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JANUARY 7, 2021


2 • January 2021 Livingston County Bicentennial

Livingston County readies for bicentennial

By BEN BEAGLE On Feb. 23, 2021, the Liv- the origins of place names the county courthouse as ingston County Board of Su- with the county – from Lit- the contest requirements
Livingston County will cel- pervisors will issue a proc- tleville near Avon to Poag’s include an architectural ele-
ebrate a milestone in 2021. lamation to commemorate Hole or Pokey Moonshine. ment.
The county is celebrating the date and unveil a bicen- The bicentennial logo, un- “I insert the drawing in-
its bicentennial with special tennial float for the county. veiled in 2019, also tells the to the outline of the county
events planned each month. The proceedings will be live story of Livingston County. (seal) and it all came togeth-
“It’s a celebration, a com- streamed. The logo, created by Scott er,” Gillette said of the logo.
memoration, and an op- But that is only part of Gillette of American Custom “The county has been very
portunity to educate people what is planned during the Engraving in Geneseo, was kind to me and receptive to
about the county’s history,” year. There will be historical chosen following a coun- my business,” Gillette said.
markers dedicated, exhibi- Livingston County’s bicentennial ty-wide contest. “I really wanted to do some-
County Historian Amie Al- logo, which was created by Scott
tions, heritage trail launch- Gillette’s logo features the thing back for the county …
den said in a 2019 interview Gillette of Geneseo.
es, and a bicentennial tree colors – yellow, white, blue and I was just elated that it
with The Livingston County
planting. COVID-19 pandemic. and green - of the Livingston was chosen.”
News upon the unveiling of a
Upcoming events include A monthly schedule of County flag and an architec- Alden called Gillette’s cre-
special bicentennial logo. the January launch of a new tural rendering of the county ation “distinguished.”
The county’s story begins events can be found on the
heritage tour featuring his- back of this special section. courthouse. The colors are “This pops,” she said.
Feb. 23, 1821, when Living- torical markers, virtual tours representative of the Liv- “With the color you are
ston County was formed And look for updates online
of local museums and inter- ingston County landscape drawn to it immediately.”
from parts of Ontario and at
views with area seniors and – yellow for grain, represent- Alden said the logo was
Genesee counties. The coun- historians in March, and the Inside this section, you ing the county’s agricultural one of the first things that
ty was named in honor of dedication in April of a his- can learn about the early heritage; white for limestone was developed for the bicen-
Chancellor Robert R. Liv- torical market for the county history of Livingston Coun- and salt that has been mined tennial.
ingston, who helped draft courthouse. ty, including how the indus- in the county; blue for water “We needed,” she said, “to
the Declaration of Indepen- Many programs will be trial revolution and age of and green for forests. have a symbol of what our
dence and negotiated the streamed or presented vir- enlightenment affected the Gillette than included a bicentennial was going to be
Louisiana Purchase. tually due to the ongoing county. You’ll also discover Donna Kelsey drawing of about.”

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When it comes to furnishing your home or business, or enhancing
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We pride ourselves for offering top quality products along with excellent
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Livingston County Bicentennial January 2021 • 3
4 • January 2021 Livingston County Bicentennial


…continuing the proud tradition of salt mining in the Genesee Valley. …Dating back to 1885
Miners drilled holes in the 1930’s Photo Credit: Larry Tetamore • Tetamore Photographic
to prepare the area for explosives.
Although technology has dramatically
increased the efficiency of salt mining
(especially in the areas of loading
and transportation), the five major
steps remain the same: undercutting,
drilling, blasting, loading and

…Keeping a skilled labor force employed…

The committee relaxed in 1956 after hours

of hard work preparing for the annual Retsof
Employee Association steak roast. From left
Retsof Mine: to right George Barber, James Yasso; George
1. Undercutting Face of Chamber “Punch” Silfies, Assocation Vice-President;
2. Drilling Holes for Explosives Floyd Nenci, Association President; Arhur
Sattora; Herbert Toal.
3. Loading Holes with Explosives

….To now having the largest producing salt mine in the United States.
Livingston County Bicentennial January 2021 • 5

Livingston County is established

On Feb. 23, 1821, Living- stowed upon Geneseo, the
ston County, New York, was principal village and center
formed from Ontario and of commerce. The Wad-
Genesee counties. sworths donated a suitable
Livingston County was lot, beautifully situated at
named in honor of Chancel- the north end of the village.
lor Robert R. Livingston, who The brick court house faced
helped draft the Declaration Main Street, the jail of wood
of Independence and negoti- construction was built di-
ated the Louisiana Purchase. rectly west, and a one-story
The 12 original Living- cobblestone building for the
ston County towns were: County Clerk’s office was
The official Livingston
Avon, Caledonia, Conesus, built east of the court house.
County seal.
Geneseo, which was desig- Until construction was
nated the county seat, Grov- from Sparta. The towns of completed in 1823, court
eland, Leicester, Lima, Livo- Nunda and Portage were an- was held in the upper story
nia, Mount Morris, Sparta, nexed from Allegany County of the district school on Cen-
Springwater, and York. in 1846, as well as Ossian in ter Street,east of the pres-
Part of North Dansville 1857, for a total of 17 towns. ent-day Livingston County
was annexed from Steuben Avon, Williamsburgh, Museum, and prisoners were
County in 1822 and became and the hamlet of Lakeville housed in Canandaigua.
a separate town when Spar- competed for the honor of In 1829, the county
ta was divided in 1846. At becoming the county seat, opened a poor house farm
the same time, the town of but the distinction was be- just outside the village of
West Sparta was also formed Geneseo.

BICENTENNIAL MOMENT: The first published history of Livingston County was written by Lock-
wood L. Doty and was published in 1876, three years after his death. Doty was born in Grove- LIVINGSTON COUNTY HISTORIAN’S COLLECTION
land and spent a lifetime in public service. He played a prominent role in the establishment of An 1829 map of Livingston County is the earliest known to show the
the State Normal School (now SUNY Geneseo). Read more at county’s 12 original towns.
6 • January 2021 Livingston County Bicentennial

A historical overview
of Livingston County Livingston County named for a U.S. Founding Father
Livingston County is locat- Livingston County was Sherman.
ed in the Genesee Valley of named in honor of Chan- A regional and national lu-
western New York. cellor Robert R. Livingston minary, Livingston served as
The county was formed (1746-1813), a man who Chancellor of the Supreme
never resided Livingston Court of New York (1777 to
in 1821 and named in honor
County, but who was among 1801). As the United States
of Chancellor Robert R. Liv-
the Founding Fathers of the Minister to France from 1801
ingston, who helped draft the
United States of America. to 1804, he was one of the
Declaration of Independence Livingston was the eldest
and negotiated the Louisiana key figures in negotiating the
son of Judge Robert Living- Louisiana Purchase with Na-
Purchase. ston (1718–1775) and Mar-
Some historical highlights poleon Bonaparte, a sale that
garet (née Beekman) Living- marked a turning point in the
include: ston, uniting two wealthy relationship between the two
n The terrestrial home of the Hudson River Valley fami- nations.
Seneca Nation, known as the lies. During his time as U.S.
“Keepers of Western Door.” Among his many contri- Minister to France, Living-
n Home of Indian captive butions, Livingston was a ston met Robert Fulton, with
Mary Jemison, known as “The member of the Second Con- whom he developed the first
White Woman of the Gene- tinental Congress, co-au- viable steamboat, the North
see.” thor of the Declaration of River Steamboat, whose
n The westernmost des- Independence, and in 1789 home port was at the Living-
tination of the Sullivan Cam- he administered the oath of ston family home of Clermont
paign of the Revolutionary office to President George Manor in Clermont, Colum-
War in 1779. Washington. As a member of bia County.
n The site of the Treaty of the Committee of Five that In addition to the naming
Big Tree in 1797, opening mil- drafted the Declaration of of Livingston County in his
lions of acres west of the Gene- Independence, Livingston honor, Robert R. Livingston’s
see River for development. worked alongside Thomas legacy lives on in numerous
n The location of the only Robert R. Livingston, for whom Livingston County is named, is Jefferson, Benjamin Frank-
Shaker colony in western New shown in this portrait by Gilbert Stuart. lin, John Adams, and Roger See FATHER T11
n Where Clara Barton es-
tablished the first chapter of
the American Red Cross in
n The location of the Gene-
see Valley Hunt, one of the old-
est organized fox hunts in the
United States.
n The location of the for-
mer Craig Colony for Epilep-
tics at Sonyea and a tuberculo-
sis hospital on Murray Hill.
n The location of Letch-
worth State Park, the “Grand
Canyon of the East.”


Clara Barton (1821-1912), Genesee Valley Citizens for Peace Established 1972 •
founder of the American Red
Cross, in a 1904 photograph.
Livingston County Bicentennial January 2021 • 7

What’s in a name? History.

LIVINGSTON COUNTY PLACES: Have stories to tell
Where is Poag’s Hole, 1820 as a compromise be- in 1820. The name changed
Squawkie Hill, and Beantown? tween Avon and Geneseo. briefly to Bowersville and then
Years ago they were their n Papermill Road: In to Conesus.
own little communities. To- South Avon, connecting Route n Marrowback: The Mar-
day, you’ll find them in Os- 39 and Pole Bridge Road. rowback Hills rise to about
sian, Leicester and Geneseo. Named for a paper mill built 1,200 feet between Marrow-
The place names found in 1864 that manufactured back Road and Hemlock Lake.
across Livingston County con- strawboard. The mill was con- The name is said to have come
tribute their own rich history structed on the site of an early from a long-ago wrestling
to the area. The names help flour mill built by the Wad- match between a man from
tell tales of Native Americans, sworths which burned. Lima and one from the Cone-
immigrants and unique fea- sus hills, who emerged victori-
tures that make up the county. Caledonia ous; an audience member said
Read on to find out more Caledonia was formed as with glee to the loser, “That
about the origins of some of Northampton, Genesee Coun- man has too much marrow-
Livingston County’s place ty, in 1797, changing to South- in-his-back for you.”
names ... ampton in 1802, and to Cale- n Foote’s Corners: At
donia in 1806. The Village of Route 15 and Cole Road, two
Avon Caledonia was incorporated miles north of Conesus Cen-
Avon was formed as Hart- in 1891. tre. Named in 1834 for Frank-
A photograph from a boulder dedication for Inverness, which
ford, Ontario County, in 1789. n Inverness: A region near lin Foote, co-owner of a store.
was a region near Quarry Road on the border of Caledonia and
The name was changed to Quarry Road on the border In 1779, Gen. Sullivan’s ar-
York. The name was bestowed in honor of Inverness, Scotland,
Avon in 1808. The Village of of Caledonia and York. The my in the campaign against
which the early Scottish pioneers left behind when they came to
Avon was incorporated in name was bestowed in honor the British and Seneca began
1853. of Inverness, Scotland, which its march from this spot.
n Littleville: An area in the the early Scottish pioneers forth and forming a lake. The Conesus Geneseo
vicinity of the 5-Arch Bridge, left behind when they came to
lake once covered the site of Conesus was formed from
east of Route 39. Named for Caledonia. Geneseo, which would be-
Norman Little who settled n Big Springs: Name of the Tennent Park and was mostly Livonia and Groveland as
there in 1830. Timothy Hos- original 1795 white settlement drained by 1902. Freeport, Ontario County, See NAME T8
mer built Avon’s first sawmill at what is now the village of
there in 1796 and other mills Caledonia.
Littleville was considered
An Iroquois path leading
through the site was flanked O’Brien’s Septic & Portable Toilets
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8 • January 2021 Livingston County Bicentennial

From T7
come the Livingston County
seat, was originally formed in
Ontario County in 1789. The
Village of Geneseo was incor-
porated in 1832.
n Beantown: upper end of
Court Street on the hill, later
razed for college dormitories.
Named for the Italian popula-
tion who lived there, because
many residents worked at the
n Dewey Hill: Sloping ap- The Lima-South Lima Depot, which was once known as Goose
proach and intersection of LIVINGSTON COUNTY HISTORIAN’S COLLECTION Island. The name was changed to South Lima because of the post
state Routes 39 and 20A, just Squawkie Hill was an area in Leicester located near the Mount office there.
south of Geneseo. Probably Morris entrance of Letchworth State Park, on the north side of the
escaped to this area. The land Charleston, Ontario County,
named after a C. Dewey who Park Road.
where they lived was designat- in 1789 and renamed Lima in
lived on the road to Cuyler- ed as Squawkie Hill Reserva- 1808. The Village of Lima was
once located there, had vari- named Lester, Genesee Coun-
ville, according to 1850s-1870s tion in 1798. incorporated in 1867.
maps. ous names over its history, but ty, in 1802, changing to the
there is no evidence of Sonyea current spelling in 1805. The n Moscow: The village of n Goose Island: The for-
being an acronym for the insti- village formed in 1814. Leicester was formed in 1814 mer name for the hamlet of
Groveland South Lima. When the Cone-
tution. n Squawkie Hill: An area as Moscow; the name was
Groveland was formed from n Williamsburg: Located located near the Mount Morris changed to Leicester in 1917. sus junction of the Erie Rail-
Sparta, Ontario County, in It is thought that international road and Buffalo, Corning &
near Abele Road and Route entrance of Letchworth State
1812. Within its borders is the relations with Russia and the New York Railroad lines was at
63, just across from American Park, on the north side of the
site of Williamsburg, estab- rise of the Bolsheviks during the northwest corner of South
Rock Salt. It was the earliest Park Road. The name is said to
lished in 1792, the earliest set- World War I prompted the re- Lima, the railroad call letters
planned white settlement in be derived from the Muskwa-
tlement in the county. naming. were G.I., and Goose Island,
n Sonyea: The southwest
Livingston County, named for ki, a Michigan tribe conquered
Col. Charles Williamson, who by the Seneca. Captives were in the South Lima marsh, was
corner of Groveland. The Lima known as a breeding spot for
name could mean “Burning established a road and laid out re-named Squawkiha, taken
Sun” or “Hot Valley,” but more the village by 1792. It never to Elmira, and around 1779 Lima was formed as See NAME T9
likely comes from “Son-He,” a thrived, but nearby Geneseo
Seneca name meaning Thou became a hub.
Art Living There or from Sen-
eca Captain Snow (Soyeawa).
Craig Colony for Epileptics, Leicester was originally • Trusts • Power of Attorney • Probate
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Livingston County Bicentennial January 2021 • 9

From T8
geese. The name was even-
tually changed to South Li-
ma because of the post office
southwest corner of Corby Pictured is the signature for Nicholas Kysor, who arrived in West
Road and York Street. Named Sparta in 1820 and became an influential resident. In 1839, due
for Jedediah Commins, an to his position as postmaster, the name of the post office in his
early white settler and Revolu- section was changed from West Sparta to Kysorville.
tionary War veteran.
so the merchants began their tution.
Livonia own. In 1844, when they al-
most reached the state-dug
Livonia was formed as Pitt- In Ossian, an image of the Rattlesnake Hill sign in 1951. The
portion, they fought a group of
stown, Ontario County, in location is the site of the State Wildlife Management Area in Nunda was formed from
men sent there to stop them. Angelica, Allegany County, in
1796. A portion was removed western Ossian. Rattlesnakes once were prevalent here, but are
The merchants won, and in 1808 and annexed to Living-
in 1808 and called Livonia. The now rarely seen in Livingston County.
victory, made the final cuts ston County in 1846. The Vil-
Village of Livonia was incorpo-
n Shaker Crossing: The North Dansville through the bank, allowing lage of Nunda was incorporat-
rated in 1882.
n Slab City: Mills abound- Rochester Branch of the Erie North Dansville was an- water to fill their waterway. In ed in 1839.
ed north of Hemlock, so Hem- Railroad crossed Route 408 on nexed to Sparta from Steuben memory of the fight, the street n Dalton: a hamlet in the
lock was known as Slab City the flats, There was a Shaker County in 1822. The Village of along the new branch of the southwestern part of town,
for a time because of the piles “out family” who kept a farm Dansville was incorporated in canal was called Battle Street. it was first known as Nun-
of lumber slabs. here. They were a group of 1845. North Dansville formed n Health Street: So-called da Station due to the Erie
n Pennemite Road: Shakers, not really a family, as a separate town in 1846. because it was the approach to Railroad stop and was a pro-
Named because so many set- who lived apart from the Son- n Battle Street: As origi- the Jackson Health Resort, al- duce and shipping center.
tlers came from Pennsylvania yea group and raised crops. nally built, the Genesee Valley so known as the Castle on the Some say when the name was
around the 1820s to 1830s. n Brooksgrove: Located Canal came alongside the vil- Hill and the Physical Culture changed from Nunda Station
“Pennamite” was an early on Route 408 about halfway lage of Dansville, but in 1842 Hotel. Pure water treatments, in the 1880s, Ayro (for lead-
term for Pennsylvania colo- between the village of Mount some merchants were unhap- simple and wholesome diets,
ing produce merchant Lyman
nists. Morris and Nunda. Micah py, wanting it to come right comfortable dress, and exer-
Ayrault) Parkertown (for San-
Brooks bought land here in downtown. New York State cise were some of the healthy
Mount Morris 1823 from Mary Jemison, who would not build an extension, habits promoted by the insti- See NAME T10
Mount Morris was formed owned acreage in the most
from Leicester, Genesee fertile plain of the Genesee on
County, in 1818. The Village of the Gardeau Reservation. He
Mount Morris was incorporat- established the community of
ed in 1835. Brook’s Grove.
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10 • January 2021 Livingston County Bicentennial

From T9
ford Parker) and Omaha were
choices. Apparently, Mr. or
Mrs W. G. Haines suggested
Dalton because the people of
Dalton, Ga., had befriended
soldiers in the Civil War; the
name was selected.
n Barkertown: Located
on East Hill in south-central
Nunda, this area was named
for Seth S. Barker, a settler in
1821. It was a lumbering cen-
ter, and several sawmills op-
erated there, including one
where an early circular saw
was used. The farms around
Barkertown were once noted
for their crops of hops and gin-

Ossian was formed from
Angelica, Allegany County, in
1808 and annexed to Living- PHOTOGRAPH COURTESY OF JIM GELSER
ston in 1857, thus making it An image of the Mudville tunnel in the town of Portage. Mudville LIVINGSTON COUNTY HISTORIAN’S COLLECTION
the last town to join Livingston is in the extreme southwest corner of the town and where Charles William Scott, for whom Scottsburg is named, came to northern
County. Burnham built a sawmill about 1817. Sparta and built a hotel in 1819.
n Poag’s Hole: Assigned to
treated about 2 miles south of bor…and a lawsuit ensued. stuck. sian. Wooded hills like this
the valley where the Canaser-
Dansville village in this narrow Due to the prominence of the n Rattlesnake Hill: The
aga Creek passes through the preserve are habitat for rat-
southeast corner of Ossian, valley (Steuben County). Ken- event his potato hole, or “Po- site of the State Wildlife Man-
South Dansville, and up to yon was nicknamed “Captain ag’s hole,” was a name that agement Area in western Os- See NAME T11
North Dansville. The name Pogue, signifying the devil.”
comes from the “desperate Another tale describes him
character” Benjamin Kenyon, burying “a lot of potatoes in
who came to Dansville village a pit, which later on was loot-
in 1807, and afterward re- ed by an unprincipled neigh-

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Livingston County Bicentennial January 2021 • 11

for Sanford Hunt, who kept Springwater a Seneca chief from the area County, in 1819.
Name the first store there. When the
railroad was built just to the
Springwater was formed named Po Ko Moonshine. n Retsof: North of Route
63 on Retsof Road. Established
From T10 from Sparta and Naples, On-
southwest, the area around West Sparta by Mr. Foster for the main pur-
tario County, in 1816.
tlesnakes and once they were the depot grew in population West Sparta was formed in pose of housing workers for
n Liberty Pole: The area
prevalent here. Rattlesnakes and commerce, and Hunt’s 1846 when the town of Sparta the salt mine. “Retsof” is “Fos-
of Liberty Pole Road, Carney
are now rarely seen in Living- Hollow diminished. was divided. ter” spelled backwards.
Road, and Town Line Road.
ston County. They were killed Liberty poles were tall flag- n Canaseraga Creek: Runs Also was called Little Italy
Sparta from the 1880s to 1900s be-
in great numbers in the 19th poles that have a long history from Ossian through Dans-
and early 20th centuries and Sparta was formed in On- ville and creates much of the cause of all the Italian immi-
with protest and celebration of
are much shyer than people tario County, in 1789. A por- border between Sparta and grants who located there to
patriotism, beginning around
think. tion of Steuben County was West Sparta. From the Sene- work in the salt mine and on
the time of the Revolutionary
annexed to Sparta in 1822. The ca “Ga-nus-ga-goh” meaning the railroad.
Portage town was divided in 1846 to “among the milkweeds.” n York Landing: A stop
One was placed as early as
form Sparta, West Sparta, and
Portage was formed from around 1812 on a small piece n Kysorville: On Kysor- on the Genesee Valley Canal
North Dansville.
Nunda, Allegany County, in of land in Springwater, per- ville-Byersville Road in north- about halfway between Craig
n Haven’s Corners: Locat-
1827 and annexed to Living- haps as a victorious sign, a ern West Sparta. Named for Road and York Road East.
ed at junction of Route 63 and
ston County in 1846. place for people to gather for Nicholas Kysor, who arrived There was a large warehouse
Caldwell Road near the Grov-
n Mudville: The extreme patriotic celebrations, or a site in West Sparta in 1820 with his here, as well as a tavern, busi-
eland town line. Daniel Hav-
southwest corner of the town to publicize political senti- wife, Esther Fisk, and became nesses, and turning basins for
en kept the first tavern in the
of Portage; here Charles Burn- town in 1800. ments. an influential resident. canal boats to maneuver.
ham built a sawmill about n Scottsburg: A hamlet in n Pokey Moonshine or In 1839, due to his position The Genesee Valley Canal
1817, and because the “hill- northern Sparta, once called Pokamoonshine: Located as postmaster, the name of the was active until 1878, when it
side streams mixing with the Collartown, after the Collar around Pokamoonshine Road post office in his section was could no longer compete with
alluvium of the bottom land family who arrived early. and Becker Road. Possibly the changed from West Sparta to the burgeoning railroad sys-
made a very muddy mill yard When William Scott came name came from “so dark you Kysorville. tem. The railroad, which suc-
and the place was named and built a hotel in 1819, it was poked your way through the ceeded the canal, in turn was
Mudville.” called Scottsburg. The hamlet moonshine,” or the fact that York eventually dismantled and
n Hunt’s Hollow: At Route was originally spelled Scotts- moonshine was made there, York was formed from Cale- became the Genesee Valley
70 and Sand Hill Road. Named burgh. or perhaps it was named after donia and Leicester, Genesee Greenway.

John Trumbull of the signing

Father of the Declaration of Indepen-
From T6 Chancellor Livingston died
ways including a statue com- on February 25, 1813, and is
missioned by the State of New buried in Tivoli, Dutchess
York and placed in the Na- County.
tional Statuary Hall at the U.S. Livingston County was
Capitol building, his inclusion formed almost exactly eight
on the Jefferson Memorial years after his death, a fitting
pediment sculpture which tribute to a man who played a
honors the Committee of Five, central role in American histo-
and in the famous painting by ry.

BICENTENNIAL MOMENT: In 1888, harsh restrictions (quarantine) were

placed on residents in Springwater when the sudden death of a woman
ignited fear that she had small pox, a highly infectious disease at the

Wine & Spirits
3 Main Street, Livonia, NY 14487
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12 • January 2021 Livingston County Bicentennial

Early industrial revolution brought prosperity to county

Was accompanied by America’s first age of reform
The opening of the Erie Ca-
nal in 1825 brought prosperity
across New York state and reali-
zation of the benefits of internal
The Genesee Valley lacked
access to broader markets oth-
er than via the Genesee River,
which often was too danger-
ous to navigate. Planners en-
visioned a lateral canal cutting
through the core of Livingston
County as the means of uniting
the Erie Canal with the Allegany
River, thereby connecting the
Ohio and Mississippi Rivers,
and allowing freight and pas-
sengers transportation all the
way to New Orleans.
Construction of the Gen-
esee Valley Canal started in
Rochester in 1837, reaching
Mount Morris by 1840. A junc-
tion to Sonyea opened in 1841
and then a branch was built to
Dansville, completing 52 miles.
The Portage Wooden Bridge, built in 1852 across the Genesee
Extending the canal through to
River at the Upper Falls in what is now Letchworth State Park was
Nunda and Portage was most
234 feet high and 800 feet long. It was called the “crystal palace of
bridges.” See PROSPER T13


A canal broadside from 1844 with daily boat schedules.
Livingston County Bicentennial January 2021 • 13

and a replacement iron bridge

Prosper was built in just three months.

From T12 ‘The Burned-Over District’

challenging as workers battled The rapid development in
the area’s most rugged terrain western New York during this
along the Genesee River gorge. time period coincided with so-
cial reform and religious reviv-
After years of delays, 17 locks
between Nunda and Porta-
The charismatic preacher,
geville in Wyoming County
Charles Finney, gave the re-
were completed in 1851.
gion its name, referring to it
When the last segment con-
as a “burnt district” because
necting to the Allegany River
so many revivals and diverse
was finally finished in 1862, rail- “enthusiasms” were ignited
road transportation outpaced here during what is referred to
canals, forcing the Genesee Val- as American’s “Second Great
ley Canal to close by 1878. Awakening.”
Although the Genesee Valley The events surrounding
Canal was short-lived, the last- these movements had tremen-
ing effect expanded job oppor- dous impact on the future of
tunities for thousands of new the social and political devel-
immigrants, opened markets opment of American culture.
for the area’s abundant goods, Livingston County was fertile LIVINGSTON COUNTY HISTORIAN’S COLLECTION
and overall enriched the quality ground for progressive new The Jackson Sanitarium is shown around 1890.
of life for residents. ideas, particularly related to
Railroads rapidly became site in the 1840s, eventually re- well-known as the sprawling The resort stayed in the Jack-
promoting health, education
the primary mode of transpor- located and became Syracuse resort in Dansville operated by son family until the early 1900s.
and religious experimentation.
tation as they criss-crossed the University. Dr. James C. Jackson, a leading In 1929, famous body-builder
Also, many individuals
entire county. holistic health advocate and Bernarr Macfadden brought
played integral roles both local-
The Portage Wooden Bridge, The Jackson Sanitarium abolitionist. Dr. Jackson is cred- the facility and named it the
ly and nationally in such rad-
built in 1852 across the Genesee ited with inventing Granula, Physical Culture Hotel. His larg-
ical movements as abolition, Mineral springs in Avon,
River at the Upper Falls in what America’s first cold breakfast er than life personality and na-
anti-slavery, temperance and Dansville and Nunda attract-
is now Letchworth State Park cereal, and along with Dr. Har- tional magazine with the same
women’s rights. ed travelers from around the
was 234 feet high and 800 feet riet Austen, endorsed exercise name boosted the popularity of
Genesee Wesleyan Semi- world to enjoy the medicinal
long. The bridge provided a crit- and less constraining clothing
nary in Lima was one of the first See PROSPER T14
ical link for rail traffic between effects of water therapy. Most for women.
coeducational schools in the
Buffalo and New York City. country, incorporated 1834 and
Called the “crystal palace of all founded by the Genesee Con-
bridges,” it was said to be the ference of the Methodist Epis-
highest and longest bridge in copal Church. The seminary
the world. The wooden bridge operated until 1941. Genesee
was destroyed by fire in 1875, College, founded on the same

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14 • January 2021 Livingston County Bicentennial


A historic photograph is shown in this image from video of Civil War veterans who have returned Genesee Wesleyan Seminary, Lima. One of the first coeducational
home after the war. The image is one of many featured in “Local History Out Loud – Part Two: Civil schools in the country, incorporated 1834, founded by the
War to the Industrial Revolution.” Genesee Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church and
operated until 1941. Genesee College, founded on the same site in
the 1840s, eventually relocated and became Syracuse University.
‘History Out Loud’ videos explore local history in Groveland in 1837. The Shak-
The Livingston County His-
torian’s Office has released a
along with several biograph-
ical segments on notable
ter spas, and the Wadsworths
of the Genesee Valley.
Prosper ers practiced celibacy, agrarian
communal living, and self-suf-
second installment of its “Lo- individuals who influenced Each video runs about 50 From T13
cal History Out Loud” video local and national history. ficiency. The fertile flat lands
minutes in length.
series. Thirty narrators volunteered Both videos are available and the Genesee Valley canal
the place into the 1950s.
The series is chronicling the to participate in this project, for viewing on the Living- benefited the Shakers’ cottage
history of Livingston County. including county employees, ston County YouTube chan- The Shakers industries, but by 1892 the di-
The most recent video, re- community leaders, and local nel, called “Official Living-
leased in September, is “Local residents. The only colony in western minished membership merged
ston County, NY,” or via this
History Out Loud – Part Two: “Local History Out Loud – New York for the Society of with the Shaker community at
Civil War to the Industrial Rev- Part One: From the Iroquois y8zph776. Christian Believers, also known Watervliet, Albany County. The
olution.” to pre-Civil War” introduced For more information, con- as Shakers, moved from Sodus, land in Sonyea was sold to the
The new video explores Liv- the series. The video offers a tact the Livingston County Wayne County, to the Living- State of New York for the Craig
ingston County’s response to history of Livingston County Historian’s Office at (585) 243-
preserve the Union, massive from the Iroquois Confederacy ston County hamlet of Sonyea Colony of Epileptics.
changes in the post-Civil War to the pre-Civil War era. Top-
era, the rise of industrializa- ics include Mary Jemison, the
tion, social reform, and the Sullivan Campaign, the for-
women’s rights movement mation of Livingston County,
in the mid-to late 19th centu- the Shakers, Williamsburgh,
ry. Included in the video are the Genesee Valley Canal, the
hundreds of historical images Jackson Sanitarium, Avon wa-

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Livingston County Bicentennial January 2021 • 15

Doing research?
Livingston County
Historian’s Office
App takes you on trail of local heritage
is place to start Livingston County
launched a women’s history
MOUNT MORRIS – The Liv- trail in 2020, the 100th an-
ingston County Historian’s Of- niversary of the passage of
fice maintains a research cen- the 19th Amendment which
ter on the county’s Murray Hill guarantees and protects
Campus. The center is part of the women’s constitutional right
historian’s office at 5 Murray Hill to vote.
Drive, Mount Morris. The trail is one of five
Amie Alden is the county his- self-guided historical tours
torian. Holly Watson is the depu- available in Livingston
ty county historian. County, with a sixth planned
The center can help with ge- for debut in January.
nealogy and local history ques- The Women’s History Trail
tions. allows those interested to
The Livingston County His- explore and learn about con-
torian’s Office Research Center tributions of women to the
offers the most comprehensive history of Livingston County.
repository of local history in the The trail winds through
area. Its archives contain re- Livingston County, high-
sources too numerous to list with lighting interesting plac- BEN BEAGLE/LIVINGSTON COUNTY NEWS FILE PHOTO
a vast amount indexed online. es where women left their Livingston County Historian Amie Alden talks about the Shaw Sisters during a marker dedication
Here is a sampling of what is mark, changed the status in August 2018 outside the Main Street home in Geneseo where the sisters lived. Nicolas Shaw
available: quo, or enriched the lives of Fraser and Eleanor Shaw Smith were two sisters who lived at 22 Main St., Geneseo, in the first half
n Atlases and maps others behind the scenes. of the 20th century. The sisters, featured on the county’s Women’s History Trail tour, were active in
n Business ledgers Visitors will find sites related the suffrage and temperance movements at state, national and international levels.
n Cemetery surveys to Native American history,
n Census and church records art, education, health, poli- that works with any device Revolutionary War Trail, Civ-
n Deaths, diaries, and direc- tics, recreation, and suffrage with a web browser, includ- il War Monuments and Me- The website also includes
tories – just to name a few. ing a cell phone. The appli- morial Halls Trail, Museums supplemental information
n Family correspondence The trail will be continual- cation’s mapping function Trail and Livingston Land- about each trail’s stops.
n Local history books ly expanded with the goal of integrates with Google Maps mark Trails. For more information on
n Naturalization records achieving as much diversity to make finding locations a There are also plans to the history of the project
n Newspapers as possible. breeze. launch a Place Names Heri- and resources available to
n Organization ledgers The Women’s History A new Historical Markers tage Trail and a Bicentennial researchers, check out the
n Photographs and post- Trail is the latest in a series of Trail tour is slated to launch Geocaching Trail in 2021. Livingston County Histori-
cards self-guided tours around Liv- in January. To access these heritage an’s website at https://www.
n Poorhouse records ingston County utilizing the Existing tours include the tours in Livingston County,
n School records OnCell mobile application Sullivan Campaign of the go to: https://livingston.on- County-Historian.
n Scrapbooks
n Special Collections
n Subject files The Original 1st,
n Supervisors’ proceedings
n Veterans’ records
n Vital records (some)
The center closed to the pub- “Time Tested Since 1945”
lic on Nov. 16, 2020, and remains
closed until further notice, but Best Pizza
staff is still assisting the pub- Best Subs
Best Chicken Wings
lic. Submit requests online or We would Best Dinner Under $10
call the office for prompt, con-
tact-free research assistance. like to say
To contact the historian’s of- Congratulations
fice, call (585) 243-7955, or email Livingston
Information, including galler-
ies of historic photographs and County wntown
County Do
other resources, is also available Livingston the Year Best All-Around
on the county website. Go to Business of Restaurant
When the center is open to the
public, office hours are 1 to 4:30
585-343-2400 Tony’s PIZZERIA
p.m. Mondays to Fridays, and RAHAITZCOINC.COM 140 Main Street Dansville, NY 14437
mornings by appointment only.
Richard Wendt, President
The office is closed on legal hol-
cell: 585.356.4300 • Call us for Carry Out: 585-335-8984
16 • January 2021 Livingston County Bicentennial

Official 200th Anniversary Date

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