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1. This is why we are the most innovative!

This is why our firm is the fastest

growing and most profitable consultancy on the planet.
1. Explain the recruitment strategy (internal or external) that is being used by
Consulting International and motivate your answer. (3)
1. With reference to the Consulting International (CI) - Employee motivation,
how does the CEO’s people management strategy relate to motivation
theories focusing on organisation and employee factors, goal-setting,
behaviour modification, people beliefs, and management-centred theories of
motivation? (15)  
1. Consulting International wants to employ a new junior consultant. Create an
advert that could be posted in the local newspaper including a detailed job
description and job specifications for the post (7)
2. Business case:
3. ILS as part of its global expansion strategy has acquired a warehouse and a
truck fleet in the country. This is the first logistics operation that ILS has
acquired in this country. A specific strategic objective is to obtain Walmart
as a customer. Walmart currently uses ILS in other countries. 2 ILS recently
acquired a warehouse in the country employing 50 warehouse employees
and 50 drivers. ILS paid $400,000 for the business. In addition, ILS
allocated $100,000 recognizing that the facility had a number of issues. ILS
will form a project team working with existing employees to resolve the
issues during Year 0. Given that the problems can be solved ILS expects to
see a net cash flow (revenue – costs + depreciation add back) of $150,000
per year starting in Year 1. Assume a five-year investment life with a
salvage value of $400,000 for continued earnings for year 6 and beyond.
ILS plans to secure business from Walmart and other customers in the area
surrounding the warehouse once the current issues are resolved. Attaining
Walmart’s business is a strategic objective
4. Propose a business case for the project.
1. Calculate the Net Present Value (NPV) for the project business case. (Use Microsoft
Excel to derive the NPV assuming the data below—submit an Excel spreadsheet as
an appendix:
1. Purchase price of $400,000.
2. One-time project costs total of $100,000 spent in Year 0.
3. Net benefits after taxes of $150,000 per year for five years.
4. Salvage value for Year 6 and beyond of $400,000.)
2. Summarize your results of NPV in the paper and refer to the Appendix.
5. Develop a milestone schedule that includes five to seven elements
1. Use the case study to derive the milestones. If the case is lacking, feel free to include
a solution or milestone that you think Walmart would value.

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