AS2013A2 Nurul Farhanah - Mendelian Workbook

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Mendel law

Key points:
 By crossing purple and white pea plants, Mendel found the offspring were
purple rather than mixed, indicating one color was dominant over the other.
 Mendel’s Law of Segregation states individuals possess two alleles and a
parent passes only one allele to his/her offspring.
 Mendel’s Law of Independent Assortment states the inheritance of one pair of
factors ( genes ) is independent of the inheritance of the other pair.
 If the two alleles are identical, the individual is called homozygous for the
trait; if the two alleles are different, the individual is called heterozygous.
 Mendel cross-bred dihybrids and found that traits were inherited
independently of each other.
 homozygous: of an organism in which both copies of a given gene have the same
 heterozygous: of an organism which has two different alleles of a given gene
 allele: one of a number of alternative forms of the same gene occupying a given
position on a chromosome

1. for each genotype, indicate whether it is heterozygous (HE) or homozygous (HO)

AA = Homozygous (HO)
Bb = Heterozygous (HE)
Cc= Heterozygous (HE)
Dd = Heterozygous (HE)
2. For each of the genotypes below, determine the phenotype.

Purple flower are dominant to white flowers

PP =Homozygous dominant (HO)
Pp = Heterozygous (HE)
Pp = Heterozygous (HE)
Brown eyes are dominant to blue eyes
BB = Homozygous dominant
Bb= Heterozygous
Bb= Heterozygous

3. For each phenotype, list the genotypes. ( Remember to use the letter of the dominant

Straight hair is dominant to curly

SS= Straight
Ss= Straight
Ss= Curly

Pointed heads are dominant to round heads.

PP= pointed
Pp= pointed
Pp= round

4. In Coleus, some plants have shallowly crenate edges and others have deeply incised
leaves. A cross is made between homozygous deep and shallow individuals. The shallow
trait is dominant.
a) using S and s to symbolize the genes for this trait, give the phenotypic and genotypic
ratios for the F1 generation

SS (shallow) x ss (deep)
P Generation
Gametes S

F1 Generation
Ss (shallow)

Phenotypic ratio: all shallow

Genotypic ratio: all Ss

b) if self- pollination is allowed, what is the phenotypic ratios for the F2 generation?

F1 Generation Ss x Ss (self-pollination)

Gametes S s S s

F2 Generation SS Ss Ss ss

¾ shallow : ¼ deep

F2 Genotypic: 1 : 2 : 1
F2 Phenotipic : ¾ shallow : ¼ deep
5. a) In a pea plant that breeds true for tall, what possible gametes can be produced? Use
the symbol D for tall, d for dwarf.


b) in a pea plant that breeds true for dwarf, what possible gametes will be produced?

c) what will be the genotype of F1 offspring from a cross between these two types?

P Generation DD (tall) x dd(dwarf)

Gametes D d

F1 Generation

d) assuming that the allele for tall is dominant, what will be the phenotype of F1 offspring
from a cross between these two types.

P Generation DD (tall) x dd(dwarf)

D d

F1 Generation Dd

F1 Phenotype: All tall

e) what will be the probable distribution of traits in the F2 generation? (illustrate with a
punnet square)
D d


d Dd dd

3 tall 1 dwarf

6. in the fruitfly drosophila melanogaster, vestigial wings and hairy body are produced by
two recessive genes located on different chromosomes. The normal alleles, long wings and
hairless body are dominant. Give the genotype and phenotype of F1 progeny obtained from
a cross between a vestigial-winged, hairy male and a normal. Homozygous female. If the F1
from this cross are permitted to mate randomly among themselves.

a) what phenotypic ratio would be expected in the F2 generation

L = long wings H= hairless body

l= vestigial wings h= hairy body

P Generation hhll x HHLL

Gametes hl HL

F1 generation HhLl
HhLl x HhLl

HL hL Hl hl



HhLL hhLL HhLl hhLl


Hl HHLl HhLl HHll Hhll

hl HhLl hhLl Hhll hhll

Genotypic: 1HHLL : 2HHLl : 2HhLL : 4HhLl : 1hhLL : 2hhLl : 1HHll : 2 Hhll : 1hhll
Phenotypic: 9 hairless body + long wings : 3 hairy body + long wings :
3 hairless body + vestigial wings : 1 hairy body + vestigial wings

b) what is the probability getting vestigial wings and hairless body of fruit fly in the F2
generation? Show your work using fork line method.

(4/16) (12/16) = 3/16 vestigial wings

12/16 hairless
4/16 vestigial +hairless body
wings AND
4/16 hairy body (4/16) (4/16) = 1/16 vestigial wings +
hairy body

(12/16) (12/16) = 9/16 long wings +

12/16 hairless hairless body
12/16 long body
wings AND
4/16 hairy body (12/16) (4/16) = 3/16 long wings +
hairy body
= The probability of vestigial wings and hairless body is 3/16

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