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MIDLANDS STATE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY APPLIED BIOSCIENCES AND BIOTECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT ADVANCED STATISTICS FOR BIOLOGISTS CODE: HABB 401 SESSIONAL EXAMINATIONS | OCTOBER-NOVEMBER 2019 | DURATION: 3 HOURS | EXAMINER: Dr T. Muteveri | SSeS | INSTRUCTIONS | 1. Answer Question No. (SECTION A) and any THREE questions from SECTION B. 2, Bach question carries 25 marks. Where a question contains subdivisions, the mark value for each ‘subdivision is given in brackets. Illustrate your nswer, where possible, with large clearly labelled diagrams. 3, This question paper consists of 12 printed pages | including appendices T[/WABB 401 ~ SECTION A In an effort to improve their programme for teaching stud instructors conducted the following experiment. T hey rand who registered to take first-semester French and randomly, students each. Group 1 is taught French the trad ‘a programmed text, Group 3 is taug! French from films of people from Franc ‘Table 1 French scores Sroup1 Group2 Group} Group 4 5 80 87 10 B 65 90 90 70 70 85 80 60 68 18 78 65 R 80 {a) Identify the respons (b) Test the data for con! {@) Explain whether the factors in this study Follow fixed (g) Perform an appropriate test to determine if teaching met French. (¢) Report the findings of this study. and predictor va ormity to normality and homogen {@) Why is it important to determine sample size as part of (b) Discuss factors that influence sample size. {c) How would you es imate sample size for a study 3, (a) Briefly discuss the rationale and objective: {b) Describe how you would use the followin data transformation: (i) ladder of powers, (ii) Taylor's power law, and Gi) experience. jents how t ional lecture method, ht French from tape-recorded | .e. At the end of semester, oral final examination on ability to speak French. The scores in Table 10 speak French, MSU language jomly selected 20 students from all those divided them into for groups of five Group 2 is taught French from lessons, and Group 4 is taught all 20 students are given the same 1 were recorded. riables in this experiment. (21 icity of variances. Is} fects or random effects model. [3] shod has an effect of ability to speak {10} 15] SECTION B ‘experimental design? {61 (13) ‘comparing means of two groups. {6} sof data transformation {10} 1 approaches in choosing an appropriate (5] (3) 15] — a PIWABB 401 Six greenhouse benches were set up as blocks. Within each block, on® of each of four varieties of house plants was planted. The plant heights (in centimetres) attained are tabulated in Table 4. Study the data caarable 4 and the SPSS output in Appendix 4 before you answer the questions below ‘Table 4 Plant heights (cm) attained by different varieties a Variety __ Block tS 1 19.8 21.9 16.4 2 16.7 19.8 154 3 177 210 14.8 4 18.2 214 15.6 5 20.3 22.1 16.4 _ 6 155 20.8 (a) State the factor(s) and the response variable(s) in this study. 4] {b) Identity the experimental design used in this study. Explain your answer GB) {¢)_ What does the means plot suggest about the effect of variety on plant height? BI {@) Conduct the necessary test to determine if variety affects the plant height and perform multiple comparisons if necessary. [15] Write short notes of the following: (a) stratified random sampling. 7 (b) interaction of factors, 15] (c) role of statistics in the scientific method of research, and {8} (d) the p-value approach in hypothesis testing. 15) S|HABB 401 research paediatrician is interested in predicting the birth weight of first-born infants from the arcunt of weight gained by the mother during her pregnancy for the population of middle-class arfviduals, She therefore randomly selects 15 middle-class mothers, pregnant for the first time, inet follows them through pregnancy. After the mothers give birth, she records their weight gains im pouinds and the birth weights of their offspring in pounds. The data are given in Table 6, Use the data in Table 6 and the SPSS output in Appendix 6 to answer the questions below. ‘Table 6 Relationship between weight gain of mother and birth weight of infants 13 3.2 10.8 28 153 3. 95 27 13.5 3.6 14.4 3.7 17 34 12.2 34 0 3A (a) Comment on the tenability of linearity, normality and homogeneity of variances to this data sel. 61 (b) Construct the linear regression equation for predicting the birth weight of an infant from ane ) weight gain of the mother. 3] (c) Test for the significance of the regression coefficients of the equation in (b). 6) (d)_ Test for the usefulness of the regression equation in (b). BI (e) Interpret the slope of the regression equation in (b), PI (1) G)_ Predict the birth weight of an infant whose mother gained 12.0 kg 2] (ii) Why would it not be advisable to use your regression equation to prediet the birth weights of infants whose mothers’ weights are below 5.4 kg and above 15.3 ke? (31 4,HABB 401° APPENDICES ‘Appendix 1: SPSS output for Questi Test of Homogeneity of Variances reaching method Kolmogorov: Sminov* Shapio-Wik tea atisic | of _| Sig] _Stotistc_| sig._| “Traattonal methos 254 5| 200 914 492 score | Poafanmedion ee ee 942 | Tape-recoreded essons | _230|__——s|_—200|__934 625 Films 206|5|_—_—-200 963) ar + This is a lower bound of the true significance. 2 Liliefors Significance Correction ‘ANOVA 781.800 598,000 1379.800 S|HABB 401 Deseriptives Teaching method Statistic_| Std. Error Score ‘Traditional method Programmed text ‘Mean 7e.00| 3.381 ‘95% Confidence Interval for |Lower Bound _| | Upper Bound Mean | 5% Trimmed Mean. Median | Variance [Sid Deviation Minimum Maximum Range |interquartie Range __ Mean 95% Confidence Interval for [Lower Bound Mean _ Upper Bound 5% Trimmed Mean Medien _ Variance ‘Std. Deviation Minin im Maximum _ Range. 195% Confidence Interval for fm «Bound _| Mean Upper Bound 5% Trimmed Mean Tape-recoreded lessons Neston = | variance ‘to. Deviation Minimum [ 65 [Maxum i Range Mean — 95% Confidence Interval for ju sound | 76.02) Mean Uppersouna | 9078 rime ‘s% Trimmed Mean 2 350] | Mecian 25.00 Vanance | std Deviation _ Minimum 1s _| 6|/HABB 401 | Maximum Range 4s] T/HABB 401 Plant height (em) Type Ill Sum of Squares ‘é 7024 682 19.793 198538 6527 7239.540| 214.858 ‘a. R Squared = 970 (Adjusted R Squared = 953) Variety Variety + (—varelty2 | == Variety 3 Variety 4 ABB 401 a Mattie Comparisons [Dependent Varianie height pr Hrukey HSD p Variety [() Variety | Mean | Std. Error ference hs) | 2 arog] 3008 1 3 2.500" 3808 E 4 4300] 3808) 1 3.133'| 3608! 2 3 se3s| 9808 4 167 1 “2.500 3 2 5635) ae 1 = 4 4.333, 3808 | 4 2 24er| 3008 | a _-1893'|__.3808|_ Based on observed means “The error fem is Mean Squares) = 496 [+ Tne mean aferenceis significant atthe 005 level, —__| 9/WABB 401 Kolmogorov-Smitnov® ‘Statistic Sig Shapico-Wike ot * This is a lower bound of the true significance 1a Variety = Variety 2 + This is @ lower bound of the true significance. a Variety = Variety 3 ‘Tests of Normality + This is a lower bound of the true significance 1. Variety = Variety 4 Statistic TO/HABB 40 “Appendix 6: SPSS Output for Question 6 a birth weight of infant 30 Unstandardized Residual 50 7 0 125 160 weight gain of mother eee yedhoo sadso0 aon —«30on0 = (seNo00 Unstandardized Predicted Value 3acho Tij/WaBB 401 ‘3 Depenident Variable: birth weight of infant b Allrequested variabies entered Model Summa Adjusted R Square R Square ‘2. Predictors: (Constant), weight gain of mother ». Dependent Variable: birth weight of infant Regression Residual Total ‘a Dependent Variable: bith weight of infant bb Predictors: (Constant), weight gain of mother (Constant) ‘a, Dependent Variable: birth weight of infant ‘Std. Error of the Esimate, Coefficients? Unstandardized Coefficients 1648 [| ee Standaraized Costficients END OF QUESTION PAPER ~12;HABB 401 J

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