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Important questions

1. Define tissue.
2. Distinguish between meristematic and permanent tissue.
3. Differentiate between simple tissue( simple permanent tissue) and complex tissue( complex
permanent tissue).
4. Name the types of simple tissue and complex tissues in plants.
5. Differentiate between parenchyma , collenchyma and sclerenchyma on the basis of their
a) Cell wall b) function
6. Why we are able to easily bend the leaf and stem of plant ?
7. Define aerenchyma tissue.
8. What are the functions of stomata?
9. Name the permanent tissue that contains chlorophyll.
10. Differentiate between xylem and phloem.
11. Which tissue makes the
a)plant hard and stiff b) to float on water
12. Name the tissue in plants that helps in the growth of its
a) lengthwise
b) girth of stem.
13. Name the following.
a) the tissue in bark of tree
b) kidney shaped cells that enclose stomata
c) the only dead cells present in phloem
d) components of xylem and phloem tissue
e) different types of epithelial tissues in animals
14. What is stratified squamous epithelium?
15. Name the tissue that
a) forms the inner lining of mouth and oesophagus.
b) lines the respiratory tract.
c) forms the lining of kidney tubules.
16. State the functions of blood
17. Name the connective tissue that has a
a) fluid matrix
b) hard solid matrix
18. Name the
a) muscular tissue present in heart and iris of eyes.
b) Organs in human body made of nervous tissue
19. Differentiate between
a) ligament and tendon.
b) bone and cartilage
20. Why can we bend or fold our ear pinna but not our bones?
21. Why skeletal muscles are called as
a) voluntary muscles
b) striated muscles
22. Name the tissue responsible for the movement in our body.
23. What is the function of nervous tissue?

24. Distinguish between balanced and unbalanced forces

25. State Newton’s first law of motion
26. Define inertia with an example
27. Why does a passenger in a bus tends to fall backwards when bus begins to move suddenly?
28. Why do you think it is necessary for a passenger to fasten the safety belt while travelling in a car?
29. How inertia of body is related to its mass?
30. Define momentum
31. State second law of motion
32. State whether momentum is scalar or vector quantity.
33. Name the factors which determine the momentum of body.
34. State the unit of force, momentum and mass of object
35. Write the expression for second law of motion
36. Why fielder gradually pulls his hand backwards in the direction of ball while catching the fast moving
37. Define one newton
38. State the third law of motion
39. Why does a gun recoil when it is fired?

40. State the universal law of gravitation, along with its expression.
41. What is meant by acceleration due to gravity?
42. State the SI unit of weight
43. Differentiate between mass and weight of an object.

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