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Received: 14 February 2017    Accepted: 14 July 2017

DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.12976


Planting accelerates restoration of tropical forest but assembly

mechanisms appear insensitive to initial composition

Lanping Li1,2,3 | Marc W. Cadotte2,4  | Cristina Martínez-Garza5  | 

Marinés de la Peña-Domene5  | Guozhen Du3

State Key Laboratory of Plateau Ecology
and Agriculture, College of Agriculture and Abstract
Animal Husbandry, Qinghai University, Xining, 1. Central to the success of restoration is how applied activities influence community
Qinghai, China
assembly mechanisms. Phylogenetic and trait-based approaches to community
Biological Sciences, University of Toronto-
Scarborough & Ecology and Evolutionary ecology are increasingly being used to test for non-random community assembly
Biology, University of Toronto, Toronto,
and are now being applied to assessments of habitat restoration. A critical question
Ontario, Canada
3 for the restoration of tropical forests is how plantings influence the recruitment of
State Key Laboratory of Grassland
Agroecosystems, School of Life Sciences, new species, and specifically the phylogenetic and functional diversity of restored
Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, Gansu, China
State Key Laboratory of Biocontrol, Key
Laboratory of Biodiversity Dynamics 2. We examined 8 years (2006–2014) of tropical-forest recruitment in two restora-
and Conservation of Guangdong, Higher tion planting compositions (12 animal-dispersed and 12 wind-dispersed tree spe-
Education Institutes, College of Ecology and
Evolution, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, cies), with a control (no planting) in 24 plots in Los Tuxtlas, Mexico. Specifically, we
China assessed the influence of plantings on newly arriving individuals’ phylogenetic,
Centro de Investigación en Biodiversidad functional, taxonomic diversity, abundance and the change of these measures
y Conservación, Universidad Autónoma del
Estado de Morelos, Cuernavaca, Morelos, ­during early succession.
Mexico 3. The recruiting individuals’ phylogenetic, functional, taxonomic diversity and abun-
dance increased through succession. Both animal-dispersed planting and wind-
Marc W. Cadotte dispersed planting appeared to accelerate forest succession more than controls
(natural succession), and diversity in the animal-dispersed plantings was marginally
Funding information higher after 8 years. We did not find any difference in recruiting individuals’ phylo-
TD Bank; Division of Environmental Biology,
genetic and functional dispersion (measured as standardized effect sizes) in any
Grant/Award Number: 0516259; University
of Illinois at Chicago; Universidad Autónoma given year, or when measured as turnover between successive pairs of years,
del Estado de Morelos (UAEM); NSF, Grant/
measuring planting composition and control plots.
Award Number: 0516259; Canada Foundation
for Innovation; Ontario Research Fund; 4. Recruiting individuals were phylogenetically clustered during early forest restora-
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research
tion regardless of treatment. At the same time, the recruits transitioned from ap-
Council of Canada, Grant/Award Number:
386151; International Science & Technology pearing randomly constructed to clustering according to functional traits, which
Cooperation Program of China, Grant/Award
suggests an increase in recruits’ functional similarity during early succession.
Number: 2015DFG31870
5. Synthesis and applications. Both the animal and wind-dispersed plantings acceler-
ated the increase of recruiting individuals’ phylogenetic, functional, taxonomic di-
versity and abundance during early succession. However, planting treatment did
not appear to alter community assembly mechanisms of recruiting individuals. Our
findings support restoration planting by showing that planting trees with animal
dispersal syndrome could accelerate forest restoration more than unassisted forest
regeneration. Furthermore, communities appeared to be phylogenetically and

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© 2017 The Authors. Journal of Applied Ecology J Appl Ecol. 2018;55:986–996.
© 2017 British Ecological Society
LI et al. Journal of Applied Ecology |

functionally clustered during early succession regardless of initial planted composi-

tion. Thus, while overall diversity increased with planting, if a restoration goal is to
maximize phylogenetic or functional dispersion, the planting composition tested did
not provide means to achieve this goal, at least during early succession.

community assembly, deterministic processes, forest regeneration, functional diversity,
phylogenetic diversity, planting, restoration ecology

1 | INTRODUCTION Functional and phylogenetic measures can also provide insights

into the relative importance of deterministic (Levine & HilleRisLambers,
Planting of young trees is a well-­known strategy to accelerate forest 2009) and stochastic (Hubbell, 2001) processes that influence com-
recovery (de la Peña-­Domene, Martínez-­Garza, & Howe, 2013; Lamb, munity assembly. Deterministic or non-­random functional or phyloge-
Erskine, & Parrotta, 2005). Plantings may ameliorate local microcli- netic patterns are generally thought to result from abiotic and biotic
matic conditions to enhance growth and survival of recruits, improve filters. Specifically, abiotic filters promote the co-­occurrence of similar
the availability of soil resources that favour further recruitment (Roa-­ species (functional or phylogenetic clustering), and biotic filters (e.g.
Fuentes, Martínez-­Garza, Etchevers, & Campo, 2015), attract animal interspecific competition) result in the co-­occurrence of dissimilar
seed dispersal vectors (Reid, Holl, & Zahawi, 2015; Wunderle, 1997), species (functional or phylogenetic overdispersion; Cavender-­Bares,
and might protect new recruits from grazing (de la Peña-­Domene, Kozak, Fine, & Kembel, 2009; Vandermeer, 1972; Webb, Ackerly,
Martínez-­Garza, Palmas-­Pérez, Rivas-­Alonso, & Howe, 2014; Padilla McPeek, & Donoghue, 2002). However, linking patterns to mecha-
& Pugnaire, 2006). It is well known that the selection of species for nisms is notoriously complicated (Cadotte & Tucker, 2017; Kraft et al.,
restoration planting has important repercussions for further forest 2015; Mayfield & Levine, 2010). For example, competitive exclusion
succession and recovery (de la Peña-­Domene et al., 2013). To try to could also drive phylogenetic and functional clustering, by excluding
maximize restoration success and to achieve certain goals, restoration related or functional similar species with low competitive abilities
ecologists make decisions about the type of species to be transplanted (Mayfield & Levine, 2010). Stochastic processes including unpredict-
and the initial diversity and spatial patterning. For example, studies able disturbance, dispersal limitation and stochastic demography pre-
have shown that the planting native vs. exotic species (Lugo, 1997), dict no consistent pattern of co-­occurring species (Chase & Myers,
the use of nurse species (Gómez-­Aparicio et al., 2004) and including 2011; Zhou & Zhang, 2008). Detecting these patterns matters for
late-­successional species (Martínez-­Garza & Howe, 2003) all influence restoration because goals, such as maximizing diversity, are highly de-
restoration outcomes. Also, different planting methods or composi- pendent on the dominant mechanism and how we measure diversity.
tions have been used, such as establishing monocultures, mixed plant- Most previous studies have found that phylogenetic or functional
ings (Lugo, 1997), to start with uniformly planted distribution or to clustering decreases as succession proceeds (Letcher et al., 2012;
have plantings in aggregations (Holl, Zahawi, Cole, Ostertag, & Cordell, Letten, Keith, & Tozer, 2014; Li et al., 2015; Mo, Shi, Zhang, Zhu, & Slik,
2011). Traditionally, restoration success has been assessed with tax- 2013; Norden, Letcher, Boukili, Swenson, & Chazdon, 2011; Purschke
onomic diversity, but increasingly, restoration goals have expanded et al., 2013; Whitfeld, Kress, Erickson, & Weiblen, 2012). This suggests
to include other ecosystem properties and measures of biodiversity, that either abiotic filters select for similar species or, perhaps more
including phylogenetic and trait-­based measures (Barber et al., 2017; appropriately, similar species having correlated fitness responses to
Cadotte, Carscadden, & Mirotchnick, 2011; Hipp et al., 2015). environmental conditions during early succession (Cadotte & Tucker,
Functional traits have been used to predict species performance in 2017). However, some studies have observed the opposite succes-
forest restoration (Guzmán-­Luna & Martínez-Garza, 2016; Martínez-­ sion pattern, with overdispersion in the Neotropics (Letcher, 2010) or
Garza, Bongers, & Poorter, 2013; Martínez-­Garza, Peña, Ricker, random patterns in desert ecosystems during early succession (Verdú,
Campos, & Howe, 2005), but often within the context of taxonomic Rey, Alcántara, Siles, & Valiente-­Banuet, 2009). Furthermore, most of
restoration goals and measures that focus on the recruitment rate of the previous studies used chronosequence comparisons of different
species or individuals (taxonomic diversity). Forest restoration goals successional states rather than succession within a longitudinal study
have expanded to include the restoration of ecosystem function and of a single plot through time, and the lack of time series can result in
services, and so functional and phylogenetic measures are thought incorrect inferences of mechanisms (Li et al., 2015). Here, we traced
to better represent community resource use and overall contribution the changes in the phylogenetic and functional diversity of commu-
to ecosystem function (Aerts & Honnay, 2011; Mori, Lertzman, & nities undergoing restoration and the recruiting species over 8 years
Gustafsson, 2017). Thus, to assess multiple restoration goals, multi- and assessed the influence of initial planting composition on tropical-­
faceted measures of biodiversity need to be investigated. rainforest restoration.
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In this paper, our goal was to examine how transplanted species (1) if there is any influence of composition of plantings on commu-
influence phylogenetic and functional diversity of recruited commu- nity phylogenetic or functional diversity (with and without plantings)
nities and to determine if the composition of plantings influences during early succession; (2) if plantings alter the observed dominant
community assembly mechanisms during early succession. If plant- pattern (e.g. from clustered to overdispersed) of the recruiting individ-
ings alleviate abiotic filters (e.g. facilitation) for recruiting species or uals and the restoration communities (all individuals), and (3) if plant-
increase seed dispersal, there should be more co-­occurring recruits in ings influence the functional and phylogenetic turnover over time.
the plots with plantings. How these effects could influence phyloge- We predict that plantings might accelerate the restoration of forest
netic and functional patterns of the recruits and communities under- communities in terms of species richness (SR) compared to natural
going restoration depends on the dominant structuring mechanism. succession, but we do not have specific predictions about the influ-
If the availability of soil resources is improved by plantings and local ence of plantings on the observed dominant structuring mechanism of
resource competition for recruits is alleviated, then we should expect recruiting individuals.
less phylogenetic or functional overdispersion of recruiting species.
Conversely, if the environment selects for species possessing similar
traits during early succession, then plantings, which alleviate abiotic
stress, might reduce clustering of recruits. However, plantings may
2.1 | Study site
also strengthen phylogenetic or functional clustering and slow the
phylogenetic or functional turnover of recruiting species due to nega- This study was conducted in pastures close to the Los Tuxtlas
tive interspecific interactions (e.g. size-­asymmetric light competition) Biological Station, part of the Los Tuxtlas Biosphere Reserve, Veracruz,
or by reproducing large numbers of offspring. Mexico (18°05′N and 18°45′N; 94°35′W and 95°30′W; see Figure 1
Using 8 years of recruitment data from plots planted with 12 for study location). The reserve harbours a tropical moist evergreen
animal-­dispersed tree species, 12 wind-­dispersed tree species, or un- forest and mean annual rainfall at the station (measured from 1997
planted controls (natural succession) in Los Tuxtlas, Mexico, we ask: to 2007) was 4,275 ± 404 mm, with a dry season from March to May.
The soil is sandy loam originating from basalt and andesite mixed with
volcanic ash; the texture is mainly clay (48.5%) with an acidic pH (4.9;
González-­Soriano, Dirzo, & Vogt, 1997). Forest at the site was cleared
more than 30 years ago and the remaining vegetation was burned,
and corn was planted for one season together with native (Axonopus
compressus and Paspalum conjugatum) and exotic (Cynodon dactylon,
Brachiaria brizantha, Brachiaria decumbens and Panicum spp.) grasses.
The current pastures are under intensive cattle ranching and manage-
ment; cutting, use of herbicide or fire is applied to eliminate all natural
forest regeneration. We used a list of 400 woody species as the pool
of candidate species for this research based on previous studies of the
forest reserve next to the research site (Bongers, Popma, del Castillo,
& Carabias, 1988; de la Peña-­Domene et al., 2013; Martínez-­Garza &
González-­Montagut, 1999).

2.2 | Experimental design
The experimental design is described in detail in de la Peña-­Domene
et al. (2013), but briefly, 24 fenced 30 × 30 m plots separated by 35 m
of active cattle pasture arranged in a 3 × 8 grid were established in
2006. Eight plots were planted with 12 native animal-­dispersed tree
species, and eight plots with 12 native wind-­dispersed tree species.
A total of 144 seedlings (12 seedlings per species) were planted at a
F I G U R E   1   Experimental design of 24 30 × 30m restoration plots
arranged in a 8 × 3 grid within a 12-­ha pasture at Los Tuxtlas, Mexico. spacing distance of 2 × 2 m. Seedlings were 4–7 months old at plant-
Vegetation at the plots is shown for three different years (2003, ing. Eight unplanted plots were left as fenced controls for natural
2012 and 2014). Plots marked with green were planted with animal-­ succession to take place. To alleviate the negative effects of com-
dispersed species, plots marked with blue were planted with wind-­ petition with grasses, vegetation within 50 cm of planted seedlings
dispersed species and plots marked with red were left unplanted.
was removed until saplings were taller than surrounding grass (about
Distances from the plots to the closest vegetation forest and the
1.5 m high). Within each plot, individuals of all species were planted
University Reserve are drawn in straight lines from the corners of the
grid to the forest patches. All digital images were taken from Google in mixed stands in a highly regular arrangement to maximize the dis-
Earth, access date: 1/17/2017 tance between individuals of the same species. Recruits >10 cm high
LI et al. Journal of Applied Ecology |

(both trees and shrubs) were recorded 1–3 times every year from transform the phylogeny to an ultrametric tree using the r package ape
2007 to 2014. The census data in May, June or July (except for 2014, (Paradis, Claude, & Strimmer, 2004).
when census was in January) were used to estimate species’ yearly
2.5 | Phylogenetic, functional and taxonomic
2.3 | Functional traits
We used Faith’s PD to measure the phylogenetic diversity and
In this study, we used seven continuous functional traits for species Petchey and Gaston’s FD to measure the functional diversity for
observed during succession: maximum plant height, maximum diam- recruiting individuals and all individuals (recruits and transplants)
eter at breast height (DBH), maximum canopy cover, leaf area (LA), in each plot. Faith’s PD is defined as the sum of the branch lengths
leaf mass per unit area (LMA), leaf dry matter content (LDMC) and of the phylogeny connecting all species in a plot (Faith, 1992), and
seed mass; and three categorical functional traits: growth form, seed Petchey and Gaston’s FD is defined as the sum of the branch length
dispersal mechanism and successional status for our analysis. All trait in a trait dendrogram connecting all species in a plot (Petchey &
data were obtained from previous studies in this system (Guzmán-­ Gaston, 2002).
Luna & Martínez-Garza, 2016; Martínez-­Garza, Bongers et al., 2013; We used the standardized effect size of the observed mean pairwise
Martínez-­Garza, Tobon, Campo, & Howe, 2013) and the TRY data- phylogenetic distance (SES.MPD) and mean nearest phylogenetic taxon
base (Kattge et al., 2011). Few species’ traits were obtained from distance (SES.MNTD) among species to evaluate the phylogenetic
congeneric relatives (genus level) which included two species’ maxi- local dispersion of recruiting individuals and all individuals in each plot
mum DBH and maximum canopy cover, three species’ maximum plant (Cadotte & Davies, 2016). Positive standardized effect sizes indicate a
height and LDMC, five species’ seed mass, six species’ LA and eight higher observed value than expected and are referred to as overdis-
species’ LMA. Growth form was coded with two levels (shrub and persed, and negative values indicate a lower observed value than ex-
tree), seed dispersal with two levels (animal and wind) and succes- pected, representing clustering (Cadotte & Davies, 2016; Webb et al.,
sional status with two levels (pioneers and non-­pioneers). The seven 2002). We used three commonly employed null models in our analysis:
functional traits were chosen to represent species multidimensional null model 0: shuffle species labels across distance matrix; null model 1:
functions associated with competitive ability, resource allocation, dis- randomize community matrix by drawing species from species pool; null
persal ability, and successional strategy (Cornelissen et al., 2003). We model 2: randomize community matrix by drawing species from phylog-
used Gower’s distance (Gower, 1971), which allows for missing data eny or trait dendrogram pool (Cadotte & Davies, 2016). Compared with
and categorical data in quantifying distances, to generate a functional null model 1, null models 0 and 2 may focus on the chance that species
distance matrix that represented the functional similarity between occur in a community, and null model 1 better captures interspecific in-
species. In order to apply the analytical methods, we constructed a teractions in communities. The null models returned qualitatively similar
functional trait dendrogram to serve as an analogue to a phyloge- results and so null model 1 is ­reported in the text.
netic tree by using the Gower distance matrix and UPGMA clustering Identical measures were applied to explore functional local dis-
(Petchey & Gaston, 2002). persion of recruiting individuals and all individuals in each plot using
the trait dendrogram. The analogous standardized effect sizes of
functional local dispersion were termed SES.MFD for the mean pair-
2.4 | Community phylogeny
wise functional distance and SES.MNFD for the mean nearest taxon
We collected three sequences from GenBank: two plastid DNA functional distance (e.g. Li et al., 2015). We calculated the SES.MPD,
genes (rbcL and matK) and one nuclear DNA gene (ITS, contain- SES.MNTD, SES.MFD and SES.MNFD for recruiting individuals and
ing ITS1, 5.8s and ITS2) for 400 species representing the regional all individuals in each plot in every year; all dispersion metrics were
species pool for phylogenetic analyses. Of the 400 species, 232 abundance weighted.
had at least one gene represented in GenBank and we used the To assess the phylogenetic and functional turnover during early
sequences from congeneric relatives as proxies for the remaining succession, we calculated phylogenetic and functional dissimilar-
168 species. From the 168 species, 10 species were only identi- ity between the recruiting species in pairs of plots sampled over
fied to the genus level. We also used two species representative different ages with two metrics. The first metric is a calculation
of early diverging in seed plant evolution—Amborella trichopoda of the mean pairwise phylogenetic (βMPD) and functional (βMFD)
and Cycas revoluta—to serve as outgroup species. Concatenated distance between communities, and the second metric is a cal-
sequences were aligned using MUSCLE (Edgar, 2004) and the best culation of mean nearest taxon phylogenetic (βMNTD) and func-
nucleotide substitution model (GTR+G+I) was identified using tional (βMNFD) distance between communities (Cadotte & Davies,
jModeltest (Posada, 2008). 2016). The turnover metrics of βMPD (or βMFD) and βMNTD (or
We generated a maximum likelihood phylogeny using PHYML with βMNFD) represent a basal and terminal dispersion of the assem-
a BIONJ starting tree (Guindon & Gascuel, 2003). Nodal support was blage, respectively (Swenson et al., 2012). And we focused on the
estimated using approximate likelihood-­ratio test scores, and a semi- standardized effect size of these metrics (SES.βMPD, SES.βMNTD,
parametric rate-­smoothing method (Sanderson, 2002) was applied to SES.Βmfd and SES.βMNFD) which provides us with phylogenetic
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and functional turnover dispersion. We also used SR and the abun- difference of recruits’ diversities (phylogenetic, functional and taxo-
dance of recruiting individuals to describe the taxonomic local di- nomic diversity) and abundance among plantings plots and control
versity and the recruitment dynamics for each plot. Recruitment plots increased through time and in the eighth year they were max-
data overlap with de la Peña-­Domene et al. (2013, 2014). All the imally different (Figure 2). The abundance of recruits in the animal-­
analyses were performed using the Picante r package (Kembel dispersed plantings was two times and four times greater than in the
et al., 2010) in the r environment ( wind-­dispersed plantings and control plots, respectively (Figure 2d).

2.6 | Statistical analysis 3.2 | Phylogenetic and functional dispersion during

early succession
We used mixed effects models to evaluate the effect of planting
and succession time on recruiting individuals’ phylogenetic, func- The model containing only succession time was the best predictor
tional, taxonomic diversity and abundance using lmerTest package of community phylogenetic dispersion (SES.MPD and SES.MNTD;
(Bates, Maechler, Bolker, & Walker, 2014; Kuznetsova, Brockhoff, & Table 1). The model including both linear and quadratic terms of suc-
Christensen, 2016) in r. Treatment (plots containing animal-­dispersed cession time was the best predictor of functional local dispersion (SES.
tree species, wind-­dispersed tree species and control plots) and suc- MFD and SES.MNFD; Table 1), which suggested that treatment was
cession time (entered as a linear or quadratic term) were used as fixed not an effective explanation for variation in recruits’ phylogenetic and
factors and the eight plots nested within each treatment were con- functional local dispersion. The values of SES.MPD and SES.MNTD
sidered as random effects. The best-­fit model and second-­fit model ranged from −0.084 to −1.320 and −0.077 to −0.910, respectively
were selected based on Akaike’s information criterion (AIC) among (Figure 3a,b), indicating a consistently clustered phylogenetic pat-
models including intercept only, treatment and succession time alone, tern. The influence of succession time on phylogenetic local disper-
together, and their interaction. We calculated the delta AIC between sion (SES.MPD and SES.MNTD) of recruiting individuals was quite
the best-­fit model and second-­fit model; only the details of the best-­ weak (Figure 3a,b, Table S2). While the functional local dispersion
fit model are shown in the results. (SES.MFD and SES.MNFD) significantly changed through time: the
values of SES.MFD decreased from 0.655 to −1.206 and SES.MNFD
decreased from 0.741 to −0.792, which indicates that functional
clustering became stronger during early succession (Figure 3c,d). The
results of phylogenetic clustering during early succession and increas-
3.1 | The change in community diversity during early
ing functional clustering were consistent across different null models
(Figures S1 and S2).
The model that included treatment (control and the two planting com- In contrast to the phylogenetic and functional local dispersion
positions), succession time and their interactive effects was the best at of the recruits, we found that phylogenetic and functional local dis-
explaining variation in phylogenetic, functional, taxonomic diversities persion of all individuals (which includes both recruits and plantings)
and also the abundance of recruiting individuals (Table 1). The meas- were significantly affected by treatment and the interaction of time
ures of recruits’ diversity increased over time (Figure 2, Table S1). The and treatment (except the SES.MNTD of all individuals in plots with

T A B L E   1   Best-­fit models and the second-­fit models that model the effect of treatment and succession time on recruiting individuals’
phylogenetic, functional, taxonomic diversity and abundance identified based on Akaike’s information criterion (AIC) through linear mixed
effects models. Treatment (plots with animal-­dispersed species, wind-­dispersed species, and no-­transplant control plots) and succession time
were used as fixed factors and the eight plots nested within each treatment were considered as random effects

Best-­fit model Second-­fit model Delta AIC Figure

PD ~Treatment + Time + Treatment * Time + (1|Plot) ~Time + Time + (1|Plot) 2.244 Figure 2a
FD ~Treatment + Time + Treatment * Time + (1|Plot) ~Time + (1|Plot) 4.575 Figure 2c
SR ~Treatment + Time + Treatment * Time + (1|Plot) ~Time + Time + (1|Plot) 3.06 Figure 2b
Individual ~Treatment + Time + Treatment * Time + (1|Plot) ~Time + Time2 + (1|Plot) 2.468 Figure 2d
SES.MPD ~Time + (1|Plot) ~Treatment + Time + (1|Plot) 0.689 Figure 3a
SES.MNTD ~Time + (1|Plot) ~Treatment + Time + (1|Plot) 0.808 Figure 3b
SES.MFD ~Time + Time + (1|Plot) ~Time + (1|Plot) 6.980 Figure 3c
SES.MNFD ~Time + Time2 + (1|Plot) ~Time + (1|Plot) 0.687 Figure 3d
SES. βMPD ~1 + (1|Plot) ~Treatment + (1|Plot) 1.017 Figure 5a
SES. βMNTD ~1 + (1|Plot) ~Treatment + (1|Plot) 0.683 Figure 5b
SES. βMFD ~Time + Time + (1|Plot) ~Treatment + (1|Plot) 1.367 Figure 5c
SES. βMNFD ~1 + (1|Plot) ~ Time + (1|Plot) 0.112 Figure 5d
LI et al. Journal of Applied Ecology|

(a) (b)


(c) (d)


F I G U R E   2   Phylogenetic (PD), functional

(FD), taxonomic diversity (SR) and
abundance for recruiting individuals in plots
with animal-­dispersed plantings (red), wind-­
dispersed plantings (black) and unplanted
control plots (grey) through 8 years. Bars
represent means ±SE Year Year

(a) (b)


(c) (d)

F I G U R E   3   Phylogenetic and functional

local dispersion for recruiting individuals
in plots with animal-­dispersed plantings
(red), wind-­dispersed plantings (black) and
unplanted control plots (grey) through
8 years. Bars represent means ±SE Year Year
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992       LI et al.

animal-­dispersed trees, Table S3, Figure 4). The influence of succes- structuring early forest succession create functionally and phylogenet-
sion time on the phylogenetic and functional local dispersion for all ically clustered communities regardless of planting regime.
individuals was also weak (Table S3). The SES.MPD of all individuals in
plots with plantings (both animal-­and wind-­dispersed trees) was much
4.1 | The influence of succession time and
more clustered than the control plots (Figure 4a). For SES.MNTD, only
transplanted species on forest restoration
plots with wind-­dispersed trees were more clustered than control
plots (Figure 4b). The functional local dispersion (SES.MFD and SES. The recruits’ phylogenetic, functional, and taxonomic diversity, as well
MNFD) confirmed that all individuals in both plantings (including both as abundance, all increased over time and this result was consistent
planted and recruiting individuals) were more clustered than individu- with previous studies (de la Peña-­Domene et al., 2013; Purschke et al.,
als found in the control plots (Figure 4c,d). 2013). Both animal-­dispersed and wind-­dispersed species plantings
accelerated forest restoration. From these results (e.g. Figure 2), there
appears to be a lag, taking between 3 and 4 years for these increases
3.3 | Phylogenetic and functional turnover
to be observed. This seems reasonable as the influence of the trans-
dispersion during early succession
planted species and early colonists on local environmental conditions
The phylogenetic turnover dispersion (SES.βMPD and SES.βMNTD) of and soil properties should increase over time; also, early successional
recruiting species across all plots was below 0 (Figure 5a,b), indicat- transplants and recruits started to reproduce after 3–4 years. For ex-
ing lower turnover than expected, and there was no significant dif- ample, 4 years after planting, 12 transplants from five species were
ference between plantings and control plots (Table 1, Table S2). The reproducing, whereas 1 year later, 67 transplants from 11 tree species
functional turnover dispersion (SES.βMPD and SES.βMNTD) for the were reproducing. As these different aspects of biodiversity increase,
recruiting species appeared random (no significant trends) and they we should also expect this restored forest to provide more ecosys-
also did not differ among treatments (Figure 5c,d; Table S2), though tem services (Cadotte et al., 2011; Srivastava, Cadotte, MacDonald,
SES.βMFD appears to show a negative trend for the animal dispersed Marushia, & Mirotchnick, 2012). For example, flower resources for
and control plots and the wind-­dispersed treatment was temporally pollinators, reduced soil erosion and, in general, habitat for many
quite dynamic. animals.

4.2 | Mechanisms driving early succession produce

clustered communities
We found that recruiting species phylogenetic, functional, taxonomic Despite the overall increase in diversity (Figure 2), the recruiting in-
diversities and abundance increased as succession unfolded and dividuals were more related to each other than expected from ran-
plantings accelerated the increases of these measures. The recruits’ dom assembly during early succession (Figure 3a,b). Previous studies
phylogenetic local dispersion changed little over the first 8 years of have also shown that early successional communities tend to be com-
succession, but the functional local dispersion transitioned from ap- posed of ecological similar or closely related species (Letcher et al.,
pearing random to being clustered. This result implies the trend of 2012; Li et al., 2015; Mo et al., 2013; Norden et al., 2011; Purschke
recruits to be functional similar during early tropical-­forest restoration et al., 2013; Whitfeld et al., 2012). In contrast, we observed in-
which might shape further community structure. creased functional clustering of recruiting individuals after the fourth
Plantings did not affect the recruits’ phylogenetic and functional successional year (Figure 3c,d), suggesting that early successional
local and turnover dispersion; and the recruits’ phylogenetic and func- communities’ recruits increased in functional similarity—a result also
tional turnover dispersion did not significantly change during the first observed in a longitudinal study of forest succession in temperate
8 years of succession. While the phylogenetic and functional diver- deciduous forests (Li et al., 2015). This result might be caused by the
sity of all individuals in each plot (including transplanted species) were extinction of recruits that are functionally dissimilar to the species
significantly influenced by transplanted species themselves: when we present in these plots (presumably increasing size-­asymmetric light
look at both recruiting and transplanted species, the phylogenetic competition, ill-­suited to local conditions or selective predation) or
and functional local dispersion in those plots were much more clus- more colonization of tree species that are functionally similar to the
tered than in control plots (except the SES.MNTD of all individuals in residents (Li et al., 2015). In the first 4 years, the functional local dis-
plantings of animal-­dispersed species). Here, we uniquely addressed persion of recruiting individuals was quite random and then changed
the influence of planting composition on recruits’ phylogenetic and to being clustered. These results imply that either stochastic pro-
functional diversity, which may help us understand the mechanisms cesses might play a more important role during the first few succes-
structuring community composition during early forest restoration. sional years or these long-­lived species require several years for the
These results can help temper the expectations about diversity change assembly mechanisms to be observed.
in forest restoration, and that while choosing species mixes that can We did not find an influence of planting composition on the re-
accelerate forest restoration rate, functional and phylogenetic dis- cruits’ phylogenetic and functional local dispersion which might sug-
persion might not be greatly affected. We posit that the mechanisms gest that planting composition did not affect the mechanisms that
LI et al. Journal of Applied Ecology|

(a) (b)



F I G U R E   4   Phylogenetic and functional
local dispersion for all individuals in plots
with animal-­dispersed plantings (red), wind-­
dispersed plantings (black) and unplanted
control plots (grey) through 8 years. Bars
represent means ±SE Year Year

(a) (b)


(c) (d)


F I G U R E   5   Phylogenetic and functional

turnover dispersion for recruiting
individuals in pairs of plots with animal-­
dispersed plantings (red), wind-­dispersed
plantings (black) and unplanted control
plots (grey) through 8 years. Bars represent
means ±SE Year Year
| Journal of Applied Ecology
994       LI et al.

structure community composition during this early tropical-­forest Minimal restoration intervention includes actions to remove
restoration. An alternative is that recruits produced by plantings chronic disturbance so natural succession may take place; this is also
drive phylogenetic and functional clustering, but it is impossible for referred to as “passive” restoration (Zahawi, Reid, & Holl, 2014) or un-
us to distinguish between locally produced recruits and those origi- assisted forest regeneration (Chazdon & Guariguata, 2016); whereas
nating from the primary forest. The potential effect of local recruits maximal intervention (Guzmán-­Luna & Martínez-Garza, 2016), also
strengthened over time, from the five species recorded reproducing called assisted succession (Chazdon & Guariguata, 2016), involves
4 years after planting, only one species was recorded as a recruit, but restoration plantings. Minimal intervention is suggested for land-
by 2014, four of the species transplanted were recorded as recruits. scapes with existing seed sources and resulting communities should
Despite that there were more recruits in the plots with plantings, their ultimately resemble the original communities (Latawiec et al., 2016);
phylogenetic and functional local and turnover dispersion were not this approach is cheaper and is therefore easier to implement at larger
different from those recorded in the plots under natural succession. It scales (Chazdon & Guariguata, 2016), although some hidden costs
may be because the species of seeds dispersed by both animals and have been identified (Zahawi et al., 2014). On the other hand, even
wind were similar to the species that dispersed to plots under natural when restoration plantings are expensive, they may decrease spe-
succession, even though there were more seeds and species falling cies loss (Martínez-­Garza & Howe, 2003) by favouring the establish-
in the plantings (see Popoca-­Ortega, 2016). Regardless, the ability to ment of vulnerable tree species (de la Peña-­Domene, Minor, & Howe,
accelerate forest restoration might depend on the increase of seed 2016). Further, when diverse initial compositions are used, restored
dispersal by fruit-­eating animals (de la Peña-­Domene et al., 2014), the areas may better reflect the natural diversity and variability observed
recruits produced by the plantings and the increased survival rate of in original communities (Howe & Martinez-­Garza, 2014). Our study
new recruits. reveals that the influence of transplanted species on tropical-­forest
We observed a discrepancy between phylogenetic and functional restoration success depends on how success is defined, thus on the
turnover patterns and the mismatch is not surprising given that there restoration goals. Even though the planting compositions tested did
are not strong phylogenetic signals in the seven continuous traits not increase phylogenetic or functional dispersion of these early suc-
(Table S4). Phylogenetic turnover was slower than that expected, but cessional assemblages, diversities in the animal-­dispersed plantings
functional turnover was no different than random expectations. The are greater than other plantings and natural succession. Therefore,
low phylogenetic turnover might imply the limitation of colonists or restoration plantings resulted in faster increases in the different diver-
the importance of long-­lived species in community assembly during sity measurements.
restoration. If the plantings survive and limit new recruitment, or if the Moreover, in most plots with plantings, all individuals appeared to
recruits are generally closely related to the earlier recruits, then we be phylogenetically and functionally clustered relative to what is ex-
should expect that the phylogenetic turnover will be low. While the pected from the neighbouring intact forest, with no apparent shifts in
new recruits’ functional turnover was random, they remained function- the dominant structuring mechanism. This is likely caused by the short
ally clustered, and we should expect the community pattern to change timeframe of the study, the species selected for planting, and the fact
only if turnover was non-­random (Li et al., 2016). Consistent with the that the dominant dispersal mechanism selected a clustered subset of
result of recruits’ phylogenetic and functional local dispersal, there was species from the regional species pool.
no difference in the recruits’ phylogenetic and functional turnover dis- Maximizing diversity is one approach to enhancing ecosystem
persal between the plantings and control plots. These results serve as a function, and it is possible to achieve desired ecological services by
reminder of the complex nature of community assembly and difficulty selecting appropriate assemblages (Lamb et al., 2005) since trans-
in uncovering the mechanisms that maximize functional and phyloge- planted species will shape the restoration community during early
netic diversity (Grman, Bassett, & Brudvig, 2013; Letten et al., 2014). succession. For example, practitioners can transplant fast growing
seedlings to supply certain functions or goods or we can plant seed-
lings with specific dispersal syndromes to accelerate biodiversity
4.3 | Management implications
restoration. We recommend transplanting species that can attract
Global initiatives related to habitat restoration include the Aichi bio- animal seed dispersal vectors to accelerate forest restoration as sup-
diversity targets (CBD, 2010), the Bonn Challenge (Bonn-­Challenge, ported by the higher diversity in animal-­dispersed plantings compared
2014) and for the Americas, the Initiative 20 × 20 (Initiative-­20x20, with the diversities of recruits in plots with wind-­dispersed plantings
2014), and such initiatives benefit from restoration strategies that after 8 years (Figure 2), and these differences might become more
maximize recovery rate and probability of success. Further, the global pronounced through time. If maximizing species dissimilarity is a
initiative REED+ supplies targets which aim to maximize carbon se- stated restoration goal, then perhaps transplanting maximally diverse
questration, and these goals are related to restoration outcomes. species would be advisable. Further, if certain species are likely to
However, none of these ambitious global and regional initiatives in- disperse into the restoration site, then biasing the initial composition
clude suggestions about how to restore ecosystems. Further, few to species with low dispersal ability could ultimately maximize local
of the countries that partner with these initiatives actually have na- diversity.
tional restoration plans (reviewed for Latin America, Méndez-­Toribio, Our findings might be used to design appropriate restoration
Martínez-­Garza, Ceccon, & Guariguata, 2017). strategies, regarding assisted or unassisted forest regeneration, even
LI et al. Journal of Applied Ecology |

though the exact mechanisms are not yet understood. Our results CBD (Convention on Biological Diversity). (2010). Strategic Plan for
revealed that negative interspecific interactions between the recruits Biodiversity 2011–2020 and the Aichi Targets. Retrieved from https://
and transplanted were likely weak, at least during early succession.
Chase, J. M., & Myers, J. A. (2011). Disentangling the importance of ecological
Further, while initial plantings did not increase recruits’ dissimilarity, niches from stochastic processes across scales. Philosophical Transactions
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We are grateful to Luz María Ayestarán for expert field assistance.
de la Peña-Domene, M., Martínez-Garza, C., & Howe, H. F. (2013). Early
C.M.G. and M.d.D. gratefully acknowledge financial and logistical recruitment dynamics in tropical restoration. Ecological Applications, 23,
support from the University of Illinois at Chicago, the Universidad 1124–1134.
Autónoma del Estado de Morelos (UAEM), the Director and de la Peña-Domene, M., Martínez-Garza, C., Palmas-Pérez, S., Rivas-Alonso,
E., & Howe, H. F. (2014). Roles of birds and bats in early tropical-­forest
staff of the Los Tuxtlas Biological Station (Universidad Nacional
restoration. PLoS ONE, 9, e104656.
Autonoma de México), NSF (DEB # 0516259 to Henry F. Howe
de la Peña-Domene, M., Minor, E. S., & Howe, H. F. (2016). Restored con-
and C.M.G.) and National Geographic Society for the maintenance nectivity facilitates recruitment by an endemic large-­seeded tree in a
of the fences. M.W.C. was supported by the TD Professor of fragmented tropical landscape. Ecology, 97, 2511–2517.
Urban Forest Conservation and Biology chair, Canada Foundation Edgar, R. C. (2004). MUSCLE: Multiple sequence alignment with high ac-
curacy and high throughput. Nucleic Acids Research, 32, 1792–1797.
for Innovation, the Ontario Research Fund and Natural Sciences
Faith, D. P. (1992). Conservation evaluation and phylogenetic diversity.
and Engineering Research Council of Canada (#386151). L.L. was Biological Conservation, 61, 1–10.
supported by the International Science & Technology Cooperation Gómez-Aparicio, L., Zamora, R., Gómez, J. M., Hódar, J. A., Castro, J., & Baraza,
Program of China (2015DFG31870). We thank the TRY database E. (2004). Applying plant facilitation to forest restoration: A meta-­analysis
of the use of shrubs as nurse plants. Ecological Applications, 14, 1128–1138.
for providing functional traits data ( The
González-Soriano, E., Dirzo, R., & Vogt, R. C. (1997). Historia natural de
TRY initiative and database is hosted, developed and maintained by los Tuxtlas. Mexico City, Mexico: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de
J. Kattge and G. Bönisch (Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, México, Instituto de Biología.
Jena, Germany). Gower, J. C. (1971). A general coefficient of similarity and some of its prop-
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Grman, E., Bassett, T., & Brudvig, L. A. (2013). Confronting contingency in
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sembling prairies, but site characteristics and landscape context have
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