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Tell me about yourself

Good morning Ma’am I am Ar-shahaf Jaafar, I am a registered nurse
and I am very much passionate about health care. I previously worked as
a Public health- community health nursing where in our task is to
mobilize assessment and deliver health care services throughout the
community. And I am very much excited to be here.

 Why did you decided to quit your old job?

I have decided to quit my previous job because of two reasons:
First, being a community nurse means that you have to move
from places to place and because of that my family and I feels
like my job as a nurse in a community might compromised my
safety. There was this one incident were my team and I were
to supposed to immunized a small village near the la paz,
Unfortunately we had a major vehicular accident.
And Honestly it was quite traumatizing. However because of my
passion toward health care service. I asked myself “how can I
practice what I love without compromising my health?”

The answer leads me to your institution, I mean when I think of

your institution I think of prestige, highly skilled staff, competent,
intelligent delegates and satisfying health services. Being in your
institution will allow me to grow as a nurse and to reciprocate
that with my love towards health care my service. Its a win-win
situation. I think those strength that I had makes me standout
from from the rest of the applicants.

2. What are your strengths and weaknesses / what made you standout
from others? / what can you offer to my institution?
Working in the community have taught me how to work
professionally under pressure and time constriction and under diverse
environment. There is a gap between patient and a client in the
community. In the hospital most of the patient are willingly submitting
themself for treatment. However clients in the community could be
stubborn, for instance if we are to immunized children house to house
some parents would not submit their children, although they have the
right to refuse however as a health provider you have to assertive, you
have educate them about the importance of immunization until such
time they would agreed to it. Apart from I am very paticular with clinical
works, considering we are dealing with life therefore there sould be no
room for mistakes. That is why I had attend training and seminars.

3. Training and seminars?

 Primary Surgical Care for the First Line Heroes
We had training on surgical care so we studied about the type of
surgery, type of stitches, the roper equipment for a type of surgery
and how to do after care on the surgery site. As a nurse you are also
to support surgeon before, during and after a surgery.

 Basic Occupational Safety and Health (BOSH)

Participants were trained to identify the basic safety, health and
environmental hazard and determine appropriate safety measures.

 Intravenous Therapy Training Program (IVT)

A three-day program designed to enhance the nurses' knowledge,
skills and attitude in the delivery of their expanded role as
intravenous nurse therapists. We learned How to administer
different types of injections and its sites.

4. Why did you choose to become a nurse?

I was raised by a family full of nurses, growing up in that kind of
environment have inspired and motivate me to also follow their
footsteps. I became passionate in rendering health care to other people
knowing that I am making a difference in my patient’s life is what makes
a job rewarding.

5. What makes your job rewarding

I love helping people especially the elderly ones, They have a soft
spot in my heart especially because I am very much closed with with my
grandparents. That is why If I were to deal with an elderly clients I try to
be as entertaining and compassionate and build a connection with them
just to see that smile on their faces and make them feel that they are
not alone and that their love towards their family are being

6. How do you feel working in a team? How do you work with other
I really love working with different people because I get along well
with people. In my past work experience, being understanding, having
and open communication are key to a strong professional relationship. It
make our job easy and working as a team only means increase

7. What is the hardest part of being a nurse

The hardest part of being a nurse is seeing is sometimes accepting
the fact that not everything in this world is u nder our control. We deal
with patient who are in pain or dying and you cannot do anything about
it its hard to just brush that off your shoulder because I care about my

8. How do you handle stressful situation?

Being a nurse could be overwhelming sometimes because of the
amount of the loads that you have to carryout. I had this experience
where I had to nurse 60 patient on my shift because most of my
conurses where on leave. ut I think the best way to handle stressful
situation is by being organized and put attention to details. You can do
this by simply listing down all the loads that has to be carried out and
then prioritized them. Just focus and stay calm.

9. Have you encounter difficult situation as a nurse? How did you

handle it
First of all as a nurse you should be able to recognize that hospital is
a very stressful place. Dealing with your patients and your coworkers
could be toxic sometime. Personally, I had encounter patient
complaining about my patient care. In this case you do not trowing a fire
on fire, what you need to do is to reevaluate your actions, take a
moment to think about what could have been wrong? How can correct
it? And etc. Or much better try to consult your supervisor so that the
issue can be addressed properly.
this by simply listing down all the loads that has to be carried out and
then prioritized them. Just focus and stay calm.

10. How do you define success

I view success as something thats not only about achieving big goals but
small goals as well, as a nurse I am successful completing my individual
duties, render patient care as effective as possible and working towards
the goal that goes aligned with your hospitals interest.
11. Why should we hire you?
You should hire me because I am positive that I can be a great asset to
you hospital, when I think of your hospital, I think of it as prestige, I think
of highly competent and intellectual nurses and staff. Being in your
hospital would mean that I can grow and to reciprocate that with my
passion of rendering health service towards your patients. If given the
opportunity 5 years from now Id like to become on of your most valued
nurses. I plan to take full advantage on your offer to learn new skills.
Apart from that I also want to deep my toes on things like budgeting and
training others, I know for a fact that philcare hopital is the perfect place
to do that.

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