eng - план разработка 11 2021-конвертирован

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«Disscussed» - «Recommended by » -
in meeting of the department «CD 2» Academic councilor in the department «CD2»
prot.№___from_____2019, Zh. T. Mamytova
head of department, ______________
M. M. Bugubaeva________


TOPIC № 21:The criteria and methods of evaluation of external respiration.

TOPIC № 22: Methods of research of respiratory organs in children. Features of chest palpation and percussion in

DISCIPLINE: “Child diseases (propaedeutic)”

For students, who is studying in direction : (560001) - «General medicine» (GM)
PREPARED BY: Osmonova G.Zh., Mamytova Zh.T., Alimova N.A.

Оsh, 2020.
TOPIC №21: The criteria and methods of evaluation of external respiration.
TOPIC № 22: Methods of research of respiratory organs in children. Features of chest palpation and percussion in children.

Plan of practical class:

1. How do you do chest palpation?
2. Describe complaints made by children with respiratory diseases
3. Tell us the technique of palpation and percussion in children.
4. Expand the concept of “voice tremor of the chest”, describe and demonstrate.

The goal of class:

To study the criteria and methods of evaluation of external respiration and the features of palpation and percussion of the chest in children.

Form of Class: subgroup lesson

Type of class: practical class

Equipments used in class: laptop, PPT, a list of test questions, pictures.

Interdisciplinary communication: general anatomy, normal physiology, faculty pediatrics.

Intrasubject communication: Lecture № 13,14

Learning outcomes (LO) and competencies formulated in the process of studying the discipline " Child diseases (propaedeutic)" in the process of
mastering the discipline, the student will achieve the following learning outcomes (LO) and will have the appropriate competencies:

Code of LO in GEP and its Competencies Code of LO of the discipline (LOd) and its Learning outcome of the topic
wording of GEP wording
LO-5 - Able to assess AC-3 - isable and ready to assess LOd-5: capable and ready to evaluate Able to conduct and interpret the results
morphofunctional, morphological and functional and morphofunctional and physiological of modern instrumental studies of the
physiological conditions and physiological states and pathological physical conditions and is able to
respiratory system in children. Can
processes in the human body, taking into interpret the survey, physical
pathological processes and perform palpation, percussion of the
account their age and sex groups for solving examination, clinical examination,
apply research methods for professional problems; write a medical record of outpatient lungs in children, characterize the
sick adults and children to and inpatient revealed data during the examination.
solve professional problems sick adult and child and is ready to
conduct pathophysiological analysis
of clinical syndromes;
The synchronous part (ZOOM)
№ Stages Aim of Lecture Actions of Actions of Methods Results of study Equipments Time
teacher students used
1 Organizational Greeting, identifying absentees, Introduction, Writing topic & Ans-Ques pay attention to the lesson Zoom, PPT 5 min
moments organizing attention, discussion of its questions
introduction to new topic, the topic's
checking connecting to the relevance
Zoom conference
2 Survey of material on Generalization of students Asking Selectively Answer the Recalling materials of prerequisites, Ques-answers 5 min
prerequisites knowledge of the materials questions and answer questions contributing to self preparation Application
studied and establish a link with discussing with questions one №1
a new topic. students by one.

3 Motivation for new Enhance students' mental discussion Freely discussion Focusing students on the issues , Zoom 5 min
topic activity, develop critical participate in participating in team discussions,
thinking the discussion, freely express their opinions
the ability to
work in a team
4 Foundation of new determination and analysis shows students looks and demonstration A theoretical base of knowledge Zoom , the 15 min
topic of the assimilation of the palpation, repeats and skills for use in practical layout of the
percussion of exercises. child
passed material
lungs with the
layout of the
5 Conclusion of new Definition and analysisof the Question for Writing Question- Independently use the knowledge Question- 10 min
topic and summing material covered, making students question and its Answer gained on the topic, formation of Answer
up changes to its content answer competence

The asynchronous part (all tasks are sent over the Internet)
6 Homework next The main questions of the next Explain how to Writind down Show in PPT Prepare answers for specific Zoom, ppt 10 min
classes topic topic prepare the assignment questions
in notebooks
7 Associate To analyze the education of Submit testis Send the WhatsApp, Application 20 min
students issues answers Google №2
Googl form
8 Checking the students Teach students to self-esteem Correction Answer each Questioning Getting information about how Examples & 10 min
and their knowledge other to specific and checking much students understood the new questions
questions asked. each other topic.

Criteria for keeping points:

Attendance Absent-Present 0 points

Notes Absent-present 0-5 points
Active participation in the lesson Discussing the topic, answering for questions, 0-15 points
MCQ, crosswords, puzzle, clinical cases, According to results of work 10 points
khahoot, practical skills

Application №1
1.What are the 4 steps of breathing?
Pulmonary gas exchange.
Gas transport.
Peripheral gas exchange.

2. How does a fetus get oxygen?

The mother's placenta helps the baby "breathe" while it is growing in the womb. Oxygen and carbon dioxide flow through the blood in the placenta. Most of it goes
to the heart and flows through the baby's body.

3. Why is the first breath of a newborn the most difficult?

Your baby's lungs must be able to exchange oxygen for carbon dioxide. At the same time, vigorous blood circulation in the lungs will begin.
The first few breaths after birth may be the most difficult breaths your baby will take for the rest of their life.

4.What is the mechanism of breathing?

During breathing, the contraction and relaxation of muscles acts to change the volume of the thoracic cavity. As the thoracic cavity and lungs move together, this
changes the volume of the lungs, in turn changing the pressure inside the lungs
5.What factors stimulate the first breath?
First, labor contractions temporarily constrict umbilical blood vessels, reducing oxygenated blood flow to the fetus and elevating carbon dioxide levels in the blood.
High carbon dioxide levels cause acidosis and stimulate the respiratory center in the brain, triggering the newborn to take a breath.

Application №2
1.Percussion during the acute phase of obstructive bronchitis is:
1.Clear lung sound
2.Box sound
3.Dullness of lung sound
4.Dullness of lung sound in lower parts

2.The chest falls on inspiration and rises on expiration. What type of respiration is it?
1.Kussmaul’s respiration
2.Paradoxical respiration
3.Normal respiration
4.Biot’s respiration

3. The duration of the sound depends on:

2. the oscillation frequency
3. the amplitude of oscillation
4. vibration damping

4.with the syndrome of lobular compaction of the lung tissue of an inflammatory nature:
1.the chest is asymmetrical
2. the sore side is reduced in volume
3. voice jitter is enhanced
4.there is no voice jitter

5.Severe croup pneumonia in stage II is characterized by the following:

1. there is no voice tremor
4.deep breathing
5.voice tremor is reduced
6.voice tremor is enhanced

List of recommended literature

Main literature
1. Propaedeutics childhood diseases childcare: Textbook / Ed. TV Captain. - M.: MEDpress - Inform, 2006 -704 p.
2. Propaedeutics childhood diseases: Textbook / Ed. RR Kildiyarovoy, VI Makarova. - M.: GEOTAR Media, 2012. - 680 p.
3. Propaedeutics childhood diseases: Textbook / Ed. NA Geppe, NS Podchernyaeva - M: GEOTAR Media, 2009. - 464 p.
4 .Mazurin AV Propaedeutics childhood diseases / AV Mazurin, IM Vorontsov - SPb .: Tome, 2001.- 928 p.
Additional literature
5.Poliklinicheskaya pediatrics: medical examination of children: ucheb method. Manual / Under the general editorship. IN Gaymolenko, OA Tihonenko - Chita: IPC
GOU VPO Chelyabinsk State Medical Academy, 2010. - 106 p.
6.Shabalov NP Childhood diseases. - SpetsLit: Saint-Petersburg. - 2007 - 628
7.Kildiyarova RR Pediatrician for every day: a handbook / RR Kildiyarova. - 6 th ed., Rev. and add. - M.: GEOTAR Media, 2009. - 160 p.
8. Children's illnesses. The textbook for doctors - pediatricians / ed. VAShcherbak. - ChitaExpress - publishing, 2008. - 800 p.

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