Bible Verse For The Week (Nov. 9-16)

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Bible Verse for the Week (Nov.


Nov. 9 (Monday)

“Do you not know that you are a temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?”

- 1 Corinthians 3:16

Nov. 10 (Tuesday)

“Whoever loves me will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to Him.”

- John 14:23

Nov. 11 (Wednesday)

“In all circumstances, give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus.”

- 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Nov. 12 (Thursday)

“The coming of the Kingdom of God cannot be observed and no one will announce, ‘Look, here
it is’ or ‘There it is.’ For behold, the Kingdom of God is among you.”

- Luke 17:20-21

Nov. 13 (Friday)

“Anyone who goes too far and does not abide in the teaching of Christ, does not have God; the
one who abides in the teaching, he has both the Father and the Son.”

- 2 John 1:9

Nov. 14 (Saturday)

“God has called us through the Gospel, to possess the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

- 2 Thessalonians 2:14

Nov. 15 (Sunday)

“Therefore, let us not sleep as the rest do, but let us stay alert and sober.”

- 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6

Nov. 16 (Monday)

“I am the light of the world, says the Lord; whoever follows me will have the light of life.”

- John 8:12

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