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In connection with ................M.Sc Semester III............Examination, 2018.... Subject....Chemistry......Paper……

304……..give the copyright of the manuscript to Vidyasagar University. The paper has been set in conformity with
the syllabus.
Paper Setter
Write the answers to Questions of each/Half/Part/Group in separate books wherever necessary
Year of Examination........ 2018 ...............
Subject................. Chemistry (CBCS)............
Paper..... 304 ....../Half/Part/Group.............
Full Marks...... 40 ......Exam. hours........ 2 hours.......

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. Illustrate
the answer whenever necessary
Sl.No Questions Marks
1. Answer any four question.

a. What do you mean by Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics?

b. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Enteral Drug?

c. What do you mean by drug elimination and drug tolerance?

d. 2x4
Define Agonist drugs and antagonist drug?
How analgesic drugs removes the pain from our body?
Define electrolytic and immunibiologic agent.
Mention some side effects of Corticosteroids drugs.
What do you mean by ADME?
Answer any four question.

Describe the life cycle and transmission cycle of the malaria parasite.
b. 4x4
Name some symptoms of p. vivax P. malariae infections.

Paper-setter and moderators are requested not to disclose their identities by putting Signature or initials within the question box.

Paper setter....................................................... Moderator.....................................................

Reference to Text etc.

All paper-setter specially those of literature, Language etc. must give (a) Internal....................................................
Page reference of passage etc. quoted in the questions here under.

(1) (b) External...................................................

Sl.No Questions Marks

c. Classify the anti-malarial drugs and explain the mechanism

of action of chloroquine.

Give example sedative drugs. State briefly the the clinical
e. use of sedative drugs.
Point out the clinical use and adverse effects of Barbiturates.
Explain the mechanism of Benzodiazepines as sedative
drugs Point out some side effects of Benzodiazepines.
How aspirin is treated for pushing inflammation?

h. How receptor molecule accept the drug.

Answer any two question

a. How drug is absorbed in the living system. Describe the
different path way with reference to specific drugs.
What are the condition that impair thyroid function?
Mention some symptoms of goiter. How Hyperthyroidism is
b. treated?

How Vitamin –A is responsible for providing good vision?

What are the symptoms of deficiency and toxicity of

Describe briefly the role of vit-C in our body. What are the
symptoms of Vit-c deficiency? how does Vit-c acts as anti
oxidant and pro-oxidant?

Paper-setter and moderators are requested not to disclose their identities by putting Signature or initials within the question box.

Paper setter....................................................... Moderator.....................................................

Reference to Text etc.

All paper-setter specially those of literature, Language etc. must give (a) Internal....................................................
Page reference of passage etc. quoted in the questions here under.

(1) (b) External...................................................


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