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Vol.21 No.4 Winter 1986 Contents
Published by
Ove Arup Partnership
13 Fitzroy Street , London W1 P 680

JOURNAL Editor: Peter Hoggett

Art Editor Desmo nd Wyeth FSIAD
Assistant Editor : David Brown
University of Qatar:
Phase 1a,

by Mike Brown and Chris Barber

Britoil headquarters, 10
by Derek Blackwood

Sheriff Court 16
Glasgow and Strathkelvin,
by Arun Save

Lloyd' s 22

Cover photograph : John Donat

repetitive precast elements for both cladding ject. The unit has been purpose designed to
University of Qatar: and structural walls. The adoption of precast- integrate with the ceiling space available in
ing had the advantages of rigorous quality square areas between octagon modules.
Phase 1a control in production and increased speed of In addition to the full air-conditioning system ,
Architect: Dr. Kamal El Kafrawl construction with a reduced labour force. the facility of controlled natural lighting and
The planning of the academic buildings is ventilation is provided by towers in the oc-
Mike Brown based on two grid forms, an octagon 8.4m in
width and a square with sides of 3.5m. The oc-
tagon structures. These towers operate in the
same manner as the traditional Arab wind
Chris Barber tagons are adjacent and connected with towers used to cool buildings for many hun-
squares to form the modular grid pattern . dreds of years . It is anticipated this natural
The first phase of the University of Qatar com- system will be used to complement the full
For energy conservation, sandwich construc-
prisinQ the academic buildings was inaugu- air-conditioning system .
rated 1n February 1985 and has just com- tion has been adopted in external walls with
a make up of facing panels , insulation and Power distribution from the central services
pleted its first full academic year of unit to individual building sub-stations is by
occupancy . loadbearing or infill block inner panels .
11 kv ring main cabling in the underground
The campus is being developed to house the Primary structure consists of loadbearing services duct. Maximum demand for the
University which has grown rapidly since the precast concrete walls with floors formed of academic building area is 15 MVA.
first 150 students entered temporary build- waffle or trough type cast in situ concrete. The
roof structure is created from sloping precast Medium voltage power within the buildings is
ings in 1973/74. The student population has distributed to switch panels local to class -
now reached 4,700 and is expected to con- units arranged to transpose the octagon plan
module into a square. This forms the base of rooms and laboratories from which general
tinue to rise during the next few years. purpose power and lighting circuits are taken .
the tower of winds structure . The tower is
The University is considered to be one of the characterized by its vertical slatted precast In January 1975 Ove Arup and Partners were
most important current projects in the Middle panel sides. engaged by the State of Qatar to assist the
East and is being planned to the overall architect in the development of the masterplan
design of the Egyptian architect , Dr. Kamal El Roof structure variations occur in a number of
circumstances . Where two octagons are and the first stage of the campus initially known
Kafrawi. Features of the buildings include a as the Gulf University.
modular planning concept based on an oc- combined to produce laboratories, vieren-
deel precast concrete roof trusses span the Arups ' appointment was as the architect's
tagonal grid , a traditional Islamic form ; the
double octagon. Where four octagons are prime consultant to undertake structural and
use of high quality white precast concrete
combined as courtyards , a cast in situ folding engineering services design and site super-
cladding ; and the use of the traditional Arab
plate roof geometry has been adopted . vision .
wind tower over classrooms to allow indirect
natural light and cooling ventilation through The policy adopted for main services distribu- In 1978 the scope of Phase 1a was redefined
openable windows within the roof structure . tion to the buildings has been to construct a and the project was renamed the University of
Total floor area of buildings now complete is central services unit as the energy centre for Qatar. Construction commenced in 1979, and
73 ,000m 2 . In addition to classrooms , labora- the campus with an underground walk- following a re-plan , was completed in 1984 at
tories and lecture theatres , space is provided through service duct connecting the energy a total cost of approximately £125m .
for library and exhibition facilities , administra- centre to the other buildings. Credits
tion , canteens and a central services unit con- The central services unit contains the main Client:
The Government of the State of Qatar
taining main air-conditioning plant. The build- cooling plant which supplies chilled water to
ing surrounds have been fully landscaped to the air-conditioning systems. The plant con- Architect:
Dr. Kamal El Kafrawi
include car parking and there is a dual car- sists of four unusually large centrifugal
riageway ring road for vehicle circulation to chillers with variable speed drives which pro- Structural and services engineer:
Ove Arup & Partners
different areas of the campus. duce a total of 18,000kw of cooling capacity .
Quantity surveyor:
A further phase of sports facilities and student The basic types of air-conditioning systems Widnell and Trollope
activity buildings is under construction to be adopted within each building are ducted all air Main contractor:
occupied during the next academic year. (for large areas such as laboratories and lec- Fujita, Japan
The structural design solution is a specific ture theatres) and fan coil units (for class- Photos:
response to the architect's planning . The con- rooms, studies and staff rooms) . Crispen Boyle
cept for high quality concrete buildings in a Small air handling units of the fan coil type concrete:
2 modular low-rise form has allowed the use of have been developed especially for the pro- lnterbeton , Holland
Right: Masterplan of the University of Qatar
Phase 1a buildings
[c_ )

Below: Map showing location of Qatar

1 College of Education - men 5 Educational Technology 9 Women 's Canteen
2 College of Education - women 6 Library & Exhibition 10 Administration
3 College of Engineering 7 Engineering Workshop 11 Car Parking
4 College of Science 8 Men 's Canteen 12 Central Services Unit
3 48 0 2460 34 80 ~ 2460 .1, 3480 ~ 2460 .1, 3 ~ 2460 3480

> 0
·- <O

3480 2460 3480 2460 1 3480 2460

3480 1

A- A

Plan and section

Cut-away view of octagon illustrating the octagonal module adopted for the building

Prevailing wind

Partitioning lo
deflect air

Trapped wind
forced 10

Concept the provision of 3,000m 2 of roof terraces ,
Britoil headquarters On the upper levels, a mix of open plan and landscaped with small trees and shrubs ,
cellular office space is provided while the generally located at the inner elevations of the
Architect: Hugh Martin and Partners lower levels contain all the technical and staff office spaces. Internal planting is provided in
back-up facilities required in the headquar- the main ground floor mall , which is bright-
Derek Blackwood ters of a company involved in high techno- ened by daylighting from a glazed roof.
logy. Housed in the semi-basement levels The form of the building which evolved as
are two main frame computer halls, tele- economically and functionally the best, pre-
The rapid growth of Britoil pie since its forma-
communications equipment, plantrooms, sented some interesting challenges in its
tion as the British National Oil Corporation in
kitchen , reprographics and stores together design and construction , particularly in the
1976 resulted in the leasing of office space in
with extensive stratigraphic laboratory facil i- lower levels. These arose from the variability
several locations in Glasgow. Following the
ties, for the specialist research and testing of soil conditions over the site, the presence
decision by the company in 1980 to con-
work carried out by the company. Car parking of a2.5m British Telecom tunnel under the site
solidate its headquarters in the city, a brief
for 11 O cars is also provided at the lowest y.-hich had to be retained without significant
was drawn up for purpose-built offices on a
levels (with space for a further 65 cars in a disturbance and the need to carry out deep
central 2 ha site in St Vincent Street. The in-
landscaped external car park at the west end excavations without disruption to nearby
tention was to provide a building wh ich would
of the site) as is access for service veh icles . streets and buildings.
house the company's current and projected
activities in Glasgow in one location while pro- The main pedestrian entrance is from St Vin- Site
viding conditions which would improve com- cent Street. In addition to the main foyer and The site was originally crossed by two streets
munications and efficiency within a pleasant mall, with lift and escalator access to the up- incorporating bridges and terraces and by
working environment. While the company per levels, this level accommodates con- buildings which were demolished prior to the
wished to have a building of quality it also re- ference facilities , a medical suite , a large staff main contract. However it was not possible to
qu ired the project to represent good value for restaurant and office space. excavate all of the foundations, particularly at
money, not only in capital expenditure but Externally the building is clad in high qual ity, the perimeter of the site where basement
also in maintenance and running costs. low maintenance materials consisting of walls were left to retain the pavements and
The design which evolved resulted in a first polished granite cladding to the walls anc;j some demolition material was left in place.
phase building comprising some 46,000m 2 column surfaces and glazed curtain walling Extensive site investigations were under-
gross internal floor area on five floors above comprising double glazed solar control reflec- taken involving 35 boreholes supplemented
main entrance level and three below in semi- tive glass panels in aluminium frames . Inter- by probeholes and trial pits. Standpipes were
basement on the steeply sloping site. Plan- nally the fin ishes are also of high quality with also installed and monitored to record
ning permission has been obtained for a carpeted raised flooring used extensively in groundwater levels. While the investigation
second phase and design is progressing on conjunction with proprietary relocatable parti- was concentrated in the Phase 1 area,
a small addition to the west end to finish off the tions and suspended ceilings. general information on the whole site was ob-
complex . The office space is fully air-conditioned by tained and a number of boreholes were sunk
When the management contract was award- means of an al I air, variable air volume system outside the perimeter of the site where it was
ed in May 1983 Phase 1 of the project was one combined with an under window background intended to install ground anchors.
of the largest private developments under- heating system and the computer halls, Prior to work commencing on site, inspec-
taken in Scotland . laboratories and ground floor accommoda- tions of adjacent buildings, roadways and
tion are also air-conditioned . Services com- structures were carried out and schedules of
prising lifts, stairs, ventilation ducting and · dilapidations were prepared by the manage-
toilets are conveniently and efficiently con- ment contractor and agreed with the adjacent
centrated in three transverse service zones proprietors. The BT tunnel was the subject of
leaving the office areas free. particularly close inspection and an accurate
The glazing, partition and flooring systems survey was carried out to establish its location
Landscaped roof terraces (north east) are all designed to minimize noise at1d .th.e precisely. Movements in the tunnel and other
(Photos: Guthrie Photography) pleasant environment is further enhanced by sensitive structures such as the steeple of a

St . Vincent

After anchors
South North
/ ....

/ ········· ·"-/ .
/ I
} _/
\ 10 I_
Dec . '83 .... .. . . ~ 15
Jan . '84 - · -
I June '84 - - -
Rock anchors Jan. '85

20 10 0 10
Wall deflection (mm)
Britoil headquarters : 0 20m Movement in secant pile wall
Typical cross-section of structure at various stages in the excavation

church to the north were monitored through- Semi-basement

out the building operations . The relationship of the semi-basement to St Back of
St. Vincent Street pavement
The ground conditions were found to be Vincent Street is such that a deep excavation _ _J
typical of much of Glasgow but were quite was required over the length of Phase 1 from .)Water Gas 0 Gas
variable in the 160m length of the building . about 7m deep at the west end to 15m near Fill & colluvium
., Se~
Bedrock, generally comprising a strong or the east end and then back to street level at
very strong sandstone , was found at reason- the extreme east end . Alternative forms of
ably consistent levels over the whole site and temporary support were considered which
this was generally overlain by glacial till , a would allow the 45,000m 3 excavation to be Q sewer
very stiff boulder clay. In some areas the till carried out simply and economically while Glacial till

was absent but towards the north east corner maintaining the security of the street and its Secant
of the site its thickness increased rapidly to a important services including a major sewer pile wall
depth of more than 20m . Elsewhere the till and a 120-year-old cast iron water main of
was generally overlain by typical Clyde 36 in diameter. Internal propping was ruled
Glacial till
alluvium - a loose to medium dense fine out because of the restrictions this would
sand - with old basement walls, upfilling have placed on subsequent construction , and
and demolition rubble immediately below the substantial earth pressures involved ruled
ground level. The groundwater table was out options such as cantilevered bored piles 0 10m

generally found within the sands with some or a 'berlinoise' system. Also the latter forms
evidence of a perched water table above the of construction could not have provided any Detail of secant pile wall construction
till at the north east. watertightness in the final condition .

Deep excavation at east end Secant pile wall

Detail of Mall roof steelwork Completed structure from south east

We therefore developed a design for a wall anchors were installed, were taken to rock superstructure and basement floors were
which would provide stability in the temporary level to resist the large vertical component of finally constructed the rock anchors were
condition without internal shores and would the anchor forces . destressed and the soil pressures from the
ultimately provide permanent soil retention The primary piles were stopped off just below 145m long wall were then resisted by the
and watertightness. It seemed at the design the lowest excavation level. A blast furnace structure. Finally, brick walling was con-
stage that either a diaphragm wall or a secant slag replacement concrete mix was structed in front of the wall and the cavity thus
pile wall , both restrained by temporary rock developed to ensure low early strength to created was drained and ventilated .
anchors, could provide the answer. Since it facilitate cutting into the primary piles while The ground slabs and other retaining walls
was not clear which would be the most econo- ensuring that the full specified 28 day strength are of conventional watertight construction
mical , both schemes were developed to of 25 kN/m 2 was achieved . At the BT tunnel it with an external damp proof membrane.
tender stage and in the event the secant pile was not possible to take the secondary piles These , combined with the drained cavity con-
scheme proved to be the cheaper. to rock. Here, the subcontractor used large struction , ensure dry conditions in the exten-
Due to the variations introduced by differing temporary steel walings and specially heavy sive semi-basement.
ground conditions , wall height, anchor layout anchor forces had to be developed to bridge Foundations
and the levels of the floor slabs which provide the gap. Because of concern about noise and the
the permanent propping , a total of 14 typical To provide adequate shear transfer and to effects of vibrations on the tunnel and adja-
sections were analyzed by us for stability and avoid having to drill through the piles for the cent structures and services , driven piling
deflection. The need to control deflection was anchors a detail comprising a welded was ruled out and large diameter, bored , cast
of primary importance and the behaviour of assembly of plates, hoops and inclined tubes in situ piles were chosen . The provision of a
the wall was analyzed principally using a com- was developed. These were fixed into the single pile per column avoided the need for
puter program developed by us to aid the reinforcement cages and cast into the secon- large pile caps and, given the high strength of
design of the deep basement for the British dary piles . The tubes were filled with poly- the bedrock with no appreciable weathering
library in London. In order to confirm the styrene which was cleaned out prior to anchor at rockhead, the piles were designed as end
design assumptions , inclinometer tubes were drilling. bearing . This type of foundation also ensured
cast into selected piles and the deflections of In order to avoid the legal complexities of ex- minimal differential settlement between
the wall were monitored throughout each tending the rock anchors under the properties columns whose loads varied from 2,800 kN to
stage of the excavation and on destressing on the north side of St Vincent Street and to 12,000 kN (1 ,200 tonnes) as a result of varia-
the anchors . The recorded movements were avoid the services, in particular the sewer, we tions in column grid and building height. The
within acceptable limits. decided to install the anchors at steep angles lengths of the piles were generally in the
The primary piles were installed by casings of between 40° and 57° below the horizontal. range 1O to 15m but were up to 24m bored
oscillated and pushed in by a system of Preliminary anchors were tested at an early length at the east end where the basement
hydraulic rams, then the secondary piles stage to confirm the design of the fixed level is highest. Some 277 piles were con-
were cut into the primaries whilst the concrete lengths into the rock which vary between 3m structed in a range of diameters between 750
was green , to form a continuous wall with and 7m and five trial anchors were also in- and 1500mm.
1OOmm interlocks. No walings were used and stalled and monitored for several weeks to en- The piles straddle the cable tunnel and the
only the secondary piles, through which the sure that long-term creep losses were accep- superstructure is designed to span using
table. A total of 144 anchors on up to three deep 12m transfer beams to carry the inter-
levels were then installed to take design loads mediate columns and ground slabs without
of between 500 and 2400 kN . loading the existing segmental concrete
After completion of the excavation the wall structure. Limitations on working methods
Left: Landscaped roof terraces presented a reasonably uniform surface . It adjacent to the tunnel and on the structural
(service zone)
was then cleaned by jetting and, with a little measures to be adopted were fully discussed
Left bottom: Central Mall roof remedial work, an acceptable degree of and agreed in advance with British Telecom's
Below: Reception area watertightness was achieved . When the consulting engineers .

Three piling construction techniques were precast concrete in stairs and ramps and , in were cheaper than those involving steelwork
adopted to suit the varying ground conditions the case of the stairs , lightweight concrete and , of the concrete schemes, a totally in situ
and local requirements . Firstly , 42% of the was used to minimize handling problems . beam and slab construction was the most
piles were constructed in the dry by vibrating The final choice of in situ reinforced concrete economical.
temporary steel casings into the glacial till to beam and slab construction was only made Other major considerations in the choice of
sufficient depth to obtain a seal against the in- after a comprehensive comparison with alter- the structural form were the need to provide
gress of groundwater. The spoil was then native schemes in steel and precast concrete an unobstructed space for the lateral distribu-
removed by auger, the base formed with a flat to ascertain the cheapest and most appro- tion of services in the ceiling spaces and to
bottomed bucket and finally inspected and priate structural form . While reinforced con - provide a structure which would result in a
cleaned by hand . Secondly , where the glacial crete was considered essential for the foun- minimum overall floor depth. The latter was
till was either thin or absent and the temporary dations, the watertight basement walls and particularly important in a building subject to
casing could not provide a seal against floors , the basement suspended slabs (which height restrictions .
groundwater , a further 37% of the piles were were required to transmit large lateral earth
formed by introducing water into the bore to In general a 12m x 6m column grid was con-
pressures into the foundations) and the ver-
prevent the washing in of debris and the bor- tical and horizontal structure in the transverse sidered desirable to provide reasonably
ing was continued under water with the aid of service zones (or TSZs) , in the remaining column-free interiors. This , combined with
a sand pump , the concrete being tremied . the need to distribute the main services in the
areas, it was possible to examine the use of
Thirdly, adjacent to the British Telecom tun- ceiling space in the east-west direction from
other structural materials . We prepared
nel and in other particularly sensitive areas several steel frame schemes but the advan- the TSZs lead to the adoption of east-west
the remaining 21 % of piles were constructed tages of speedier construction and the cost beams generally at 6m centres with flat slabs
using bentonite to stabilize the sides of the between. This provided an 800mm deep clear
savings in construction time were found to be
bores . Careful control of the condition of the offset by the extra cost of the material and fire services space within a floor zone of minimum
bentonite was essential to ensure cleanliness depth .
protection and , since all the schemes had
of the pile bases . concrete flooring in common , the lower An additional advantage of the in situ struc-
To check the adequacy of the contractor 's weight of the steel frame gave only a small ture was its ability to cope readily with canti-
proposed construction methods two prelimi- saving in foundation costs . It was conse- levers , upstands, variations in floor level and
nary piles were installed ; a 900mm diameter quently found that all of the concrete schemes variations in loading. The areas of flat slab
pile bored dry and a 750mm diameter pile con-
structed under water. These were loaded in
stages to 2 Y2 times their design load. The
load/settlement response was practically
linear with no impending sign of fa ilure and
the measured movements at design load for
each pile were approximately 4mm. Lateral
load tests were also carried out to confirm
design assumptions .
Careful supervision of the construction of the
contract piles was necessary to maintain the
required quality. As already described almost
half of the pile bases were visually inspected.
This was supplemented by four contract pile
load tests using kentledge and in addition all
piles were integrity tested by the transient
dynamic response method and by ultrasonic
logging for which capped steel tubes were
cast in each pile .
The superstructure is constructed almost en-
tirely of in situ reinforced concrete except for
the tubular steel trusses spanning 9m to sup-
port the flat glass roofs over the malls and the
steel frames enclosing the roof top plant-
rooms. Limited use has also been made of Above : Reception area. Below : Office area

also provided the services sub-contractors Construction tended into the Phase 2 site and is restrained
with maximum freedom for the location of fix- Work began on site in September 1983 under by rock anchors installed to a fully protected ,
ings and small services holes. the Management Contractor who had the more durable standard than those in Phase 1
demanding task of co-ordinating the activities which are now destressed . Also the tem-
The three transverse service zones contain of five major subcontractors and many other porary metal cladding erected on the west
lift shafts and stair walls which are con- specialist subcontractors. The 48,000m 2 of gable is designed to be easily removable
structed in reinforced concrete and form floor and roof slabs were topped out in June when this imposing addition to the Glasgow
natural points for lateral and longitudinal 1985 and the Phase 1 building was handed scene is extended.
stability. However, it was considered advis- over on programme in September of this year .
able to make some provision in the 125m long Credits
superstructure for thermal and shrinkage It had been predicted that the most likely Client:
movement so two sliding joints were intro- movement of the British Telecom tunnel due Britoil (Development) Ltd .
duced and from considerations of architec- to construction work would be a rise caused Architect:
tural detailing it was decided to locate these by the removal of up to 9m of over-burden by Hugh Martin and Partners
adjacent to two of the TSZs . The detail which the excavation above. In the event the tunnel Structural and civil engineer:
was developed involved the provision of pro- did rise but less than had been predicted and Ove Arup & Partners Scotland
prietary structural bearings between the ends the disturbance was minimal. Mechanical and electrical engineer:
of the in situ reinforced concrete floor beams Blyth & Blyth (M & E)
The form of the superstructure resulted in
and corbels on the supporting columns . Quantity surveyor:
simple and repetitive formwork with steel
Gardiner & Theobald
moulds being utilized for the standard circular
The bearings were specified to provide free Acoustic consultant:
columns in the upper levels. Progress on con-
rotation and longitud inal sliding in addition to Sandy Brown Associates
rigid vertical support for a load of 1, 100 kN struction during the winter was maintained by
Landscape consultant:
the use of large tented structures to provide
and since the wind forces on the facade of the W J Cairns and Partners
building were transmitted through these bear- substantial areas of weather protection.
Catering consultant:
ings to the stabilizing TSZs they were also re- Provision is made in the structure to facilitate GWP Associates
quired to take a transverse load of 40 kN the addition of the second phase . For Management contractor:
without movement. example the secant pile wall has been ex- Wimpey Construction UK Ltd .

l\bove: Computer suite. Below: East elevation (Pitt Street) Above: View from Pitt Street I St. Vincent Street (north east corner)

The proposal was to rehouse all Court
Sheriff Court business under one roof with 21 courts com-
and its relationshi p with the terraces in
Carlton Place was emphasized by the Royal
prising four Criminal Jury Courts , 11 General
Glasgow and Purpose Courts , a Diet Court , an Appeal
Fine Arts Commission for Scotland and was
carefully considered in the final design . This
Court, two Juvenile Courts, a Civil Court and has resulted in siting the building further back
Strathkelvin a Criminal Custody Court. This posed a com- from the river than the adjacent terraces to
plex situation of identifying the needs and reduce the impact on the general environ-
Architects: relationships between various disciplines of ment and to create a larger landscaped area
Kepple Henderson Architects the Court House users for which there was no at the riverside .
precedent in this country. The resulting Court During the desk study of the site, in the pro-
Arun Save House building , which now replaces the three
buildings at different locations in the city , is
cess of examining Ordnance Survey maps ,
etc., it came to light that over the past 150
the third largest Court House in Europe , the years the site had been developed twice with
largest being in Hamburg, followed by one in different layout for buildings and roads ,
Liverpool. perhaps reflecting on the rapid growth of this
The need for new buildings for the Sheriff
Court in Glasgow was first identified before Over the period of time it was no surprise that industrial and commercial heart of Glasgow at
many of us were born! To say that the gesta- the original brief changed a few times and, of that time . In the early 20th century dramatic
tion period has been generous would be an course , tighter purse strings also resulted in changes took place influenced by the war
understatement considering it has been more delays to the original programme . depression and the Gorbals began to deterio-
than half a century. To be precise the Court In 1971 , the Court House Commissioners ' rate. By 1970 most of the buildings on the site
House Commissioners ' decision to go for an responsibilities were vested in the newly- were demolished in preparation for the con-
entirely new building was taken as long ago formed Scottish Courts Administration , thus struction of the New Sheriff Courts .
as 1932, and the adoption of Lanarkshire finally severing the ties with local govern- General description
House and former Stamp Office as Sheriff ment. The Property Services Agency of the and design of new building
Court House annexes in 1964 and 1981 was Department of the Environment was formed Externally the architecture of the building ex-
a matter of temporary expect iency. The inade- in 1972 to provide courts , among many other presses a strong structural form with external
quacies of the former Court House facilities things. In early 1978, the Secretary of State slab columns and distinctive order in the rela-
were clearly apparent when one looked at the gave final approval to proceed with the tionship between levels. The slab columns
overcrowding , lack of space, and ill-designed scheme to tender stage. support the edge beam at level four and go
accommodation with inherent defects which The location past to pick up the overhanging structure at
could not be rectified . In 1965, PA Manage- The New Sheriff Courts occupy some six level five . These full-height columns and deep
ment Consultants were commissioned by The acres of land on the south bank of the River beams at levels four and five are clad with
Court House Commissioners to examine the Clyde extending west from Victoria Bridge up polished granite imported from Denmark and
sizes of the problems , identify the refine- to the most attractive 19th century terraces of provide a striking contrast to the matt finished
ments of the Courts for the next 20 years and Carlton Place. The impact of the New Sheriff Catcastle sandstone forming the recessed
prepare a design brief. Court building on the riverside environment walls round the building .

Main entrance

1. Ground floor plan

2. Section

Once inside the building at level two , you are prisoners from their cells , jurors, witnesses , Structural design
immediately in a majestic atrium extending clerical staff and the public , is well defined . The shape of the building was dictated by the
the full length and height of the building. At the The simplicity of the solution is a triumph of need to restrict the overall height so that it
apex of this cathedral-like atrium are large planning (see Fig . 1). would not oppress the view of the adjacent ter-
aluminium framed rooflights providing ade- A large car park to hold 140 cars is located on races . To achieve this the entire building has
quate light during the daytime. The floor , walls the south side of the Court House with an easy been sunk into the ground and a dry moat has
and columns of the atrium are clad with off- access to the building . been created at level one . This level had to be
white Hoptonwood limestone imported from carefully judged to ensure that under normal
Middleton Quarry, Wirskworth . Landscaping surrounding the south car park circumstances the surface water would be
and that on the north side of the Court House discharged into the River Clyde by gravity.
The building accommodates 21 courtrooms ,
extending to the river bank, softens the im- The dry moat acts as a security barrier with
their associated witness and jury rooms ,
pact of the strong lines of the structure . controlled access from Nicholson Street.
prisoners ' cells , along with the police depart-
ment and admin istrative accommodation for Naturally, security was a major factor in the An elevated roadway surrounds the building
the Sheriff Clerk's Department. The Sheriffs planning of the Court House. Siting the and in addition to providing an access to the
have their own accommodation with robing building line away from the river front and main entrance to the Court House at level two ,
rooms , and the use of their private balcony, sinking the building some 2m , were some of it also provides an elevated route for the fire
common room and library. the fundamental steps implemented to en- tenders .
The architectural concept in planning sepa- hance the security . Construction of a ha-ha Throughout the building the structure has
rate, clearly defined circulation routes was of immediately north of the Court House been carefully integrated with the architec-
paramount importance. Access to all the discourages the public from entering the tural needs , space planning and services
courts by the Sheriffs, police bringing building at the lower level. location and distribution . Most of the courts

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3 . Piling layout
In all , six lifts are provided in the building , four
of which serve the general public and staff . All
of these are hydraulic lifts with the hydraul ic
ram extending some 20m below ground floor
level in some cases .
Site preparations
Occupying the prominent corner of the site at
the riverside there stood the elegant John
Knox Church of the Gorbals . The church had
been out of use for many years , neglected and
badly needing attention to its decaying struc-
tural elements . The spire of the church , one
of the prominent landmarks in its original
form , was struck by lightning in 1929. The
church had to be demolished to provide ade-
quate area for the court building .
The site now extends from the River Clyde on
the north to Norfolk Street on the south and
from Gorbals Street on the east to Nicholson
Street on the west.
The basements and the foundations of the
buildings from previous developments still
existed under the vacant site .
The most sign ificant single item which re-
quired immediate attention was the 2m dia-
meter main sewer constructed in 1910 and
flowing at its full capacity . It crossed the site
from east to west and had to be diverted under
separate contract in advance . The construc-
tion of this sewer for most of its length was of
bolted cast iron segments lined with concrete .
are two storeys high . The structure , therefore , are artificially ventilated . All the ventilation The diverted section is in prestressed con -
spans some 12m across the width of the systems and electrical installations are con- crete segments and is reconnected to the
courts at their ceiling levels . The building trolled by a microcomputer. The main plant- original route at both ends by introduction of
structure is of in situ reinforced concrete for room is located at levels two and three , while large manholes. The new section being well
columns, beams , floor slabs , stairs , etc ., with the boiler plant is on the recessed top floor. below the ground water table required
nominal use of precast concrete at upper Access to the lighting system is achieved dewatering , interlocking sheeting for protec-
levels. Aluminium is used in the design of the without disruption of the normal business tion and temporary piling during construction
large rooflight structure (see Fig . 2) . wherever possible . The facility of maintaining under roads .
The courtrooms in the core of the bui lding are the services to the courts is achieved by the Certain lengths of temporary piling were left
air conditioned. The external offices have provision of suspended service floors above in as a safety measure and the abandoned
18 natural ventilation and the spaces between the ceilings . length of the original sewer filled with fly ash.
Construction lions were put in hand . The comprehensive site , it was necessary to adopt a piling tech -
The preliminary contract of nine month s dura- data compiled through boreholes , trial pits , nique with least possible vibrations. The most
tion to divert the main sewer together with the Dutch cone penetration tests and load tests , acceptable solution therefore was contin -
services of the statutory supply of authorities revealed that the soil conditions in the site uous flight auger type with minimum vibra-
commenced in March 1979. The construction consisted of silty sand and gravel and that the tions and noise during construction. A total of
work for the main contract commenced in rockhead was some 33m below the ground 707 piles were installed with 450mm and
June 1981 and completed in January 1986, level . The bearing capacity of the upper layers 600mm diameters. The trial load tests con -
allowing the court to commence its function s was very poor. firmed the designed lengths to be 21 m and
in May 1986. This led to the piled foundation design . Taking 24m respectively (see Fig . 3) .
At various stages prior to the commen cement cognisance of the delicate structural condi- During construction , some interesting prob-
of the main contract several site investiga- tion of the ageing buildings adjacent to the lems were encountered , the most common 19
with the philosophy of achieving maximum
open space without intrusion of vertical struc-
ture led to long spanning. heavily reinforced .
horizontal structural elements which no doubt
tested the contractor 's expertise for tem-
porary works . In some instances where struc-
tural elements were repeated precast con-
struction was favoured for speed and
One of the many significant stages represen-
ting the achievements of the contractor was
the 'topping out' of the building . This cere-
mony was undertaken by Mr . Michael
Ancram . M.P.. the then Minister for Home
Affairs and Environment at the Scottish Office
in September 1983.
The assessed total value of the project in-
cluding the prel iminary works contract is
£30m .
We would like to thank Property Serv ices
Agency for permitting us to produce this
article . We would also like to thank Keppie
Henderson Architects for allowing us to
reproduce their drawings .

one being the concrete blockage in the shaft construction of this was achieved by using the Credits
of the auger due mainly to the inability to dewatering technique local to the area. The
Scottish Courts Administration
dislodge the plug! The only solution was to spacing of the well points was designed to Property Services Agency
withdraw the auger, clean out and redrive . keep the water table effectively below the for-
This gave us cause for concern . However , all mation level. All works up to the ground slab Keppie Henderson Architects
piles were subjected to non-destructive test- level are of watertight construction .
Structural consultants:
ing whic~ confirmed that the homogeneous The suspended floor slabs are of coffered Ove Arup & Partners Scotland
concrete section of the required length was construction and in some instances after ex- Quantity surveyors :
satisfactorily achieved in each pile . perimentation the shape and size of these cof- John Danskin & Purdie
The space between the pile caps and the fers were designed specially to suit this pro- Mechanical and electrical consultants:
ground slab was effectively utilized for ac- ject. In the atrium the soffit of the coffer slabs Ramsay & Primrose
commodating drainage and other essential is exposed to give a pleasing effect . and is Main contractor:
services . featured under the links to give attractive Sir Robert McAlpine
Certain parts of the structure local to the lift details. Presence of two-storey high courts Photos:
20 pits are below the ground water table and the with access platforms for services , coupled Guthrie Photography
Architects: Richard Rogers Partnership
There have been two previous articles in
The Arup Journal deal ing with the Lloyd 's
project . John Thornton discussed the
structure in the June 1982 edition and
John Roberts wrote about the toilet
modules in October 1984.
To commemorate the official opening
we are publishing here a selection of
photographs of the finished bu ilding.

16 2V 36

46 5V

1. View from the north west 3. Axonometric showing the components

of the main building structure
2. Corner view showing main components
that appear on the exterior: horizontal 4. Corner view of the beam grid
and vertical ducts , wall-climber lifts,
escape stairs , main building columns 5. The beam grid from inside
Tolerance pocket with
steel Inserts

Precast yoke

Stainless steel

lnsitu node

Elastomeric bearings Prefabricated bracing

v' 12
6. Floor bracket assembly
7. Bracket during construction
8. Bracket/column/bracing assembly
which is the key structural detail
9. Castings for the atrium steelwork bolted to
a derivative of the main building brackets
10. The precision of the concrete
was most important
11 . Main vertical air ducts and lift guide
ladders on the satellite towers
12. All the services support brackets were
specially designed . The one shown supports
toilet ventilation ducts and stabilizes a
services riser platform ; it incorporates a
sliding joint to allow relative vert ical movement.
13. Horizontal air ducts and their supports
14. The satellite link and services passed
through the stability bracing with very
little clearance
15. The Room
16. View of the atrium
from the Room
17. The main entrance
stairs and canopy
18. The escape stairs
with the lowest flight in
19. The support details
for the escape stairs
Facing page :
The underwriting Room
(Photo: M. Taylor)

Richard Rogers
Structural and
services engineers :
Ove Arup & Partners
Photos :
Harry Sowden
John Thornton
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Printed ,n England by Reedprint Limited , W indsor , Berksh ire

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