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WEEK N° 14: ACTIVITY 1 (DECEMBER 9TH – 15TH, 2020)

Topic: The Pachamama

Objective: To know about the Pachamama and the Ecuadorian culture.

1. What do you think is the equivalent of Pachamama?

a) Environment b) Mother Earth c) Care of Nature d) Environmental impact

2. Read the following passage aloud. Practice pronunciation and intonation.

3. Read the text again. Answer the following questions in complete sentences.

• What is the most common translation for Pachamama in English?

Mother Earth

• What powers does the Pachamama have?

Mother earth has spiritual powers

• What do people offer to the Pachamama?

Mother earth offers food and life to people

• How do people maintain a good relationship with the Pachamama?

Taking care of her in various aspects

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