office. I realized that sometimes that not living your “true
self” can put you in danger but at the same time, it really challenges your perseverance and
level of struggle. Waiting for the perfect time is enough thing to do when you are in a difficult
situation when courage is not yet existing and you are still unable to let out your “true self”.
Republic of the Philippines
Doroluman, Arakan, Cotabato
Telefax: (064) 288-1343
Email Address: cfcstedu@gmail.com; Website: www.cfcst.edu.ph

Assessment 2


Supply the given space with your answer.

1. The best thing(s) I ever did was (were)

- Making my parents proud, making them smile, winning over against a huge problem
and being able to graduate without a hassle.

2. I wish I could lose my fear of

- Worms because they say it’s silly and immature.

3. I know I have the talent to

- Dance, draw and make calligraphy.

4. I feel most productive when

- the day is good, the temperature is good, the atmosphere is good and when other
people motivating me, saying “Laban lang, kaya mo yan!”

5. I am motivated by
- my sister, my Dad, my Mom, the people who bullied me from the past and the people
who continues to support me.

6. My idea of fun is
- when I’m travelling with my friends and family or by just simply doing food trip in the
7. I enjoy people who
- have the same interest as me, people who talks a lot and laughs a lot, people who are
good at making jokes, and people who never judge me for who I am.

8. Thing I value most is

- my family. They are the reason who I am now today. They are the ones who taught to
be a good person and they motivate me every day to keep going.

9. My idea of a perfect life is

- when I finally graduated college, having work that is enough to lift up my family from
poverty, no more insecurities just happiness, having enough money to settle down and
start a married life.

10. My best days are

- when I entered High School because I learned to socialize with a lot of people both
inside and outside our school. I enjoyed those secondary years because I discovered a
lot of my hidden skills, I learned to adapt in the changing society and most of all I had
a very good time travelling with my friends.
11. I looked forward to
- be a successful person someday, and having a brighter future for my family and me.

12. I spent too much time

- imagining a lot of future scenarios on what will happen to myself, the endless
possibilities of either going astray or going through the right path. I also spent too much
time playing and visiting lots of social media literally.

13. I always wanted to

- become an engineer because it was my elder brother’s dream for me, travel around
the world, eat different types of seafood and visit Japan.
Republic of the Philippines
Doroluman, Arakan, Cotabato
Telefax: (064) 288-1343
Email Address: cfcstedu@gmail.com; Website: www.cfcst.edu.ph

14. It is easy for me to focus on

- something that is interesting and arty especially the things full of graphical art effects
and colorful as spectrum, it is also easier for me to focus on something that is catchy to
the eyes and very lit.

15.If I ever win a prize it will be for

- my parents and the people I want to help. I’ve always dreamt of winning something
that would really make a big difference in this world so that I can help those in need
and I can promote them to catch the attention of their sleeping government.
Republic of the Philippines
Doroluman, Arakan, Cotabato
Telefax: (064) 288-1343
Email Address: cfcstedu@gmail.com; Website: www.cfcst.edu.ph

Chapter 1: Lesson 3 - ACTIVITY


Compare what you wrote about yourself to those written by your siblings. What aspects are
similar and which are not? What aspects are always true to you? What aspects are sometimes true
or circumstantial? What aspects do you think are not really part of your personality? Write your
answer below.

Based on what my siblings have wrote about my self and the one I
wrote about my self, there are lots of similarities. Like I am always happy, funny and
crazy. They always see me smiling and that's what they thought about me. They
wrote that I always go for the positive side and that's what I thought about my self
too. The little difference is that they never knew my other side like I'm sometimes
depressed because I guess they never saw it.

The aspects that are always true to me is that I now know myself
better than anybody else. They might know me outside but never on the inside even
if we share the same blood in the guts just like my siblings. I know myself more
because I'm the one accountable for everything in my self. I also consider some
people telling truth about the aspects of my self because they notice it so as I. It's
just, I still trust my self more than anybody.

The aspect that I consider are just sometimes true or circumstantial

are from other people, even some close friends commenting about me. Like I am
looking good although it is not the truth because I look hideous. Also the aspect that
I consider circumstantial is the fact that I always lower my self so that I can level
with other people and they won't treat me differently.

As for me, I think the aspect that are not really part of my personality
is the things that other people compliments about my self and my works. I just think
their side is null and void. As what I have said I know myself better than them and
they can't just call me something I didn't do for and worked hard for.
Republic of the Philippines
Doroluman, Arakan, Cotabato
Telefax: (064) 288-1343
Email Address: cfcstedu@gmail.com; Website: www.cfcst.edu.ph


Do a research and list ten (10) things to boost your self-esteem or improve your self-concept.


(source: powerofpositivity.com)

1. Compliment yourself
- It is not always a bad idea to feel good about yourself because it is an act of love that
resides within you. You cannot love and appreciate things if you don’t value yourself first. We
all deserve to give ourselves a big thumbs up if we’ve accomplished something that is purely
coming from our hard work.

2. Stop comparing yourself to others

- Your self-esteem is your own unique piece and you don’t have to be ashamed about
it. Comparing yourself to others was never a good habit because it makes you more prone to
negativity and negligence. You cannot grow if you keep on following someone’s shadow and
you will not achieve happiness if you keep on getting envied about someone. You are
exceptional and you are great, never down yourself.

3. Smile more often

- Smiling is essential to happiness and happiness eventually leads you to a good life.
Studies show that smiling everyday can decrease stress and also has many other benefits. By
smiling, you are not only making yourself happy but also everyone around you. It is another
way of spreading positivity.

4. Be gentle to yourself
- Never pressure yourself especially when you set goals and you are having a hard time
reaching it. Be gentle and always care for yourself because your self is your main responsibility.
You cannot rush yourself because it might destroy you. Learn to take it easy.

5. Focus on how far you’ve come, not how far you have to go
- There is no known force in the world that can move an entire mountain without
breaking it first. What matters most are the pieces that you’ve moved that reminds you of how
far you’ve come. The finish line will always be there waiting for you, just take a deep breath
and never give up, just keep going.

6. Reach out and get support

- Having strong connection with other people like your friends, family, online friends, local
community and etc. will provide you the true and caring people you can count on when
you’re feeling not okay. Never let your pride consumes you because everyone has a breaking
point and we need someone to support us or even just give us advice on how to get off with it.
Never be afraid to reach out for help.

7. Look for special things that make your day

- Acknowledge the things that make your day good. Whether that’s thanking people,
recognizing God or simply motivating yourself by finding a good quotation. Allow good vibes
in your life to inspire you to live a happy life.

8. Eat healthy, organic, whole foods

- Eating healthy foods also affects on how you deal with everything around you
including yourself. Eating healthily will benefit you to a better health, better mood and a
happy digestive system.

9. Stay active every day

- Staying active everyday by doing exercise, meditation or yoga will help boost your
spiritual health and also your self-esteem. By being active you tend to free your mind to all the
things and it will eventually lead you to your own self-development.

10. Do what makes you happy and follow your passion

- The very foundation in improving your self-esteem is to stay who you are, not what
other people want you to be. Life can be amazing when you are passionate because you’re
in your happiest, most honest and most creative state. When you follow your passion you and
always be assured that you’re on the right path, moreover, your confidence levels up too.
Republic of the Philippines
Doroluman, Arakan, Cotabato
Telefax: (064) 288-1343
Email Address: cfcstedu@gmail.com; Website: www.cfcst.edu.ph

Chapter 1: Lesson 4 – ACTIVITY 1


Write top five (5) differences between Western and Eastern society, culture, and individuals
in the table below. Refer to any available references you have.


The population in the Eastern countries is more

The population in western countries is more liberal traditional than people in the West in terms of
than the East. Westerners are more open and clothing, rituals and so on. For example, Indians
blunt. For example, topics like sex or birth of a pay respect to their elders or parents by touching
child are openly discussed in Western culture, their feet. East Asians bow as a gesture of
whereas in the East, these topics are still taboo. welcoming guest, apologizing and expressing
thank you.

People in the East are commonly inflexible in their

People in the West are more exposed to
beliefs and ideologies. They do not easily
expressing their feelings. If they get angry, they
compromise nor question the long practiced
vent it out.

In eastern countries, elders are considered as the

leaders of home and children often refer their
One’s choice is given preference over the choices to them and obey what they say.
families. A person from the West is more flexible Important decisions related to children’s future
and free to make decisions in his/her own. are normally made by the elders and when
parents grow old, the kids are likely to take care
of them.

Arranged marriages are very common in Eastern

Arranged marriages are not common in the West countries. They are normally arranged by parents
for they believe that love is the basis of marriage. of the couple or elders. They believe in the
concept that love comes after marriage.

Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Shenism, Taoism,

Judaism, Christianity and Islam are some common
and Islam are some common religions practiced
religions practiced in the Western world.
in the Eastern world.
Republic of the Philippines
Doroluman, Arakan, Cotabato
Telefax: (064) 288-1343
Email Address: cfcstedu@gmail.com; Website: www.cfcst.edu.ph

Chapter 1: Lesson 4 – ACTIVITY 2


In your own core of Ideas, why do human exist? What is their purpose? Cite an example.
Write your answer on the box provided.

“Why are we here?” “What is the purpose of human existence?” Two questions
that if taken seriously, it might reveal a whole new level of complexity. At first I don’t
even have any idea why we, the humans, existed on Earth. Are we just here because
we are born? Then grow up and die? Do we even know our specific purpose? Or do
we even know what the meaning of ‘purpose’ is?

Humans have existed for over hundreds and thousands of years. Starting from
pre-historic cavemen to the ancient human civilization around the world. Based on the
books I have read, humans existed because they are meant to take care of Earth. It's
been a long time since technology and science people made thousands of inventions
just to make human life easier without harming any creatures in the world. Next, based
on religious views, human existed because of the will of the deiform. Religious
perceptions are always there, because according to them, we are here on Earth to do
good things and to show kindness to another man. In my own perception with the
support of some books, we are alive because it is our nature. We existed because we
can exist and we are able to face the challenges in everyday life.

Humans existed too because we're put here on purpose and it is to live life to the
fullest, live with our passion, conquer our fears, accomplish the goals set on us all, and
be perseverant as long as you can. I know all of us have different vision in life and we
all have different missions to carry with our purpose but all I know is that we are here
because we are here and we are able to be here despite the circumstances that
began in our deepest regression if we ever had past life.

A man's purpose is linked to what his nature is. Whether you came from a religious
family so your purpose is to spread God's words, or just a normal family background so
your purpose is to be happy and learn.

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