Specific Objectives:: Thematic Module 1: Introduction To General Anatomy. Anatomy of Bones

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Thematic Module 1: Introduction to General Anatomy.

Anatomy of bones

Specific objectives:
- Determine subject and task of anatomy, basic anatomical study methods;
- Evaluate the main directions of modern anatomy development;
- Analyze stages of human anatomy as a fundamental discipline;
- Analyze contribution of outstanding anatomists from different epochs in the development of
human anatomy;
- Analyze the contribution of prominent scientists and anatomists of Ukraine and Kyiv in the
development of Ukrainian school of anatomists and in particular Kyiv anatomical school;
- Identify the main stages of embryogenesis. Analyze the derivatives of each germ layers.

Topic 2. Anatomy of the skull (neurocranium): frontal, occipital, parietal, and ethmoidal

Skull development in phylo- and ontogenesis. Brain and facial skull sections. The structure of
the bones that form the cerebral cranium: frontal, occipital, parietal, ethmoidal.


15 2

14 3

13 5

12 6

11 7

10 9

Pic 1.Cranium (frontal view). Photo from anatomy department museum, author assoc.prof. Fik V.
1. Os frontale 2.Os temporale 3.Os nasale 4. Processus frontalis ossis zygomatici 5. Lamina perpendicularis
ossis ethmoidalis 6. Maxilla 7. Ramus mandibulae 8.Mandibula 9. Foramen mentale 10.Tuberculum
mentale 11. Processus alveolaris 12. Spina nasalis anterior 13. Processus temporalis
14. Os zygomaticum 15. Incisura supraorbitalis 16.Glabella
6 1

5 4

Pic 2. Os frontale (Inside view). Photo from anatomy department museum, author assoc.prof. Fik V.
1.Sulcus sinus sagittalis superior 2. Crista frontalis 3. Processus zygomaticus 4.Impressiones digitatales
5.Pars orbitalis 6.Facies interna

7 2

6 5 4 3

Pic 3. Os frontale (External view). Photo from anatomy department museum, author assoc.prof. Fik

1.Tuber frontale 2. Glabella 3. Margo supraorbitalis 4. Pars nasalis 5. Sutura frontalis 6. Arcus
superciliaris 7. Linea temporalis 8. Facies externa 9.Squama frontalis
10 11 1 2 3 4

9 8 7 6 5

Pic 4. Os frontale (Lower view). Photo from anatomy department museum, author assoc.prof. Fik V.
1.Spina nasalis 2.Apertura sinus frontalis 3. Incisura supraorbitalis 4. Facies orbitalis 5. Processus zygomaticus
6. Pars nasalis 7. Incisura ethmoidalis 8.Foveolae ethmoidales 9. Fossa glandulae lacrimalis 10.Margo
supraorbitalis 11. Spina trochlearis
Pic 5. Os frontale (External view). Photo from anatomy department museum, author assoc.prof. Fik V.

Pic 6. Os frontale (Side view). Photo from anatomy department museum, author assoc.prof. Fik V.
11 1 2 3




7 6

Pic 7. Os occipitale (External view). Photo from anatomy department museum, author assoc.prof.
Fik V.
1.Protuberantia occipitalis externa 2.Linea nuchalis superior 3.Linea nuchalis inferior 4.Foramen
magnum 5. Condylus occipitalis 6. Pars basilaris 7. Tuberculum pharyngeum 8. Processus jugularis 9.
Fossa condylaris 10. Crista occipitalis externa 11. Squama occipitalis
Pic 8. Os occipitale (External view).
Photo from anatomy department museum, author assoc.prof. Fik V.
18 1 2

17 3




13 6


11 10 9 8 7

Pic 9. Os occipitale (Internal view). Photo from anatomy department museum, author assoc.prof.
Fik V.

1.Sulcus sinus sagitalis superioris 2. Margo lamdoideus 3. Sulcus sinus transversi 4. Margo mastoideus
5. Processus jugularis 6. Canalis condylaris 7. Canalis nervi hypoglossi 8. Pars lateralis 9. Pars basilaris
10. Clivus 11. Tuberculum jugulare 12. Sulcus sinus petrosi inferior 13. Processus infrajugularis 14. Incisura
jugularis 15. Sulcus sinus sigmoidei 16. Squama occipitalis 17.Eminentia cruciformis 18.Protuberantia
occipitalis interna
Pic 10. Os occipitale (Internal view).
Photo from anatomy department museum, author assoc.prof. Fik V.
11 12 1


9 4

8 7 6

Pic 11. Os parietale (Right, external view). Photo from anatomy department museum, author
assoc.prof. Fik V.

1.Facies externа 2.Angulus frontalis 3.Margo frontalis 4.Linea temporalis superior 5.Linea temporalis
inferior 6. Angulus sphenoidalis 7. Margo squamosus 8.Angulus mastoideus 9.Margo occipitalis
10.Angulus occipitalis 11.Tuber parietale 12.Margo sagittalis
12 13 1

11 8 7


9 8 7

Pic 12. Os parietale (Right, internal view). Photo from anatomy department museum, author
assoc.prof. Fik V.

1.Sulcus sinus sagittalis superioris 2.Angulus occipitalis 3.Facies interna 4.Margo occipitalis 5.Sulci
arteriosi 6.Sulcus sinus sigmoidei 7.Angulus mastoideus 8.Margo squamosus 9.Angulus sphenoidalis
10.Margo frontalis 11.Angulus frontalis 12.Foveolae granulares 13.Margo sagitalis

11 2

10 3

9 5

Pic 13. Cranium (without the bones of the facial scull). Photo from anatomy department
museum, author assoc.prof. Fik V.

1.Os frontale 2.Os parietale 3.Glabella 4.Os temporale 5.Facies orbitalis ossis frontalis 6.Os ethmoidale
7.Processus zygomaticus ossis temporalis 8. Processus pterygorideus ossis sphenoidalis 9.Lamina
perpendicularis 10.Incisura supraorbitalis 11.Sutura coronalis
1 2


5 4 3

Pic 14. Os ethmoidale (Upper view). Photo from anatomy department museum, author
assoc.prof. Fik V.

1.Lamina perpendicularis 2. Crista gallі 3. Lamina orbitalis 4. Concha nasalis superior 5. Lamina
1 2 3

6 5 4

Pic 15. Os ethmoidale (Frontal view). Photo from anatomy department museum, author
assoc.prof. Fik V.

1.Crista galli 2. Lamina cribrosa 3. Lamina orbitalis 4. Labyrinthus ethmoidalis 5. Lamina perpendicularis
6. Cellulаe ethmoidales anteriores.
1 2 3

6 5 4

Pic 16. Os ethmoidale (Side view). Photo from anatomy department museum, author assoc.prof.
Fik V.

1.Lamina orbitalis 2. Crista galli 3. Cellulаe ethmoidales anteriores 4. Lamina perpendicularis 5. Concha
nasalis media 6. Cellulаe ethmoidales posteriores
Practical skills. Find on the skull.

1) Os occipitale.
a) Foramen magnum.
b) Pars basilaris.
c) Clivus.
d) Tuberculum pharyngeum.
e) Squama occipitalis.
f) Condylus occipitalis.
g) Canalis condylaris.
h) Canalis nervi hypoglossi
i) Protuberantia occipitalis externa.
j) Linea nuche superior.
k) Linea nuche inferior.
l) Sulcus sinus transversi.
m) Sulcus sinus sigmoidei.
n) Sulcus sinus occipitalis.
2) Os ethmoidale.
a) Lamina cribrosa.
b) Crista galli.
c) Lamina perpendicularis.
d) Lamina orbitalis.
e) Concha nasalis superior.
f) Concha nasalis media.
3) Os parietale.
a) Margo occipitalis.
b) Margo frontalis.
c) Margo squamosus.
d) Margo sagittalis.
e) Angulus frontalis.
f) Angulus occipitalis.
g) Angulus sphenoidalis.
h) Angulus mastoideus.
i) Sulci arteriosi.
4) Os frontale.
a) Squama frontalis.
b) Tuber frontale.
c) Arcus superciliaris.
d) Glabella.
e) Margo supraorbitalis.
f) Processus zygomaticus.
g) Sulcuc sinus sagittalis superior.
h) Pars nasalis.
i) Pars orbitalis.
j) Fossa glandula lacrimalis.
k) Sinus frontalis.

Recommended literature:

1. Human Anatomy in three volumes A.S. Holovatskyi, V.H. Cherkasova,

M.R.Sapin, Ya.I. Fedonyuk / Vinnytsia: Nova knyha, 2006,2007,2008.

2. Svyrydov O.I Human Anatomy. - Kyiv: Vyshcha shkola, 2000.- 399p.

3. Prives M.G., Lysenkov N.K., Bushkevych V.I. Human Anatomy.- Hypokrat, St.
Petersburg: St. Petersburg house SPb MAPE, 2004 -720p.

4. Human Anatomy ed. By Sapin M.R./ Moscow: Medicine, 1996, vol.I, vol.II.

5. Siņeļņikov R.D. Atlas of Human Anatomy. - Moscow: Medicine, 2004, vol.I,

vol.II,vol.III, vol. IV.

6. The international anatomical nomenclature / edited by Bobryk I.I.,

Koveshnikova V.H..- Kyiv: Health 2001 – 328p.

7. Review of gross anatomy. Sixth edition/ Pansky, Ben. McGraw-Hill, ink. –


8. Sobotta. Atlas of human anatomy 2 vol set. – Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

9. Human anatomy 3 vol set. Edited by V.G. Kaveshnikov. – Lugansk: LTD

“Virtualnaya realnost”, 2009. – 384p.
10. Frank H. Netter. Atlas of human anatomy. – New Jersey, Ciba-Geygy
corporation. – 1994

11. Stuart Ira Fox. Human physiology. 9th edition. – New York, McGraw-Hill,
Ink. – 2006

12. Principles of anatomy and physiology. 8th edition / Gerard J. Tortora, Sandra

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