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Grade 5 Social Studies 

Subject: Social Studies

Lesson Topic: What is the Atlantic Region? Date: January 11, 2021
Grade: 4/5 Split Classroom Length: 30 mins

Alberta Program of Study

General Outcome:
5.1 – Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of how the physical
geography and natural resources of Canada affect the quality of life of all Canadians

Specific Learning Outcome:

5.1.2 examine, critically, the physical geography of Canada by exploring and reflecting upon the
following questions and issues – What are the major geographical regions, landforms and bodies of water in
Canada – How is the geographical region they live in different from their regions of
Canada? – What are the factors that determine climate in the diverse geographical regions
of Canada

Students will ….
● Be able to identify the Atlantic region on a map of Canada
● Be able to name the five provinces in the Atlantic region
● Be able to name the ocean that touches the Atlantic region
● Be able to identify the landscape of the Atlantic region
● Be able to identify the climate of the Atlantic region

● Social Studies Duotangs
● Worksheets
● PowerPoint - Computer & Projector

Introduction (7 mins)
● Ask students if they can recall where in Canada the Atlantic region is located (north,
south, west, east)
- Pull up map of Canada that has the Atlantic region coloured in, ask students to
colour in the Atlantic region on their map
● Ask students if they can recall the five provinces (NB, NS, NL, PEI and QB) that are
included in the Atlantic region
- Write the names of the provinces on the board and tell students to write them in
their notes

Grade 5 Social Studies 
Body – Climate and Landscape (18 mins)
● We will know be taking a closer look at the landscape and climate of the Atlantic region,
by watching this video ​
- Tell students to take mental notes of what they notice about the landscape and
weather in the video, because afterwards we will be sharing what we noticed
- After video has finished as students to share with the person next to them on
things they noticed about the landscape and one thing about the climate
- Invite students to share with entire class to share their findings, as they are sharing
write them on the board and tell students to do the same in their notes
- Landscape: rocky, cliffs, forests, valleys, farmland, beaches, islands,
rivers, lakes, mountains
- Climate: mild temperatures, rainy, foggy
● Sharing my personal experience of living New Brunswick and visiting Nova Scotia
- Nova Scotia, sharing about Peggy’s Cove and Halifax Harbour to point how close
all the ocean is to cities and towns (this will become important when industries are
- New Brunswick, highlight the mild temperatures by sharing fall and snow falls
- Bay of Fundy, how this area has the highest tidal range in the world (will become
important when we discuss how landforms and bodies of water affect qualities of

Closing (5 mins)
● Ask students, based on the landscape and climate of the Atlantic region, would they like
to live there? Why or why not?
● Have students to put away their social studies duotangs

Evaluation​ ​- Formative
The opening of this lesson will be a review allowing me to assess what they remember about the
Atlantic region from the first unit. I will also be observing students’ engagement during the
lesson; were they willing to provide answers for the blanks in the notes and if they are each
individually filling out their own notes. Finally, the closing question will serve as a gauge of
students’ ability to identify what parts of the landscape and climate attract them to or repeal them
from the Atlantic region.

Overall, the lesson was very successful. Students were engaged and more than willing to share
their previous required knowledge on the Atlantic region.

One area of improvement would be in time management. I did not completely get through the
planned material but when I was planning the lesson I did not realize this lesson would be
occurring after a recess break, therefore, I did not take into consideration the transition time from
the recess bell ringing and the students being settled back into the classroom. I will ensure that all
future social studies lessons on Monday I only plan a maximum of 25 min lessons to allow time 5
min of transition time from recess.

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