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11 (a) The series impedance per phase Z = ( r + jω L ) l

= ( 0.15 + j 2π (60)1.3263 × 10 −3 ) 40 = 6 + j 20 Ω

The receiving end voltage per phase VR = ∠0° = 127∠0° kV
Complex power at the receiving end SR (3φ ) = 381∠ cos−1 0.8 MVA
= 304.8 + j 228.6 MVA
The current per phase is given by S R* (3φ ) 3VR*

∴IR =
( 381∠ − 36.87°)103
= 1000∠ − 36.87° A
3 × 127∠0°
The sending end voltage, as per KVL, is given by
VS = VR + Z I R = 127∠0° + ( 6 + j 20 )(1000∠ − 36.87° )10 −3
= 144.33∠4.93° kV
The sending end line-to-line voltage magnitude is then
VS ( L − L ) = 3 (144.33 ) = 250 kV

The sending power is SS (3φ ) = 3VS I S* = 3 (144.33∠4.93° )(1000∠36.87° )10 −3

= 322.8 MW + j 288.6 MVAR = 433∠41.8° MVA
250 − 220
Voltage regulation is = 0.136
P (3φ ) 304.8
Transmission line efficiency is η = R = = 0.944
PS (3φ ) 322.8
(b) With 0.8 leading power factor, I R = 1000∠36.87° A
The sending end voltage is VS = VR + Z I R = 121.39∠9.29° kV
The sending end line-to-line voltage magnitude VS ( L − L ) = 3 × 121.39
= 210.26 kV
The sending end power SS (3φ ) = 3V I *

= 3 (121.39∠9.29° )(1∠ − 36.87° ) = 322.8 MW − j168.6 M var

= 3618∠ − 27.58° MVA
210.26 − 220
Voltage regulation = = −0.0443
P 304.8
Transmission line efficiency η = R (3φ ) = = 0.944
PS (3φ ) 322.8

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