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30/12/2020 Introduction and Formula Sheet | Final Test | Introduction to Aeronautical Engineering | edX

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Introduction to Aeronautical Engineering
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Course / Final Test / Introduction and Formula Sheet

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Introduction and Formula Sheet
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Final Exam AE1110x - Introduction to Aeronautical

Please note: In order to keep our content freely accessible to the world, but make our MOOCs sustainable, only
verified learners will now be able to access the graded assignments in this course. To make as much content as
possible available, only this final test is a graded assignment.
Dear students,
Congratulations! You have reached the end of the Introduction to Aeronautical Engineering course. To test your
skills, and hopefully obtain your certificate, you will be given four sets of questions on the topics you have been
studying: Some general knowledge, knowledge of materials and structures, aerodynamics, and flight dynamics.
All subjects count equally towards your grade, and you will need to obtain at least 60% of the points to pass the
Keep in mind that during the test there will no longer be an infinite number of attempts for the questions. Instead,
there will be only one attempt for multiple choice questions and there will be two attempts for all other questions.
The number of attempts will be indicated with each question. Also there will be no option to have the correct
answer shown.

We would like to point out again our Collaboration Guidelines. This means you cannot share answers with each
other, and those violating the guidelines will be sanctioned.

Should anything be unclear in this test (in wording, what the question actually asks for, etc.) or you suspect a
mistake, you can leave your questions behind on the discussion forum below. Note that this forum will be
monitored strictly, with any comments giving away answers, methods and hints to be deleted by staff.

We wish you all the best of luck!

The AE1110x Team

Formula sheet
You may use these formulas and constants while answering the exam… 1/4
You may use these formulas and constants while answering the exam.
30/12/2020 Introduction and Formula Sheet | Final Test | Introduction to Aeronautical Engineering | edX

Constants and unit conversion factors

1 ft = 0.30480 m
1 kts = 0.514444 m/s
1 nm = 1852.0 m
1 hp = 745.69987 W
1 lbs = 0.453592 kg 
Specific gas constant for air: R = 287.00 J/kgK
Ratio of specific heats: γ =

= 1.4 for air
Definition International Standard Atmosphere
g0= 9.80665 m/ s

p0 = 101325.0 Pa
ρ0 = 1.225 kg/ m

T0 = 288.15 K ( = 15 C
∘ ∘

ISA temperature gradients

00km <= h <= 11km   a = 6.5000 K/km
11km <= h <= 20km   a = 0.0000 K/km
20km <= h <= 32km   a = 1.0000 K/km
32km <= h <= 47km   a = 2.8000 K/km
Pressure ratio in gradient layer

p1 T1 aR

= ( )
p0 T0

Pressure ratio in isotherm layer

p1 −
(h1 −h0 )
= e RT


Isentropic relations
T0 γ −1
= 1+ M
T1 2

p0 γ −1 γ−1

= (1 + M )
p1 2

ρ0 γ −1 γ−1

= (1 + M )
ρ1 2

Miscellaneous formula
Drag coefficient as a function of lift coefficient for fixed wing airplanes
L 2
CD = CD0 + = CD0 + kC

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30/12/2020 Introduction and Formula Sheet | Final Test | Introduction to Aeronautical Engineering | edX

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