Reduction of The Pollution: Internacionalni Univerzitet Travnik Fakultet Politehničkih Nauka

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Reduction of the pollution

Seminarski rad

Predmet: Engleski jezik

Mentor: Prof. Dr. Sc. Murat Dizdarević Student: Meho Hrusto

Asistent: Aida Terzić Broj indeksa: PT 36/17

Travnik, Novembar 2018


1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................2
2Air pollution........................................................................................................................................3
3Water Pollution....................................................................................................................................5
4Noise Pollution....................................................................................................................................7
5Radioactive Pollution..........................................................................................................................9
6 Thermal Pollution.............................................................................................................................10
7 Conclusion........................................................................................................................................11

1 Introduction

The current situation makes us think about the pollution that we have made during the last

We see on a daily basis the pollution in every aspect of life.Ithink that the modern world uses
its resources in a wrong manner causing an excess of polution that could otherwise be
reduced in many different ways.

The results of this are obvious – increased lung and heart diseases among the human
population, more and more air and water pollution, plastic contamination, CO 2, SO2, and
agricultural toxins emission.

I think that we don't have a lot oftime to do something about that, but we can still learn to
respect our nature - we need our rivers clean, our air clean, and we deserve to live a quality
and healthy life.

Types of pollution :

- Air pollution
- Water pollution
- Noise pollution
- Radioactive pollution
- Personal pollution

2Air pollution

The air we breathe has a very exact chemical composition: 99% of it is made up of nitrogen,
oxygen, water vapor and inert gases. Air pollution occurs when things that aren't
normallythere are added to the air. A common type of air pollution happens when people
release particles into the air from burning fuels. This pollution looks like soot, containing
millions of tiny particles, floating in the air.Another common type of air pollution is
dangerous gases, such as sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and chemical
vapors. These can take part in further chemical reactions once they are in the atmosphere,
creating acid rain and smog.Other sources of air pollution can come from within buildings,
such as secondhand smoke. Most of factories, cars and other machines contribute to the
pollution, and they produce heat which also has a negative influence on the world climate as
a result . Air pollution comes from a wide variety of different sources. Some of the most
excessive sources include:

- Exhaust gases from vehicles and industrial sources

- Forest fires, vulcanic eruptions, dry soil erosion, and other natural sources
- Building construction and/or demolition

Proposed solutions :

We should use better filters in factories, travel more by bicycle and less by cars, and
also we should try to modernize our methods of transportation, such as introducing
electrical cars, etc. Also, we should try to remove fossil fuels from use, and seek to
replace them with renewable sources. It is very important that we plant trees, clean the
rivers, remove the plastic from them, and dispose of garbage in a safer way such as
In the following pictures it's possible to observe the excessive air pollution from many
households and industrial areas in the town of Zenica that I have personally taken on
25th of October of this year.

Picture 1: air pollution in the town of Zenica

Picture 2 : Air pollution in the town of Zenica

3Water Pollution

Water pollution involves any contaminated water, whether from chemical, solid, or biological
matter which degrades the water's quality and purity. Water pollution can occur in oceans,
rivers, lakes, and underground reservoirs, and it can spread the pollution as different water
sources mix together through the water cycle.

Causes of water pollution include:

- Increased sediment from soil erosion

- Improper waste disposal and littering
- Leaching of soil pollution into water supplies
- Organic material decay in water supplies

The effects of water pollution include decreasing the quantity of drinkable water available,
lowering water supplies for crop irrigation, and impacting fish and wildlife populations that
require water of a certain purity for survival. Since water is the most important factor of life,
we need to keep it clean at all costs. If we continue with the water pollution at this rate we
will destroy this planet and ourselves, too. The pollution of rivers, soil, oceans is directly
destroying waterlife which is an enormous problem. We have to take the steps to show and
teach the people how to clean our planet and save what we already have, so that we can leave
it to our kids and future genearations .

Proposed solutions:

Increase the awareness of people, the fining of persons responsible for water pollution,make
sure that garbage desposal areas are contained in areas that do not mix with major rivers and

e 3: Risks for people from water pollution

Picture 4: Water pollution2


Picture 5: Water pollution3

4Noise Pollution

Noise pollution can come from :

- Traffic
- Airports
- Railroads
- Manufacturing plants
- Construction and demolitions
- Concerts

Traffic noise is probably the most rigorous and pervasive type of noise pollution. Traffic
noise has become a serious problem nowadays because of inadequate urban planning of cities
in the past. Homes, schools, offices, hospitals, commercial business centers, and other
community buildings were routinely built close to the main roads of the municipality without
buffer zones or adequate sound proofing. The problem has been compounded by increases in
traffic volumes (two wheelers, heavy motor vehicles, and other vehicles) far beyond the
expectations of our early urban planners. This alarming increase in the volume of traffic is
actually inversely related to the degradation of the environment. Noise pollution is one of the
major environmental pollutants that are encountered in daily life and has direct effects on
human performance. Sound pressure is a basic measure of the vibrations of air that makes up


sound, and because the range that the human listeners can detect is very wide, these levels are
measured on the logarithmic scale with units of decibel (dB).

Noise can be defined as the level of sound that exceeds the acceptable level and creates an
annoyance. Noise is any sound independent of loudness which can produce an undesired
physiological or psychological effect on an individual group. Noise is a major source of
friction between individuals. The major sources of noise are industrial noise, community
noise and traffic noise. Out of three parameters, the source that affects the most is traffic or
vehicular noise. In this traffic noise, almost two- third of the total noise pollution in an urban
area is contributing by vehicle noise.

Picture 6: Traffic-related air pollution4

Airplane air pollution — the ultrafine sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide and other toxic particles
that are created from the condensation of the jet’s hot exhaust vapors — is a health concern.
The particles can embed themselves deep inside the lungs and then enter the bloodstream.
The inflammation they cause is suspected of worsening many lung conditions, such as asthma
and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and of contributing to the development of heart


Picture 7: Airplane air pollution5

The manufacturing process turns raw materials into useful goods. But some of the by-
products of manufacturing — waste materials left over or substances produced by the
manufacturing process itself — may be harmful to the environment. Manufacturing
contributes to air and water pollution, but regulations that limit the amount of pollutants
released into the air and water have reduced the problem.

Picture 8: Air pollution from manufacturing processes6

5Radioactive Pollution

Radioactive pollution is defined as the increase in natural radiation levels caused by human
activities. It is estimated that about 20% of radiation we are exposed to is due to human
activities. The human activities that can release radiation involve activities with radioactive
materials such as mining, handling and processing of radioactive materials, handling and
storage of radioactive waste, as well as the use of radioactive reactions to generate energy
(nuclear power plants), along with the use of radiation in medicine (e.g. X-rays) and research.
Radiation is essentially energy that travels and spreads out as it goes. This is referred to as
electromagnetic radiation. Examples include visible light, radio waves, microwaves, infrared
and ultraviolet lights, X-rays, and gamma-rays. The differences between these various types


of radiation consist of some physical properties such as energy, frequency, and wavelength.
Thus, there are a variety of electromagnetic radiations. This means that any and all these
types of radiation can generate radiation pollution if they are enhanced by human activities.

Picture 9: Radioactiv pollution7

6 Thermal Pollution

Thermal pollution may be caused by: power plants, urban sprawl, air pollution by particles
which trap heat, deforestation, loss of temperature moderating water supplies.

The actual definition of thermal pollution is “the harmful release of heated liquid into a body
of water or heat released into the air as a waste product of business.” What that definition
describes is that thermal pollution occurs when industries and businesses pull water from
nearby lakes, oceans, or rivers and then heat it up or cool it down before sending it back into
the environment.

That process is detrimental to local communities and ecosystems, and the problem has been
increasing over time. One common cause of thermal pollution is when a facility or plant pulls
water in and drastically cools it to clean machinery or other products, and then sends the
water back out.
Wastewater facilities and production plants are the most significant cause of thermal
pollution, and the effects of the careless use of water have had a tremendous and lasting
impact. Even though governments and communities have been actively fighting for stricter
regulations on how water is used, the consequences continue to be an issue.


7 Conclusion

From the presented facts, we can conclude that the main contributor to the environmental
pollution is humans. Our activities were not regulated for a very long time and just recently
we have made a few small steps in the right direction by enforcing certain restrictions on the
main sources of pollutions such as factories, refineries, vehicles, etc.
We should strive towards a future with a minimal amount of pollution, and this can only be
achieved if humankind evolves in its way of thinking. We have to learn not to live only for
the moment, but to think about those who will inherit the world which we will leave to them
in a state which only we can control. The people that lived before did not think about their
environment so much because they did not have a lot of sources of pollution – not nearily as
much as we do today. Their activities did not impact the nature, wildlife and their relations
the way as ours impact the world today. The modern man is not aware of the many negative
effects our exploitation of nature has on the world around us. We rely on machines more than
ever for work, living and leisure – it's to be expected that we pollute the environment far
immensely than the generations that came before us.
Even though we have done a lot of damage, nature is still able to recover from a lot of it.
Plants will grow, animals will repopulate and soil will form new layers – as long as we allow
it to do so by not increasing our polluting activities even more. It's necessary that we
minimize the usage of every pollutant and we are still going to be able to have a bright, clean

 Freeman, Harry; Harten, Teresa; Springer, Johnny; Randall, Paul; Curran, Mary Ann;
Stone, Kenneth (1992). "Industrial Pollution Prevention! A Critical Review". Journal
of the Air & Waste Management Association. 42 (5): 618–656.



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