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Task 1 UNSDG Goal 2 No Hunger

What i see
● I see 3 cows
● A shepard
● Its very dry
What I think
● The shepherd is
trying to migrate to a
wetter and a place
which has more food
for the cows so that
he can make money
and feed himself and
his family
What I wonder
● I wonder why that place is
so dry
● I wonder where he is going
● Why might this Goal of Zero Hunger matter to me?
Ans- i want to contribute to the people that are helping people who
are not getting food ,by giving them food.
● Why might it matter to people around me? (Family, friends,
community, nation)
Ans - They should also want to contribute in helping people who
are not getting food
Why might it matter to the world?
It isn’t fair that some people in our world aren’t getting food and
others are getting a lot of food and even wasting it , it isn’t fair is it.

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