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Name: Marsha Fe J.

Obina Score: __________

Year &Section: 12 – HUMSS B Date: December 01, 2020

I. Suggested Activity:
Written/Directed by: Forum ASIA Video
Date of Release: (December 17, 2018)

In 1986, the Philippines received worldwide praise when a bloodless revolution erupted.
This happened along the Epifanio de Los Santos Avenue (EDSA) from the 22nd to 25th of
February, 1986. The revolution was a result of the long oppressive rule of the Marcos
Administration. By the 1980s, the economy was going down, and fraudulent snap elections took
place. The revolt commenced when Defense Minister Juan Ponce Enrile and the Armed Forces
of the Philippines Vice-Chief of Staff Lt. General Fidel Ramos, withdraw their support from the
government and called upon the resignation of then-President Marcos. Marcos ordered his
Marine commandant Brig. General Artemio Tadiar to bring tanks to EDSA and kill the rebels.
Minister Enrile and General Ramos knew they will not be able to secure both camps so they
transferred from Camp Aguinaldo to Camp Crame. General Fabian Ver of the Armed Forces of
the Philippines also ordered the strike wing in Villamor Airbase to strike Camp Crame. Around
6:30 am, the airforce arrived, but instead of attacking, they finally joined forces with Minister
Enrile and General Ramos.
Eventually, Radio Veritas went off the air when their transmitter was attacked by the
military. Radyo Bandido (Radio Rebel) took over the broadcasting of the unfolding of the
revolution and announced that Marcos has fled. People found out that the news of Marcos fleeing
was not true. He was still in Malacanang, hoping for support from the United States. He was
trying to contact President Raegan but there's no avail. Marcos was flown to Clark Airbase in
Pampanga with his family and cronies. They were eventually taken to Guam and Finally to
Hawaii. Marcos negotiated with the US to bring his belongings with him but he was not allowed
to. People saw the Marcoses' crowns, jewels, gold, and cash. The dictator was overthrown. The
whole world saw that the people accomplished that without shedding blood with just only four

The show told us how progress was almost impossible to reach, how faith and hope were
taken away from people, and how Martial law ruined almost everyone’s life. Now, I am writing
my realization. If we want to progress, we need to change ourselves first. We need to see what
gaps we have, what flaws we have and we need to slowly try to change it with something good.
We do not start the change by looking at the general. We do not start the change by pointing
fingers at those people who have been doing the wrong things. We do not start the change by
pointing and blaming those people whom we see flaws and do mistakes. And, most especially we
do not start the change by merely complaining, muttering, and murmuring random unethical
thoughts, words, and things about them. We start to change within ourselves. Together we can
change our system. We can help each remaining individual who is suffering from the dreadful
behavior ruining our progress, our improvement, and ruining our wellness.
We know that graft and corruption are inevitable in every state or country, but at least we
can do something about it. Yes, it like nothing has changed if we are to compare martial law
times and our current situation, but it is not too late. To change the world is not to change the
country, not to change your city, not to change your barangay, but it is to change oneself first.
We should not think of changing things just for ourselves but for everybody else. That is why
cooperation is needed to make things happen. Progress and sustainable improvement will be
easily achieved or attained if after we have made good changes in ourselves, we need to apply
things out. We need to cooperate with our correct thinking. I think that’s all I can say.

II. Self-Check Test:

1. Using other references, what is the meaning of the term, ‘government’?

The system or group of persons controlling an organized community, generally a state, is

a government. The leadership of a supranational organization, such as the United Nations or the
EU, or of a political region, or of local units, such as a county, city, or township, can also be
defined. The government generally consists of the legislative, the executive, and the judiciary in
the case of its broad associative meaning.

2. What were the policies implemented by the following:

A. Roxas
 Establishment of the Philippine Rehabilitation Finance Corporation
 Amnesty Proclamation
 HUKS outlawed
 At first, national income increased rapidly
 Production was high
 Land reform was introduced under Presidential Decree Nos. 2 and 27
 Declared Martial Law
 Cronyism and Nepotism were rampant
 Foreign dept became higher and laws became tougher
 There was a negative figure in national income
 Public funds were corrupted and missing
 economic crisis was exiled to Hawaii during the height of EDSA
B. Quirino
 Economic reconstruction of the nation, and the restoration of the faith and confidence of
the people in the government
 Seven-point program for social security (Unemployment insurance, Old-age insurance,
Accident and permanent disability insurance, Health insurance, Maternity insurance,
State relief, and Labor opportunity)
 Agrarian Reform
 Integrity Board
 Negotiate treaties and agreements with other nations of the Free World
 Quirino-Foster Agreement
 Continued economic policies Roxas started import substitution policy, underscored the
control on importation goal
 Solve trade deficit to achieve balance of trade (there is trade deficit when the expenses
from import exceed the export income)
C. Magsaysay
 Started to solve problems on land redistribution
 Land Reform Act of 1955: gave emphasis on the welfare of the poor farmers who
desired to own agricultural land
 Established the National Resettlement and Rehabilitation Act (NARRA) to give land to
some farmers
 Also established the FACOMA (Farmer’s Cooperative and Marketing Association) to
organize the farmers
D. Garcia
 Considered as the most decisive administration
 Filipino First Policy objective: to free our economy from foreign currencies was
 He gave priority to Filipino industries in the distribution of resources
 Supported the Retail Nationalization Trade Act
E. Macapagal
 Lifted the control on foreign currencies and allowed the importation of goods, which
resulted to devaluation
 Economy policy: “decontrol” – allowing foreign products to enter freely in our country
 Signed the Agricultural Land Reform Code – Abolished the kasama system in tilling the
 Paved way to the implementation of land reform
 Established the Land Bank of the Philippines
3. What are the contributions of New Society under the Marcos administration?

In President Ferdinand Marcos’s key speeches, he was most inspiring when he would talk
about his vision of the New Society, or Bagong Lipunan, in which every individual Filipino
could be free to fulfill their potential as human beings. In such a society, no longer would
Filipinos live in poverty, hunger, corruption, mass deception, and violence. After centuries of
colonial oppression, Marcos would declare in his speeches, it was time for Filipinos to finally
live in a way that was worthy of their dignity.

III. Enrichment Activity

Martial Law is a special government power that is granted to the president whenever
rebellion or invasion threatens the state, or for public safety. What were the events
that prompted former President Ferdinand Marcos to declare Martial Law in the
country in 1972? List down five events.

The first two justifications were explicitly stated in Proclamation 1081, which cited two
explicit justifications: "to save the republic" (from various plots); and "to reform society" (after
the failure of American-style democracy). The third rationalization arose from the
administration's propaganda, which portrayed Ferdinand Marcos as a hyper masculine figure able
to compel the obedience of supposedly "spoiled" Filipinos.
1. Martial law was a response to various leftist and rightist plots against the Marcos
2. Martial law was just the consequence of political decay after American-style democracy
failed to take root in Philippine society; 
3. Martial law was a reflection of Filipino society's history of authoritarianism and the
supposed need for iron-fisted leadership;
Opposition to Marcos' declaration of martial law ran the whole gamut of Philippine
society - ranging from impoverished peasants whom the administration tried to chase out of their
homes; to the Philippines' political old-guard, whom Marcos had tried to displace from power; to
academics and economists who disagreed with the specifics of Marcos' martial law policies. All
of these, regardless of their social position or policy beliefs, subscribed to the interpretation that
Marcos declared martial law:
4. As a strategy to enable Ferdinand Marcos to stay in power past the two Presidential
terms allowed him under the Philippine Constitution of 1935; and
5. As a technique for covering up the ill-gotten wealth of Marcos, his family, and his

Name: Marsha Fe J. Obina Score: __________

Year &Section: 12 – HUMSS B Date: December 01, 2020

I. Self-Check Test:
1. (a) No person may be elected President unless he is a natural-born citizen of the
Philippines; (b) a registered voter; (c) able to read and write; (d) at least forty years
of age on the day of the election; and (e) a resident of the Philippines for at least ten
years immediately preceding such election.

The first major power is the power of appointment provided in Section 16, Article
VII of the Constitution. The president can appoint the heads of executive departments,
ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, officers of the armed forces from the
rank of colonel or naval captain, and other officers whose appointments are vested in
him/her by the Constitution.

The second major power is administrative power, as stated in Section 17, Article
VII. The president shall have control of all the executive departments, bureaus, and
offices. He shall ensure that the laws be faithfully executed.

The third major power is the military power for being the commander-in-chief of
all the armed forces in the Philippines under Section 18, Article VII. Along with this
power is the power to suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus and to place the
country or nay part of the Philippines under martial law in cases of invasion or rebellion
or when public safety requires it. The president is given 48 hours from the proclamation
of martial law to submit a report regarding such proclamation to the Congress which will
then decide if the proclamation be revoked or suspended.

The president has also the power to grant pardons and amnesty. Pardon is the
power to release a wrongdoer from punishment after conviction. Amnesty is a pardon
extended to a group of persons and abolished the offense before or after conviction.

Other powers of the president include:

 The power to contract loans on behalf of the Republic subject to prior concurrence of the
Monetary Board and subject to limitations as may be provided by law;
 The power to sign a Treaty or international agreement provided that the validity and
effectiveness of such treaty will be ratified first by at least two-thirds of all members of
the Senate; and
 The power of the budget under Section 22,Article VII, where the president submits to the
Congress a budget of expenditures and sources of financing, including receipts from
existing and proposed revenue measure.
3. Harry Truman discovered that being a president is like riding a tiger. You have to
keep on riding or you will be swallowed. That is also related to his other phrase "A
president either is constantly on top of events or, if he hesitates, events will soon be
on top of him". The meaning I get is that if you set back and rest on your laurels the
machine that is the Presidency will overwhelm you and swallow you. It is not
something that can be taken lightly at all to be elected president. It is an honor and
one of the world's greatest obligations. Like riding a tiger, you are seen as the world's

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