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The World of Publications (vocabulary)

1 2 3 4 6785

1) Match the pictures to 12 words from the box.

magazine / autobiography / play / atlas / comic /
newspaper / dictionary / manual / cookbook / novel /
textbook / encyclopedia / grammar book /
guidebook / short stories / thesaurus / biography /
9 1 1 1
0 1 2
1________________ 2_______________ 3________________ 2
4________________ 5_______________ 6________________ 2
3) Which type of publication is each person
7________________ 8_______________ 9________________
writing about?
10_______________ 11_______________12________________

Tom: this book contains instructions for doing

2) Which publication from ex.1 would you read if you something, especially for operating a machine.
wanted to: 1_____________________________________

1. read a short fictional book? _____________________

2. look up a word you don’t understand? Ann: It really does contain a huge amount of
_____________________________________________ information on every subject that you can
3. learn how your new dishwasher works? imagine. 2 _____________________________
4. read the story of a person’s life, written by that
person? ________________________________________
John: This book is for travellers or tourists as that
5. read a long-written story about imaginary or partly provides information about a place or a subject.
imaginary characters and events? __________________ 3___________________________________________
6. find out which countries are next to Chile? _________
7. find information about deserts? ___________________
8. find out how to cook a delicious cake? _____________ Sarah: I like to read this large thin book with a
paper cover, containing reports, photographs, stories
9. prepare for a Maths exam? _____________________ etc. usually published once a month or once a week
10. learn the rules of the French language?
11. find different words with the same meaning?
Match the correct word in each pair given in the box to the sentences.

1. read stories
I want withacross
to drive lots ofPoland
andI need
not many Jeremy:
to know which roads I’ve_______________________
to take. learnt some new things about
words?_________________________________________ Shakespeare’s life from this book. The author has
2. ‘What’s another word for ‘angry’?’ ‘Here, look in the __________________.’
done a tremendous job. 5______________________
13. read about what is happening in the world?
3. ____________________________________________
They give away free ____________________________ in the station. Peter likes
reading the headlines on the train. guidebook / atlas

4. Katya needs to look up the conditional clauses in English so that she can do her newspaper / magazine
homework. __________________
thesaurus / dictionary
5. Mary doesn’t often watch films, but she loves fiction, so she reads a lot of
__________________________ short story / novel
6. I can’t find a book containing information and practical instructions on how to
fix my bike. ________________ textbook / grammar book
7. Mark is 4 years old. His favourite books are the ones containing stories told cookbook / manual
mainly in pictures. ____________________
magazine / comic
5) Books and text. Complete the sentences. Use the words from the box.
1. The edge of a book where all the pages are fixed together. _________________
back / front cover
2. A number of other details will be discussed in the following ________________. epilogue
3. Is it a__________________________ or a ___________________________back? hardback
4. Mrs. Brown was the editor and __________________of a small-town newspaper. paperback
5. How many website addresses are on the ____________________________cover? spine
6. What is the ___________________________ of his new book? page number
7. How many _________________________________________ are there? publisher
8. Nobel Prize winning ______________________, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, was born contents page
in 1918. chapter
9. When Stephenie Meyer finished the final chapter of her first novel Twilight she title
wrote an ______________________.

6) Complete the book-related words. Then use them to complete the sentences.

c___t__ p___ c _ _ _ _c _ _ __t____g____ s____ e_ _ _ _ g _ e h___в___

1. This book was published in ______________________ last year. It is more expensive, but it lasts longer.
2. I don’t like this book. I only read three ____________________ of it and then I stopped. It was so boring.
3. There are two main __________________________________ in the story: a mother and her son.
4. A more detailed account of the incident is given in her _____________________________________.
5. The _______________ of a book is visible when it is in a row on a shelf. It usually shows the book’s title.
6. At the end of the play, the actor presented a(n) _______________________ to summarize the tale.
7. Jane loved that novel because the _____________________ was so gripping. She couldn’t stop reading it.

magazine = časopis play = hra
autobiography = autobiografie (o životě atlas = atlas
autora) comic = komiks
newspaper = noviny back / front cover = zadní/přední obal
dictionary = slovník knihy
manual = manual, příručka epilogue = epilog (závěr díla)
cookbook = kuchařka hardback = pevná vazba (tvrdý obal
novel = novela, román knihy)
textbook = učebnice paperback = měkká vazba (měkký - dá se
encyclopedia = encyklopedie (naučný ohnout)
slovník) spine = hřbet (část držící stránky
grammar book = učebnice gramatiky pohromadě)
guidebook = průvodce (cestovní příručka) page number = číslo strany
publisher = vydavatel
contents page = strana s obsahem
chapter = kapitola
title = titul, název knihy

short stories = povídky (krátké příběhy)

thesaurus = lexikon (výkladový, naučný
biography = životopis
author = autor

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