Age Which Category Below Includes Your Age?

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Demographics is the study of a population based on factors such as age, race, and 

Demographic data refers to socio-economic information expressed statistically, also including
employment, education, income, marriage rates, birth and death rates and more factors.

Most large companies conduct demographic research to determine how to market their
product or service and best market to the target audience. It is valuable to know the current
customer and where the potential customer may come from in the future. Demographic trends
are also important, since the size of different demographic groups changes over time because of
economic, cultural, and political circumstances.

Marketers are one group of professionals who have a lot to gain from asking
demographic questions.
The more they know about their target population, the higher the chances their messaging will
resonate with their desired audience.

 Demographics is the collection and analysis of broad characteristics about groups of

people and populations.
 Demographic data is very useful for businesses to understand how to market to
consumers and plan strategically for future trends in consumer demand.
 The combination of the internet, big data, and artificial intelligence is greatly amplifying
the usefulness and application of demographics as a tool for marketing and business

The following are some examples of good demographic questions:


Which category below includes your age?

 17 or younger

 18-20

 21-29

 30-39
 40 or older


What is your gender?

 Female

 Male

 Other (specify)


Are you now married, widowed, divorced, separated, or never married?

 Married

 Widowed

 Divorced

 Separated


What is the highest level of school you have completed or the highest degree you have

 Elementary degree

 High school degree

 Senior High School

 College degree

Which of the following categories best describes your employment status?

 Employed

 Not employed, looking for work

 Not employed, NOT looking for work

 Retired

 Disabled, not able to work

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