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Spare Time

Summary of Grandparents interview

Q.1 Has the amount of spare time changed?

Ans . During our teenage, we had no mobile phones or
any electronic devices for communication. We utilized
our time by playing outdoor games and other
entertainment equipment .

Q.2 How does the place you live in influence how

you spend your spare time?
Ans. An individual who lives in bigger space has more
freedom. He can play games like cricket or football. So I
would definitely say that the place where an individual
lives does influence the activities .

Q.3 How has the amount of pocket money changed?

Ans. The pocket money has changed a lot, suppose if
we get 5rs it was a big amount for us and we had a
great value for money because we appreciated that they
gave us 5rs and we would be satisfied with what they
had given us and spent very cautiously .
Q.4 Is there a difference in the amount of people
teenagers spend their spare time with ?
Ans. We have been very much influence by our parents
and I think whatever I was influence by my parents I
inculcated that in my children.
Q.5 Has the usefulness of spare time changed?
Ans. Spare time activity is useful then is useful now
also , like a hobby or a game like football or learning
music , learning dance any activity will be useful .

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