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Committee: League of nations

Delegation: Estonia
Topic: World War II
Date: September 1st 1939

Honorable delegates, presidents and teacher Nestor, the delegation of Estonia Salutes you.
It is a great honor for this delegation to be here present speaking to other countires of
Europe and Asia.

This delegation believes that this committe should focus on negotiation, rather than
begginig a war, we are still on time to give a formal and diplomatic solution to the conflict,
but being very careful and not leeting any of the sides take advantage of the siuation, we
need to closely pay attention to all the countries involved so we can have a neutral and
objective judgemnet, we need to get to an agremeent that beneficts everyone in the sake of
international justice.

Estonia deeply believes that every country has the right of soveranity and it has the absolute
right to choose the form of goverment it considers best for their population and ideologies,
however, these forms of goverment shall never violate the population itself nor interfere
within other nations peace and security, and that is why it is our responsability as the
international mark to act in behalf of justice for all sides.

To summarize, this delegation wants to inivite every delegation to have a peacefull debate
and to get to the best solutions possible

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