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Urban Design Studio

Module 2 – Urban Design Concepts


LEARNING Fundamental definition of Concept and Theory

- Is an abstract idea, a general idea or
After studying this module, you as a future Architect
understanding of something.
should be able to: - Is a mental image
- Term is used in different fields such as
1. Differentiate Urban Design Concept from linguistics, sciences, philosophy etc.
Urban Design Theory THEORY.
2. Identify each and every concept discussed - Is a scientifically credible principle that
explains a phenomenon
- Can be presented as a model
TOPIC - This term is more used in the field of science
OUTLINE Some known Urban Design Theories and their underlying
1. Urban Design Concepts Concepts

Philosophical Foundations
OVERVIEW Through Broadacre City, Wright expressed his
principles of urban decentralization, economic self-sufficiency,
and individualism. The traditional city, with its masses of
buildings, was replaced by small houses dotting the rural
Module 1 serves as a brief discussion about the basic landscape. In Broadacre City, the built environment would be
concepts of Urban Design. It gives us an overview on distributed over open countryside and would be organically
the known concepts presented from theories of constructed to harmonize with natural surroundings. Each lot
various Planners. This module is good for 3 hour would be inwardly oriented, thereby promoting a domestic,
family- oriented lifestyle where every person would be at least a
part-time farmer. Indeed, the notion of individualism was a
crucial element of Wright’s vision of Broadacre City. He owed
ACTIVATING much of this vision to the Jeffersonian ideal of rural self-reliance.
Broadacre City would provide for the universal ownership of land
PRIOR KNOWLEDGE and a society of individual proprietors. There would be no rent,
landlords, or tenants, and no private ownership of land.
Looking back at the vocabulary learned from previous Everyone would have the skills and knowledge to be a part-time
Module, identify whether the following is a CONCEPT or a farmer, mechanic, and intellectual—much as Jefferson was.
THEORY. Goods would flow directly from the producer to the consumer
1. GARDEN CITY with no intermediary. Industry in Broadacre City would be
2. NEIGHBORHOOD FAMILY UNIT privately or cooperatively owned. Local government would be
3. PIECEMEAL DEVELOPMENT the only local public administrative group within the city. Like
4. SATELLITE TOWNS modern conservative economists, the sole purpose of national
5. SUBURBS government would be the regulation of natural resources, the
6. UTOPIA / UTOPIAN PLANNING provision of national defense, and the compilation of
7. DYNAPOLIS or DYNAMIC CITY information. Despite Wright’s penchant for communal
8. TRANSIT ORIENTED DEVELOPMENT ownership, however, his “democratic decentralization” would
9. GRID PLANNING allow every person to own at least one acre of land in Broadacre
10. BLIGHTED AREA City. The resulting urban pattern would greatly decentralize
population and replace the city’s concentration of wealth and
power with a society where the means of production would be
widely held.
Design Features
Broadacre City was publicly displayed in print media
and in a showing of a model from 1934 to 1935. The version of

Module 2 –Urban Design Concepts| Page 1 of 6

his plan published in Architectural Record in 1935 is and nature, but without the problems of pollution and
conceptualized in Figure 1. Broadacre City would cover an area overcrowding found in the large industrial city.
of 4 square miles or 2,560 acres and would support a population With financial support from William Hesketh Lever, the
of approximately 5,000 people living in 1,400 homes. Each first Garden City, Letchworth, was built in Hertfordshire, north of
person regardless of age would be provided at least 1 acre of London (Lever was in the midst of construction of Port Sunlight,
land. The typical residential lot configuration would be 165 feet a planned industrial community outside of Liverpool, during this
by 264 feet, or precisely 1 acre. The lot would allow for a garden period). Letchworth was viewed as a successful implementation
or small farm next to the house. Families would also live in small of the Garden City, with new homes and ample open space, a
apartments, single-family cottages, worker quarters above wide range of industries to provide employment for town
shops, or larger hillside houses. Scattered throughout would be residents, and an agricultural greenbelt to control further
a dozen or so 15-floor towers, each with 33 apartments. expansion. After World War I, the British government provided
Everyone would be within walking distance of work, and support for the second Garden City, in Welwyn, also in
vehicular transportation would be used primarily to travel Hertfordshire. The Garden City would also serve as a more
between cities. Among the small farms would be factories, general model for smaller developments, including the
schools, stores, professional buildings, hospital, cultural centers, Hampstead garden suburb and Gidea Park in London, and for
and other institutions. The local government buildings would be garden cities in other countries as well, including Hellerau (a
in a single high-rise building by a lake, but it would not be the suburb of Dresden) in 1909 and Bromma (in Stockholm)
focus of the community. A single freeway and railroad system beginning in 1910. In 1909 the Garden City Association changed
would provide access to other Broadacre Cities. Using the its name to the Garden Cities and Town Planning Association (in
modern rule of thumb for a familyoriented household size of 1941 the name would be changed once again, to the Town and
three, the population base of Broadacre City would be about Country Planning Association). By this time, there was a
4,200 people. The density is slightly more than 1,000 people per worldwide Garden Cities movement, as Howard’s ideas served
square mile, which is comparable to that of the nation’s most as a model for urban development in other countries. In 1908,
densely populated state, New Jersey, or roughly equivalent to the Australian government selected the site for a new national
the population density of Kansas City, Missouri. Broadacre City capital (present-day Canberra) and commissioned an
would clearly qualify as an urban place according to the U.S. international competition to design the new city. The winning
Census. In effect, Broadacre City would be an oasis of settlement design, by two Chicago architects, is derived in part from the
set in a rural landscape. comprehensive regional mapping for central city and
surrounding garden cities published in Tomorrow: A Peaceful
GARDEN CITY Path to Real Reform. New Delhi, in northern India, was similarly
The Garden City is a planning concept and model designed (in the 1910s) as the new capital city for the British
developed by Ebenezer Howard, who founded the Garden City colonial rule of the Indian subcontinent, and the broad axial
Association in 1899. Howard’s writing strongly influenced an boulevards and clustering of functional areas within the city
early generation of urban planners, as well as the City Beautiful (built in the 1920s) are derived from Howard’s Garden City
movement in the United States. Two garden cities were built in model.
England in the early 1900s, and urban planners and architects in CITY BEAUTIFUL MOVEMENT
Europe and South America followed with garden cities in their The Origin
countries. In the United States, garden cities were promoted by The City Beautiful movement rose in late nineteenth-
the Regional Planning Association, resulting in the construction century America as a reformist attempt by the ruling elites to
of three communities in the 1930s. The Garden City has served solve the urban crisis that was plaguing big cities across the
as a model for urban development and an inspiration for other country during the Industrial Revolution of the late nineteenth
planning models to the present day. century and particularly during the economic depression of 1893
Howard’s plan for the Garden City was first published to 1897. With its emphasis on comprehensive, large-scale
in 1899 as Tomorrow: A Peaceful Path to Real Reform, but the planning, the City Beautiful movement would set the standards
book did not generate much attention; a revised version titled for modern city planning. The vanishing of the agrarian society,
Garden Cities of Tomorrow, published in 1904, became a coupled with the increasing processes of immigration and
cornerstone in urban planning. The Garden City was designed to urbanization, had led to a drastic rise of the population in urban
house some 32,000 people on a site of 6,000 acres. Six radial areas across the country. From 1860 to 1910 the American
boulevards 120 feet wide extended from the center, creating a population as a whole had increased from 31.4 million to 91.9
radial pattern, with open spaces and parks separating areas for million, and 46 percent of Americans lived in urban areas, as
residential, industrial, institutional, and other uses. The Garden manufacturing jobs in the city industry replaced agriculture jobs
City was intended to be self-sufficient, to include a mix of in the countryside. In the same time period, the number of
employment as well as sufficient agricultural land to feed the American cities with over 100,000 residents rose from 8 to 50,
local population. The Garden City was bordered by a greenbelt while in 1910 several cities had a population exceeding the 1
to separate it from other cities. In one mapping included in the million mark. The striking concentration of poverty in core urban
original publication but not in Garden Cities, a ring of planned areas created dangerous sanitary conditions, phenomena of
communities surrounds a larger, central city; the communities congestion and overcrowding in tenements, while at the same
are connected to the central city and to the other suburban time the improvement of transportation systems spurred the
centers by rail transport. The Garden City was a blend of the city unrelenting outmigration of the upper classes to the suburbs and
the countryside. The massive migration of families to the city in

Module 2 –Urban Design Concepts| Page 2 of 6

search of opportunity in the rising industry led to a climate of imported these aesthetic ideals to America for the occasion of
social unrest, labor struggles, and ethnic conflicts. the Chicago World’s Fair.
Overcrowding, blight, and crime became major concerns for the
elite classes, who lived in fear for their own safety. In 1890 Jacob INDUSTRIAL CITY
Riis reported about the living conditions in the tenements of Une Cité Industrielle portrays a utopian, modernist
New York City: vision that incorporates functionalist principles a decade before
[T]hree-fourths of its [New York’s] people live in the tenements, and the they were advocated by any other architect (Miriani, 1990).
nineteenth-century drift of the population to the cities is sending ever-increasing
multitudes to crowd them. We know now that there is no way out; that the system
Garnier envisioned an entire city in plan and in detail, including
that was the evil offspring of public neglect and private greed has come to stay, a schools, hospitals, factories, residential quarters and
storm-center forever of our civilization. recreational facilities. His generating concepts included a
decentralized layout, traffic-free pedestrian zones, and
Riis’s writings, a dramatic documentation of poverty and residential districts with gardens to emphasize continuous
disenfranchisement in dense urban settlements, were pedestrian circulation and orientation and placement to follow
interpreted as a strong call for social reform. local climatic design variables. In the Preface to Une Cité
The City Beautiful movement rose as a response by the Industrielle, presented below, Garnier includes “regulations” to
ruling elites to these concerns. The reformist and paternalistic institute his design and plannng principles. The proposed
goal of the movement (which mobilized architects, planners, and materials and building techniques of reinforced concrete—up to
social reformers) was to bring social order and control to the city then used only experimentally—would permit open plans and
through an improved, orderly, and beautified urban roof terraces, and glass windows disposed generously for
environment: A new city would lead to a new harmonious sense sunlight and natural ventilation.
of community and belonging for all citizens, thus removing the The town is assumed to be of average size, to have a
causes of social conflicts. According to Julie K. Rose, the population of 35,000 inhabitants. A generalized approach to
underlying assumption of the movement was “the idea that research is adopted for this scale that would not have been
beauty could act as an effective social control device.” applicable to the study of a smaller village or to a larger city. It is
In major industrial cities, the growing phenomenon of also assumed that the site includes an equal amount of hillside
labor upheaval had resulted in legislatures damping down labor and level plain that is transected by a river. Although the town
movements, systematic state repression, and violent under study is fictitious, the existing towns of Rive-de-Gier,
confrontations between police and labor protesters. The Saint-Étienne, Saint-Chamond, Chasse, and Givors that represent
Haymarket Affair in Chicago (May 1886), which had begun as a similar basic needs as the scheme we have imaged here. The
peaceful rally in support of striking workers, resulted in the setting is assumed to be southeastern France and the building
death of several protesters, police officers, and civilians. The materials proposed are indigenous to the region.
highly controversial trial that followed brought the capital The reasons motivating the establishment of such a
executions of four, presumably innocent, anarchists. Following town could be assumed to be the availability of raw materials for
the example of the 1851 Universal Exhibition in London’s Crystal manufacturing, the existence of a natural energy source
Palace—which was strongly encouraged by the British available for industrial use, or the site’s accessibility to
government to counter the spread of political radicalism and to transportation. In this case, the determining factor is taken to be
celebrate the global expansion of the British Empire— Chicago’s a rushing stream that is advantageous for a dam and location of
Columbian Exposition of 1893 was championed by the city’s a hydroelectric power station to provide electricity for heating,
political and economic elites with the aim of cementing a badly lighting and power for factories and town. There are also mines
divided society and of rescuing the city’s reputation after the nearby, although these could be assumed to be located farther
worldwide publicity and outcry over the Haymarket trial. away.
The World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago (also The main factory is situated in the plain, where the
known as the Chicago World’s Fair) was the first large-scale stream meets the river. A major railway line runs between the
display of the principles of the City Beautiful movement. The factory and the town, located above on a higher plain. Higher still
“White City,” under head planner Daniel Burnham, was a model are the well-spaced hospital buildings. Like the town itself, these
for an idealized, utopian, harmonious urban environment are shielded from cold winds, oriented to the southern sun on
unknown to most American city dwellers of the time: It featured terraces sloping facing the river. Each of these principal
monumental buildings (all of uniform cornice height, all painted elements—factory, town, and hospital—is sited to allow for
white, all generously decorated) orderly articulated among expansion, so that our study represents a more general longer
green spaces, wide canals, and reflective pools, and a term planning proposal.
picturesque lagoon designed by Frederick Law Olmsted, Sr. Its To arrive at a design that completely fulfills the moral
stylistic vocabulary was the neoclassicism of the Parisian École and material needs of the individual, a set of standards are
de Beaux-Arts, the leading international school of architecture established concerning traffic circulation, hygiene, and so on.
that, from the 1870s to the 1930s, instructed artists and The assumption is that a certain progress of social order would
architects from all over the world in the teachings of harmony have already established such standards, thus insuring the
through the use of a historicist repertoire, and in the art of large- adoption of such regulations although these are completely
scale planning—as in Baron Georges-Eugène Haussmann’s unrecognized by current law. As such, it is assumed that there is
redesign of Paris during the reign of Napoleon III. Several the enabling public power of eminent domain, governance of
American architects who studied at the École des Beaux-Arts, uses of the land, distribution of water, food essentials and
such as Richard Morris Hunt, George Post, and Daniel Burnham, medicines, and the reutilization of refuse.

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RADIANT CITY (Ville Radiuse) administration area by the water in two slab blocks, convex and
Backgrounder concave apartment blocks for the middle classes up on the
Ville radieuse (French pronunciation: [vil ʁaˈdjøːz], slopes above the city, an elevated roadway on a north-south axis
Radiant City) was an unrealised project designed by the French- above the casbah and a meandering viaduct with a road on top
Swiss architect Le Corbusier in 1930. It constitutes one of the meandering down the coast.
most influential and controversial urban doctrines of European In 1933 in Nemours, North Africa he proposed eighteen Unité
modernism. Although Le Corbusier had exhibited his ideas for apartment blocks orientated north-south against a backdrop of
the ideal city, the Ville contemporaine in the 1920s, during mountains.
contact with international planners he began work on the Ville On his 1935 trip to the United States, Corbusier
Radieuse. In 1930 he had become an active member of the criticised the skyscrapers of Manhattan for being too small and
syndicalist movement and proposed the Ville radieuse as a too close together. He proposed replacing all the existing
blueprint of social reform. buildings with one huge Cartesian Skyscraper equipped with
The principles of the Ville radieuse were incorporated living and working units. This would have cleared the way for
into his later publication, the Athens Charter published in 1933. more parkland, thus conforming to the ideals of the Ville
His utopian ideal formed the basis of a number of Radieuse.
urban plans during the 1930s and 1940s culminating in the Even as late as the 1940s he was trying to court both
design and construction of the first Unité d'habitation in Mussolini and the Vichy government to adopt his ideal city
Marseille in 1952. plans.[10] Corbusier's best opportunity for the realisation of his
plans were the designs for Chandigarh, India, which he
Developing the idea developed in 1949.
In the late 1920s Le Corbusier lost confidence in big From 1945 to 1952 he undertook the design and
business to realise his dreams of utopia represented in the Ville construction of the Unité d'Habitation in Marseilles. The Unité
Contemporaine and Plan Voisin (1925). Influenced by the linear embodied the ideas of the Ville Radieuse that he had developed
city ideas of Arturo Soria y Mata (which Milyutin also employed) in Nemours and Algiers.
and the theories of the syndicalist movement (that he had When designing the layout for Brasilia, architects Lúcio
recently joined) he formulated a new vision of the ideal city, the Costa and Oscar Niemeyer were influenced by the plans for the
Ville Radieuse. It represented a utopian dream to reunite man Ville Radieuse.
within a well-ordered environment. Unlike the radial design of
the Ville Contemporaine, the Ville Radieuse was a linear city
based upon the abstract shape of the human body with head,
spine, arms and legs. The design maintained the idea of high-rise SUMMARY
housing blocks, free circulation and abundant green spaces
proposed in his earlier work. The blocks of housing were laid out Let us see if you can remember the main points
in long lines stepping in and out. Like the Swiss Pavilion they raised in this lesson. Below is a summary of these
were glazed on their south side and were raised up on pilotis. points:
They had roof terraces and running tracks on their roofs.
The Ville Radieuse also made reference to Corbusier's
- Urban concepts are terminological means
work in Russia. In 1930, he wrote a 59-page Reply to Moscow
when commenting upon a competition in Moscow. The report by which researchers analyze urban reality
contained drawings defining an alternative urban model for the and define and interpret urban conditions. All
planning of the city. He exhibited the first representations of his urban theories contain a set of concepts to
ideas at the third CIAM meeting in Brussels in 1930 (although he classify and categorize knowledge.
withdrew the Moscow proposals). In addition he developed
proposals for the Ferme Radieuse (Radiant Farm) and Village - Concepts are the building blocks of urban
Radieuse (Radiant Village). theories and frame urban reality, setting
Throughout the thirties Le Corbusier spread the boundaries for analysis, and are fundamental
message of his new, ideal city. Discussions at the fourth CIAM to the historical and material constitution of
meeting on board the SS Patris bound for Athens were
cities and urban life.
incorporated into Corbusier's book, The Radiant City (published
in 1933).[7] This in turn influenced the Athens Charter. - Concepts take on meaning only in relation
to one another. Class and capitalism, for
Between 1931 and 1940 Corbusier undertook a series of town example, represent a unity of complex ideas
planning proposals for Algiers. During that period Algiers was the and urban conditions that have utility in the
administrative capital of French North Africa. Although he was world, according to Marxism urban theorists.
not officially invited to submit proposals for the city, he knew the
Urban politics, political power, and urban
mayor was interested so he tried his luck. The plan had to
incorporate the existing casbah whilst allowing for the linear economic growth are major concepts in
growth of the increasing population. The resulting Obus Plan was urban growth machine theory and urban
a variation on the Ville Radieuse, adapted for a very specific regime theory.
culture and landscape. It comprised four main elements: an

Module 2 –Urban Design Concepts| Page 4 of 6

- Depending on the theory, concepts can be ontology, epistemology, concepts, levels of
descriptive, analytical, explanatory, or analysis, and agency–structure relationships.
evaluative. Different concepts provide a
framework or orientation for identifying and BROADCRE CITY’S Concept:
- decentralization
explaining social processes including, for
- in commune with nature
example, exploitation, alienation, and
discrimination. Thus, scholars may use the GARDEN CITY’S Concept:
concept of race to develop theories of the - a contract between city and nature
causes, consequences, and persistence of - self-sufficiency and self-sustaining
racial residential segregation and uneven
metropolitan development. In turn, scholars CITY BEAUTIFUL MOVEMENT’S Concept:
- beauty (aesthetics) as social control device
have employed different theories of
segregation to clarify how meanings of race INDUSTRIAL CITY’S Concept:
and manifestations of racial discrimination - proximity to source of raw material as
have changed historically. generator of industry
- urban theories are interpretive tools that
address questions such as what is “urban” RADIANT CITY’S Concept:
- use of the grid as generator of urban growth
about urban life, how are cities organized,
and how do they change over time? Another
more analytical approach defines urban
theory as a set of interrelated propositions LEARNING ACTIVITY 2
that allow for the systematization of
knowledge, explanation, and prediction of
Home Reading Assignment on Urban Design
urban reality
- In this definition, urban theories specify
both causal relations between variables Home Reading Assignment for further study of other
(including models that indicate how causal Urban Design concepts
factors are interrelated) and causal - Urban sprawl
mechanisms responsible for producing these - Urban ecology
- Urban catalyst
- Urban renewal
- A third meaning of urban theory starts from - Transit Oriented Development
a critical-normative foundation and views - Traditional Neighbourhood Development
theory as a set of concepts and explanatory
tools to examine the operation of urban
power structures, identify the causes and
consequences of urban inequalities, and
clarify the bases of social conflict and
struggle in cities. REFERENCES
- There are no timeless, static, or immutable
urban theories. Just as urban theories are Watson, Donald (2003). Time Saver Standards
products of particular times and historical for Urban Design. The McGraw-Hill
conditions, urban theories change as social Companies, Inc.
movements, social processes, and Arnold Whittick, Editor-in-Chief 1974, Encyclopedia
individuals transform cities and metropolitan of Urban Planning. McGraw-Hill, Inc.
- urban theories are diverse, complex, and Encyclopedia of Urban Studies. Ray Hutchison,
multidimensional. This entry addresses the Editor 2010. SAGE Reference Publication
five major building blocks of urban theory:

Module 2 –Urban Design Concepts| Page 5 of 6

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Faculty, College of Engineering and Architecture

Module 2 –Urban Design Concepts| Page 6 of 6

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