Scoring Conditions

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Scoring validity is low in written examination; validity means the degree or extent to which the

method measures what is intended to be measured. Written examination such as multiple choice
true and false statements, matching items, the validity of the score is low, that is, the relevance of
the score and the real knowledge being measured are not valid. As student possibility of
guessing the correct answer from the given alternative answers is high or learners can deduce the
right answer by eliminating the incorrect answer therefor e the real knowledge is not measured as
students involves rote learning and the result can be distorted by guessing but in performance-
based learning since students are engaged in a real field of practical work. therefore it assess
high order cognitive skill such as synthesis and evaluation as well as psychomotor skills, this
measure the skill from which student is required to demonstrate, hence in this type examination
the validity of the score is high

In written examination the reliability of marking is high; reliability means the consistency of the
results in written examination. There is only one correct answer per question and no assessment
of the quality of the answer required, but performance based examination like projects based
examination or extended essay questions are not reliable, examiners may allocate different marks
to similar scripts based on several factors of potential bias such as quality of hand writing, and
markers fatigue. The longer the written response the more the difficult to mark in reliable way, as
assessor has to make judgments on the quality of the response

Written exams are excellent tools to determine the efficacy of teaching methods, because teacher
gets an opportunity to monitor and evaluate their teaching strategies according to their students’
progress during the marking of exams. While performance based exams teaching methods does
not take into account because it takes long time to completely and all modification can be done
during the progress of assessment. Also performance based exams it focus much to assess the
ability of learners to apply knowledge and skills in real life situation and not teaching method
used during the learning process.

Examination in education is a process by which one attempts to measure the quality and
quantity of learning and teaching using various (assessment) techniques such as assignments,
project, continuously assessment, objective type test, final examination and standard test as it
seeks to identify the knowledge and ability of a student. A student who takes an examination is
a candidate, and the person who decides how well the student has performed is the examiner.

In Tanzania at each level of education, a variety of teacher made test are offered to suit various
specific educational purposes and most of these examination are administered for formative
evaluation example standard IV, while others are summative evaluation example standard VII,
form IV and VI, and others for diagnostics and continuous assessment, example Form II. This
examination can be in written examination which involves paper-pencil tests characterised by
supervision and time restrictions for completion and a variety of question types like multiple
choice item, matching items, completion item, true - false item and so on, and other category
of examination is authentic examination commonly known as performance based examination
and this involves practical application of tasks in really world setting as it is more descriptive,
examples of performance based examination may include laboratory works, giving a speech,
drawing, sketching, creating file on computer data base, conducting own research (science fair).

Then in regard to the question, the following are the advantages of written examination where
within the same point there is the disadvantage of performance based examination, and on the
part of disadvantages of written examination within each there is the advantage of
performance based examination and finally it is the type of examination suggested to be used
in current era examples era of science and technology.


Brown, G. (2018). Assessment of student Achievement . New York: Routege.

Kubiszyn, T. &. (n.d.). Educational Testing and Measurement Classroom Application and Practice (10th
ed.). John wiley & Sons.

Mille, D. M. (2013). Measurement and Assessment in Teaching (11th ed.). Boston: MA: Pearson.

Russell, M. &. (2012). Classroom Assessment : Concept and Application(7th Ed). New York: Me Graw Hill.

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