Incremental Sheet Metal Forming On CNC Milling Machine-Tool: J. Kopac, Z. Kampus

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Journal of Materials Processing Technology 162–163 (2005) 622–628

Incremental sheet metal forming on CNC milling machine-tool

J. Kopac ∗ , Z. Kampus
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Aškerčeva 6, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia


Incremental sheet metal forming is a promising process providing a short and inexpensive way of forming products having a relatively
simple but interesting shape. The paper presents the process controlled by CNC milling machine-tool together with CAD/CAM Master Cam
system and a smooth forming tool. With experimental testing and measurements the limits of forming without a full-size model were defined.
By using a simple full-size model and the concept where the sheet metal can move vertically in the clamping device, better results and products
were obtained.
© 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Incremental forming; Sheet metal forming; CNC machine; CAD/CAM; Limits of forming

1. Introduction new products all the time, there is also a constant need to
develop prototypes. Prototypes are made in order to try out
For sheet forming a number of different forming proce- a new part or its functionality. So, different processes have
dures have been used. In the past, sheet forming was per- been started where forming was performed without the tool
formed on special rolls by means of which a certain shape or with a supporting tool that was cheaper than the real tools.
was created. This process is called sheet metal rolling, but This is how the development of the procedure of incremen-
with this process only simple shapes can be obtained, thus tal sheet forming has been started. This process is performed
it was necessary to search for new solutions for sheet metal on a CNC milling machine-tool with CAD/CAM computers
forming. Developments went in the direction of looking for support.
new shapes of rolls, in this way reaching new dimensions Instead of a mill tool we use a tool which has a small ball
of forming. However, in today’s fierce competition in the in- in the end and with this tool we can form the sheet metal
dustrial world, there is a demand for more and more complex that is rigidly fixed. In the contact between the ball and the
products. In order to meet the requirements, attempts have sheet metal the forming process is going on. First our team
been made to stretch sheet metal on special models so that a tried to perform a simple forming operation without a sup-
desired final shape would be reached. To meet the demands porting tool, but only simple forms could be produced. Then
of high-volume production which requires shorts production the process was improved by using a supporting tool with a
times and lower manufacturing costs, industry started to form simple form, and sheet metal was formed on it. As a parallel
sheet metal on presses. However, a disadvantage of pressing development, the team has also started testing the forming
was that for every product it was necessary to make a special process using a water jet.
tool, on which sheet metal was formed. The costs of making
tools are very high, resulting also in higher costs of prod-
ucts. Thus forming on presses can be appropriate only for 2. Some concepts of incremental forming
high-volume production. Because industry keeps producing
2.1. Pushing

∗ Corresponding author. This is a process in which the sheet metal rotates together
E-mail address: (J. Kopac). with the spindle (Fig. 1). The tool which has a forming disc at

0924-0136/$ – see front matter © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J. Kopac, Z. Kampus / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 162–163 (2005) 622–628 623

2.3. Process of incremental sheet metal forming

This is a process where sheet metal is formed with a small

force and no press is needed. A piece of sheet metal it’s
chucked all around with a special chuck (Fig. 3). The tool
is guided with an NC computer program, which defines the
trajectory along which the tool should move. The trajectory
along which the tool should move is defined directly from a
model made in CAD. Tool can also rotate which causes local
Fig. 1. Pushing. deformation and the creation of a desired shape by deepening
the sheet metal.
Since the process has not been thoroughly tested, we first
its end forms the sheet metal from the centre outwards. The tested only soft materials and only later tried to test materials
process is appropriate for round products only. with much better mechanical properties. A lot of this depends
on the machine-tool having to withstand the loads used in
2.2. Forming by impression forming.
By incremental forming of flat surfaces the sheet metal
This is a process where the tool is stamped into the sheet material flows in the direction of the tool movement (ϕ1,
metal which is clamped on its circumference [4]. The forming ϕ2 = 0). At curved sheet metal the corners of the material
tool has a simple shape with a ball at its end. The tool travels also deform biaxial (ϕ1, ϕ2 ). The assessment of sheet metal
over a definite distance forming the sheet metal to a final form formability is founded on plane stress state presumption, i.e.
(Fig. 2). that fracture and local deformations are dependent only on
deformations in the sheet metal plane (ϕ1, ϕ2 ). Fracture curve,
plotted in yield surface curves plot is valid only for specific
type and thickness of the material. It is evident that at incre-
mental sheet metal forming, yield surface curve is a straight

Fig. 2. Forming with impression. Fig. 3. Process of incremental forming (a, b).
624 J. Kopac, Z. Kampus / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 162–163 (2005) 622–628

Fig. 6. Mechanism with a supporting tool (model).

Fig. 4. Graph of boundary deformations vales; (a) usually sheet metal form-
this way forms the sheet metal. The model (supporting tool)
ing and (b) incremental sheet metal forming. may have an intermediate or final shape.
At our tests we used a mechanism shown in Figs. 6 and 7.

line with negative incline and is higher than the usual sheet 3.2. Tool and trajectory
metal forming yield surface curves (Fig. 4). Therefore, in-
cremental sheet metal forming enables larger deformations. In first tests, tools with a rounded end had been used
The formability of incremental sheet metal forming can be [1–4,6]. Soon afterwards these tools were added a small ball
expressed in a scalar value (ϕ1 + ϕ2 ) [5]. from hardened steel. The diameters of this small ball are not
standardized, because the process has not yet been tested and
so different producers use different tools. The small balls usu-
3. Experimental set-up ally have diameters ranging from 25, 17.5, 11.8, 10. . . mm.
For finding an optimum tool more testing will be needed, be-
3.1. Mechanism cause the diameter of these small balls depends on the form
of the product, kind of material, and the depth to which the
Forming is performed with a supporting tool [6] (Fig. 5), small ball is impressed into the material in one movement.
where the sheet metal is chucked in a frame which can be The trajectory along which the tool moves is essential for
moved vertically. Under the frame there is a model, which successful production [1]. For this reason different processes
has to be made so that the tool moves along the model and in have been developed of which two should be mentioned: a

Fig. 5. Sketch of process with a supporting tool (model).

J. Kopac, Z. Kampus / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 162–163 (2005) 622–628 625

Fig. 7. Process with a supporting tool (model).

step-by step process moving outwards and a continuous pro-

cess moving inwards.
In the first process the starting point (in the centre of the
shape) is defined first. Then forming is started from this
point. Because in this process the middle point has to be
crossed two times there is a risk of getting an asymmet-
rical product (Fig. 8 upper). Another problem is that after
finishing the forming process, the depth is not the desired
one. Fig. 8. On the upper the tool moved step-by step outwards, on the lower
In the second process a point on the edge of the desired continuously inwards.
shape is determined, and then the tool moves in the direction
of the centre of the shape without interruption (Fig. 8, lower). 3.4. Parameters
In this way the shape is deepened step-by-step.
Because no central modification of the shape is in- From available literature it was evident that we need lu-
volved, a smoother and finer shape is formed. The exper- brication between forming. For this reason, tests were made
imental testing has shown that in the second process the with lubricated and non-lubricated type of forming.
shape obtained by forming is finer and closer to the desired For both tests, the same parameters were chosen:
• The sheet metal was square-chucked with inner sides of
the clamping square 62 mm × 62 mm.
3.3. Machine-tool • The sheet-metal plate subjected to forming measured
60 mm × 60 mm.
Tests were made on a CNC milling machine-tool Mori • Depth of forming 5 mm.
Seiki which has the following characteristics (Table 1): • Diameter of the small ball 10 mm.
• Standard parameters on the machine-tool
• Method of forming: only along the outer edge.
Table 1 • Lubricant: lithium grease.
Characteristics of machine-tool
Fast movement X,Y axis 20 m/min; Z axis 12 m/min 3.5. Experimental procedure
Feed rate X,Y,Z axis from 1 to 5000 mm/min
Clamping system MAS BT-40
Number of tools in stock 20 The sheet metal in the form of a square was chucked,
Positioning 0.005 mm and a computer program for forming was made. In the first
Repeatability of positioning 0.001 mm test no lubrication was applied and the forming was started
Control FANUC MSC-521 Three-Axis posi- on the inner edge of the chucked sheet metal. In the sec-
tioning and linear interpolation, two-
axis circular interpolation
ond test, lithium grease was put on the sheet metal before
626 J. Kopac, Z. Kampus / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 162–163 (2005) 622–628

Fig. 9. Forming with lubrication. Fig. 11. Square clamping of base material and formation of a square shape.

4.1.1. Testing procedure

From the figure we can see that the surface is smoother The sheet metal was square-clamped and forming was
when the forming surface was lubricated with grease (Fig. 9), started. The sheet metal was greased in all three tests de-
whereas without grease (Fig. 10) it was rough and the alu- scribed below. In the first test, the forming was performed
minium plate did not form into a nice shape and the entire first along the inner edge of the clamping frame, and then the
surface was picked. Some torn pieces have been indented into sheet metal was taken out and exchanged for a new one. In
the base material so that damage occurred also on the bottom second test, the aim was to form a cylindrical shape on the
side. The forming zone on the bottom side is marked by un- square-shaped clamping frame, and in the third test, the sheet
evenness because in this zone the material changed its own metal was being formed into a square shape 20 mm × 20 mm
structure. If the depth of forming were increased, it would located in the centre of clamped sheet metal.
come to material failure.
On the basis of these tests, we decided that all further tests
4.1.2. Results
would be carried out with greasing as only this would lead to
From Fig. 11 it is evident that we can easily form a
useful results.
square shape at square clamping, however the distance from
the clamping edge should be minimal. From the second test
(Fig. 12) it is evident that a round final shape cannot easily be
4. Results and discussion formed with square clamping because the material is pulled
on the edges where the distance from the edge of clamping
4.1. Comparison between different kinds of sheet metal is largest. In the third test (Fig. 13) the material got the final
clamping for different final shapes shape of a square which however, is far from the desirable
shape [8]. This leads to the conclusion that if forming is per-
These tests have shown that with one type of clamp- formed without a model, the shape that is obtained, would is
ing it is not possible to make different final shapes. They fine only if it is the same as that of the clamping. For example:
have also shown that it is not possible to make complex if the clamping of sheet metal is square shaped, then we can
shapes without a model along which the forming is carried make only a final shape in the form of a square. But even with
out. this we have to be careful that the forming zone is as close

Fig. 10. Forming without lubrication. Fig. 12. Square clamping of base material and formation of a round shape.
J. Kopac, Z. Kampus / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 162–163 (2005) 622–628 627

Fig. 15. Depth of forming vs. angles of forming.

the starting path of forming and the material could be formed

Fig. 13. Squared clamping of base material and formation of a square shape. into an asymmetrical shape, which could lead to tearing [7].

to the clamping edge as possible, otherwise the sheet metal 4.3. Comparison between different angles of forming
might deflect. From this we can see that for more complex
shapes it is necessary to make a model for forming. However, The bar chart made on the basis of testing (Fig. 15) clearly
there is still a danger of material failure on the edges. shows that the depth grows in proportion to the increasing
angle of forming. This has been confirmed by the choice
4.2. Comparison between reached depth and type of of angles for testing. Using bigger angles in testing would
forming procedure not make much sense, because already at an angle 45◦ the
expected results were achieved. From these tests we can con-
From the experiments testing the type of forming proce- clude that in forming it is important to take a bigger angle or
dure (A, B, C, D) we could observe that in the first test (A) a a bigger thickness of the base material, since only in this way
very fine forming surface is obtained, but the achieved depth we can ensure suitable conditions for forming. With these
of forming is smaller. In the second test (B) we almost got tests it was possible to define a limit up to which forms can
the final shape of the product, but in the last movement of be performed so that the products have the desired shape and
the tool the material failed on two locations. In the third test no damage is caused by forming.
(C), similarly as in the first, the material failed before the final
shape was reached. Only the fourth test (D) gave good results 5. Conclusion
and the desired shape was obtained.
From these tests follows (Fig. 14) that an optimal depth Implementation of the technological process of incremen-
can be achieved only in the forming procedure starting in the tal sheet metal forming is intended for rationalization of small
centre and then returning to the initial position and restarting batch production. Using it, the time necessary for prototype
from the interior into exterior. Since this process has proved making can be shortened. For this purpose a number of form-
as the most appropriate, we carried all further tests using it. ing processes are commonly known such as mechanical strik-
However, this procedure is appropriate only for symmetrical ing, impressing, water jet and a more recently developed guid-
forms. For more complex shapes it would be difficult to define ing of the forming tool on CNC machine tool along the sheet
metal until the desired shape is reached.
The forming tool that has proved successful has a small
ball with a diameter of 10 mm, and grease should be used
as lubricant to improve tribological characteristics. On alu-
minium sheet metal with a thickness 1 mm, tests have shown
that the selection of the clamping mode on the machine-tool
worktable is important. Forming closest to the clamping edge
is important as well, and the shape of the clamping frame
should be the same as that of the product (round, square,
Another important strategy is the motion of the forming
tool along sheet metal surface. The movement of the tool
starting in the centre of sheet metal and then restarting from
the initial depth from the interior into exterior has a priority.
Fig. 14. Reached depth vs. type of forming procedure: (A) forming from
Optimal inclination of walls on the product are 45◦ , bigger
exterior into interior; (B) forming from interior into exterior; (C) forming
first in the centre then from exterior into interior; (D) forming first in the angles may cause errors, cracks, and product failure, which
centre then from interior into exterior. has been shown in this paper.
628 J. Kopac, Z. Kampus / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 162–163 (2005) 622–628

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