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Exercise 1
Viva Questions:
1. What is the use of tcpdump command?
2. State the syntax of nslookup command?
3. State the applications of traceroute
4. What is the result of netstat command?
5. Define computer network.

Exercise 2

Viva Questions:
1. In what way HTTPs differ from HTTP?
2. Define webpage and hypertext.
3. What is URL?
4. Define client-server architecture
5. What are the application protocols in TCP/IP architecture?

Exercise 3
Viva Questions:
1. Define socket address
2. What is the use of Port number?
3. State the procedure for connection oriented approach
4. List the function calls in connection less approach
5. What is meant by process?

Exercise 4
Viva Questions:
1.What is DNS?
2.list some domain names
3.State the applications of UDP
4.How DNS server resolve mapping?
5.What is the need for DNS?

Exercise 5

Viva Questions:
1.Name the protocols in Transport layer
2.What is the need for ARP?
3.What is RARP?
4.What is the length of IPV4 and Ipv6?
5.Draw the format of Class C address.
Exercise 6
Viva Questions:

1.What is congestion?
2.What is congestion control?
3.List the techniques of congestion control
4.State any two congestion avoidance
5.List the network simulation tools

Exercise 7

Viva Questions :

1. Why TCP is called as Connection oriented protocol?

2. List the Applications of UDP
3. What is meant by Bandwidth?
4. Define Throughput
5. What are the metrics used to measure the performance?

Exercise 8

1. Compare connection oriented and connection less protocols.
2.What is MTU?
3.Explain the working of Distance vector routing.
4.Differentiate Proactive and Reactive routing Protocols.
5.What are the different attributes for calculating the cost of a path?
6.What do you meant by flooding?.
7.Which one is the best shortest path algorithm?

Exercise 9

1.What is Unicast?
2.Differentiate Unicast and Multicast
3.How will you differentiate stop and end statement ?
4.What is router?
5.What is switch?
Exercise 10


1. What are the types of errors?

2. What is Error Detection? What are its methods?
3. What is Redundancy?
4. What is CRC?
5. What is Checksum?


Viva Questions:
1.Define UDP
2.What is the use of bind function call
3.Which commands are used for sending and receiving dat?
4.Differentiate TCP and UDP
5.What are the parameters needed for socket function call?
6.Define Remote method Invocation
7.List any two network commands and their uses
8..What is IP address?
9.What is Physical address?
10.Compare Physical, IP address and Socket address.

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