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1. Preamble

The main objective of this module is to equip students with the basic analytical and laboratory
skills and techniques required to work safely and effectively in a typical life sciences lab.

2. Module objectives
By the end of this module learners must:
2.1 be able to articulate and practice laboratory safety rules and procedures
2.2 be familiar with the nature and importance of Standard Operating Procedures
2.3 able to prepare solutions used in a typical Biology and Biotechnology laboratory
2.4 able to articulate the principles and applications of the following techniques:
2.4.1 Microscopy;
2.4.2 Spectrophotometry;
2.4.3 Electrophoresis;
2.4.4 Centrifugation;
2.4.5 Chromatography;
2.4.6 Polymerase Chain Reaction
2.5 able to use the following items of equipment: microscopes, spectrophotometers,
electrophoresis apparatus, centrifuges, chromatography, PCR machines
2.6 able to write a scientific report

3. Module outline
3.1 Laboratory safety practices and procedures.
3.2 Standard Operating Procedures.
3.3 Preparation of solutions –
3.3.1 understanding of the terms molarity,
3.3.2 molecular weight/mass,
3.3.3 Percentage concentrations,
3.3.4 basic units of volumes and weight
3.3.5 Preparing solutions
3.4 Principles, techniques and biological applications of:
3.4.1 Microscopy;
3.4.2 Spectrophotometry;
3.4.3 Electrophoresis;
3.4.4 Centrifugation;
3.4.5 Chromatography;
3.4.6 Polymerase Chain Reaction.
3.5 Basics of writing a scientific report.
3.6 Practicals will develop competences in:
3.6.1 preparing stock solutions and accurate dilutions,
3.6.2 accurate pipetting and
3.6.3 using standard laboratory equipment,
3.6.4 biochemical evaluation,
techniques in molecular biology

4. Recommended texts:                            

4.1. Jones, A., Reed, R., and Weyes, J. (2016) Practical Skills in Biology, 6th Edition. Pearson.

4.2. Handouts

5. Assessment

Learners shall be assessed through continuous assessment worth 40% and a final examination
worth 60%.

5.1 Continuous Assessment

5.1.1 Continuous Assessment of Theory (CAT) shall comprise two take-home assignments
and two 2-hour in-class tests. Assignments will generally be due one week after they
are given. CAT will contribute 20% towards your module grade.

5.1.2 Continuous Assessment Practicals (CAP) is essential to the module goals and
compulsory too. CAP will contribute 20% to your final module mark. Please note
that if you score less than 40% for your CAP, you will be ineligible to sit for the
final examination for this module. If you miss a practical consult me about
alternative arrangements for doing it.

5.2. Final examination

Your final examination will be a three-hour paper comprising a Section A with 25 multiple choice
questions, and a Section B with five questions each worth 20 marks. You shall answer ALL the
questions in Section A and any three questions from Section B. The final examination will
contribute 60% towards the final module mark.

5.2.3. Final module grading

The pass mark for this module is 50% provided one has scored at least 40% for CAP. The final
grade is computed as follows: Continuous assessment 40%, and Final examination 60%.

6. Ethics & Lecture room etiquette

Students are expected to participate in class and show respect for the lecturer and fellow students.
Late arrival or early departure disrupt the class and should be avoided except in emergency
situations. Disruptive lecture room behaviour of any kind will not be tolerated. Students in this
module may assist each other in learning, but each student must submit his/her own original
work. I will deal with infractions of these rules in strict accordance with university policy.  

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