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Introduction to Business and Technology

FBLA Activity 2
Completed on Canvas
All students were Virtual

Assignment Sheet (Instructions) Posted to Canvas class page:

Career Awareness and Exploration

Using the Google Doc, list at least five (5) goals (related to school, career, and personal) and include
a description of how you plan to accomplish each one. 

Access the Google Doc by selecting the Assignment Name.

After you complete it, return to the Canvas page and select the blue SUBMIT button.


● Goal One- I would like to complete my Educational Specialist degree this fall.
o I am already registered for my final course and have begun working on the known
assignments.  I set aside time each week to complete assignments and also meet with my
instructor as needed to gain answers to my questions.
● Goal Two- Master Virtual Teaching.
o I know that I might not become a "master" but I do hope to continue to grow. I work hard
on planning daily lessons and triple check that all the links work.  This is a new way of
teaching but I am committed to making it the best learning experience possible.  
● Goal Three- Develop the Work-Based Learning (WBL) program at JVHSCCA.
o I am currently attending a Basic Training course for WBL.  This course is providing great
suggestions and resources for the program.
● Goal Four- I want to become a better friend to my friends.
o The past several months have been "different" to say the least.  I have missed important
events in my friend’s lives because of social distancing.  I am dedicating time to reach out
to friends and just talk with them, check in on them, and visit them when I can.
● Goal Five- I would like to build relationships with my coworkers and my students.
o Working as a team is such an important part of teaching and learning.  With virtual learning
and social distancing it is hard to build relationships with individuals.  I will make sure that I
participate as much as possible in activities, Zoom meetings, etc.  I hope that I can be
positive and encourage others. 
Student Sample: Career Awareness and Exploration
● Goal One- This school year I would like to stay focused and understand what I need to know
throughout every semester that appears. One of my goals for this year is to make it to class on time
and take it seriously. I’ll ask my teachers questions if I don't understand them just to pass there and
make good grades and see ahead of me. I will always do my best at getting homework turned in on
time to make good grades even though it could get complicated.

● Goal Two- I could understand that even when I get frustrated I would not be able to do great
things but I would always look forward to myself growing more by Checking over my work multiple
times, Studying what I need to know in order for me to pass , And getting help from all my teachers.
Another thing about my second goal is to explore and try new things even when i have a feeling that
i can’t seem to understand. Getting to try new things will lead you somewhere just by taking that

● Goal Three- Making a commitment to reach out to others is also one of my goals because, if you
ever be alone and not able to blend in i feel like it means there are plenty of people who are facing
the same kind of fear and stress that you are by not speaking up to others could hold stress even
when you a quiet person. Only reason why I picked this as one of my goals is to help the people that
seem to not understand.

● Goal Four- I would like to keep a small circle around me and help each other throughout this fall
and the rest of the school year because, being around a big crowd and getting help from more than
one person could hold stress. Keeping your circle small will always lead you to a great start with
better positivity from each other. So, this is one of my goals just to have a better school year with
better people.

● Goal Five- This school year if i ever start at being a failure my main goal is to tell myself “You can
do this”. I want to commit these goals because how this school year goes academically is really up to
how much time and effort you put in. Believe in yourself. And as I meet some realistic goals for each
class I know that I will get alot of personal satisfaction.

Student work sample with feedback:

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