IATA COVID 19 Pax Insights Issue 1 Report Contents

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Passenger insights

in the times of a pandemic

Issue 1 - Report Contents

1 2020 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved.

Project overview
IATA has commissioned a survey of recent travelers to find out about the impact COVID-19 on passenger perceptions of
the industry as well as expected traveling behaviours. The main purpose of the study was to understand better what trends
to expect in the near future which would help shape guidelines for the industry recovery.
The study was conducted in two waves. The results presented in this report mainly cover most recent study which was
conducted in April 2020, though chosen results from the 1st wave will have also been incorporated herewith.
The study explores perceptions of 4,700 panel members from eleven countries (Australia, Canada, Chile, France, Germany,
India, Japan, Singapore, UAE, UK and USA) who traveled in the last 9 months.
This report outlines main outcomes of the study. The analysis focuses on perceptions of different traveler groups:
• travelers from different countries;
• business and leisure travelers;
• passengers willing to fly again as soon as COVID-19 is declared contained as well as those willing to wait two months,
six months or even a year.

Rockland Dutton Research & Consulting prepared the questionnaire and initial analysis. Data collection and tabulation was
performed by Dynata.

2 2020 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved.

General passenger concerns connected to COVID-19

Passenger concerns related to traveling

Passenger perception of future travel

Methodology and sample structure

List of questions

3 2020 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved.

Methodology and
sample structure

4 2020 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved.

Methodology An invitation to participate in an on-line
survey was sent to the panel members
The survey was conducted between 6 and 9 April 2020. in the following countries:


50% 50%
recent air Germany

travelers Business Traveler Laisure Traveler

(traveled in the last 9 months)
A 50/50 quota was respected with reference to
the most often type of travel: business or leisure.
United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom
United States

The 1st wave of the study which is also referred to in this report
5 2020 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved. was conducted between 22 and 25 February 2020. 4,400 recent
airline travelers participated in this study.
Sample structure
Industry you work in

None of these 49%

Hotel 2%

Technology 15%
64% Have taken air trip in Automobile 2%
the last 6 month
Manufacturing 10%

Male Female
59% Legal 2%
Have taken air trip in Media 2%
the last 2 month
Mining 1%
Tobacco 1%
65+ 4% Retail 6%
55-64 11% Oil and gas 2%
45-54 17%
Fast food 3%
35-44 27%
Airlines 4%
25-34 31%
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%
18-24 10%
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%

6 2020 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved.

List of questions

7 2020 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved.

List of questions (1/4)
Please select which of the following best describes the type of travel you do by plane most often. Select one.
I don’t travel [TERMINATE]

When was the last time you traveled on an airplane for business/ for leisure? Select one.
In the last 9 months, since the beginning of July 2019
More than 9 months ago [TERMINATE]

Have you taken any airplane trips in the last 6 months?


Have you taken any airplane trips in the last 2 months?


How concerned are you personally about contracting the coronavirus/COVID-19 – very concerned, somewhat concerned, not very concerned or not at all concerned?
Very concerned
Somewhat concerned
Not very concerned
Not at all concerned

Have you, or do you personally know anyone, who has contracted coronavirus/COVID-19?
Yes I have
Yes a family member has
Yes a friend, acquaintance or work colleague has

List of questions (2/4)
What steps, if any, have you taken specifically to avoid contracting the coronavirus/COVID-19?
Cancelled an airline flight to an area affected by the virus
Cancelled an airline flight to an area not affected by the virus
Cancelled a business trip or changed your destination
Cancelled a vacation or changed your destination
Cancelled a cruise
Avoided a conference or business meeting
Avoided bus/subway travel
Avoided being in public places
Avoided being in large meetings
Worn a mask when in public
Used more disinfectants when traveling
Washed your hands more often
I have not taken any steps

Do you agree strongly, agree somewhat, disagree somewhat or disagree strongly with each of the following statements?
I am afraid to travel until the coronavirus/COVID-19 is declared contained.
My company has prohibited all domestic travel
My company has prohibited all international travel

Once the pandemic has subsided and it has been declared safe to travel, if you were to take an airplane trip how concerned would you be about possibly contracting the coronavirus/COVID-19 as a result of each of the following?
Extremely concerned, somewhat concerned, not too concerned or not at all concerned?
The check-in process at the airport
The air quality in an airplane cabin
Touching hard surfaces on the plane, such as your seat, tray table etc.
Contact with the flight crew
Sitting next to someone who might be infected
Going through security
Going through passport control
Collecting your baggage
Sitting in a lounge or restaurant in the airport
The aircraft washroom
Onboard catering items
Touching soft surfaces on the plane such as seat fabric or blankets

List of questions (3/4)
Once the pandemic has subsided and it has been declared safe to travel, how likely are you to do each of the following – very likely, somewhat likely, not too likely or not at all likely?
I will reduce my travel in general
I will travel by air but try to stay closer to home
I will only travel by air in my own country
I will look for alternatives to flying
I will postpone air travel until the economy stabilizes
I will postpone air travel until my personal financial situation stabilizes
I will travel, but not by air
I will travel by air for a vacation as soon as possible
I will travel by air for a postponed business trip as soon as possible
I will travel by air to see family/friends as soon as possible
I will travel by air less for leisure
I will travel by air less for business
I don’t anticipate any future travel plans

Once an organization or someone you trust has confirmed the coronavirus/COVID-19 is no longer a threat, how long would you wait, if at all, to return to your usual travel plans?
Not wait at all
Wait a month or two
Wait six months or so
Wait a year or so
Not resume my usual travel plans for the foreseeable future

How worried are you about each of the following when it comes to airplane travel in the future – very worried, somewhat worried, not too worried or not at all worried?
Catching the virus while traveling
Being quarantined while traveling
Being quarantined upon return from travel

Once the pandemic has subsided and it has been declared safe to travel, how much would each of the following make you personally feel much safer about airplane travel – a lot, some, not much, not at all?
Temperature testing of all passengers at departure
Screening of all passengers for coronavirus/COVID-19 at departure
Social distancing on aircraft
A coronavirus/COVID-19 immunity certification guaranteeing you exemption from quarantine in any country
Receiving a personal sanitization kit to clean your seat area
Having hand sanitizer readily available on board
Receiving a mask at check-in
Mandatory wearing of masks in airports, planes and by the crew
Seeing sanitization being performed throughout the airport
Seeing sanitization being performed throughout the airplane

List of questions (4/4)
Once the pandemic has subsided and it has been declared safe to travel, which of the following would you personally be willing to do during airplane travel?
Take a coronavirus/COVID-19 test by throat/nose swab at check-in
Take a coronavirus/COVID-19 test by throat/nose swab on arrival for international flights
Arrive at the airport 3 hours before your flight to allow time for COVID-19 testing
Take a blood test to prove your coronavirus/COVID-19 immunity prior to travel
Carry documentation to prove your coronavirus/COVID-19 immunity
14 day self-isolation on arrival
Temperature check at departure and arrival
Wear a mask

In your best estimate, when do you expect it will be declared safe to travel again?
In 1-3 months
In 3-6 months
In 6-12 months
More than a year from now

Thank you
The report is available for purchase directly
on our website.

If you have any problems with the purchase,

please contact our customer service team.

If you wish to learn more about the survey,

please contact us at survey@iata.org.

12 2020 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved.

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