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SBLE 3133








1. LOO CHIN YEE 261215
2. LEE YIN TIENG 261249
3. HONG ZHI HAO 261701
4. KUAN ZI YANG 261707
5. TAY SHI MIN 262608
1.0 Synopsis of the Scene

The movie scene we choose is from The Angry Birds 2 which is a computer-
animated comedy film. This movie was released in 2019. The director for this
movie is Thurop Van Orman and the voice for the title character was Jason
Sudeikis, Josh Gad, Leslie Jones, Bill Hader and others. The story in Angry Birds
2 is about the flightless birds and scheming green pigs take their feud to the next
level. Red still finds himself doing the battle with Pig Island after saving Bird
Island from an all-out green pig invasion in the previous movie.

The scene we choose from this movie at 24.54 until 29.04, this part was
talking about Angry Birds having a secret meeting in a cave at night, he wanted
to share and discuss the strategy used to destroy Eagle’s advanced weapon on
the Eagle’s Island.

From the scene we choose we found that there are two major dimensions
of non-verbal communication, which is an environmental and personal
dimension. For the environment include space and territory, artifacts and objects
and time meanwhile for the personal dimension including paralanguage, kinesics
and gaze.

2.0 Environmental Dimensions

2.1 Space and Territory

The space and territory refers to the place and the seating arrangement of the
group members in a discussion. In the meeting scene of Angry Birds movie 2,
from 0:00 to 0:08 shows that the meeting took place in a dark and quite cave at
the top of an eagle-shape hill and his cave is Mighty Eagle’s house. In the cave,
Red and King Leonard having a meeting with Chuck, Bomb, Silver, Mighty Eagle
and Courtney. They were discussing the super- weapon on Eagle island that will
destroy the Bird Island. Hence Red and Leonard having this secret meeting to
plan how to stop and deactivate the super-weapon.
From the whole scene, we can see that Red and King Leonard are the
task leader because they are standing in front of the team member and
presenting the plan. In term of seating arrangement, from scene 0:11 to 0:17
shows Red and Leonard stand beside the projector screen and near beside each
other. this state that Red and Leonard both are the task leader in this meeting.
While Chuck, Bomb, Silver, Mighty Eagle and Courtney are the Member of this
secret team which sit and face at Red and Leonard.

The space of table in the scene at 0:10 minutes shows that it is a

“rectangular table”, Red and Leonard at one side and other member at the other
side. The group members sitting in a row close to each other to listen and
discuss with the leaders. Silver is the recorder and other members are stated as
the information provider and active listener. They lead the team to destroy the
enemy weapon, which is the Eagle’s Volcano.

In addition, from scene 2:40 to 3:33 shows that the super weapon is real
and destroy Mighty Eagle’s cave. This shows the danger of the weapon and how
important and serious that Red and his team members need to stop the weapon.
This shows that space and territory are one of the important factors to
performance and achieve their goal.

2.2 Artifacts and Objects

The artifacts in group discussions can include paper, pens and anything that is
necessary for the group’s functioning. Artifacts typically are things that ‘dress up’
the discussions setting. In the whole scene, the discussion was conducted in the
cave which is Eagle’s house. From scene 0:06 to 0:09 show a sign board ‘secret
meeting’ placed outside the cave to show that the discussion was conducted

In the meeting, Red and King Leonard are using projector to discuss about
the strategic to deactivate weapon in the Eagle Island. During the meeting, Red
and King Leonard are fighting to be the one who in charge of this mission by
snatching the stick without tolerate with each other. In scene of 1:02 shows
Courtney hold the remote control of projector. The pictures show in the screen
from 1:09 to 1:13 show the psychotic leader of the Eagle island who make the

At this meeting, only Silver used her notebook and pen to record all the
details of the plan, although she pointed out that it was not a plan. In the movie
scene taken from 2:23 to 2:28, they also “accidently” found the Eagle Island’s
map in the Mighty Eagle’s house.

2.3 Time

According to the scene, the meeting was held at midnight to prevent their
strategic plans from being exposed to their enemy. Normally, everybody had
slept during that time. So, it is safe to discuss some secrets in the middle of the
night. Through the interaction between the people in the scene, we can tell that
Mighty Eagle and Zeta have a common history. This can be seen when Mighty
Eagle is scared when Red shows Zeta a picture through the projector. However,
when Red asks him “Did you know her?” Mighty Eagle still tries to pretend he
does not recognize Zeta.

In the morning, when their enemy, which is Eagle Island’s advanced

weapon ice ball, hit the cave, their meeting in the cave was interrupted. At that
moment, everyone was in danger. So it shows that time is very important for a
team to discuss something to achieve their goals.

3.0 Personal Dimensions

3.1 Paralanguage

Paralanguage is the sounds that people make that accompany his or her verbal
messages. In this movie, some paralanguage has been shown by the characters.
First, in minutes 0.10, Leonard speaks louder and his pitch goes up when he is
saying the words “best in your field” in a scene because he wants to cheer
people up and increase their attention. At this time (0.11), Matilda and her
partners make a sound of “Oh”, indicating that they are very happy to be
recognized. But when Leonard said "that we could find," they also said “Oh”, but
the tone became lower, which means they were disappointed (0.14).

Secondly, in minutes 1.08, as soon as Mighty Eagle saw the picture of the
villain that is Zeta, his face changed. Mighty Eagle also screamed and his eyes
widened. It shows that he knows each other and feels scared, flustered and
uneasy. Meanwhile, in minutes 1.16, when the Mighty Eagle was asked a
question by Red, "Do you know her?" The eagle answered quickly and loudly
"What? Me? No!" This also shows that the eagle is nervous or anxious about the
answer to the question.

Thirdly, in minutes 1.25, the character Red said “Not terribly convincing
but moving on”, he showed that he was disappointed because he saw the voice
that is low and unconfident. To conceal his feeling, he next his voice and facial
expression at the next second in the scene (1:27).

Lastly, in minutes 2.40, Matilda sounds “ugh” with a trembling voice. It

means that she can't believe what's going on in front of her. Then in minutes
2.42, all the people appeared outside the cave, saw what was happening, and
made the sound of “Oh!”. In minutes 2.43, someone said out loud, “Run!”, which
shows that the situation is very urgent.

3.2 Kinesics

Kinesics refers to body language such as hand, arm, body and face movement.
In particular, the use of gestures, head movements and posture, eye contact,
facial expressions as nonverbal communication will be illustrated in this section.

Based on the scenes that we choose from The Angry Birds 2 Movie, it
shows many kinesics have been shown by all the characters in the scene of
“special forces meeting”. The scene taken at 0:11, the character’s facial
expression totally changed from excited face to sad face after King Leonard said
something. Next, the scene taken at 0:20 indicate that all the characters look
very shocked after King Leonard showed a picture. The scene taken at 0:26, the
King Leonard looks angry when he tries to snatch the ruler from Red. The scene
taken at 0:30, the Silver raises its hand before saying something to King Leonard
and Red. In minute 0:35, the Red makes a hand gesture to stop the Silver from
talking. The scene taken at 1:01, the King Leonard looks sad because Red took
the ruler from him. The scene taken from 1:17 until 1:24, the Mighty Eagle uses
hand gestures when explaining to the Red. Lastly, the scene taken at 2:33, the
angry bird makes a hand gesture to hear something followed by Chuck.

3.3 Gaze

In nonverbal communication, the gaze is critical and significant nonverbal

behaviors. The rate of blinking increases and pupils dilate as individuals meet
individuals or things they enjoy. A variety of feelings, including animosity, desire
and attraction, may be indicated by gazing at another person. A leader plays a
major role in a small group and gaze is one of the personal dimensions. One of
the standard axioms of the small group leadership says, "If you want to know
who the real leader of the group is, pay close attention to whom the other
participants are addressing their remarks." This is a better way of recognizing the
leader is relevant in most small groups. A variety of personality and social
dimensions traits can also be seen in the eye actions of the participants.

We can see gazing in the scene starting from 0.10 to 0.17 where King
Leonard is trying to explain why they have been chosen in this mission by saying
“Each of you has been selected because you’re the best in your field. That we
could find.” At that point, everyone, including Red, is staring at King Leonard
because he's trying to clarify something important to all members as the chief or
a leader. Next from 0.26, King Leonard was gazing at Red to ask Red to send
back the stick that had been taken from him. This shows that King Leonard is
trying to indicate to Red though his gaze that he is the leader in this meeting.

The scene from 0.36 to 0:41 showed Red telling the other members in the
secret meeting about the "Super Weapon" of the enemy and the eyes of them
convey that they are shocked and look at Red with eyes wide open.
Starting from 1.03 to 1.06, King Leonard looked down after Red gazed at
him and took away the stick from King Leonard's hand. This shows that King
Leonard knows that he has disappointed Red and is a little frustrated about him.

From scene 2.17 to 2.21, Mighty Eagle tries to escape the eye contact and
gazing from Silver, when Silver asks him for Eagle Island's map. This shows his
anxiety and his want to hide the fact that he has a map.

4.0 Conclusion

In conclusion, non-verbal communication in groups or organizations is very

important for us to understand the situation and it also can help us become more
aware towards other group member’s emotions. Besides, non-verbal messages
can help organizations become more understanding in the conceptual of group
discussion, decision making, and every member’s character such as silent
observer, task leader, social-emotional leader, information provider, central
negative and others. The verbal communication and non-verbal communication
could give us a more accurate picture of what is taking place in the group
discussion precisely.

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