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Int. J. Production Economics 107 (2007) 151–163


Selection of optimum maintenance strategies based

on a fuzzy analytic hierarchy process
Ling Wanga,, Jian Chua, Jun Wub
National Laboratory of Industrial Control Technology, Institute of Advanced Process Control, Zhejiang University,
Yuquan Campus, Hangzhou 310027, PR China
Hangzhou Pro-Energy Heat and Power Co., Ltd., Road No. 1, Hangzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone,
Hangzhou 310018, PR China
Received 27 July 2005; accepted 9 August 2006
Available online 28 November 2006


This paper aims to evaluate different maintenance strategies (such as corrective maintenance, time-based preventive
maintenance, condition-based maintenance, and predictive maintenance) for different equipment. An optimal maintenance
strategy mix is necessary for increasing availability and reliability levels of production facilities without a great increasing
of investment. The selection of maintenance strategies is a typical multiple criteria decision-making (MCDM) problem. To
deal with the uncertain judgment of decision makers, a fuzzy modification of the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method
is applied as an evaluation tool, where uncertain and imprecise judgments of decision makers are translated into fuzzy
numbers. In order to avoid the fuzzy priority calculation and fuzzy ranking procedures in the traditional fuzzy AHP
methods, a new fuzzy prioritization method is proposed. This fuzzy prioritization method can derive crisp priorities from a
consistent or inconsistent fuzzy judgment matrix by solving an optimization problem with non-linear constraints. A
specific example of selection of maintenance strategies in a power plant with the application of the proposed fuzzy AHP
method is given, showing that the predictive maintenance strategy is the most suitable for boilers. As demonstrated by this
case study, the fuzzy AHP method proposed in this paper is a simple and effective tool for tackling the uncertainty and
imprecision associated with MCDM problems, which might prove beneficial for plant maintenance managers to define the
optimum maintenance strategy for each piece of equipment.
r 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Maintenance strategies; Multiple criteria decision-making; Fuzzy analytic hierarchy process; Prioritization method; Power

1. Introduction main expenditure items for these firms is main-

tenance cost which can reach 15–70% of production
Manufacturing firms face great pressure to reduce costs, varying according to the type of industry
their production costs continuously. One of the (Bevilacqua and Braglia, 2000). The amount of
money spent on maintenance in a selected group of
Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 571 87952369; companies is estimated to be about 600 billion
fax: +86 571 87952279. dollars in 1989 (Wireman, 1990, cited by Chan
E-mail address: wangling@iipc.zju.edu.cn (L. Wang). et al., 2005). On the other hand, maintenance plays

0925-5273/$ - see front matter r 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
152 L. Wang et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 107 (2007) 151–163

an important role in keeping availability and dies have been done on this problem. Luce (1999),
reliability levels, product quality, and safety require- Okumura and Okino (2003) showed the methods to
ments. Unfortunately, unlike production and manu- select the most effective maintenance strategy based
facturing problems which have received tremendous on different production loss and maintenance costs
interest from researchers and practitioners, main- incurred by different maintenance strategies.
tenance received little attention in the past. This is Although the calculation theories for the related
one of the reasons that results in low maintenance costs presented by them are reasonable, the money
efficiency in industry at present. As indicated by spent on maintenance is only one of the factors that
Mobley (2002), one third of all maintenance costs is should be taken into account when choosing
wasted as the result of unnecessary or improper maintenance strategies in many cases. Azadivar
maintenance activities. Today, research in this area and Shu (1999) presented the method to select a
is on the rise. Moreover, the role of maintenance is suitable maintenance strategy for each class of
changing from a ‘‘necessary evil’’ to a ‘‘profit systems in a just-in-time environment, exploring 16
contributor’’ and towards a ‘‘partner’’ of companies characteristic factors that could play a role in
to achieve world-class competitiveness (Waeyen- maintenance strategy selection. But this method is
bergh and Pintelon, 2002). Therefore, research on not applicable to process plants because of the
maintenance represents an opportunity for making difference between discrete manufacturing plants
significant contribution by academics. and process plants. In the report of Bevilacqua and
In the literature, maintenance can be classified Braglia (2000), the original method for the selection
into two main types: corrective and preventive (Li of maintenance strategies in an important Italian oil
et al., 2006; Waeyenbergh and Pintelon, 2004). refinery was given, and the application of the
Corrective maintenance is the maintenance that analytic hierarchy process (AHP) for selecting the
occurs after systems failure, and it means all actions best maintenance strategy was described. The
resulting from failure; preventive maintenance is the criteria they considered seem sufficient, but a crisp
maintenance that is performed before systems decision-making method as the traditional AHP is
failure in order to retain equipment in specified not appropriate because many of the maintenance
condition by providing systematic inspections, goals taken as criteria are non-monetary and
detection, and prevention of incipient failure difficult to be quantified. Al-Najjar and Alsyouf
(Wang, 2002). Based on the development of (2003), Sharma et al. (2005) assessed the most
preventive maintenance techniques, three divisions popular maintenance strategies using the fuzzy
of preventive maintenance are considered in this inference theory and fuzzy multiple criteria deci-
paper, i.e. time-based preventive maintenance, sion-making (MCDM) evaluation methodology.
condition-based maintenance, and predictive main- The application of the fuzzy theory for this problem
tenance. These maintenance strategies will be is a good solution. However, only a few failure
introduced in detail in the next section. causes were considered as the criteria in their
Most plants are equipped with various machines, studies. In Mechefske and Wang (2003), the authors
which have different reliability requirements, safety proposed to evaluate and select the optimum
levels, and failure effect. Therefore, it is clear that a maintenance strategy and condition monitoring
proper maintenance program must define different technique making use of fuzzy linguistics. The fuzzy
maintenance strategies for different machines. Thus, methodology based on qualitative verbal assessment
the reliability and availability of production facil- inputs is more practical than the formers, because
ities can be kept in an acceptable level, and the many of the overall maintenance objectives of the
unnecessary investment needed to implement an organization are intangible. However, the method
unsuitable maintenance strategy may be avoided. of Mechefske and Wang (2003) is very subjective to
For example, for the pump with a standby, the directly assess the importance of each maintenance
corrective/time-based maintenance may be more goal and the capability of each strategy to achieve
cost-effective than the condition-based/predictive each maintenance goal. Considering the shortcom-
maintenance strategy in a production environment ings of the existing methods above, it is necessary to
with a relatively low reliability requirement. develop a new evaluation scheme for maintenance
Although the selection of the suitable mainte- strategies. This scheme should include different
nance strategy for each piece of equipment is aspects of maintenance goals, be able to model
important for manufacturing companies, few stu- uncertainty and imprecise judgments of decision
L. Wang et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 107 (2007) 151–163 153

makers (i.e. maintenance managers and engineers), for plant managers to select maintenance strategies
and be easy to use. as well as other MCDM problems.
While selecting the suitable maintenance strate- The rest of the paper is organized as follows.
gies for different machines in manufacturing firms, Section 2 describes the possible alternative main-
many maintenance goals or comparing criteria must tenance strategies in this study. In Section 3, the
be taken into consideration, e.g. safety and cost. comparing criteria for the selection of maintenance
Therefore, the MCDM theory should be used for strategies are presented. Section 4 introduces the
the maintenance strategy selection. Several MCDM basic concept of the AHP. The new fuzzy prioritiza-
methods have been developed, such as the weighted- tion method is given in Section 5. Section 6
sum model (WSM), the weighted-product model describes the application of the proposed evalua-
(WPM), the TOPSIS method, and the AHP tion method for the selection of maintenance
(Triantaphyllou and Lin, 1996). The AHP is one strategies in a thermal power plant, and conclusion
of the most popular MCDM methods. It has the finally.
following advantages (Triantaphyllou et al., 1997;
Bevilacqua and Braglia, 2000): (1) it is the only 2. Alternative maintenance strategies
known MCDM model that can measure the
consistency in the decision makers’ judgments; (2) Four alternative maintenance strategies consid-
the AHP can help the decision makers to organize ered in this paper are introduced as following:
the critical aspects of a problem into a hierarchical
structure similar to a family tree, making the (1) Corrective maintenance: This alternative main-
decision process easy to handle; (3) pairwise tenance strategy is also named as fire-fighting
comparisons in the AHP are often preferred by maintenance, failure based maintenance or
the decision makers, allowing them to derive breakdown maintenance. When the corrective
weights of criteria and scores of alternatives from maintenance strategy is applied, maintenance is
comparison matrices rather than quantify weights/ not implemented until failure occurs (Swanson,
scores directly. Despite its popularity, this MCDM 2001). Corrective maintenance is the original
method is often criticized for its inability to maintenance strategy appeared in industry
adequately deal with the uncertainty and impreci- (Waeyenbergh and Pintelon, 2002; Mechefske
sion associated with the mapping of the decision- and Wang, 2003). It is considered as a feasible
makers’ perception to crisp numbers (Deng, 1999). strategy in the cases where profit margins are
For example, when constructing comparison judg- large (Sharma et al., 2005). However, such a fire-
ment matrices, it is difficult for maintenance fighting mode of maintenance often causes
managers to exactly quantify the statements such serious damage of related facilities, personnel
as ‘‘what is the relative importance of safety in terms and environment. Furthermore, increasing glo-
of cost, considering the selection of the suitable bal competition and small profit margins have
maintenance strategy for a boiler in a power plant’’. forced maintenance managers to apply more
The answer may be ‘‘between three and five times effective and reliable maintenance strategies.
more important’’, not ‘‘three times more important (2) Time-based preventive maintenance: According
exactly’’. Consequently, it is desirable to evaluate to reliability characteristics of equipment, main-
maintenance strategies based on the fuzzy AHP tenance is planned and performed periodically
methods which use fuzzy data. to reduce frequent and sudden failure. This
The aim of this paper is twofold. One is to maintenance strategy is called time-based pre-
evaluate maintenance strategies with the application ventive maintenance, where the term ‘‘time’’
of the fuzzy AHP method, allowing better modeling may refer to calendar time, operating time or
of the uncertain judgments with the help of age. Time-based preventive maintenance is
triangular fuzzy numbers. The other is to propose applied widely in industry. For performing
a new fuzzy prioritization method, which can derive time-based preventive maintenance, a decision
exact priorities from fuzzy judgment matrices of support system is needed, and it is often difficult
pairwise comparisons, in order to avoid the fuzzy to define the most effective maintenance in-
priorities calculation and fuzzy ranking procedures tervals because of lacking sufficient historical
as in traditional fuzzy AHP methods. The presented data (Mann et al., 1995). In many cases when
modification of the fuzzy AHP might be beneficial time-based maintenance strategies are used,
154 L. Wang et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 107 (2007) 151–163

most machines are maintained with a significant This is due to the stochastic nature of equip-
amount of useful life remaining (Mechefske and ment failure. However, generally speaking, the
Wang, 2003). This often leads to unnecessary amount of equipment failure can be reduced if the
maintenance, even deterioration of machines if preventive maintenance strategies are correctly
incorrect maintenance is implemented. selected, especially the condition-based/predictive
(3) Condition-based maintenance: Maintenance de- maintenance.
cision is made depending on the measured data
from a set of sensors system when using the 3. Comparing criteria
condition-based maintenance strategy. To date a
number of monitoring techniques are already When different maintenance strategies are evaluated
available, such as vibration monitoring, lubri- for different machines, the manufacturing firms must
cating analysis, and ultrasonic testing. The set maintenance goals taken as comparing criteria first.
monitored data of equipment parameters could Different manufacturing companies may have different
tell engineers whether the situation is normal, maintenance goals. But in most cases, these goals can
allowing the maintenance staff to implement be divided into four aspects analyzed as follows:
necessary maintenance before failure occurs.
This maintenance strategy is often designed for (1) Safety: Safety levels required are often high in
rotating and reciprocating machines, e.g. tur- many manufacturing factories, especially in
bines, centrifugal pumps and compressors. But chemical industry and power plants. The rele-
limitations and deficiency in data coverage and vant factors describing the Safety are:
quality reduce the effectiveness and accuracy (a) Personnel: The failure of many machines can
of the condition-based maintenance strategy lead to serious damage of personnel on site,
(Al-Najjar and Alsyouf, 2003). such as high pressure vessels in chemical
(4) Predictive maintenance: In the literature, pre- plants.
dictive maintenance often refers to the same (b) Facilities: For example, the sudden break-
maintenance strategy with condition-based down of a water-feeding pump can result in
maintenance (Sharma et al., 2005; Mobley, serious damage of the corresponding boiler
2002). In this paper, considering the recent in a power plant.
development of fault prognosis techniques (c) Environment: The failure of equipment with
(Bengtsson, 2004; Byington et al., 2002), pre- poisonous liquid or gas can damage the
dictive maintenance is used to represent the environment.
maintenance strategy that is able to forecast the (2) Cost: Different maintenance strategies have
temporary trend of performance degradation different expenditure of hardware, software,
and predict faults of machines by analyzing the and personnel training.
monitored parameters data. Fault prognostics is (a) Hardware: For condition-based mainte-
a young technique employed by maintenance nance and predictive maintenance, a number
management, which gives maintenance engi- of sensors and some computers are indis-
neers the possibility to plan maintenance based pensable.
on the time of future failure and coincidence (b) Software: Software is needed for analyzing
maintenance activities with production plans, measured parameters data when using con-
customers’ orders and personnel availability. dition-based maintenance and predictive
Recently, the intelligent maintenance system maintenance strategies.
was described by Djurdjanovic et al. (2003), (c) Personnel training: Only after sufficient
focusing on fault prognostic techniques and training can maintenance staff make full
aiming to achieve near-zero-downtime perfor- use of the related tools and techniques, and
mance of equipment. reach the maintenance goals.
(3) Added-value: A good maintenance program can
It is worth mentioning that equipment failure and induce added-value, including low inventories of
corrective actions of maintenance cannot be spare parts, small production loss, and quick
avoided completely when the preventive mainte- fault identification.
nance strategies (including the time-based, condi- (a) Spare parts inventories: Generally, corrective
tion-based, and predictive maintenance) are applied. maintenance need more spare parts than
L. Wang et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 107 (2007) 151–163 155

other maintenance strategies. Spare parts for (3) Calculating local priorities from judgment ma-
some machines are really expensive. trices: Several methods for deriving local prio-
(b) Production loss: The failure of more impor- rities (i.e. the local weights of criteria and the
tant machines in the production line often local scores of alternatives) from judgment
leads to higher production loss cost. Select- matrices have been developed, such as the
ing a suitable maintenance strategy for such eigenvector method (EVM), the logarithmic
machines may reduce production loss. least squares method (LLSM), the weighted
(c) Fault identification: Fault diagnostic and least squares method (WLSM), the goal pro-
prognostic techniques involved in the con- gramming method (GPM) and the fuzzy pro-
dition-based and predictive maintenance gramming method (FPM), as summarized by
strategies aim to quickly tell maintenance Mikhailov (2000). Consistency check should be
engineers where and why fault occurs. As a implemented for each judgment matrix.
result, the maintenance time can be reduced, (4) Alternatives ranking: The final step is to obtain
and the availability of the production system global priorities (including global weights and
may be improved. global scores) by aggregating all local priorities
(4) Feasibility: The feasibility of maintenance stra- with the application of a simple weighted sum.
tegies is divided into acceptance by labors and Then the final ranking of the alternatives
technique reliability. are determined on the basis of these global
(a) Acceptance by labors: Managers and main- priorities.
tenance staff prefer the maintenance strate-
gies that are easy to implement and
understand. The above process of the AHP method is similar
(b) Technique reliability: Still under develop- to the process of human thinking, and turns the
ment, condition-based maintenance and complex decision-making process into simple com-
predictive maintenance may be inapplicable parisons and rankings. However, decision makers
for some complicated production facilities. often face uncertain and fuzzy cases when consider-
ing the relative importance of one criterion or
alternative in terms of another. Therefore, it is
difficult to determine the ratios based on the
4. Fuzzy AHP standard scheme in the second step above. For this
reason, the fuzzy AHP was proposed, in which the
The AHP was developed first by Satty (Zuo, uncertain comparisons ratios are expressed as fuzzy
1991). It is a popular tool for MCDM by structur- sets or fuzzy numbers, such as ‘‘between three and
ing a complicated decision problem hierarchically at five times less important’’ and ‘‘about three times
several different levels. Its main steps include: more important’’. The triangular fuzzy number,
because of its popularity, is used to represent the
(1) Organizing problem hierarchically: The problem fuzzy relative importance in this paper. The
is structured as a family tree in this step. At the membership function of triangular fuzzy numbers
highest level is the overall goal of this decision- can be described as:
making problem, and the alternatives are at the
lowest level. Between them are criteria and sub- > xl
> ; lpxpm
criteria. >
<m l
(2) Development of judgment matrices by pairwise m eðxÞ ¼ u  x (1)
N > ; moxpu;
comparisons: The judgment matrices of criteria >
> um
or alternatives can be defined from the recipro- otherwise;
cal comparisons of criteria at the same level or
all possible alternatives. Pairwise comparisons where l, m, and u are also considered as the lower
are based on a standardized evaluation schemes bound, the mean bound, and the upper bound,
(1 ¼ equal importance; 3 ¼ weak importance; e is often
respectively. The triangular fuzzy number N
5 ¼ strong importance; represented as ðl; m; uÞ.
7 ¼ demonstrated importance; After pairwise comparisons are finished at a level,
9 ¼ absolute importance). a fuzzy reciprocal judgment matrix A e can be
156 L. Wang et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 107 (2007) 151–163

established as judgment matrices, shows a new way to deal with

the prioritization problem from fuzzy reciprocal
0 1 comparisons in the fuzzy AHP. A new and simple
ae11 ae12 ... ae1n
B ae21 prioritization method, which can also derive exact
B ae22 ... ae2n C
C priorities from fuzzy pairwise comparisons, is
e ¼ fe
A aij g ¼ B .. C
B .. .. .. C, (2)
described in the next section.
@ . . . . A
aen1 aen2 ... aenn
5. Fuzzy prioritization method
where n is the number of the related elements at this
level, and aeij ¼ 1=e aji . Suppose that a fuzzy judgment matrix is con-
After constructing A, e fuzzy priorities wei ; i ¼ structed as Eq. (2) in a prioritization problem,
1; 2; . . . ; n, should be calculated in the traditional where n elements are taken into account. Among
fuzzy AHP methods. Many fuzzy prioritization this judgment matrix A, e the triangular fuzzy number
approaches have been developed, such as the aeij is expressed as ðl ij ; mij ; uij Þ, i and j ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; n;
method based on the fuzzy modification of the where l ij , mij , and uij are the lower bound, the mean
LLSM (Boender et al., 1989), the fuzzy geometry bound, and the upper bound of this fuzzy triangular
mean method (Buckley, 1985), the direct fuzzifica- set, respectively. Furthermore, we assume that
tion of the lmax method of Satty (Csutora and l ij omij ouij when iaj. If i ¼ j, then aeij ¼ aeii ¼
Buckley, 2001), and the fuzzy least square method ð1; 1; 1Þ. Therefore, an exact priority vector w ¼
(Xu, 2000). In these methods, global priorities ðw1 ; w2 ; . . . ; wn ÞT derived from A e must satisfy the
expressed as fuzzy numbers can be determined by fuzzy inequalities:
aggregating fuzzy local priorities. However, as
pointed out by Mikhailov (2003), the global fuzzy w
e i pm
l ij p e ij . (3)
priorities often have large supports and overlap a wj
wide range. After the normalization procedure of
the fuzzy global scores, the unreasonable conditions where wi 40, wj 40, iaj, and the symbol p e means
where the normalized upper value o the normalized ‘‘fuzzy less or equal to’’.
mean value o the normalized lower value may To measure the degree of satisfaction for different
occur. Furthermore, to compare the global fuzzy crisp ratios wi =wj with regard to the double side
scores, a fuzzy ranking procedure must be included inequality (3), a function can be defined as:
in the traditional fuzzy AHP methods. But different
ranking procedures for fuzzy numbers often give 8
> mij  ðwi =wj Þ; wi
0o pmij
different ranking conclusions (Li, 2002).   > >
< mij  l ij
wi wj
To overcome the shortcomings of the fuzzy mij ¼ (4)
wj >
> ðwi =wj Þ  mij wi
prioritization methods above, two new approaches >
: u m ; 4mij ;
that can derive crisp priorities from fuzzy pairwise ij ij wj
comparison judgments are proposed (Mikhailov,
2003; Mikhailov and Tsvetinov, 2004). One is based where iaj. Being different from the membership
on a-cut decomposition of the fuzzy numbers into function (1) of triangular fuzzy numbers, the
interval comparisons. In this method, the fuzzy function value of mij ðwi =wj Þ may be larger than
preference programming (FPP) method (Mikhailov, one, and is linearly decreasing over the interval
2000) transforming the prioritization procedure into ð0; mij  and linearly increasing over the interval
a fuzzy linear programming problem is used to ½mij ; 1Þ, as shown in Fig. 1. The less value of
derive optimized exact priorities, and eventually an mij ðwi =wj Þ indicates that the exact ratio wi =wj is more
aggregation of the optimal priorities derived at the acceptable.
different a-levels is needed for obtaining overall To find the solution of the priority vector
crisp scores of the prioritization elements. These ðw1 ; w2 ; . . . ; wn ÞT , the idea is that all exact ratios
steps make this method a little complicated. The wi =wj should satisfy nðn  1Þ fuzzy comparison
other is a non-linear modification of the FPP judgments ðl ij ; mij ; uij Þ as possible as they can, i
strategy without applying a-cut transformations. and j ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; n, iaj. Therefore, in this study, the
This idea, deriving crisp priorities from fuzzy crisp priorities assessment is formulated as a
L. Wang et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 107 (2007) 151–163 157

wi is utilized in the next section. Because the optimiza-
wj tion problem above has non-linear constraints, the
penalty techniques (Gen and Cheng, 1996) are
mij combined when employing genetic algorithms for
mij−lij the optimal solution.
In some cases, decision-makers are unable or
unwilling to give all pairwise comparison judgments
of n elements. However, provided that the known
1 fuzzy set of pairwise comparisons involves n
elements, such as F ¼ fe a12 ; ae13 ; . . . ; ae1n g or
aij g ¼ fe
a21 ; ae31 ; . . . ; aen1 g, the solution of priority vector
ðw1 ; w2 ; . . . ; wn ÞT will be still able to be derived based
on the optimization problem above. Thus, the
lij mij uij proposed method can obtain priorities from an
wi incomplete comparison judgment set, which is an
wj interesting advantage comparing with the tradi-
tional fuzzy AHP methods.
Fig. 1. Function for measuring the satisfaction degree of wi =wj .
In order to measure the consistency degree of the
fuzzy comparison judgment matrix A e as Eq. (2), an
constrained optimization problem: index g can be defined after the optimal crisp
priority vector ðw1 ; w2 ; . . . ; wn ÞT is obtained:
min Jðw1 ; w2 ; . . . ; wn Þ ( ( ! ))
X n X n    wi 
¼ min mpij g ¼ exp  max mij
ij wj 
i; j ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; n; iaj ,
i¼1 j¼1
w j

X n X     (6)
wi mij  ðwi =wj Þ p
¼ min d mij 
wj mij  l ij where mij ðwi =wj Þ
is the function of (4). The value of
i¼1 j¼1
  p  g satisfies 0ogp1 always. If it is larger than
wi ðwi =wj Þ  mij e1 ¼ 0:3679, all exact ratios satisfy the crisp
þd  mij . ð5Þ
wj uij  mij inequalities l ij pwi =wj pmij , i and j ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; n,
subject to iaj, and the corresponding fuzzy judgment matrix
has good consistency. g ¼ 1 indicates that the fuzzy
judgment matrix is completely consistent. In con-
wk ¼ 1; wk 40; k ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; n.
clusion, the fuzzy judgment matrix with a larger g
value is more consistent.
where iaj, p 2 N, and
0; xo0; 6. Case study
dðxÞ ¼
1; xX0:
The Hangzhou Pro-Energy Heat and Power Co.,
The power index p is fixed, and chosen by Ltd. (HPEHP) in China is a small thermal power
decision makers in a specific MCDM problem. A plant with an installed capacity of 2  15þ
larger p is suggested, e.g. 10, as illustrated briefly in 1  7:5 MW. To ensure supplying its users with
the next section. electricity and heat continuously, the maintenance
The function Jðw1 ; w2 ; . . . ; wn Þ is non-differenti- work for more than 70 pieces of equipment (pumps,
able. General algorithms for function optimization, fans, and boilers, etc.) is highlighted by this thermal
limited to convex regular functions, cannot be power plant. But the managers are not satisfied with
applied to this optimization problem. Therefore, the effect of maintenance activities that depend on
genetic algorithms, which have great ability to solve corrective maintenance and time-based preventive
difficult optimization problems with discontinuous, maintenance mainly, and want to improve their
multi-modal or non-differentiable objective func- maintenance program without too much increase in
tions, are chosen in this paper. A toolbox GOAT of investment. Therefore, it is more preferable for them
genetic algorithms provided by Houck et al. (1995) to choose the best mix of maintenance strategies
158 L. Wang et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 107 (2007) 151–163

than to make use of the most advanced maintenance Considering the comparison judgments matrix in
strategy for all production facilities. In this section, Table 2 (as well as other judgment matrices in the
the revised fuzzy AHP with the proposed prioritiza- following), different values of p lead to different
tion method is applied to the selection of main- results of crisp weights obtained by solving the
tenance strategies in HPEHP. optimization problem in Eq. (5). However, by
By interviewing the maintenance staff and man- numerical experiments, it is found that the variation
agers, it is concluded that the criteria in Section 3 can of the derived weights is small when p is different.
be accepted. Therefore, the AHP hierarchy scheme is Especially when p is larger than 10, the results are
constructed correspondingly, shown in Fig. 2. Next, very close. Therefore, the power index p is set to 10
the selection of the optimum maintenance strategy for in this case study. Considering the purpose of this
boilers in HPEHP is presented as an example.
In the following steps of the decision-making
process, the fuzzy comparison judgment matrices Table 1
are decided according to the suggestions of the Fuzzy judgment scores in the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process
maintenance staff. The imprecise and uncertain Uncertain judgment Fuzzy score
assessments of them are translated into correspond-
ing triangular fuzzy numbers according to Table 1. About equal ð1=2; 1; 2Þ
About x times more ðx  1; x; x þ 1Þ
The fuzzy comparison judgments of the four main
criteria with respect to the overall goal are shown in About x times less important ð1=ðx þ 1Þ; 1=x; 1=ðx  1ÞÞ
Table 2. Safety is regarded as the most important Between y and z times more ðy; ðy þ zÞ=2; zÞ
criterion, evaluated as being between three and five importantb
times more important than Cost, about two times Between y and z times less ð1=z; 2=ðy þ zÞ; 1=yÞ
more important than Added-value, and about three
times more important than Feasibility. Utilizing the a
x ¼ 2; 3; . . . ; 9.
fuzzy prioritization method of Section 5, the exact y; z ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; 9; yoz.
weights of main criteria are obtained as
Table 2
w1 ¼ 0:4487 ðSafetyÞ; Fuzzy comparison matrices at the first level
w2 ¼ 0:1044 ðCostÞ;
Goal Safety Cost Added-value Feasibility
w3 ¼ 0:2783 ðAdded-valueÞ;
Safety ð1; 1; 1Þ ð3; 4; 5Þ ð1; 2; 3Þ ð2; 3; 4Þ
w4 ¼ 0:1686 ðFeasibilityÞ. Cost ð1=5; 1=4; 1=3Þ ð1; 1; 1Þ ð1=4; 1=3; 1=2Þ ð1=3; 1=2; 1Þ
Added-value ð1=3; 1=2; 1Þ ð2; 3; 4Þ ð1; 1; 1Þ ð1; 2; 3Þ
The exact criteria weights above are the results Feasibility ð1=4; 1=3; 1=2Þ ð1; 2; 3Þ ð1=3; 1=2; 1Þ ð1; 1; 1Þ
when the power index p in Eq. (5) is chosen as 10.

Safety Facilities
Spare Part Inventories
Added-value Production Loss Condition-based
Fault Identification

Goal Time-based Preventive

Hardware Maintenance
Cost Software
Personnel Training Maintenance

Acceptance by Labors
Technique Reliability
Main Criteria Sub-criteria Alternatives

Fig. 2. Hierarchy structure of the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process.

L. Wang et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 107 (2007) 151–163 159

paper and the lack of space, the specific analysis the fuzzy judgment matrix shown in Table 2 is
associated with p is not included. 0.6786, indicating good consistency.
The exact ratios of the obtained weights of four All sub-criteria are compared at the second level in
main criteria are given in Table 3, and it can be terms of corresponding main criteria, and the related
found that all fuzzy judgments in Table 2 are fuzzy comparison matrices are constructed (the
satisfied approximately. The consistency index g of detailed data are presented in Appendix A). By using
the same prioritization method, the local weights of
Table 3 sub-criteria are calculated as the results of Table 4.
Exact ratios of weights of main criteria Four comparison matrices at the second level
w1 w2 w3 w4
have good consistency because all g indexes are
larger than e1 ¼ 0:3679. It should be noted that the
w1 1 4.2979 1.6123 2.6613 two-dimensional fuzzy comparison matrices are
w2 0.2327 1 0.3751 0.6192 always completely consistent, and their g must be
w3 0.6202 2.6657 1 1.6507
w4 0.3758 1.6149 0.6058 1
one (as g4 in Table 4).
Four alternative maintenance strategies are also
compared in terms of the sub-criteria at the second
Table 4 level. The results of fuzzy judgment matrices can be
Results from fuzzy judgment matrices of sub-criteria found in Appendix A. Similarly, the local scores of
the alternative maintenance strategies with regard to
Sub-criteria Local weights all sub-criteria are obtained (given in Table 5, and
w11 ðPersonnelÞ 0.6458 corrective maintenance, time-based preventive
w12 ðFacilitiesÞ 0.2285 maintenance, condition-based maintenance, and
w13 ðEnvironmentÞ 0.1258 predictive maintenance are abbreviated as CM,
g1 ¼ 0:8326 TM, CBM, and PM, respectively). By multiplying
w21 ðHardwareÞ 0.3141 the local weights of sub-criteria in Table 4 by the
w22 ðSoftwareÞ 0.4808 weights of main criteria, the global weights of all
w23 ðPersonnel trainingÞ 0.2052 sub-criteria are calculated as shown in the sixth
g2 ¼ 0:6255
column of Table 5. It is concluded from the global
w31 ðSpare parts inventoriesÞ 0.0912 scores that the most suitable maintenance strategy
w32 ðProduction lossÞ 0.6983 for boilers is predictive maintenance. From the last
w33 ðFault identificationÞ 0.2105
g3 ¼ 0:6702
column of Table 5, the fuzzy judgment matrices of
four alternatives in terms of environment, hard-
w41 ðAcceptance by laborsÞ 0.1250 ware, and acceptance by labors are the most
w42 ðTechnique reliabilityÞ 0.8750
g4 ¼ 1
consistent three comparison matrices. On the
contrary, the judgment matrices with respect to

Table 5
Results of the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process approach

CM TM CBM PM Global weights g

Personnel 0.0609 0.1531 0.2535 0.5326 0.2898 0.4070

Facilities 0.0613 0.1475 0.2551 0.5361 0.1025 0.4072
Environment 0.0650 0.1577 0.2267 0.5506 0.0564 0.5645
Hardware 0.4507 0.4146 0.0808 0.0539 0.0328 0.6068
Software 0.4849 0.3707 0.0872 0.0572 0.0502 0.5006
Personnel training 0.5195 0.2857 0.1292 0.0656 0.0214 0.3506
Spare parts inventories 0.0580 0.1926 0.2418 0.5076 0.0254 0.4061
Production loss 0.0479 0.1726 0.3283 0.4511 0.1943 0.2037
Fault identification 0.0590 0.0590 0.3823 0.4997 0.0586 0.5001
Acceptance by labors 0.4480 0.2297 0.1681 0.1042 0.0211 0.6713
Technique reliability 0.4977 0.3354 0.1169 0.0501 0.1475 0.1177
Global scores 0.1749 0.2029 0.2353 0.3858
160 L. Wang et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 107 (2007) 151–163

Table 6
Results of the standard analytic hierarchy process approach

CM TM CBM PM Global weights CR

Personnel 0.0552 0.1540 0.2500 0.5408 0.3030 0.0218

Facilities 0.0580 0.1420 0.2319 0.5681 0.1073 0.0154
Environment 0.0543 0.1394 0.2423 0.5640 0.0570 0.0178
Hardware 0.4428 0.4215 0.0856 0.0500 0.0297 0.0058
Software 0.5310 0.3266 0.0904 0.0521 0.0471 0.0136
Personnel training 0.5275 0.2865 0.1248 0.0612 0.0187 0.0306
Spare parts inventories 0.0513 0.1649 0.2483 0.5356 0.0265 0.0297
Production loss 0.0436 0.1434 0.3154 0.4977 0.1924 0.0450
Fault identification 0.0573 0.0573 0.3519 0.5334 0.0583 0.0148
Acceptance by labors 0.4673 0.2772 0.1601 0.0954 0.0200 0.0116
Technique reliability 0.5361 0.3007 0.1184 0.0448 0.1401 0.0432
Global scores 0.1716 0.1861 0.2310 0.4113

personnel training, production loss, and technique to the previous consistency analysis on the results in
reliability are the most inconsistent three ones. Table 5, which proves the applicability of g in Eq. (6)
To make sure that the result of the proposed as the consistency index in the proposed fuzzy AHP.
prioritization method can be accepted, the standard However, further research is needed to determine when
AHP method has been also applied to solving the the fuzzy comparison judgment matrix should be
same problem. According to the means of the considered inconsistent and unacceptable, and must be
related fuzzy comparison judgments, the exact adjusted, according to the g value.
comparison matrices are constructed. The weights
of criteria are calculated using the eigenvector 7. Conclusion
prioritization method. The result of the standard
AHP is given in Table 6. From this table, we can In this paper, the selection of maintenance strategies
find that the final ranking of four alternatives are in manufacturing firms is studied. An optimal main-
the same as the results of the fuzzy AHP, and the tenance strategy mix can improve availability and
global scores are similar. However, compared with reliability levels of plants equipment, and reduce
the standard AHP, the proposed fuzzy AHP unnecessary investment in maintenance. The evaluation
method allows better modeling of the uncertainty of maintenance strategies for each piece of equipment is
and imprecision of decision makers’ judgments. For a multiple criteria decision-making (MCDM) problem.
example, the maintenance staff and managers Considering the imprecise judgments of decision
evaluate the criterion Safety as being between three makers, the fuzzy AHP is used for the evaluation of
and five times more important than Cost. This different maintenance strategies. The fuzzy AHP
uncertain judgment can be represented as the models the uncertainty with triangular fuzzy numbers.
triangular fuzzy number (3,4,5) in the fuzzy AHP, A new and simple fuzzy prioritization method is
while the standard crisp AHP fails to deal with it. proposed to derive crisp priorities from fuzzy compar-
The seventh column of Table 6 gives the consistency ison judgment matrices, based on an optimization
index CR of eleven pairwise comparison matrices of problem with non-linear constraints. The case study
four alternatives with regard to eleven sub-criteria in shows that the revised fuzzy AHP method is applicable
the standard AHP. If CR is larger than 0.1, the crisp as an evaluation technique for maintenance strategies,
judgment matrix is considered as inconsistent and and is useful for other similar MCDM problems.
should be adjusted. The detailed description of CR can
be found in Zuo (1991). It is known that a less CR Acknowledgements
value indicates better consistency. Therefore it can be
found from Table 6 that personnel training, produc- The authors would like to thank the support from
tion loss, and technique reliability have worse con- National Natural Science Foundation of China
sistency, and hardware, software, and acceptance by #60421002, 973 Program of China #2006CB705400,
labors have better consistency. This conclusion is close and ‘‘the New Century 151 Talent Project’’ of
L. Wang et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 107 (2007) 151–163 161

Zhejiang Province. The authors are also grateful to Appendix A. Detailed data of fuzzy comparison
the editor and anonymous reviewers for their matrices
constructive suggestions, which significantly im-
prove an earlier version of this paper. See Tables 7–9.

Table 7
Fuzzy comparison matrices at the second level

Safety Personnel Facilities Environment

Personnel ð1; 1; 1Þ ð2; 3; 4Þ ð4; 5; 6Þ

Facilities ð1=4; 1=3; 1=2Þ ð1; 1; 1Þ ð1; 2; 3Þ
Environment ð1=6; 1=5; 1=4Þ ð1=3; 1=2; 1Þ ð1; 1; 1Þ
Cost Hardware Software Personnel training
Hardware ð1; 1; 1Þ ð1=3; 1=2; 1Þ ð1; 2; 3Þ
Software ð1; 2; 3Þ ð1; 1; 1Þ ð1; 2; 3Þ
Personnel training ð1=3; 1=2; 1Þ ð1=3; 1=2; 1Þ ð1; 1; 1Þ

Added-value Spare part inventories Production loss Fault identification

Spare part inventories ð1; 1; 1Þ ð1=9; 1=8; 1=7Þ ð1=3; 1=2; 1Þ
Production loss ð7; 8; 9Þ ð1; 1; 1Þ ð2; 3; 4Þ
Fault identification ð1; 2; 3Þ ð1=4; 1=3; 1=2Þ ð1; 1; 1Þ
Feasibility Acceptance by labors Technique reliability
Acceptance by labors ð1; 1; 1Þ ð1=8; 1=7; 1=6Þ
Technique reliability ð6; 7; 8Þ ð1; 1; 1Þ

Table 8
Fuzzy comparison matrices of four alternatives


CM ð1; 1; 1Þ ð1=4; 1=3; 1=2Þ ð1=6; 1=5; 1=4Þ ð1=9; 1=8; 1=7Þ
TM ð2; 3; 4Þ ð1; 1; 1Þ ð1=3; 1=2; 1Þ ð1=4; 1=3; 1=2Þ
CBM ð4; 5; 6Þ ð1; 2; 3Þ ð1; 1; 1Þ ð1=4; 1=3; 1=2Þ
PM ð7; 8; 9Þ ð2; 3; 4Þ ð2; 3; 4Þ ð1; 1; 1Þ

CM ð1; 1; 1Þ ð1=4; 1=3; 1=2Þ ð1=6; 1=5; 1=4Þ ð1=9; 1=8; 1=7Þ
TM ð2; 3; 4Þ ð1; 1; 1Þ ð1=3; 1=2; 1Þ ð1=5; 1=4; 1=3Þ
CBM ð4; 5; 6Þ ð1; 2; 3Þ ð1; 1; 1Þ ð1=4; 1=3; 1=2Þ
PM ð7; 8; 9Þ ð3; 4; 5Þ ð2; 3; 4Þ ð1; 1; 1Þ
CM ð1; 1; 1Þ ð1=4; 1=3; 1=2Þ ð1=5; 1=4; 1=3Þ ð1=9; 1=8; 1=7Þ
TM ð2; 3; 4Þ ð1; 1; 1Þ ð1=3; 1=2; 1Þ ð1=5; 1=4; 1=3Þ
CBM ð3; 4; 5Þ ð1; 2; 3Þ ð1; 1; 1Þ ð1=4; 1=3; 1=2Þ
PM ð7; 8; 9Þ ð3; 4; 5Þ ð2; 3; 4Þ ð1; 1; 1Þ
CM ð1; 1; 1Þ ð1=2; 1; 2Þ ð5; 6; 7Þ ð7; 8; 9Þ
TM ð1=2; 1; 2Þ ð1; 1; 1Þ ð4; 5; 6Þ ð7; 8; 9Þ
CBM ð1=7; 1=6; 1=5Þ ð1=6; 1=5; 1=4Þ ð1; 1; 1Þ ð1; 2; 3Þ
PM ð1=9; 1=8; 1=7Þ ð1=9; 1=8; 1=7Þ ð1=3; 1=2; 1Þ ð1; 1; 1Þ
CM ð1; 1; 1Þ ð1; 2; 3Þ ð5; 6; 7Þ ð7; 8; 9Þ
TM ð1=3; 1=2; 1Þ ð1; 1; 1Þ ð3; 4; 5Þ ð6; 7; 8Þ
CBM ð1=7; 1=6; 1=5Þ ð1=5; 1=4; 1=3Þ ð1; 1; 1Þ ð1; 2; 3Þ
PM ð1=9; 1=8; 1=7Þ ð1=8; 1=7; 1=6Þ ð1=3; 1=2; 1Þ ð1; 1; 1Þ
162 L. Wang et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 107 (2007) 151–163

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