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DOCUMENT RESUAE BD 185887 PL O11 338 TITLE Persian Basic Course: Volume I, Lesson 1-18. INSTITUTION Defense Language Inst., Monterey, Calif. REPORT NO o1PF47 POB DATE Jun 66 Nore 183p.: For related documents, see FL 011 339-350. AVAILABLE FROM Defense Lananage Institute, Foreign Language Center, Nonresident Division, Presidio of Monterey, CA 93940 ($3.05, accompanying cessettes $6.40) LANGUAGE English: Persian . EDRS PRICE NFO1/PCO8 Plus Postzae. DPSCPIPTORS *Audiolinaual Methods: Communicative Competence (Languages): Dialoas (Language): *Grammar: Tnstructional Mater! “Intensive Language Courses: Language ‘sce: Listening Comprehensicn; Pattern Drills (tenquace): *9ersian: *Reading Comprehensi o1 “Second Larauage Tnstruction: Standard Spoken Usage: Vocabulary Development: writing skills ABSTRACT The firs* cf 10 volumes of a basic course in Persian is presented thet is destaned for use in the Defense Language Institute!s intensive programs. The course, employing the audislinaual methodology, is designed to train native Pnglish speakers to level three profictercy in comprehension and speaking and level two proficiency in reading and writing Persian. A guide to Persian pronurication and » drill on various fersian sounds is presented. § section on vocabulary provides fer each werd a transcription of the word with symbols adopted from "Webster! Colleaiate Dictionary," “he meaning of the word in English, and the vord in the Persian 2iphabet. Fach of the 18 lessons contains the following: (1) @ cartonn autde, (2) dieloque in Persian, (3) i trdnelation of the diateque into English, (4) tecombinatior far, (8) drill bincke in Persian, and (6) questions in fan, Tapes eccompeny the texte. (SW) Ln SHH HS BS DH nEIS BSED OBES BSnEE SOIHODDI Hana enor * — Peproductions supplied hy POPS are the best that cen be made * * frem the criginal document. * GH HGHAH ROSES SSIS ESE SOIS OBES OBESE IESE EIGN AOI IO IO oe % 6 a SrateBloo yor neceisamey wenae: PERSIAN Basic Course Volume 1 Lesson 1 -18 June 1966 IPE a? ‘PERMISSION TO, REPRODUCE THIS MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY PLY To THE EDUCATIONAL HESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC DEPENSE LANGUAGE INSTITUTE DEFENSE LANGUAGE INSTITUTE THIS PURLICATION 1S FOR USE BY THE FACULTY, STAFF, AND STUDENTS FUME OFPENSE LANGUAGE INSTITUTE AS A.PART QF THE DEFENSE LANGUAGE INQUIRIES CONCERNING THESE MATERIALS, INCLUDING. REQUESTS OR AUTHORITY TO REPRODUCE MATERIALS CONTAINED HEREIN 5 fee ADDRESSED TO DIRECTOR, DEFENSE LANGUAGE INSTITUTE, PRAS{DIO MERCY, CALIFORNIA 9394. JANES'R. KO) Co¥dnel,, U! Dindcter PREFACE, ‘The Persian Course, consisting of 124 lessons in 10 volumes, is one of the Defense Language Institute's H Besic Course Series. The material was develoved at the Defense Lanquage Institute and approved for publication by the Institute's Curriculum Development Boards ‘The course is designed to train native English language speakers to Level 3 proficiency in comprehen~ gion and speaking and Level 2 proficiency in reading and writing Persian, The texts are intended for class~ room use in the Defense Language Institute's intensive prograns employing the audio-lingual methodology. Tapes accompany the texts. OUTLINE ‘This Volune contains the following item Introduction, a. Foreword. bd. Preface. ce A guide to use of the material. Persian Pronunciation a. A guide to Persian Pronunciation. bd, Drill on various Persian sound ons from one to eighteen; each lesson 18 comprised of the following: a. A cartoon guide. - db, Dialogue in Persian; this is’ recorded as Spirals 1 and 2. , ce. Tdfomatic translation of the dialogue into English, Whenever a word that appears in one language is not necessary to be translated Anto the other, that word appears in parenthesis : 4, Recombination in Persian; this 1s recorded ae Spiral 3. fe. Drill Blocks in Fersian; this 1s recorded as Spiral 4, Questions in Persian; this is recorded as Spiral 5. Vocabulary; for each word the following is given: a, Transcription of the word with symbols adopted from Webster’ Collegiate Dictionary. Dd. Neaning of the word in English. c. Word in Persian alphabet. INTRODUCTION ‘FOREWORD It de indeed of great importance to note that any spoken language has its own speeific rules which, in many instances, differ from those of other languages. Bwery individual learns the rules of his larzuage during his childhood ina natural way, not by study. He becomes accustoned to these rules and employs them during his daily social contacts without being avdre of the nature of their functions. Hence, it shold be borne in mind that when a mature person begins to learn a foreign language, he must try, on one hand to accustom himself to the inplementation of a series of rules and, on the other hand, he must always be mindful of not allowing his old habits to af- fect his new habits - that is, he must avoid applying the rules of his na~ tive language to the forelen language. Since the grammatical rules of any language my appear illopical to 8 person with a different native tongue, it should be understood that learning those rules will create difficulties which will perhaps provoke the learn- er's resistance and, in turn, impede the process of learning. The trath of the matter 1s that there are many illogical rules in any spoken language. Natives have been acct'stomed to these rules since child- hood and, for this reason, find no fault in using then. Hence, before learning any foreign language, it must be roaiized that the rules of that Jangasge should de learned ag ‘they are formated, and accepted for the sake of speaking that language idiomatically. Furthermore, {t must be borne in mind that we must temporarily disregard the rules of our native language while we expreas ourselves ina foreign language. ‘ PREFACE, A language 1s first’ of all an infinite series of vocal notnes. To understand it well, you have to learn to distinguish from all those nots the same patterns distinguished by the native, and you have to learn to do it easily without keeping your mind on it.’ The best way to acquire that ease and speed in hearing the sounds right 1s to learn to reproduce the « right, Furthermore, your main Job here is to reach the point where you can carry on a conversation in Persian in such a way that a Persian can follow what you're saying without being distracted by the queer vay in vhich you say it. So the chief aim of these lessons is to give you the best possible = practice material in learning Persian pronunciation. \ . - The secondary purpose of these lessons is to give you the most useful practice possible in Persian word patterns by providing you with the pat- terns and then'actually making you handle then, change them, and make them work, just as if you were pushing and pulling and manipulating the parte of a'machine. If you spend enough time and effort on these lessons, if you learn everything in then thoreughly, you'll have an enormous advan— tage throughout the first four months of the course. And that's the hard- est part of the course. If you are all right at the end of four months, the remainder will come easy. You'll still have to study, of course, but the vorst is over, =~ The most important point to keep in mind while learning these lessons and it remins important during the entire course - 1s this: Hurry up and make your first five thousand mistakes, and be sure to get ae mich profit from thom as possible. The fastest way to learn a language is to make plenty of mistakes at the start, provided you're made aware of each mistake ‘at once and then correct 1t. So don't be timid and enbarragsed about your mistakes. Everybody expects then and you need to make them. If you walt to say sonething in Persian until you're absolutely sure you can say it Just right, you'll never say anything. Throw yourself into this‘practice with enthusiasm and you'll cone out all right. And NAVER feel any IMBAR- RASSHEM? when your instructor corrects you. A GUIDE 70 USE OF THE NATERTAL “In addition to ‘texts, a.set of phonograph records are iesued to ‘you. These recorde are the most important part of each lesson, and will en- Bble you to memorize She USE THE AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. ¢ For each lesson 5 spirals are recorded, and they are as follow Spiral 1. Dialogue spoken st normal speed. Spiral 2, Repetition of the dialogue at normal speed, but with a pause after each utterance. During the pause, repeat the utterance : clearly. DON'? WHISPER OR MUMBLE. 7 Spirdl 3, Recombination spoken at normal speed. This is a reconbina- tion of worda and phrases of the dialogue and words and phrases of preceding dialogues. 7 spiral 4, Drill Blocks spoken at normal speed. These illustrate the patterns and phrases coxtained in the dislogue separately, using the vocabulary of previous lessons, in order to faci~ milation of new patterns without being troubled by’ new vocabulary. Spiral 5. A musber of questions, ‘spoken at’normal speed, on the die~ logue, and recombination. After each question there ts a pause, during which you are to anawer the question with « complete statement. 400 10 FORMBY AN ASSIOWNOR In preparing an assignment, the following steps are reconmended as the vest) procedure: : Listen twice to Spiral 1 of the lesson assigned for the next day. Don't refer to your book. Listen to and repeat Spiral 2 of the preceding day's lesson once. Listen to Spiral 1 of the assigned lesson onde, Hefer to the car- toon guide as an aid and to translation of dialogue if necessary. IMeten to Spiral 3 and Spiral 4 of the preceding lesson once. Listen to Spiral 1 of the assigned lesson until you can understand every utterance as it is being apoken. Refer to the cartoon guide 9 an aid and to translation of dialogue if necessary. aes 6. léten to and repeat Spiral 2 of the assigned lesson twice. | 7. “Wiaten twice to Spiral 3 of the assigned lesson. “8, Laten‘to and repeat’ Spiral 2 of the assigned 1asson. ~ 9. Listen once to,Spirals 3\and 4 of the aseteyed legson. "10. Repeat step 8. : PED: ’ : UL, Listen to Spiral 1 of the assigned desson(once. 12. Try to‘speak all of the assigned dialogue (Spiral 1). If you get stuck, check that particular utterance in the cartoon guide or the + ° translations before you go on. If you.still cannot remember, > listeR to and repeat Spiral 2, Try to say each utteratice ae itis spoken onthe record and with as much naturalness. Refs ‘ to the cartoon guide to remember the sequence of the dialogue. Listen to ‘Spiral 4 of the assigned lesson until you can”understand every utterante. : Repeat step 12. . 15. Repeat step 9. 16. Repeat step 12. 17. Lsten to and a lesson. 18, Repeat step 12 until you can recite the dialogue easily and fluently. Hl wer the questions on Spiral 5 of the : 19. The next norning, just Defore going to class, repeat, step 22, “ USE THESE STEPS AS A CHECKLIST: 7 Z 7 ‘The procedure suggested above is considered minimum preparation. Tt can be accomplished in less than the time you are expected to study outeide of class hours. If you want fo do better, and consequently spend more tine in preparation, the first thing you should do 1s to expand on the review of preceding dialogues, especially Spiral 2, The next thing 1s to increase the number of tines you practtoe’ Spirals 3 and 4'of the, assigned lesson, Your : ‘vest bet on weekends iq’ to practice Spirals 3 and 4 of all the lessons you've had, but not to te point of keeping you from relaxing and getting your mind off your Persian. If you've studied the way you're supposed to, : |. you owe dt to yourself and the Army to relax. y : . oS ee vi +, Nothingshas been said about the hours when you should accomplish the suggested’hone preparation because individual circumstances vary s0 widely. This dorthwhile, however, to point out that if you can do at least 30 . minutes of your studying before dinner, you'resbetter off. The best thine fs to take a 30-minute break after your last class, then study for at least 3O-ninutes, then eat dinner and relax for a short tine afterward, and inally go’ back to finish your assignment. q ~ ° It's alwoyg & touptation to think that you.could learn just ‘ae much and go 4t more pleasantly by studying with a friend, Don't believe it. Unless you and your friend have the willpower of a Puritan minister, and unless one of you is an experienced lunguage teacher and has‘a native Persian pronunciation, avoid trying to study together for nore than thirty nimtes a Yay. * However, 1 can be rewarding to stiidy togethér for about half an hour ff you listt your Joint study to two specific things qndvonly thore 1, Dividing between the two of you the roles in the dialogue and trying to recite the dialogue without hesitation.’ This applies to both the assigned dialogue and any’ preceding one. 2, Trying to adapt the dialogues you've had toa little conver- sation between the two of you without attempting;io say anything not. sne~ cifically included in the lessons you've bad. \ | There. { short out to language learning. The materials and train ing aids piven you are intended to maké the procese of agguiring Persian as acy and effective ar possible. Nov it all depende of you. If you do your pirt well, follow ‘instructions, and don't get easily discouraged, you will succeed and before long: you wil} be speaking Persian,” PERSIAN PROWUNCIATION QUIDE 20 PRONUNCIATION Ihe following symbels have been adopted from Webster's Collegiate Dictionary for a guide in representing various Fersian sounds. a, Vowels and their approxinate equivalent sounds in Enelish: : Sum English equivalent of sounds add 7 end obey a awe) : are 30 (vay) : fond ey) even 3 old b. Gonso eats and their approximate equivalent founds in Enplish: Syshols Agglish equivalent of sounds a? (aref) a mild gutteral sound non-existant in Enplish bd (be) : bed vy (x8) ; t (v8) Loy s (88). see 3 (sm) adoke ch (one) chair ho (nt) hen - x (iene) as in German "ach" @ (ait) day iy (ya) Zygligh oquivalent of sounde one zose (rolled *r") seore * ugaal seen she aad zeal tain 00 ‘a gutteral sound, non existant in English. a gatteral sound, nop existant in English, close to Parisian "r", four a gutteral sound, non existant in English, close to Parisian "r". kook rd er, nan Ro yalue hat aa a8 ao di doo de () y + ¢ mong 23 ak 200 : (z) tha che zhd) 2ha2hoo shi she) ehd) shi hoo keke ko kako LESSON OD DIALOGUE ONE (Spireis 1 ana 2) tot 1 ple ton, ab ot 2 col OS yl femme ol ot veel shan of st =! DIALOGUE ONE (Pranslation) 1, Belle! Helle! : 2; Wout te this? 7 ‘This’ ts (a) book, 3. What ts that? Taat ie (a) pencil, Where 4s, (the) book? (The) book ie he: 5. Where is (the) peneilt (The) peneil is there. Te this (a) table? Yes, this 10 (a) tadle. 7, Where is (the) chair? (the) chair is there, 8, Who ts bet He is (a) student, 9. Is be (an) officer? 7 Tes, be is (an) officer. 10, Who is (a) soldier? He is (a) soldier, * Whenever a word that appears in one language \s not necessary to be translated into the other, that word appears in parentheses ‘throughout this volume, RECOMINATION ONE (Spiral 3) tool s Sls oS ect s SLE gl Scamp yl ecole ul tom 9! cel pail gh tenths jh ye sel WoT jl toul Lev Slt eco! bel a Slt feel pail gl et pedl gl cake feel LS obs eo cel bel bs tool lel US ys col Lael gl tool bt os scot bet 2 Sle “ot -! oO DRILL BLOCKS (Spiral 4) ; ” wte yl ocel o cel ie cel seul a sles! scot jbo ot ool bel 5 SLE peel Tos ecel Sle gl peel podl gl ONE” QUESTIONS ONE (Spiral 5) toms gl ot tome yl of feel LS sla t tent LS ihm =o Tod LS podl foul LS oSle -¥ toed jhe oS A. toel LS je =! i tol Ls Jue -1+ tool LS yl avi Teel LS phy ot Teel LS Lbs AIT! tod Lael sla 16 tool bet Cbs w10 Lusson tvo om 10 ar He '® wate ver 2 6 Me 3 eB, —1e we Pp gp dom Me SP ge “ae ARS Pg teem & ye te E eee eles? @ Sows | @Ap DIALOGUE TWO (Spirals 1 and 2) eokbt ae Gp “t eosbe At + thee tees boo oe Slt be gy tS gl ot _ cel Bee lym ol 7 Teel ple yf 0 tel dae sty sti fest ght AV 2 Bil QLal cake Take be AY elk el aay Teel go A + pail on ek S cop ol pel ot 7 ecel Loe ols al pel tcp pee pel . eed aby SUT plas pel 20 DIALOGUE TWO (Translation) Hello gentlenen! Hello sir! How are yout? ‘Thank you, Iam fine. Are ve student (s)? Yes, we are student(s). Who is he? Fe 1a Captain Jones. Who is (the) teacher? Mr, Rid is (the) teacher. Are they officer(s)? Yes, they are officer(s). Are you soldier(s)? Yes, we are soldier(s). Are you (an) officer? Yes, I am (an) officer. What is his name? Hig name is Captain Jones. wat is (the) teacher's name? ) (thé) teacher's name is Mr. Rad. PEEPS Eee Soe + In Persian, as in English, the second person plural is usually used in place of the second person singular, in speech as well ae in writing. » on RECOMBINATION TWO (Spiral 3) + ty obl OL ee oT OL t ael LS bb jue 1 eel el ow ee tome Lae yTpel 6 cal ty SBT gt pel tsike » + pile ow ck Teel gly s Sls y eel gly pe gl ok teed ge due gel At eel be dle gl gah ft cul LS go lite -7 oe cel bel ge lute tassels o pels Lg ay Tajik ye ola! o wib ae gle! a Fed pine eS gl ate : eel ae kS of eth uw OL DRILL L eontl Lt +e onil Lt 0 +g podl gly ess sle oe eo Sl bt ak owe Sle gle oak col oly sbTLt pl cul Boe oleae ol pel oe ceel bel oe et eed bel om ie seed Lael gl he BLOCKS TWO (Spiral 4) + pol eat +S wil pot sel pel gl oT tps SLE oe tev Sle be two Sls gly! Tomer on pol cee ol eel QUESTIONS TWO (Spirals ) t hoshe porubl $ cool Un plane t yo Sle be teal LS gl ue Tcl LSS SLE onl jee t cal jb yw gl ~ Bor olapeal ot tomer bt elt teemee sleet ad t wo Sls ola! 11 t comp ple pel aT Tel LS bs dure I tcl LS 93 jue 10 NT Denavano =z % ‘ w i. A LESSON THRED fH ELeSHeEEC ete a . 8? | fkh 4 [7 7) be P| ew ‘ig Fe| 72 : ABS | yb ” » Hb p ee | oe 4 DIALOGUE THREE (Spirals 1 and 2) «peal Bets be eal ts jlo glu 3 o pala dle oe e de tale GS ye os gly BIS ye «ak ft u,ls ey es syle ye pln T pale ae oe 7 los bs Some ol see! oS ly slus ae) wend ey t syle ae gles S of o ayle pig alae gl tw yleeg gla! wl Boy le ew oly! -) -t ao as - ~Y =) Tw TCLS gla Sle ae ate + wylo chs lhl oe ode 20 38 THREE DIALOGUE + (Translation) , 7 7 1. (Do) you have book(s)? Yes, we have book(s). 2. (Do) you have (a) pencil? Yes, I have (a) pencil. a 3. (Do) I have paper? 7 Yes, you bave pape 4, Who has (a) note-book? (the) /feacher has (a) note-book. 5 What (do) T have? You have (a) book. te 6. What 9 this? ‘This is (on). eraser. | 7+ Maat de that? ‘That is (a) blackboard. 8, What (does) that sergeant have? He has (a) pencil and (a) pen. 7.9. Whit (ao) they have? ‘They also have pencil(s) and pen(s). 10. (Do) all of (the) studdnts have book(s)? Yes, all of them have book(s). RECOMBINATION THREE (Spiral 3) taylor bS lt (Karoly wu bl + pale BS ge vis BT eke t wile dibvyls Sloas a1” e wale Gis gly! om sat tale pe ule eb ylS pe le tayyls BS gota bs at, e pale aS 9) sla oe cake feel LShs ps —0 ‘ocd bal ye shu f slo oSdh sla s Slt y + fla Sd sla gle dy tonlyhes SS -¥ sel has 5 st Few LeS paw lute y je A eel Lt ae late 5 ie Stel LS ge ot tol Lal bs gb Fajls slay pb ¥Sle gir. bya dha 9 gl pak qn > . DRILL BLOCKS THREE (spiral 4) 4 QS. : plvcko bot + galas Sos =! sa yly bs be 20 sleet 9 sw yla cbf gly! + syle Gb ghar es yle alae begs eo eo pgly shae be tesluae 9 oe ayla dha ot tasty gl * od gle alae Lee t pole ae be wale sia gla! fale ap lal ew yly dee oly! ae ah faye gas glu Sl os w pala glee pho edt fale glue pa bes sasle slay Bol foyle ae Ber Uly oe Byles shae'y pi glezlare a Tals slay BG gla Slt on QUESTIONS THREE (spiral 5) Some oz! =) toul LS ass 1. tend LS Ls oSdh sla S ayls plito » je pe be —t tisyly ap piu —9 ta lscbs bs ft ayle vluey olyy ol t wjken olysitaa oA tpald te oe ot Seal Lest ge boat t wo Slt bs un att fa yle pb lysis aay tale a ay olhl-tt t sylagSoh sla alte ba yal ERA, MOOENN CAPITAL, INT BY LMOH:CAPPEO MOUNTAIN [New apartment houses, substantial homes, foieign embassies, government Sailing and shopr “ine the paved avert of Tears capital The ruggellybeoul EXbute Mountsine can Be sen from ll parts of Teheran, LESSON FOUR c Sy. =? {s: a ae Park ia ees | 9 fap) “ak P | a ae ‘ee a aor & Est? che ot faa | are y DIALOGUE FOUR (Spirals 1 and 2) Teel LS gaye bS —1 eo cel je ey bed oS feel LS shoks —t eel jen Sa pm ol bs tewl LS dla glue ot oe cel sony che plane od tte fyle sla we gl se Gyles alae ek bi 5! fala CkS tie Bee ola 9 + sylaels yu gl tals pou be 1 opal oy me oe oth faye cone te Gb! ul -Y + syle cgay ple glbl oe! tals ya aig Glbl yl A e syle gut Glbl et tel LS ySoh oss 1 wel ja bay OSOL ase Teel sly Sa yoe be als oe cel glyed Sc oy DIALOGUE FOUR (translation) 1, Where 4s my book? Your book is on (the) table. 1. Where 4s his book? His book 48 also on (the) table. 3. Where is (the) tagcher's chair? (The) teacher's chair is near (the) window. ly, How many pencil(s) (does) he have? He has only one pencil. 5» How many W68k(s) (does) Capt. Jones have? He has two book(s) « 6. (Do) you have three notebook (s)? Yes, I have three notebook (s). 7» How many vindow(s) (does) chis room havet ‘This room has four window(s). 8, How many door(s) (does) this room have? This room has one door. 9. Where is (the) eraser? (The) eraser is on (the) table. 10, How mary picture(s) are on (the) wall? (There) are five picture(s) on (the) wall. or adverbial adjective. RECOMBINATION FOUR (Spiral 3) tele clS ae Perober S 2 glue bSae yt tel LS Led lato 9. bee o ceed egy hoe oe dates ee feel yo hop oS luce seul ya chop s Slt ol soe eee eel gl date Sore ew Tce LS jee S90 Seed ge jet 599 USI CHT ‘ t ayls syyy ee glbl gl oayls sony glee gibt ST tyls yo we be glbl e yle yu ch ba L gle! tel Ls glbl sled 599 ne we eed be GI gle 697 ler Tt palueks ae b epalycbys ss b tah pe glo Sls gpl ae e wik ee ole! aac -! -t a ag -! DRILL BLOCKS FOUR (Spiral 4) * * wel jee Saye oS Vaca ghettos eel es chap ol date Teel LS Lt obs Tcl LES ces fF aw tayle Bae a! fale vie ap be toel LOLS je feel aS plan ure QUESTIONS FOUR (Spiral 5) Peer ee cls 90 tome te ol soy $f ayls ae Hoe ole mw faye oye wee Glbl ot fed pla lute 9 je chu Le Jue » ie S ceed oe jee tha pla tee tale Bs wp pall yt feel shad onl Foy Se se t syle ass glbl yl $ palo cbs wie be tuyls ys ae gblo = -t ag at 1 - bony Tomer vlogs gl bay -1t foul bs bt obs w1r Scar ghey S ol pel -1t S dashe jsp! be -10 Paseo by Maynard Oven Wane ‘A MORE RICENT THRONE OMICURES THK JEWELED PEACOCK DAIS IN OULISTAN- PALACE Scholars beleve the gracefl structure behind the Jeweled ehtrcontans pats ofthe famous Mogul royal arned to Porua In 1739 by Nadir Shah (page 320) Act the back toe cared cing a i th rable cry ati. op es evan fons of een enamel support two mepn iy wheh former monere mended 10 he Platform, there to sit cross-legged in oriental fashion, ” Lussow FIVE 2 f 7 [ewe] ae re wet) a emir k aie oo . | . ! Pa -? GF. oe 2 eee DIALOGUE FIVE (Spirals 1 and 2) Teel ypbe Le JL sole et Me ee Tabi WS yd yl pend ge ee WS yd yl pel am BS yd Ol ol ‘ ree et ie en Se Tel LS Sty ocul je ed O tel je Soy le sce iy Glee e Sul slys Sy, ee we veel sigs ea, te Pobbl bob le PT eb bas 4 10, How do you feel? DIALOGUE FIVE (translation) Very well, thank you! Are you teacher(s)? No, we are not teacher(s). Am I (a) major? No, you are not (a) major. Are you (en) officer? Yo, Tan not fan) officer. Are all of (the) officers in clase? Yo, all of (the) officers are not in cl In (the) chalk on (the) table? Wo, (the) chalk 18 not on’(the) table. Then, where 4s (the) chalk? (the) chalk is under (the) table. 1s (the) tampon (the) table? No, (the) lamp 1a not on (the) table. How many vap(s) are on (the) wall? (there) are three map(s) on (the) wall. Good-bye, gentlemen! Good-bye, sir! RECOMBINATION FIVE (Spiral 3) feel ypbp Le Jeo seul ele et he or UE eee Peele gel ys vSle apt fi ol EW x! ye ISLS oe Seyi! ples ae ete pil glizl ae ce te pil page ot opie oe ete ll ee tel date Gy LE bs -0 os ite Sy HS ew peeks bee a sel je se ee Tyo wv ee cals ee by tals ” toel LS pS dh ae A eel le jee nd OS Oh a eel LS oS ye ol lates et eel egy hoe gl dae ie t pee sbi bb lo 1+ tal) GBT bo Lae DRILL BLOCKS FIVE (Spiral 4) + peat pol Les sate odd his! 2 oe BSL on ee 0 Fe Ws ew oped ik om bee oe IS ya pl pele cht oe J eat a cele ot he ol JE ocle e ke gli! JE Peel ypbe ot Je Poel yohe lal JE QUESTIONS VIVE (Spiral 5) teal eS gel yy aes we tahas S Ls tel EW yl pe Spe be Fw dl OW yf ylo Sle Pate Weyl pool pal See jee S90 temer Se ol be xd fugly pe bs faces v SLE be pel OWS el gle boy ee ee tel sles Gay pal Feel EW gl slat bay bt WG teal ype ple Je toeloge gh Lt JE tpl yl SLE we i F ; oe ‘Tehran Trafic Mixes, American Automobiles and Trucks, Handmade Burds, Pushcerts, Bicycles, and Open Carriages ‘Vehicular confusion trcreases with the caplta’s growth es « Middle East metropolis, Taxi ae replacing ertages, Most Intersections have policemen or gts; at vome We evcry man Yor himsell” ‘The Britsh Bank of Iran and the Middie East (Iet) stands on the Maldan-l-Sepab, the city’ maln square, ~ 61 LEssom SIX Eo § P| spo Peers ‘Ker? i wr ‘tad ? Be on br tee DIALOGUE SIX (Spireis 1 and 2) Fel Gey ae Lb At wel pel ye eS tals is be -1 o pla QS ore towl jos dais 1 eel ay 5 ie AS ee t syle dove 4S gl 6 + syle dw aS ole tely dsl 0 Sale GS ew tuyle Be Kor ols -T eagle sBee al eal: S pyle Jad oe sg yla das oe feel LS 5 Bee yi A eel je by Sale xd f syle das gla ol —t o syle das gl ee $ wyly cup glylat: ala cy gliylw DIALOGUE SIX (Translation) What color 4s your book? My book 4s blue. (Do) _you have (a) brief case? Wo, I (do) not have. (a) brief case. Is (the) teacher's brief case red? No, (the) teacher's brief case is yellow. (Does) he have (a) wallet? No, be (doss):not-have (a) wallet. (Do) we have brief case(s)? Ho, we (do) not have brief case(s). (Does) Capt. Jones have cigarstte(s)? Yes, he has cigarette(s). (Do) I have (a) lightert No, you (do) not have (a) lighter. Where is (the) ash-tray? (The) ash-tray is on (the) table. (Does) that Meutenant have’ (a) lighter? Wo, he (does) not have (a) lighter. (Do) they have match(es)? No, they (do) not have match(es). RBECOMBINATIOW SIX (Spiral 3) tae sle Se aS 9 Mew bt eae Som + pals Se aS a Bee ge ee tT ayls sR oS ; sols aber glee of Saale pe dad bt eg oT pale dad oe ee Cal 5 Bow i HOW cx! oe © pale 5 Bmw nj LOW o Tel LS 5 Be xi eel eae he oe de 99 6 Ee i toel bt aS yl reve Wo foul Gy ee go 4S eel Sj cm tele ol SL se pald eal SL ck feel Gy ae Glbl xl sles eel 35 GU! get ales TLS be Joy 451+ DRILL BLOCKS SIX (Spiral 4) gale pL stale oe sa jla i Ls 0 sg yla Bt sw gle GB gly! sajla Bool opal S bee tayls Sls eel Solkl tayle Solel esl ay sheet vyle pbs olam ol eel yp oe pe tel By ae Lt te wel aj ol be feel ya ecel p Sol tel By ae Sol QUESTIONS SIX (Spiral 5) tenl By ag ie as twyle doy aS Lt tals Boe peel & te ol tel LS oS ty yle pe dad Le Basle oS we LEW xxl oe Some toot ol hoy eel Gyae s Slt gl Iw as -1 to aya day bets feel LS 6B iN tals nS 9 Be Lett foml Gy ae Ls dusty tasty plage te GUE! onl -1t tel Bry ae pla lute 9 jet 0 LESSON SEYEE PoE? | ie 6 Ve ?) 1% “ee P ‘BE ?| ae"? e872 DIALOGUE SEVEN (Spirals 1 and 2) Peel yout glee sav! eel WS ge al Favela Tee GIS ye bet eee gd oe tk fae EW yo glu SLE oe ep aen WS ys Gla Slt ame de Tel WS ys pe nl Sim pe cel GS ya pm ol ake Tem OWS yt jay ope WS yd ba oe on ete faces yl yzl gle Slt eae glad gly Sls ce toed lal Bor ihe wel tbtal gl ve $ azen yilyl te plw eaten hag gh! vb teal eS yal okas Se bch dey gd eat bay Sm teed ls Lt pln eel pat lb dle oe se -! at -Y a“ -1 1° DIALOGUE SEVER (translation “a. Is Lt, Rash in class today? Yes, be'4s in class today. - 2, Are you in class? Yes, I am in class, 3s Are all (the) students in: Clase?” Yes, all (the) students are in class, 4, Is Col, Meyer also in class? he 4s also in-tlass. 5. Are you in class every day? Yes, every day I am in class. 6. Are (the) students Iranian(s)? No, (the) students are not Iranian(s). 7. Is Pfe Jones (an) Iranian? No, he is (an) American. 8. Are (the) teachers Iranian(s)? Yes, they are Irantan(s). 9. Wh sre 4s M/Sgt.Arney? M/Sgt. Arney is in(the) school. 10, Is your teacher (a) military (man)? No, our teacher is (a) civilian. RECOMBINATION SUVER (Spiral 3) Vell SW o:l os eel hel le EW x! ye Tudeh Gaks eye oe! glu SL ates nly ole! eo Teale pm tll ped pee el gu opal lal pil ce fo amen Ep! be de eaten lal Le dae ee Tacee hh yl be opie tel beh Fame ys jy oly se FA ye jay aw oll tk feel LS ae ike eel yd Moe Sika Ta yly GI Lt joy! 8 pale eS be apd cele Scape Se yt eh a5 ol Se yl chop ate ter ghar Sum ve obey Soe om ee -! — 3 — ~Y DRILL BLOCKS savawN (Spirel 4) see pil Lt + am poll Le 0 . daee posl gltz! ogee Se Bote tee Se edges 3 SLE LS eh t paew vy SLs le ote ple gb! ety tunes ple lel 2 ele WS baa bh atk fw yle WS ja. om be 7 a j oly Sls sae We payer olty! et deem WS yd F998 Oo QUESTIONS sSzEYEYE (Spiral 5) VW ya plas jal TLS Ser oles Sp Panes bel gl Slt os Beale tla! pail eye ol ys feel bs okay S ul be tool Yb! o Sle oi S pealo pm cells le eye cx! ye T acee gars Le fate ett oly SLE ae tee alls Le ple we t wyle ae wot ye Pl Gy ee WS ! Tayler nS 5 she be tajle dad th olyee tend LS 5 Be xi 56 -! - - 11 1 a 10 TOME OF SAAD IN PUNLIC PARK NEAR CITY OF AMIRAZ Lasso yIGHT DIALOGUE EIGHT (Spirals 1 and 2) Tals jr joel oe Colas ee jy yl TomSirreeione ese ette iene Tete bSbjrsxs oleae pal janes tolsjrse les = eo elast yg lo Tete ys lt irs -2 dW eb jane oh TSH W yt ions 1 pee WS poe jae cele : Sherpa leat gy -¥ ocd jh ey de Le get Qigtely jb dye Lae A wel FL key oe Ls nae gale fd eee dey oe La at ed ey de ye aah, Tel jb ae ye Le et ele ee ye Leet oh ge 6 8) DIALOGUE BIGHT , ! (Translation) » What (a) day is today? Today is Tuesday. 2, What (a) day was yesterday? Yesterday was Monday. 3. Wnore were we yesterday? Yesterday we were at school. 4, What (a) day is tonorrow? Tomorrow is Wednesday. 5. Wore you in class yesterday? yesterday we were in class, 6. Wore you in(vhe) class yesterday? Yes, yosterday T was in class. 7. Iz (the) school open (on) Thursdays? Yes, (the) school 4s open (on) Thursdays. 8, Is (the) school open (on) Fridays? Yes, (the) school 4s open (on) Fridays, 9. Is (tha) school closed (on) Saturdays? Yes, (the) school 1s closed (on) Saturdays. 10, Is (the) school open (on) Sundays? No, (the) schocl is closed (on) Sundays. RECOMBINATION EIGHT (Spiral 3) Toe WS ys pm jon oe WS ge al Gage ete Sel GL bs Glbl any eel ee Le Glbl 6 pee © Say jh gt gl oe ote em gl Glbl gs ee aay eye sd Oly SLE Oe jane sddge eye pd QlI SLE Oe jy yee Sida cme ee Sree ote jh eee jan S ft og US Lee emer opie Meade gd on Amer thse LS ly qetee partes cen Gel Late sates Teel sire te lad z owl et glee ley ' Vojh ee ee yu jay om ec GL Lee ye fry et Teel Remy dee ye SD eel ey ee ye eh qed 6 8} -t =) _1 DRILL BLOCKS EIGHT (Spiral 4) Lp ot peor soy Lt 0 -ss : asy gly! + de lat Sa de gd yd KY con LS o- oS ys ol tras Sse GS shirt opt tea th iano fog tee pte gu le jones eceleey Gb! ye cay feel sing lb! ye sel jhe any of at foul jhegvo Lewy jr nt py ey ee pa ee Toe Spy Rey eye iret oth S Spd Qe gee FRM QUESTIONS EIGHT (Spiral 5) Tope ye jas” gl eye ot Toe WH gel yo s Sle ye ae tf Toy bs Glbl yoy we 1 Teel LS bs glbl tT uoy gl glbl ys fone bs 0 Teel bt IS ye ple 1 Tae pl EW yf gla slr -¥ Pio yy ee gue gl SLE Ul pil ee oA Tem LS LE jane ot Tow jk eae joy ate Sie LS b actny o1) Toul LS yl leaques oy Tel ey eye qt AIT Tel GL de yas qeas o16 $ ceed ate lb! Sony gu —10 LESSON. HIER “A ae) 2 2?) Be #8 8 eal e | wed ee? A, om : ad ke a et Ge? 4 ‘hq > gH? Bk who? Ok vo en? a wernt 2 DIALOGUE NINE (Spirals 1 and 2) ceed aban ae yale Lyd oem pba de ye ba eed feel eb ee ye ocd Jeb de ye Le este y le fw ye see joa ae eater jay oe feel JSte ey Boh j cee Se ea ols ee Pax oll jane wos sx olel ja ntuad of T aglytee ee ab jay te sie oe e pelatee eB jay Ge A oe Fl ytee e B pars yl geil yi owls ee Bol ew Tal ysee Gtk ae Lt cage apse yey coe ce Tal ysee el gla Sls us eal pie yb ybel we re gn -) + ot - 1 i

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