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Digital Greek and Latin Epigraphy Workshop 2021

We encourage applications for the training workshop in Digital Greek and Latin Epigraphy and
Papyrology that will be held from ​January 26th-29th​, ​2021 ​at ​Department of History and
Cultures (DiSCi) ​of ​Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna​ and ​online platform​.

On ​January 25th ​there will be a ​general ​conference to which all applicants and selected
participants to the workshop are invited and registered. Guest Speakers at the conference and focus
groups: Gabriel Bodard, John Bodel, Silvia Orlandi, and Monica Berti. ​From ​January 26th-29th
there will be a ​workshop​ restricted to a max of 25 participants.

The workshop is orga​nised and run by Silvia Orlandi (Sapienza Università di Roma; President of
AIEGL) and Alice Bencivenni (DiSCi, Alma Mater Università di Bologna) and includes the
participation as trainers of Daniela Rigato, Manuela Mongardi, Irene Vagionakis (DiSCi, Alma
Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna), Marta Fogagnolo (Universität zu Köln), Giuditta Mirizio
(Universität Heidelberg). Guest speakers at the ​workshop: Claudia Antonetti, Eloisa Paganoni, Luca
Rigobianco (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia).

The workshop, which will be held in Italian and English, will focus on Greek and Latin Digital
Epigraphy (​EDR-EAGLE​, ​EpiDoc​, ​EFES​) and on Digital Papyrology (​Leiden+​, ​Papyrological
Editor​). No previous digital skills are required, but a necessary requirement is the knowledge of
Latin and/or ancient Greek and of the principles and conventions of the epigraphic and
papyrological critical ​editions. The workshop is open to participants of all levels: BA, MA and PhD
students, scholars, professors, and professionals.

All participants will receive a participation certificate. Students of ENCODE universities should
contact the local coordinators to include the workshop in their curricular activities and receive
ECTS credits upon completion of agreed requirements.

To participate in the workshop, apply before ​January 3rd, 2021 through the Encode website
(​​) including:
- name, surname, qualification, affiliation (if any)
- brief description of your interest in participating
- CV with previous experiences in studying ancient languages, epigraphy, papyrology, digital humanities.

Selected participants will be informed by January 10th.

For more information do not hesitate to contact Alice Bencivenni (​​).

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