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City of Miami Planning and Zoning Department


(To be completed by Applicant)

PROJECT NAME ____________________________________________________________

525 N.W. 2ND AVE.

PROJECT ADDRESS_________________________________________________________

PROPOSED USE____________________________________________________________

NET DISTRICT___________________________________COMMISSION DISTRICT______

TRANSECT ZONE ___________________________________________________________

PRH Miami Central, LLC


(350) 460-9900

PHONE NUMBER __________________E-mail_____________________________________

315 S. Biscayne Blvd, Miami, FL 33131

MAILING ADDRESS __________________________________________________________

Iris Escarra, Esquire


PHONE NUMBER___________________E-mail
305-579-0737 ____________________________________

MAILING ADDRESS___________________________________________________________
Greenberg Traurig, PA 333 Avenue of the Americas, Miami, FL33131

Please reflect all e-mail addresses where you wish to receive any information about your project as well as the UDRB Resolution.


TOTAL FLR (sq. ft.) 540,084 sq.ft + 40% Bonus 755,123 s.ft

TOTAL DENSITY (units per acre) 150 Unit per acre 300 Unit per acre

RESIDENTIAL UNITS 309 units 309 units


COMMERCIAL/ RETAIL AREA (sq. ft.) NONE 9,647 sq.ft

OFFICE AREA (sq. ft.) 30,000 sq.ft. Max. Floor plate 256,223 sq.ft Total (12) floor plates

OPEN SPACE (sq. ft.) 4,500 sq.ft. 10,931 sq.ft.

HEIGHT (stories) 36 Stories 41 Stories

HEIGHT (feet) 515'-0" 458'-0"



SUSTAINABILITY (i.e. LEED) Silver FGBC Equivalent to LEED Silver




Mixed use high rise with ground floor retail spaces with Parking above in addition to Office and Residential components.


Pursuant to the Planning and Zoning Department fee schedule, a fee of $150 shall be required prior to the review
and issuance of this planning application. The application fee for signs and murals is $75. Permit fees are non-


Iris Escarra
(305) 579-0737

March 12, 2020

Updated January 9, 2021

Joseph Ruiz
Zoning Administrator, Zoning Department
City of Miami
444 SW 2nd Avenue, 2nd Floor
Miami, Florida 33131

Re: PRH Miami Central, LLC / 525/533 NW 2 Avenue and 530 NW 1 Court,
Miami, Florida / Letter of Intent for Waiver Submittal

Dear Joe:

On behalf of PRH Miami Central, LLC (the “Applicant”), we respectfully submit the
enclosed Waiver application for your review and approval for the development of the property
located at 525/533 NW 2 Avenue and 530 NW 1 Court, Miami, Florida (the “Property”), as
depicted in the enclosed site plan prepared by ODP Architecture and Design (the “Development
Plans” or “Project”).


Under Miami 21, the Property is zoned T6-36A-O. Pursuant to the City of Miami’s
Future Land Use Map, the Property has a land use designation of Restricted Commercial with an
Urban Central Business District overlay and is located within the Southeast Overtown
Residential Density Increase Area.

As depicted in the enclosed survey prepared by Fortin, Leavy, Skiles, Inc., dated January
9. 2020 (the “Survey”), the Property consists of a total lot area of 45,007 square feet or 1.033
acres pre-dedication and a net lot area of 39,988 square feet or 0.918 acres post dedication. The
Property currently consists of an unfinished parking structure which is to be demolished and
vacant land.

The Property enfronts NW 6th Street to the North and NW 2nd Avenue on the West
comprising the Property’s Principal Frontages. The Property has a Secondary Frontage at NW 1st
Court to the East. The Property is to be developed pursuant to the Development Plans providing
a mixed use building with forty (40) stories with 309 Residential units, 8,950 sq. ft. of ground
floor retail, and 200,234 sq. ft. of Office Use. The Project provides onsite amenities and 525
parking spaces.

As noted on the Survey and in Section 54-190 of the City Code, the Property abuts two
(2) rights of way that are seventy feet (70’) or greater in width. Pursuant to Section 54-190(21),
NW 6th Street has a zoned street right of way width of seventy feet (70’). Pursuant to Section 54-
190(137), NW 2nd Avenue has a zoned street right of way width of seventy-five feet (75’).
530 NW 1 Ct
Waiver Letter of Intent

Section 5.6.1(j) of Miami 21 provides that the Frontage Setbacks above the eighth floor shall not
be required for a Frontage facing a Civic Space or a Right-of-Way seventy (70) feet or greater in
width. As such, the Frontage Setbacks above the 8th floor are not required along NW 2nd Avenue
and NW 6th Street.


The Guiding Principals in support of all the Waivers described below are as follows:

Section The City:

b. Growth strategies should encourage Infill and redevelopment.

-- The proposed Project is an infill project abutting a highly traversed street,

NW 6th Street. The Property is centrally located within the
Downtown/Southeast Overtown Park West neighborhood. The Project seeks
to redevelop the Property by activating the pedestrian realm and providing a
mixed use structure.

c. New Development should be structured to reinforce a pattern of Neighborhoods

and urban centers focusing growth at transit nodes rather than along Corridors.

-- The Project is proposed as an urban center project providing for a variety of

uses. The Project accomplishes being a traffic node due to its close proximity
to the Overtown Transit Village Metro Rail Station, and being located within
a City designated TOD. Various Metro Mover Stations are also located in
close proximity. The Metro Mover/Rail Stations are located one block from
the Property. The Property is also located one block from the Brightline
Station. The Property is well served by bus and trolley routes as well.

f. The City should include a framework of transit, pedestrian, and bicycle systems
that provide alternatives to automobile use.

-- The Project is being built within walking distance of multiple bus routes the
Metro Mover and Metro Rail Stations, and Trolley routes, providing
numerous shopping, dining, and cultural options.

Section The Community - Guiding Principles

a. Neighborhoods and urban centers should be the preferred pattern of

Development and Transect Zones emphasizing single use should be the

-- The Project proposes a mixed use building with various Residential options
and Office and Commercial components. This Project will activate the

530 NW 1 Ct
Waiver Letter of Intent

pedestrian realm while providing additional residential, Office, and

Commercial options in the neighborhood.

b. Neighborhoods and Urban centers should be compact, pedestrian-oriented and

Mixed-Use. Density and Intensity of Use should relate to degree of transit

-- The Project provides a variety of uses abutting a major corridor, NW 6th

Street. The Density of the Project is reflective of the degree of transit service
provided in the area, with the Property served by Trolley routes, bus routes,
and the Metro Mover and Metro Rail stops. Furthermore, the site has
Frontages on three (3) streets. The Property is located within a designated
Transit Oriented Development.

c. The ordinary activities of daily living should occur within walking distance of
most dwellings, allowing independence to those who do not drive.

-- The Project is located within the Downtown/Southeast Overtown Park West

Neighborhood which has a variety of retail, cultural, and civic uses near the
Project. Therefore, there are several locations which can be reached within
walking distance of the site. The nearby Metro Rail, Metro Mover, bus, and
trolley routes provide access to all of Miami for those who do not drive. The
Project is also a short walk to Bayfront Park, providing park access to all
residents right outside their door.

d. Interconnected networks of Thoroughfares should be designed to disperse and

reduce the length of automobile trips and to encourage walking and bicycling.

-- The Project abuts a Thoroughfare, North Miami Avenue. The nearby Metro
Mover, Metro Rail, bus, and trolley routes encourage mass transit options.

e. A Range of Open Space, including Parks, Squares, and Playgrounds, should

be distributed within Neighborhoods and urban centers.

-- The Project is located within walking distance of the City’s Bayfront and
Maurice Ferre Parks which provide park land to the residents.

f. Appropriate building Densities and land uses should occur within walking
distance of transit stops.

-- There are multiple Bus Stops within walking distance of the Project site.
Trolley stops are also available within walking distance. Multiple Metro
Mover stations are located within a half mile of the Property, as well as a
Metro Rail station.

530 NW 1 Ct
Waiver Letter of Intent The Block and the Building - Guiding Principles

a. Buildings and landscaping should contribute to the physical definition of

Thoroughfares as civic places.

-- The Project exceeds the ten percent (10%) minimum required Open Space
in Miami 21. Furthermore, with the redevelopment of the Property, the
Frontages will be activated and lined with trees to provide a more pedestrian
friendly realm.

b. Development should adequately accommodate vehicles while respecting the

pedestrian and the spatial form of public space.

-- The Project limits the interaction between vehicles and pedestrians by

limiting vehicular access to the Property. This will allow pedestrians to enter
the Project with reduced vehicular conflict.

d. Architecture and landscape design should grow from local climate,

topography, history, and building practice.

-- The Landscape plan incorporates native trees into the proposed landscaping
plan. The proposed Project will line the sidewalks with trees, providing shade
and a greater pedestrian experience.


1. Waiver, pursuant to Article 7, Section of Miami 21 to permit up to

a 10% increase in the maximum residential floor plate length.

The Project proposes a residential floorplate length of 189’ where a maximum floorplate
length of 180’ is permitted. Miami 21 allows a 10% deviation of any particular standard of the
code when doing so promotes the intent of the particular transect where the proposal is located
and when doing so promotes energy conservation and building sustainability. The requested
Waiver is for a 5% increase in the maximum floorplate. Despite the increased floorplate length,
the floorplate square footage is 14,233 sq. ft. where a maximum floorplate of 18,000 sq. ft. us
permitted. The floorplate could be expanded an additional 3,767 sq. ft.; however, it would
require widening the floorplate. In the interest of energy conservation, the building has been
oriented in an East/West manner and the Project has been designed to maintain a narrow
exposure on the East and West facades to reduce direct sunlight. As such, the floorplate length
was increased to achieve this added energy efficiency.

2. Waiver pursuant to Article 7, Section and Article 4, Table 4 to

decrease required parking by up to thirty percent (30%) within the half-mile
radius of a Transit Oriented Development.

530 NW 1 Ct
Waiver Letter of Intent

As previously noted, the Property is located adjacent to a Metro Mover site and is within
a City designated TOD. Additionally, the Property is not located within 500 feet of a T3 Transect
Zone. As such, the Property is eligible for a 30% parking reduction due to the degree of transit
available at the Property. Miami 21, pursuant to its guiding principles, focuses on reducing the
reliance on automobiles and seeks to provide options for those who do not drive. The Project
seeks to fulfill these goals, and a parking reduction of 30% will help achieve the goals.

3. Waiver pursuant to Section 5.6.4(d) of Miami 21 to allow parking to extend into

the Second Layer, above the first Story, along the Primary Frontage.

Miami 21 permits parking to extend into the Second Layer, above the first Story, along a
Primary Frontage, where an art or glass treatment is provided for 100% of the encroachment.
The art or glass treatment must be approved by the Planning Director, with the recommendation
of the UDRB. The design of the Project requires parking to extend into the Second Layer at the
Primary Frontages of NW 6th Street and NW 2nd Avenue. An art, glass, or architectural
treatment, of a design to be approved by the Planning Director with the recommendation of the
UDRB, will be provided for the portion of the façade where parking extends into the Second
Layer. The encroachment into the Second Layer is required in order to provide a safe drive aisle
for the vehicles in the parking structure.

4. Waiver pursuant to Article 7, Section to allow vehicular entry

spacing at less than 60 feet.

Pursuant to meetings with the Zoning Administrator, NW 2nd Avenue has been
designated as a Principal Frontage, requiring the Loading access to be relocated to the
NW 1st Court frontage. In order to consolidate the parking access and Loading access,
vehicular entrance separation of less than 60’ is required. The access points have been
located to the furthest South portion of the frontage in order to reduce any potential
pedestrian conflict.

If you require any additional information or would like to discuss this request further,
please contact me at 305-579-0737. Thank you for your attention and favorable consideration of
this matter.


Brian A. Dombrowski, for

Iris V. Escarra

Note: Annual Registration Expires on 1213112019


Instructions: Please complete all sections of this form and submit the completecl form, with the applicable
fee(s), to the Office of the City Clerk. If you need more space to complete a section, use a separate sheet(s)
of paper. If you have nothing to report in a particular section, you must fype or print ooNone" or,oN/A,, in
that section. IS LEFT WILL N
Imrrortant: It is the responsibility of the lobbyist to ensure that ALL active lobbyist registration forms,
including active lobbyist registration forms submitted in previous years, remain up-to-date.

(1) Lobbyist Name: Escarra, lris

(Last Narne, First Name, Middle Initial)

Are I'ou a Principal of the corporation, partnership, trust, etc.? l'ES NO ,/ (vou must cnecX VnS o

Business phone: 305-57 9-07 37 Email:

-11 }\J
Business Address (include Zip Code): ?i
-1C i,l
333 SE 2nd Avenu e, 44th Floor, Miami, FL 3313'1 <T: 1=)
(2) Principal Rep resentect: PRH MIAMI CENTRAL, LLC ;O

(Name of corporation, partnership, trust, etc., you are fl

Business Address (include Zip Code):
315 S. Biscayne Blvd, 4th Floor, Miami, FL 33131

CAREFULLY. If a lobbyist represents a corporation, partnership or trust, the lobbyist must disclose the name
and business address ofthe chiefofficer, partner or beneficiary of the corporation, partnership or trust, and the
names and addresses of all persons holding, directly or indirectly., at least five percent (57o) ownership interest
in sairl corporation, partnership or trust. Attach separate sheet if needed. If this section is not aoplicable vou
must fvne or nrint ttNone" or ttN/At'

Please see Ownership Disclosure attached hereto

(4) Specific issue associated with lobbying. Describe with as much cletail as is nractical. Attach a separate sheet if
needed. If you are using this form for your Annual Registration, please write "Annual Registration,, and the
year that you are registering for (ex: Annual Registration 2019).

Development entitlements for 525 NW 2 Ave, Miami, Florida

Page 1 of 2

Office of the City Clerk, 3500 Pan American Drive, lvliami, FL 33 133 / Phone: (305 ) 250-5361 / Email:
CM-LRF (Rev. 06/19)
(5) Lobbyists shall be required to state the existence of any direct or indirect business association, partnership, or
financial relationship with the Mayor, any member of the City Commission, any member of a City board, the
City Manager or a member of the City staff before whom he/she lobbies or intends to lobby. Attach separate
sheet if needed. If this section is not rDDlicable You must tvDe or Drint "None" or


Lobbyists, as defined in City Code Section 2-653, shall pay an annual registration fee of $525.00, plus $105.00 for
each principal represented for each issue lobbied on behalf of any one principal. Each issue associated with lobbying
shall be described with as much detail as is practical. The City Clerk, or the City Clerh's designee, shall reject any
registration statement that does not provide a clear description of the specific issue on rvhich such lobbyist has been
retained to lobby or if any section of this form is left blanli. Regardless of the date of the annual registration, all
lobbyists' annual registrations shall expire December 31 of each calendar year and shall be renewed on a calendar
year basis.

Each lobbyist shall, within sixfy (60) days after registering as a lobbyist, submit to the Office of the City Clerk a
certificate of completion of an ethics course offered by the Miami-Dade County Commission on Ethics & Public
Trust (,'Ethics Commission"). Lobbyists who have completed the initial ethics course mandated by the preceding
sentence and have continuously registered as a lobbyist thereafter shall be required to complete a refresher ethics
course offered by the Ethics Commission every tlvo (2) years. Each lobbyist who has completed a refresher ethics
course shall submit a certificate of completion within sixty (60) days after registering as a lobbyist.

I do solemnly slvear that all of the foregoing facts are true and c dIh am familiar with the
provisions contained in Chapter 2, Article VI, Sections 2-651 of the Code, as amended

na re of Lobbyist I
srArE oF Florida rt
f,)|n (*
Miami-Dade -g*n rTl
t a)
Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me this Wuo,u rL 2020
- *5 ,_:
I i

lris Escarra rc)
(Name of person making statement) RH
rgn ature of Notary Public ^
of Notary Typed, rinted or Stamped

Personally Known: ,/ OR Produced ldentification:

Type of ldentification Prod rJ€ \

FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: Check f Receipt fi

CM-LRF (Rev. 06/19) Page 2 of 2

PRH N Miami LLC (Property Owner) breakdorvn of ownership
99.9% PRH Investrnents, LLC
0.1% TRG Management ComParrY, LLP

PRH Investments, LLC breakdown of ownership:

100% PRH Related Holdings, LLC

PRH Related Holdings, LLC breakdown of ownership:

l00o/oPerez Ross Holdings, LLC

PerezRoss Holdings, LLC breakdown of ownership:

75o/o Jorge M. Perez Holdings, Ltd.
25o/oRelated NY Holdings, LLC

Related NY Holdings, LLC breakdown of ownership:

l% RCMP, Inc.
99%The Related ComPanies, LP

RCMP, Inc. breakdown of ownershiP:

100% The Related ComPanies, LP

The Relal.ed Companies, LP breakdown of ownership:

No ownership greater than 5Yo aF t\5
T1 F
Jorge M. Perez Holdings, LTD breakdown of ownership: c'rfi
z, i'l

l% IMP Holdings, GP, LLC *-, I LJ

1% Related Florida, Inc. c;
rfl4. e t'1
15% Jorge M. Perez 2012Family Trust
l5% Jorge M. Perez 2002Family Trust F;
-= ial
680% Jorge M. Perez ts
g CO
Note: Annual trtegistratiorr fxpires on l2l|ll20l9


Instructions: Please complete all sections of this forrn and suhmit the c$nr pEeted
fcrrrnu with the applicable
fee(s), to the Office of the City Clerk. trf you need rnore space to calxllnliefe
a sec'fiom, use a separate sheet(s)
ofpaper. Ifyou have nothing to report in a particular sectinn ,.vou ullust or pn"imt.nNone" or 56N/A" 'n

Imrrortant: It is the responsibility of the lobbyist to ensure thnt

ALL acfive lohbS'ist registration forms,
including active lobbyist registration fornrs submitted in previous veatrF;, rcrnaEpr up*to-date.

(tr) Lobbyist Name: Dombrowski, Brian, A

(Last Nanre. First Nanle. Nlidelle Initial)

Are you a Principal of the corporation, partnership, trust, etc.? yES NO ,/ (l'ou us$ check YES 0

Business phone: 305-579-0630 Emait: dombrowskib@g ilaw.conr

Business Address (include Zip Code):

333 SE 2nd Avenue,44th Floor, Miami, FL 33131

(2) Principal Represen 196. PRH MIAMI CENTRAL, LLC I

(Nante of corporation. partner.ship. trusl. etc.. \'ou are -rg
rrft o
Business Address (include Zip Code): p rp
315 S. Biscayne Blvd,4th Floor, Miami, FL 33131

(3) SE SE
CAREFULLY. If a lobbyist represents a corporation, partnership on tl'ust, the lohhyist must clisclose the name
and business address of the chief officer, partner or beneficiary of the eonlloration, partnership or trust, and the
names and addt'esses of all persons holding, directly or inclirectlv, *lt lenst fir'e percent (5%o) ownership interest
in said corporation, partnership or trust. Attach separate sheet !f lreertard" It$4s sectlon is not appli
must tvDe or print toNonet' or ooN/Aot.

Please see Ownership Disclosure attached hereto.

(1) Specific issue associated q'ith lobbying. Describe with as much detni-l_a.$_l$=pf_d$lqet Attach a separate sheet if
needed. If yott are using this form for your Annual Registration, pleasc w'rite n'.A,nnual Registrationo' and the
year that you are registering for (ex: Annual Registration 2019).

Development entitlements for 525 NW 2 Ave, Miami, Florida

Page 1 of 2

Office of the City Clerk,3500 Pan Anterican Drive, Miani. Ft.33133 / Phone: (:105i:50--5361 I tinrail:
CM-LRF (Rev, 06/19)
(s) Lobblists shall be required to state the existence of,an\,ctrinect arr imr€ireet husincss
erssociation, partnership, or
financial relationship with the Mayor, any mernben of the citl' conlrnriissiern, ranv lmelnber
of a cit.v lroardo the
City Manager or a member of the City staff Lreferre whclxm he/shc Iohlbie,s arr icltcnlrns to !obb3r.
Attach separate
sheet if needed. If this section is not apptricable voel must tvpe qr cls"irlt
_._"Iilqlsxg_""_qi ""N/A'l


Lobbyists, as defined in City Code Section 2-653u shall pay an anlnriltr regis;{r:l{ion fee of :$S2S.S0,
plus $105.00 for
each principal representecl for each issue lobbied on behatf of any ome prfirncipuli" Eneh issaae
associafe4 wigr loSbying
shall be described with as much detail as is practical. The City Clenli, or. flhe Cit3. Cxenk,s ciesignee,
shall reject any
registration statement that does not provide a clear clescription of the spccifie issue 6m w'hich such trobbyist
has been
retained to lotrby or if any section of this forrn is left blanli. R.egarclEess of.'{he alertc of the anmual registration,
lobbyists' annual registrations shall expit'e f)ecernber 31 of each caEencE*r veiar ;rmc{ sh:lln bc renewed on a
year basis.

Each lobbyist shall, within sixty (60) davs after registering as a lobXx'is(, suhmi:t t6 the Of'fice of the City Clerk a
certificate of cornpletion of an ethics course offered b-v the Miam!-Sadc {'oeaintv Comnaission on Ethics & pubtic
Trust ("Ethics Commission'o). Lobbf ists who llave completed the initin! ethics c{}Erin"se laran4atecl by the preceding
sentence and have continuously registered as n lobbyist thereafter shall lrr-" recnuin"efl tn conrpletc a refresher ethics
course offered by the Ethics Commission every tr,l'o (2) years. Each trobbl'is{ rvho has completecl a refresher ethics
course shall submit a certificate of cornpletion within sixtl'(60) clal's af{en rcgistering *s al tro}rbvist.

I tlo solemnly swean that all of the foregoing facts are tnlc ancl col"rect" gfirl { has'e rea4 ol" am familiar with the
provisions contained in Chapter 2, Article VIu Sections 2-651 thnough 2-658 ,ir,t'the i\{innt; 6tit3' Cocle, as amendecl"

t' :\

'\ /!)

of Lo b bvist
srArE oF Florida
Sign;r re
couNry 6p Miami-Dade q# l; f1
Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me this /{ O, of a_tflt. $"f,l
-clr.. \L {3
Brian A. Dombrowski fn-
(Name of person making statement)
(rl'=-' ''-'. I / \
\t {l

re of Notary Public \"-j$ mLof 'i.,\;l?l\
Typed, PitaGFor Stamped

Personally Known / OR Produced ldentification: l0

Type of ldentification Produced

#cc 075183


CM-LRF (Rev. 06/19) Page 2 of 2 STAIE
PRH N Miami LLC (Property owner) breakclown of owraersfiainl:
99.9% PRH Investlnents. t-LCl
0.1% TRG Managernent Company. LLp

PRH Investments, LLC breakdown of ownership:

100% PRH ltelated Holdings. LI-C

PRH Related Holdings, LLC breakdown of ownership:

100YoPercz Ross l-loldings. LLC

Perez Ross HoldingsoLLC breakdown of ownenship:

75%o JorgeM. Perez Holdings" Ltd.
25% Related NY Holdings, LLC

Related NY Holdings, LLC breakdown of ownership:

1% RCMP" Inc.
99%The Related Companies. LP

RCMP,Inc. breakdown of ownership:

100%'fhe ltelated Conrpanies. ["P

The Related Companies, LP breakdown of ownership:

No ownership greater than SYo P,. E
Jorge M. Perez Holdings, LTD breakclown of ownership: :iS" ' a
."F,e C
1% JMP Holdings. GP" LLC
adr -"' H
1% Related Florida. Inc.
15% Jorge M. Perez 2012 Farnily Trust
15% Jorge M. Perez 2002 Farnily Trust
68% Jorge M. Perez
EA 5
Note: Annual Registration Expires on 12/31/20'lft-2/


Instructions: Please complete all sections of this form and submit the completed form, with the applicable
fee(s), to the Office of the City Clerk. If you need more space to complete a section, use a separate sheet(s)
of paper. If you have nothing to report in a particular section, you must type or print "None" or "N/A" in

Important: It is the responsibility of the lobbyist to ensure that ALL active lobbyist registration forms,
including active lobbyist registration forms submitted in previous years, remain up-to-date.

(1) Lobbyist Name: _ _..:.D=-.:..A....:!.,J:::...,J

w_ o'--l-'-- , ..:....
f +- X--=-v"'-r-'T'--1-
, _J__________________
' (Las(Name, First Name, Middle Initial)

Are you a Principal of the corporation, partnership, trust, etc.? YES D NO Iv' I (you must check YES or NO)

Business Phone: qr'-f. SI tf' ·08'3 3 E mail: I< b&Juwalf e adoAmh ,+.<}'> . U,IV\
i,'{JL l
Business Address (include Zip Code): ~ Ho n1 wooO 1,/v~ fl/JU'j ,. JQO() I FL 33 C5'LC

(2) Principal Represented: _P_R_H_M_ia_m_i_C_e_n_t_ra_l_,_L_L_C______________________

(Name of corporation, partnership, trust, etc., you are representing)

Business Address (include Zip Code): 315 S Biscayne Blvd, Miami, Florida 33131

CAREFULLY. If a lobbyist represents a corporation, partnership or trust, the lobbyist must disclose the name
and business address of the chief officer, partner or beneficiary of the corporation, partnership or trust, and the
names and addresses of all persons holding, directly or indirectly, at least five percent (5%) ownership
interest in said corporation, partnership or trust. Attach separate sheet if needed. If this section is not
applicable you must type or print "None" or "NIA".

See attached disclosure information ~ ~

-< "'1
~~ (")
(4) Specific issue associated with lobbying. Describe with as much detail as is practical. Atta~ seJ9.n'attneet if
needed. If you are using this form for your Annual Registration, please write "Annual ~ tr~n"~d the
year that you are registering for (ex: Annual Registration 2020). ~~ _
r- ••
Zoning Entitlements for 525 NW 2 Avenue and 533 NW 2 Avenue ~ Z::

Page 1 of 2

Office of the City Clerk, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, FL 33133 I Phone: (305) 250-536 1 I Email:
CM-LRF (Rev. 01/2020)
(5) Lobbyists shall be required to state the existence of any direct or indirect business association, partnership, or
financial relationship with the Mayor, any member of the City Commission, any member of a City board, the
City Manager or a member of the City staff before whom he/she lobbies or intends to lobby. Attach separate
sheet if needed. If this section is not applicable you must type or print "None" or "NIA".


Lobbyists, as defined in City Code Section 2-653, shall pay an annual registration fee of $525.00, plus $105.00 for
each principal represented for each issue lobbied on behalf of any one principal. Each issue associated with lobbying
shall be described with as much detail as is practical. The City Clerk, or the City Clerk's designee, shall reject any
registration statement that does not provide a clear description of the specific issue on which such lobbyist has been
retained to lobby or if any section of this form is left blank. Regardless of the date of the annual registration, all
lobbyists' annual registrations shall expire December 31 of each calendar year and shall be renewed on a calendar
year basis.

Each lobbyist shall, within sixty (60) days after registering as a lobbyist, submit to the Office of the City Clerk a
certificate of completion of an ethics course offered by the Miami-Dade County Commission on Ethics & Public
Trust ("Ethics Commission"). Lobbyists who have completed the initial ethics course mandated by the preceding
sentence and have continuously registered as a lobbyist thereafter shall be required to complete a refresher ethics
course offered by the Ethics Commission every two (2) years. Each lobbyist who has completed a refresher ethics
course shall submit a certificate of completion within sixty (60) days after registering as a lobbyist.

I do solemnly swear that all of the foregoing facts are true and correct, and I have read or am familiar with the
provisions contained in Chapter 2, Article VI, Sections 2-651 through 2-658 of the Miami City Code, as amended.

of December
(Month) (Year)

Nae of Notary ed , P ~ ed or Stamped

Personally Known: CL] OR Produced Identification: !.__ _ __,

Type of Identification Produced : - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -

I FOR OfFICE USE ONLY: Receipt#_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

CM -LRF (Rev . 01/2020) Page 2 of 2


PRH N Miami LLC (Property Owner) breakdown of ownership:

99.9% PRH Investments, LLC
0. 1% TRG Management Company, LLP

PRH Investments, LLC breakdown of ownership:

I 00% PRH Related Holdings, LLC

PRH Related Holdings, LLC breakdown of ownership:

100% Perez Ross Holdings, LLC

Perez Ross Holdings, LLC breakdown of ownership:

75% Jorge M. Perez Holdings, Ltd .
25% Related NY Holdings, LLC

Related NY Holdings, LLC breakdown of ownership:

I% RCMP, Inc.
99% The Related Companies, LP

RCMP, Inc. breakdown of ownership:

I 00% The Related Companies, LP

The Related Companies, LP breakdown of ownership:

No ownership greater than 5% ...
Jorge M. Perez Holdings, LTD breakdown of ownership: ('")
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1% JMP Holdings, GP, LLC =;a :z: t"T1
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1% Related Florida, Inc. o~
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15% Jorge M. Perez 2012 Family Trust ::::n :::,,, <
15% Jorge M. Perez 2002 Family Trust >=i :i: (T}
68% J rge M. Perez

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