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Real-time Systems

Ngo Lam Trung

Dept. of Computer Engineering

NLT, SoICT, 2018

What is real-time?

Real-time web

→ provides live
data to user

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What is real-time?

Real-time system

→ provides response
within allowed

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Example 1
❑ Write a program in Windows to blink a LED with
frequency of 1 Hz
❑ A piece of cake/code, right?

DispatcherTimer timer = new DispatcherTimer();

timer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500);
timer.Tick += Timer_Tick;

private void Timer_Tick(object sender, object e)

now = DateTime.Now;
TimeSpan span = now - prev;
prev = now;
txtTime.Text = span.TotalMilliseconds.ToString();

❑ Not really!!!

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Example 2: Linux is better than Windows?

Smooth controlling of motor requires

accurate timing
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Example 2
❑ With RT_PREMPT Linux seems better, but not sufficient


❑ In contrast, controlling a stepper motor with a low-cost

Arduino is not that hard!!!
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Course content
❑ Basic concepts of real-time systems.
❑ Hard real-time systems and soft real-time systems.
❑ Tasks scheduling algorithms in real time system.
❑ Schedulability analysis

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❑ Qing Li and Carolyn Yao, Real-Time Concepts for
Embedded Systems, 2003.
❑ Giorgio C. Buttazzo, Hard Real-time Computing Systems
Predictable Scheduling Algorithms and Applications,

NLT, SoICT, 2018

Class administration
❑ Instructor: Ngo Lam Trung
❑ Class time: Thursday AM, D9-101
❑ Mid-term & Final exam: TBA

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Week 1: Introduction

❑ Introduction of embedded system

❑ Characteristics of embedded system
❑ Real time system and real time embedded systems
❑ Hard real time vs soft real time.

(With some materials from ES, Peter Marwedel) NLT, SoICT, 2018
1. Embedded system

❑ Definition from Textbook 1:

Computing systems with tightly coupled hardware and
software integration, that are designed to perform a
dedicated function

Systems within systems Standalone system

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Other definitions of Embedded Systems

“Dortmund“ Definition: [Peter Marwedel]

Embedded systems are information processing systems embedded
into a larger product

Berkeley: [Edward A. Lee]:

Embedded software is software integrated with physical processes.
The technical problem is managing time and concurrency in
computational systems.

An embedded system is a computer system with a dedicated function
within a larger mechanical or electrical system, often with real-time
computing constraints. It is embedded as part of a complete device often
including hardware and mechanical parts.

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Examples of embedded systems

Sonicare Elite toothbrush

Microprocessor: 8-bit
Has a programmable
speed control, timer, and
charge gauge

NLT, SoICT, 2018

Examples of embedded systems

Product: Microsoft’s Smart

Personal Object Technology
(SPOT) watch (discontinued
in 2008).

Microprocessor: 32-bit ARM

with FM Radio Chip

Downloads data using extra

bandwidth on FM radio
stations in major cities

Big idea but also a failure!

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Examples of embedded systems
❑ Domestic robots


Kuka youBot
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Examples of embedded systems

S class Mercedes

Control system
contains around 100
embedded processors

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2. Characteristics of embedded systems

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▪ Dependability is the most important characteristic

• Reliability R(t) = probability of system working correctly
provided that is was working at t=0
• Maintainability M(d) = probability of system working
correctly d time units after error occurred.
• Availability A(t): probability of system working at time t
• Safety: no harm to be caused
• Security: confidential and authentic communication
▪ System dependability depends on the estimation of
working/runtime condition in design time.
▪ Incorrect/insufficient estimation → good system will fail.
▪ Dependability must be considered very early in design

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Embedded system must be efficient

- Code-size efficient: (especially for systems
on a chip)
- Run-time efficient
- Weight efficient
- Cost efficient
- Energy efficient

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Efficiency and application awareness
❑ Which CPU is faster, why?
CPU in spacecraft
CPU in Boeing 777
CPU in your laptop

❑ Which is better for a mobile phone: a quad-core 2.2GHz

or single-core 1GHz CPU?

NLT, SoICT, 2018

Hardware and software co-design model
❑ How to design embedded system?
Hardware of software first?
How to optimize system design and performance?

❑ Hardware and software co-design

Parallel development of HW & SW of an embedded system
Beneficial in an embedded system with custom hardware and

❑ Software component can use special hardware features.

❑ Hardware component can simplify module design if
functionality can be achieved in software.

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HW & SW Co-design
Hardware and software co-design model
level Requirement analysis

System description with HW SW

specific HW & SW development development

HW & SW Simulation Join test

requirements? OK?

Determine HW & SW
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Cross-platform development
❑ Target system: limited hardware resource → cannot be
used as development environment
❑ How to develop software to run on target system?
→ Use a different platform as development environment

❑ Platform: hardware, OS, and development tools

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Cross-platform development

❑ Cross-platform development
Platform: HW + OS + SW development tools
Software development where developing platform and
running platform are separating

Cross compiler

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3. Real time systems

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Real-time systems

❑ Real-time systems:
Those systems that respond to external events with guaranteed
timing constraints
Timing constraints: start time, finished time
External events: periodic/aperiodic
Both of the timing correctness and logical correctness are important.
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Real-time embedded systems
❑ Example: DVD player

What are real-time requirements?

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❑ Autonomous Emergency Breaking System

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❑ Anti-lock Breaking System

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Hard and soft real-time systems

❑ Hard real-time systems

Must meet deadlines with a non-zero degree of flexibility
Missing deadlines derives catastrophes
Ex: car ABS, aviation systems, missile guidance

❑ Soft real-time systems

Must meet deadlines but with a degree of flexibility
Missing deadlines decreases the value of the computed
results. Decrement of the value is proportion to the delay.
Ex: DVD player

NLT, SoICT, 2018

Penalties in real-time systems

Variations of values of execution results

with respect to the finished time

Hard real-time Soft real-time

value value
Falls falls down
down to - over time
∞ after

time time
dead- deadline

NLT, SoICT, 2018

Real-time embedded systems

Large overlap of real-time systems and embedded systems

Real-time Embedded
systems systems

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Points to remember
❑ Embedded systems:
Computing systems with tightly coupled hardware and
software integration, that are designed to perform a
dedicated function

❑ Real-time embedded systems

Real-time: required timing & function correctness
Commutative between embedded systems and real-
time systems

❑ Hard/soft real-time systems

Determined by penalty in deadline misses

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❑ Real-time vs real-fast?

La Fontaine’s The Hare and the Tortoise

“it’s no use running, it’s better to leave early…”

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❑ The objective of a real-time system is to guarantee the
timing behavior of each individual task.
❑ The objective of a fast system is to minimize the average
response time of a task set.

❑ Which is more difficult?

❑ A high performance server is running with 1% CPU
usage. Is it a real-time system?

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Don’t trust average

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Don’t trust average

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❑ What is the most important part of a real-time system?

❑ Homework: do some research on computing system on


NLT, SoICT, 2018

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