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Worship Sunday January 17, 2021 Scripture John 1:43-51 L:

Second Sunday after the Epiphany color: green This is the Word of the Lord.
“The Schedule of this bulletin is subject to change at any time by the direction of the C: THANKS BE TO GOD!
Holy Spirit.”
Gloria Patri 142
PRELUDE Sermon: “Found to Find”
*Lighting of the Altar Candles ……………….Acolytes
Chimes Hymn: “Amazing Grace”
Welcome & Announcements………
Opening Prayer: Perfect Light of revelation, as you shone in the Taking the Light of Christ into the World
life of Jesus, whose epiphany we celebrate, so shine in us and Benediction
through us, that we may become beacons of truth and Postlude:
compassion, enlightening all creation with deeds of justice and
mercy. Amen.

L: Listen! God is calling you today!
P: Lord, help us hear your voice in our hearts.
L: Place your trust in God’s eternal love.
P: Lord, let us trust you in all our ways.
L: Come, let us worship and celebrate!
P: This is the day! Lord, help us to hear your voice and follow you.

Children’s Time
Hymn ““Open My Eyes, That I May See”

Our Church At Prayer: Joys & concern followed by Lord’s Prayer

Worship In Giving
Offertory *Doxology

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