Study Plan

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Study Plan for Admission to a Master Program 国籍/Nationality:YEMENI

姓名/Name:Shamsan Saleh Hussein Al-Muthana . 报考学院/School to apply: Civil

Engineering 报考专业/Specialty:Structural Engineering Phone N.: 00967-770528245

It has been a big dream wandering in my imagination space to start a master degree in Civil
Engineering which is really going to enrich my background in Engineering and gradually
improve my education level. Since I was a student at secondary school, I have had an
ambition to become a civil engineer; as a result, I scored high marks by which I was qualified
enough to join Civil Engineering and pass the Admission Test. Hence, I successfully and highly
could pass the Admission Test and surprisingly I lied second in the Admission Test and I felt
that my dream came true. I ascertained that I could score high grades in the Bachelor
Degree, Department of Civil Engineering .

When I first joined Civil Engineering, the beginning was absolutely hard, but I entirely
overcame all odds .Then I started scoring high marks, so I was one of the top students out of
more than 200 students in that department. During my Bachelor
Studies, I was so much interested in analyzing and designing the reinforced concrete and
designing the civil institutions. I also paid attention to analyzing and designing the
institutions which resist the earthquakes. I was also interested in my
Engineering Studies and I came down from Thamar university in 2015 and got 87.20%. My
graduation project was about multi-floors commercial housing building in the capital city of
Yemen. The design of the multistorey building is resistant to the earthquakes and the design
system is mixed in the frames with the shear walls.
After graduation from the university, I Involved myself in the Social fund for Development. I
was so active and excited during my work with the Social Fund. My abilities improved a little
more in my specialization such as identifying the engineering programmers which help me
with designing, in addition, I took some supervisory sessions on constructural projects for a
group of engineering projects through which I got much experience. Afterwards I worked in
the Authority of Survey for a short time.

So, I believe that my abilities are going to enable me to start M.Sc and I am completely
prepared to use all my abilities and skills in studying Constructural Engineering which is
considered a branch of Civil Engineering studying analyzing and designing structural and
non-structural buildings; it also studies constructions and its other applications that study
static and dynamic effects and their relation with the

effects of the environment such as winds, earthquakes and the different conditions of the
weather. This motivates me to study this specialty because my homeland is in need of this
specialty especially it is related to the field of earthquakes for my country is exposed to
earthquakes as located in the southwest part of Arab peninsula.

Although, the circumstances that my homeland is suffering because of the war but I am
strongly determined to pursue my higher education ; I am desperate for master degree in
Civil Engineering for there is no a programs to grant us a chance to complete our higher

My country is still one of the under developing countries and there is (brain drain) so it has
not taken its share of development specially in the field of Engineering. As a matter of fact, it
does not keep pace with the development because of the scarcity of experts, so it is devoid
of giant projects and the tall towers. So I feel the need to develop my country on geometric
Study Plan for Admission to a Master Program 国籍/Nationality:YEMENI
姓名/Name:Shamsan Saleh Hussein Al-Muthana . 报考学院/School to apply: Civil
Engineering 报考专业/Specialty:Structural Engineering Phone N.: 00967-770528245

Why China?

Undoubtedly, China has recently become one of the best countries in the world in all fields
such as the scientific field, industrial field, medical field, and etc. It is always present in the
scientific contest arena and its name has spread in all patches of the world through its
industrial products and this increased our confidence in it as a scientific and industrial
country. China is full of great civilizations and tremendous heritage which made it marked by
marvelous civilization ages ago. Through my following
-up for what is happening in this country through the Internet and Channels, I discovered
that the Chinese cities along with their buildings are as geometric templates incited me
more and more to be curious to know about China. There happened a communication
between my brain cells and those unique shapes which entirely pushed me to decide to
study in China so that to be inspired geometrically all what is necessary. Then I can transfer
geometric features to my country to create a small China. What made me more amazed is
the unique design of the great wall of China. It is just one of the best historical and
geometric features that can be seen from the moon; it refers to the giant men and the
inventive designers who dedicated their efforts for the sake of establishing a civilization
springs from this great wall.
In addition, the skyscrapers made me lost ages in thinking of the geometric creativity of
those skyscrapers which granted the Chinese contemporary civilizations wonderful
geometric scenes hugging the sky!

I have heard more and more about China from the educated men, engineers, and experts
narrating the stories about China and one of them described China as (house of engineering)
and the other described it as (the scientific home ). So all these things rose the eagerness to
continue my higher education in China. In fact, I have decided to establish a small China in
my country with geometric design granted from the great mother (China).

I also saw things in my country established by China such as (Friendship Bridge ) in the
capital city of Sana'a which really encouraged me to study in China. By seeing, hearing all
these things about China, a baby creativity growing up in my heart and will probably be born
in China after good Chinese nutrition.

I have chosen Zhengzhou University being as one of the best universities in China which
provides a complete educational service in the geometric field. Besides the cadre and the
Fame that the university enjoys did attract me too much to take my scientific journey there.
Also my classmates who previously studied there recommended this university for it has a
suitable scientific environment through which I can achieve my goals. I have also got an
invitation from my Chinese friends to go to the city in which this university is located. And I
have already read about this university and its city from all aspects and found it quite nice.

When I finish my study, I will return back to my beloved homeland and promote my
professional and social status. I intend to use my previous experience and function it during
my work in any institution university, organization, or whichever place I have got a great
desire to enhance my skills and then to help my country develop. I am sure, I am going to be
a successful engineering in my future work. Also, I have a great hope if I do M.Sc in your
Study Plan for Admission to a Master Program 国籍/Nationality:YEMENI
姓名/Name:Shamsan Saleh Hussein Al-Muthana . 报考学院/School to apply: Civil
Engineering 报考专业/Specialty:Structural Engineering Phone N.: 00967-770528245

university, I will go back to my homeland and help my family, my friends and all people in my
country. I am going to do my best to apply what I am going to learn in China.

Finally, I hope I get a scholarship from this university to complete my master degree

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