Production Planning & Control: The Management of Operations

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Production Planning & Control: The

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From TQM to business excellence

Samuel K. M. Ho
Published online: 15 Nov 2010.

To cite this article: Samuel K. M. Ho (1999) From TQM to business excellence, Production Planning & Control:
The Management of Operations, 10:1, 87-96, DOI: 10.1080/095372899233460

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PRODUCTI ON PLANNING & CONTROL , 1999, VOL . 10, NO. 1, 87± 96

F rom TQM to business excellence


K eywords ISO 9000, BPR, TQM , EQA , business excellence the competition stronger than ever. The criteria for suc-
cess in this global, internationally oriented market have
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A bstract. The value of TQM is revisited, including the been changing rapidly. I n order to expand business,
relationship with corporate strategy and the four pillars of enter new markets, and set realistic, competitive long-
TQM . The J apanese TQM experience is put under close term objectives, excellence has become imperative.
scrutiny, which leads to the need for a TQM model. A
M anagement’s e€ ort has been directed towards discover-
model called TQMEX, standing for TQM EX cellence
M odel, has been developed based on sound TQM practices. ing what makes a company excellent. To achieve excel-
F urther to a previous survey conducted on 180 UK ® rms, lence, companies must develop a corporate culture of
another questionnaire survey was conducted based on 16 each treating people as their most important asset, and pro-
UK and J apanese ® rms. The result of the survey highlights the vide a consistent level of high quality products and ser-
similarity and di€ erence between the two countries in the prac-
tices of TQM . Some open-end questions are also used to illus- vices in every market in which they operate. S uch an
trate the potential and problems of their TQM movement. environment has supported the wide acceptance of
F inally, a world-wide TQM movement towards business excel- TQM , incorporating I SO 9000, which emerged as a
lence is predicted and the way the TQMEX model can con- challenging and marketable philosophy. I nevitably,
tribute is proposed.
there is a need to address the question:
I s TQM a necessary and su cient condition for business
1. Introduction excellence, and if yes, what does it entail?

At the century close, the creation of the global market, M any would agree that the TQM movement began in
international orientations of management that sweeps J apan and, if this is the case, it will be worthwhile under-
national boundaries; introduction of new technologies, standing the quality revolution happening there at some
and shift towards customer-focused strategies, makes stage.

A uthor: S. K . M . H o, School of B usiness, H ong K ong B aptist U niversity, K owloon Tong, H ong
K ong.
Sam K. M . Ho, P hD ( M angt.) , FIQA L ead A uditor ( ISO 9000) , EQA A ssessor, was the
Oshikawa F ellow of A sian P roductivity Organization in J apan whilst he was Senior L ecturer at
the City Polytechnic of HK during 1984± 1988. H e then taught Strategic M arketing and TQM at
the W arwick U niversity, UK for ® ve years. Sam has led many ® rms through successful registration
of ISO 9000. D uring 1993± 1994, he was invited by the M alaysian Government as their ® rst
Q uality Expert under an A sian Development B ank-funded quality project. H is roles included
the development of a ® ve-year Q uality Plan for M alaysia and training the consultants. H e has
been the Professor of Strategy and Q uality at the L uton B usiness School, the ® rst such title in the
UK . H e is now P rofessor of Strategic and Q uality M anagement at the I nternational M anagement
Centres in the UK and V isiting Scholar at the HK B aptist U niversity. Sam is the editor for
M anaging S ervice Q uality and guest editor for ® ve international journals on quality management,
strategy and training, and has published over 70 papers/books. His book `T Q M : A n I ntegrated
A pproach’ has become a best-selling TQM book since being launched in N ovember 1995. H e
inaugrated the I nternational Conference on ISO 9000 and TQM ( I CI T) in the UK . The third
ICI T held in A pril 1998 at the HKBU has attracted over 200 delegates, and comprises 60 overseas
and 40 local papers. Recently, he has received a grant from the HKSARG I ndustrial S upport
F und to train up 2 500 managers and line sta€ as the world’s pioneer 5-S L ead A uditors based on
his propriety 5-S A uditing Checklist.

0953-72 87/99 $12. 00 Ñ 1999 Taylor & F rancis L td.

88 S. K . M . H o

2. W hat is TQM? time, I was amongst the majority. I believe the true value
of this exercise is that it concludes the workers are not at
TQM provides the overall concept that fosters contin- fault, but rather the management is. W hat the manage-
uous improvement in an organization. The TQM phil- ment should do is provide the correct tool to carry out the
osophy stresses a systematic, integrated, consistent, work, in this case, a spell-checker on a PC. This exercise
organization-wide perspective involving everyone and veri® es again Dr Deming’s research ® nding in 1986, and
everything. I t focuses primarily on total satisfaction for indeed, in 1993, shortly before he died, he changed the
both internal and external customers, within a manage- ® gure from 94 to 97% in his last book `T he N ew E conomy ’
ment environment that seeks continuous improvement of ( Deming 1993) .
all systems and processes. One interesting rule-of-thumb in quality is called the
TQM emphasizes use of all people, usually in multi- 1-10-100 R ule. I f someone produces defective work, and
functional teams, to bring improvement from within the recti® es it immediately, it only costs him another equal
organization. I t stresses optimal life cycle costs and uses e€ ort to do so. I f it has slipped to his internal customers
measurement within a disciplined methodology in and he wants to rectify it, then it will cost 10 times more
Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 22:10 01 June 2015

achieving improvements. The key aspects of TQM are e€ ort. I f, unfortunately, it has passed on to the external
the prevention of defects and emphasis on quality in customer, then he has to pay around 100-fold in order to
design. get the error recti® ed and the adverse consequences that
TQM is a necessity. I t is a journey. I t will never end. I t follow. This is particularly signi® cant for the service
makes J apanese industry a miracle. I t is the way to sur- industries, as most of their work deals directly with exter-
vive and succeed. W hat does it entail then? TQM is the nal customers. They have less chance to rework intern-
totally integrated e€ ort for gaining a competitive advan- ally. So, quality is compulsory for survival.
tage by continuously improving every facet of an organi-
zation’s activities. I f we look at the meaning of each
word, TQM can be de® ned as:
3. S ummary of the quality gurus’ teaching
TotalÐ E veryone associated with the company is
involved in continuous improvement ( including T he TQM gurus are charismatic individuals whose
its customers and supliers if feasible) ; concepts and approaches to quality within business,
Q ualityÐ Customers’ expressed and implied require- and life in general, have made a major and lasting
ments are met fully; impact.
M anagementÐ E xecutives are fully committed.
• W . E dwards Deming ( 1989) ( management philoso-
I deally, everyone in the organization should be com- phy ) Ð P roduces his 14 P oints for M anagement in
mitted. H owever, according to Deming’s research, order to help people understand and implement
( 1986) some 94% of the problems in quality are caused the necessary transformation. F urthermore, the
by management and the system they create. Therefore, Deming Cycle and the System of P rofound
commitment by management should come before that of K nowledge are important considerations in quality
the front-line workers. Totality of managing quality improvement.
implies that everyone, including the front-line workers, • J oseph M . J uran ( 1988) ( quality trilogy ) Ð Develops
should be involved in the process. Thus, the above de® ni- quality trilogy of quality planning, quality control
tion of TQM is a good balance between the ideal and real and quality improvement.
world. V arious de® nitions of quality will be discussed in • P hilip Crosby ( 1992 ) ( z ero def ects and cost of quality ) Ð
the next section. His goal is to give all sta€ training and the tools of
Over my last few years of teaching on TQM , I have quality improvement, to apply the basic precept of
conducted no less than 2 0 F -tests ( Neave 1990) on some P revention M anagement in every area.
500 subjects. The delegates were asked to count the num- • K auora I shikawa ( 1986) ( simple tools, Q CC , company-
ber of `F ’s in the following box: w ide quality ) Ð Sees that quality does not only mean
the quality of product, but also of after sales service,
quality of management, the company itself and the
human being.
THE EXPERIENCE OF MANY YEARS. • Shigeo Shingo ( 1988) ( P oka- Y oka/fool- proo® ng and
J ust- I n- T ime system ) Ð I ntroduces source inspections
and improved P oka-Y oka systems which actually
M y results showed that, on average, less than 2 0% of the prevented the worker from making errors so that
delegates got it right. I n fact, when I did it for the ® rst defects could not occur.
F rom T Q M to business excellence 89

• Y oshio K ondo ( 1989) ( four step 3 for making creative

and quality w ork ) Ð Sees that there is no basic contra-
diction between CWQC activities and humanity.
I t would perhaps be unfair to exclude the E uropean
quality gurus from the above list. Claus M oller ( 1987)
from Denmark could be the right person to ® ll in the gap.
He sees P ersonal Quality as the basis of all other types of
quality. Here I attempt to summarize his 12 Golden
R ules on personal quality through his recommended
`quality business card’ which I normally use on my e-
mail signature:

Today, I shall do everything with quality in order to help

others to do a better job. F igure 1. The relationship between corporate strategy and
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TQM gurus’ ideas are useful because they have been
tion of TQM , the concept of quality awareness has ® l-
tested by thousands of organizations world-wide before
tered up the organizational hierarchy. Today, the
people recognized them as `gurus’. To implement TQM
J apanese managers and directors are so concerned
gurus’ ideas, it is likely that di€ erent companies will have
about quality that it has long become their mission.
di€ erent priorities and targets, since TQM is so funda-
Consequently, in their strategic formulation process,
mental and all-embracing. I n particular, Deming’s idea
they have used quality as their key mission statement
should deserve more in-depth considerations.
and strategic option. W hen it comes to strategic imple-
mentation, quality has become a routine. I propose the
relationship between TQM and corporate strategy as
4. R elationship between TQM and corporate illustrated in ® gure 1. This approach adds totality to
strategy quality, as it is communicated throughout the organiz-
ation and spanned over its long term plan.
Corporate strategy consists of three key phases. T he
® rst phases. The ® rst phase is the determination of a cor-
porate mission statement which sets the common value 5. The need for a model
for everyone in the organization. This mission statement
or vision of the ® rm should sustain the challenge of time T here are so many areas to tackle. Companies ask:
and should remain unchanged for a decade or more. The how to start and where does this all lead to? There is
second phase is de® ning the strategic options and choos- therefore a need for a model to put the best quality
ing the optimum one. Normally, this will become the practices together in a sequential model which can be
three± ® ve year plan for the organization. The third used as a step-by-step guide for the companies who
phase is the strategic implementation which is also want to achieve TQM . I t is argued that organizations
known as operations management. I t also de® nes the are di€ erent and there is no universal approach to total
short term ( three months to one year) plan for the organ- quality. The proposed model attempts to o€ er something
ization. The question is: W here does TQM ® t into to everyone.
Corporate Strategy? David R icardo is recognized for his economic theory
There are di€ erent answers to this question. M ost on comparative advantage which predicts that economic
people think that TQM should be linked to operations activities will move to places where overall natural
management. This is by no means a coincidence, because resources are abundant and market is near. Yet this can-
before the J apanese developed TQM , they started with not explain the fact that J apan exports to the USA 10
industrial engineering ( 1940s) , quality control ( 1950s, times more than B razil, although the latter has the same
shortly after Dr Deming’s public lecture to the CEOs of population and is about 10 times the distance closer to
most large organizations in J apan) . Q uality control circle the USA . To explain this aspect, we have to consider the
movement ( 1960s, spearheaded by K . I shikawa) , value notion of `Dynamic’ Comparative A dvantage. This
engineering ( 1970s, triggered o€ by the oil crisis and implies that comparative advantage is not a gift from
microchip technology advancement) and total quality nature alone, but a dynamic entity designed by people,
control ( 1980s, pioneering the world’s TQM movement). and includes investment in education, public facilities,
U nfortunately, it is not always obvious during the evolu- technology, export promotion, etc.
90 S. K . M . H o

TQM , an intangible investment not regarded as such

by the economists is equally, if not more, important for
economic growth. J apan could not be as successful
without its huge investment in TQM . D uring 1987, I
had an opportunity to study the J apanese economy
success under the Oshikawa F ellowship Scheme spon-
sored by the A sian P roductivity Organization ( APO) .
T he scheme included research visits to representative
organizations in the manufacturing and services sectors
in J apan. U seful information was also obtained from the
M inistry of I nternational T rade and I ndustry ( MITI ) ,
which has earned its name as the `invisible hand of the
J apanese economic miracles’. I t was observed that terms,
e.g. 5-S, QCC, TPM ( to be explained later) and TQM
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were part of the daily language and activities in most of

the ® rms visited. Each before one walked inside the com-
pany, the environment would project an impressive
image of quality. I nside the factories and o ces places
were neat and tidy with a lot of slogans, charts and
pictures developed by the workers themselves. E ven in
their own work area, the workers tended to display
some sort of control charts and other quality control
tools to ensure that their processes were under control
and to show that they were constantly improving them.
TQM was integrated into companies’ management prac-
F igure 2 . The TQMEX M odel.
tices and operations.

6.1. J apanese 5- S practice ( 5- S )

6. W hat is TQMEX ? T he 5-S practice is a technique used to establish and

maintain quality environment in an organization. The
The TQM EX M odel advocates an integrated name stands for ® ve J apanese words: S eiri, S eiton, S eiso,
approach in order to support the transition to systems S eiketsu and S hitsuke ( Osada 1991) . T he E nglish equiva-
management which is an ongoing process of continuous lent, their meanings and typical examples are shown in
improvement that begins when the company commits the following table:
itself to managing by quality. The model illuminates
the elements that form a base to the understanding of J apanese E nglish M eaning Typical example
TQM philosophy and implementation of the process
Seiri Structurize Organization Throw away rubbish
company-wide. Seiton Systematize N eatness 30-second retrieval of a
I n order to have a systematic approach to TQM , it is document
necessary to develop a conceptual model. The model Seiso Sanitize Cleaning I ndividual cleaning
should be simple, logical and yet comprehensive enough responsibility
Seiketsu Standardize S tandardization Transparency of storage
for TQM implementation. I t also has to sustain the
Shitsuke Self-discipline Discipline Do 5-S daily
changes in business environment of the new era. D uring
my latest major overseas appointment as the ® rst Quality
E xpert to the M alaysian Government in 1993, I was T he 5-S technique has been widely practised in J apan.
asked to develop a ® ve-year Quality P lan to contribute M ost J apanese 5-S practitioners consider 5-S useful not
to the country’s industrialization programme. As a result just for improving their physical environment, but also
of this assignment and my previous experience and for improving their thinking processes too. A pparently,
research of some of the best TQM practices, I proposed the 5-S can help in all aspects of life. M any of the every-
this TQM M odel. The idea was to develop a universally day problems could be solved through adoption of this
applicable step-by-step guideline by including recognized practice. U nfortunately, unlike other quality tools and
practices in TQM ( ® gure 2 ) . techniques, this basic but powerful technique for quality
F rom T Q M to business excellence 91

improvement has not been known to the western world. audited against. I n fact, some 99% of the ISO registered
T o facilitate implementation, one can do a 5-S A udit ® rms are registered under I SO 9001 or ISO 9002 . I n
based on a proprietary 5-S Checklist ( Ho 1995) . terms of the contents, ISO 9002 is a sub-set of ISO
9001. The remaining 14 standards are guidelines only.
T herefore, for the purpose of this paper, only the ISO
6.2 . B usiness P rocess R e- engineering ( B P R ) 9001 will be discussed.
I SO 9001:1994 is the Quality systemsÐ M odel for
Hammer and Champy ( 1993) de® ne BPR as `the fun- quality assurance in design, development, production,
damental rethinking and radical redesign of business pro- installation and servicing. I t is the most comprehensive
cesses, to achieve dramatic improvements in critical, model of quality systems o€ ered by ISO. ISO 9001 is
contemporary measures of performance, such as cost, signi® cantly di€ erent from normal engineering stan-
quality, service and speed.’ BPR challenges managers dards, e.g. standards for units of measure, terminology,
to rethink their traditional methods of doing work and test methods, product speci® cation, etc. They comprise
commit themseves to a customer-focused process. M any certain generic characteristics of management practice,
Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 22:10 01 June 2015

outstanding organizations have achieved and maintained usefully standardized, giving mutual bene® ts to produ-
their leadership through BPR . Companies using these cers and users alike, in a WI N± WI N supplier/logistics
techniques have reported signi® cant bottom-line results, relationship. Therefore, I SO 9001 requirements are com-
including better customer relations, reductions in cycle plementary, not alternative, to the technical ( engineer-
time to market, increased productivity, fewer defects/ ing) standards’ requirements.
errors and increased pro® tability. BPR uses recognized I SO 9001 requirements certainly belong to a TQ pro-
techniques for improving business results and questions cess. They cannot take the place of a TQ e€ ort because
the e€ ectiveness of the traditional organizational struc- they do not necessarily have to deal with issues of leader-
ture. De® ning, measuring, analysing and re-engineering ship, strategic planning, benchmarking and employee
work processes to improve customer satisfaction pays o€ empowermentÐ which are central to total quality. ISO
in many di€ erent ways. 9001 does, however, provide a comprehensive approach
to documenting quality processes and assessing their per-
6.3. Q uality C ontrol C ircles ( Q CC s ) A survey of the total number of global ISO 9000 certi-
® cations has been carried out using the resources of the
A QCC is a small group of sta€ working together to M obil Oil Corporation. K ey ® ndings projected that, to
contribute to the improvement of the enterprise, to the end of 1998, over 240 000 ISO 9000 certi® cations had
respect humanity and to build a cheerful workgroup been achieved in some 80 countriesÐ a signi® cant
through the development of the sta€ ’s in® nite potential. increase from the J anuary 1993 and J une 1994 ® gures
I t has been the J apanese experience that 95% of the of 2 7 82 4 and 70 517, respectively. Over the last decade,
problems in the workshop can be solved with simple the UK companies have been leading in the ® eld and
quality control methods, e.g. the seven quality control accounted for over 40% of the world’s registered ® rms.
tools ( I shiwaka 1986) . They are: P areto diagrams,
cause-and-e€ ect diagrams, strati® cation, check sheets,
histograms, scatter diagrams, and graphs and control
charts. These tools will help QCCs to do brain-storming 6.5. T otal P roductive M aintenance ( T P M )
systematically and to analyse the problems critically.
F urthermore, through logical thinking and experience, I n 1971, the J apan I nstitute of P lant M aintenance
most problems can be solved. F or instance, a proprietary ( JIPM ) de® ned TPM as `a system of maintenance cover-
problem-solving model, known as the `S-S M ethod of ing the entire life of the equipment in every division
P roblem Solving’ has been developed and used to solve including planning, manufacturing, and maintenance’.
the W orld C up penalty-shoot knock-out problems in B ecause of its targeted achievement to increase produc-
1990 and 1994 ( Ho and Cicmil 1996) . tivity out of the equipment, the term TPM is sometimes
known as Total P roductivity M anagement ( Ho 1995) .
T he JIPM runs the annual PM E xcellence Award and
6.4. I S O 9000 ( I S O ) they provide a checklist for companies applying for the
award. There are 10 main items in the checklist:
The ISO 9000 family comprises 17 di€ erent standards
which are listed. Out of these 17, only the I SO 9001, ISO • P olicy and objectives of TPM ;
9002 and ISO 9003 are quotable standards, i.e. can be • Organization and operation;
92 S. K . M . H o

• Small-group activities and autonomous mainten- T his has a great advantage because companies can
ance; make a choice where to focus their e€ ort, and even go
• T raining; back to the previous steps if they have not yet done so.
• E quipment maintenance; T he model is simple and ¯ exible.
• P lanning and management; I n an attempt to prove that all the TQM EX elements
• E quipment investment plans and maintenance pre- are sound management methods and good quality prac-
vention; tices, myself and C. F ung ( Ho and F ung 1995) have
• P roduction volumes, scheduling, quality and cost; recently conducted an intensive questionnaire-based sur-
• Safety, sanitation and environmental conservation; vey of UK and J apanese organizations which have been
• R esults and assessments. practising TQMEX . The following discussion will out-
line the ® ndings.
I n selecting the samples for this survey, the main cri-
7. Is TQMEX logical? terion was that the companies chosen had already
adopted some good quality practices. Since I SO 9000
Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 22:10 01 June 2015

As Osada pointed out, 5-S is the key to total quality gives the formal certi® cation and guarantees that the
environment. Therefore, it should be the ® rst step. BPR is company is quality conscious, this was the yardstick in
concerned with re-de® ning and designing your business the selection process. This survey had two aims: the ® rst
process in order to meet the needs of your customers was to assess the TQM practices contained in the
e€ ectively. I t is more concerned with the business objec- TQMEX M odel of the UK ® rms ( Stage 1) and the
tives and systems, and should follow as Step 2 . QCCs are second was to draw a comparison of the TQM practices
concerned with encouraging the employees to participate between leading UK and J apanese ® rms ( Stage 2 ) .
in continuous improvement and guide them through. Stage 1 of this survey was conducted in A ugust 1994 on
T hey improve human resources capability to achieve a random sample of 1800 registered ® rms. A bout 10% of
the business objectives. Therefore, this should be Step the valid replies were obtained from both the manu-
3. ISO 9000 is to develop a quality management system facturing and services industries: 51 manufacturing
based on the good practices in the previous three steps. ® rms with an average employee number of 968 and 110
TPM is a result of applying 5-S to equipment based on a services ® rms with an average employee number of 283.
sound quality management system. I n fact, ISO 9001 T he results of this survey have been published in Ho and
requires procedures for process control and inspection F ung ( 1995) .
and testing equipment which are part of TPM . Stage 2 of this survey was conducted in J anuary 1995
T herefore, TPM should be implemented in Step 5. on 200 leading UK and 2 00 leading J apanese ® rms. They
I f the above ® ve steps have been implemented success- are selected from the `T imes 1000Ð 1995 and E xtel F inancial
fully, the organization is already very close towards A sia P aci® c H andbook 1992 ’. A bout 8% of the replies were
achieving TQM . This is because by then the organiz- valid. Since the main objective of the second stage was to
ation will have had a good quality environment, well- do a comparative study, rather than establishing statis-
de® ned business objectives and processes, a good quality tical signi® cance, even this low feedback was considered
culture, e€ ective quality systems in place, and good adequate. F rom the feedback questionnaires received, 16
equipment supports. I t is a matter of choosing an appro- leading companies of approximately the same size ( in
priate TQM framework for further improvement. terms of number of employees) were selected from each
This is an appropriate point to review the original country for the analysis. This paper will focus on the
hypothesis: `I s TQM a necessary and su cient condition Stage 2 results only.
for business excellence, and if yes, what does it entail?’
B ased on the foregone discussion, my answer is `YES’,
and it should entail the elements of the TQMEX 9. R esults: The UK and J apanese leading
M odel, which has included the ISO 9000. T o justify companies survey
my argument, I need to validate the TQMEX M odel.
T o serve the purpose of this paper, only the compara-
tive study of companies from the UK and J apan on
8. V alidation of the TQMEX Model TQM is discussed. I n response to a question on percep-
tion on TQM , 50% of the UK ® rms and 60% of the
One important feature of TQMEX is the ability to J apanese ® rms surveyed perceive a need for TQM ( ® gure
o€ er a step-by-step procedure in achieving TQM . 3) . A n ANOVA analysis shows that there is no signi® cant
F urthermore, each individual step can be used in its di€ erence between UK and J apanese leading ® rms. I n
own right, and its results can be assessed separately. other words, both UK and J apanese companies consider
F rom T Q M to business excellence 93

tender in the overseas market by ISO 9000 certi-

® cation and keep the interest.
Improvement: I nvolve the meta-Quality con-
cepts, e.g. safety, environment conservation, etc.
and to deploy their targets to each division and
( 4) NKK Corporation
M erit: E mployee’s ownership, quality improve-
Drawback: R estructuring.
Improvement: Systematic policy deployment
and evaluation.
( 5) Sanyo Corporation
F igure 3. TQM actvities ( UK versus J apan).
M erit: Consensus among senior executive. T he
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spirit of being in the same boat. P romotion of

all TQM activities as equally important. This gives evi- improvement activity.
dence that TQM has become universal, not just in Drawback: I ndirect sector ( white-collar sta€ s)
J apanese ® rms. needs to adopt TQM on a greater scale.
Improvement: E mphasize human factors, lead-
ership by top managers, through customer orien-
9.1. O pen- ended questions on Q uality M anagement S ystem
( 6) Tokyo E lectric P ower Company
M erit: E mployees have worked with the concepts
The ® nal three questions were aimed at acquiring sug-
of market-in PDCA Cycle, more improvements
gestions on merits, drawbacks and possible improvements
achieved by QCCs.
to their QMS ( including I SO 9000 and/or TQM based) .
Drawback: Head O ce was left behind in the
Since the UK companies have pioneered in the world-
improvement activities. The form of the activities
wide quest for ISO 9000, the responses from the J apanese
rather than the content has become the objective.
® rms only are included here to highlight the experience
Improvement: Create and develop our own
in transformation. The comments from the quality direc-
TQM system, need understanding among line
tors/senior executives of seven leading J apanese ® rms
managers. TQM should be implemented by line
provide some important conclusions and recommenda-
managers, not by TQM facilitators.
tions for ® rms to consider, and they are summarized as
( 7) Toyota M otor Corporation
M erit: A ll employees in their respective functions
( 1) K omatsu pledge to consider `C ustomer ® rst’, master basic
M erit: I ncreased concern about own perform- methodologies of QC, and put them into practice,
ance and achievement. as a result it can improve corporate robustness.
Drawback: M ore likely to start losing cross-func- Drawback: Nothing for the time being.
tional activity. Improvement: TQM concepts have to be con-
Improvement: R eporting system to top manage- tinued for the establishment of the corporate foun-
ment and evaluation skill of top management dations under any circumstances from now on,
about their subordinate. although it is natural that the emphasis of TQM
( 2 ) M urata Machinery activities should be changed according to the
M erit: W e may be able to practise design review environmental changes, e.g. in focus on environ-
and get technical documentation easily. mental conservation, marketing strategy or
Drawback: None. employee satisfaction.
Improvement: W e can get the uniformity for
quality, but we may lose the individual superior-
( 3) NEC Corporation 10. TQM trend: The business excellence
M erit: Concentration of employee’s consciousness movement
towards company strategic targets in the compe-
titive market. I n his `L ast W ord Conference’ in 1994 ( A braham
Drawback: Only provide the basic conditions to 1995) , Dr J . J uran predicted the future of quality as:
94 S. K . M . H o

• quality competition will intensify with multina- U nlike ISO 9000, self-assessment models, e.g. the three
tionals and common markets; mentioned above, are telling organizations WHAT they
• there will be intense demands on suppliers; should do. I t is up to the individual application to
• I SO 9000 will sweep across the world; respond on HOW they did it and support with evidence.
• A wards, e.g. B aldrige and E uropean Quality T he TQMEX model can also be used as a process/system
A ward, will supply intense stimulus and there will on HOW to achieve quality awards. A n example for such
be a growth in awards world-wide. a mapping on the EQA framework is shown in the
J uran’s predictions have happened and will continue for
years to come, particularly the last two. Since the ISO
9000 world-wide explosion has been discussed already, I
would like to concentrate on the latter. The best known 11. Conclusions
quality awards are the J apan’s Deming P rize, USA ’s
M alcolm B aldrige National Quality A ward ( MBNQA ) , T he fundamentals of ISO 9000 and TQM are revisited
Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 22:10 01 June 2015

and the E uropean Quality A ward ( EQA ) . Deming P rizes so as to provide a relevant perspective on business excel-
are almost exclusively won by J apanese ® rms, with the lence. The concept of TQM entails the integration with
exception of three, i.e. F lorida L ight & P ower, Taiwan corporate strategy, and a profound understanding and
T ube ( P hilips) and L ucent Technology ( P ower Division) application of the four pillars of quality. J udging from
( Cassidy 1996) . The EQA and MBNQA are both excel- the experience of the J apanese TQM movement, there
lent and robust models ( Hakes 1995) . I f your organiz- is a need for a step-by-step approach towards TQ, as
ation is not linked to J apan, USA or E urope, you can still spearheaded by some of the approaches established in
choose one of these kitemarks as your TQM framework, the country. A s a result of literature review and explora-
or you can use your own national quality award ( if such tory research, a model called TQM EX ( TQM
exists) . EX cellence M odel) has been developed based on sound
M ost likely, the choice will be driven by the location or TQM practices. The analyses of the survey results among
parentage of your organization. I f your organization is 16 leading UK companies and 16 leading J apanese com-
based in the USA or has a strong USA parent organ- panies have provided evidence for the similarity and dif-
ization, then the MBNQA will probably be the most ferences between the two countries’ approach to
appropriate. I f your organization is based in E urope, TQMEX . B oth UK and J apanese leading companies
the EQA or its national derivatives e.g. the UK consider all TQM activities as equally important. This
Quality A ward) will be the most appropriate model as gives evidence that TQM has now become universal, not
it will additionally allow for direct comparisons and just aimed for J apanese ® rms.
benchmarking with other E uropean-based organizations. B oth the theoretical background, personal experience
B oth of these models are comparable in scoring, and in and results of the survey have highlighted the importance
most cases a 500 out of 1000 point score on the EQA of the J apanese 5-S, BPR , QCC, ISO 9000 and TPM on
model will equate to a similar score on the MBNQA TQM practice. T hey also prove the signi® cance of the
model. I n the ® nal decision, geographic location will TQMEX model, i.e. all its elements are being practised
probably be the determinant of the model to be used. by leading ® rms. Therefore, the conceptual framework of
After deciding on which of the kitemarks to adopt, the the model will be useful for those businesses wanting to
next stage is to implement the kitemark requirements excel. The ® ndings are useful for ® rms wanting to bench-
e€ ectively. The procedures for implementing TQM kite- mark against the business excellence of leading ® rms from
marks are very similar to that of ISO 9000. However, the J apan and the UK . I t is further proposed that the
scope is broader than that of ISO 9000. A part from the TQMEX model can also be used as a process/system
quality assurance system, TQM kitemark implementa- for achieving quality awards, e.g. the E uropean Quality
tion should focus on quality improvement ( as expressed A ward ( EQA ) framework. A nd, ® nally, the TQMEX
in ISO 9004± 4) and also customer care. One e€ ective M odel proposed ( encompassing 5-S, BPR , QCC, ISO
way to learn about kitemark implementation is from 9000 and TPM ) , is a necessary and su cient condition
the example of a successful company. for the route towards business excellence.
F rom T Q M to business excellence 95

A ppendix: R elationship between the EQA framework and the TQMEX M odel

5 B Q I T
N o. Evaluation criteria: A ssessment of . . . R C O M

1 L eadership ( 10%)
1.1 Visible I nvolvementÐ H ow leaders visibly demonstrate their commitment to a culture of B usiness Excellence ° °
1.2 SupportÐ How leaders support improvement and involvement by providing appropriate resources and ° °
1.3 C ustomers and S uppliersÐ How leaders are involved with customers, suppliers and other external ° °
1.4 RecognitionÐ How leaders recognize and appreciate people’s e€ orts and achievements. ° °
2 P olicy and Strategy ( 80%)
2 .1 Relevant I nformationÐ How policy and strategy are based on information which is relevant and ° °
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2 .2 Quality Values and ConceptsÐ How policy and strtategy are developed. ° °
2 .3 P olicy and Strategy CommunicationÐ How policy and strategy are communicated and implemented. ° °
2 .4 Regular updating and improvementÐ How policy and strategy are regularly updated and improved. ° °
3 P eople M anagement ( 9%)
3.1 Continuous I mprovement P racticesÐ How people resources are planned and improved. ° °
3.2 Training, R ecruitment and Career P rogressionÐ H ow people capabilities are sustained and developed. ° °
3.3 Targets for P eople and TeamsÐ How people agree targets and continuously review performance. ° ° °
3.4 I nvolvement and E mpowermentÐ H ow people are involved, empowered and recognized. ° ° °
3.5 CommunicationÐ How people and the organization have an e€ ective dialogue. °
3.6 Care for P eopleÐ How people are cared for. ° °
4 Resources ( 95)
4.1 F inancialÐ How you manage your ® nancial resources e€ ectively. ° °
4.2 I nformationÐ How you manage your information. ° °
4.3 M aterialÐ H ow you manage your material resources, ® xed assets and suplies/suppliers. ° ° ° °
4.4 TechnologyÐ How you identify and manage appropriate, alternate and emergent methods and technologies. ° ° °
5 P rocess ( 14%)
5.1 I dentifying Critical P rocessesÐ How you identify and de® ne the key processes within your organization. ° °
5.2 M anaging P rocessesÐ How you manage ALL the processes within your organization. ° ° °
5.3 M easures, Targets and R eviewsÐ How you use all relevant information to review processes and set
improvement targets. ° °
5.4 I nnovation and CreativityÐ How you stimulate innovation and crativity in process improvement. ° ° °
5.5 P rocess ChangeÐ How you implement and evaluate process changes. °
6 P eople Satisfaction ( 9%)
6.1 Direct R esultsÐ P erception measures and results, i.e. judgement in relation to the satisfaction of its people. ° ° °
6.2 I ndirect resultsÐ P redicting, leading and in¯ uencing measures and results. °
7 C ustomer S atisfaction ( 20%)
7.1 Direct R esultsÐ P erception measures and results, i.e. judgement by the customers on products, services and ° ° °
customer relationships.
7.2 I ndirect ResultsÐ P redicting, leading and in¯ uencing measures and results, i.e. judgement relating to customer ° °
8 I mpact on Society ( 6%)
8.1 Direct R esultsÐ P erception measures and results, i.e. judgement by community at large of the organization’s ° °
impact on society.
8.2 I ndirect ResultsÐ P redicting, leading and in¯ uencing measures and results, i.e. judgement on `I mpact on ° °
S ociety’.
9 Results ( 15%)
9.1 Direct R esultsÐ F inancial, `B ottom L ine’ results that indicate an organization’s successes. ° °
9.2 I ndirect ResultsÐ Non-® nancial key measures and the results of the key processes identi® ed in Criteria 4 and 5 ° ° °
that are vital indicators of an organization’s current and continuing success.
Total no. of ® ts ( out of 32) . . . 13 14 16 17 13
96 S. K . M . H o

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