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Memory Management Tips

Undoubtedly, memory management is one of the most intricate and bug-prone issues in
C++ programming. The power of accessing raw memory directly, the ability to allocate
storage dynamically, and the utmost efficiency of C++ dictate very strict rules that you
must follow in order to avoid memory-related bugs and runtime crashes.

Pointers are the primary means of accessing memory. C++ has two major categories of
them: pointers to data and pointers to function. The second category is further divided
into two subcategories: ordinary function pointers and pointers to members. In the
following tips, we will explore these issues in depth and learn some technique to
streamline the use of pointers while hiding their unwieldy syntax.

Pointers to functions are probably one of the least readable syntactic constructs of C++.
The only less readable construct seems to be pointers to members. The first tip will teach
you how to improve the readability of ordinary pointers to functions. This serves as the
prerequisite for dealing with C++ pointers to members.

Next, we learn how to avoid memory fragmentation and its woeful consequences.
Finally, we discuss the proper use of delete and delete[] operatorsstill, a fertile source of
bugs and misconceptions.

Tip 1: Hiding the Cumbersome Syntax of Pointers to Functions

Can you tell what the following declaration means?

void (*p[10]) (void (*)());

p is an "array of 10 pointers to a function returning void and taking a pointer to another

function that returns void and takes no arguments." The cumbersome syntax is nearly
indecipherable, isn't it? You can simplify this declaration considerably by using typedefs.
First, declare a typedef for "pointer to a function returning void and taking no arguments"
as follows:

typedef void (*pfv)();

Next, declare another typedef for "pointer to a function returning void and taking a pfv":

typedef void (*pf_taking_pfv) (pfv);

Now declaring an array of 10 such pointers is a breeze:

pf_taking_pfv p[10]; /*equivalent to

void (*p[10]) (void (*)()); but much more readable*/

Tip 2: All About Pointers to Members

A class can have two general categories of members: function members and data
members. Likewise, there are two categories of pointers to members: pointers to member
functions and pointers to data members. The latter are less common because in general,
classes do not have public data members. However, when using legacy C code that
contains structs or classes that happen to have public data members, pointers to data
members are useful.

Pointers to members are one of the most intricate syntactic constructs in C++, and yet,
they are a very powerful feature too. They enable you to invoke a member function of an
object without having to know the name of that function. This is very handy
implementing callbacks. Similarly, you can use a pointer to data member to examine and
alter the value of a data member without knowing its name.

Pointers to Data Members

Although the syntax of pointers to members may seem a bit confusing at first, it's
consistent and resembles the form of ordinary pointers, with the addition of the class
name followed by the operator :: before the asterisk. For example, if an ordinary pointer
to int looks as follows:

int * pi;

You define a pointer to an int member of class A as follows:

int A::*pmi; /* pmi is a pointer to an int member of A*/

You initialize a pointer to member like this:

class A
int num;
int x;
int A::*pmi = & A::num; /* 1 */

The statement numbered 1 declares a pointer to an int member of class A and initializes it
with the address of the member num. Using pmi and the built-in operator .* you can
examine and modify the value of num in any object of class A:

A a1, a2;
int n=a1.*pmi; /* copy a1.num to n */
a1.*pmi=5; /* assign the value 5 to a1.num */
a2.*pmi=6; /* assign the value 6 to a2.num */

If you have a pointer to A, you need to use the built-in operator ->* instead:

A * pa=new A;
int n=pa->*pmi;
Pointers To Member Functions
These consist of the member function's return type, the class name followed by ::, the
pointer's name, and the function's parameter list. For example, a pointer to a member
function of class A that returns an int and takes no arguments is defined as follows (note
that both pairs of parentheses are mandatory):

class A
int func ();

int (A::*pmf) ();

In other words, pmf is a pointer to a member function of class A that returns int and takes
no arguments. In fact, a pointer to a member functions looks as an ordinary pointer to
function, except that it also contains the class's name immediately followed by the ::
operator. You can invoke the member function to which pmf points using operator .*:

A a;
(a.*pmf)(); /* invoke a.func() */

If you have a pointer to an object, you use the operator ->* instead:

A *pa=&a;
(pa->*pmf)(); /*calls pa->func() */

Pointers to member functions respect polymorphism. Thus, if you call a virtual member
function through such a pointer, the call will be resolved dynamically. Note, however,
that you can't take the address of a class's constructor and destructor.

Tip 3: Avoiding Memory Fragmentation

Often, applications that are free from memory leaks but frequently allocate and deallocate
dynamic memory show gradual performance degradation if they are kept running for long
periods. Finally, they crash. Why is this? Recurrent allocation and deallocation of
dynamic memory causes heap fragmentation, especially if the application allocates small
memory chunks. A fragmented heap might have many free blocks, but these blocks are
small and non-contiguous. To demonstrate this, look at the following scheme that
represents the system's heap. Zeros indicate free memory blocks and ones indicate
memory blocks that are in use:


The above heap is highly fragmented. Allocating a memory block that contains five units
(i.e., five zeros) will fail, although the systems has 12 free units in total. This is because
the free memory isn't contiguous. On the other hand, the following heap has less free
memory but it's not fragmented:

What can you do to avoid heap fragmentation? First, use dynamic memory as little as
possible. In most cases, you can use static or automatic storage or use STL containers.
Secondly, try to allocate and de-allocate large chunks rather than small ones. For
example, instead of allocating a single object, allocate an array of objects at once. As a
last resort, use a custom memory pool.

Tip 4: Don't Confuse Delete with Delete []

There's a common myth among programmers that it's OK to use delete instead of delete []
to release arrays built-in types. For example,

int *p=new int[10];

delete p; /*bad; should be: delete[] p*/

This is totally wrong. The C++ standard specifically says that using delete to release
dynamically allocated arrays of any type yields undefined behavior. The fact that on
some platforms, applications that use delete instead of delete [] don't crash can be
attributed to sheer luck: Visual C++, for example, implements both delete [] and delete
for built-in types by calling free (). However, there is no guarantee that future releases of
Visual C++ will adhere to this convention. Furthermore, there’s no guarantee that this
code will work on other compilers. To conclude, using delete instead of delete [] and vice
versa is hazardous and should be avoided.

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