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The Waste Reduction (WAR) Algorithm: Environmental Impacts, Energy

Consumption, and Engineering Economics

Article  in  Waste Management · December 2000

DOI: 10.1016/S0956-053X(00)00047-7


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3 authors, including:

Douglas Young Heriberto Cabezas

United States Environmental Protection Agency University of Miskolc


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Waste Management 20 (2000) 605±615

The waste reduction (WAR) algorithm: environmental impacts,

energy consumption, and engineering economics
Douglas Young *, Richard Scharp, Heriberto Cabezas
United States Environmental Protection Agency, National Risk Management Research Laboratory, Sustainable Technology Division,
Systems Analysis Branch, Cincinnati, OH 45268, USA

Received 14 February 2000; accepted 9 March 2000

A general theory known as the waste reduction (WAR) algorithm has been developed to describe the ¯ow and the generation of
potential environmental impact through a chemical process. The theory de®nes indexes that characterize the generation and the
output of potential environmental impact from a process. The existing theory has been extended to include the potential environ-
mental impact of the energy consumed in a chemical process. Energy will have both an environmental impact as well as an eco-
nomic impact on process design and analysis. Including energy into the analysis of environmental impact is done by re-writing the
system boundaries to include the power plant which supplies the energy being consumed by the process and incorporating the
environmental e€ects of the power plant into the analysis. The e€ect of this addition on the original potential impact indexes will be
discussed. An extensive engineering economic evaluation has been included in the process analysis which inherently contains the
cost of the consumed energy as an operating cost. A case study is presented which includes a base process design and two mod-
i®cations to the base design. Each design is analyzed from an economic perspective and an environmental impact perspective. The
environmental impact analysis is partitioned into the impacts of the non-product streams and the impacts of the energy generation/
consumption process. The comparisons of these analysis procedures illustrate the consequences for decision making in the design of
environmentally friendly processes. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.

1. Introduction ted within this area. Heat exchange networks led to

innovation known as mass exchange networks (MENs)
Incorporating pollution prevention techniques into which were ®rst introduced by El-Halwagi and Manou-
chemical process design has received more attention in siouthakis [6]. The idea behind MENs is to concentrate
recent years. This concept entails taking into considera- pollutants in selected waste streams while purifying
tion the environmental concerns, beyond the demands other streams. This results in reducing the volume of
of regulation, of the chemical process in the design waste generated within a process that would require
stage. Historically, the economics, operating and capi- further treatment. Both of these techniques focus on
tal, of the chemical process were the predominant issues reduction to accomplish pollution prevention. Reduc-
in the design stage [1±3] with little regard towards tions in energy usage and waste treatment generally
environmental concerns or pollution prevention. improve the economics of the process as well.
The concept of pollution prevention was ®rst presented Whereas reduction in energy usage has obvious con-
in the 1970s via heat exchange networks (HENs). These sequences, less pollution and lower operating costs,
were employed to help reduce the energy consumption of reduction in waste does not necessarily have the same
manufacturing processes. Shenoy [4] and Gundersen and obvious result. It is quite conceivable that one design for
Naess [5] provide reviews on the research that has sprou- a process has less waste than another design, but that
waste could have a greater impact on the environment
than the waste from the latter design. Evaluating the
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-513-569-7624; fax: +1-513-569-
environmental impact of wastes from a chemical process
7111. can be accomplished by the waste reduction (WAR)
E-mail address: (D. Young). algorithm. The WAR Algorithm was ®rst developed by
0956-053X/00/$ - see front matter Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
PII: S0956-053X(00)00047-7
606 D. Young et al. / Waste Management 20 (2000) 605±615

Nomenclature Ii;in…t† the total PEI entering the system associated
: with impact category i (PEI/h)
PEI potential environmental impact I i;out…t† the total PEI leaving the system associated
I:t the total PEI in the overall system (PEI) with impact category i (PEI/h)
Iin…cp† the PEI entering the chemical process (PEI/ I^out…t† the total PEI leaving the system normalized
: h) to the production rate (PEI/kg products)
Iout…cp† the PEI leaving the chemical process (PEI/ I^gen…t† the total PEI generated within the system
: h) normalized to the production rate (PEI/kg
Iin…ep† the PEI entering the energy generation : products)
: facility (PEI/h) Mj;in the mass ¯ow rate of stream j into the sys-
Iout…ep† the PEI leaving the energy generation facil- : tem (kg/hr)
: ity (PEI/h) Mj;out the mass ¯ow rate of stream j out of the
Iwe…cp† the PEI emitted from a chemical process : system (kg/h)
: associated with the waste energy (PEI/h) Pp the mass ¯ow rate of product stream p (kg/
Iwe…ep† the PEI emitted from a energy generation h)
facility associated with the waste energy xkj the mass fraction of chemical k in stream j
: (PEI/h) (dimensionless)
Igen…t† the total PEI generated within the system i the weighting factor associated with impact
: (PEI/h) category i (dimensionless)
I: in…t† the total PEI entering the system (PEI/h) s
ki the speci®c PEI of chemical k associated
Iout…t† the total PEI leaving the system (PEI/h) with impact category i (PEI/kg chemical k)

Hilaly and Sikdar [7]. The original version of the WAR Fathi-Afshar and Yang [13] proposed an index for gas-
algorithm introduced the concept of a pollution balance eous emissions by dividing the e‚uent ¯ow rates of the
which was strictly mass based. Cabezas et al. [8] intro- chemicals by their threshold limit values as de®ned by
duced the generalized WAR algorithm with a potential the ACGIH and then multiplied by their speci®c vapor
environmental impact (PEI) balance, which assigned pressures; Heinzle et al. [14] and Koller et al. [15] proposed
environmental impact values to di€erent pollutants, as ecological indices based on a classi®cation approach to
an improvement upon the original WAR algorithm. assess the environmental impact of a process. Pistiko-
Young and Cabezas [9] extended the PEI balance to poulos et al. [16] proposed relative environmental
incorporate the consumption of energy by the chemical impact indexes for multiple categories, i.e. air pollution,
process into the environmental evaluation. From the water pollution, global warming, ozone depletion, pho-
PEI balance, PEI indexes are calculated which provide a tochemical oxidation, and solid wastes, and optimized
relative indication of the environmental friendliness or the process for each impact category. The PEC/PNEC
unfriendliness of the chemical process. (predicted environmental concentation/predicted no
Other researchers have devised di€erent methodolo- e€ect concentration) ratio has also been used to evalu-
gies for incorporating environmental considerations ate the environmental impact of a process design [10].
into chemical process design. These methodologies are King et al. [17] used case base reasoning to evaluate the
reviewed extensively by Cano-Ruiz and McRae [10]. environmental impact of a process design which relies
Most commonly, environmental concerns are treated as on past experience.
constraints in an economic optimization problem where This paper presents an illustrative case study that
the constraints are designated by regulations. Minimiz- demonstrates the use of the WAR algorithm in con-
ing the amount of waste or pollutants generated within junction with a detailed economic evaluation to design a
a process is another common method to incorporate chemical process that is environmentally friendly and
environmental considerations into process design [10]. economically bene®cial. The case study will present three
A number of index type methods have been imple- designs: an original design and two modi®ed designs.
mented to evaluate the environmental impact of the ASPEN PLUS 10.1 [18] process simulator was used to
emissions of chemical processes: Houghton et al. [11] simulate the process designs. ICARUS Process Evaluator
proposed an index for global warming de®ned as the (IPE) [19] was used to evaluate the capital and operating
emissions rate multiplied by the global warming poten- costs of the process designs. [Use of ASPEN PLUS 10.1
tial of that chemical relative to CO2; Grossman et al. and ICARUS Process Evaluator in this research does not
[12] proposed a toxicity index by multiplying the e‚uent imply United States Environmental Protection Agency
¯ow rate of a chemical by the inverse of its LD50 value; (USEPA) endorsement of these products.]
D. Young et al. / Waste Management 20 (2000) 605±615 607

2. Theory puts of potential environmental impact associated with

waste energy (denoted by the subscript we) lost from the
The WAR algorithm is a methodology used to evalu- chemical
: process and the energy generation process, and
ate the relative environmental impact of a chemical where I …t†
gen is the rate of generation of
: potential envir-
process. It is not a life cycle analysis (LCA) tool. It only onmental impact inside the system. I…t† gen represents the
considers the manufacturing aspect of the product's life creation and consumption of potential environmental
cycle; it does not consider the other life cycle stages: raw impact by chemical reactions inside the chemical pro-
material acquisition, product distribution, product use, cess and the power plant.
product disposal, and product recycle. This methodol- For steady state processes, Eq. (1) reduces to
ogy can be used in either the design stage of a future : : : : : : :
process or in the retro®tting of a current process. 0 ˆ I in…cp† ‡ Iin…ep†ÿI out…cp†ÿIout…ep†ÿIwe…cp†ÿIwe…ep† ‡ I…t†
gen …2†
A detailed discussion of the WAR theory is presented
by Young and Cabezas [9]. For sake of clarity, a sum- The waste energy emissions of both the chemical pro-
mary of the theory will be presented here. cess and the energy generation process will be neglected
since these will have minor impacts when compared to
2.1. Potential environmental impact theory the amount of energy and materials that are consumed
and produced through non-fugitive streams. Also, the
The potential environmental impact of a given quan- impact of the input streams (coal, air, and water) to the
tity of material and energy can be generally de®ned as energy process will be neglected for reasons discussed by
the e€ect that this material and energy would have on Young and Cabezas [9]. To summarize the explanation,
the environment if they were to be emitted into the the coal stream which contains a multitude of organic
environment. This implies that a release has not occur- and metallic compounds is considered to have a negli-
red, but if it did, it would have a quanti®able e€ect, the gible impact since these components are stabilized in a
potential environmental impact. This quantity is prob- solid matrix so that they are not normally bioavailable
abilistic in nature and will in reality deviate from the to humans and animals.
observed values. Potential environmental impact is a This reduces Eq. (2) to
conceptual quantity that cannot be measured directly. : : : :
However, it can be estimated from measurable or 0 ˆ I in…cp† ÿIout…cp† ÿIout…ep† ‡ I …t†
gen …3†
estimable quantities [9].
Cabezas et al. [8,20] have proposed that a potential This can be re-written yet again as
environmental impact balance is required to incorporate : : …t† : …t†
environmental e€ects into process design. In their 0 ˆ I …t†
in ÿI out ‡ I gen …4†
research, they included only the environmental e€ects of :
the materials entering and leaving a manufacturing where I…t†
in is de®ned as the total potential environmental
process into their potential environmental impact (PEI) impact that resides in the mass inputs to the manu-
balance. In these papers, the system boundaries for the facturing/energy generation process (see Fig. 1) and is
PEI balance were drawn around the manufacturing approximated solely by the impacts from : the inputs: to
process. Young and Cabezas [9] improved on that bal- the chemical manufacturing process, Iin…cp† . I…t† out is
ance by incorporating the consumption of energy into de®ned as the total potential environmental impact that
the PEI balance as depicted in Fig. 1. They were able to resides in the mass outputs from the manufacturing/
do this by drawing the system boundary around both
the manufacturing process and the energy generation
facility (electric power generating utility). The potential
environmental impact balance including energy is
described by the expression,

@It : …cp† : …ep† : …cp† : …ep† : …cp† : …ep† : …t†

ˆ Iin ‡I in ÿIout ÿIout ÿIwe ÿIwe ‡I gen …1†

where It is the amount of potential environmental

impact inside the system
: (chemical
: process plus energy
generation process), Iin…cp† and Iout…cp† are the input and
output rates of potential
: environmental
: impact to the
chemical process, Iin…ep† and Iout…ep† are the input and
output rates of potential environmental
: : impact to the Fig. 1. The incorporation of energy into the potential environmental
energy generation process, Iwe…cp† and I we…ep† are the out- impact calculations or the WAR algorithm.
608 D. Young et al. / Waste Management 20 (2000) 605±615

energy generation processes and is approximated solely where I^…t†

out is the :PEI output index with units of PEI/kg
by the impacts from outputs : …cp† from both the chemical of product and Pp is the mass ¯ow rate of the product
manufacturing : process, I out , and the energy genera- streams.
tion facility, Iout…ep† . A similar transformation can be made to convert the
PEI generation index into terms of PEI/kg of product
2.2. Potential environmental impact indexes
: I…t†
The input potential environmental impact index, I…t†
in , I^…t†
gen ˆ ProdStreams …8†
P :
can be approximated by known and measurable quan- Pp
tities by p

: X : …t†
EnvCat X Streams
EnvCat X : Comps
X where I^…t†
gen is the PEI generation index with units of PEI/
in ˆ i I i;in ˆ i Mj;in xkj s
ki …5† kg of product.
i i j k
The intended use of the WAR algorithm is to provide
a means for comparing the potential environmental
where i is the weighting factor :associated potential impact of alternative designs for a process. In the WAR
environmental impact: category i, I…t†
i;in is the PEI input algorithm, the four indexes shown in Eqs. (7) and (8),
index for category i, Mj;in is the mass ¯ow rate of input : :
I…t† ^…t† …t† ^…t†
out ; I out ; I gen ; and I gen , are used to compare the envir-
stream j, xkj is the mass fraction of component k in
stream j, and ski is the speci®c potential environmental onmental friendliness of the possible process designs.
impact of component k associated with environmental Designs with lower PEI index values represent more
impact category i. environmentally desirable designs.
: The output potential environmental impact index,
out , can be approximated in a similar fashion. 2.3. Speci®c chemical environmental impacts

: X : …t†
EnvCat The WAR algorithm uses eight environmental impact
out ˆ i Ii;out categories in its evaluation. Those categories are
EnvCat X
: X
Comps 1. Human toxicity potential by ingestion (HTPI),
ˆ i Mj;out xkj ki …6† 2. Human toxicity potential by exposure both dermal
i j k
and inhalation (HTPE),
: 3. Terrestrial toxicity potential (TTP),
: I…t†
i;out is the PEI output index for category i and 4. Aquatic toxicity potential (ATP),
Mj;out is the mass ¯ow rate of: the non-product output 5. Global warming potential (GWP),
stream j. In the calculation of I…t† out only the non-product 6. Ozone depletion potential (ODP),
streams (NP Streams) are taken into consideration. This 7. Photochemical oxidation potential (PCOP), and
insures that the user or producer is not directly penalized 8. Acidi®cation potential (AP).
for producing a chemical that has a high PEI value. The
user or producer will be penalized though if this high The PEI evaluation of these categories is discussed in
PEI valued chemical is not completely recovered in one detail by Young and Cabezas [9].
of the products and/or in the by-products of this process
: have a high PEI value. The PEI generation index, 2.4. Weighting factors
gen , can then be calculated from Eqs. (4)±(6).
Two types of environmental impact indexes are used Weighting factors are used to combine PEI categories
to evaluate the environmental friendliness of a chemical into a single PEI index. They represent the relative or
process: PEI output indexes and PEI generation site-speci®c concerns of the user. For instance, if the
indexes. The output indexes can be evaluated on a rate user was evaluating a process that was located in the
basis, PEI/h, or on a production basis, PEI/kg of pro- Los Angeles area the weighting factor for smog forma-
duct. The indexes presented so far are in terms of rate tion (PCOP) would probably receive a high value.
evaluations, PEI/h. To evaluate the PEI output index on Whereas, if the user was evaluating a process in the
a production basis, a simple transformation can be made Northeast the weighting factor for acid rain (AP) would
probably receive a high value. This paper discusses an
: illustrative case study with no speci®c site in mind. For
out ˆ out
…7† this reason, the weighting factors for all categories in
ProdStreams :
Pp this case study will be assigned equivalent values of
p unity.
D. Young et al. / Waste Management 20 (2000) 605±615 609

2.5. Economic evaluation heat exchangers are employed to reduce the temperature
of the reactor e‚uent to approximately ÿ50 C. The
The economic portion of this investigation was ¯ash drum is used to remove approximately 80% of the
accomplished with the IPE [19]. IPE is a state-of-the-art HCl. The hydrogen chloride is absorbed by de-ionized
software tool that allows the user to size and cost a water to produce 31.5% HCl. The vapor stream leaving
complete chemical manufacturing process. IPE uses the absorber is primarily propylene which is compressed
standard design codes to size the processing equipment, and heated before recycling. The liquid from the ¯ash
such as ASME, API, ANSI, TEMA, NEMA, BS5500, drum is sent through a series of distillation towers to
JIS, DIN, etc. IPE evaluates the capital costs of a pro- separate allyl chloride from the other chlorinated by-
cess by using expert system databases; it does not use products. The ®rst two towers are used to recover any
the factor method. IPE will also evaluate the operating HCl and propylene that was present in the liquid e‚u-
costs associated with a chemical process. Again, these ent of the ¯ash drum. The primary product streams of
costs are estimated through expert system databases. this process are the allyl chloride stream and the 31.5%
HCl product stream. The 2-chloropropene and the 2,3-
dichloropropene by-product streams can either be sold,
3. Case study if the purity is >95 wt.%, or be treated as waste.

The case study that will be investigated in this paper is C3 H6 ‡ Cl2 ! CH2 ˆ CHCH2 Cl ‡ HCl …9†
an allyl chloride production facility [3]. The process ¯ow
diagram (PFD) is shown in Fig. 2. A natural gas furnace
C3 H6 ‡ Cl2 ! CH2 ˆ CClCH3 ‡ HCl …10†
is used to heat the propylene feed stream which is mixed
with the chlorine feed stream and sent to a ¯uidized-bed
reactor. The reactor operates at 511 C and about 3 bar. C3 H6 ‡ 2Cl2 ! CH2 ˆ CClCH2 Cl ‡ 2HCl …11†
In the reactor, allyl chloride and hydrogen chloride are
the primary products [Eq. (9)]; however, 2-chlor- This process requires refrigeration. The third heat
opropene [Eq. (10)] and 2,3-dichloropropene [Eq. (11)] exchanger after the reactor and the condensers of the
are signi®cant by-products of the reaction. A series of ®rst three distillation towers all require e‚uent stream

Fig. 2. The process ¯ow diagram of the allyl chloride production facility.
610 D. Young et al. / Waste Management 20 (2000) 605±615

temperatures less than 0 C. Due to the amount of both direct energy and indirect energy requirements.
refrigeration required, this process is extremely energy Direct energy is the energy required to operate pumps
intensive. Propylene is used as the refrigerant in this and compressors. Indirect energy results from the use of
case study. The PFD for the refrigeration portion of the utility ¯uids (cooling water, low pressure steam, boiler
process is not shown, but is considered in the environ- feed water, and natural gas). Utility ¯uids are brought
mental and economic analysis. into the process at non-standard conditions (25 C and 1
In this case study, three process designs are con- bar). Indirect energy describes the energy that is
sidered: the base design as shown in Fig. 2 (unit 600) required to transfer the ¯uid from standard conditions
and two alternative designs (units 601 and 602). The to the conditions used in the process. In this illustrative
®rst alternative process design (unit 601) addresses the case study, heat integration has not been considered.
energy consumption issue. For this design option, the Again, indirect energy calculations are used only for the
operating parameters have been adjusted to reduce the environmental evaluations (WAR algorithm).
amount of refrigeration required for this process. This
was accomplished by increasing the operating pressure in
the distillation towers (see Table 1 for the pertinent oper- 4. Results and discussion
ating parameters of all three processes). By increasing the
pressure in the system, the ¯ash drum, one heat exchanger A combined environmental and economic evaluation
(the third one after the reactor), and the propylene dis- of the allyl chloride production process has been per-
tillation tower could be removed from the PFD. One formed for the base design (unit 600) and two alter-
compressor was added to increase the pressure of the native designs (units 601 and 602). The environmental
reactor e‚uents; this was added between the ®rst and analysis was completed using the WAR Algorithm, and
second heat exchanger after the reactor. the economic analysis was completed using the com-
The second alternate process design (unit 602) inves- mercial software ICARUS Process Evaluator.
tigates improving the yield of allyl chloride in the reac-
tor while including the improvements used in unit 601. Table 2
The kinetics of this system are such that the yield of allyl Revenue and expenses of the feed and product streams of the allyl
chloride can be increased by lowering the reactor tem- chloride production case study
perature. For this illustrative case study, a reactor tem-
Stream ($/kg)
perature of 470 C was chosen. No other modi®cations
were made to unit 602. Revenue
All three process design options were designed to Allyl chloride product stream 1.72a
31.5 wt.% HCl product stream 0.08a
maintain the process speci®cations: (1) the allyl chloride 2-Chloropropene by-product stream 0.10b
product stream must have a minimum purity of 99.9 2,3-Dichloropropene by-product stream 0.15b
mol%, (2) the HCl product stream must be 31.5 wt%,
(3) the 2-chloropropene byproduct stream must have a Chlorine feed stream 0.28a
minimum purity of 95 mol%, and (4) the 2,3-dichlor- Propylene feed stream 0.31a
opropene byproduct stream must have a minimum pur- De-ionized water feed stream 0.001b
ity of 95 mol%. The revenue/expense for each of the HCl waste stream 0.40b
feed and product streams is listed in Table 2. a
Values obtained from the 21 January 2000 edition of Chemical
For the WAR algorithm evaluation, the energy con- Market Reporter.
sumed by the process was calculated by considering b
Values obtained from Turton et al. [3].

Table 1
Pertinent operating parameters for the three possible designs of the allyl chloride production case study: the base design (unit 600), two alternative
designs (units 601 and 602)

Pertinent operating parameters Unit 600 Unit 601 Unit 602

Reactor temperature ( C) 511 511 470

Pressure in HCl tower (bar) 1.4±1.5 7.5±7.6 7.5±7.6
Pressure in 2-chloropropene tower (bar) 1.4±1.5 6.0±6.1 6.0±6.1
Molar re¯ux ratio in HCl tower 0.0667 0.458 0.478
Molar re¯ux ratio in 2-chloropropene tower 56.6 81.4 84.0
Direct energy consumed in refrigeration process (MW) 1.97 0.411 0.412
Direct energy consumed in the total process (MW) 2.14 0.698 0.696
Flow rate of allyl chloride product stream (kg/h) 1190 1190 1300
Flow rate of 2-chloropropene by-product stream (kg/h) 35.3 34.5 36.0
Flow rate of 2,3-dichloropropene by-product stream (kg/h) 203 206 121
D. Young et al. / Waste Management 20 (2000) 605±615 611

The potential environmental impact (PEI) of each of been chosen, these results could have possibly been dif-
the chemicals involved in the process is shown in Table ferent. Also, since the feed streams for all three designs
3 with each of the impact categories listed. In this case are very similar only the output indexes will be used in
study, none of the chemicals used contribute sig- the environmental :evaluation of this case study. If the
ni®cantly to ozone depletion (ODP) so that category has PEI input index, I…t†in , is: consistent
: …t† among all possible
been omitted from this table. The PEI values for each of designs, then by Eq. (4) I…t†out and I gen will reveal the same
the chemicals is given in terms of PEI/kg; the PEI values information.
for the energy consumption is given in terms of PEI/ From Table 3, it can be seen that allyl chloride, 2-
MWh. Thus, the values are not directly comparable. chloropropene, 2,3-dichloropropene, and hydrogen
The PEI values are presented to two signi®cant ®gures; chloride are the signi®cant contributors to both HTPI
this is the maximum amount of signi®cant ®gures that and TTP. They all have approximately equal impact for
should be used in the WAR analysis. Due to inherent those categories. The power consumption also plays a
uncertainties in the environmental data, only one or two signi®cant role in those categories. For acidi®cation
signi®cant ®gures should be used in this analysis. From potential (AP), the power consumption is the most sig-
Table 3, it can be seen that chlorine is the chemical that ni®cant contributor and hydrogen chloride has only a
will have the greatest environmental impact. In all three secondary in¯uence on that category. Overall, the AP
designs chlorine is the limiting reagent and is consumed generated by the consumption of electricity is the pri-
almost entirely in the reactor. mary concern of the base design from an environmental
Now, let us examine the base design (unit 600). The perspective. As an aside, the chlorine has a very high
results of the economic evaluation for this design are PEI value for ATP, but it is never realized since chlorine
shown in Table 4. This design generates $18 million/ is almost completely consumed within the reactor and
year of revenue at an operating cost of $9.9 million/ only minute amounts are seen in the e‚uent streams.
year; the total operating pro®t of this design is $8.1 The power consumption of the base design is an
million/year. The grass roots design of the process is obvious area for improvement since it is a signi®cant
estimated to have a capital cost of $23.5 million. concern in both the environmental (Fig. 3) and the eco-
The purpose of the WAR algorithm is to improve the nomic analyses (Table 4). The base design requires sig-
environmental performance of the process while main- ni®cant refrigeration to accomplish the separations in
taining the economic performance. Thus, any suggested
design improvements made by using the WAR algo-
rithm must maintain, if not improve upon, the eco- Table 4
nomics of the original or base design. Consider these to The results of the economic analysis of the allyl chloride production case
study. Bold values represent sums of non-bold values (directly above)
be constraints of using the WAR algorithm.
The WAR algorithm is used to evaluate the environ- (Values in million $/year) Unit 600 Unit 601 Unit 602
mental friendliness of the base design (unit: 600). The Revenue from allyl chloride stream 16.3 16.3 17.9
PEI output index for each of the categories, I…t†
i;out , [from Revenue from other streams 1.7 1.7 1.6
Eq. (6)] for the base design is shown in Fig. 3. From this Total operating revenue 18.0 18.0 19.5
®gure, it is quite apparent that the major concerns of Cost of feed stocks 5.0 5.0 5.1
this design are human toxicity, terrestrial toxicity, and Operating costs 4.8 4.2 4.3
Cost of waste treatment 0.1 0.1 0.1
acid rain formation. The other impact categories pro- Total operating expense 9.9 9.3 9.5
vide negligible impact compared to these three cate- Net operating pro®t 8.1 8.7 10.0
gories. Remember, these are the result of our uniform
Total capital costs 23.5 20.0 19.9
weighting. If a di€erent set of weighting factors had

Table 3
The potential environmental impact values for each category for the chemicals used in this case study. Values are in PEI/kg unless otherwise stateda


Allyl chloride 0.51 5.4e-4 0.10 0.51 0 0 0 1.12

2-Chloropropene 0.61 0 0.0059 0.61 0 0 0 1.23
2,3-Dichloropropene 1.1 0 0.014 1.1 0 0 0 2.21
Hydrogen chloride 0.78 2.3e-4 4.6e-4 0.78 0 0 0.86 2.42
Propylene 0 0 3.1e-2 0 0 2.1 0 2.13
Chlorine 0 5.4e-4 22 0 0 0 0 22
Water 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Power consumption (PEI/MWh) 0.25 0.0053 1.2 0.25 0.67 0 22 24
The total was calculated using weighting factors of unity for all categories.
612 D. Young et al. / Waste Management 20 (2000) 605±615

Fig. 3. The total potential environmental impact output index for each of the impact categories, I…t†
i;out , for the three process designs: the base design
(unit 600), and the two alternative designs (units 601 and 602). HTPE, human toxicity potential by exposure dermal and inhalation, PCOP, photo-
chemical oxidation potential, GWP, global warming potential, ATP, aquatic toxicity potential, AP, acidi®cation potential, HTPI, human toxicity
potential by ingestion, TTP, terrestrial toxicity potential.

this process, and typically, refrigeration units require energy consumption of the process as seen in Table 1.
large amounts of energy to operate. To reduce this unit 601 requires 67% less energy than Unit 600. This
refrigeration requirement, the pressure in the separation had signi®cant impacts on both the economic and the
units was increased. This was the primary improvement environmental evaluations.
made for the ®rst alternative process design (unit 601). The reduction in energy consumption decreased the
To change the pressure in the system, some modi®ca- annual operating costs by a modest $600,000. This
tions had to be made to the overall process design. First, reduction is almost entirely ($500,000) due to the amount
a compressor was added between the ®rst and second of electricity required to operate the compressors in the
heat exchanger in Fig. 2 to accommodate the increase in refrigeration cycle. The remaining reductions in operat-
system pressure. Next, the third heat exchanger, which ing costs are due to reductions in the amount of utility
used refrigeration, was removed. The ¯ash drum was ¯uids used and reductions in labor force due to fewer
also removed; the preliminary separation achieved in unit operations to monitor. Since nothing else was done
the ¯ash drum was combined into the HCl tower by to this process design to change production character-
increasing the re¯ux in the tower's condenser. The istics, this $600,000 reduction in operating costs repre-
operating pressure in the HCl tower was increased from sents the realized increase in operating pro®ts which is
1.4±1.5 bar to 7.5±7.6 bar. This allowed for the separa- only a 7.4% improvement.
tion of the HCl and the propylene to occur in the same On the other hand, the process modi®cations had a
vessel. The HCl tower still required refrigeration in the much more signi®cant e€ect on the capital cost of the
condenser, but its duty had been reduced. The propy- design (Table 4). The simple process changes reduced
lene tower was removed, since the propylene was being capital costs by $3.5 million or 15% of the base design.
separated in the HCl tower. The pressure in the 2- This reduction was a direct result of removing equip-
Chloropropene Tower was increased from 1.4±1.5 bar ment from the design as well as decreasing the size of
in Unit 600 to 6.0±6.1 bar in unit 601. To meet the same existing equipment. For instance, the compressors used
purity speci®cations, the re¯ux ratio in this tower was in the refrigeration cycle were considerably smaller in
increased by 44%. The allyl chloride tower was oper- unit 601 as compared to unit 600.
ated under the same conditions as the base design. Figs. 3 and 4 display the environmental comparison
This process design (unit 601) only had one unit between the base design,: unit 600, and the ®rst alternative
which required refrigeration as opposed to four units in design, unit 601. The I…t†
out decreased from 700 PEI/h in
the base design (unit 600). This signi®cantly reduced the unit 600 to 620 PEI/hr in unit 601. This is an 11%
D. Young et al. / Waste Management 20 (2000) 605±615 613

Fig. 4. The total potential environmental impact output index, I…t†out , for the three process designs: the base design (unit 600), and the two alternative
designs (units 601 and 602). The contributions to the index attributable to the process e‚uents and to the energy generation e‚uents are indicated.
The values of the indexes are in units of PEI/h.

improvement from an environmental perspective. Fig. 4 modi®cation in the second alternative process design,
distinguishes the potential environmental impact asso- unit 602, from unit 601. Unit 602 used the modi®cations
ciated with the chemical process and the potential envir- that were implemented in unit 601 as a basis.
onmental impact associated with the energy generation For the purposes of this illustrative case study, the
process. From this ®gure, it is quite apparent that all reactor temperature in unit 602 was decreased to 470 C.
environmental advantages are due simply to reduction in This increased the production rate of allyl chloride, by
energy consumption by the chemical process. Fig. 3, breaks 9.2%, and reduced the amount of the by-products, 2-
down the PEI into the various impact categories. From this chloropropene and 2,3-dichloropropene. The rate of
®gure, the environmental improvement is seen almost hydrogen chloride production remained constant since
entirely in a reduction of the acidi®cation potential. This its production is directly related to amount of chlorine
makes sense since the primary PEI concern of the power consumed in the reactor which in all design options was
generation facility is the acidi®cation potential. Again consistent. A secondary result of this change in reactor
these results are directly related to the weighting factor conditions is that there was a greater conversion of
scheme that was employed in this illustrative case study. propylene observed. This is due to the fact that more of
The reduction in the PEI generated by the energy the chlorine was used to make allyl chloride, which
facility is a noticeable improvement in the process; how- contains only one chlorine atom, and less of the chlorine
ever, as Fig. 4 clearly shows, to make a substantial was used to make 2,3-dichloropropene, which contains
improvement (reduction) in the environmental perfor- two chlorine atoms. The direct energy consumed by the
mance of the overall process the PEI in the process e‚u- process was almost identical to unit 601.
ent streams needs to be reduced. As Table 3 shows, allyl The second alternative design, unit 602, also had sig-
chloride, 2-chloropropene, 2,3-dichloropropene, hydro- ni®cant impacts on the economic and environmental
gen chloride, and propylene all have similar PEI values. analyses. The added production of allyl chloride incr-
Thus, to reduce the PEI generated within the process eased the annual operating revenue $1.5 million or 8.3%
itself those compounds have to be reduced in the by- over the base design. The total operating expenses for
product and waste e‚uent streams. unit 602 increased slightly as compared to unit 601. This
Unit 602 attempts to address the reduction of the by- primarily results from increased feed rate of propylene
product streams by changing the reactor's operating required to balance that increased amount of propylene
conditions. The kinetics of the reaction system are such that was converted in the reactor. However, the net
that lower reactor temperatures favor a greater selec- operating pro®t increased to $10 million annually. This
tively towards allyl chloride. This was the primary is a 23% improvement over the initial design.
614 D. Young et al. / Waste Management 20 (2000) 605±615

Fig. 5. The total potential environmental impact output index normalized to the allyl chloride production rate, I^…t†
out , for the three process designs:
the base design (unit 600), and the two alternative designs (units 601 and 602). The contributions to the index attributable to the process e‚uents
and to the energy generation e‚uents are indicated. The values of the indexes are in units of PEI/kg of allyl chloride product stream.

The capital costs for unit 602 are almost identical to improved the economic performance. In this case study,
those seen in unit 601, which amount to a 15% reduc- it can be easily concluded that the second alternative
tion over the capital costs required for the base case, design, unit 602, was superior to both the original
unit 600. design, unit 600, and the ®rst alternative design, unit
Figs. 3±5 show how unit 602 compares with the other 601, in economic and environmental performance.
design options from an environmental viewpoint. Fig. 5
displays values for the PEI output index that has been
normalized to production rate of the allyl chloride 5. Conclusions
stream, I^…t†
out . Figs. 4 and 5 clearly show that unit 602 has
a much more environmentally friendly design than both In designing chemical manufacturing processes, it is
the base design, unit :600, and the ®rst alternative imperative that environmental impact analysis be per-
design, unit 601. The I …t† out has been decreased to 440 formed in concert with the traditional economic analy-
PEI/hr from the 700 PEI/hr observed in the base design. sis. This point has been demonstrated in great detail
This represents a 37% improvement in the environ- with an illustrative case study. In this case study, a base
mental performance. If the change in production is process design option was considered along with two
taken into consideration (Fig. 5), a 43% improvement alternative design options. All three designs were eval-
in environmental performance is observed. That repre- uated from an economic and an environmental view-
sents a decrease from 0.59 PEI/kg allyl chloride product point. The second design option, unit 602, was far
stream in unit 600 to 0.34 PEI/kg of allyl chloride pro- superior in both analyses to the other two designs. The
duct stream in unit 602. Fig. 3 shows that the HTPI and WAR algorithm was used to evaluate the environmental
the TTP impact categories have been signi®cantly performance of the process designs; the ICARUS Pro-
reduced by the modi®cations made in unit 602. cess Evaluator was used to evaluate the economic por-
In this illustrative case study, the importance of con- tion (operating and capital costs) of the case study.
currently considering the economic performance of
chemical process as well as the environmental perfor-
mance of the chemical process was shown. There were Acknowledgements
two primary areas of concern in this case study: the
refrigeration cycle and the reactor performance. The ®rst The authors wish to acknowledge the encouragement
concern addressed the refrigeration cycle. This was an given by Subhas K. Sikdar, the Director of the Sustain-
economic concern that led to improved environmental able Technology Division, and the management at the
performance. The second concern, the reactor perfor- National Risk Management Research Laboratory
mance, addressed environmental concerns which also including E. Timothy Oppelt and Teresa Harten.
D. Young et al. / Waste Management 20 (2000) 605±615 615

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