Course: Contrastive Grammar: Maryana Lyashchuk, INP-43

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Maryana Lyashchuk, INP-43

Course: Contrastive grammar

I. Choose the correct answer and indicate it in brackets.

1. Contrastive grammar is: (…..)

d) a comparative research of the grammatical systems of English and


2. In the early works of English authors, the structure and rules of English grammar were contrasted
with those of: (…..)

c) Sanskrit;

3. «Engelsk Formlære» by Rasmus Rask is: (…..)

c) a part of extensive comparative studies in the grammars of Indo-

European languages;

4. The first English grammar of the 20th century which was both historical and contrastive was
written by: (…..)

c) Hendrik Poutsma;

5. Type in a language is: (…..)

d) the existence of features of other language types in a language of a

definite type.

6. Suppletivity in English and Ukrainian may be observed: (…..)

c) at the lexical and grammatical levels;

7. Modal verbs may be classified as auxiliaries: (…..)

b) in English;

8. Diminutive suffixes are: (…..)

d) not equally represented in both languages, all of them being

productive only in Ukrainian.

9. Passive constructions: (…..)

a) are more often used in English;

10. Nouns can be adverbialized: (…..)

d) in both languages.
11. The word-stress can express different grammatical meanings: (…..)

c) in both languages;

12. Agglutination is productive in compounding: (…..)

a) in both languages, being more typical in English;

13. Post-positive agglutination is more frequent: (…..)

c) in both languages;

14. Notional parts of speech have their specific inflections: (…..)

b) neither in English nor in Ukrainian;

15. Number inflections are predetermined by the declension groups and the gender: (…..)
b) in Ukrainian;

II. Explain the terms and notions:

language type – common features in group of languages which differentiate from other groups of
congruence – the quality of being similar,
metalanguage - language in which the description of isomorphic and allomorphic features is
grammatical meaning – the part of meaning that varies from one inflectional form to another;
etalon language - a hypothetic language created by typologists to contrast any other languages..

III. Answer the questions.

1. What is the grammatical organization of the inflective & agglutinative languages according to
W.Humboldt’s classification? Name some languages which belong to these types.

According to morphological classification, W. Humboldt grouped all known to him languages into
the following four classes: 1) the isolating languages, which are devoid of the form-building
morphemes (e.g. Chinese); 2) the agglutinative languages (those of the Turkish group); 3) the
flexional languages (Indo-European or Semitic languages); 4) the incorporating languages of the
American Indians; by the possibility of words to combine and form specific word- sentences.

2. What is the role of inflectional morphemes in expressing morphological categories in English

and Ukrainian?

Inflectional morphemes in the contrasted languages express different morphological categories.

Some morphological categories in English and Ukrainian are expressed with the help of analytical
means — prepositions, analytical word forms, and particles (to forgive something). Analytically
expressed are also the degrees of comparison of some adjectives and adverbs. However, In
Ukrainian the construction is less frequently used. There are also some genuinely English
plural form inflexions of nouns with restricted use. The future tense in Ukrainian can also
be expressed analytically though it is closely connected with the modal meaning of certainty (ми
будемо робити домашнє завдання).

3. What are the grammatical functions of auxiliary verbs in English and Ukrainian?
- the continuous aspect;
- the interrogative and negative or future tense forms of the Indefinite group of tenses ;
- the imperative mood or imperative and incentive meanings.

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