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DELTA Module Three


Version 11

Copyright ©UCLES 2020

1 General administration 4
1.1 Ensuring that your centre is authorised to offer DELTA Module Three ... 4
2 Timetables ............................................................................................................. 4

Pre assessment preparation

3 Making entries ...................................................................................................... 4
3.1 Minimum numbers .................................................................................... 4
3.2 Fees ............................................................................................................ 4
3.3 Making entries ........................................................................................... 4
3.4 Closing dates for entries ............................................................................ 5
3.5 Checking candidate statements of entry .................................................. 5
3.6 Candidate Registration Form …………………………………………………………………5
3.7 Referred candidates................................................................................... 5
3.8 Deferred/Absent candidates ..................................................................... 5

4 Supporting DELTA Module Three candidates ....................................................... 6
4.1 Commenting on drafts ............................................................................... 6
4.2 Candidate Information Sheets (CIS) .......................................................... 6
4.3 Submission of materials to Cambridge English ......................................... 6
4.4 Presentation ……………………………………………………………………..………………..6
4.5 Statement of Originality ………………………………...………………………..….……..7
4.6 Word limit – and graphics ...……………………………….………………………………..8
4.7 Submissions by the centre ……………………………………………………………….…..8

Administrative Timetable for Centres

5 Summary of Module Three Administration ......................................................... 9
5.1 Pre-entry procedures................................................................................. 9
5.2 Post entry administration .......................................................................... 9

Results and Certificates

6 Results ................................................................................................................. 10
7 Certificates........................................................................................................... 11
8 Enquiries on Results ............................................................................................ 11
8.1 Enquiries on results .................................................................................. 11
8.2 Appeals and complaints procedure ..................................................... 11

Appendix 1 Guidance on Optimising appendices........................................................ 13

Delta Module Three Manual
Version 11 - 2020

This manual supplements the current Cambridge English Delta Handbook for tutors and candidates and the
Handbook for Centres, both of which are available on the Cambridge English Support Site. It contains
additional information needed to administer DELTA Module Three.

Equality Statement

DELTA is based on the principle of open and equal opportunity for all, irrespective of age, sex, disability,
gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity, race,
religion and belief.

This principle is promoted in all aspects of DELTA, including selection of and assessment of performance of
tutors, assessors and candidates which is based solely on professionally relevant criteria.

Disability Discrimination

Centres are committed to providing equal access for all candidates taking Cambridge Teaching
Qualifications, regardless of any of the protected characteristics defined by the Equality Act 2010.*

In order to accommodate this principle, special provision may need to be made for candidates who would
otherwise be disadvantaged by a temporary or permanent disability.

Under the terms of the UK Equality Act 2010, it is a legal requirement to make reasonable adjustments to
cater for candidates with disabilities (e.g. dyslexia, dyspraxia, ADHD, visual/hearing impairment, physical
disability) and we would expect all of our centres to operate according to similar principles in this respect.
For example, we expect our centres to make appropriate provision to enable physically disabled candidates
to access premises and course materials.

Further examples, information and guidance on the UK Equality Act 2010 is available on the Equality and
Human Rights commission website at

*Please refer to the Equality and Human Rights Commission website:
characteristics for guidance on Protected Characteristics.

For further guidance relating directly to equal opportunity applied to Cambridge Teaching Qualifications,
please see the supporting article: Advice for centres receiving applications from candidates with disabilities.

Delta Module Three Manual
Version 11 - 2020
1 General administration

1.1 Ensuring that your centre is authorised to offer DELTA Module Three

Currently registered Cambridge Assessment English centres, if not previously registered as a DELTA Module
Three centre, must apply for authorisation to offer an additional examination. Contact the Teaching
Qualifications Approval team: for application details.

Institutions which are not currently approved to offer Cambridge Assessment English examinations
or awards must apply for registration as a centre. Contact for
details of application.

2 Timetables
There are two dates annually for the submission of DELTA Module Three assessments by the centre.
Please refer to the bookings calendar on Cambridge English for Centres for the examination date.
Assignments must be submitted electronically by the candidate to the centre on or before the submission
date. See also section 4.3.

Pre assessment preparation

3 Making entries

3.1 Minimum numbers

There is no minimum entry requirement.

Centres may be approached by candidates preparing independently for Module Three who would like to
register for Module Three entry at their centre. In such cases the Cambridge Assessment English
Examination fee is paid to the centre where the candidate has entered for Module Three and the results
will be issued to that centre.

It is the responsibility of approved DELTA Module Three centres to enrol and advise any referred
candidates even if the centre is not running a course at that time.

3.2 Fees
For the board fees for the DELTA Modules please refer to the Country Specific Exam Fee Rates.

3.3 Making entries

From February 2019 all DELTA Module Three entries will be made on Cambridge English for Centres.

Please ensure you are familiar with the procedure by checking the support available here and also the
tutorials in regards to making entries.

Delta Module Three Manual
Version 11 - 2020
Please note that there is a separate entry form for candidates taking the DELTA Module Three ELTM

3.4 Closing dates for entries

The closing date for entries is published under the scheduled exams calendar and the bookings tab on
Cambridge English for Centres.

Entries must be received by the date detailed on Cambridge English for Centres. Any late entries will incur
an additional charge.

3.5 Checking candidate statements of entry

Statements of entry can be generated for each candidate from Cambridge English for Centres.
Centres and candidates must check these statements carefully to ensure that all details are correct.
If they are not correct, the centre should contact

3.6 Candidate Registration Form

Once entered by the centre, each candidate must complete the online Delta Module Three Candidate
Registration Form. The link to the form is also available on the Support Site article to send to candidates.
The registration form provides proof that candidates have agreed to the terms and conditions governing
the assessment for DELTA Module Three, that they are aware of the penalties for plagiarism and that they
agree to our using their work for the purposes stipulated. The online Candidate Registration Form must be
completed by each candidate or results may be delayed.

3.7 Referred candidates

Candidates who do not achieve a Pass in Module Three have one opportunity within a one-year period to
resubmit their assignment. So for example, a candidate who is referred in June may resubmit in the
December of the same year OR in the following June. A candidate who is referred in December may
resubmit in June OR December in the following year.
Referred candidates (see also results Section 6) must re-enter through their original centre of entry.
If the candidate fails to re-submit within a one year period and enters for Module Three again, a
completely new assignment on a new specialism must be submitted.

3.8 Deferred/Absent candidates

If a candidate has entered for DELTA Module Three and does not complete the assessment, they will need
to re-enter for the following session and the entry fee will need to be paid again. The Entry fee for the
deferred or absent candidate would not be reimbursed.

Delta Module Three Manual
Version 11 - 2020

4 Supporting DELTA Module Three candidates

4.1 Commenting on drafts

The DELTA Module Three assignment is an independent research project and should represent the
candidate’s own research and findings. Centres may provide advice and guidance and suggested reading,
and comment on an outline plan, part drafts and one final draft. Advice and guidance should direct
candidates on what parts of the assignment need additional work and suggest appropriate reading and
sources of information.

Candidates should be advised that all DELTA Module Three assignments are checked for plagiarism,
including matches with previously submitted Module Three assignments. Candidates should be advised
that severe penalties are applied by Awarding Bodies if plagiarised work is detected in externally assessed
or moderated work. These will range from loss of marks to disqualification from the award and a ban on
re-entry for a period of up to three years.

4.2 Candidate Information Sheets (CIS)

The information for the electronic Candidate Information Sheets (CIS) will be sent to the centre in
advance of each session.

The data from the CIS is required for the purpose of research and validation of the assessments and
anonymity is guaranteed.

4.3 Submission of materials to Cambridge English

DELTA Module Three Assignments for all candidates entered should be submitted by the published
submission dates on Cambridge English for Centres in the Bookings tab. (see point 2 Timetables).

Delta Module Three Manual
Version 11 - 2020
4.4 Presentation
Assignments should be submitted as two (and no more than two) separate documents.

The first document consists of the main body of the assignment together with the course plan and the
collated needs analysis and diagnostic test results. This document must be submitted as a word
document with 2.50cm margins and can be sent as a .doc or a docx file. There should be no scanned
materials in this document.

The first document should be entitled as follows:

Centre number_candidatenumber_surname_Delta3_specialism _monthyear.doc
e.g. 11111_001_smith_Delta3_BE _1218.doc

The abbreviation for the specialism should be as follows:

The abbreviation for the specialism should be as follows:
- Business English (BE)
- Teaching young learners/young adults (YL)
- English for Special Purposes (ESP)
- English for Academic Purposes (EAP)
- Teaching examination classes (EX)
- Teaching one-to-one (1to1)
- ESOL learners with literacy needs (ESOL)
- CLIL/Embedded ESOL (teaching English through subject/work -based learning) (CLIL)
- Teaching monolingual classes (MON)
- Teaching multilingual classes (MUL)
- Teaching in an English-speaking environment (ESE)
- Teaching in a non-English-speaking environment (NESE)
- Teaching learners online/through distance/blended learning (DL)
- Teaching English to learners with special requirements e.g. visual/hearing impairment, dyslexia,
- Language development for teachers (LDT)
- Language support (e.g. on mainstream teaching programmes, specialist skills support, e.g.
supporting writing needs) (LS)

DELTA Module Three ELTM candidates should save their assignment as follows:
centre number_candidatenumber_surname_Delta3_ELTM_monthyear.doc
e.g. 11111_001_smith_Delta3_ELTM_1218.doc

The second document may be submitted as a word document or in Adobe pdf format and should
contain the following appendices:
• a completed sample of all analyses/tests used
• course evaluation materials and/or outline of procedure
• sample materials or summary of materials
• some samples of draft assessments.

Delta Module Three Manual
Version 11 - 2020
The second document should be entitled as follows:
centre number_candidatenumber_surname_Delta3_appendices_monthyear.doc
e.g. 11111_001_smith_Delta3_appendices_1218.doc

Candidates should ensure the file size does not exceed 10MB. It is especially important that the file
containing appendices is not too large as this may cause problems for online uploading and downloading
of assignments. See Appendix 1 for tips on reducing file size.

4.5 Statement of Originality

Every assignment needs to carry a Statement of Originality on the front cover. The statement which can be
found on the Support Site should be copied and pasted onto the title sheet of the assignment underneath
the usual details concerning centre and candidate number, the specialism chosen, the word count and the
version of MS Word used. The candidate should type their full name and the date to the statement, which
is taken as a formal declaration of the originality of their work.

4.6 Word Limit – and graphics

Candidates should ensure that the main body of the assignment does not exceed 4,500 words (from the
end of the contents page up to the beginning of the bibliography). Assignments up to 100 words over- or
under-length will be marked but will be subject to loss of marks. However, assignments over 4,600 words
or under 3,900 words will be returned unmarked.

It should also be noted, that all content in this part of the essay is included in the word limit even if the
automatic word count facility in MS Word does not pick it up. Specifically, if a candidate chooses to insert
content such as a table, diagram or picture as an image (e.g. .jpeg, .png etc.), it is probable that the
number of words in the image will not be included in the automatic word count. Candidates are advised to
treat this with caution, as all words (in any format) will be totalled by examiners and essays found to be
over-length will be penalised or returned unmarked.

4.7 Submissions by the centre

The Module Three assignments are uploaded electronically onto a Learning Management System by the
centre. Separate instructions will be sent to centres nearer the submission date.

N.B. The body of the assignment should be submitted as a word document and should not include
scanned materials. Appendices may include scanned materials.

Delta Module Three Manual
Version 11 - 2020
Administrative Timetable for Centres

5 Summary of Module Three Administration

5.1 Post entry administration

Time scale
June Session December Session

Centre makes entries on Cambridge English for

Up to May Up to November
Any special arrangements must be requested at
this point.

Centres provides the statement of entry for each May November


DELTA Administration sends to each centre, May November

guidance on electronic submissions.

Centre uploads all candidate assignments for Monday following first Monday following
the DELTA Module Three via Learning Wednesday in June first Wednesday in
Management System for moderation. December

Results for the DELTA Module Three are made August February
available on Cambridge English for Centres

Cambridge Assessment English DELTA August February

Administration issues Certificates for successful

Delta Module Three Manual
Version 11 - 2020
Results and Certificates

6 Results

Results will be issued eight weeks after the examination set date for Module One.

Cambridge English for Centres provides access to results information at both a summary level, including a
chart showing grades distribution, and at candidate level in the form of individual candidate Statement of
Results documents.

The Bookings dashboard includes the results issue date for an exam, and displays the status 'Available'
when results start to become available.

Clicking on 'Available' navigates you to the Results tab for a specific booking, it is from here that you can
view/download Statement of Results documents, generate a bar chart of grades and export results

For further information on accessing results on Cambridge English for Centres please refer to the following

It is the responsibility of the centre to issue results and follow up any queries on behalf of the candidate.

It is the responsibility of the centre to issue results and follow up any queries on behalf of the candidate.

Candidates who have submitted an incomplete or over- or under-length assignment cannot be considered
for the award of DELTA Module Three.

6.1 Referred candidates

A candidate is referred if they have failed DELTA Module Three at the first entry. Referred candidates
may resubmit their assignment on one occasion only within one year of the original entry. So for
example, a candidate who is referred in June may resubmit in the December of the same year OR in the
following June. A candidate who is referred in December may resubmit in June OR December in the
following year. Referred candidates may request reports up to six weeks after the issue of results (up to
four weeks after the dispatch of certificates). Late requests will not be accepted.

Candidates who fail DELTA Module Three, having been re-assessed within the one year period allowed, will
need to submit a completely new assignment on a different specialism, if they re-enter for Module Three.

Referred candidates must re-enter through their original centre of entry. They should be entered using a
new candidate number following on from any other entries made for the session. The referral box should
be ticked to indicate that the candidate is referred.

Delta Module Three Manual
Version 11 - 2020
7 Certificates
Certificates are issued approximately 2 weeks after the issue of results.

8 Results enquiries

8.1 Enquiries on results

It is the responsibility of the centre to advise on accessing results and to follow up any queries any
candidate makes.

Centres wishing to enquire about candidates’ results must do so via Cambridge English for Centres.

The following services/stages are available for candidates receiving a Referred or Fail grade:
Stage 1: Detailed Report.
Stage 2: Re-mark of Assignment.

The following services/stages are available for candidates receiving a Passing grade:
Stage 1: Full clerical check of all papers
Stage 2: Re-mark of Assignment.

All Stage 1 requests for result enquiries must be received no later than 6 weeks following the issue of
results. All Stage 2 requests must be received within 2 weeks of receiving the Stage 1 response.

All candidates wishing to request a re-mark must have completed, and received their results for, Stage 1
(either report request or clerical check) before requesting a Stage 2 re-mark.

Where an enquiry leads to a change of grade, any results enquiry fee paid will be reimbursed.

Please note: No special consideration can be given after results have been issued. Any special
considerations must be notified to DELTA Administration ( at the
time of the external assessment.

8.2 Complaints and Appeals procedure

Where a candidate is dissatisfied with the outcome of the results enquiry process, they are entitled to
request a formal appeal against their result.

Full details of the Cambridge Assessment English Appeals Procedure (including current charges and
final dates for Appeals submissions) are available from the Support Site or from

Where a candidate raises a complaint please provide them with information about your centre’s terms
and conditions and internal complaints procedures. If a candidate has been through all stages of your
centre’s internal complaints procedure and remains dissatisfied with the outcome then they should
contact Cambridge Assessment English Helpdesk. When we receive a complaint, we normally contact the
Delta Module Three Manual
Version 11 - 2020
centre and ask for confirmation that your complaints procedure has been completed or request an
investigation into the issues raised.

Delta Module Three Manual
Version 11 - 2020
Appendix One: Guidance on Optimising appendices

Optimising appendices for DELTA Module Three submission

Aim for scanned images in the appendices to be at 150 dpi resolution or below, unless there is
very small text in the image.
When creating images for your appendices, use a compressed file format such as JPEG (.jpg)
or PNG (.png). You can also use CCITT Group 3/4 compressed monochrome TIFF files if you
are very familiar with this format and are scanning in a lot of monochrome text.
Scan black and white images in ‘Greyscale’ rather than ‘Colour’ mode.

Microsoft Word
Remove all versioning information i.e. ‘track changes’ from your appendices Always insert graphics into
appendices rather than copying and pasting:

To insert a picture in Microsoft Word,

1. Go to the Insert menu and select Picture
2. Select From File from the pop-up menu
3. Locate your picture and click the Insert button

Though it is best to insert images into your appendices that are already in an efficient, compressed format
you can also compress your images once they have been added. Please note that this is only
recommended if you have a very large document and no way of accessing the original files.

To compress pictures in Word

1. Right click on the image
2. Select Format Picture from the menu
3. Choose the Picture tab
4. Click Compress
5. Select your options and click OK to compress image(s)

Experiment with options to see what works best and results in the smallest file. See the following
websites for useful pointers on keeping file size down:
http://office.m icros /en -us/word/HP052307401033.aspx (ignore the information about
linking graphics)
http://office.m icros /en -us/help/HA101922001033.aspx
http://www.tim eatlas .com/5_minute_tips/general/reducing_file_sizes_in_microsoft_word /2006/05/26/how -to-compress-images-in-your-documents /

Adobe PDF
If you have access to a copy of Adobe Acrobat, you can reduce the size of your pdf file by following this
1. Open your pdf file in Acrobat
2. Go to the Advanced menu and choose PDF Optimizer…
3. Select Standard from the pop-up menu next to Settings Click OK.
4. You will be prompted to save your optimised PDF.

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