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What should IBM or Mr. Daniel Fyre do, what are the options available?

would it impact the evolution of the platforms?

Since there is no GUI in Linux, so it is not attractive to IT professionals. IBM could

leverage its technical expertise to incorporate GUI in LINUX to make it more

Currently, Linux is supported by open community of volunteers which is not

structured and reliant. With alliance to IBM, a system could be formulated to
establish a formal, structured and professional technical support that will increase its
credibility. Linux community can capitalize IBM’s corporate network and
infrastructure for fine tuning the open source system in long term. The updates could
be planned in an official and planned manner.

Additionally, it can invest in Research and Development to enhance the platform as

per the changing environment and user needs

From all the options that are available with fryer, the best is to form an alliance with

Keeping in mind the IBM’s commitment to keep the customer first, accepting Linux
and open source movement is the right way to go. Customers are demanding Linux
OS to run on their machine, a neutral OS that allows customization as per their
requirement and promote innovation.

Developing its own open source and bug free OS will take years and thus IBM will
lose the first mover advantage to embrace the movement.

IBM should propose the alliance to the Linux developers and quoting the benefits
that both IBM and Linux has on offer. With this alliance, IBM , Linux and the
customers, all have a lot to gain.

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