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Hello Parents!

This year has been a great one so far, and we’re all
taking it week by week in Ms. Rays Class. This week we are going through
our modules and learning how music works; listening, producing, and using
expressive movements. Students will be using the apps ​Sound Box​,​Bloom​,
and ​Garage Band​. ​All three of these apps are superb for beginners, but
some of the students may already be experienced in these areas and want
to push themselves to do more with this. If this is your student; I would
recommend Garage Band or researching your own app and creating with
that. I don’t want to hold your student back from being the best they can be!
Students coming in should keep an open mind, whether they’re
experiencing creating music for the first time or they are a pro. All students
have room to GROW!! The recordings that the students will create are due
Thursday Next, January 21,2021. I have relayed this to the students and it
is in their folders along with their field trip sign up sheets. I will need those
sheets by next Tuesday! Email me if you have any questions, I will be back
next week!
Victoria Ray

TEKS used 1B1.D

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