The Prince - Machiavelli

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Names: ________________________________________ Date: _________________ Class: ________

Fundación Gimnasio Campestre

Social Studies Department
Machiavelli Workshop
Third Term
2019 – 2020

IM1 IM2 CT1 CT2 M1 M2


1. Plan your work following the descriptors of the Metacognition 1 indicator.

2. Read the excerpt from “The Prince” that appears below.

3. Choose a political leader who has ruled during the last 30 years, that you believe has

governed using Machiavelli's approach in The Prince.

4. Use the information in this workshop, as well as other sources, to formulate a hypothesis

about the way in which Machiavelli influenced the chosen leader and support it with two

arguments. At the end, conclude wether you were able to prove your hypothesis true or

not. All these has to be written down.

5. Create a propaganda poster that shows how the chosen leader is influenced by

Machiavelli. Take into account that the poster should be of the current leader and not of

Machiavelli (you can use any political propaganda as a reference image).

6. When the workshop has been graded and you receive feedback, use the descriptors of

the Metacognition 2 indicator to evaluate your work plan and the strategies used.

The Prince

By Niccolo Machiavelli

Chapter 21 How a Prince should conduct himself so as to gain a reputation

Nothing makes a prince so famous as great achievements and setting a fine

example. We have in our time Ferdinand of Aragon, the present King of Spain. He can

almost be called a new prince, because he has risen, by success and glory, from being an

insignificant king to be the most famous king in our part of the world. If you examine his

deeds, you will find them all great and some of them extraordinary. When he first became

king, he attacked Granada, and this was the foundation of his success. He did this quietly

at first and without any fear of others standing against him, because he kept the minds of

the barons of Castile occupied in thinking of the war and not anticipating any innovations.

Thus, they did not perceive that by these means he was acquiring power and authority

over them. He was able with the money of the Church and of the people to sustain his

armies, and by that long war to lay the foundation for the military skill which has since

distinguished him. In addition, always using religion as a justification, in order to

undertake greater schemes, he devoted himself with great cruelty to driving out and

clearing his kingdom of the Moors. There could not be a more admirable example, nor

one more rare. Using this same reason, he attacked Africa, he began fighting in Italy, and

he has finally attacked France. Thus his achievements and designs have always been so

remarkable that they have kept the minds of his people in admiration and kept them
occupied with carrying them out. His actions have arisen in such a way, one out of the

other, that people have never been given enough time to work steadily against him.

It greatly assists a prince to set unusual examples in internal affairs, similar to those

which are told of Bernabo da Milano. When he had the opportunity in civil life to take

account of someone who had done some extraordinary thing, either good or bad, he

would use some method of rewarding or punishing him which would be much spoken

about. A prince ought, above all things, to always try in every action to develop the

reputation of being a great and remarkable man.

A prince is also respected when he is either a true friend or an absolute enemy, that

is to say, when, without any reservation, he declares himself in favour of one party against

the other. This course will always be more advantageous than standing neutral. If two of

your powerful neighbours come to blows, you have either to fear the winner or not. In

either case it will always be more advantageous for you to support one of them and to

actively make war. If you do not declare yourself, you will invariably be attacked by the

conqueror, to the pleasure and satisfaction of the loser, and you will have no reasons to

offer, nor anything to protect or to shelter you. The conqueror does not want doubtful

friends who will not aid him in the time of difficulty, and the loser will not protect you

because you did not willingly, sword in hand, follow his fate.

Antiochus went into Greece, being sent for by the Aetolians to drive out the

Romans. He sent messengers to the Achaeans, who were friends of the Romans, urging
them to remain neutral. On the other hand, the Romans urged them to take up arms. This

question came to be discussed in the council of the Achaeans, where the representative of

Antiochus urged them to stand neutral. To this the Roman representative answered: "As for

that which has been said, that it is better and more advantageous for your state not to

interfere in our war, nothing can be more wrong. By not interfering you will be left without

favour or consideration, and will become the prize of the conqueror." Thus it will always

happen that the one who is not your friend will demand your neutrality, while the one

who is your friend will beg you to declare yourself with arms. Weak princes, to avoid

present dangers, generally follow the neutral path, and are generally ruined. But when a

prince declares himself courageously in favour of one side, if the party with whom he joins

himself conquers, although the conqueror may be powerful and may have him at his

mercy, yet he is indebted to him, and a bond of friendship is established. Men are never so

low as to become a symbol of ungratefulness by oppressing you. Victories after all are

never so complete that the winner must not show some regard, especially to justice. But if

the one you support loses, you may be sheltered by him, and while he is able he may aid

you, and you can become companions on a fortune that may rise again.

In the second case, when those who fight are of such a character that you do not

feel threatened by whoever wins, it becomes even more important to support one side. By

doing this, you assist at the destruction of one by the aid of another. Because of your much

needed assistance, the conqueror remains dependent on you. It must be noted here that a

prince should never join with one more powerful than himself for the purposes of

attacking others, unless it is absolutely necessary. If he conquers you are at his mercy, and
as much as possible princes ought to avoid being in a weaker position to anyone. The

Venetians joined with France against the Duke of Milan, which caused their ruin, and

could have been avoided. But when it cannot be avoided, as happened to the Florentines

when the Pope and Spain sent armies to attack Lombardy, then in such a case, for the

above reasons, the prince ought to support one of the parties.

No Government should imagine that it can choose perfectly safe courses. It should

expect to have to take very doubtful ones because in ordinary affairs one never seeks to

avoid one trouble without running into another. Wisdom consists of knowing how to

distinguish the character of troubles, and how to choose the lesser evil.

A prince ought also be seen to support people of ability, and to honour the skilled

in every art. At the same time he should encourage his citizens to perform their jobs

peacefully, both in commerce and agriculture, and in every other field, so that people are

not worried about increasing their possessions for fear that they might be taken away from

them or about opening up trade for fear of taxes. The prince ought to offer rewards to

whoever wishes to do things like these which may bring honour to his city or state.

In addition, a prince ought to amuse the people with entertainments and

ceremonies at appropriate times of the year. and as every city is divided into tradesmen’s

organisations or into societies, he ought to respect such groups, and associate with them

sometimes. He should show himself to be an example of good behaviour and generosity,

but nevertheless, always maintain the awareness of his high rank.

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